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Freedom Freedom
quality and state of being free Acts of Man
intrinsic (hindi pwede ma kuha simo you cannot control
us) and essential (need) Human Act
human persons by nature are free yet you can control
they seek freedom. uphold or diminish freedom
Freedom to Act (this sets us apart dehumanize a person
from other beings) creature)
Act: Projection with Self
According to Aristotle love of self
"it is our capacity to choose what we free to will
wanted, freedom is our inner awareness free to reason because we try to be
of what is right and wrong this can be objective
traced in our free will " human acts are purely subjective
but being selfless to become objective
Free "Will" (by choice) because of reason
it is a will that's being set free choice = free to will
will is internal with other Self
turning will into external by action love for others
act towards other self existential maturity
fulfillment (has no price)
Freedom is also rooted to be the power to
create and define oneself-to think about Right is reasonable
what we are. by being right we are more than
Freedom is rooted: our existence is determined by a Goal the
1. self-determination- how to determine more you are free you are fulfilled and u
yourself: Goal/Ambition become content in life.
- Goal is not part of urself
- what u want to be is the addition to the We do right:
current of who you are. It is due to what expected of us
2. exercise of intellect and free will - doing right does not need a return
- requires responsibility - it is the very end of why the self acts
- I have freedom/I am morally obliged.

Freedom Freedom
Love of Self Elements that define freedom
Remains in the self and it never goes 1. voluntariness
out. Love is a very powerful force once capability this is ur gage - the
this love cannot migrate from ourselves weight of responsibility.
it will destroy us
refer to the ability of the person
if love is not being shared then it is a
to act out of his or her own free
curse not a gift
will and self-determination.
self-love becomes stagnant our needs
will be dictated by need, desire, and
Principle of double effect
first act is positive
The erratic reason is under the influence
of emotion
second act has no intention but a
too much self-love (excess) - NEED negative (unexpected uncontrollable
WANT AND DESIRE = human greed effect)
man becomes enslaved to himself
I - he is conscious 2. responsibility
Me and Myself - Passive refers to the person being
Cancer that eats his capacity to reason accountable for his or her action
and to and will freely and the consequence.
heinous crimes roots from
3 kinds of freedom INTENTION.
1. Physical- absence of physical restraint both elements are
2. Psychological- you have a choice interconnected.
3. Moral- refers to the responsible use of freedom of experience
freedom. there is the element of through the act of making
intellect and reason. which upholds choices naga materialize satun
human dignity and goodness actions.


Freedom Freedom
3 Dimensions to exercise freedom 2. Positive freedom
1. before- the element of caution. A man is divided against himself. There is
humans are imperfect we make an inner struggle.
mistakes so we need to think before we A man has conflicting forces
act ‌desire
we react out of spontaneous /impulsive ‌want
/tactless ‌need
habit = impulsive they all came from self to control u need
2. during- knowing and applying MASTERY to tame the conflicting forces.
prudence - consciousness of how to
apply an action to limit mistakes Once u master the control of the self then
3. after- reflection - knowing ur u will have the strength to do good
mistakes and improving yourself. objective good.
experience = variables
Application of objections, laws, and rules
ISIAH BERLIN does not limits but liberators they exist to
British philosopher ensure the good in every person.
article 1958
2 concepts of liberty it helps the self to grow in the power and
fight for liberalism and pluralism the strength to master itself to do good.
against: political extremism
intellectual fanaticism

2 distinctions of freedom
1. Negative freedom
absence of coercion or interference
either verbal or physical.

Pettit 1997
"to the degree that no human being will
interfere with my activities" kung gusto
ko inde moko ma punggan.
"to the extent that i enjoy an
unimpeded and uncoerced choice"

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