Passage Planning With ECDIS (Online Test 90%)

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Passage Planning with ECDIS

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Q1 It is generally recommended to set ...

Option chosen: Safety Contour = Safety Depth
Answer is correct

Q2 To reduce bank effect mariner shall set XTE value not less than...
Option chosen: Ship Breadth
Answer is correct

Q3 Pick the correct defintion for the Alarm.

Option chosen: Conditions requiring immediate attention and action by the
bridge team to avoid any kind of hazardous situation and to maintain the
safe operation of the ship or escalation required as alarm from not
acknowledged warning
Answer is correct

Q4 According to the course recommendations High Risk Area has

following charachteristics:
Option chosen: Inside Shallow Contour; Depth less than Safety Depth; ETA
Hazard < 12 min
Answer is incorrect
Reference: Passage Planning with ECDIS. Module 6

Q5 Automatic Route Check is performed along the planned track

without consideration of XTE limits
Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q6 What Safety Contour will be displayed by the ECDIS on this ENC, if

you set the Safety Contour to 19 meters?
Option chosen: 27.4 m
Answer is correct

Q7 Which diamonds correspond to the contour labels?

Options chosen:
Answer is correct

Q8 What is the purpose of chart permits in ECDIS?

Option chosen: It is required to decrypt ENCs
Answer is correct

Q9 Practical formula to estimate increase of draft due to pitching is to

take it as...
Option chosen: 0.5 of the observed wave height
Answer is correct

Q10 A shallow contour is only for an additional indication of the

underwater topography of the already 'un-safe' water
Option chosen: True
Answer is correct

Q11 What may be harmed as a result of a navigational incident?

Options chosen:
Answer is correct

Q12 Which diamonds correspond to the soundings less than Safety

Options chosen:
Answer is correct

Q13 Which statement is correct?

Option chosen: Nautical charts and nautical publications, necessary for the
intended voyage, shall be adequate and up to date
Answer is correct

Q14 All nautical charts and publications onboard have to be up to date.

Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q15 What will trigger the ALARM on ECDIS in route monitoring

Options chosen:
XTE exceeded
Approaching the wheel-over line
Answer is correct

Q16 Which extension does ENC permit usually has?

Option chosen: permit.txt
Answer is correct

Q17 Which diamond corresponds to the Shallow Contour?

Option chosen: 2
Answer is correct

Q18 On modern ECDIS systems Safety Frame triggers

the INDICATION on ...
Options chosen:
Crossing safety contour
Crossing a danger in route monitoring mode
Answer is incorrect

Reference: Passage Planning with ECDIS. Module 5

Q19 If we set Safety Contour = 18m will the individual soundings less
than 18m be highlighted by the Safety Frame?
Option chosen: Yes, they will be highlited with yellow color
Answer is correct

Q20 It is generally recommended to set ...

Option chosen: Safety Contour = Safety Depth
Answer is correct

Q21 ENC's are installed, decrypted and updated in ECDIS in

accordance with IHO standard ...
Option chosen: S-63
Answer is correct

Q22 Setting a centered track in two-way channels and fairways to be

able to reverse it for the use of an upcoming passage plan is an
acceptable procedure for ECDIS
Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q23 Which of the mentioned ECDIS options should be ON on the route
monitoring stage?
Options chosen:
Past Track
RADAR and AIS overlays
'Position Difference' alarm
Answer is correct

Q24 What is the definition of Risk?

Option chosen: It is the combination of the frequency and the severity of the
Answer is correct

Q25 It is normal practice to calculate tide only for the primary port.
There's usually a small difference with a secondary port.
Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q26 What is shown on this picture in blue rectangles?

Option chosen: Date-dependent object
Answer is correct

Q27 Each ECDIS onboard the vessel has individual User Permit
Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q28 Which diamond corresponds to the Safety Contour?

Option chosen: 1
Answer is correct

Q29 Which Voyage Planning stages are included into IMO Res.
Options chosen:
Answer is correct
Q30 Isolated danger with a depth less than the Safety Contour setting...
Option chosen: Will trigger the indication on ECDIS on appearing withing
the Safety Frame
Answer is correct

Q31 User Permit Number is usually assigned to the group of the ECDIS
stations on the same vessel.
Option chosen: True
Answer is correct

Q32 Mariner shall keep SCAMIN ...

Option chosen: OFF because with SCAMIN ON individual soundings may
disappear, even with the small change of display scale in relation to ENC
compilation scale
Answer is correct

Q33 Draft increase due to squat does not affect Safety Contour value.
Option chosen: False
Answer is correct

Q34 Pick the correct defintion for the Emergency Alarm.

Option chosen: Signals which indicate that immediate danger to human life
or to the ship and its machinery exists and that immediate action must be
Answer is correct

Q35 Soundings less than Safety Depth within the Safety Frame trigger ...
Option chosen: visual and audible alarm within the Safety Frame
Answer is incorrect

Reference: Passage Planning with ECDIS. Module 4

Q36 What are the recommended XTE limit settings in this course for
Coastal Sailing (<12 nm from shore)?
Option chosen: 0.1 nm – 1.0 nm
Answer is correct
Q37 According to the course recommendations Medium Risk Area has
following charachteristics:
Option chosen: Outside Safety Contour; Depth < 2 x Drafts; ETA Hazard <
30 min
Answer is correct

Q38 Which diamond corresponds to the Depth greater than Safety

Option chosen: 5
Answer is correct

Q39 Which statement is correct?

Options chosen:
You can use same ENC permits for all ECDIS stations on the specific
vessel (if they have the same UPN)
You can't use same ENC permits for all ECDIS stations on the specific
vessel, if they have different UPN
Answer is correct

Q40 What will trigger the CAUTION on ECDIS?

Options chosen:
Larger scale ENC available
No ENC available
Answer is incorrect

Reference: Passage Planning with ECDIS. Module 5

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