Non PersonalCorporateSME Account

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Account Op*ning Form

R rK 6{Frr{q't6<m+=N


q-<ifwsF cffi/eqe\qRrm

Account Name
Account Number
fr>r-R dr<
Customer ID
qt{s qRG
Branch Name

w w v,/. d h a k a b a n k I t d. com
]}TAI(A_ r,< Recent Passport Size colour
photograph of Account
LIMITED Holder(s) (not older
than 03 months)
..... Branch/ -itrll (Attested by lntroducer)

Please fill up the form in Engiish in capital letter unless advised to write in Bangia. fur<,flimrcI- rom tw{Y
3]1qq:fi4 fiatB -q1T,6,€ <3 <1=i 55:n q?ci r?:il crtcgl{ <gln pft
Please fill up all fields carefully and strike out areas not applicable. (oe :IlrrR qfii+ "Fr;I i{)
q{a"Tis {.<.'oq Fttqr rnnS vzci d !"i Tfl{r, E=xrqr 1a?, fr;r f "rfioirrq-+rA aq+ rcrfiEl


Qal< 6cl-fi{F-<T q-<r&of+r"tffi/ec,{R ffi{

Date tsllr€ <i.l$$< TJTq{ffi qdl
For Bank's use only

Account Number
The Manager/+rg*rc

Dhaka Bank Limited/er4- <rii6 frfirdE Unique Customer ID Code

Group Customer lD (if any)
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Qr:nqm<i qrqam,
l/We hereby request you to open an account with your Branch in the name mentioned as under. My/ Our lnstitution's and Account's detailed information is

1. Title of Account (in Bengali)

frffi<<q]I (<f"qH)

ln English (BIock Letter)

l<r<&eo (<9EtzE< qsr<)

2. Type of Organization (Please tick)/ elt6r.,+< :;aq (ft-s ft-d)

! Proprietorship fl Partnership T loint Venture I Private Limited Company

6a3 aft;an1 ql.t | < dq-&Ffi"r eElsB fiiFrds r+rqf{
I public Limited company ! Government I Semi-Government/Autonomous
E rrust
tmfu+ffiEs ral*;]fr lro€t qu4
ff Ncozirtpo L l Llub/5octety T Educatlonal lnstitution I Religious Organization
rt.r :t 3/[]. . ! rrmtclc6ts FrFi eit€F {ftreft6F
I Others (specify)
qa1lal 1ffio15<-g<o+a)
3. Type of Account (Please tick)/ftT6T{ qTfu (fi+ &{)
I CurrentDepositA/C E Savings DepositA/C E Sf,ort Notice Deposit A/C L l loreign Currency A/L
raifuqwftqt< q?pi] q$ fiTR rq offizl'&.or++<tr qrt fu,"< 2+rq-Fm lrwfir[<
f Non-Resident lnvestors'Taka A/C E Others (PIease specify)
qffif ftiirrtl.olat{ nror ftffi qilri (Bffirl o+4)
4. Purpose of Account Opening/ FTi< 6rx-a6 E6a-61i

Currency (Please tick) E sor I uso L l turo il cap tr JPY

Inr (fr4 fin) Bra1 affigq13 EEz-{r GEl "rr}s 6t'fti tc]d
E Other permissible currency (Please specify)
q;!Fi qTmfiE {5f (&"eq o+41
6. Address of the Organization/CompanyT q65r66 fis6
RegistereC Address

Business 3'i ce
Corresof r a:'.ce Address
<r<FZ- : -71rr'--egi)461

Factory' r;-.:'', -cor'3ss

Page 01 of 25
7. Trade Licence No. Date
6sqErqq+m qfi"l
lssuing Authority/ larot? o-.;it
8. Reqistration/lncorpationNo Date
fla6a aqa r"fiq

9. Registration Authority&Country...............
(For both local & foreign)1i+n+ o:u.cttF s ch-.t (cqqi ftmft 6s{ fficfi q{1)
10. E.TIN No. t ---------- l 1 i. VAT Registration Number/ BIN (if 5l5lg,r{< oi r<ffi643 (<ft qnr+)

1 2. Business Related nformation/ I <r+ql qqE;fe oqf ,

a. Nature of Business L r lradrng i 5ervrce ]] Manufacturing

Tt{ql< {iq G'ls( CT<I Eeffi{

cqlula/ cffiK:r{"1

Trr4I{ fii;rrGE cqi q+<E ({il q<( qElil)

d. Annual Turnover ...............
< !9Ud!9t
e. Business Net Worth ... .....


q;mat.=qu (er6q.w reT4)

13. Customer's relationship with Dhaka Bank (Please tick) I New Customer L,l Lxrstrng customer
rf+-t <Tf(rTT 4r?i q]Em< r-6 (frs 1i{) rui€l{s <.iirnq*]<{
lf existing Customer, please provide information as follows:
<iiff{ qta$ {6E. Ii:qtt fr,'{s <+a r

SL Bank Name Type of A/C (Please tick) A/C No.

i+ft-+n( <rt(m{.fi{ ftxrr<< tr{{ (E-sfrn) Rqr< -rq<

1 Dhaka Bank Limited E Deposit A/C E Loan A/C I otherA/c

2 Dhaka Bank Limited E Deposit A/C E Loan A/C n OtherA/C

3 Dhaka Bank Limited L Deposit A/C ! Loan A/C I OtherA/C

14. Does the Customer maintain any account with other bank (s)? I ves
I trlo
qdl rfld $1s1T< n]Iq Elq($< &qr< dl
lf yes, please provide information as foliows:
EErtl<[EFrfl1 Fr{soe{ r

SL Bank Name Branch Name Type of A/C (Please tick) A/C No,
eF-o4.. <tT(rffi;flT .ltifllr 4I{ Rctrfi {d"r @$ft-{) &at<qr*
L l Deposit A/C ! Loan AIC E OtherA/C

2 E Deposit A/C E Loan A/C E OtherA/C

3 L-l Deposit A/C E Loan A/C E OtherA/C

4 n Deposit A/C E Loan A/C E OtherA/C

5 fl Deposit A/C nLoanA/C ltrotherA/C

15. lntroducer'slnformation(Forcpeningof Accountof OrganisationotherthanGovernment/Semi Government/AutonomoLis/ListedCompanyinStockMarket)
"rj?u;r eh]=T€€ln sqr (rrf,fiA/ q$ Tflrrit/ am!.rfi-e/ f+ I.Iz<(F fride- mr-"ffF <r€lo q*iFri efttrr{{ fi4< (qf{F fiFG)
(The Account must be operative for at least six months.q(fuB frqR ar'lcs g llq :rr< EIT cl6ao <<)

+i]:; aqrafa r,'t

11Tr<< n-r
lntroducer's Customer D \o. Account No
ffim qqrr--o6i< q-qe
=.-;: Fqt<a<
Branch Name

Relationship/Way of lntroduction'.,' :- :. 3 C- -.:omer' A/C Operator(s)

sr"r/fori< ?ft'E;rr+fA (fl"i) clzq' +fr2 -.-1-i
Contact Points: Phone No. Mobile No.
({lrllc{]Iffi $(l{ cs]ln( I
i< l l

ntroducer's Signature & Date (with seal if applicable)

-?-=-r azae.ei< atrF{ s qf<{ (effilqj frftq fr{'{q)

Page 02 of 25
For Bank's Use only B{qlq <n<rf,< <r<Elr+< qdl
Introducer's Signature and information certified by:
Name of Bank Official Designation

Full signature of Bonk Officiol with seol & date

'16. lnitial Deposit Currency
BDT/ USD/ GBP/ EURO/.,,.......
Amount ;
4t s --?a"o
qr<Bsqrl {El tra I

ln words

Mode I Cash ITransfer Cheque/ lnstrument No. Bank's Name

q{T< r|<cl RrjE Er4rB-< CFs/t&rrt4( fft(m< 4:l
lnstrument date ! Others (Please specify)
E-qcrBElfr{ qdlfdj (&T"l f,fl{)

Transferfrom Dhaka BankA/C ttto.

tr? <ll?<! ''z.V 5Lc Ear:Av
17. lnformationrelatedtoTransactionProfile(TP):AseparateTPFormasperattachedformathastobedulyfilledinandsignedbyCustomer.
qeF; r++zftTr s{fiE :rtul qq@ls s?rTr{ft , x3.s T<TrrB q{{ift TP x@tts oqTl<fr r<x e]q$ $\io
Tr{ s 5tF< {trrc q64 |

'18. Personal lnformationofProprietor/Director/Partner/Beneficial Owner/RelatedPersonoftheConcern:Pleasefill upthePersonal lnformation

Form as per attached format.
efuttrd< T qitrs€i/"iftD-r+sfs€lqr<&ft<< q-.+s
efr$roft,qei? <r&< <r& r'(@tg or6ffi, qq{E rF<rrii q{.irrt qfu q<oro Eqrt<ft Ffl{ T{ci a-=ril r

1 9. Source (s) of fund (To be mentioned specifically and in details)/ w<f< Esr,&<a'ag qFiffi .: ffi Ct-6 'ra6s q6a ,1


2a. Declaration & Signature regarding Account Operator/ firm lf15w{a1ft q1ots iqnqT € :flrF{
l/We,the Undersigned hereby confirm that l/We have read the terms and conditions related to the Account and am/are agreed to abide by the same.
l/We solemniy declare that the information mentioned above is correct. l/We shall also submit any type of additiorral information/ documents as and

qlfr/ qETt.lsiln a:Lr!c" aTE (:I. 3m:5 eraift;-51 orft/ qtfir eqE -r(s[i-q,tr r1f;,? IrT arrr e=rEi+tT o.<;/ fiffi <T;i1s;s yftq], ,Ilqr<s {f,{rR 6n<

Specify mode of operation

Rrym qGurqqt-< flqfr GfA e€.7

Signature of 1't Applicant Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3'd Applicant Signature of 4th Applicant Signature of 5th Applicant
rqql<q-{o€fnE]F{ tx qlrqm-+tft< xm-< \eg qfc<h-{fift<{IF< adqlr<E{srfi-< als-{ c\ qlr<E{sTft{affi<

For Bank's Use only q{Tls $l(rs{ <i<Elffi< gT4r

Marketed by:

Name..........,. ".......Designation

Employee lD . Siqnature with date

Comments (if any):

Account Opening Officer Checker Reviewed by Authorized Official iBranch Manager)

Name: Name: Nanre: Name:
Employee ID: Empioyee lD: Employee lD: Employee lD

Signature with name seal Signature of Manager-Operations Signa:r'-. :- -:^': r:.

Oat- Date: with name seal Date

Page 03 of 25
D FIAI(AI ={r\N ll K(

Bra nch/ -ilql

PERSoNAL INFoRMATIoN FoRM / T'& c (61s Earl-{ft

(This form, duly filled in should be attached to Personal & Non Personal Accounts.
Additional forms should be attached, if the number of persons is more than two.)
c? q<rB TqTis <lfus e q-+rfuo Fqm ffEtr qn<qr;K {n q(rt< wq c({g' T:r6s E[< <;fu< q(?tx Ei q< qfis <e qf-frg :Ffi q({s r:rrg {r<

For Bank's use only e{El4 <I((-r1 <t<qr{T qnl

Account Number
Date ftm<qr{
sftq Customer lD
Customer lC

Title ofthe Account

&?ri:<< an
Name of Account Holder/ Beneficial Owner/ Account Operator/other related person as mentioned in SL-3:
s 4t< 6fr6 4fts ft$<<rrt c't<o/ r<ffifttn €qm/ p* ffi65apft7 q*p1 e<fu? <fu< an

ln EnglishAw&zo :...

ln Bengalil{l<oRr :...

Relationship with the Account (Please tick on the applicable field below):
ftqm3 a[qf rer6 (i]o erc$ql rxre fi+ ft{)

E lstApplicant I znd Applicant ! 3'd Applicant I Director f Partner

5a.q6q;6ff xqTr<nrctft snqii;46;rffi 'l < Dtel+ q(ilrt<
E Sole Proprietor ! Accountholder Minor ! Guardian ! Attorney Holder
co-+ rqrfioft liet<<tft q+E+ ql e el<+ qErn. C<t4rn

E Account Operator E Trusty I BeneficialOwner [ ] Others tPlease specify)

Rfl< afrD-ra+rcrA 6FB fuirc* ert {i-r[;qft qa;56 1fiffior< BrE"l s-fl{)

4. Father's Name
Mother's Name
6. Spouse's Name
6'r€lner (For foreign citizens,copy of passport with VISA must be collected.)
ffi "fiflk$ {.{frqaC ffic11td< Ti} q<Frrseir< €tR6i <<io << )

8, Resident Status (Please tick) f] Resident I Non-resident

ffi;- t.?-.6\ r<frrsn m-raftrcE
(Where necessary, the Bank shall follow instructions of Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions.)
r-=-r- FE <r?< ffi fiuotf+r sa a6aa qqcu6 EFfr6$'lrq ,r< ffitat qfl<q F<rE <<
9. ljate ot Blrth - T?( I

1 1, Gencjer ? ea.= : :. - l\4ale I Female I Third Gender

n, | )< ,. :-- rftdr at 4 qv

Applicant's Photograph & Specimen Signature/ ermmrslft-{ qR e +{{t xtqd

I ]

Specimen Signature (Overlapping Signature is Void)

Recent Passport 5ize colour

Signature admitted by:
photograph of Account
Holder(s) (not older
than 03 months)
(Attested by lntroducer)

fiqm+=iaqgfu rcfi flq"a"fi

qErq< <€la efa
( ae xlZI< qiffi
"IrIaI T{) Signature of Bank Official with seal
1r-ft;rrrnoft c.o+ ruifto)

Page 04 of 25
12. (a) Occupation (in details including designation) ! Service I Business ;l Others (Specify)
fifi (nq?rTqfr-$frE) c{?rT <r<{1 q{finI (E(Eqfs4)

(b) Employment/ Business details: .

('t fl'ro/ <I{-4it-s f{{{q

1. 2.
Supporting documents, if available):
>t'.eB sl'iqlE. rrfh afl-as 3.

qfutm<qm "r'riA

:rr+ r"A 1a'ff+ llrf+< C+f:0)

(Specify in details and provide documents, where applicable as per requirement of the Bank.)
i?srF<-s om"t qgq (<( qmlql 6iq'6 ax11q1 6ftq 6a;q6a qfimift qrli slFT

14. ldearity Documents +'7f .+r

a. National lD No : .

o. sljir.-i?Xtc.rc<

{. 1Tfi1ltrdE< c:KI'r

rt. qq Iiffi{ {dhrc i{<

d. E-TlN No :

!. Er6r€fi"$-Em qlfu -w<

E. grtG( iflqffiE ffi{ GrrTh

E wr]iT, (Ift.FAer-(< BCsx s-fl{)

[Any one of the documents mentioned in Serial No. o to c is mondotory. But in case of opening Account through Birth Registration Certificatc, an additional
ldentity Certificate with Customefs/Account Operator's photograph has to be produced. For Non Resident and Foreign National, copy of passport with viso must
be provided. lf the ldentity Certificate with photograph is not available, a certificate of citizenship or notional identity shall have to be obtained from d
Respectable Personl of the society accepted by the Bonk to its satisfaction.This Certificate of ldentity should be accompanied by Customer's/ Authorized
Person's photograph (duly ottested on the upper side). Besides, to ensure proper identity of the Customer, additional documents in addition to those as required
by SL d to f olong with informction other thon those mentioned in the form mov be collected to the sotisfoction of the Bank.l

[o Ero ,t *e efro <fie ffi ze a--<iiae;7 ,s o; tai *- 7- --= ; z< at- i<za za 4maiasT /iTai, vi6?Td4 qfu qfEo/firf< elM|f
q/rqffE"E e- q roz .ffi
qn -<= av a:<fr !<? ?ii-= ;t?t<- .+= z<it7'ivtv" ^:qnd< d;; ar<friaet< qqm i4to W t etratoiqR "tafrfufi;n
=-< i<i a?.rFir ;;-:Ei
?lffln Cc liari <f <rct agE ;-r^:i; qrlaTat afd +1a zaz ,iii7"7s azjla?a lria n.4ro 44 ttg zfiffi"la <t wna"ta aqE,,f<qfs ffi<
qfcqaGac< f atezt<;S=< i{r" >qi:e>< t a,. aa< €zV. iiio {<rsqs(< e,?r"- 1ffi A4t i ffi6. ecaiq 1trj <n<rcn +@ft 4le,trfr l"tTR q qro > aa< ofur+ <frv
qE4n6n< ii-ne T-:- Fr J<i Ja ErF aaii64 diiillo sa5 qlqq 44p nRt< tl
<irt{f" 04F (==T?- )

1 6. Permanent Address
e-rt ficrr

17. Professional Business,'Correspondence Address (111rc/&r+{nrc/1< 6Trffifirr< ffslar,

Documents must be provided in supportofproofofaddress ofthe Customer/Account Operator (at leastforone ofthe addresses mentioned in SL 15 - 1 7).
q1q+7 ftar q1-5q1
"i<saqrcl+< ftont< e:tlq fuT[T 6{;[Ttq EFr+ F{rE Er< ()a cetrs ) 1 4( 6Frc$ <ifu Tvtzs 56 fra-;a6 I

18. Contact Detaiis s lrzqil1r lotB,

a. AOOfeSS/ a<. :
E Present/ <6rn ! Permanent/ {rfl f Professiona l/ c"l-tlutio

b. Telephone Number/,i'tum am : Residence/<mt Office/qfuq

N4obile No//;:*<l.d d{{ :.1

Emall i-:-r:...........-....... Fax/prtg:

1 9. \lc :' -:::: D:.scn to be contacied for emergency e+i} qRIstF c<Tailllt]rrl{ qal xrqfi- <rfu,

Naria r ..

i=,. --,- 3 .. :- -:coLr1:Holder/AccountOperator:

i7=t? --z z=;=;-<n= r.3!q*:6
ivtoDile l\o ,r . 2- . a. '
Email address,&-oEq 6{nt : ..

Page 05 of 25
20. Cred it Card I nformation (if any) r+ffi ori q(sls E<T (di em-+)'

SL Name of lssuing Organization Local Card Number lnternational Card Number

rqls.r4iid{d qts(t&-+ +tda'c-d
Efrs{( Wefr'6kffi{c

2'i. lnformation for Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)

qfi<l$l <ttqftqFm 6n] o?,7

Passport No.: Date of lssue Date of expiry


ca]I]znfft"fu ofiq
lssued at : Date of VISA (if available)
fuqmffiq ({fr ?,tF)

t{i< E1{

Valid up to lssuing Authority of VISA:

?<{oR ofi{ ft{I qnlTsra s-,e"fs

Occupation of NRB .. ..... ... .

qffik c"Ht

Foreign Address"

Foreig n Phone Num ber/ ?<rFFl+ 6sla a.{<

Signature of Applicant/ Account Holder/Related Person

qr<Edrrii/fu R$alA<ft E sfu < qm<

Date :

For Bank's Use only {{rE:rrl(q${ <f€i1<T rf"ri

Signature of Account Opening Officer 5ignature of Approving Authority (Branch Manager)

(with name seal) (with name seal)
fia< ffidm 4rnTs ili:[{ -l1T<) :qfrref <Til-r (: a diTq:+4r..;T" rl?:4- 55<

Date Date :


lMember of parliament. \iiyor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors ofcity Corporation,Gadgeted officer ofgth & above grade as per national pay scale,Teacher
Professor of Public
of public University, chairran & vice chairman of Upazilla council, chairman of Union council, Mayor and councilors of Pourasava,
University, principal of priVaie CclLege, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and
Gadgeted officer of 7th & abrove
grade as per
grade of semi Government, A,J:c.oaous & Government organizaiions as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank official of 9th & above
national pay scale shall be treatec a: iespectable Person.
:1.,;a6i *fu 445o ff -.,-.-
q(w rq-fi. c o6fer1q, s€tr r<sa 6sa6tir br \3 EE{d 6rlr< (lrtc}s r:i+!i. t<fr f-iioii4'::m FIF$. SlTsrar {k'{ch-3
=--. =23:a:r<
q.,{f< jsiG]I 6<\5d aSIE;I CI <l EE*. Cotts< ai+e-"q l?i 7(-Zk-i <ilr<'{ f5]T G-'{ (1r(4{
frX-+. s€]{ i4f"f$ ,fiasl< 5*Xq5 a* ,-e?=. =r-<=?1 aBI-ilfiE/ <Emg
sl c eld cers< +:f$sf i"r+ {<rffi
. PO. Box number will not be treated as iorerEn address.
* 'fls <q dffi65 644FarT +'ta;z-- '.'

Page 06 of 25
tllal(at={q\N V<

Branch/ .ff{l


(This form, duly filled in should be attached to Personal& Non PersonalAccounts.
Additional forms should be attached, if the number of persons is more than two.)
4Q F<rE T<"iTir <fus qr<FFK T{ q(ri< cfiq q({c F{ao Er< <;fu{ {cfi 6 c< qk+ Era qGfis rFfi q({s- <i{ro qr<
e q-<ifu,o kTr-{ c{14<

For Sank's use only E$IE :rriir$3 <J-<qtT.ii El-dl

Account Number
Date f{qr< am
qfr{ Custom€r lD
Customer lC

L Title of the Accou nt

Q-qrr+{ i]n
Name of Account Holderi Beneficial Owner/ Account Operatori other related person as mentioned in SL-3:
aq* ofrro <1fu fum<ft et{sl
e4</ ji]lrn lJffi/
tram qrfu? <r1t< a-m

ln Bengaliloielx

Relationship with the Account (Please tick on the applicable field below):
futz<< w?r rei<( (+o ercTlql c+rq fro fi-"i)
E Applicant ! 2nd Applicant ! 3'd Applicant f Director f Partner
rr qn<q-qa? t{qlT<rd-fla e{ qr<F;l-sft qkFnr esftql<

I Sole Proprietor I Accountholder Minor E Guardian I Attorney Holder

eo+ rqI.roft furmilqEtq+ qleel<+ sEfi rstet<
I Account Operator [] Trusty I Beneficial Owner I Others (Please specify)
ftq1< "1firffidr<:fil Ul ry fh-z<r e1onfi!fizsrft wdn{r ({Fifftqr< B6{1 {f,,l)

Father's Name
Flom "tr
5. Mother's Name
6. Spouse s Name
-srfi,6r< -"
7. Nationality
ct 9lat 9t (For foreign citizens, copy of passport with VISA must be collected.)
l?" qttfo+ <e fuqmq ttm,rrf< TA q<foieft< a<"i o<re q6 1

8, Resident Status (Please tick) ! Resident ! Non-resident

r<fttgdffrq (trsfid.) c<fus:B Td-z<Frrsd
(Where necessary, the Bank shall follow instructions of Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions.)
err..rr..ona c+-zo <nqo F!?'s {rffirT qa a1-:F .!q606 $];rcqT,.J;H qs mm q{T<"i q{rc <r<

9. Date of Birth / F-.r el?1r

1 1. Gender (Please tick): E Male I l-emale i I lhrrd Gencier

frq ffr$fr-{l {frqt -ft ft1,

Applicant's Photograph & Specimen Signature/Wr<Rtofft< qR e t{+t qfq-< I

Specimen Signature (Overlapping Signature is Void)

Recent Passport Size colour S qnature admitted by:

photoqraph ofAccount I

Holde(s) (not older


than 03 I
(Aftested by lntroducer)

licm{Aa,r€fr cerer or*"rf I

q,qcE egFr qlq
(oeEEE=fuTiFIaE) I Signature of Bank Official with seal

Page 07 of 25
12. (a) Occupation (in details including designation) ! Service f Business E Others (Specify)
("ffi ({E€l{<Rsr1?s) Ci?I'| <r{il q;l]Fi Gig1 €<-I)

(b) Employment/ Business details:

c"l-fi't:o/<lT4lfus k{<"i
1. 2.
Supporting documents, if available):
qsf*E st'rqflq. rfi qt6s 3.

qfb6n+< am - "rT?l

Address./ ao'd': " "

13. Monthly lncome (For Personal Account)

:flFrs qT (<ifu+ Rqr<< mrel
(Specify in details and provide documents, where applicable as per requirement of the Bank.)
frstfro EG'{ q<-{ €<( E-c{Tqi 6t.6 afl'.r€< Dlft5r mqr<o rfrefi eqr{ <;rd
1 4. lden tity Documents/'ffi3's
a. National lD No : ... .... . .. .

$. qor nk5]I'rc {fi

c. Birth Registration Certificate No : ...............

1. q{ FK{a. l.aroE iTs<

e. Driving Licence Number '' " ExPirY:

e. g'lqG( eFcc'E nr< trK]}

f. Others (Please specify) :....................

5. wdTr!] eFffioE<U(dqfsn)
[Any of the documents mentioned in Serial No. a to c is mandotory. But in case of opening Account through Birth Registration Certificate, an
photograph has to be produted. For Non Resident and Foreign National, copy of passport with visa must
ldentity certificate with Customer's/Account operator's
be provided. lf the ldentity certificate with photograph is not availoble, a certificate of citizenship or notional identity shall
hove to be obtained from a
Respectable persont of ihe society accepted by ihe sonk to its satisfaction. This Certificate of ldentity should be accompanied by Customefs/
person,s photograph (duly attested on the upper side). Besides, to ensure proper identity of the customer, additional documents in addition to those as required
by SL d to f aloig with informction other thdn those mentioned in the form may be collected to the satisfaction of the

1o {rv. 4 ;at ffin+ 4fqo qffi Eeo ql4Ftjieftq czr aora anfr qf;n qqa oi@ W t or4 q;{ fiqqa a4q qq,r*Fo q;n fuaqq aaq"l@l qtrite' €lRT/ fact? 'lffia
,t14c'1tr4 r.,fit.{i<rf;746164 qFFt otrs w iqrqlzrGe-q<'ffi"ta ql
wrqmfr€rR qai a cq14 ffi5p 4q EqtE oito Ers tda-caffi a4<fAm-n -iqfu,qt c*ra 4<EP furW
alod cc fuq1t <n<eoT q@@ qltt7 ofrq< ffi AEdrarotr
"NfiW t"r{,qf 4ft,s, ns'.F aVe "tfurmt
qrna"ta Sqln oilo <c4 ti "ffi"ta <i sETaalq er<6,f.7t5 "lfi'n'rrcR/<

qfuqrtqq< qfufup qlat rclq qfuotfu a1q a{ l^-f,rr 6AEo oenfil lfuf?@ s2E 4?'2i< 44eo oli.<r< tl

1 5. Present Address (Residence) :

T6rf{ ft-fiir (st<rr{q)

1 6. Permanent Address
Tft fts-i.fl

SL 15 - 17).
Documents must be provided in support ofproofofaddress ofthe Customer/AccountOperator (at leastforoneofthe addresses mentioned in
ere.+/ ?-< -# 1o*. e:-q< ugni{ eqF ffirE {.< ( ) a (qrs ) q ai ofrr+ <Ffu +rotrv >E ft+t{< q"rffi) i

18. Contact Details z;-;z <=-,

a. Address/fi+r - Present,' <6lla ! Permanent/ Etil ! Professional/ (tfilt
b. Telephone Number' i'==;': Residence,/ <lql office/ qfim

Mobile No/Grr<Re at< :.T, ....

En"ail/ e-T{F :.................. ....,.......Fax/Filg :...

ccrtact:: ' ' ' - =<- rr-i.a ar1zrlrur? qn; x.rati,o- <ll.4,
19. Nomrrated Parson Lo be =;-
Name/ilE i..........

Address,6om :

Relationship with Account Holder' Acc:-': l::

qry,m/ fiv< *mom<"r< T1<>*-.
,ogi1" peTcN]Tr?{ iffi : .............. Ema il add ress,E-zri- flcrai : ...... ........ ....

Page 0B of 25
20. Credit Ca rd I nformation (if any) mltr oni,r(6l'g Eel-T (<f- rmrc),

st Name of lssuing Organization Local Card Number lnternational Card Number

@fi-+q( tnroftqB'6trffi*s rryrom+r6qq-d qsdl&={stgryd

21. lnformation for Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)

Passport No.: Date of lssue Date of expiry
e1l't61f,ar< fugtfi=l Cl$rqIac"f<Elfrq
lssued by: lssued at Date of VISA (if available)
Safqqfta-'".1q E{r{EI{ frlt< EIfr{ (<li *rr.s)

Valid up to lssuing Authority of VISA:


Foreign Address*

Foreig n Phone Nu m ber/ f{rhFls (sla {T{

Signature of Applicant/ Account Holder/Related Person

qrr-<E{$rft/efl<qft,/\sf,# <Ifu< .r]I'<



For Bank's Use only s{r]E $l(rsT <t<qrzT{ wr,r

Signature of Account Opening Officer Signature of Approving Authority (Branch Manager)

(with name seal) (with name seal)
ftn1j a:11apa qfi.E fffu.ii6 {rT@ ifirR TrT<) w*:rtrroa oroq< (-il{r <I.rt"r) n:rTcit++qqar<

Date : Date
olir{ ilf?rt

Member of Parliament, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors of City Corporation, Gadgeted Officer of 9th & above grade as per national pay scale, Teacher
of Public University, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Upazilla Council, Chairman of Union Council, Mayor and Councilors of Pourasava Professor of Public
University, Principal of Private College, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and Gadgeted Ofrlcer o' 7th & above
grade of Semi Government, Autonomous & Government Organizations as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank Official ol 9th & above grade as per
national pay scale shall be treated as Respectable Person.

:=<. ffio qfrT]< r-ms, 6lB|k "rf3fi-$, q<r4rfli)/ Erjrg-"ifE, ugnq i1({fa .qf&* c<ioq 66r{< 1n <I EI{d (A(Ei 4.-.:.; r?: .:--:F <i(f{ Slf{ G!-{ as(4{
:; t =;{ 6:frgfu"|r+ {<rla<

', 20 Box number will not be treated as foreign address.

*.-ra a ;*<= :zriie 6-+t{ fuft< $T{r< f<t <tr< {T I

Page 09 of25
Recent Passport Size colour
photograph of Nominee
(not older than 03 months) TED
(Attested by
Account Holder)


nFfi< xr:r1t rotqt lrcl"li
qr-(q{ <aF cfi qfrfu mtq"tt,rq (els.Mi citr@)
qetR-r <E q&fi@ F{:l c({s- +;r-{
oe qflrl{'qk{ 'l{r{I r{) Please attach additional form for one more NomineeFffi

(ft.Tr<{r" T.6s sE rfrE)

For tsank's use only e1-riE <-II(IT3 T.r3Ei::K q'1i

Account Number

Customer lD

Nominee lD

amount deposited in the above account in the event of

l/we do hereby nominate the following person (s) as per following details to receive the entire
(s) at any time. lAVe hereby further agree that the Bank will pay the amount
my/our death. l/we reserve the right to cancel or change the said Nominee
according to my direction and will not be held liable for any transaction done.
qte/ qfq"rro qqld< qi, {c{rfr.- o;r+lT qrf/ qlTf BBii- qrqrlT{ 6q .ol. w]t <itE < "ri?<drr< qfh<
ffiiqm<r qe fur{< qd qt{t{lstTlTr< IE q.q Fffrsq.< ff

qrd {qfu G.|fi q<E cr, qlTl<,tqETcq< fu,F{i cfislc<+ <il<+ qd Eqli r{c< €<( € 611 r61q4 Collg]r< Ellr<h <3 ;rl
c(<$q <:fr l wii/r{T-<1 qE {'6(

1 .Title of Account/ Enr<{ ;flr 3 ... ... ...

2. Account Number/R{l< ds{ 3 .".'..-.

3. Details of Nominee/qfrfr< ffi sqrrrfr c

a. Nominee's Name/qfrfu aE 3 ... ..... ...

b. Father's Name/Ptq<qn 3...

c. Mother's Name/l]g]< aFt

d. Spouse's Name/.i-lft,r€i< atr
e. Date of Birth/qq qliq
E vtale/T+r I FemaleltRqf E Third Gender/9ffl tr-t
f. Gender/&q
g. Present Add ress/ r6ln ffo+

h. Permanent Address/ prit fr+ttlt 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ..' ..

i. Occupation with Designation & Office Address :.........

('jqa € qfircT< fuffiq) ."i-it

Nominee's ldentity Documents/ nfrfu "tfrx"m:

il Natioaa'lD No. a. -sfa *ft-6a+7ua

ii) Passport Number.r 1. +lnoif aql

iii) Birth cn Certrficate,i'i. slt fi+ra qah"lG nr<3

"" "" """ "'

iv) E-Tl\ \--3i' ; 1-- j- 'a= t7- 't:

v) Driving Licerce \ - . ;-'- --' ' *-

vi) Others (Please speci6' . 3::: s = r;ffic-1< gE{ 6{co {r<)s

- j=-: :o tit,tsmandatory.ButincaseofBirthRegistrationcertificate,anadditional ldentityCertificatewithNominee's
photograph has to be producecj, Fcr
,,.- :=: ::-: :,"d Foreign National, copy of passport must be provided. lf the ldentity Certificate with photograph is not

available,acertificateofcitizenshipo,::::-::.-.:.:-:,!l havetobeobtainedfromaRespectablePersonlofthesocietyocceptedbytheBonktoitssatisfaction'
proper identity
This Certificate of tdentity should be occc- : :
- =: : .. J -::c n:e r s,'Authorized Person's photogroph (duly attested on the upper side) Besides, to ensure
other than those mentioned in the form moy be
of the Nominee, odditional documents ir o::: :- .. :-::. is required by sL (iv) to (vi) atong with information
collected to the sotisfaction of the Bank

jo Qro 'l 4r, $/+(

: zrtFistR q- 2--a- 7 kact <n<tol 4@E qrc1m olrq4
4ilfife ,ia aqrir ?'?to Em raa-c1,ffi !?: ?=-i- -.- == ,-:.-i? qqia wp qr< r e/zap,&<E-{ 'z -

.- -r r ..- -7= avlaq ng7 dnL+ en<l { are 5 -"i a=7 <z= -?'ariva qfi'fi@ ql.'{t 5a1aqm aa1
qorl,?-o-rs) a-. i q,lvr,+n<a zi.4:<..==
-r{ 674 6&&o oe,nfia dfufre etr ;a27 -<:j- +=. -
Page 10of25
4. Relationship with Account Holder/fu<qik ircel q*t6 s .....

6. ln the event the Nominee is minor and the Account Holder (s) dies/die during his/her/their minor age,the following person is authorized to receive/draw the
amount held in mylour account as per Section 1 03 (2) of Bank Company Act, 1991 .1ffi qf<rq+ qcq E]-</6I-CE{ dKf{s qrot w<qF ftI]<rRt&qR<t?t"nC< 19r< <e',
qftF|{<r fiffiI6sll< FrcX<fio <ftffi qmmmNl([< ftft< <fuE q$ eRq/Eretq;r e{f{ 6{T {J1$ .d.-|rfi qri{, )bb) (< )oe (r) $il qsntl tlelEl,s o<,| {ffii :

a. Name/41{

b. Father's/ Spouse's Nameuf"ioTfflii< atq a .....

c. Mother's Name/lfoK dll{

d. Date of Birth/6{ qliq

e. Present Address6n+ fr+r{

f. Permanent Addressfsift frs,"dr

g. lnformationabouttheidentityof LegalGuardianasperSL3(j)/@Fr"s4(3(J) qfl(<i<{qfu<rs<qii6fr1qq(.+tsEclrs

h. Relationsh p with the Nom nee/ rftfr-< wq qq'6 :

i i ....

(lf any Non Resident Bangladeshi is nominated as the Nominee ond becomes beneficiary of the account, rules and regulations as per Foreign Exchange Regulotion
Act wilt be applicable while remitting the proceeds of the account. coFt qF-qel,o 4'lifr Efl lz4 44( A qffi cr8, fiqtrlq q4 Sto <rE qe q4 fimr-l cEl(K cffrq faqn4

37s5.16 t6r ftwa"t 'qt?t;R fil t frtrr4 aT4tqr SC4 i)

Signature of Nominee with date (Optional)

ffiF<xm-< s ffi< 1&6r+1

Signature of 1 st Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicant/ A€count Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
lq qr{q-{$ta/ ftql<rrft< qlf< in q.rr< F-{$r-a/ Rcl{{la-{ .riF< \ex qtc<E{-€l-ft/ frcl<{lft-< qrF-<

Signature of Bank Official verifying Customer's Signature with name seal

orqr6< ?r-F{:trFttola <n<+ of<rsj<;ilr'$e- ifffrq .t"ts,{

1 Member of Parliament, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors of City Corporation, Gadgeted Officer of 9th & above grade as per national pay scale, Teacher of

Public University, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Upazilla Council, Chairman of Union Council, Mayor and Councilors of Pourasava, Professor of Public
University, Principal of Private College, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and Gadgeted Officer of 7th & above grade
of Semi Government, Autonomous & Government Organizations as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank Official of 9th & above grade as per national
pay scale shall be treated as Respectable Person.

)i"fff <lf <6r[E q$Th qqql. f oe"tnr.m< 6T's{, r"Jf car< c ottfq<Eq. qr€< r<sa 6$:i:q"< b:T ,: vqrd caru< (11q6s sff. tmB-+ Iitiirmq< Frs-s. E"175irr -?}-?3

c$(g< s:fooft"ta{ T{lt1< I

Page11 of25

TRANSACTION PROFTLE FORM rsFl rq-{fifid q-{fis {]ql

Personal and Non-Personal Account/<rfu+ s q-<lfu-s RqI<

Fcr Bank's use only eg:]lq <I<{s< <r-4{i({{ 3flIi

Account Number
RcR qq<
Customer lD

1 . Title of Account
ftqrr+{ TIT
2. Expected Monthly lncome (lndividual)
rtfr-o rNr<iq]T (<r&s)

3. Expected MonthlyTurnover(lnstitution)
$fio qet<r ffiesT< (efrSm< mrc)

Expected Number of Expeded Amount of Amount of Highest

Description fr+<.i Monthly Deposit Total Monthly Deposits Single Deposit
{tF-swRrqcfdn(fi rtfi-{wt<r fiFffi{ rk{Iq qq+qr{rqqta "tRcl.t

Cash Deposit (including online & ATM)

q'fq (q{qli{ € q6crcq)
Transfer/ Deposit by lnstrument
Elqrk/ ta€eqn-qa ltq]rn qrf
(Transfer through Outward Clearing and A/C to A/C
transfer through Cheque/PO/DD/FC cheque)

Foreign lnward Remittance
.= +r+q t{s$!i 6frRH
o Export Receipt
o <€ffi1{<r Ele
Deposit/ Transfer from BO (Capital Market) A/C
eO ek<rqr< Rrr< srg qEv?t4ls{

Other Deposits w+ffir o$

lTransfer through BEFTN, RTGS, lnternet Banking/other
Online Banking/ Fund Transfer
lnstruction & others .............................1


Expected Number of Expected Amount of Amount of Highest

Description fr<*ot Monthly withdrawal Total Monthly llUithdrawal Single Withdrawal
$ff+wr<rgreFHxrl,l $fr+€<i fibElrslq1q< rffEff.f eF{ cr666 Erslqr{d rfrfl.t

Cash Withdrawal (including online & ATM)

{'iq (qd4i.{ s qftqlq?)
Transfer/ Payment by lnstrument
Urq.fl</ IrElTB-e< rT{rcr 1frc'fl{
(Transfer through lnward Clearing and A/C to A/C

F transfer through Cheque/PO/DD/FC cheque)

>\ Foreign Outward Remittance
l! +rcq qrEBrg*lti c<fiBFt
lmport Payment
tt qmffi<Nq 'rfrr.itq
Deposit/Transfer to BO (Capital Market) A/C
gg 1IG-{-Eri) fr{lr< qat/Elalsa
C:'i' :hdrawals ffi;I :1=-ffi
' "" :h'ou 9h BEFTN, RTGS, lnternet Banking/other
-'3. :{:r
O: nr 3,'< ng D.DiI Card/FundTransfer
lnstrLrclicn l ctne'. .... .................]
ToTAL l-{cqrt

Page 12 of 25
l/We, the undersigned hereby acknowledge that the expected transaction limit is mylour organization's usual transaction. l/ We further acknowledge that if
necessary, l/We will change/ update the transaction profile.
ffiIqm+ 1iTrtveolft (ul"i) .! {'G( Firrst Eqta c{& c<, ie]<r cfirrr+< q$fu $el qtTtrlqFflm< ee$m< qstfo efto sarqi qlff
r qm f EqF r<& c{, Sc!lq-{r<fc{
6a+6qrd< q{fts {]id ccr.llfi,r{s4'ilh e-{<
q]fiF]I-<r {cr<l r

1. Signature of Account Holder/ Account Operator 2. Signature ofAccount Holder/ Account Operator 3. Signature ofAccount Holder/ Account Operator<<till Rn< lfrutq-+roft< .tl+< fumqtft/frqr{qffi<tI$< ftqT<qlft/fut< "tffit<tm<
Name: Name: Name:

Date : Date : Date :

qRq qft"l ElR"r

For Ba*k's use *nly s$iri {,"lcc?F{ {mqir.<n siql
Transaction Profile is reviewed as per instruction of Bangladesh Financial lntelligence Unit (BFIU):
{<Efrq'{ +lffi:lE ffifrrcin EEFd-< fu4:q oron<o +cr-<l ffinrfiT{ . {fiE :fler eidrrqrE{ FTI <Ei

Reason for changing/ not changlng Transaction Profile of Customers:

t-r ;<- Flz ffi i- .:-l- +7 <1- <1 ,- <.:<? <-d,

5ignature of Certifying Officer with name seal

eEli.{$A} <Iq+ offi< ;nT.{g- ftE:rq

r{6qFr$ Rw<{ sR'rR'IfE-{ qq{ q(@ls 6fi{6ft

Please tick 'Yes' or 'No' for each of the following questions:

Frtl< Efr6 erliru€< dt'sqrq fl Es Ii.r

1. Are you a U.S. Resident? E Yes Iuo

etffiftq6i{F{Effiz Eir il
2. Are you a U.S. Citizen? I Yes ENo
q"r{mftmfrrlw$6<{l'iksz eil 4t

3. Do you hold a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)? E Yes Iruo
q?Tl{ft{s<I6{{St qffiFf6($qsNi)ws? rir ;fi

4. Do you have U.S. Residence address or a U.S. correspondence address (including a U.S. PO. Box) or a U.S. telephone number?
qr"Fit< 16
T6dd rqt'ftrm'kr qd, c$]T{l q]<IFr$ 6sF,fi q?ff {s{6{ cst{ +m q'rq?
foFr, cqtffi:fi(,F
I Yes Iruo

Prior consent from U.S Citizen Clients for reporting Customer's account information to lnternal Revenue Services (lRS) under FATCA obligations:
qF q Efr q - q<qNestnStqsfur+dsqrtnffiq c€fr6fifvtq1 ffiq|< qn)-q
'flrk-{irqir{ffi{{s<Effielqqrd T<f{q& r

"Subject to applicable laws, l/we hereby give mylour consent to Dhaka Bank Limited to share mylour information with domestic or overseas regulators, or

Tax Authorities where necessary to establish mylour tax liability with any jurisdiction. Where required by domestic or overseas regulators, or Tax

Authorities, I consent and agree that the Bank may withhold from my account (s) such amounts as may be according to applicable laws, regulations and

o< coct <t1to "fl-rr< r


qtFq(x € qTs61&-<r fir{qfe-l qqr<fu ffiF"t-t

l/We do hereby declare that l/we do not have any physical presence and commercial activities within the countries mentioned in the UN, EU, OFAC and

any other lnternational Sanction List.

qftffi qi {c{ ffit<t c{& c< E'ffuaqq, 166p66 aoFrm, qfi;q q{ rFcf,i qrzqi 6csm q3i qd, rota qlsqfrg+ foste-m usp cstq 6En qtrnfqtrizq< 65tq aru< [{}& s
<rfrGr?F4>fsls ri?
Orl qa]<I

Any of our Proprietor/Partner (s)/Director (s)/Affiliates is not engaged in any business with the entities mentioned in the UN, EU, OFAC and any

lnternational Sanction List.

qtTtrh< 6cfd "rgjircranrfrq<l?fid{s/h-{r<Tft qfubn otltq<rr. feapmn ia.-{il. qFFr q< +z<a sjtci $ztH (<( 6rnl cota qroffi+ ftrs$sl* sileom ftffi ron
IEli {|<'ql< qficl qel6;I{ |

Signature of 1 Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
)E qr<rr€I+/ ftw<rrft-< xt't-< {{ qr{Ei-ffft/ fqcFt?r< xts-< sn w6qE-d-ftft/ R{r<{tft-< rm*

Signature of Verifying Officer with sea

qrdffisffi<i]E-{ f+rrr=i


Date :

Page 14 of25
For the services as specified in serial 1 to 6 below, please fill up'Alternate Delivery Service Enrollment Form' separately.
fr-fr< r cct r \e ir{ @frrs <ifu {ft{fri qir 1ql+st < ffit<rlB rcffi
qrtrq Frffi{ T<{' T{q Ffi

1. Debit Card I Yes ENo

ruf<B d\i qJl cl
2. Direct Banking (lnternet Banking) I ves E trto
IEr*E <TKfr( €Brroi Tjrrfinl) qT

3. M Banking Solution (SMS Alert Service) ! Yes INo

gt <-:io.: r? r-€7ln-!F lrf x.fil ql ;1.l

4. E-Statement Enrollment ! Yes INo

irc;fi:a- E- {<rrrz;- qJI ll
5. T-PlN Regrstration (Contact Centre) I Yes f ttlo
6-f;n r<.Gd*n (ofrro F-6r<) ;n dT

6. DBL GO (Mobile Apps) I Yes E trto

cflI (znrE"d qjr"iii)
fufrqE ql iT

7. Cheque Book I Yes (lf yes, please fill up'Cheque Book Requisition Form') E tto
cr+ <t ajr (qil c(E tr+ <t fi-g1G,.n +-<a' T<6i s-+T) :IT

8. Credit Card E Yes (lf yes, please fill up 'Credit Card Application Form') INo
cst,9u +t\9 et tot <E tefti $16 qr<rr F<T''lJci ffid) qT

9. Locker Service fJ Yes (lf yes, please fill up 'Locker Application Form') Iruo
q$t{ }|Le}j ol (q.I Ec4 !-oi< qtr<r;I F$l' T<"t +r+; ;ll
Printed Statement I ves I t'to
l$ass (6fiTs ,ix al

Appl ica nt's Si g natu rel qt6fl{$'1ft{ ?ls-d Appl ica nt's 5i g natu rel w[r<6qE1-ftq a6q Appl ica nt's Si g nature/ qffid'tfFd

5or tsank's Ljse only '${tr{E <if(r.?m TF{lm{ qat

I. ProductCode

2. Mandatory Fields for Regulatory Reporting:

Economic Sector Code Deposit Code

Security Code SME Code

Nominee Sector Code


3. ldentity verified by: tl National lD Card f Passport f Driving Licence I Others

4. Address verified by : I Utility Bill ! Rent Agreement I BTCLTelephone Bill E Visit by Branch Official

I others...

5. Result of Online Verification of NID Card lnformation

("lf no match found for Name, Photo, NID no. & Date of Birth, then application will not proceed for A/C opening.)
E Matched ! Not Matched ! Partially Matched
Measures/decision taken if found Not Matched/ Partially Matched
6. Result of Screening of Sanction List through 'nScreening' Software
(*lf any match is confirmed by Branch then the application will not proceed for A/C opening.)

1 UN Security Council Sanction List ! Match Found I No Match Found

2 lnternational Sanction List (i.e. by EU, OFAC & others) I Match Found - No ,lat.h

3 i Domestic Sanction List/Restriction by Local Law/

! Match Found \.-. \latch Found
Bangladesh Bank to open A/C

'.1e;sures.ldecision taken if found matched/false positive with Sanction List

AccoL.:n: Ocering Officer Checked by. Authorized by

'(Full Signature v;iih 5eal) (Full Signature with Seal) (Full Signature with Seal)
KYC PROFI LE FORM/qf{$,IRGE q-*fffi a-fl
(Applicable for opening of Non-Personal/Corporate/SME Account)
(q-<tGsl+(qfub/qcqQ Rc'R 6{rq1r ffi@ <F<6)
s Form
rm is
ts only. qE
tor Bank's use only./ +-<Il1, tr{TE <IRrfl< {r<qI{< q{i r

Account Number
Customer lD
1 . Title of Account

ftrTm< e-fG

Nature of lnstitution/Organisation (in details)

qtetTn<erffu iffi;
5. Sources (s) of Funds (in details)
wdrEsc/Bqc1r 6{$frro)
6. Documents collected to ensure the source (s) offund:
qrd< Gqq fifus e<r< 6q6 6aaa qffi qsqe F{i er-T(es

Whether collected documents have been verified: f Yes ot I ruoq
xlQs nffi vutQrfl q.!TRlhnr
7. Describe how the address(es) has/have verified (in details):
qfb$tn<6qlt (q{q) f€slc<rrflq n<r{LTce (ffi):

Whether Beneficial Owner has been identified: f Yes of No+ f Not Applicable emqi i'{
Rnr<{ €ifg {kqrr"-Ift fi{r<"i r<t {c!zq ft-;Ilc
(lf yes, information regarding each Beneficial Owner has to be produced in Personal lnformation Form attached.
Ee< qt qrq erqs +.+o 1ftvn-oi1wtfu oeBfi x{s $fu crorg s'<lr{+ 3ffi -{,. aa< )

(ln case of Company, KYC should be completed for a single shareholder holding 20010 or more shares by collecting detoiled information in Personal
lnformation Form attached. Besides, KYC should be completed for controlling shareholder of the Compony by collecting detailed information.

aqqe cit*tffu frraaqqtil rnnrEtaq ,ea ftslfae effi a@<"lio costtifr a*;tn r.ito aR )

Please tick (frs ft-{)

Copy collected (oft rqQto; Verified (TlEtt1u)

E-TIN No. ... .,,... T n (where applicable)

ffi*.---s=-It-E< (aznqr ffi(q)
10. VATRegistration
9J U Lflgr. qrt
No....,,,.,,....... T I (where applicable)
(E|GTM 6IlIq)

. Registration No. of lnstitutio'l T tr (where applicable)
qfu$n+<fr-+r;raq* (er(<l5] c!'F)
12. Other Document
q{il-dl aFl
I tr where applicable)
(elBnqr ffizq)

?-.".- F"-1€lqfu6tr;r< fac.< caTaF B(rr; (eir.F iE1-r

artZ :l=.=? e-e..1aj all

q{crfha q(6lc E<l

14 Whether any Politically Exposed Person (PEP)/ lnfluential Person (lP)/ Chief of lnternational Organization or high level officials of lnternational
Organization and their family members or close associates have any involvement with the lnstitutional Customer (as per definition of BFIU circular)
o[q+ qfbfrq< qrql ml+ Politically Exposed Person (PEP)/ av?{rff $fu (lPy qg6dGs q"q< q{r{ <1 Es
'idEK Ffu
q<( Et[< tftrft{< wq] <t close associates
c(Bi? ft q (liqqqr?tB rgr otaEo qrfft< <fao q(ct sT,rk<)? (eiGflqr ffic)
! Yes<l E tlort
lf the answer is yes,Es< qt qrq,
a. ls approval obtained from SeniorManagement? f yesqrt I tto.n
ftF{< lrftEszT+ <s qT[:rthr cnr qa-Trq 1+ {r?
b. Has the Customer been interviewed face to face?
qiE(c{ {e?r1Ta qPFtqsln 6r'fi E.r(q 1} l..|?
I Yesq'l ll Noat

15. In the process of screening in terms of applicable laws, guidelines and circulars, whether the Customer's name has been matched with the listed
persons/entities having suspicious involvement with the financing of terrorism, terrorist activities and spreading of weapons of mass destruction under
various Resolutions of United Nations Security Council and any such listed persons or banned entities by Bangladesh Government?

qfuo xqrq qfrope .rR <rfu <t rrel q<( {(qttn I +++r< 16+ ofqcrgs rcr{ <lf <t fRh mfs qB]< EI6.or-{ wq rrtutt<IqiT{s .rt-d-mt f"{ "fsar ftcrcp f+ r
E Yes{r E trtoqr
a. lfthe answer is yes,details ofactions taken in this regard:
tg{ rcc ruuaq
" 6-
<r<'a< ?-+<q:

t6. Risk Grading fr$ oef&q

a. What type of business/activities the Company is involved with?
o efu6n fh ffi(cm <=rTfl/ s:iolle ftrsGE {K[sr
Serial No NatureeFfr Risk Score
cfrox< fr$ c+,td

01 Trade of Jewelryi Gold,/Precious N4etal?.::ii <Fnl,ETqn <FmlTm-ralT qTa <rTn s (a)

02 Money Changer/Courier Service/Mobile Banking Agentffi oqI</hfrTr<qrtr{/car<ltc rfi<ft( effi6 s (a)

03 Real Estate Developer/Agen1 frGH .{r*B 6sEqeit-a/ u,-'+ s (c)

o4 Contractor/Promoter of Construction Project Ffq erqq (qffir<i6omi< s (c)

05 Offshore/ Non-Resident Corporation q.d$l-V;n r<fd oz.,1m-n s (a)

06 Restaurant/BarlNight Club/Residential Hotel/Parlour Business rrceio,.aEl +r</wEtfi'+ rrfde-/m< <;<Et s (c)
07 lmport/Export & lmport/Export Agent erir€i az* t s:;-i zii 15 s (c)

08 Garments Business/Garments Accessories, Packaging Buying louse ''----l; ^'::+t g<;?aPtr<fir<fr1a-5 5(c
- ,lffi
09 Share,/Stock Dealer, Broker, Portfolio [4anager, Merchant Banker:-;<,E< t==. S-.:<. 3::il;al. ardd trr<om 5(a
10 NGC, NPO i;!5'1;Ie 5 s(a
I\la1power L.\port tsJsrneSs -r-'- 7+- ?-<7 s (a)

12 F i I m P ro d u ce r/ D i st r i bu to r >efu< errlroiT/"rfr c<-i;rr n1qt 5 (a)

13 Arms Deale|qrr< <r+qT s (a)

14 Mobile Phone Operator/lnternet or Cable TV Operator 6rr4t{ crFT;r qfi<R</ tBFrdi qam sTr<q EG q"tr<t-r s (a)
15 Home/Land Purchase/Sale Broker (lnstitutional) qft,klg catmFl< mmX tqfufiF-s) s (a)

I 16 B a n 17 Lea sing / F i nan ce C om pa ny {r trc,6fu './l",it+n rs'lqlfi s (a)

17 Transport Operator -ft<za s"zrtr< s (a)

18 I n s u ra n c e/ B ro ke ra g e A g e n c y tqiml,tglrr+o eroft s (a)
19 Religious lnstitution/Organization and Educational lnstitution qSfu qfubrriqrql e F1st sffiF s (a)

20 1
Trust$rB 5 (a)

;- B**tt (P"tt"|Prr/CNG Station)+ro {;nrgls "i-*/ OuO *il 5 t,!

22 Tobacco & Cigarette Business slilT 'i ftm+&< <r<+t 5 i1

23 Softwa re Bu siness ;t+iert< <I<r'| ;-

24 Ship Breaking Business Ft"t eft( $<-a'

25 Business (Clearing & Forwarding Agent)<rxn (fi:rtfrq € -F<\e:flff( {166) -1 (8)

25 Busi ness (Dea ler/Distri butor/Agent) <r<'cl (fu-{1</fuF6frBi</qr6B) 4 (8)

2l Business (lndenting) o<,il 11ryIt$ 4 (8)

Business {Outsourcing) <rd, (=rEtEJr." 4 (r)

Page 17 of 25
Serial No Nature ef1& Risk Score
efrEl( frq csfd
29 Event Ma nagement (trci :rrro.qffiS) 4 (8)
2n Chartered Accountant Efu qattq(td 4 (8)
31 corporate customer Fa1fr{l 4]-*TF 4 (8)
32 Law/Engineering/Consultancy FirmE&leffiqffift w( 4 (8)
22 Energy & Power Production Company qffi ftEis Esffia crI.'nft .e 4 (8)

34 Print & Electronic Media ft6 € lmdfr"s fiifEix 4 (8)

Tra ve I A g e nt/To u s m Co m pa ny Erceq qrsr-n/Bfr

-!rr mt*rlfr 4 (8)
35 r i

36 Auto Dealer (Reconditioned Car)i qcBtfu-qm {B) 4 (8)

37 Freight/Shippin g/Cargo Agent/CNF Agent relBffi'forfr crwi,&rene+ erm,= 4 (8)

38 Auto Primary (New Car) Business qrrBl $W FEi ,t$ll oEqf 4 (8)

39 Home Construction Material Business <t0 ffiq ifl:{ft-< <Frf 4 (8)

40 Business (Leather & Leather Goods) Tt<cT (ENgl e Engiqlo "tql) 4rEr
41 Telecommunication Company dffiiBfr.Tld rcrrlli 4rEr
42 Chain Store/Shopping Mall (c5tr df{/ fi. !E) 4 {8)

43 Textile/Spi n nin g dSBt{,ffi( 3 (c)

44 Amusement lnstitution/Park 1:ir{mt efu6n/t6 3 (e)

45 Motor PartsAvorkshop Business c{i< {f,q/s<tfil q<<r<-al 3 (e)

4b B u s n
i ess Ag e nt <mlt-erwB 3 (e)

47 Business (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing & Marketing)<r<'fi (\b{{ €f€i9 ,s <tqlTqrso<ct) 3 (e)

48 Cold Storage Businessffi<{<j<q| i.src drrtrq) 3 (e)

49 Business (Frozen Food)<rm (furfiE ?tlrri) 3 (s)

50 Business (Hardware) <rm (Elds<m) 3 (e)

51 Business (Advertisement) <;T{r (fuq"i) 3 (e)

52 Service Provider q]]Eq c$ottsri 3 (e)

53 Conr p ute r/Mobi I e Ph o n e Dea le r +ffit</ cfiAte crfa fuaF 2 (r)

54 r"l]frfisifr,trA'. -,<
Poultry /Daky /Fishing Firm 2 (r)

55 Agro Business/Rice Mill Business/Beverage qifl frqirq/Heq F]E fr'qrdr/t-<q[<'q 2 (r)

56 Manufacturer (Other than Arms) Es"rm;r-q? (q{ <lels) 2 (r)
Shop (Retail Business) -:r'e; (15. -<,r) 2 (r)
58 Others (Specify in clear termsl ,ffi-7 i-r e<= 1 -s (5-a)
a. Business Based in High zft-: 7' 1c
Risk Co!rnt:-ies jurisd ci'cn s (a)
b. Business of NRB & Foreign National=€ <-:---'= :':z- : - s (c)
c. Foreign Embassy Consurate -'--'- -. . 'i '.-: :-:
d. Money Service Business/Ca sh Cou rier ;-?. zA : 5 it,
e -

[While assessing Customer risk, Customer will be categorized in high or ior'; risk grade after detailed analysis of profession and on the basis of nature of
Customer's business, level of deposit, business areas, business size, beneficlal owner of the account along with other specific areas to consider. Taking into
account all the concerned issues, higher risk score may be assigned to different Customers as specified in serial no.25 to 57.
qlR-[sr ift Fi+"fc"m o-eo S]qcf cel.ll< f oqn f?r:Fqg<s: {i<q]lr< aFG <rz- eT-t a=t. <r*{ctcl{ (Eisl. TJ3itcK qts]<, fnr<< ep lfrfoffi Esrfqq qrn+l
frrm fr+ f+ms-nr iim atq$r+ ED +r 6x 3ft npr{ f-Fr< crfrlo<q +rcs etr< r cr< ?Tr== ?r<:aa linr sr{$asrq e.c (?11$ c1 eFr+ aqr< <|f fK q(1$r tsE< a+l< qr'{ $<(o
${r< l

b. Net Worth of the lnstitution

{. erfrfrfi Frl a*lzm "fii{q

Amount (Taka) "iftn1'i (Er+r<) Risk Score fu+ ctl<

z- o(o)
>i r --'a l:: .l 3(s)

c. How the Account was opened.
1. Fqn crnqt< tr<"t

Media {{q Risk Score fr+ mr<

Through Relationship Manager/Branch I?r.fiaftl rrn;rqrr7 {{ €67 o(o)

Through Direct Sales Agent u@ ffiiq €zc.B $!,s 3(e)
lnternet/Non Face to Face iil+rdi/ Tfiq 3(s)
Walk-in/teTqlFiw-]1< 3(e)

d, Expected value of monthly transactions

ri rl<-c* q$s $frs ceT[E6l{ "ttnq
Value of transactions in Current Account (Flg in Lac Taka) Value oftransactions in Savings Account (Fig in LacTaka) Risk Score
r-{frfulr{ oarqffi{ 1Rflq Fsft$.H) c+&fu(< 6a6q6q {fur{ (s$Emm) frt cw-*
0-1 0 (o 5o) 0-5 (o a) o(o)
>1 0-50 (>:o-co) >05-20 (> c-to) 1())
> 50 (>co) >20 (>to) 3(s)

e Expected number of monthly transactions

E $ifs< q{fiE $fr-$ F;Kft;rn qs5f
Number oftransactions in Current Account Number of transactions in Savings Account Risk Score
E4efu.l[< 6d;(hrinI(rrt v*ft fiqrc< afr{fizr< c(15t frr rsm
0-1 00 (o-5oo) O-20 (o- qo) o(o)
101-250 ()o!-{ao) 2 1 -50 (a.)-60) 1 ())
>250 (>tco) >50 (>ao) 3(e)

f. Expected value of monthly cash transactions

5 qI<s< q{ftE $FIs aelq ffi{ffi6r-{ 1k$q

Value of cash transactions in Current Account (Fig in Lac Taka) Value of cash transactions in Savings Account (Fig in Lac Taka) Risk Score
uqG karr<qurq or+cq6< "ifr{{ 6frfi--st<) csSRff<T'm 6affi[a.-{ 1R$q Fsfu{) fr's ffi'R
0-1 0 (o-)o) 0-2 (o-1) 0(o)
>1 0-25 (>5o-tc) >2-7 (>t-1) I())
>25 (>ta) >7 (>e) 3(e)

s Expected number of monthly cash transactions

cl<T< qfiE {1fi-6 nl1h aq;TIEFT 5i1fi

Number of transactions in Current Account Number of transactions in Savings Account Risk Score
E{fu&qtz< a4dt6rdrn("Bf c?Fftfu< cffirh-rd<c($l fr.$ csl<
0-1 5 (o-54) 0-5 (o-a) o(")
16-30 (5,u-oo) 6-1 0 (e-5o) 1())
>30 1>oo; > 10 (>)o) 3(s)

17. Overall Risk Assessment (Summation of Risk Score from Serial a to g)

{Tef${Ct/Rs r<Erf+*qq @'rcr<+qroqcfu+ {ftftq 6*-trd cu..,n--{;

Summation of Risk Score/frr r$]rtrn ffi'l+_q Overall Risk Rating/wmGro 1?+ mE<

>=1 4 (58) High

<l4()8) Low

Comments Tgfl

-: --: . :^
a=:- .:iind
a:>cs>€d below 14, Customer may be assessed as high risk considering higher risk profi e of Beneficra{ Owner on subjective
judqr;-1 - :^3r caie the reasons must be specified.l
[* ft-e si: :s i"-.--: ==-=t<=={ivFfuEslftfir<rrmFi-crst-<qAgltio subjective jir+oametq+zaEs<;l?:tr.l77i:aaq <?.:rr- rL l
Page 19of25
MakerEeqotft, Reviewed & Ensured by rfimtw s fti;Mt:nf+of ,
Account Opening Officer/Relationship Manager (Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer)
R{K (lT{K F:ffi/ lir+.r+ft 't :rltrqqr< +{t $fr{glkq effu-< t1,16"X-qa 6ffi

Signature (with seal) fi-++q rrm-< Signature (with seal) ffqryq rm-<
Name:_-- _--
Date :
Date :

For PEP/lP/Head/High official of lnternational organization, High official of the Bank to approve the account:
qfrffi qqcafqq flTrffi/efsR"nfflrt\eFBEftfusce.R E{,ryE6T+?erf< mrq<itsoegvma€=*se#:


(Prior approval should be taken from High Officials of the Bank to open
the account and copy of approval has to be attached with this form.)
ltrmB c"rmm 6q66 afiirc{ [<ta:ry"irr< T.ffi eeet +<.rE q:< c<l ofGr ii rFf,6r<:iras,ii3:e 4.1lg

18 Account and Personal lnformation ofcustomer was last reviewed and updated on:
'e erqs q1o1s olTIh rfffin 1dIErD41 q<(
ftqt< EF1a1'im <i{rr Em{.

Reviewed & Updated by:

t{nem-+otft qqi Ew+t'fino€} o{+6tg

Signature (with seal. i-=-


Date :


A/C No. Unique Customer ID

Opening an Ac(ount kfi< (qtqt

Eliqibility, interesi, fees & charges, documentation requirements and other conditions mllq, tslr{S G;/ e TCqr c]3. ft
€rffiqilT TFl9'ffi c qqrdl rt'l{ft cqtufiF{
shall be applied as per feature of the product. Banks Account Opening Officer will mtB q{$t etimqi 'l6q1{ eqT{ aqa6 afu1 el<.ajl Trp (etg:E q*r6
<It($ ftqm ctm< Ttd
explain details of the product to the customer(s) before openinq of the accounts. No {Fr€J. Eql sna 6{r<{ I uqfu ftw a6Fr tBt<r6 elli o<t q;1 :n ellst.l Tfliir +:fuK slrs
interest is given on Current Accounts.The customer(s) should ask the Bank's Officer on ftrm {i}-rqdr qrsts fr{q Eq[ {+]6S q{a? iiflta cr<l< 6r ercq! fu { Erci r.*tr6 M<E
the product features axd fees & charges for different services related to operation of a5rilfiI<.{
the accouni.

Governing Law, Regulations and Rules efmqi qRE, fiar € frfi

These terms and conditions shall apply to such accounts and services as offered by the {Q T{.6tril afl116s ftqrfln <I rg{ qt{fiq<rr rrm q{a{ aq-s ftTr-{ q<( 'rfrpK]< cFrE
Bank to its Customers, existing or new, from time to time. The terms and conditions efcr6l qa< EERlr, "ldFfi <1(.1l(hi {{+lrfi e5fro qt{ c Gr6r <n(< ,{< l?fud ffi]nI.
herein shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the Central Bank of ek{F ,s <nl.tfi effirc Fr'fi e rdEr<t ed?FtGE {iF
Bangladesh,Government of Bangladesh and the Bank's policies and practices.

Acceptance of Rules
Any entity/person opening the account shall be deemed to have read, understood and
r+tq q'sr/kf,iF ftrfr fiTr< XEr?rd ffi fiqt< "ifrda.rm (sra (rr< "t6rft "fttrqa, T(arcqT q<i
accept the terms and conditions herein governing the account.
Eeq 6ZT(q{ <r4 1ql {a{

lnformation about Customers ql{sTq-fdrrclj

It is the Bank's policy that it will offer high quality services to Customers but not to {A <r(T< iifi ra ctr+ Eoqzr< akrn+ qlq+-as aqll <.,{r{. f$-s .i q< efo. n]zt3 s?<{
Customers who are engaged in illegal activities and activities that are harmful to the 4 -trrcqtq ci.i {<i &z.l? ctqfr'sm< qrr tfu?Ftr+ e}i q<( qs'i s6€Ei'i Fa{. Elrq< qnl ft-qFt
welfare of the people of the country. lt is therefore necessary for the Bank to obtain nl ; qE.!< qEl e qfr+ s?[ c(ql
aTaaq{ T<T <Irs< qd] elcll6{ I 5It<{ <Tl(4r:-o frf-r
information about its Customers that are true and correct. The Customer agrees to "<z< qffi T{<r<]q +<rE {qE ccr(q-i {'| €iRrrn $Ffs
provide the Bank such information, particulars and documents as the Bank may
ofta rqlEl1Ts fi rr+e oqT, fu+<ft c<(
require from time to time in connection with Customer s iinancial condition,
"@ s<( <il(o € E-k <I{fi< ftcr {qfu qTq EqI. ,qfi4} rFrc Estaeq {T ,{86
background and dealings with the Bank and business.All information, particulars and
Srli 4<I< El ,fol. lfl'+ €<1 r*14 E.o Ern (<( gliFr.iE EzqI< cfln 1k{54 €a4 {n<r(s qLs
documents that the Custorner provides must be true, correct and complete and that if ftllirssn< .6talr<r I aiTs 61" q?fi{fuo q<t q*lz<6 qlr <r,'n, Eqq q<( c(El c?ftT Eq, q€R
there are any change to the information provided, the Customer will immediately {<]3 <ile|I< <ti(oas s-nof gq-Tn itrff,{{ cil {fl(rf< ftfu. qpr + Ecr ('fi1+{9l <si orl
inform the Bank in writing. The Customer authorizes the Bank to obtain any Es']|"i <ri4]{hr"]< qt{ e wgnii oqi <t(4trE{ {.sKj i}nc+ ligr m5]n <t(qtlFl
information that the Bank considers necessary from other banks. Organizations and a1i1qa ffi €l+f.i <r{l eF.$q,4 {ro fltr{ <n(ft( "lfurm 16'i 6dl <li(r+T o-faS iIE
sources that provide information relative to the Customer's financial conditions. lt is ffi;o q {la t1ft{ <ri($ qnlrT q(?K iftci qt<;fi Ec[ q]qtn-qqti ffirg "at</ ffir< qrs6
the Bank's policy to maintain confidentiality of Customer information. However, the nTi(646-31< fiflt fu-<brf< -fa7E oi'[{tE{ E?rT ei-+]1'<l qElq-q}-F $Tli <lt'l|rl E::trell qrF
laws and regulations in Bangladesh may require disclosure Customer's information to c<lp q<i flti-( sfur. d?<?"i. oerT rfl?fa( e< {:R riFi {6{EFE d<zq ofialT< ron scr rim
Government organizations and/or regulatory organizations such as the Bangladesh e{. a"?-+:.3 < lar: ercl< +fuT<q qqa +<r< ai
Bank. The Bank may also consider sharing Customer information in a way that it
considers most suitable with other organizations to improve banking services. The
Customer authorizes the Bank to disclose or share information at the sole discretion of
the Bank and inciemnifies the Bank from any accidental disclosure of !nfcimatior
during the process of pri nting, transportation a nd fi ng of nform: i io n.
Ii I

lnitia! deposit and minimum balance en<B+s$ e{rrcnQG

An Account Holder has to ensure lnitiai minimlm depos r and maintenance cf minimum
<il".r€< qDfitE ,e w*fal ft-c"met< ffir+s {+ili Edf- &{lr+< mrq lrfti? (efls1B "rkrte;iK
balance for regular and other special!) designed Current,/Savings accounts as per
Standard Operating Procedure SOPi ofihe products from time to time.
fill q{$AI ft{F<rftrs Frfue c{rr liiftE qmfur qa1 c g+.or Qfu <em <Hre q6

Withdrawals q'drfuqn
Cash wlthdrawals lvill be made on printed cheque and Debit Card supplied by the {fi(4 q.6s {tr<{rqTE Elfl]r4t (6-+ q<( rcfii $.lgqT| i{q Ba€]E{ q{I rin< <il"io ftq|C< q{r{
Bank.The Account should not be overdrawn nor should cheques be overdrawn against qftftc g.Et{{ o q{I< qfEfr.e rrs qfld mFetr<i otll {{. nfr iT <rl(r+T qftct € q(@]s
funds in course of realization unless the special arrangements have been made with krl< mr+ Ifu,flsko alT c|rs rq$Al Rll.trdn frtilro rorrt ertftl?-e (.€ErrgFFi) eqn fii
the Bank. No overdrafts are allowed on Savings Accounts. 5?l r
Withdrawals in Savings Accounts will be made as per terms and conditions set by the
fiGd q{.n <11(s F.6€ fr{frs 6tI{ e -nt q*nil c!ri} fr$.< Erctsn' 6{r <'iz< !ffi
Bank from time to time. A depositor can deposit and withdraw from the Current
Account as many time as required and Cheques, Drafts, Pay Orders are to be crossed at mrmr+otii ur< rofu 616a4 ITqlc ns<]n qT]nq{ fl{m{ ,r{q{ 6TEla.+Ti} Er< rrf- ft-<"
the time of deposit. The Bank acts only as the collecting agent and assumes no r =; j'
{titj1n T9SE e]IT]E-d (Er{fh;I {<fE nf{f<:t (<? fD<. AIID. Cfl-qu1< 5$ ffi€ffi nrT
responsibility for the realization of any items deposited with the Bank for collection. +Tao q.< <I($ e{ cgfEs {(qT fur{ $tq 4r{ s<( (F+ q(€lR{ q3?i ar1-l-
=.7 5
-lhus, proceeds sTmlza.< Tfi,ft< mian.]. qll]-q'lfrg <IirT( G"B <6r{;Tt rP{r( cflrdr s{rFFgr :\-.
of cheques or other lnstruments deposited will not be available for
rvithdrarval until collected bythe Bank.Balance in Short Notice Deposit (SND) will bear -9" Tl<jor q{iTo qd aXia as'E:116aa16a3 qiarl s]{f Erg]aF< ?-..- .-; -
interest as app icable from time to time. For withdrawal of any amount from the SND sqqnni fr{]r{r Qfui C"F fiGe aarq elTTtq, qffi {itrfl eqta h3- .i :=it .- .:-7.
Account 7 iseven) days notice,as per option will be required. crrmfm 'fkfiaq< UrEr+c+< ffirc q (cr) fir;m qrti:r rfrffi.l f;rc al<

-re Bank shall be entitled without notice to levy or impose all custcmary banking and
Tre<i r6F r*.E- E-.u gu?e cr'ras 1 sn tr:T .: . -- .-+ -"{} E; rt- Gl
::-er charges and expenses (including collection fees and legal expenses) in respect -
:' :-.. :rrornt or in respect of any other banking facilities provided to the Customer
ft:4< q1<1 41 m1i ilift(
61,ln {fiif6 {a11+ ;:ei ? ?--.-. -= !<-t <liiZ4i rron'i{-a/
qq1rc fiTcrr{ ft$ q€lt &Tf< q.!rea 615 6!; --. .- .-
- := :-.t < ir-</ fifln"T{ <q
:. :^: l:-l:rC to debit the relevant accounls'in accordance with Bank's normal
R€$< (IiG GFfg({ls[ qr< n'l ]

Page 21 of 25
Credits to the Account E,qs ftcrF ssl'
The Bank acts only as a collection agent and assumes no responsibility for the <lt1+ E1 c"r{f.r4 iIgd kTr< Ol9 sar r<i t<ii{ El{ rft;1 a, a 6 +<r< at qft st1-{.ic;K
realization of any items deposited with the Bank for collection. Thus, proceeds of !.-rl r4{ l&1TS <rt(zr 9{l {i Ie?i or4l sarr FF I-ii'd< {ttrn olmo qcf
cheques or other instruments deposited will not be available for withdrawal until
collected by the Bank.The Bank reserves the right to debit any account that may have FI-l <t1?i +fi =f+mry'e a$tr 4a.+ f47 1=t.- '-- = az :- i-Ii?iifn< t:Ta.!i
inadvertently credited with an item subsequently unpaid on collection. al ?I

Withdrawal from SND Account ,rq'sqfu ,'ia-< (qr+ €iEIda

Deposit in Short Notice Deposit (5ND) will bear interest as applicable from time to
time. For withdrawal of any amount from 5ND account 7 (Seven) days notice, as per EaEI4a;r<,;r."q C(:iio) iiF< q-'5i: :l .=, w-- r.'- - i --- - '-T aa37,
option will be required. Otherwise interest for the month will be forfeited .

lssue and safety of cheques oa aqiq {<i i-{ii 5i<r-51

Cheques will only be issued to a Customer when all documents considered necessary
by the Bank has been obtained. It is the responsibility of the Account Holder to ensure <a a<, .L t_1 1t-j- .--1 :: -. i : : - -.r:T- !n*=
cheques in their position and kept safely.The Customer must all time exercise due care },(Gq4iaanrrra 3r:ar-aa.--'- - ,-. -=I 5i5f]<314r<
to prevent cheques, payment orders and other instrumenls from being altered or <, +.frr:.-',. , -.' =-;-- | -:ll: . .::"!f-c'7i9?
forged in a manner which may facilitate fraud. ln such events, the Bank is not qit3t7 ?r*-7. -::- a<< {(< -Ifi -l
-7::9 a- :: a- -- ,_:
responsible for any loss suffered by the Customer or any other person. Any loss or a.,1. .i r'
.-'. j' -- --
misuse of the cheques or other instruments must be immediately reported to the Bank -.!
and confirm in writing without any delay. Cheque Book and other security documents
will be valid if siqned/initiated by authorized Officials.

Changes ofTerms and Conditions =i5-<--. r?.?-;

The Bank may at any time as it deems necessary add/ amend/ delete the present terms -:-. 7'i-j- x 1i q-lj:-= -i - :; -
- --
and conditions. The Bank may give notice of such change where it considers '.-a7,!^- - ).TTj- :-- .-- -- : :
appropriate to the Holders by ordinary mail/email. z-e,F i4 n'<iii eE-i- 5;- +-li

Closure of Accounts f|fi< T{€{o;

When an account is closed either by the constituents or by the Bank, the constituent is or'to qq<. q<T oio (+t afla cr=! <" << a- a-r ='n rii<qi5 rts <i. sfrgl +l-i
required to return all the unused cheques and cards if any to the Bank. A charge as per (sfh qyFl <I(24< ji-{i Gr<-s fir< szE(a ?r'-(r.r e5?:5 ei;iq .e"rr< ft68= fo eirq'gl
our prevailinq Tariff will be recovered from an Account Holder who closes an account. << <iKo;-1.r'E:< iraE< f?.|<DTE ilgl!6d$ a-{ lni aa (fF qr{ g+= Fate rs sqE
The Bank reserves unequivocal right to close any unsatisfactory account as decided by €,a TA ( r,.Z a'6 t a1m +7
the Bank at its absolute discretion.
<'riio lffii ,;afr.i <ri= .r-,a$r:{.f*lK qqr+: lixm rt(615 ar{l rfr F{E -rtqrr{ {<<-Fq 41<
The Bank reserves the right to close any account or related service without giving prior - fiqfa qfu>r-dat EI}TelEir-+ aI qS<. Tq CiF, 4;4t.ct iaT- <4 €E >r!3 <Iil4 uf {$r-l$
notice if the conduct of the account is unsatisfactory in the opinion of the Bank or for :7<
.8rr<< at.i ?f;l:i.ii< <1i.,1.< Frsq :i.?f=,, trq.;1 aa { "t<
any other reason whatsoever. The Bank shall pay Customer all available and finally
collected balance after all dues to the Bank have been recovered/reaiized at the time
of closure of the Account.

Deposits survlvor iir'nffi r.1rc_ri<_i-<

The initial minimum deposit to open an account is as per current Tariff. Average f!n6 1:16g Em Tilsr r,ar< r.i-+r" <ii(t ? 5-4.ii o*-,+t sd.rti'i EZ4 Fi1-o Erffoi .q{T€l
minimum balance as per our current Tariff should always be maintained. The Bank n3}lx;r cofffi arrs-{ flg rifu 1iilom scn<s a16q1 <1rn a{i cTltd 1'-oa,@ ifuc
reserves the right to close at any time any account in which the minimum balance is <qR il {tolq <it($ 6qr6F anr (ffi
{4-0i. a-t<ala oii-r e]tF q|si aa wa q rr
not maintained, without furiher notification to the account holders.

Minimum Balance and lnterest Payment 1IdE-{&fu (<"'W 1kfii{

The minimum average monthly balance as prescribed by the Bank from time to time is ,l;q€i I]Im+ 5r9 i!rc. <rilrc< irfur ,,nrr{ firyilw. ;re Ffu/scs.fu ftcrF :Ii-{ro <r<
required to be maintained in Current and 5ND accounts.The Bank reserves the right to <ro..+ alJ.i;r,ftft< dat"a fl{E]+iE "'+<<6 +<r ainEi <r{ {q fufa a -56- rt:1l<
change the minimum balance requiremeni. If the balance falls below the required {a;;i, io a-ai si.:1 :e-F i rr.< s;l tFn f6 <ii. E ;i'9 4<(o ni3
minimum for a period, the Bank may not credit any interest for the period.

Periodi€ Statement and Advice

The Customer may be provided accoun , {lr< r €lt{a+ii
Customer is required to promptly notiry 1 "il]l fi,${$
<l ftfiilrrfln] :Il

;:i-:;-:: ::. -: -::: - ::,r :.:

- --:- -- -- --:'---

-: - .7;T;. l,:. ,,"uo.

- .a- -z - < i!-trr o<a,liI{
,i- €r--q-:tH fiTa<
.- --.- .-
-12'+- -F at?76? iTt'rli ra- gi*l 'r-R-ll{ €i
-:i -r- -
-- :- a-a-= - a-- =.a3--
qii4 Ea4 <tii4 s{ i-,9* lii<:;ra:;&if<
::-a i= =- -?,-
j= g-i atza nlti-ai ,i<t {aI+- i-,t= :+a jn-ii
Lrresef,i:a::: ::: =z :!l-
: -;f- ;;1 i. qa. xt<a :Flrflqi .{i-+<= :1gFl1;l <lin:l;< rr<i ilea E r.€ii
maoebyrne:-:::^-:': : . ::: i: -: :: =:7- z::
.-'-'-;@ , --
)ole d s(ret c- (o .

do so w thout seet -: : :
;hall bc responsibre l- :.. .

and for all related charges.

Cheque Books ars <i

L Ar:ppii.etlcr for a Cheq-: :::. :
:. :r]qc. =tt<+-e <ftlro< fT-aF'r; tl"' era;' 7:a.7 !-* :;< tz-:firl T.;,oj
,i.ouat of sinrilar nature r-,.:: :: 1.: j ri . a --- . 5a"-;E
, " -. . rn( Ac.ount -o l. aF- T E<l nig 1'5 5a;-; .:- aEiF-EZa

:.Jorunprtatio'.c - .: - F-i;
ai'? c-114<

by ihe Account Hoider (sl and c!.. :::: i:

of the Ac.ount Holder(s) to ensur: :-:: --:
are kepI in safe custody.
The Bank reserves the right io refuse ,ss-:-:: :- : . :.-'C"Z<< {-* .l.-iaa; =:- .}n ; - .'- a-a Tfl ol+ <tCI{ siiiiot(-i
'.-. a<i<a- .z-i ":1.- 7a a-. --
which are not ma;ntained satisfactor \' l' -. :- : - - - -- -"zE I(TIi? 4-(<
from the previous Cheque Book have re--: ':: -- -:
3. When new Cheque Books are delivered to the customer by post it will be s. qRrfr FtzE sl-€cflrfl 6Ff<i 1ttffi {(E Tfi(I6{ 4rZE rftE fid-{r q*+ii sr
according to the address record kept by the Bank (or by such other means as "fl5tzqt (q?,sl qll csn E"li{ el's f}+lir rt <it(T T6o F{ffiE <<) sr< t-F tr"fir-r
determined by the Bank). However, the Bank assumes no responsibility for any "fibrr+ clc<t El<B-qt <t I?lrq efifbr qrr <i($ $6is Edl ar< at
delay or loss caused by any mode of forwarding.
a. e&Cr.+s rrr<t ir6 rvo fh{ "f{.s <iT..l r1-$q'cs <FI'l {r< r ,9o frn l< qqm(om
4. Undellvered Cheque Book will be retained by the Bank for up to 60 (sixty) days.
ufifuozo+<i <tt(T .,1? Fffi c+6rr< q<( qDfiE idfu qSrft q€P qqEB qas qcflqr
After 60 (Sixty) days undelivered Cheque Book will be destroyed by the Bank and
rrdqqm Fa eI<
necessary charges will be realised from the respective customer account as per
Bank's tariff. c. (Es +IDl< qqT q$ru+r€IslT.$ fuflq qs6Ef q<"r{n o{(o er< I (DT FIDF qr'{ c!,H]E
5. Account Holders should exercise care when drawing cheques and should not {T{I9 {(T tzo 6r:F mG mll{l r+cg 'rt 9l]Ir q< +<rqe EI (I;r (6ft1
"tffi "iffi
draw cheques by any means which may enable a cheque to be altered in a "ftg l

manner which is not readily detectable.

6. The cheque rvi1l be returned unpaid if Drawer's signature differs from that on
record at the Bank.The same style and model ofsignature as per specimen given
s. <I..I4 <fuE sot6Br{lqrtr{ iTdt.{jffiir< {(" rDT <tcr {l$1{{ a+tql 6kfrd qrq. 6F$
ftTg 'l] ftdJ <c< Tfi(r<F d+E dlFrl a1s-6s 4q fi6 (ir.-{ {slEir{t€Kr+ q{qr{ TIF{
to the Bank muat be adhered to.
4--I[o <<
7. The Bank reserves the right to dishonour cheque(s) on reasonable ground. ln the
event of a cheque being returned, the Bank may realize a penalty charge for each
presentation and return.
c. g{tarrl'R ftFfu 41<.t ,s1r'ftT {fiis [Fs Gi<E dAr+m <mrl as]{ $t<rci (}-s GF<o
L The Customer should comply with the conditions as printed on the inside of the "r6rnr cF <tl<e fi''$iE lil eG<t< cq{c6< qal ftffi wei rqct arrr<
front cover of the issued Cheque Book.
u. .lolBiaqetr.r fu ofl cF{<t sls-rm{ &scfi '|tsm liF,E -ie-t<dl €fi{+/q+rE-n
aq€l<rs a:lr;lEErg er<
Signing ofCheque CEtrF'IIS'{
Cheque leaf is to be signed by the Account Holder/ Account Operator as per specimen $qs qq<l fiEf< {:irTr{roft :r.6+ oa+< etTsT{ qE-€ ir.rt{ <If(T sf}s qaq| {r.F7-?{ Tlzq 6rd
signature recorded with the Bank and any alteration and cutting should be confirmed afiq frrc cI< q<( afr<6+ q'<q olElffi, t"f {,Is< Em frF5E <:*E qr< rr+ qfr c"flS
by full signature. No cheque y;ill be honoured if the same is post dated. antedated (for .gdE <l (fu a6ds qcRl (trq alt, Er< CEs ,ik.m{ €fl q.1 aT I qt{te 6d?jrH qdl (Es
more than 06 months) or mutilateci. Bank reserves the right to impose fine for bounce er€j]1r5 qrE {fl1. qiiT'Ffl qqtr Tjn q1kst< q(ccl F(
of cheque for insufficient fund in the account.
Stop payment of the Cheque tE{ c"|cT+q|tfsfTff
l/We, the account holder(s), shal immediately notify the Bank if any of the cheques qfit/qrrrl i{ cr:ir Crfir< ('ftq 4l pfr qrq Erqsltrglr< <Iirrm q<F€ efi qft q{1E (r:t.
issued to me/us, is lost or stolen. I understand that the Bank may in its absolute (Es Er{l1lt< (FrE q{<l qallT q]ffi5 € <ll14 qio
{fliT sta ,i,*l{ fiq
{t-.oo .q<,qB
discretion, accept from me any stop cheque lnstructions (either orally or in writing) i+r<rqm qmt< Ekn dfim { ,qFlEsft< rq$ rD:+ Ef'rr< mt €iqt 4T[< aftFr< qlxta <T
cases where I have lost the relevant cheque cr, in other circumstances in which it shall
be allowed by law and agreed by the Bank. Should the Bank accept any such
qmm eftfift< Em fioi.isi€ <n aDT
{f;r q(@ts (fi{ ft-(f.r sRcr F{t< rFcq }g9 a6rT snt.
instruction from me or from some other person purporting to be me, I hereby
(Ef+rlq. 3?r (qrtd ll<D rR) ffi <nr+r+ Eqf{ +T[E <l{, clfsT3 q<( ,lrrrE <rf(T as]{g]r<
q1]I<6 qa{ il r (b< ?ao]I!a-f< 6flq <fi1l6a q:E6E Err{sr qfift rrci e?T]qi q(<
undertake to indemnify the Bank against any loss, damage, cost {including any legal
cost) or demand incurred by it as a result 6f, or in connection therewith. A charge as
per our prevailing tariffwill be recovered for recording stop payments.
Fraud & forgery due to payment of Cheque 6FS<I (FSqflr;Ks-64E',tffi
The fustomer at all limes must exercise due care to prevent cheques from being cstT fs-ItrI s{]:Ilql <l (Fr !l<1 EjFEIIfu. elEInqT Efur{ q]{$ f}ria >6$ 5ft arlI<q I ,arT-6<
altered or forged in a manner which may facilitate fraud. ln such events, the Bank is not qfi:rtfu q qrsRcll< Tlq qtr.o <l q{l af{ Ftee? qffi orn (Fftfl q!|{rIEq <il(T E.lfl <<
responsible for any loss suffered by Customer or any other person. Any loss or misuse at , rola (DT El<[r.TT ('ftq <| (oF O(?[< qiTJTq]< Erd C]{i ft{A]E qn-{ i? dT iiln :.{t1g {Iq st
of the cheques must be immediately reported to the Bank and confirmed in writing <itirzo fii<=glz< q<fio o<cra
without any delay.
Positive Pay lnstruction (PPl) 1fufrs 6eiq1EiEfurt
As per instruction of Bangladesh Bank on Positive Pay for clearing cheque, the account k<ir :taa ' rr qlsg <r(em"-l'+rriz+< ffit .effi.*rc+ oGr+ : e-+ Dmr< Er+{
holder must inform the Bank (DBL) in writing or through Contact Center afer issuance ?.ffi -<F o<.;i ffqtsEr{< <T aiffi {TEII< GllflzrtTl ola <]l(o-rc -{{Ri6 6{ffid qdief]{
of cheque for the amount one iac and above. Otherlise. the Bank nra), retufn the -'< ir< i+<T '7173 TG a qriar:+< Frei-i arfi-rq or eirrfu;r fi'+,*tszT "tti,rr+ << I

cheque if presented through automated clearing house at the lsk and resporsibilrt; cf
the account holder(s).
General Rules a < sd .-(l <q
i. A newly opened account wiil be act \.,ateo !pon ac.omp lshment of Know Your ). <li1ci iit ETrrfir ra€{,ttr EFifuE- n*lcf qDE qe$< t< ,{6lEE DE ffitc.F r

Customer (KYC) as per the Bank s co ic.r.

2, The Bank reserves the right to cicse an) account !!ithout assiqning any reason. i. .+l(dl slTa.i tr(Eq nT +1-< <I(4 a{ mrd qn'T €fl6s ffi o<l< q|t.fR c(TrF.i Tj(<
3. Nomination/Succession ic ihe 3mount ivrng to the credit of the account and/or e. q]{{ar {91,ri, (olffi{ ffir+'s ft,im4, q+rB(t 4fuo DrcTr erfE fiFrs Fr4nq s EF
operation thereof on the aeath of the person authorized to operate upon the q6i}f;E{ 'ifr6t{{t. qifoEh flr qDfts e<( r(Q? fu<cr {IIm qftll <ll..T f,."'$ fi4frs
account shali be in accorciance rvith the rules for the purpose prescribed by the fi-fi qflfi fiii'ks <<
Bank from iime ro time and effective at the time of the claim.
4. In the eve nt of the death of one or more customer(s) in joint account, the right of 8. z{'q q$lB6< dts <T !+fi-r otT<F{ IErcs qqr.E eIE {?,T{q {ir6.tTj (ezr1T61 rra6) nT
the survivor(s) to operate the account will be ceased unless appropriate order is {T eeT? Ir +.1rj lo-rt, --arr-ra< '+x=l <l+ qffl,a< I

received from a court of competent jurisdiction {if applicable) for operation of

5. The Bank will not execute any customer transaction over phone, fax and e-mail a. dia'mr{, :ETq <t ffiaa{ lrttJrl <rl($ co;rdT 6qqa i*l{ {<r<:ii r (aft {i { I?{'srr
(unless standard indemnity arrangements are already in place).
mBnl qffi Ffu $a$ s <11(I+3 {[!1 qer?l <-rI {im)
6. Dupiicate statements of past transactions are issued against payment of charges ,u. ebiftE opfuol q1qtr* qd qqF ilzlzrF
td+fi cr.wrr{ gf}zan Fir<6h ld?Br:;ir em
as per oUr current tariff. F{'|E'<
Accounts upon which an attachment order or other legal notice prohibiting q. .fid qrl6ad< oftm <q fl1zE qI,]nE {q Fd"r'qq]n r(< stE(E to s.B air-
operation of the account has been received will be ruled off and no further {s <T"IT <(< | Ec ffit 9C4 it ci€1il "]f9 €s- {$ltrB ffi;rcF{ <=$ c|F(<
operation will be allowed till such time as the prohibiting order is removed. E. f,4rnIh-I;K {l$?cf q.I.ltTtsl qflfil .$a$ <n(s 64d(ha o{rE 'ilT(<n. Tl n:a. ,-.: --7 --
Customer transactions will be entertained during normal banking hours that E(E"it(< I

-., be in force from time to time

:::ornt holder should notify the Bank of any change of address in writing.
l:-:'.'.,lse. Bank wiil not be liable for delivering account statement/ Bank otq <fto e]pr-<< ff+H q{$il <eBd diffi//arlr-< .r -'-:i- = j .--
:: - -. lcation to the recorded address of the Accou nt Holder.
n q< qlr <nloro q]fl F{T.f t< iT I

--: a:r( may without notice combine or consolidate account(s) with any
.: : :; ii ihe Bank and set off or transfer any sum (s) standinq to the credit of
i-:- ::::-iis or any other suit (s) owing to the Customer from the Bank in or qdl Elqlg{ <1 tf{T{ o{ts ,lla< <ll(r+l ,ri( a-al- i ;- .-= 7. 5qfa. <E<i
. .- .: :.' j'.ciion or the Customer's liabilities to the Bank on any other respect !4?!/ 6.fa. {-A l:a-a "q (6 <TeT :rr A-5-7- '7]=' -. -.7 4a,"1
-: : i-:- :5' lties be actual orcontingent,primary orcollateral and several - -
- :: :- :::eral lien orotherrightsorremediestowhichthe Bankshall )). <Jf(s q:Ir q<( I:]IT q{({ E€a :-
CI (+-li !-]- ;?:<c:"ZI]q <l sdl
I '-: :: -. -.,! at any and from time to time apply any credit balance qk$]< gftTr1Jr{ E"l< qlEr+? {e-- a-..
-:.: =- El' :lE'57T ro.aon
-- -, =a.. qK
: :-::r--:'s is/are entitled on any account(s) with the Bank B?k qfe.q< qfii<t< rmrq (E?r<= r<--- --. :- i7 -.- <IiF< at
: : : : :, sll in satisfaction of any of its indebtedness to the
. aoF -il?r|1n <ftg elqfqr {TE- E" (-- :i1; :- - -.- a=-
' :- :' ": :..crntis) of the customer(s) with any Branch of the - -- -
:::-a:::: :: :': combined account.

Page 23 of 25
12. OperationsoftheNon-Residentaccountsshallbegovernedaspertheguidelines :.r. emfr etq(T< {Fit6 <t(aitan"t <rirm< ffit-+ qflri ffi.rrfrs qr< ; er<fi qRT :rFi
of Bangladesh Bank. Holders of Non-Resident accounts should advise the Bank rr]<]z{r Bcqr-jl &im frr< ogaa 9FVF ol ,mq I]Iq <i({GF '6|{]r{d (4.l
lmmediately upon return to Bangladesh lf they lntend to take permanent oft'r< "|c'i frIir-op-ir:< <I(hTs 6iatr{e zr+iii et<r-$< Ef1i9
residence ln Bangladesh. It ls also a responsibility of the Customer to inform the
Bank in writing before leaving country.
:!e. $T(iF TTCTF1 q'rT tT(TtT qlqa4< -!ifl]-r7E ail 6q{E o{1= TATfu - t-116 qFi
1 3, The Bank may refuse to process any transaction on any Customers' account(s) if
rrF,:r<6- cr aadffi{< irltt{q< {a{cil
the Bank suspects fraud or illegality therein.The Banks'decision on whether the <lj.r+< fir<rdttr 6 aqd.(F q'rji-'$jt a r<-qiA
transaction is or likely to be involved a fraud or irregularity shall be final and 31111+< Fl6to pglg a<( qtq$ -l lrai EFIE 4!!l

conclusive and binding on the customer.

)8. <r(+ eql fuG q-"l{ {aiffi ) {{?F) 4qz - eE -tj:= nrail --;[ tnn FT{&r il qrd jtnm
14. The Bank reserves the right to close any account having zero balance without
transaction for one year. T{ 4?,E qf:r61< qiTifq ira<
5. Statements of accounts are issued based on product feature half yearly and/or )c. €oE(+r <<"r q{{ri rofupri nz--. a; :i.++,t={Ft+,rqrdfao sr< q4]ES
when a statement sheet is completed ln case of current/savings accounts. lf diffi qEF Tja'<F .!t 4,t i=z .a?n ffi< 6dl Etda{T{ {<tE <ii{Fr
statements are required in frequencies higher than the above, a charge will be oliffil .q$r,€i ir{rfu- fo a-rrrr, Er
levied as per our currentTarifi
'16. The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions, current tariff 5rr. <ll(6 ao? ffi f;rfi."i asr =-;i aE-V; .i. i < ;= "fr <4aa ,-l?,
without any notice.
Compliance on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism ;1ffi, sai =3"i a11 E?i-l= f !'='." vi-
The Account Holder shall comply with the rules and regulations as per i\"4oney
Laundering Prevention Acl 2012 (Amendment 2015 and Anti Terrorism Act 2009 ;a;i r .:r::, {"i 7t-:-. --
1:1r..-ri a-- (ii.aFqilt) 'e qiTf:[
(Amendment 201 2 & 201 3) and other laws or regulations as may be imposed upon the z?nJ4'c-.i.. ==:.- =-; . -..2-:- ;--- I- lEglg .qnr;rl q(el?
-:.'- . -- :-i- r:nz- <-ikll ?f64<T
Bank by Bangladesh Financial lntelligence Unit (BFIU), Bangladesh Bank and/or other 5g?o:;iF?. <r'15< i:;.:.-i'a 1-. .- = l

concernecl authorities.The Customer (s) shall also comply with and be bound by all -; -
other relevant internal circulars, policies, rules and regulations of the Bank including
any amendments made thereto from time to time.
suspicious Transaction
qffiaq{'s rffrqr
The Bank may refuse to process any transaction on any account ofthe Customer ifthe qSaq< ct mr4 ftn1j 6;1i77< <1^T? <I'i. -= :E fu =+-<.-- ?-. <R1-
Bank, in its sole discretion suspects fraud or illegality therein.The decision ofthe Bank ,flI<. Sf- ({f;r EtftTtfu qq-fl s?<{ r.FF< ;'€?=- "F\-<
i1s e st, (ii elQlc (-i. finrF
with regards to whether a transaction is or it's likely to be involving a fraud or illegality .q]ji'flfu <l qZ<q nftr <p itdl s <irt1< <tri1T< ffi qve rl<( { q(@ls Fl{-Eiiq
or irregularity shall be frnal and conclusive and binding upon the Customer. q{rc?-fl<<;[< r

Colle(tion of Chegue/Draft/Pay Order ('TrgTsir"iEr6E ciffi<'"|4

The Bank will refuse to accept an instrument for deposit through collection or internal <ngsn {frrtE €frr@T nlr{< qlrq qElsAt {sls{ <1 ni€lF< ftfir€ ffte E€r:riP,< rl.{< Er$
transfer ifthe Payee's name is not identical to the name ofthe Customer in the Bank's qFiE +rc(4 <n(4 i fsz"lTbE @ €Fq 4-fi< nl rrl"JTil 4lq esr[!- iF]ffir'Fl e.Ga6
record.The Bank acts as the collection aqent and assumes no responsibility for the Fqn< +[si €<( {z'$ra 4']rqo'lz{< 6il-Eil rnalI mrrl furl]ffi @zrcE< fieilro e-cd<
realization of any instrument deposited with the Bank for collection.Thus, proceeds of ert"iret fif.o:s o<r <tt11fi afl1ig a{ onqo"ra crr+< qq1{fl($ T(,s{ {l o<l +ie
qIaS Ern ficr<
the cheques or other instruments deposited will not be available for withdrawal until (r[. -e- q.i 6fqEn 6.i65 ,l]T(<n nT
collected by the Bank.
Reversal of wrongly credited amount !-q-sF asftE R\.r"i qd i5fti E<l
lhe Bank reserves the right to debit any account that may have been lnadvertently
=--;F F-r: 1.1a7 in"7. =fu ccri si qae- qcqi nla a-Io[-; it;ffi -<lTiT r(fuS qRf€<
credited with an item/transaction subsequently unpaid on collection or detected to iiZ< Zrz :fi <g 1- ..<7. JIEI]: e-e<14 rr ;irF <I14 <T< I aI
be the wrong entry without giving any information to the Customer.
Dormancy & Unclaimed Account
t +]ITE €6tii+ ffidaq. ) (io) <Er <6 qi$1- o Ie (E{c{6) ful< Trd 16R {r< l

' Current Accounts being in inoperative for one year will be transfered to Dormant
statu s.
Savings Accounts being in inoperative for two years will be transferred to
. rcfu(c qTE-cd i (El) <tr< rir+aqr { <r4 EI ls fol< Taq 't r <<
Dormant Status.
(As per Clause 35 of Banking Company Act '199'l) Accounts will be transferred to t <]tlo rorqfi qE{ )bb) -!< e(r {41 4(4 50 (qil) <q{< {+186 qr{..siTs fu]]I<
' ']<
Unclaimed account status after '10 (ten) years if there has been no transaction in flql $Tt <j< {fr EE ualffi qrqs {6+ (+11€l-ol< 444&-q ;It<aI
the said account by the customef. o €ttal4< g6,fr -f{-r1ftr.oof(dr uio qfr<n q]!il. I,g (sa(:r$) sotffi fi;n {{fii1
' \o customers initiated transaction (except credit) is allowed in the Dormant account gra 1s:il <tftz) e?6,4i11 EI< -l
,r :ss the account holder(s) apply to DBL in writing to regularize the status of account
Overdrawn Account
":...:3::.:rieasonstheAccounthasanyunauthorizeddebitbaance,theCustomer 7 a-- !--- z- =1;-;; t- .: - - -i- l:t qK
:^: ::. -:.':i: and other Charqes ln accordance with the Bank's prevalent raie and ra: -.., ,aj-:-i -".-7.; ! a- * :z: i -
r.?.: a- i= a :.-l<, ;
.'..-.aa.'.:.: regularizetheAccountonthesameday,unlesstheBankspecificaly -a:.j:f -
' a. a: a^ :,::a: J.. - -
a-a4a t'_.')
-::-:::-: :re risk and accept that the Bank does not use encrypted 4. e=j:i 5-a I -'= ::' *-'- j- : .- -''=. !;=:a-58 i-f1tq <f<ER A-an +
.'. :-=-.: r::'..1 is not encrypted and is not a secured means of !<i ?--<;- r;j:.-3" i - -. .-z-. i;q"v {Iffi af tEITrdF s4liE
:::- :-.-= -':.^'a:r.i.:i lnvolves the risk of unauthorized alteration, -
' : : :: :: - : :':-: ^=:'-atlon by unwanted parties.
. --::-i::-: :-: - :. :-r :..3pt that transmission ofthe information to ?i. s ii si<' r <rq-; {?i ;q- :t. rEzqp elfufiFm ffqag 61611 ft,ffro <ift<
: :: :-.' :.: :':': :formation to be viewed,altered,used or -'= r-- 9- .: fr i q?jr< E+11, ffi
ffi:q: 1>-F< A <<afzT{ dj+ {aTre.
.. -: :: .': .nce authorized, but may not be in the cqt< -. ztra -ta ?Fi- <lfe <-itila{ EF ,rftrzq +>iiE afiflq gft<ire dl<
:--- .'.' :- - :-:'-:;-4. \Ve agree to indemnify the Bank <:?gd, -ffi r=zn lt:irt;< .qftfs,E{t timaqD oqT €rqrE< rrfi ft:tm <rq<r<
$r<16i -5 e..t|z. 2ar';. "i.trc6 a1 <j-qlr{{ :Fffi r{ftifi il Ee- rIB-{f< ail<1"f I? a<
qqo.ffi Efir9 .qr= -<llam q.?"f<tt? q<lir& filo lqg {Efgi Esu :fflr{ afl r;It E4 <l
lalJ g<-Fl 7aA- 7n Ci+ omf --t:

c) 1. qFKT/ qmm< s-lqr,ll5 efuffi, r*rrrorii. E-oflf-il{€i { i IE?ffi ffuirr<i, nrd({

qt-{E 4tr1]

d) q. ei i-t4?ffi {itffi"fl "r6fu <"'a[fiir-"r< ql?rt 6ifi{< ffirs 'fi=:a: o1?nGs

7ffi rdq-Ta. Err < 1T53 + ) j- a.- ..' -'. iz-1-';-i t-.',

crnfiarnfl c<ig / fntrj.E a'r+-<

l/WeauthorizetheBank(initsabsoiutec:;':::- ::': : ::::- -'. or cral ollt/ snr<f <Xl-(4 (s'pa i::t 'z-.,:r:z =:- --- 'z a jji;,45;5r 6rtrt ffi1'
or Te eplonic in>truction {including reou ': j : : .. : - ': a:'fn to rt-6 aE 63T s{tE +- : i } , :.- -=- "-=.i:5 lil4AT{ qleo]]i
,7pat7q "1q7,e'14ff.=t
these terms and conditions unless thes: ::--: :-r :l-l: ---
expressly state to the contrary).
o: '.,--::' - . :: :- T.i i T:<r =I? I --:-. ;i=-i-- :r ',..:? r; , a< +ll<l O lE 2ffri itr{l
b) i/We shall nol reveal my/ ourTax ldentificat --
oral instruction(s) identlfied by myi our cct'.:'.:.- '... -'
,. 7 -.- a- a- j- :- -- -.:ala {?fr1 fuarqF zl: aar
-' i-- -
shaiL ne drerled tc be prooai Aicordingiv t-: ::-- :-: :: :- -.1-.
:., ,!ah ir:iiuat Cn!. .'.-.a a-..

-:u: -- -)
Should the Bank accept any such instruction from me/us, or from some other qrT1</ q$rq< qtfi"i 1ffi< rFIE .$r.{f sG a1 rrn5 EE (qirt
person purporting to be me/ us, l/we hereby agree to indemnify the Bank
I? 113E5q) <if$..s
q<t1at9 thlp
against any loss, damages, costs (including legal costs), or demands incurred by
the Bank as a result of or, in connection therewith.
c) The Bank may in its absolute discretion require that written confirmation of fl. ql{t"/ q{1rh.3 dlfia iirf.,'irr {k[eft-(E €sE frfis frzf"i,il <Tl(T
A.?,s ft6fi8
mylour oral instruction(s) be received by it within such period as the Bank may T{[it3t :r[!] qfft/ q:Rf {,i(FzT fi-< 1 q6qa qf}q rfu ea]t8 {EzE {Fq;t d.fifs
specify.Where any ofthe above accounts are opened by more than one person Fnri.t{l ck--Tr< wdl fiffi er{r< {JT<+ 'i $fu< fir6l{ Ffqr{s +rq str< r

any such one person shall be entitled to give any such oral instructions and the
Bank shall be entitled to rely upon such instructions.
d) t/ we acknowledge that mylour use of Call Centre shall be governed by the E. qfr/ qFrfi q'{1E a:r qrffi/ qEjzh< ffif'rTist't mgi editfB rqER <Fqm <nsro{ -]ffi
Bank's prevailing Terms & Conditions. ({IE]I{S 1kEItrEer<
Confidentiality and Disclosure of lnformation !-retfi (6f ifuq s vqT efsf.t
Whilst the Bank maintains strict confidentiality in all matters relating to my account(s) crr(qg <fi($ q$-{ ($tB+ <t T,<qT.IE ftlm sr"rr-{ ('fifu - <{,{{ 6ffi, ffi et {c{ {J'|rTlT
and business, I hereby authorize the Bank (and/or/any of its Officers or Employees) to (<ll(I+T .rlr{ cffi <r ofrnii.T) mvr ft@ (T, jiq eFFfo <lfu a efu&Ir{< aTrE
disclose any information concerning me, my business, my accounts held with the Bank 'qrrl<l$Trzh-{ qs]EE <l Tj<-ql T&rfte- E?[ qTla ffi] $[1
or another Group Member, or my relationship with the Bank or another Group Member,
6. <IiIq{ Cfir{1|ll1l qFFq 4]. $l?.r+< qnl]il €F'l ffisk-,!< ql(et
to any ofthe following (a) any Office or Branch ofthe Bank or another Group Member;
(b) any agent, contractor or third party service provider or any professional adviser of
rt. <I(T< [sln (ffifi. oEtrn <l a,11:655 6A4q;+ffi r+1{ ,e{ ers <t <r(rsn a+]l r"Ffirik
the Bank or another Group Member; (c) any regulatory, supervisory, qovernmental or firT{iF5lGF <l w411i €Fei ffc6-q< 4lq
quasi-qovernmental authority with jurisdiction over the Bank or another Group
5i. h:rdffi q",Et, rfiuffi, {floft <I qtq] ffirfr q(q. 1ffis fug anla <| €FTfi qn]
Member; (d) any person to whom the Bank is required or authorized by law or court roa ft{t qit{1Eglr< aT{6
q. qtI.r < qErerEr{ ffi-t fi,61?s m|d {JJb {Id Frsi Tjj($ EqT eqf4 4j1s {qT
order to make such disclosure; (e) any person who is under a duty of confidentiality to
the Bank; (f) any Bank or financial institution with which I have or proposes to have s. ffir;fi $1G {ft Tfi(rsr (1l{itq nsl c(@ls rtq frcr'GE ?,tzo:
dealings regardless ofwhetherthe recipient in each case is located in gangladesh or in r. m]fi <il(s <i qfi7rF qfu6ld rI]< ftal q{R rfirra{ qIq <t rq{(,.ar< erst< oc{&; etqjT
another country, and regardless of whether such information will be held, processed ,Firl qfu ilqfthri 4 qfj (iF]r{t fi-fi q{ElT +nrq. €<i A Ee[ €faf.6] t{i <T(+a161- u'
used or disclosed by such recipient in Eangladesh or another country. qnIITF fiItl q"'{rF.i {tr:F <'l €r$l1 4-+:S r

lndemnity $fi"F.f
The Customer shall keep the Bank indemnified at all times against all loss, cost, ql{s <ItFlT .rr (Tl:1 rffi(q< ffitF{l{, ffi, rr<5/ein (qr?ft ?r<5 rR), qr€i <l ilRqr rll ct114-{
damages, expense (including legal fees), claims or demands arising in any way in R;qn+< qzq cq afln--q..< tlp qq<r et l--i<6"< *r<i .+rq 'ft:ilq "ldrEl< {<( <aFq <i1t{ :ra<l
connection with the Customer's account or in enforcing these terms and conditions qU* Tirgc{ 6I rsr{
and !n recovering ofany amount due to the Bank or incurred by the Bank in any legal
!.{ k{ 4lrffi< Tc<l Cs'T4 Fnsfu "iEIdf+E aad €fRT <lj(Frc
proceedings of whatever naturc.
sfu"j<q th(E {$ rxr1<

Service Disruption
"r1iirrfl {nag€<.1
The Customer agrees that the Bank will not be liable for any loss or any damaqe, if it is qlqs ( <Ii'llG {qlo q(< ({. o]< r+F ffi q 66a6a-E s{r <nstrrS qE|<h TT.{ {. 4fi
unable to provide services in connection with any Customer accounts due to postal, 'q
Tri($ c'll$li1,'{k, }rufoo :fli6s, dfu({I"m$l sa]<l. $ffiD]< odol, etTft"F Wrrf{,
courier, electrical, mechanical, telecommunications or computer failure or an act of ii"lftsft Efi-{, 35, ft'fta <r Fm wrorm qir..i cTq arln <lEE e{
God, catastrophe, war, civil or industrial disturbance.
No Liability for Loss qt'{"{fu
The Customer agrees that the Eank will not be liable for any loss, damage or liability g]{qas q <n4r< {qE q/t5 ql{{
incurred by the Customer in connection with any of its accounts with or services
qa< ct. <fi(or6 n-ft o+ro "trdr< + {fr CEin a",[+EE].sfi- <f
qll .{Rrfl< E,rn <6R .rt qr FiqK s q1i4 6q niftg q<( q={fu {t <fi(rr{ ron .!rE+. sid?l
provided or agreed to provide by the Bank or inaction on part of the Bank or any of its
officers, agents, employees and representatives.The Customer agrees not to hold the
e Effitt< {
4'f+ 31E €fia+24 <r'1163 nqE {ro qz< Fr qRT ?ffl(s6F [of{ gt'fir< qEr<E
Bank liabie for any loss or damage arising from; (A) non-discovery of any forgeries or -{aE 'Ta< dt {fi ao[d CqFirfn <l trr-+fu u]r< +tT1.i ]t+rfrE er: (T) rold e.lE-qfft.flfu
frauds, except to the extent that the Bank has acted with gross negiigence, {B) the
-rr-? <."re ?l<-' { fi {
4rTtro< {s ffiaq<.q<rqqT TErc al eir (?i) <ll$ 6q mr{ <;6aq
Bank closing the Customer account for whatever reason whatsoever, (C) direcily or a-q?: -+:< <-i <..F (e) g-Ts + 'z<tsstz< Fq, <I+or, q4r{drr. q,E4 <l EllG q?,Kt qd miq
indirectly, the error, failure, negligence, act or omission or any other person, system. <fa. "z:e 3ft6 a 1+69 "ffimm n<; litrfto c{
institution or payment infrastructure.
Waiver :€T:F
No forbearance, negligence or waiver by the Bank in the enforcement of any of these iqzr-s .i.rri ql{a'i :.-iril e?R q<reTT. q-T, eFfu <t {€TrF E?qiiE to=lr+it +rir<srz<
terms and conditions shall prejudlce the Banks righr thereafter to strictly enforce the rL[n <f i7@ s',r,3 €.<a< a ffircglr< ffii qi rq-.r +f.c rn<a-{ 6516fl a,e$F 4TdTjl
same. No waiver by the Eank shali be effectlve unless lt is in writing.
a(< il
Variations lftR<a.
The Bank may amend these terms and conditions at any time by not less than 14
<iT.T crmtzil Trr{ ( l6t<ft "tffi o<.ro flm fir3. st if{ Eeflr
(fourteen) days notice to me specifying the effective date of amendment. lf l/We use {rrcn )8 fi{ 9I.'< <n($
any banking facilities after the effective date ofthe amendment, l/We shall be deemed
ca.tB"i ftct ET qlrtzF q<{s- r+m t"rffi
"rffi O:ir< qe-rm fi qji Tfi(ft( qfr*n €]aq
4<ro, qii Til(rT-{ -6ril flk{liffi fift.r c1zlQ .!ai "1fr{firE.rt6ft .fia frmE <rq fll
to have received notice ofthe amendment and to have decided to continue to use the
banking facilities upon the revised terms and conditions. l/We further acknowledge << r qTft {l
nd fi'D-:1q f-fu o 1fui qists m6al 6a1&!' "1ir6a1 ecr {rcuq Es a;1fff."r<
that in the event ofany changes being communicaled to me,the Bank is not obliged efib ilfl-F qq<lg $-+{ qctq {{ro {ltr.s i{<T<11

to obtain my signature for receipt of such communication.

Force Majeure/Technical Prohlem ?q<Eiftrs,fifr{ftsB
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary coniained herein, nothing lrerein shall
<il(r+< qT€sK <rt(< ?r< 5ft"foffi'tfi 6B{ ot<rq t-qs "rft@ro aqa a >6a qftq
apply if the Bank is prevented from discharging any or all cf its obligation herein or
ffi"n-a5a q.6:1 q6 {jig.< .8"1" <fEo {Flr-alt dd<tr{ I.(< ;r.i
otherwise due to any cause arising out of or related to Force Majeure or technical r

problem for any reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank.
Governing Law q6frEq-t{
"tfiurfts {<( $crt5i 4?r q6 u;i rp :1i
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with, 3!E FRr{ Aft/ "r;rTft <i(itrhr-i. Erfird qEGE
the laws of Bangladesh and l/We hereby irevocably submit to the non-exclusive {l(qftq1" r+ti'a ffit <l qRzr< stR f},s.i6m fl1fo r ql qr;.q riI(or6 i4; zr. --
jurisdiction of the courts of law of Bangladesh, Such submission shall however, not
pre.judice the rights of the Bank to bring proceedings against me in any other
ri(hl< <t qEd. flrcrffis qm<rq]rtrzE< ft-irffi cflrdl <=JT€i (;Tifl (?r4 ft<- ai:F - : -:
jurisdiction or courts of law elsewhere. However, all accounts shall be subject to the
provisions of the guidelines/circulars together with any alteration/modification
Tlric$ (Tl r{Gr l:rr{ 1fr{ezd crc 1rc) 'ifi'Fxq-5
rhereto effected by Bangladesh Bank from time to time.
',": have gone through the terms & conditions mentioned above and understood 'oiftffi {i Eci li'rtEi eafd rrff6 fi. Tfi:,5-il ft- ;-,;1:1 :--:"-
::.T in entirely and undertake to abide by those terms & conditions relating to the lft<fp ,!<( te- fi?rlmi'nffi r:ttr TI'rnE 4.:-. -.- ,--=--i ;: ar:- j-?-T
a::orri. I We also agree to be bound by suclt terms & conditions as may be amended E"|r<r'o ftr$Tfri/eF l<fii mrd 1ffi/itia.r6 p:t= .j- a=
- --..>:
'.. : g .<l ?rr<
J';-::::rented from time to time. -

Signature of l st
Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicanti Account Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
;: ==raffi7(rF,1Eqft1tr< ,rT w<qn-stft/ Rfi-{$A-f { s< cxw6qaffi7q4urft<tm
lf anr' 53'=-, : - :' ::. ::: ::- iargia and EnElish version ofthe text mentioned above, rhe English version shail be deenreo as correct
1"-7" ii:- z= . := :-. a :.= -:E -.:z r iE: :<r :l:r, ,-rFl <r<1"F figi-<.it{ alE i<Z<,G llrAq At.e <r..1 ,1ql aI<
?age 25 of 25

Reg istered Head Office: Corporate Office:

Bimon Bhobon, Motilheel C/A, Zl , Purono Polton Lone Kokror , Dhoko
Dhoko 1 000, Bonglodesh Phone: +8802 5831 Ln2a'30.583,I 4624'B
Phone : +8802 955 4514,957 I 000 -l C Fqx: +8802 583'1 44i9
Fox : +8802 ?55 6584 EmciI: info@dhokoboni ccm bd. SWIFT:DHBLBDDH

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