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Moldova State University

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

Specialty Applied Inofrmatics


Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4

The first-year student

Of group IA2202

Melnik Kiril


Word –number crunching

Definition - The performance of numerous complicated or protracted mathematical calculations

Translate –

Word - scientific simulations

Definition - is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance optimization,
safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games.

Translate - научное моделирование

Word – graphics

Definition – deals with generating images with the aid of computer

Translate – графика

Word - batch machine

Definition –

Translate - машина периодического действия

Word -  channels

Definition – A chatroom on an online network

Translate – Каналы

Word – market 

Definition – A public gathering held for buying and selling goods or services

Translate – рынок

Word – blurred

Definition – To make indistinct and hazy in outline

Translate – размытый

Word – high-resolution

Definition – image that contains a large number of pixels per unit of area.

Translate - высокое разрешение

Word – microprocessors

Definition –
An integrated circuit that contains a major processing unit of a computer on a single microchip, such as th
e central processor or the graphics processor.

Translate – микропроцессоры

Word – to surf

Definition – to spend time visiting a lot of websites

Translate – серфинг

Word – to input instructions

Definition – the data or information that is passed into or out of a computer

Translate - для ввода инструкций

Word – to carry

Defintion – To hold or support

Translate – переносить

World - touch-screen recognition

Definition – is the assembly of both an input and output device.

Translate - распознавание сенсорного экрана

World - wearable computers

Definition – is a computing device worn on the body.

Translate - носимые компьютеры

Word -  visors

Definition – A piece projecting from the front of a cap or headband to shade or protect the eyes.

Translate – козырьки

Word – Supercomputer

Definition –
A mainframe computer that is among the largest, fastest, or most powerful of those available at a given ti

Translate – Суперкомпьютер

Word – Mainframe

Deifintion –
A large powerful computer, often serving many connected terminals and usually used by large complex or

Translate - Основной блок

Word – system bus

Definition –  The primary pathway between the CPU and peripherals

Translate – системная шина

Word – storage devices

Definition –
a piece of computer equipment, such as a magnetic tape, disk, etc., in or on which data and instructions c
an be stored, usually in binary form

Translate – запоминающиеся устройства


Ex c p72

Word – default level

Definition – it is level which the value is set by the developer by default

Translate - уровень по умолчанию

Word – misbehaving applications

Definition – lack of necessary system files,what prevents the correct operation of the application

Translate - неправильно работающие приложения

Word – market share

Definition – part of the turmover of goods and services attributable to the assessed company

Translate - рыночная доля

Word – brand new

Definition – it is create something new,that it hasn`t been invented yet

Translate - совершенно новый

Word – dual booting

Definition – this is the possibility of switching from one operating system to another,that is combined system

Translate - двойная загрузка

Word – diehard

Definition – great will power ,resilience

Translate - несгибаемый

Word – geek

Definition – a person who has skills in technology

Translate - гик

Word – definitely

Definition – emphasis on application

Translate - определенно

Word – to master

Definition – learn something new

Translate - освоить

Word – by default

Definition – designations of the values of the parametrs of any program pre – installed by the developer

Translate - по умолчанию

Word – power user

Definition – it user PC,software,which uses andavnced functions of computer hardware,operating

system,programs etc

Translate - опытный пользователь

Word - notepad

Definition – a simple text editor that is part of Microsoft Windows OC

Translate – блакнот

Word - convergence

Definition – when several programmers come to similar solutions in the code independetly of each other

Translate - конвергенция

Operating systems overview p73

Word - capability

Definition – A talent or ability that has potential for development or use

Translate - способность

Word - multi-user

Definition – capable of being used by several people at once

Translate - многопользовательский

Word - developer

Definition – a person who has his own property, for example, a game, a website, etc

Translate – разработчик

Linux p82

Word – sufficiently robust

Definition – more reliable OS,fewer errors

Translate - достаточно прочный

Word – scientific computing

Definition – it is a field of mathematics that uses advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve
complex problems

Translate - научные вычисления

Word - resellers

Definition – this is a company or person who buys goods or services with the intention of selling them,and not
consuming or using
Translate - реселлеры

Word - shortcomings

Definition – lack of something necessary,imperfect

Translate - недостатки

Word – the core

Definition – this is basic of the OS

Translate – ядро

Word – source code

Definition – this is the version of the software as it was originally written

Translate - исходный код

Word – eye – watering price

Definition – the price that shocks from the high price of the product

Translate - сногсшибательная цена

Word – revenue stream

Definition – the totality of time distributed receipts and disbursement of gunds generate by the economic
activity of the enterprice

Translate - поток доходов

Word – astounding

Definition – a feeling that causes strong surprise

Translate - поразительный


Word – pointer

Definition – A variable that holds the address of a core storage location.

Translate – указатель

Word – pointing device

Definition –
An input device, such as a mouse, joystick, or trackball, with which one can move or manipulate a cursor 
or pointer on a GUI.

Translate - указывающее устройство

Word – icons

Definition – a small picture or symbol on a computer screen that you point

Translate - значки

Word – dekstop

Definition –
The area of a display screen where images, windows, icons and other graphical items appear.
Translate - декстоп

Word – GUI

Definition –
An interface for issuing commands to a computer utilizing a pointing device, such as a mouse, that manip
ulates and activates graphical images on a monitor.

Translate - графический интерфейс пользователя

Word – CLI

Definition –
a user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon

Translate - Интерфейс командной строки

Unit 1.Digital Age

Digital Age p8
Word – to perform

Definition - discharge, execute, transact; carry out

Translate – выполнять

Word – to do basic research

Definition - is driven by a scientist’s curiosity or interest in a scientific question

Translate - для проведения фундаментальных исследований

Word – to give presetations

Definition - The action of presenting something: the presentation of awards.

Translate - проводить презентации

Word – enroll

Definition - To enter or register in a roll, list, or record

Translate - зачислять

Word – games consoles

Definition - electronic device used in playing computer games on the screen of a television

Translate - игровые приставки

Word – store information

Definition - The act of storing goods or the state of being stored.

Translate - хранить информацию

Word – to carry out financial transactions

Definition - the transaction is related to the implementation or provision of payment with the help of the subject of primary
financial monitoring

Translate - для осуществления финансовых операций

Word – control towers

Definition – A tower at an airfield from which controllers monitor air traffic visually and by radar and use radio to direct traffic.

Translate - диспетчерские вышки


Ex 2 p32

Word – Webpage

Definition – A document on the World Wide Web

Translate – Веб-страница

Word – Expert system

Definition –
A program that uses available information, heuristics, and inference to suggest solutions to problems in a pa
rticular discipline.

Translate - – Экспертная система

Word – Information superhighway

Definition –
The global information and communications network that includes the internet and other networks and switc
hing systems such as telephone networks, cable television networks, and satellite communication networks.

Translate - Информационная супермагистраль

Word – Multi-purpose

Definition – Designed or used for several purposes

Translate - Многоцелевой

Word – Virus

Definition – A computer program or series of commands that can replicate itself and that spreads by inserting copies
of itself into other files or programs which users later transfer to other computers.
Translate - Вирус

Word – Search Engine

Definition – A software program that searches a database and gathers and reports information that contains or is
related to specified terms.

Translate - поисковая система

Word – Spreadsheet

Definition – an electronic document in which information is arranged in rows and columns, and can be used to do
financial calculations and plans

Translate - Сводная таблица

Word – Website

Definition – a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or

Translate - Вебсайт

Word – Anti-virus program

Definition – is a computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware

Translate - Антивирусная программа

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