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Advanced Word Families

Grammar & Usage

Complete the sentences belo ith one o the ord orms rom the chart
on page . hen identi y the part o speech. ote that you may have to
change the ord orm urther by ma ing a noun plural or con ugating a
verb into the correct tense.

# Family Sentence Part of Speech

Ex protect Female bears are very protective o their young. adjective

1 succeed Practice and patience are the eys to .

y best riend has never let me do n.

2 rely
I on her many times in the past.

I can t see hat s

3 di er
in the second version o this document.

4 act spea louder than ords.

ter tripping me on my ay to my des this morning,

5 apologize
my co or er pro usely.

Please sho me your

6 identify
and your insurance papers.

e as upset
7 understand
hen he heard about the accident.

here ere so many

8 divide
issues that the parties called in a mediator.

ecause the manager acted ,

9 decide
the problem didn t spiral out o control.

he document as a
10 bene t
resource or this pro ect.

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