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OB MBA Midterm Summer 22

OB MBA Midterm Summer 22
27 minutes remaining

Test Content

Question 1
1.5 Points
Osamah is a middle manager at a pharmaceutical company. He is naturally introverted
and is trying his best to fulfil his job requirements. Most of Osmah's time is spent on
traditional management, and he seldom engages in professional or social gatherings.
Based on the above, Osamah is most probably........... manager. Choose the best answer.


Effective Manager


Average Manager


Successful Manager


None of the above


Question 2
1.5 Points
Mona works in the IT department at Gamma company. Next to her office is the
maintenance office, in which three far east Asian employees work. They share a small
kitchenette. Mona prepares her food from home and uses the shared fridge to store it.
Employees at the other office bring their food and use the microwave to heat it. Based on
their culture, they eat their main meals in the morning, including fish and other seafood
and meat products. Mona is irritated by the smell; she starts talking in the office about
how it annoys and disgusts her; she is also making fun of the fact that they eat seafood in
the morning, and they hear her several times. Mona's act could be attributed to

Discrimination in form of sexual harassment


Discrimination in the form of exclusion


Discrimination in form of mockery and insults


Discrimination in form of intimidation


All of the above


Question 3
1.5 Points
Waleed is an operations manager at the IT department in Alpha company. He is highly
expert in the Microsoft working environment and has extensive knowledge of networks
and helpdesk systems. Waleed's relationship with his subordinates is not defined clearly.
In general, they do not like the way he treats them. He acts passive-aggressively, and
employees find it hard to discuss issues such as vacations and pay raises with him as he
tends to invalidate them unintentionally. However, he is approachable on any issue
regarding work.
Waleed, in this case, have


Low technical skills and low conceptual skills


High conceptual skills only


Low human skills and high technical skills


Equal amounts of technical, conceptual and human skills


None of the above


Question 4
1.5 Points
Salma has been working as Personnel Officer at Beta company for five years. She loves
the company and feels that it is her second home. Salma is a poet, and during the
company's annual Ramadan Iftar, She wrote a poem expressing how she felt about Beta
company and recited it at the gathering. Salma's behaviour can be described as


Organizational Withdrawl Behaviour


Positive Organizational Scholarship




Organizational Citizenship Behaviour


Question 5
1.5 Points
Samar is working as PR director in an event management company. She knew since her
appointment that the work during event times would require working overtime and having
to step up and volunteer with any work if needed. She realized after a few events that the
company is relying on employees' tendency to help. As a result, they are not hiring
enough employees to save costs and maximize revenues. Samar was thinking about her
options, and she decided to talk to her team and raise the issue to the management as a
Samar's response to her job dissatisfaction can be described as

Active and destructive


Passive and destructive


Passive and constructive


All of the above


None of the above


Question 6
1.5 Points
Maha woke up to a typical eventless morning. She prepared her coffee after her habitual
daily rituals and sat in her living room, sipping her coffee and checking her email. She
found an email from her attorney regarding a claim she requested from a car insurance
company. She was informed that the claim was rejected. Maha was sure that her case was
proper and she deserved the claim; she felt anger creeping at her. This should not be
happening. She started writing a heated email to her attorney demanding an explanation
and questioning her competency. She put on her clothes, left her home and drove to her
workplace. Everyone in the office realized that she was not being her usual funny self. To
best describe Maha status, it can be implied that Maha is.........
Choose the best answer based on the difference between emotions and moods.


Having disappointment emotions


having anger emotions


Is having a bad mood resulting from what happened to her





Question 7
1.5 Points
Hosam is an accountant at Gamma company. He is an expert in his field and is effective
at his job, which is proven by his performance appraisal. Hosam's office is shared with
other accountants, and due to his introverted personality, he is not comfortable and
informed his manager that he would prefer an isolated office. The manager allocated him
another office, and now he is the only accountant with a separate office.
The manager's behaviour could be described as a form of.........










Question 8
1.5 Points
Ahmed is 23 years old, and Sameer is 45 years old, and they both work at the sales
department in ServTech company. They both received an email from the Chief Sales
Officer informing them that the company has failed to achieve this year's sales target;
therefore, all bonuses and extra benefits will be cancelled. In that case, and according to
emotions and moods research on which OB concepts are based, who is most probably
going to have more regulated and rational emotions?





They will both have the same depth of emotions




Question 9
2.5 Points
Samaher is a salesperson at "Lava" shop for sweets. She was serving a customer, and
while she was doing so, she realized that another customer was attempting to serve
himself pastries while she should be the one serving him as customers should not be
touching food products. She rushed to him and said, (Do not touch the food; wait for your
tur). The customer looked at her and said (why are you so aggressive? you could have
simply asked me not to touch). Samaher looked at him apologetically and said (sorry, but
if an item was touched, I am responsible, and because everything is recorded on cameras,
I might risk losing my job if I miss items that customers have touched).
In light of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, explain Samaher's behaviour. Where is
she located in the hierarchy, and what are her chances to grow and prosper at her current
organization? Elaborate using Maslow's hierarchy of needs in addition to opposing
From Abraham Maslow's hierarchy, Samaher needs safety and security but needs to be
developed to reach the top of the hierarchy

But in my opinion, customers should be sympathetic to their lack of knowledge of the

issue of security and safety, and it must be clarified in a gentle manner so that he
understands the topic

Opinion Samaher needs a training  of the best style of the word to dealing with customers,
and the customer should not enter places that are not intended for him
and the company they should put (Please Do not touch ) notifications should be set to
prevent this from happening again


Question 10
1.5 Points
Salwa is the manager of support staff at Solar company. Support staff are responsible for
cleaning and catering services and report to Salwa. As a manager, Salwa has a strict
attendance policy. They use a fingerprint entry system, and salaries depend entirely on the
system; delays are counted by minutes. Salwa believed that if the system were not strict,
employees would always be late, and offices would not be cleaned on time. In addition,
she has an automated warning letter system; whenever an employee is 5 minutes late
three times, s/he will be sent a warning letter, which will be kept on record.
The type of motivation Slawa believes work with her staff is based on the following


Maslow's Hierarchy of needs


McGregor's Theory X


McGregor's Theory Y


A mix between McGregor's Theory X and McClelland’s Theory of Needs




Question 11
1.5 Points
Fatimah is working as a staff manager in "The Rising Star" talent management company.
The environment is healthy, people respect each other, and they receive their wages on
time, in addition to seasonal bonuses and raises. She was content and satisfied and
enjoyed the working condition that matches her dynamic character. During COVID-19,
and due to lockdown, the company went into a hard patch and was struggling to pay
wages. Although it was very inconvenient for Samar, she decided to stay with the
company, hoping that after the pandemic, things are going to restore back to their
previous prosperous state.
Samar's response to her job dissatisfaction can be described as


Active and destructive


Passive and destructive

Passive and constructive


All of the above


None of the above


Question 12
1.5 Points
Salma has been working as Personnel Officer at Beta company for five years. Lately,
Salma has started avoiding social gatherings at her workplace. In addition to that, she
started missing work days and calling sick more often. Those behaviours started after the
position she was promised to someone else whom she thinks is less competent than her.
Salma's behaviour can be labelled as


Organizational Withdrawl Behaviour


Positive Organizational Scholarship




Organizational Citizenship Behaviour


Question 13
2.5 Points
Abdullah is a senior executive secretary for the CEO of ServeTeck company. As part of
his job, he attends meetings and takes minutes. After each meeting, the CEO usually asks
him to omit some of the minutes and amend other parts. Abdullah knows what he is doing
is unethical but keeps telling himself that it is part of his job. Every time he does this, his
feelings of discomfort intensify, but he continues to do what the CEO instructs him.
Describe the conflict between his beliefs and behaviour in light of OB concepts. Suggest
a scenario for Abdullah to showcase his dissatisfaction, given the fact that Abdullah is
shy by nature and has a tendency to be safe and avoid conflicts

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