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From conventional

energy to renewable
energy, the great
discourse of change

By: Jessica Daniela Delgado Diaz

Contents of this template
01 The Great discourse of change

02 Why the world need the change?

03 Those who are left behind

04 Conclusions

05 Reference
The great discourse of change

“We are the first generation that can end poverty and the last generation
that can take steps to avoid the worst impact of climate change.
Future generations will judge us harshly if we fail to uphold our moral
and historical responsibilities”

- Bank Ki-Moon (Eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations)

01 Why the world need the change?
First wind mill United Nations
First hydroelectric electricity generator Conference on the
The industrial
Revolution 1839 power plant Is built
1883 is created 1942 Human Environment 1986

Photovoltaic effect Origin of the current The Benxihu colliery

1750 1882 1887 1972
is discovered solar panels disaster

The Paris Earth

2022 Agreement 2011 Summit

Exxon Valdez

TODAY 2015 Fukushima 1992 1989

02 The great discourse of change
According to many scientists, if We
don’t change:
The world is at a critical point we must
Sea level will rise
there will be loss of biodiversity
avoid reaching 2°C before 2030, since,
species of plants, animals and insects will disappear according to experts, from the pre-industrial
Virtually all coral reefs will be killed.
era to the present day, the earth has
increased by 1°C and rising another would
be catastrophic.

However, it is true that renewable energies

are not completely clean, but it is still the
least polluting options and the world is
crying out for a reduction in our emissions
03 Those who are left behind
Contrary to popular belief,
countries like the USA, Australia,
Canada and Germany are the
countries with the least
infrastructure for the energy
transition and choose to use
offsetting to achieve their
ambitious gas emissions targets
(which means paying for other
countries to reduce their
emissions). for them).

Figure 12. Percent of electricity generation from Renewable sources from: Lewis, M.
W. (2012). GeoCurrents. Obtenido de Mapping Renewable Electricity Generation:
04 Conclusion
• It is very difficult to make this energy
transition quickly and efficiently.

• All means of power generation have their

environmental impact.

• The energy transition is to look for the

least polluting option.
4.5 Questions
Why the humanity needs to
avoid reaching 2°C before

What year was the Earth

Summit held? and where?
What is the main impact
of wind energy?

----------------- Do you think the
---------------------- energy transition is
4.5 Questions
 The Earth Summit was in Rio de
 Sea level will rise and the rise in Janeiro in 1992
temperature that would kill virtually all
coral reefs.

 There will be loss of biodiversity (species

of plants, animals and insects will

 Extreme climates (long summers or very

cold winters).


 The wind power disturbs bird migration ------ For everyone

 Hydroelectric plants need a flood area and many ----------------- Do you think the
ecosystems disappear underwater
---------------------- energy transition is
 Solar panels have an average life of 10 years necessary?
and this is considered hazardous waste
05 References
 Acciona. (2022). Sustentability For All. Retrieved from WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF
 CUNNINGHAM, N. (2014, 10 04). Oilprice. Retrieved from The 10 Worst Energy-
Related Disasters Of Modern Times:
 Fakomogbon, G. (2022, 04 28). Global Citizen. Retrieved from Nigeria’s Illegal
Oil Refineries: What to Know About How They’re Harming People & Planet:
05 References
 SANDY, M. (2022). Time. Retrieved from The Amazon Rain Forest is Nearly Gone
 Shear, M. D. (2017, 06 1). The NewYork Times. Retrieved from Trump Will
Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement:
 Tongia, R. (2022, 10 26). Brookings. Retrieved from It is unfair to push poor
countries to reach zero carbon emissions too early:
05 References
 United Nations. (2018, 10 16). United Nations - Meetings Coverage and Press
Releases. Retrieved from Renewable Energy Sources Cut Carbon Emissions,
Efficiently Increase Electricity Output Worldwide, Delegates Say in Second
 Wrigley, E. A. (2013, 03 13). The Royal Society Publishing. Retrieved from
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