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EL and LoTi Practice, Module Three Name: Melia Morris

1. Which Indicators of Engaged Learning did you feel were especially strong in the Slam video and
Why? (You do not have to list all the strong indicators, just a few.) What LoTi would you assign?
Record answers in chart below:

Videos: Strong Engaged Learning Indicators and Why LoTi

Slam Student-directed: The poems were written by students, developed 5 – Technology is used for
from their personal interest and emotions. Each student was in a sense content-related activities that
their creative director as they chose how they created, edited, and reach high on Bloom’s
delivered their performance. taxonomy (create). In this
Collaborative: Students collaborative with classmates and fellow student-centered activity,
students from other school via teleconferencing. They practiced and students create and share
gave feedback to each other. Teachers emphasized how their poems that are important,
constructive feedback to others was just as important as their poems. interesting, and meaningful.
Performance-based: Students created a poem in which they later Students collaborate with
performed in front of an audience. After performing, they evaluated classmates and fellow
each other based on their performance and poem. students from other schools.
To receive LoTi 6 – more
technology would need to be

2. The Slam video showed students using a video conferencing tool to interact with peers and
mentors, but that’s about the only technology we saw. Provide one or two examples of other
productivity tools that might enhance this learning experience and describe how they could be
used? Why do you think using these tools would improve the learning experience and student
engagement? (Brief, 2-5 sentences)
a. In this scenario, I think students could have benefited from using Google’s G Suite for
Education. This should have enhanced collaboration, peer review, and the
writing/sharing of poems. Utilizing this would have allowed students to share their
files and comment in real time. Additionally, students could have used the
application Flipgrid. With Flipgrid, a video discussion board, students could have
posted their video performance for peer review and provided constructive feedback
to other student’s videos.

3. In your text, Hughes and Roblyer provided the following examples of technology integration in
your readings:
 Ch. 6 - Technology Integration in Action, Plant Life, pp. 172-174; Technology Integration Examples 6.1 (p. 179),
6.2 (p. 181), 6.3 (p. 190), 6.4 (p. 192), 6.5 (p. 201), 6.6 (p. 202), 6.7 (p. 203).
 Ch. 7 – Technology Integration Example 7.5
Select one example that has many indicators of Engaged Learning and a high LoTi Level. Explain
why. (Note: Brief, 2-5 sentences is fine.)
a. I think the Afford a Car activity exhibited the most indicators of Engaged Learning
and the highest LoTi level. The activity was student-directed, authentic, and
meaningful as students had to perform an adult role of purchasing a car, keeping in
mind loan payments. The teacher’s role was to facilitate, and students took the role of
explorer and presented their product to the class. I gave this activity a LoTi 5 because
students used technology and collaborated with a car salesman outside of the
classroom, and then presented their car purchases.

4. Pick one technology integration example from the text that has fewer indicators of Engaged
Learning and a lower LoTi. How could the learning experience be modified to include other
indicators of Engaged Learning and reach a higher LoTi level? (Brief, 2-5 sentences.)
EL and LoTi Practice, Module Three Name: Melia Morris
a. The Cave Drawings lacked in technology integration and for that reason, I scored
their LoTi a level 0 or 1. To increase this LoTi and integrate more technology in the
activity, one suggestion would be to allow students to explore the internet to
research and find pictures of examples of cave drawings.

5. How are you feeling about your ability to analyze the indicators of Engaged Learning and assign
LoTi now? What questions do you have (optional)?
a. I am feeling more confident in my ability to analyze the indicators of Engaged
Learning to assign LoTi scores.

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