Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders in Priv

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MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No.

1st (June, 2017) pp 166-173

Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders

in Private University Management

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No1, Bandung
email:; 2;

Abstract.Communication strategies and skills supported by mutually supportive

management tools are one of the managerial skills that must be mastered by private
university (PTS) leaders. Leadership communication skills and style will form organizational
communication patterns that will become the foundation for a healthy and effective
organizational climate to develop its vision and mission. This research is done by
using case study method at some PTS which is representation of PTS profile in West
Java. The research results indicate that communication pattern of PTS leaders is still
conventional, that is following the existing organizational structure, along with some
informal communication form. Leadership communication skills are diverse, and include
organizational communication skills, interpersonal communication, group communication,
and social communication. All types of skills are required, but there are still some skills
that have not been done optimally, such as group communication skills and social
communication skills.
Keywords: communication skill, communication climate, effective organization

Introduction Meanwhile, the leaders and managers

The managerial and organizational of PTS now face very complex challenges
communication skills of higher education as well as the quite tight and more open
managers in Indonesia, particularly among competition in the era of internationalization,
private universities (PTS), often receive less especially through the agreement of the
attention. Figures who became the manager ASEAN Economic Community. The capacity
of universities in the PTS, generally are of manager in private university (PTS) is
some of figures of the lecturers who may be expected to have a unique ability to synergize
previously not be prepared or not prepare to their potential capacity with their partner
become a leader or manager in PTS. Those potential, in order to achieve the institution’s
who are elected may initially concentrate vision.
more on developing a functional career as The correct communication strategy
a lecturer, not as a structural official or as a and organizational communication
leader for an educational institution where he pattern, supported by mutually supportive
works as a lecturer. communication patterns, is one of the
Such general conditions lead to managerial skills that must be mastered by
communication patterns and leadership the private university (PTS) leaders. Ongoing
skills of the PTS which usually less conducive communication, both internally and externally,
and poorly honed. Informative, integrative, will open up teamwork opportunities in running
regulative and persuasive functions of the college’s principles of Tridharma. Based on
organizational communication often do not interviews with one of the staffs in Kopertis
run optimally and caused other management (private university coordination) of Region
functions run stagnant. IV, in some cases of problematic universities,
after tracing, it was rooted from the lack of a

Received: October 27, 2016, Revision: April 20, 2017, Accepted: May 19, 2017
Print ISSN: 0215-8175; Online ISSN: 2303-2499.
Accredited by DIKTI. SK Kemendikbud, No.040/P/2014, valid 18-02-2014 until 18-02-2019, Indexed by DOAJ

ani yuningsih, et al. Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders in Private University Management

harmonious communication pattern between Organizational Communication

the PTS managers and the managers of the Pattern
foundation that overshadowed the PTS. In
addition, there is also the lack of effective Organizational communication is an
communication between PTS and Kopertis organizing behavior that occurs and how it
management as an extension institution of the involved in the transaction process and give
Directorate of Higher Education, which carries meaning to what happens (Pace &Faules,
out the supervision, control and supervision 2001: 31-33). There are several perceptions
of the PTS (interview with Udansyah in 2015). of organizational communication from some
experts, namely Perceptions of Redding and
Referring to the background, a more in- Saborn, as well as Perceptions of Zelko and
depth analysis of leadership’s communication Dance (in Pace & Faules, 2001).
skills and skill in PTS management is required.
Based on the results of research conducted Redding and Saborn said that
in 2015 (Mulyana et al, 2015) and 2016 organizational communication,
(Mulyana&Yuningsih, 2016) that studied is sending and receiving information in
about private universities in West Java, which complex organizations. Included in this
field are internal communications, human
is a representation of PTS population in West relationships, organizational unity relationships,
Java. The study is about the pattern of PTS downward communications or communications
organizational communication internally, from superiors to subordinates, upward
and external communication between PTS communications or communications from
subordinates to superiors, horizontal
with Kopertis, which obtained an overview communication or communication from
of the actual condition of communication persons of equal level within the organization,
patterns and skills of the PTS leaders, communication skills and speaking, listening,
which then led researchers to analyze and writing and communication program evaluation.
provide recommendations for organizational
communication patterns that are more suited Zelko and Dance said that organizational
to the demands and needs to become a communication is an interdependent
healthy, accountable and reputable higher system that includes internal and external
education. The result of this study also communication. Internal communication is
raises the actual issues about the limited communication within the organization itself,
capacity and communication skills of the PTS such as communication from subordinates
managers in West Java, which need to be to superiors, communication from superiors
studied further. to subordinates, and communication of
Inadequate intelligence of interpersonal the same-level fellow employees. While
communication, coupled with a less conductive external communication is communication
communication pattern, may cause the PTS that the organization conducts to the outside
managers and their respective academicians environment, such as communication in
to be trapped in perspective partially, and product sales, advertising, and relationships
trapped in a comfort zone that prioritizes the with the general public.
stability of routine administrative activities,
rather than the transactional communication
process, positional and transformational
which is a necessity for the fulfillment of
the demands and need for a qualified higher
Based on the results of the research,
there are 3 (three) identification problems
that will be analyzed in this paper, namely:
first, how the pattern of organizational
communication built PTS internally and
externally in performing the tridharma
Figure 1. Pattern of Communication
function of university. Secondly, how does the
Strategy and Implementation of
communication skills profile of PTS leadership
Management Function in an Organization
in carrying out healthy, accountable and
reputable management. Third, what factors Source: Ruslan(2002:88)
are inhibiting the supervision, control and
supervision of PTS by Kopertis. From the above explanation, it can be

ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499 167

Ani Yuningsih, et al. Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders In Private University Management

concluded that organizational communication level, CI is an all-human ability to connect,

is a process that happens in the organization. cooperate, and navigate with others. CI is a
The communication process that occurs collaborative effort. The more often it is used
is divided into 4 (four) aspects, namely: together, the more CI will increase.
downward communication, upward
According to Glaser, to raise our CI
communication, horizontal communication,
to the highest level of Transformational
and cross-channel communication.
Intelligence (TI), we need to become master
The pattern of organizational and creator of conversation rituals that make
communication is a set of behavior and it possible for us to express ideas, feelings,
communication rituals run by all members hunches, thoughts, and aspirations.
of the organization from the highest level
With a transformational CI, then if
of leaders to the lowest level of employees.
there is a dissent, it will be smaller or even
Organizational communication patterns can
disappear altogether. Thus, according to
formally refer to Figure 1.
Glaser, CI at the transformational level can
result in improved management functions and
Interpersonal Communication Skills
create a framework for improving relations
Among the most important and cooperation, releasing new energy for
communication skills that need to be honed and growth and transformation.
improved are interpersonal communication
skills. Interpersonal communication skills is Organizational effectiveness
the ability to build good relationships with
According to Miller (1977, in Siagian
others on a continuous basis, over a relatively
1986: 33) that:
long period of time, and resulting in mutually
beneficial cooperation. “Effectiveness can be defined as the degree
to wich a social system achieves its goals.
In addition to interpersonal skills, there Effectiveness must be distinguished from
is an interpersonal intelligence that a leader efficiency. Efficiency is mainly concerned
with goal attainments.” (Efficiency primarily
must possess, namely the ability to observe contains a sense of comparison between cost
and understand the intentions, motivations and outcome, whereas effectiveness is directly
and feelings of others. A leader has to be linked to the achievement of an objective.)
sensitive to the facial expression, voice and Furthermore, it is said by Georgopualos
other body movements of others and able to and Tannebaum (in Etzioni, 1969: 82) that:
respond effectively in communicating. This
“.....organization effectiveness as the extent
intelligence is also able to help understand
to which an organization as a social system,
the world of others, their views, and attitudes given certain resources and mean, fulfill its
which generally can lead the group. objective without incapacitating its means and
resources and without placing strain upon its
People with low interpersonal intelligence members.” (The view may be interpreted that
can generate interpersonal conflict, as well as organizational effectiveness is the degree to
wider conflict. This is confirmed by Sullivan which an organization as a social system with
all available resources and facilities meeting
in Chaplin (2000: 257) that mental illness its objectives without wasting and avoiding
and personality development are primarily unnecessary tension among the members).
determined more by interpersonal interaction
than by constitutional factors. Argris discusses how to achieve the
level of effectiveness (Argyris, 1964) which
Conversation Intelligence says: “Organizational effectiveness then
is a balanced organization with optimum
Interpersonal intelligence is generally emphasis upon achieving object, solving
built through conversational skills. For a competency, and human energy utilization”.
leader, the ability to engage in conversation (Organizational effectiveness is a balance
affects his effectiveness in becoming a or an optimal approach to the achievement
transformational leader. of objectives, capabilities and utilization of
According to Judith E. Glaser (1941), human labor).
Conversational Intelligence (CI) can be
developed at the organizational, team, Organizational Communication
and individual levels. At the organizational Barrier
level, CI is the ability of an organization According to Prof. Onong Uchjana
to communicate in ways that can create a Effendy, MA, in his book of Science,
concept of shared reality. At an individual Theory, and Philosophy of Communication

168 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 166-173

(Effendy, 2003), there are 4 (four) types of is valuable, continuous, and most effective
communication barriers, namely disturbances, when shared and that every experience is an
interests, latent motivations and prejudices. opportunity to learn” (Kerka, 1995).
There are 2 (two) types of interruptions A university that seeks opportunities
to the course of communication based in future global competition is those who
on its nature, which can be classified as continuously strive to improve the quality
mechanical and semantic disturbances. of inputs and processes to produce outputs
Mechanical disturbance, i.e, disturbances that the market receives (Muhardi, 2000).
caused by communication channels or physical Healthy organizations allow universities to run
noise. Meanwhile, semantic disorder is the their activities according to their vision and
interference associated with communication mission, and meet the needs of stakeholders
messages which turn the understanding into (Kusmiati, 2015). Therefore, universities are
misunderstanding (corrupted). required to be able to create new innovations
in the sustainability of their organizations,
Meanwhile, the latent motivations and
and to provide accountability regarding the
interest factors will make a person selective
implementation and implementation of its
in responding or experiencing a message.
mission and functions to its stakeholders.
Latent motivation will encourage someone to
do something based on their wants, needs,
and shortcomings. The more appropriate
communication with a person’s motivation, the
greater the likelihood that the communication This study uses case study method
would be received properly by the parties to observe, elaborate, and explore the
concerned. Otherwise, if the communication informants who are managers of private
is not in accordance with the motivation of universities in West Java. The informants are
the communicant, it will be ignored. six managers from different PTS, and they are
organizational communication actors, both
The prejudice factor is one of the
internally and externally. For triangulation
major obstacles or barriers to effective
data, informants from Kopertis Region IV,
communication. People who have prejudices
West Java-Banten, also being interviewed.
will be suspicious and oppose communicators
who want to launch communication. The data collection techniques are
analyzed in several ways, namely: in-depth
PTS as a Learning Organization interviews conducted to 6 (six) informants
from private universities in West Java and
Senge (1990) underlined that a
Banten, and also to 3 (three) informants from
successful learning organization is indicated
Kopertis region of West Java And Banten;
by the following characteristics: the individual
Focus Group Discussion, attended by PTS
learning process works well; knowledge
managers, and Kopertis leaders related to
sharing process works well; corporate culture
planning and implementing organizational
supports learning processes and activities;
communication; Literature study, collecting
employees are motivated and fully supported
data and information from books, documents,
to be able to think critically and dare to take
files, and other written sources related to
risks on innovation and new ideas which
organizational communication.
he runs; and the organization holds that
employees have an important contribution to Processing and analysis of research
the organization progress. data is done by: (1) data reduction, that is
choosing and sorting the relevant data and
“Learning Organization are organizations
set aside the irrelevant or less relevant data;
where people continually expand their
(2) categorization and tabulation of data, that
capacity to create the result they truly desire,
is grouping similar data to answer research
where new and expansive patterns of thinking
question; (3) interpretation and analysis
are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set
data, ie giving meaning and analyzing data to
free, and where people are continually learning
make second degree construction into model
to see the whole together” (Senge, 1990). So
or picture which is a research finding, then
that organizations are not only required to
analyze it by using theoretical framework
adapt to changes but also demanded to be
as reference; (4) drawing conclusions and
able to create new knowledge to reach the
formulation of recommendations from
future. “The learning organization seems
research results, which is the result of thought
to work on the assumption that “learning”
to be implemented in practical and used as

Accredited by RistekDikti, No.040/P/2014, Valid 18-02-2014 Until 18-02-2019 169

Ani Yuningsih, et al. Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders In Private University Management

a reference for scientific development in and external meetings, which are attended
subsequent research. by structural officials at the foundation and
university levels.
Pattern, Profile Skills and Organiza-
The downward vertical communication,
tional Communication Obstacles formally carried out by leaders of private
The result of research on communication universities through leader meetings held
pattern and leadership communication regularly or incidentally, which includes other
skill in PTS management in West Java structural officials under the rector, as well as
refers to research question which become official deans in the university environment.
the focus of this research study, and can Besides formal communication, informal
be described in the form of model which communication is often done, both to the
is the finding of actual condition in the structural officials and to the academicians,
field, interpretation, and discussion which lecturers, students and education personnel
refers to the theory and concept - relevant in the university environment. Informal
organizational communication concepts. communication can be done on any occasion,
Model and interpretation of research results especially in events attended by the PTS
can be described as follows: leaders. In addition, the academic community
also has the opportunity to communicate
First, the pattern of organizational
directly with the leaders of PTS through
communication built by the PTS internally
hearings or interpersonal face-to-face
and externally in carrying out the tridharma
communication on various occasions, both
function of the university, which is generally
planned and spontaneous.
done by the PTS leaders both internally and
externally. It can be illustrated through the The external communication pattern
model as follows: of the private university leaders to build
international cooperation is conducted in
several ways, among others: (a) Responding to
letters or invitations from relevant government
institutions, such as KemenristekDikti, other
government institutions related to professions
and study programs, partner institutions
and Kopertis; (b) Sending delegates to
attend meetings or dissemination of relevant
institutions; (c) Conducting hearings with the
central and regional governments related to
the professions and courses; (d) Conducting
proactive communication with Kopertis to
optimize the function of the college tridharma
functions; and (e) Conduct visits to cooperate
Figure 2. Organizational Communication with other universities in the academic field.
Pattern Built by PTS Internally & Externally
in Running Tridharma Function of Higher
Source : Research Result (2016)

Internally, the leaders organizational

communication pattern consists of upward
vertical communication with the foundation
leaders in the form of coordination,
consultation, and audience to convey various
information and policies to be applied. Formal
communication patterns follow the structure
and legality applicable in the university
concerned, but informally there are variations
of communication patterns conducted by
the PTS management. Among others, there Figure 3. Communication Skill of PTS
Management in Running Healthy,
are interpersonal communication at certain
Accountable and Reputable Management
events held at the university level, on
occasions that often arise between internal Source: Research Result (2016)

170 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 166-173

Second, the communication skills profile accordance with performance demands, and
of the PTS leaders in carrying out healthy, human relations skills to build a conducive
accountable and reputable management. atmosphere and working climate.
The result of the research shows that there
Fourth, social communication skills,
are 4 (four) categories of communication
namely the ability to communicate with social
skills practiced by PTS management: first,
groups (community, professional associations,
organizational communication skill; Second,
college associations, etc.) existing in the
group communication skills to build team
internal and external environment, such as
of effectiveness and conflict management;
negotiation skills; skills to build commitment
Third, interpersonal communication skills
and cohesiveness; and skills to demonstrate
in building relationships to maintain a
support and participation in social activities
conducive organizational climate; And finally,
relevant to the duties of the PTS management.
social communication skills. Overall, the
categorization of communication skills can be Fifth, the inhibitors of supervision,
illustrated in Figure 3. control and supervision of PTS by Kopertis
include 4 (four) main factors, which can be
The organizational communication skills
described as follows:
contained in the organizational context should
be attached to the private university leaders
as policy makers, as well as the managers of
the university function and operation, which
become the driving force of a university. Of
course, the communication skills of the PTS
management are vary, both in competence,
and in the style of producing and processing
messages of organizational communication.
Every university has different degree of
complexity of organizational communication,
depends on the size of the university, as well
as the number of courses and students it
manages. Similarly, at each level of university
managers, there will be different challenges to Figure 4. Organizational Communication
their communication skills, in accordance with Obstacles in Wasdalbin Function
Source: Research Result(2016)
their responsibilities and respective duties.
Based on the research, there are 4
(four) categories of communication skills The first factor of communication
practiced by the head of private universities in barrier is the communication content, ie
West Java. First, group communication skills, messages and packaging messages sent by
which include skills to build compact and loyal PTS management to Kopertis, either internally
teamwork, skills to manage internal conflicts, or externally, which consist of: a lack of
and communication skills to build and enhance understanding and proper perception of the
collaboration among various resources within message being sent; unclear and decisive
the university. communication procedures; regulations
or policies that change frequently but the
Second, organizational communication process of socialization and implementation
skills that include communication skills in are not in line; conformity between
developing planning and achieving the vision information submitted with information
strategy of the university’s mission; co- required immediately by each party; and
ordinating skills; motivate the entire academic finally the accuracy of message packaging
community; supervise academic functions, which considered not in accordance with
student affairs, finance and cooperation the psychological conditions of institutional
functions; skill to direct and empower human managers.
resources and facilities; As well as skills to
provide support for subordinate initiatives. The second factor that becomes the
communication barrier is the communication
Third, interpersonal communication skills medium. The media used to communicate
include the skills of conducting transactional between the PTS administrators with Kopertis,
approaches to build relationships; skills to internally and externally, is still considered
position themselves in relevant conditions and to have gaps, especially in terms of IT-based
contexts; skills of self-change and others in media (online media) because there are

Accredited by RistekDikti, No.040/P/2014, Valid 18-02-2014 Until 18-02-2019 171

Ani Yuningsih, et al. Communication Pattern and Skill of Leaders In Private University Management

still many private universities in West Java patterns determine the direction, flow and
and Banten which are left behind in IT. In communication behavior, both formally and
addition, the awareness of PTS management informally. The communication pattern and
to access Kopertis media proactively is still formal communication network conducted
low. Conventional media is still dominantly by PTS leaders, has referred to the ideal
used, so the speed of communication is communication pattern proposed by Ruslan
still not adequate, both internally and (2002: 88), although in practice there are
externally. Finally, the contact person of still some communication paths that jumped
PTS management in Kopertis is considered or choked. As for the pattern of informal
unclear and often changed and making it communication, there is generally a lot of
difficult to communicate regularly about grapevine, which is the flow of communication
certain areas. Since the contact person in PTS messages that propagate like wine in all
management is considered less credible in directions, if it is not controlled it can burden or
the eyes of Kopertis, so that communication inhibit the flow of formal communication and
and information are often delayed and out make the organization less effective. Argris
of target. Information from Kopertis often suggested that to achieve the optimum level
does not spread widely to the academic of effectiveness requires a balance between
community, or to the competent authority of the optimal (communication) approach,
the private university concerned. on achieving the objectives, capability and
utilization of available manpower (Argyris,
A third factor inhibiting communication
is the process of communication, which
is still seen as linear, one-way, and few The communication skills profile of
opportunities for direct interaction. Message the PTS leaders in carrying out healthy,
flow is considered to be partially not well accountable and reputable management
integrated, too bureaucratic, and resulted indicates the existence of various skills required
in the number of messages or information in various communication contexts. Despite
delayed and then delay in receiving by each the main organizational communication skills,
PTS management from and to Kopertis. other skills such as interpersonal, group, and
social communication need to be owned by
The fourth factor that becomes
the PTS management. Social communication
the communication barrier in wasdalbin
skills are required by PTS management since
(monitoring, controlling, and maintaining)
it is not an organization that operates in a
function is communication skill attached
vacuum, but needs to socially interact with
to the PTS and Kopertis managers. These
the surrounding environment. There is still
communication skills include group
a strong cultural aspects and local wisdom
communication skills, organizational
in PTS organization itself, which requires
communication, interpersonal communication,
group communication skills and interpersonal
and social communication that are considered
inadequate. In addition, media literacy and IT
capacity owned by PTS are also considered to The inhibitors of supervision, control
be improved. and guidance of PTS by Kopertis, are generally
due to the interpretation and understanding
Pattern Interpretations, Skills of the message content and information
Profile, and Organizational technology constraints that have not been
Communication Obstacles optimally utilized. The Kopertis itself has been
trying to build a communication system and
The organizational communication
services based on-line, but on the other hand,
pattern is a set of communication behaviors
there are many cultural communications of
and rituals performed by all members of
PTS which is not based on-line. There are still
the organization from the highest level of
many PTS managers and university lecturers
leaders to the lowest level of employees. The
who are not accustomed to communication
pattern of organizational communication is
based on-line.
largely determined by the communication
pattern of the organization’s leadership. Therefore, one of the obstacles of
Formal and informal communication organizational communication in performing
patterns intertwine with the rhythm and the wasdalbin function is the communication
flow that is controlled by organizational skills of PTS managers. According to Glaser,
managers. The same thing applied in PTS transformational personal communication
organizations. Leadership communication skills begin beginning with the trust between

172 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 166-173

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