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Academic honesty and feedback

1. Uphold academic Honesty

Section 4.2: Academic dishonesty is described as attempting to get an advantage through

cheating and deception. Cheating and deception causes harm to larger communities because it
involves exploiting someone else's work to advance themselves. This is detrimental because it is
disrespectful to the creator, as it is their work, and they are the ones who put in the effort to
create it.

Section 5.1:
“Copying from another student or permitting another student to copy material”
If students are going to submit their work, teachers or administrators should only use Turnitin or
another plagiarism check tool. This encourages students to double-check their documents to see
whether they are cheating.
“Submitting work prepared in whole or in part by another person or source and representing that
work as one’s own”
To ensure this would not occur, students need to provide evident proof that the work is theirs by
emailing the teacher’s ahead of time before the other student gets to claim it. The students should
also post their document in the submission folder first before giving their work to their peers.
“Dishonest or inappropriate behavior or activities during a test or an examination”
This can be prevented by implementing protract or lockdown browser, for the teachers to witness
if students are dishonest or behaving inappropriately during examinations.

Section 5.2:
According to Centennial Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy (2007), plagiarism is copying
someone else's ideas and creations, making it their own without citing or refencing the original
Some of the example's students could void plagiarism is copying the texts and only rephrasing
some parts of it. The best way to avoid this is by describing and understanding what the author is
trying to communicate. The other example is for students to not share any passwords to their
peers incase if their peers hacked their phone and uploaded important documents.
2. Peer feedback
Paper 1
Author's name: Shalayah Boreland
One of the strengths I noticed when reading this essay is how clear and precise the summary is. It
highlights the most important aspects of the articles, and the essay's structure is also well
constructed. Secondly, there are a few grammatical errors, and the reasoning part illustrates how
reliable the author's information is. The examples perfectly highlight how the author is being
fair. Finally, the assumption section has splendid examples because I agree that most people have
a lot of expenses due to lockdowns.

Some areas for development include attempting to attract readers by asking a question in the
introduction section. Second, the author's first name should only be used in the introduction, not
throughout the paragraphs. Also, attempt to bring up some of the medical experts and educators
who were cited by the author as evidence of his argument. Finally, avoid using the example of
the author using statistics to support his claims in each paragraph because it becomes tedious.

• What were the best features of the essay?

Overall, the essay was well organized, and the article is critiqued well. Minimal errors are found
and wrote good examples to further support the author's claims. It was nice to read since it is
short but precise. Excellent job on your first essay critique

Paper 2:
Author: Shaheela Thayyal Purayal

One of the strengths I noticed when reading this essay is how the paragraphs are indented which
should be included when drafting an essay. Secondly, the summary is well-written and
comprehensive. It is fantastic that the medical experts who supported the author's statements are
included. Finally, the paragraphs are well-structured because they provide a thorough
introduction, thesis, supporting point, and concluding sentence.

Areas of improvement
Some areas for development include attempting to condense the summary since a summary
should only be short and straight to the point. Use a stronger word such as "supported" by
professionals and researchers instead of "backed up." Lastly, try to only provide the author's last
name because his first name was already mentioned in the introduction. Please do not write "in
my opinion" in the critical response on fairness because this is a formal critique essay, not an
opinion essay.

What were the strongest parts of the response section?

Reasoning and fairness are the strongest aspects of the response questions because good
examples are presented and provide a clearer view of the topic. Since you mentioned how it is
supported by professors and researchers in the reasoning part, you did an excellent job
highlighting how nicely the paper is written. You demonstrated some essential points about how
the article was fair and reasonable in the fairness section by providing examples demonstrating
the article is not biased. Overall, your essay critique was enjoyable to read, with only a few
minor errors. Excellent job with your first essay critique!

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