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Discussion Board Week 10

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For this week's DB:

Read chapters 5 - 8 in Relapse Prevention Counseling - Clinical Strategies to Guide Addiction Recovery
and Reduce Relapse (Daley & Douaihy).

For your post this week, respond to the following:

It seems like every treatment center has some form of Relapse Prevention groups for their patients. In
fact, I might say that the primary modality that we do relapse prevention work is in treatment groups.
Take at least two of the ideas covered in the assigned reading this week, and describe in detail how you
would use these strategy with the patients in your RP Group. You can think of your current work-site or
a possible future work-site. You can also cover strategies from the book that you have already tried, and
tell us how they worked (or didn't work).

As always, quotes and appropriate citations from the text (and other sources) are required.

Please review the Guidelines for Discussion Boards for a quick reminder of what is expected for each
post. Your post is due by this Thursday @ 11:59 pm.

Please review the Guidelines for Discussion Boards for a quick reminder of what is expected for each
post. Your post is due by this Thursday @ 11:59 pm, and your replies are due by this Sunday @ 11:59
pm. Keep in mind that Canvas will only remind you to make your initial post, it will not remind you to
make your replies.

NOTE: This is your final Discussion Boards for this class for this quarter. Make sure to say your good-byes
to your classmates!

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