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Lesson 1: Formative Assessment

Name: Kate Goodin Date: 2/14/2023 (Lesson 2) Sectionals Period: 1st

Ensemble or Class: Which ensemble or class is this lesson plan for? Lesson Topic:
1st: Chamber Warm up
MPA Repertoire: Sinfonia in D
MU.912.S.3.5: Develop and demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.
MU.912.O.3.1: Analyze expressive elements in a musical work and describe how the choices and manipulations of the
elements support, for the listener, the implied meaning of the composer/performer
MU.912.O.1.1: Evaluate the organizational principles and conventions in musical works and discuss their effect on
Long Term Goal: The long term goal is to perform our very best at our Pre-MPA concert this week and for MPA in March
by understanding how to adjust/match intonation and by improving on our ability to internalize and match pitch
Instructional objectives(s): Students will rehearse “Sinfonia in D”and perform the rhythms at 80% accuracy. Students
will match their pitch to the drone with 85% accuracy
Students will be able to identify when my pitch is sharp or flat compared to the drone
Key Vocabulary Instructional Materials/Resources/Technology:
Dr. Beat as a metronome and a drone
Cello drone website for tuner
Finger patterns SmartBoard for writing real-life examples on the board for
Minor vs major students
Melodic minor
Critical Thinking: Lesson Structure:
“Create your own pattern using C#/C natural and F#/F” Announcements
“How does the finger pattern change as you go from natural Warmup
minor, to harmonic minor, to melodic minor?” Lesson

ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points

MU.912.S.3.In.a: Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.
MU.912.O.1.Pa.a: Recognize elements of music in different types of music.
MU.912.O.1.Su.a: Compare musical elements in different types of music

MU.912.S.3.Su.b: Sight-read notes and/or simple rhythmic phrases
MU.912.S.3.Su.a Sing rounds, canons, and/or partner songs.

MU.912.S.3.Pa.b: Participate in rehearsal strategies to apply skills or techniques
MU.912.S.3.Pa.a Select melodies and/or accompaniments to perform.
Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
Pacing: Assessment:
Highlight Differentiated Instruction in Yellow
4 minutes Introduction Procedures:
Good morning and happy TUESDAY!
Don’t forget: Pre-MPA Concert is this Wednesday! Your call time
is on the board.
4 minutes Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
1st/7th Period: Sinfonia in D
We will do a warmup in G major because the Cantabile
section of Sinfonia in D is in G Major, pretty much. B I will assess their ability to go from D
natural and F# appear quite a bit minor to G major

We will begin by doing a lyrical warmup in the key of G

major to practice accidentals and to practice holding
notes for their full duration and using ascending scales
to lead into the next note
4 minutes Class Discussion: Guided class self-assessment: This will
“Based on the runthrough from yesterday, what went well and help me gain perspective from the
what could we improve on before tomorrow's concert?” students on what they heard in the
diagnostic assessment
I will be writing down their responses on the SMARTBoard in a

What we liked | What can we improve on

We will also brainstorm possible solutions to help with the

improvement category

“From my perspective, intonation, especially in the B section,

needs the most help. Let’s focus on that for the remainder of the
By jumping into the repertoire, I can
4 minutes B section in Sinfonia in D, measures 53-72 assess their understanding of the
warmup and their ability to move from
BPM: 72 the warmup to the repertoire

I know that the intonation and rhythm of 55 in the seconds and I will be listening specifically for Bb
violas needs work. I will have them play with a drone for versus Bnat, and Fnat versus F#

5 minutes I might have the other sections counting aloud, or have one
section count while the other section plays

I’ll also experiment with having them take out the slurs, because
that’s causing some confusion as well Having the orchestra in unison will help
me assess the intonation at a very basic
Around measure 64, we start exploring different key areas so I level. I will walk around, and assist the
will be listening for correct intonation and accidentals students who are out of tune

4 minutes Closure Procedures:

So it’s Valentine's Day and I have chocolate for you all……
The catch is, you have to say something positive about yourself, a
friend, a teacher, a loved one and then you can have candy

Post Rehearsal or Lesson Reflections

Content Adjustment: Based on diagnostic and formative assessments during today’s lesson/rehearsal, list any repertoire or
activities that were omitted from the plan. Why? Will the omitted items need to be included in tomorrow’s lesson/rehearsal?
1st: Nothing was left out of the lesson today. We covered the warmup and jumped into the repertoire. We were able to cover the
Cantabile section and we went over the transition from the DS coda to the beginning, and back to the coda. Tomorrow, we will
definitely run the piece.
Rehearsal or Lesson Adjustment: If you were going to re-teach today’s lesson/rehearsal, how would you have done it differently.
1st: If I were to reteach the lesson today, I would have timed out my lesson better so that I could have time to run the piece. We
have to perform it tomorrow and we’ve only run it once. I would have also tried to challenge the students to play without looking
at their music. I know that I still need to work on conducting and being effective when I’m on the podium, but the least I can do is
give them the down beat which a lot of them need. I would have had them memorize one measure and just practice playing with
Reflection on Teaching: Analyze and evaluate your lesson/rehearsal and classroom management.
1st: The lesson and rehearsal flowed fine, but we didn’t have enough time to run the piece. In my eyes, the warmup was good because it
incorporated the bowing of the cantabile section but I didn’t make that transfer for them, so I don’t think it happened. The notes we worked on
also kinda disappeared as we moved into the repertoire. I will try to make that transfer more clear for the next lesson.
Classroom management was fine, however this class is so DEAD in the morning and it makes it especially challenging to be awake and ready for
the day when they’re all just staring at me. The other thing, a lot of the students don’t wish to be awake so forcing them to be awake doesn’t
really mesh with their vibe. Either way, I know that the early morning isn’t a good enough excuse to be off topic/disengaged, but it definitely is a
real challenge that I’m facing. I think making them stand up could work potentially? Or having them do something different. We are in a bit of a
time crunch with Pre-MPA and MPA so I’m not sure how many engaging activities I could fit into the lesson.

Lesson 2: Formative Assessment

Name: Kate Goodin Date: 2/20/2023 (Lesson 5) Inquiry Period: 1st

Ensemble or Class: Which ensemble or class is this lesson plan for? Lesson Topic:
1st: Chamber Warm up
MPA Repertoire
MU.912.S.3.5: Develop and demonstrate proper vocal or instrumental technique.
After our runthrough, evaluate the difference in tone quality and dynamic from the beginning and the coda.
Evaluate how you thought it went at MPA
MU.912.O.3.1: Analyze expressive elements in a musical work and describe how the choices and manipulations of the
elements support, for the listener, the implied meaning of the composer/performer
MU.912.O.1.1: Evaluate the organizational principles and conventions in musical works and discuss their effect on
Long Term Goal: The long term goal is to perform our very best at MPA in March. Additionally, the goal is to match articulation and
intonation without guidance from the teacher.
Instructional objectives(s): Students will match the part of the bow that their section leader is in with 90% accuracy
Students will match their pitch to the drone with 85% accuracy
Students will be able to identify when my pitch is sharp or flat compared to the drone
Key Vocabulary Instructional Materials/Resources/Technology:
Dr. Beat as a metronome and a drone
Cello drone website for tuner
Staccato SmartBoard for writing real-life examples on the board for
Tenuto students
Critical Thinking: Lesson Structure:
“How do the finger patterns vary from C Major to C minor? Announcements
Which notes tend to be out of tune the most? How can you Warmup
prepare for this?” Lesson

How is the bow weight and pressure different between a

staccato and an accent?

ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points

MU.912.S.3.In.a: Sing and/or play age-appropriate repertoire expressively.
MU.912.O.1.Pa.a: Recognize elements of music in different types of music.
MU.912.O.1.Su.a: Compare musical elements in different types of music
MU.912.S.3.Su.b: Sight-read notes and/or simple rhythmic phrases
MU.912.S.3.Su.a Sing rounds, canons, and/or partner songs.
MU.912.S.3.Pa.b: Participate in rehearsal strategies to apply skills or techniques
MU.912.S.3.Pa.a Select melodies and/or accompaniments to perform.

Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
Pacing: Assessment:
Highlight Differentiated Instruction in Yellow
2 minutes Introduction Procedures:
Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you all had a great
Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
4 minutes 1st Period: All three pieces, starting with the Sinfonia in D I will be listening for the difference
warmup between forte and fortissimo
D Minor
4 minutes Quarter notes first I will observe the section leaders (5
DYNAMICS FOCUS (FORTE vs students), looking for bow usage and
FORTISSSSISSSSSSIMMMMOO) the part of the bow they are in: This
Marcato eighth notes will help isolate bowing issues. This
5 minutes
Have section leaders do the scale up and down. includes using too much bow,
Make sure section leaders are matching the part of the
utilizing the wrong bow directions
and articulations, and being in the
bow they are in, and the amount of bow they are using
wrong part of the bow.
Have everyone join back in, after observing where their section Students will also be observing the
leader is playing in the bow section leaders and their bow usage
4 minutes Move into the repertoire at the beginning Bow usage is the most important
Have the section leaders play the first 5 measures thing to influence the tone of string
Everyone from the beginning players. Isolating this issue and
Full length quarter notes AND full length quarter rests working on it as a class will help
Goal: Beginning until measure 29 produce a greater overall tone

Post Rehearsal or Lesson Reflections

Content Adjustment: Based on diagnostic and formative assessments during today’s lesson/rehearsal, list any repertoire or
activities that were omitted from the plan. Why? Will the omitted items need to be included in tomorrow’s lesson/rehearsal?
Based on the diagnostic and formative assessments of these classes, nothing was left out. We were able to cover the warmups on
D minor and work on dynamics. The warmup also included articulations and rhythms from the pieces and they transferred well to
the repertoire. We were able to focus on the problem areas of each piece and get them more ready for the MPA assessment. The
intonation on the allegretto still needs a lot of work, and the overall feeling and articulation needs more attention for Sinfonia in D.
A lot of things are going well in the pieces, so I made sure to praise them on the good things.
Rehearsal or Lesson Adjustment: If you were going to re-teach today’s lesson/rehearsal, how would you have done it differently.
If I were to reteach this lesson to the classes, I would have made a general adjustment of writing specific measures for each of the
instruments that needed the most help. I would use it as sort of a learning goal for the students to aim to improve on before the
next rehearsal. Sometimes, looking at the whole piece can be overwhelming, so zeroing in is beneficial.
I could also include some fun practice suggestions for different types of problem areas
For example:
Pitch problems = play note by note, slowly, with a drone or a tuner
Have the drone on in a third below your note
Rhythm problems = break down the rhythm into different patterns, play with a metronome, start slow and slowly
increase the metronome mark over time
Take out the bowing if the bowing is giving you extra trouble
Tempo = metronome!!! Play with a solid recording
Reflection on Teaching: Analyze and evaluate your lesson/rehearsal and classroom management.
The lesson and rehearsal went well today! I was happy with the work we did. We focused on certain areas that are consistently
causing problems. Doing this allows for concentrated instruction to best work on the actual problem and figure out solutions
together. Working in small sections is basically orchestra sectionals! Sometimes, it is completely necessary to focus on a few
measures or a certain concept in order to help the overall idea of the piece.
The classroom management was fine today. It was Monday, so the students were a little bit drowsy from the weekend, but they
still managed to be engaged and focused on the music at hand. There were good interactions between myself and the students,
and they laughed at some of my comments. As the teacher, you have to work harder to get the students to wake up because you
want them to be engaged and you also want them to take away something from the lesson. It’s also important to still be
compassionate to the students, because weekends can be physically and emotionally exhausting for a variety of reasons.
Finding new ways to engage students and to get them excited for class is always beneficial.
I could run this idea by the teachers, but it could be fun to have a “Piece of the day” playing on the speakers as the students enter
the class to get them excited for the class. Especially if the recording was meaningful to them in some way.

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