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Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation BURN DOWN CHART Sur un Burn Down Chart, axe X représente le Temps, l'axe Yreprésente le Travail DAILY SCRUM Daily Scrum meeting must be kept short and well structured. During a Daily Scrum, team members synchronize their work and progress and report any impediments to the Scrum Master for removal. Anyone can attend the Daily Scrum (Dev Team members, Product Owner, Scrum Master) During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master's role is to teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minutes timebox Whoever the Development Team who decide that Daily Scrum should start can start it. The Scrum Master don’t have to attend Daily Scrum, they just have to ensure the Team. has it Only Dev Team is required to attend the Daily Scrum Daily Scrum is hold at the same place and time every day Daily Scrum is timeboxed About the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master enforces the rule that only Development Team, members participate Daily Scrum is fifteen minutes The location and time of Daily Scrum should remain constant Scrum Daily Meeting supports daily inspection and adaptation Three questions are answered by all Development Team members at the Daily Scrum: © What work did | do yesterday to help the team achieve its goal? © What work am | going to do today to help the team achieve its goal? © What impediments are in my way or in the way of the team? The two intended outcomes of the Daily Scrum are: © The Scrum Master identifies any impediments © Everyone is clear on the next steps to be able to progress towards the Sprint, Goal DEV TEAM Dev Team is responsible for providing estimates 3-9 is the recommended size of Scrum Dev Team ‘The optimum size of the Dev Team is Between 3 and 9 A Dev Team selects a set of Product Backlog items for a Sprint Backlog with the intent to get the selected items Done by the end of the sprint Estimates are made by the Dev Team. During a sprint, if Dev Team DON’T have the competences needed to accomplish the work, this matter will be brought up at the Sprint Retrospective and the Dev Team renegociate the Sprint scope with the Product Owner Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 1 Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation During the first sprint, the Dev Team: * Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality * Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality * Don't develop a plan for the rest of the project * Don't nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure A Development Team may change its engineering practices whenever needed In Scrum, the Development Team DON’T decide which events or ceremonies take place during a Sprint ‘The Product Owner and Scrum Master may be a part of the Development Team If the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the sprint, the Sprint length hold and the Development Team continuously learns what is actually possible to do within a Sprint of this length During the Sprint, if the Dev Team realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint, it should as soon as possible in the Sprint work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items During the Sprint, if it is discovered that the Dev Team don’t have all the competencies needed to accomplish the work then The Dev Team can re-negotiate the Sprint scope with the Product Owner, and this matter will be brought up during the Sprint Retrospective During a Sprint, a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast, then the Product Owner AND the Development Team should be present to review and adjust the Sprint work selected When a Development Team selects a Product Backlog item for a Sprint, the Dev Team must work as much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition ofdone Self-organizing teams are characterized by their ability to make local decisions self-organizing development Team choose how to best accomplish its work DONE When 3 Dev Teams work on the same product simultaneously, they use the same definition of Done The points best describe the purpose of a definition of Done: + It creates transparency over the work inspected at the Sprint Review © It defines what it takes for an increment to be ready for release * It guides the Dev Team in creating forecast at the Sprint Planning Definition of Done can be addressed in the Sprint Retrospective ‘The three purposes do the definition of Done serve are: * Guide the Development Team on how many Product Backlog items to select for the Sprint © Increase transparency * Create a shared understanding of when work is complete Velocity is the rate at which the team converts items to Done in a single Sprint Patrick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum - patrick mauge@emnailcam Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation When work that does not meet the definition of Done, it should be not necessary completed in the next Sprint When many Development Teams are working on a single product, all Development Teams must have a definition of Done that makes their combined work potentially releasable INSPECTION The two ways in which the Product Owner manages Inspection of the Increment are: + Bypresenting the status of the Product Backlog at the Sprint Review ‘+ Byinviting stakeholders to give feedback in the Sprint Review PRODUCT BACKLOG During a Sprint, 10% of time should be allocated for Product Backlog Refinement If 12 teams are working on the same product, only one Product Backlog should be used Backlog Refinement is: * Decomposition of the Product Backlog + Adding detail of the Product Backlog items © Adding estimates at the Product Backlog items * Ordering the Product Backlog items Product Backlog is allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers ‘Two ways that architecture and infrastructure are handled in Scrum * They are discussed during Product Backlog refinement and are developed only along with selected functionality * They are added to the Product Backlog and addressed in early Sprints, while always requiring at least some business functionality, no matter how small Product Backlog estimates are created by the Development Team (in collaboration with the Product Owner} The Product Backlog is dynamic ‘The Product Backlog evolves as the product and the environment in which it will be used evolves ‘The Product Backlog constantly changes to identify what the product needs to be Software dependencies can influence how the Product Owner orders Products Backlog items ‘The Product Backlog is baselined at the start of the project and can change during the next Sprints ‘The Product Backlog is updated NOT only during backlog refinement and Sprint Planning ‘A Product Backlog item is complete when it meets the Scrum Team’s Definition of Done Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 3 Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation PRODUCT OWNER The Product Owner don’t assign item of work to the Dev Team Product Owner can participate in the Daily Scrum if he/she is performing work on the Sprint Backlog If the Product Qwner is repeatedly too busy to be available, the Dec Team should discuss the matter with the Scrum Master Product Owner don’t determine how many Product Backlog items the Dev Team selects for a sprint Product Owner is responsible for clearly expressing Product Backlog items ‘The Product Owner should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly ‘The Product Owner orders the Product Backlog The Product Owner can clarify the Backlog during the Sprint ‘SCRUM Scrum DON'T have a role called Project Manager Project Manager is NOT defined in the Scrum framework. Project Manager is NOT a Scrum role Scrum is empirical process control Scrum scale to large teams Scrum roles are: * Team members * Scrum Master * Product Owner Nobody is responsible for the Project Plan and Gantt Chart in Scrum because there is no Scrum role for it The more important followings for leadership to provide: Values, principles, vision and the freedom to explore practices within the boundaries those values create Scrum is both an iterative and incremental Agile process Scrum DON'T dictate the use of User Stories The followings are feedback loops in Scrum: © Dally Scrum + Sprint Retrospective © Sprint Review The three pillars of Scrum empirical process control are: © Inspection, © Transparency © Adaptation There is no project manager rol: Scrum Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 4 Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation SCRUM MASTER A Scrum Master don’t manage the team A Scrum Master and a Project Manager are NOT basically the same thing in Scrum A Scrum Master is a servant leader If the Dev Team members are having difficulty understanding one of the items in the Product Backlog, the Scrum Master should talk to the Product Owner about it If a member of the Dev Team expresses their concerns to the Scrum Master about system performance issues of certain Backlog item, the Scrum Master should ask them to share the issue with the team In order to divide agroup of 100 people into multiple Dev Teams, the Scrum Master should ask the developers to divide themselves into teams A Scrum Master can ensure that the Dev Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner when he/she monitor commut ns between them and facilitate direct collaboration The Scrum Master is in service of the Organization, the Product Owner and Dev Team Ifa Dev Team has members in different physical location, the Scrum Master should allow the Dev Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to do logistically If the list ofimpediments is growing, the Scrum Master should: © alert management to the impediments and their impacts © prioritize the list and work on them in order © consult with the Dev Team During the Sprint, the Scrum Master's role is to: © Facilitate inspection and adaptation opportunities as requested or needed © Remove impediments If an organization has many Scrum Masters, a Scrum of Scrums don’t be attended by Scrum Masters from across the organization A Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity by facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments ‘SCRUM TEAM. Scrum Team collaborates and supports its team members When 100 people are forming into multiple Scrurn Team, they should take into account: © The effect of team size on the team’s ability to work together © The mixture of skills in each tearn to avoid dependencies on external experts ‘As Scrum Teams mature, they will improve their definition of Done to include more stringent criteria If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, the productivity of the original Scrum Team is likely to stay the same When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, all of their increments should be integrated every Sprint, otherwise the Product Owners (and stakeholders) may not be able to accurately inspect what is done Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 5 Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation ‘SPRINT During a sprit the Dev Team The maximum length of a Sp (© Not so long that the risk is unacceptable to the Product Owner © Nomore than one calendar month © Not so long that other business events can’t be readily synchronized with the development work The optimal length of a Sprint is short enough to minimize risk to the business , change may occur as scope is clari ‘SPRINT BACKLOG Dev Team can change the Sprint Backlog during a Sprint Sprint Backlog is a prioritized list of requirements to be completed during the Sprint, During a sprint, the Product Owner is the only person who can add or remove a User Story in the Sprint Backlog During a sprint, the Dev Team can change task in the Sprint Backlog The development team modifies the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint The Sprint Backlog is said to emerge during the Sprint Sprint Backlog is as outcome of the Sprint Planning Sprint Backlog is a complete list of all work to be done in a Sprint Sprint Backlog is the set of items selected for the Sprint, AND a plan for delivering the product Increment and realizing the Sprint Goal SPRINT GOAL During a sprint, changes can’t be made if its impact the Sprint Goal The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning. as is the Sprint Backlog Sprint Goal is output from Sprint Planning. It provides the Development Team with a target and overarching direction forthe Sprint ‘SPRINT PLANNING Sprint Planning describe what can be done and how to do it Scrum Team attends the Sprint Planning meeting, but other people can also attend it Patrick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum - patrick mauge@emnailcam Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE The purpose of a Sprint Retrospective is for the Scrum Team to determine what to ston doing, what to start doing and what to continue doing In the Sprint Retrospective, the followings can be addressed: © Team working agreement © Team dynamics + Definition of Done Topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective are: * Definition of Done + Team relations * How the team doss its work Topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective are NOT: © Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint + The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog Sprint retrospective should be held at the end of each Sprint During a Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Master is responsible to participating asa Scrum team member and facilitating as requested orneeded The Sprint Retrospective is intended to promote continuous process improvements ‘SPRINT REVIEW The primary purpose of the Sprint Review is to review the output of the sprint and decide what to do next ‘The feedback from the Sprint Review impacts the next Sprint planning meeting ‘The purpose of a Sprint Review is to inspect the product Increment with the stakeholders and collect feedback on next steps ‘The Sprint Review Time-box is 4 hours Sprint Review is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint and figure out what to do in the upcoming Sprint Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 7 Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation Ce ee Sprint A semaines Durée fixe jusqu’ décsion de changement (30jours) Increment Done et shippable SSS seo ae Neat Dailly Scrum ‘1S minutes ‘Non Oui Actualisation Liste Blocage et Strategie pour atteindre le Spinco Sea el Oo [ene nee epee _apraés analyse des résultats du Sprint ea 5 Se CT a ra Retrospective ones aoe ee ES a Refinement ‘capecité OT prochain(s)sprint(s} Ready Ce ‘Sprint or PO ™M ties Prenantes(PP) sinécessaire Sprint Planning - Goal PO. oT M Parties Prenantes (FP) sinécessaire = Quoi: PBI items) PO oT ™ - Comment: Tass oT PO ™ aby sn o zy rosa (hon obligatoire et tous en mode inactif) oe Sprint Retrospective = SM. PO+ OT. ™M Parties Prenantes(PP) si nécessaire Backlog Refinement ro or ™M Parties Prenantes (PP) si nécessaire Product Baddog Product Product Backlog « C» et « Ma par PO avec ‘LePBLogévolue tout aulong du (PBLog) ‘Owner items Yappui de la DT durant le projet, il atendance a contenir des ‘Backlog Refinement, PBi+gros que ceuxprésents dansie tikes Stee Sprint Review ‘Sprint DevTeam Tout type de « Cwet «M »parla DTavec Doit (si il existe) étre maintenu en Backlog, décomposition —appui du PO durant le cohérence avecle Sprint Goal Siil ya on Micra, Seotmcueasrnt rune) aiestone cats rea) ee ear Increment Product = PBIDone « C»parla OT durante Lincrément livré parla OT lafin a sare eaten ee fonctionnalités ETdes anciennes. Iidoit étre Done et Shippable. ‘Sphuseus OTil doit étre OBA. Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom a Préparation 3 la certification Scrum Master — Fiche de préparation a Definition du Product feelescrtéres Fixkeconjointement par: SouventTacronyne RMESToertde Ready(DeR) Owner d'unPei(iem)— -POetOT baseacette defnition suifisamment = Souslasuveilance du SM transparent pour —_ pour quelle soit SMART ee ‘développement Sema oer eae ase sare ao [SRR ea Done (Ded) ae PBI - Det PO définition du Done. pusse étre intégré Doit tre tenu par laoT ledoit etre batie sur ceque dans!'increment —Sousla surveillance du SM_ ‘Véquipe sait faire aun instant T pour qu‘elle soit SMART. Ble doit progresser (+rigoureuse) ee cea epee peut yavoir plusieurs niveaux de Done (PEI, Sprint, Release,...) ro ET ‘Vélocité: Devieam « Mesurer »la Lavélocité ne se manage pas Lavélocité d’une Dfne doit production de elle se constate sprint aprés (normalement) pas se comparer la er eae aes oenaven par la OT Lavélocité et sastabilité sont un bon Ssaarronesamm naa aera ee ‘Burn Up Product Mesurer la Créé par le PO et MA) 4 — Sertavisualiser et a envisager la Owner progression issue de chaque Sprint — progression du projet dans le deateffort» Review ‘temps. lesmetriques suivies (US, déja réalisé ‘Valeur, Effort) sont déterminer Sorbo ‘Burn Down ‘Devieam =Mesurer_ Créé par la OT ar'issue du ‘Sert avisualiser la tendance de uleffort » Sprint Planninget MAJ chaque —’équipe dans sa tenue (ou non) de restantd jour dissuedu DaillyScum —_objectif du sprint Donneen fonction een Raa Patiick MAUGE -Formateur Agile Scrum -patrick mauee@emailcom 9

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