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Clean Water Identification: Determining Dissolved

Oxygen Utilizing Winkler’s Method

V.A. Orcajada1, J.A.B. Bernabe1, and J.R.K. Burce1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Gokongwei College of Engineering
De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), EV4, GROUP 2
Date Performed: March 02, 2023


The quantity of oxygen that has been dissolved in water can be calculated using a method known
as the Winkler method. The volume of oxygen that is dissolved in water, also known as DO, is a crucial
indicator of the overall quality and health of aquatic environments. In this experiment, the standard for
comparison was the drinking water that was provided by the university. The researchers diligently carried
out the Winkler method, which requires the addition of chemicals to an alkaline medium prior to the reaction
with dissolved oxygen, which then acidifies the solution and makes it possible to titrate it. In addition, the
titration was performed twice, and the average concentration of oxygen (O2) was found to be 4.02 mg dm-
3 in both runs. As a whole, the findings indicate that there is a potential for aquatic life to flourish in the tap
water because the oxygen level concentration was within the lower range (4.02<5).

INTRODUCTION In particular, the experiment utilized the

Winkler method, which is also recognized as an
Clean water is crucial to human health, iodometric titration introduced by the Hungarian
the economy, and communities. It aids in chemist, Lajos Winkler to portion the quantity of
providing nourishment, preventing diseases, food DO in a water sample (Markgraf, 2019). It does
production, and sanitation. Without adequate so by measuring the consumed iodine in the
access to it, humans would be put at risk of reaction, which is precisely relative to the
waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, concentration of DO present in a solution.
dysentery, and diarrhea. Food insecurity might Moreover, scientists and environmentalists make
arise as problems with water availability, which use of the process in determining the value of O2,
agriculture is heavily dependent on, could induce together with the quality and condition of aquatic
crop failures and food shortages. As such, environments (Bruckner, n.d.). The Winkler
collective effort must be taken to guarantee that method procedure goes by the following chemical
water supplies are safe and dependable globally. reactions:
Notably, water quality can be determined by the
quantity of dissolved oxygen contained in an (MnSO₄) Manganese Sulfate and
aquatic area. (NaOH+KI) Alkali-iodide-azide are added into a
sampled water to make a white precipitate.
The volume of dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentration in freshwater systems is directly Mn2++2OH- → Mn(OH)₂
correlated to low levels of pollution and high
productivity (Bruckner, n.d.). Moreover, Oxygen However, if O2 (oxygen) is introduced in
is vital for aquatic animals and plants in order to the sample, the mixture turns into a brownish
respire and metabolize. It also impacts the precipitate.
biological and chemical processes in water,
including photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, and Mn2++2OH- +(X)O₂ → MnO₂+H₂O
After, the solution is allowed 5 minutes Reagents used include Volume of 2 cm3:
for oxygen to fully react and the precipitate to Manganese (II) sulfate solution (MnSO4);
settle. Sulfuric Acid is then added. The acidic alkaline Potassium iodide solution (KI);
state of the solution will make MnO₂ oxidize to concentrated Sulfuric (VI) acid (H2SO4); and
form iodine, which does not dissolve in water. freshly prepared Starch solution. Volume of 8
Moreover, the iodine reacts with the extra iodide cm3: 0.0125 M Sodium thiosulfate solution
to make a complex. (Na2S2O3). Laboratory equipment used: two 150
mL conical flasks; one 250 mL volumetric flask; a
MnO₂+2I- +4H+ → Mn2++ I₂+2H₂O burette with an Iron stand; and a cloth rag for
I₂+I- ←→ I₃- spillage.
Sodium Thiosulfate is then used to titrate
the solution to reduce the Iodine back to iodide. Proceeding with the experiment, tap
The amount of Sodium Thiosulfate used is water is poured up to the edge in a volumetric
directly proportional to the amount of oxygen. flask and covered. Making use of a pipette, 1.0
cm3 of Manganese (II) sulfate solution is
Aside from the Winkler method, incorporated into the sample. Similarly, 1.0 cm3 of
dissolved oxygen can also be calculated with the alkaline Potassium iodide solution is added as
amperometric electrode procedure and the use of well. The flask is covered and then inverted to
optical sensor technology (Zimmermann et al., achieve uniform precipitate distribution in the
2018). The amperometric electrode method sample solution. Once the solution has rested
utilizes the use of a reference electrode, and precipitate of at least 3 cm below the stopper
employed electrode, and an assisting electrode. has settled, 1.0 cm3 of concentrated Sulfuric (VI)
The employed electrode, which is usually made acid is introduced into the sample solution. The
of platinum or graphite, is covered by a flask is inverted repeatedly until no precipitate is
membrane that allows oxygen to be diffused. The visible. Sample solution is put to rest for five
technique works by an electrochemical process minutes and afterward transferred into two
when oxygen molecules in water diffuse over the conical flasks, each containing 100 mL of the
membrane to be lowered at a cathode. The sample solution.
resulting current generated by the reduction is
proportionate to the amount of dissolved oxygen Progressing with the titration process, the
present in a medium of water. On the other hand, solution is titrated using 0.0125 M Sodium
optical sensor technology determines oxygen thiosulphate until golden-yellow color turns to
levels by fluorescence quenching. The method pale-yellow. 1.0 cm3 of starch solution is then
uses a sensor equipped with an oxygen- added to the solution, and thiosulphate solution is
permeable tip and an oxygen-sensitive continuously added till deep blue color
luminescent dye. When exposed to blue light, the disappears, and a clear solution is achieved. The
dye excites and produces a red light. The oxygen volume of used thiosulphate solution is noted,
concentration is then measured by how much red and experiment is repeated for a second trial.
light is emitted. Once all the data from the two trials had been
gathered, the researchers proceeded to compute
This experiment aims to understand and the average dissolved oxygen concentration in
learn Winkler’s method to familiarize its the sample in mg dm-3.
applications in real-life scenarios. At the end of
the procedure, the researchers will also be able The researchers conducted the Winkler
to calculate and identify the concentration of Method experiment procedures in accordance
dissolved oxygen concentration from the with the LBYCH1A Laboratory Manual provided
sampled water. by the Faculty of Chemistry.


The researchers conducted the Winkler The following tables provide the
Method experiment in the Velasco Hall calculated volume of sodium thiosulfate and the
Laboratory (VL409) at De La Salle University, concentration of DO in the water sample. The
Manila on March 2, 2023. The researchers dissolved oxygen concentration in the water
sourced the water sample for the experiment from sample was identified through the ratio of
one of the taps in the laboratory and Winkler's method chemical reactions based on
characterized it as transparent, odorless, and free their stoichiometric relationships and then
from impurities. performed computations. For this experiment,
two trials were conducted. Each made use of 100
mL of the sample solution in which the average of measuring the iodine present, dissolved oxygen
their DO concentration was determined to be 4.02 can be determined.
mg dm-3. Moreover, a standard deviation of
0.70007 was discovered from the results of the The experiment starts with adding water
two trials. It was calculated to determine the to overflow in a 250 mL volumetric flask. This is
dispersion of data in relation to the mean. Full done to minimize the contamination by the
solutions and a completed data sheet can be
excess O₂ in the atmosphere. Then, in a similar
accessed through the appendices.
manner, Manganese sulfate liquid and alkaline
Table 1. Calculated Volume of Sodium Thiosulfate Potassium iodide liquids are included which
Dispensed for Trial 1 Titration follows the parameter of 2mL/200mL of water.
After, the solution is mixed by inverting the flask
Initial Na2S2O3 burette reading 28.5 cm3 forming a brown precipitate. It is important to “fix”
Final Na2S2O3 burette reading 33.0 cm3 (convert oxygen to iodine) the sample as soon as
Volume Na2S2O3 dispensed 4.50 cm3 it is gathered as organisms such as
phytoplankton and bacteria can change oxygen
Table 2. Calculated Volume of Sodium Thiosulfate
content by respiration (Louisiana Universities
Dispensed for Trial 2 Titration
Marine Consortium, n.d.).
Initial Na2S2O3 burette reading 33.0 cm3
Final Na2S2O3 burette reading 36.5 cm3 Moreover, in the presence of a strong
Volume Na2S2O3 dispensed 3.50 cm3 base, each oxygen molecule forms a manganous
hydroxide complex by binding with a manganese
Table 3. Calculated Concentration of Dissolved ion (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium,
Oxygen in mg dm-3 n.d.). The reaction is then allowed for a brief
period for oxygen to fully react and its precipitate
Trial 1 4.51 mg dm-3 to settle. After, the sulfuric acid concentration is
Trial 2 3.52 mg dm-3 add up to reduce pH levels and dissolve the
Average Concentration of O2 4.02 mg dm-3 precipitate. Iodine is produced in the process.
Standard Deviation 0.7000714249 (Optionally, starch is included to turn the solution
from light yellow to deep blue which makes for an
Sample Calculation for Trial 1
easier visualization of color change). The solution
n(S2O32- ) = [Na2S2O3] x is then split into two 100mL conical flasks to allow
(Volume Na2S2O3 / 1000) two trials for more accurate results. Lastly, both
= 0.0125 M x (4.50 cm3 / 1000) solutions are titrated with Sodium Thiosulfate to
=5.63 x 10-5 mol produce a controlled chemical reaction and
neutralize the color which ultimately determines
Ratio of O2 to S2O32- = 1:4 the amount of dissolved oxygen.
n(O2) = n(S2O32-) / 4
= 5.63 x 10-5 mol / 4 B. Purpose of each Reagent
= 1.41 x 10-5 mol
Since Winkler’s method has a process of
m(O2) = n(O2) x Molar Mass O2 indirect titration, each of the chemicals used has
= 1.41 x 10-5 mol x 32.00 g mol-1 a specific role in determining DO concentration
= 4.51 x 10-4 g x 1000 indirectly. The following are the relevant chemical
= 0.451 mg reactions that will justify the purpose of each
[O2] = m(O2) / (Volume Sample/1000)
= 0.451 mg / (100 cm3/1000) (1) 4Mn2+(aq) + 8OH- (aq) + O2(aq) + 2H2O(l) ⎯→
= 4.51 mg dm-3 4Mn(OH)3 (s)

DISCUSSION (2) 2Mn(OH)3(s) + 2I-(aq) + 6H+(aq) ⎯→ 2Mn2+(aq) +

I2(aq) + 6H2O(l)
A. Rationalization of Method

The Winkler method utilizes iodine (3) 2S2O32-(aq) + I2 ⎯→ S4O62-(aq) + 2I-(aq)

molecules which proportionally bind with oxygen
molecules in a sample of water. Thus, by
Adding manganese (II) sulfate and
alkaline potassium iodide will form a precipitation
reaction of insoluble oxygen manganese
complex. By that state, it will stabilize the O2 in
the water. The accumulation of sulfuric acid to the
solution allows the complex to dissolve, giving a
free iodine component with a golden yellow color.
Note that the quantity of iodine present in the
mixture is proportionate to the volume of DO in
the initial state of the water sample. A
standardized sodium thiosulfate solution is
utilized as a titrant in titrating the solution to
determine the volume of iodine, which also
corresponds to the volume of oxygen. To prevent
any visual errors in titration, a starch solution is
added as a marker to identify the occurrence of
iodine in a deep blue color. With this method, it is Figure 1. Present Air Bubbles during Experiment
simpler to distinguish the endpoint of water from
a deep blue color than a gold-yellow color According to the Water Science School
(Winkler Titration | Flinn Scientific, n.d.) (2019), water areas with a high dissolved oxygen
or at least with a concentration of 3.0 above, may
C. Interpretation of Results have a better quality of aquatic life, enabling
aquatic animals to swim free around without
Based on the calculation, the outcome worrying any poisoning or health related risks. In
reveals that the DO concentration of the sample comparison with the experiment’s results not
tap water from the first trial valued 4.51 mg dm -3 including the instrumental error, the sample water
and for the second trial with 3.52 mg dm-3. With with a mean of 4.02 mg dm-3 is above the
those results, it contained a mean of 4.02 mg dm- minimum concentration of DO. This indicates that
with a standard deviation value of 0.7 which is the sample water can contribute to the quality of
less than 1. This indicates that the data points are aquatic life and has sufficient dissolved oxygen
near to each other, giving a reliable result. for some of the aquatic organisms to live in.
However, the results of this experiment may be Contrastingly, an article by Water Quality (n.d.)
undependable due to the instrumental error of argues that 5-6 ppm of DO is typically needed for
having air bubbles during the procedure. The a group of fish to sustain their productivity and
Coyote Creek Riparian Station (n.d.) mentioned development. They claim that most aquatic
that having air bubbles in the experiment will organisms are stressed by water areas having
cause false and high analyses that will alter the dissolved oxygen levels of less than 3 ppm. On
calculations. Taking into account the presence of the other hand, they agree that fish cannot
air bubbles in the experiment, there is a possibility survive at DO levels with less than 2 ppm
that the determined average DO concentration of concentration.
4.02 mg dm-3 is skewed. Focusing on the
outcomes, the quantity of DO in the sampled With that being said, there is still
water from two trials is greater than 3.0 mg dm-3. uncertainty about the findings and may need to
Thus, the water is potentially deemed unpolluted. be reevaluated with little to no errors to ensure
the safeness of the aquatic animals.

As this experiment involves Winkler’s

method, the quantity of dissolved oxygen (DO)
from the sample water is measured by a simple
chemical analysis or a titration-based procedure.
Comparing it to other lab reports, they utilized
different methods with different approaches to
analyzing the DO in a water sample. An article by
Christopher (2019) states that the two other
methods, the Amperometric Membrane Electrode
method, and the Fluorescence method, use
different analyzing procedures. The
Amperometric Membrane Electrode method
employs an electrochemical analysis because it
involves an electrolyte solution by a submergible, To future researchers conducting the
casing-covered electrode that is affixed to a experiment: Make sure to use a rubber stopper if
measuring device that gives direct analyses in the volumetric flask provided does not come with
mg/L. On the other hand, The Fluorescence it. This is to ensure that the flask can be tightly
method applies photochemical analysis because sealed, avoiding presence of air bubbles when
it includes light wavelength in determining DO. procuring water samples; Inspect laboratory
equipment for flaws before conducting the
To further discuss, analyzation of experiment. Using faulty equipment can lead to
dissolved oxygen is also relevant in inaccurate readings; Consult the professor in
environmental chemistry research. It can be used charge of the appearance of analyte to avoid
to monitor the impact of human activities on over-titration; Transfer solutions into cylinders
aquatic environments. To illustrate, factories and flasks by making use of a stirring rod to
discharge several types of untreated chemical ensure no air bubbles is incorporated.
waste that can pollute waters leading to hypoxia.
Under low points of DO, most marine life may To the faculty in charge of laboratory
decline in health, undergo acute stress, and even maintenance: Observe regular laboratory
die (Western Australian Government, equipment check-ups. Replace immediately of
Department of Water, 2015). Furthermore, long defective laboratory equipment. By doing all
lasting effects range from reduced biodiversity, provided precautions, optimum accuracy in the
ecosystem resilience, to complete alteration of experiment's findings is ensured.
biogeochemical cycles (Ma et al., 2018b).
To conclude, the findings indicated in this
Therefore, dissolved oxygen level lab report show that tap water in the De La Salle
analysis in aquatic habitats is an essential University Manila is considerably clean and to
element of environmental chemistry research. It some extent safe for aquatic life. This observation
allows scientists critical information on the health bears significance to the fact that access to clean
and quality of aquatic ecosystems and can aid in water is a privilege. Some people in other
the identification of the impact of human activities. countries, even aquatic life, struggle to gain
resources to clean water. That is why the
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION researchers urge the readers to observe the
collective effort of conserving water. After all,
This experiment aims to identify the there is only so much clean water in the world,
dissolved oxygen concentration in a water and it is only a matter of time before the clean
sample through the Winkler Method. The water we enjoy can no longer be within reach of
researchers made use of tap water sample our hands.
sourced in one of the laboratories of De La Salle
University Manila. According to the experiment’s REFERENCES
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