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Lecture: Jusmin H.J. Wahid.S.Pd.,M,.Pd.BI

Arranged By:

Fani Ode Ardi





First of all, the writer would like to thanks the grace of Allah SWT, for the grace so
that the author can complete this paper on time. In this paper I will discuss “ WHY

The purpose of the writer is to fulfill duties of the lecture,” Mr. JUSMIN.H.J. WAHID
S.pd.,M.pd.,BI. As the subject. In the prepation of this paper, I hope there are criticisms,
suggestion and input will make good paper.

The writer realizes that this paper is far form perfect therefore, constructive are
expected, the author also hopes that this paper is useful for anyone.

Ternate, 5, October 2022



TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................……………..…...ii

1. Understanding of Writing ......................................………..1
2. Types of writing exercises......................................………..2
a. Write down daily activities...............................………..2
b. Complete sentences...........................................………..3
c. Construct sentences...........................................………..3
d. Write a friends Whisper Manner……………..………..3
3. 7 Reasons why wrting is important........................………..3
1. Writing clears your mind..................................………..4
2. Writing is an important communication skill. .………..4
3. Writing makes you a better reader..................………..5
4. Writing helps you get jobs...............................………..6
5. Writing’s often the best way to send a message…….6
6. Writing help you understand difficult things………….7
7. Writing is fun!...................................................………...7
A. Conslusion.................................................................…….…..9



1. Understanding of Writing

 According to Tarigan, writing is the process of describing a language so that the message
conveyed by the author can be understood by the reader.  Whereas in the Oxford
Dictionary, "writing is produce something in written form so that people can read, perform or
use it." Which statement is in line with Pooteet's opinion which means that writing is a visual
depiction of thoughts, feelings or ideas, using the symbols of the language system for
communication or note-taking purposes.Writing is one aspect of language skills that is
programmed in the specific purpose of using language.

According to Henry Guntur Tarigan (1986: 15) states that writing can be interpreted
as the activity of expressing ideas / ideas by using written language as a medium of delivery.
According to Barli Bram (2002: 7) in principle, to write means to try to produce or reproduce
writen message.

Writing activities are identified with the use of graphic symbols, which are combinations
of letters related to spoken language sounds. But to be clear, writing activities are not just about
producing grapic symbols. These symbols need to be arranged according to yulia Alimudin
(2009). Writing learning, the right provisions, either in forming words, arranging words into
sentences, compiling sentences into paragraphs, or arranging paragraphs into a text. There are
two writing activities that can be done in elementary schools, namely learning to
write and writing to learn.

 These two terms are almost the same but their meanings are very different. Learning to
write is an activity where students are more required to control the external form of a piece of
writing such as the form of writing, spelling, punctuation, and the use of appropriate words and
grammar. Meanwhile, in writing to learn, students not only control the outer form of a piece of
writing but also have paid attention to the meaning or expression of the writing. Usually this
second type of learning activity is applied in high grades because students need higher cognitive
in order to be more creative in writing.

Pemlearning to write aims to enable students to be able to:

1. Applying the steps in the writing process
2. Adapting writing styles for varied purposes
3. Develop writing skills to express them clearly
4. Recognize that accuracy in handwriting, pungtuation, capitalization, spelling, and other elements
are an important part of a piece of writing.

There are five levels of writing, namely:
1. The emergence of emergent literacy, children begin to realize the existence of literacy activities,
children begin to like if someone does literacy. Originally, the child was just looking at it but
over time he would try to imitate. The child begins to hold the pencil, then crosses out the
doodling on paper or other media. The writing produced at this stage is not yet meaningful, but
in children there has been a sense of enjoyment of the activity. So that this stage can arise in
children, it is hoped that before starting to practice writing, children are introduced to various
reading or writing materials that can provide an initial picture of the writing process.

2. Beginning writing. This activity is commonly called hand writing, which is how to realize sound
symbols and how to write them well. This level is related to the strategy or way of manifesting
the sound symbols of the language into letters, which can be recognized concretely.

3. Fostering fluency (building fluency). At this stage the sound symbols of the language such as
letters that have been recognized concretely begin to be further connected into a greater and
meaningful unity.

4. Writing for pleasure and learning (writing for pleasure / writing to learn), there has been a
pleasure in the child about the need to write. At this stage, children carry out writing activities
with certain purposes that are intentional, such as recording lessons, taking notes on their daily
mother's activities, writing letters to friends and so on. At this level, children can already enjoy
their writing activities.

Mature writing at this stage the child has been able to express and express his thoughts and
feelings through writing well he has been able to choose words appropriately, arrange sentences
in sequence, and develop paragraphs well, this stage that gives freedom of expression to children
to produce creative writings whose results are very satisfying.

2. Types of Writing exercises

A. Write down daily activities

In this type the teacher gives the learners the opportunity to write down their daily activities. In
this type, it is considered to have weaknesses, one of which is boring and the activeness of
students is lacking. The learner creates a text, and the teacher assesses the grammar,
vocabulary, and spelling errors in it. Writing then just became a testing tool.

B . Complete sentences
In this activity, learners are asked to complete blank sentences. For example.

C. Construct sentences 
Arrange the wordsinto correct sentences  

1.                   Yesterday – I – went – shopping 

2. Had toothache – Bob  
3.                   Spoilt – the man – my plan 
4.                   Tangkuban perahu – a – beautiful place – is  
5.                   Am – I – worried 
D. Write a Friend's Whisper

a. The teacher divides the learners into 4 groups and is told to line up
b. Students who have small shoe sizes are in front.
c. The teacher prepares somewhat similar words, in order to mess up the child's memory
d. For example "Mr. Nuku, buy duku, near the bookstore, the duku does not sell well, Mr. Nuku has
his teeth drool"
e. The learner who is at the very back is whispered the word and asks the learner to whisper to the
next friend.
f. The leading friend writes down the results of the whispers he received.

Academic writing is any written work that is made based on academic interests. So the
main output of english academic writing like this is to produce a discovery/argumentation that
contributes to science. Ideally, academic writing has a structure that.
Why is writing important? It’s the fuel that drives communication, and communication
serves as a framework for society. Clear communication—and hence, good writing—is critical
because it facilitates coworker collaborations, business transactions and interpersonal

Because writing is an important method for developing communication skills, that

translates over to social situations. Writing helps you with the ability to form clear, cohesive
thoughts. All that's left is actually saying them! 30. No One Else Can Write Like You.

3. 7 reasons why writing is important

Writing is the backbone of the modern world. Without it, we wouldn’t have any science,
technology, or culture. We use it every day of our lives, usually without thinking about it.
But why is writing important for you? 
You might think that you only need to be a good writer if you plan on becoming a novelist.
That’s not true, however: writing can help you in all walks of life, from your career to your

a. Why writing is important in life

This guide is going to explain why writing is important and explore the best ways you can
improve your writing skills.

1. Writing clears your mind

How many times have you gotten stressed over all the things you needed to do?

When tasks pile up, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We find it hard to juggle multiple
problems at once, and when that happens, our problems often seem larger than they really are.
Writing things down forces us to put our thoughts in logical order. Rather than jumping back and
forth between different trains of thought, writing down what’s on our minds lets us look at our
problems one by one.
In turn, this makes it easier to plan out what we’re going to do about them, and often
shows they weren’t as serious as we once thought.
If you want some practice, try writing a to-do list every morning right after you wake up. This
will give you a great plan to tackle the day ahead of you, while also getting you into the habit of
putting your problems down on paper.

2. Writing is an important communication skill

Everybody wishes they were a better communicator. Knowing what to say, and when to
say it, lets us defuse conflicts, spread important messages, and convince people to do what we
Writing is a great way to improve our communication skills because it removes the time pressure
we feel in actual conversations. Rather than constantly needing to think of something to say, you
can pause and think about what you could say that would be most effective.

You can practice this by writing for lots of different audiences. Writing messages to your
boss and your friend requires different styles of communication, so you can get practice
communicating in multiple manners.

3. Writing makes you a better reader

The better you are at something, the more you can appreciate how skilled other people
are at it. If you’re a chef, for instance, you’ll be able to tell if the food a restaurant is serving you
is worth what you paid for it or not.

Writing is the same.

Experienced writers are also discerning and intelligent readers. Every time you critique
your own writing, you’ll learn and be able to notice the problems that other writers also face,
from grammar mistakes to using words that don’t make sense.More importantly, it’ll help you
read closely and carefully.

Rather than just skimming through a piece of text, you’ll be better able to pick up on
small details that you would have missed before.

This is useful in any number of situations, from understanding the subtle details in a
crucial business contract to fully understanding how someone feels from a letter they wrote to

A way to practice this is to take something you’ve enjoyed recently and rewrite it in your
own writing style. You’ll come to appreciate why the original author made the choices they did,
and in turn, that’ll let you understand the text on a deeper level than before.

4. Writing helps you get jobs

Every business on the planet needs writers: no exceptions. Whether it’s finalizing
contracts with business partners or coming up with catchy new slogans, companies are constantly
on the lookout for people with good writing skills.

There are hundreds of careers based on how well you can put one word after another: blogger,
copywriter, content writer, journalist, editor… the list goes on and on. To put it simply, if you
want to become a writer, good writing skills are key.

All this, of course, isn’t even considering how your writing is important for prospective

Hiring managers are infamous for throwing out resumes with even a single typo.
Needless to say, you don’t want yours to be one of them. Make a point of regularly writing
compelling cover letters to potential employers – it’s an underrated way to improve your chances
on the job market.

5. Writing’s often the best way to send a message

Television. Radio. Smoke signals. Interpretative dance. If humans are good at one thing,
it’s coming up with ways to talk to each other. But writing was there before all of them, and it’ll
be there after they’re all gone.
Writing is so wide-spread because you don’t need a video-camera to send a letter, or a
microphone to compose a sonnet. All you need is your mind, making it the cheapest most
adaptable kind of communication out there.
Beyond that, writing is important because it’s an incredibly efficient way to convey
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a few sentences can still pack in a
truly incredible amount of information.
It’s probably only taken you a few minutes to read this far in the article, and it’s already
covered a lot of ground. If this post had been a video of me talking instead, it would take much
longer to get its message across.
In other words, being able to pack lots of information into not much space is just another
reason why writing is so important.
As a practice, try taking something that isn’t written down – a video essay or online
course, for instance – and try putting the same message into writing. You might be surprised at
how much shorter you can make it.

6. Writing helps you understand difficult things

Your teachers at school told you to take notes for a reason: it’s impossible to really learn
something by just sitting back and trying to take it in passively.
Taking notes as you listen to a lecture or go through a textbook makes learning challenging
topics easier for a number of reasons.
The simplest reason is that you’re creating something you can refer back to. Rather than
sitting through the entire lecture again, you can glance at your notes for a few seconds and get
back up to speed. These quick reviews are incredibly helpful at building long-term memories and
As a natural consequence of that, writing is important because taking notes also forces
you to understand the material on a deeper level than you would otherwise.
Passive learning means your brain can ignore the parts that it doesn’t understand. If
you’re taking notes, though, you have to actively think about what you’re writing. You’re
constantly figuring out how to summarize the material in ways that will make sense to you later,
a process that naturally leads to an intuitive understanding of the topic.
Taking good notes is an important writing skill, but it isn’t easy.
Try watching TED talks on YouTube or summarizing a science textbook to see how you do.
Review your notes a week later – do they make sense?

7. Writing is fun!
There are lots of practical reasons why writing is important, but sometimes enjoying
something is the only reason you need.

Writing can be fun in lots of different ways: thinking of the right way to phrase a sentence, for
example, or coming up with a clever metaphor. are interesting mental challenges that feel
rewarding to solve. Who doesn’t love a good ‘Eureka!’ moment, after all?
Freewriting, where you sit down and simply write without any pre-planned topic, is a great way
to jump into writing simply for the fun of it. 

Of course, it also gives you plenty of experience that’ll improve your overall skills –
maybe the best thing about writing is that it lets you mix business and pleasure like that!
Want to become a better writer? We’ve compiled a list of the best online writing courses to get
you started.



 According to Tarigan, writing is the process of describing a language so that the message
conveyed by the author can be understood by the reader. [2] Whereas in the Oxford
Dictionary, "writing is produce something in written form so that people can read, perform or
use it.
Writing is the process of describing a language so that the message conveyed by the
author can be understood by the reader. In English language learning, there are four aspects of
language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and the last is writing even though writing is
placed last, but writing is not an unimportant skill.
In writing learning in the classroom, it is often the casethat the students only give the
learners a title or a topic. The learner creates a text, and the teacher assesses the grammar,
vocabulary, and spelling errors in it. Writing then just became a testing tool. This time the reason
why writing has a "Bad reputation".
Thus, our paper entitled "Types of Writing Exercises" as a whole will discuss how to
strengthen good writing exercises and tend not to be boring.


Tarigan, Henry Thunder, Writes as a Language Skill.( Bandung: Space Publishers, 1986), 21.

Barli Bram (2002: 7) . writing skill morphology syntax semantics translation and grammar and
Language learning.

Yulia Alimudin. 2009. Writing Learning,,

Retrieved May 20,2015.


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