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Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

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Atmospheric Research
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a t m o s

Assessment of the Thies optical disdrometer performance

Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson ⁎, Luciana Kindl da Cunha 1, Witold F. Krajewski 2
IIHR, Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Iowa, 300 South Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242-1585, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Optical disdrometers have the potential to be low maintenance instruments that can measure
Received 31 October 2010 drop-size distributions and drop-size distribution moments such as rainfall rate, radar reflectivity,
Received in revised form 14 January 2011 optical extinction, and others. As with any other measurement device, their output is affected by
Accepted 24 February 2011
different sources of uncertainty. To better understand these uncertainties, we compared rainfall
accumulations that were measured by three dual tipping bucket stations, three Vaisala WXT510
Keywords: compact weather stations, and four Thies optical disdrometers. We detected considerable bias
Uncertainty analysis between disdrometers and tipping buckets, as well as among disdrometers, that we attempted to
Rainfall observation
minimize through calibrating diameter measurements. Although the calibration successfully
Optical disdrometers
decreased bias among disdrometers, it increased bias between disdrometer rainfall accumulations
Drop-size distribution
Instrumental inter-comparison and tipping bucket accumulations, indicating that there are other relevant sources of error in the
estimation of rainfall accumulation from disdrometer measurements. We developed a simulation
capable of mimicking the disdrometer's operation during the calibration procedure and studied
the effects of using three arbitrary laser beam patterns into the measurement of the spheres'
diameters. The simulation successfully reproduced some of the behavior observed in calibration
data, showing the dependence of the bias and the spread of sphere diameter measurements
on the studied beam patterns. Furthermore, we designed a Monte-Carlo-based simulation to
propagate the uncertainties of the measurement of spheres' diameters into the estimation of
rainfall accumulations. We used the calculated uncertainties to correct rainfall accumulations
which improved the agreement among disdrometers, although apparently overcorrected the
accumulation for one of the instruments. Moreover we found the average correction to be related
to both average and standard deviation of the diameter error and insensitive to the diameter error
skewness. Overall we observed considerable bias between instruments with different principles
of measurements, which could not be solely explained by uncertainty in the evaluation of
the diameters, or by wind effects, indicating that difficulties in the determination of the optical
disdrometer's sensing area could be the cause.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of instruments that can provide drop-size distribution (DSD)

measurements. The instruments must be robust and reliable
Improving our understanding of the spatial and temporal enough to withstand variable weather conditions throughout
variabilities of rainfall characteristics requires a dense network the year, easy to calibrate or calibration-free to minimize
operation costs, inexpensive, and able to measure drop sizes
accurately. Optical disdrometers are relatively new instruments
that have the potential to meet these requirements. Although
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 319 335 5638; fax: +1 319 335 5238. the performance of impact disdrometers is well documented
E-mail addresses: (R.P.M. Frasson), (Kinnell, 1976, 1977; Joss and Waldvogel, 1977 and more (L.K. da Cunha),
(W.F. Krajewski).
recently Tokay et al., 2001; Tokay et al., 2003a,b; Tokay et al.,
Tel.: + 1 319 335 5638; fax: +1 319 335 5238. 2005 and Licznar et al., 2008), the error characteristics of their
Tel.: + 1 319 335 5231; fax: +1 319 335 5238. optical counterpart are not yet fully understood.

0169-8095/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

In an early attempt to shed some light on the error char- simultaneous drops occurring to be as high as 10% during
acteristics of optical disdrometers, Donnadieu (1980) evaluated intense rainfall events. Due to this perceived potential error, the
the performance of a photoelectric spectropluviometer in authors incorporated to their prototype device the correction
conjunction with a Joss–Waldvogel (JW) impact disdrometer. proposed by Raasch and Umhauer (1984). Although their
The author compared the velocity readings with the Gunn prototype increased the observable range of raindrop sizes, it
and Kinzer velocity relation (Gunn and Kinzer, 1949) as well introduced the need for calibration.
as with the drop-size distribution, rainfall rate, and radar The sensitivity of optical disdrometers to wind-induced
reflectivity as measured by the two disdrometers and found errors motivated the use of computational fluid dynamics to
discrepancies between the drop velocity measurements and study the modification of drops' trajectories by the movement
the Gunn and Kinzer relation. They subsequently proposed of air. Nespor et al. (2000)observed the occurrence of recir-
corrections to the JW data to account for these deviations. The culation inside the two-dimensional video disdrometer
proposed corrections for the JW disdrometer on the rainfall rate (2DVD) measuring chamber under simulated wind velocities
and liquid water content represent, respectively, a decrease of varying from 1 m s−1 to 12 m s−1. A further study by Habib
12% and 17%. However, the limitations of the optical technology and Krajewski (2001) showed that wind effect is a potential
were not discussed in depth. source of error in the measurement of drop-size distribution
Many other optical disdrometers can be found in the by the 2DVD. The authors concluded that computational fluid
literature, and each attempts to either decrease the instru- dynamics (CFD) could be used to assess different instrumen-
ment's uncertainty by lessening its susceptibility to a tal geometries in the future design of meteorological instru-
perceived source of uncertainty or to increase its range of ments. More recently, Constantinescu et al. (2007) employed
measurable drops. For example, Hauser et al. (1984) describe CFD to study the wind effects on tipping bucket rain gauges
the optical spectropluviometer (OSP), which works similarly and demonstrated that these instruments are also vulnerable
to the Thies optical disdrometer employed in the current to wind-induced errors.
study. The authors estimated that their instrument could Lanzinger et al. (2006) compared three Thies Laser
measure drops as small as 0.14 mm in diameter. However, Precipitation Monitors (LPMs) with a pit gauge. The authors
additional unsuppressed 50 Hz rumble noise on the power found that the LPMs consistently measured higher rainfall
lines at the test location didn't allow for measurement of drops amounts than the pit rain gauge, especially during higher
smaller than 0.3 mm in diameter. intensities. At the end of the examined period, the three
The prismatic light beam commonly employed in optical disdrometers presented average daily deviations from the
disdrometers makes them susceptible to errors derived from pit gauge measurements of 5.3%, 15.0%, and 20.2%, respec-
non-vertical drop trajectories. Illingworth and Stevens (1987) tively. The authors suggested that these consistent differences
as well as Grossklaus et al. (1998) designed disdrometers with point to calibration problems. They also hypothesized that the
cylindrical and annular beams, respectively. The latter group association of higher errors with high intensity storms could
of authors supported the claim that the proposed geometry be caused by the misinterpretation of multiple simultaneous
is less affected by non-vertical drop trajectories. Due to drops as single large drops and indicated that the real reasons
these instruments' larger sampling volume, the detection of for the errors could be found through further analysis of the
simultaneous drops is an issue. The instrument described by particle size spectra.
Grossklaus et al. (1998) incorporates a correction method, but Another source of discrepancy between instruments that
the authors do not provide details. employ diverse measurement techniques is varying sensitivity
Barthazy et al. (2004) presented another example of optical to specific drop sizes. For instance, Campos and Zawadzki
disdrometer with non-prismatic beam geometry. Their proto- (2000) compared the estimates of radar reflectivity–rainfall
type named the Hydrometeor Velocity and Shape Detector rate relation given by three types of disdrometers: (1) impact
(HVSD) employed a trapezoidal light sheet. Unfortunately based disdrometer (JW), (2) optical disdrometer (optical
the chosen beam geometry causes the diameter measurement spectropluviometer, OSP), and (3) a radar based disdrometer
to be sensitive to the position of the hydrometeor along the called a precipitation occurrence sensor system (POSS). They
light sheet. The authors estimated the error in the measure- found that after removing drops smaller than 0.7 mm in
ment of the diameter of raindrops to be about +−60% for diameter, the agreement of the drop-size distribution level
sub-millimeter particles and of +−6% for particles larger than was good. However, despite the good agreement of the DSD,
1 mm. there were significant differences between estimates of the
Even in optical disdrometers with smaller sampling parameters of Z–R relationships and between parameters
volumes, the detection of simultaneous drops is a problem, estimated from the same instrument with different techniques.
especially during intense precipitation. Raasch and Umhauer The authors concluded that one should proceed with caution
(1984) discussed the problem and proposed a correction when comparing results obtained from different instruments
that could reduce this error in the measurement of drop-size or techniques.
distribution. The authors demonstrated the effect of the original Caracciolo et al. (2006) compared an X-band continuous
size distribution's shift toward larger sizes for a given particle wave disdrometer called Pludix with a 2DVD, a JW, and Tipping
concentration and proposed an iterative method to retrieve bucket rain gauges. The Pludix was designed to classify
the original particle size distribution and, therefore, to correct precipitation and measure drop-size distribution, instanta-
the measurements. neous rainfall rate, and rainfall accumulation at a lower cost and
Through the use of computer simulations, Loffler-Mang and requiring lower maintenance than impact disdrometers. Pludix
Joss (2000) studied the susceptibility of optical disdrometers can detect larger drops, whereas JW can detect smaller
to detecting simultaneous drops and found the probability of ones. The analysis of the rainfall amounts showed that the
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 239

Pludix often underestimates the light to moderate events, with uncertainty of the instrument's rainfall rate and accumulation
respect to the tipping bucket rain gauge and the JW; however estimates. This uncertainty is represented here by the differ-
during high intensity storms, the trend is inverted, which is ences between disdrometers' estimates, disdrometers' and
consistent with the difference in the range of measurable drops tipping bucket rain gauges' measurements, and disdrometer's
between the JW and the Pludix. and Vaisala WXT510 compact weather station's measurements.
More recently, Brawn and Upton (2008) presented a The next section depicts the experimental setup, including
method to estimate the parameters for gamma drop-size a description of the instruments and calibration device
distribution that minimize the bias and imprecision caused by designed by us, followed by a description of the two computer
the inability to measure smaller drops with disdrometers. The simulations we developed. The first simulation assesses the
authors briefly illustrate how sampling variability affects our influence of beam pattern in determining drop diameter. The
perception of the drop-size distribution. The small-scale second simulation propagates the uncertainty of the diameter
variations would then affect our perception of the real natural measurement to the rainfall accumulation estimates. We
distribution. The authors used data obtained with the Joss– then discuss the results, beginning with an analysis of the
Waldvogel impact collected between August 2002 and June calibration data. We present a method to filter improbable
2003. They also examined a more limited dataset collected with errors on the disdrometer measurements, followed by a
a Thies LPM. The authors found that the optical disdrometer's comparison of disdrometer, WXT510, and tipping bucket
capability to see a wider range of drop sizes improved the rainfall accumulation results. We end with the propagation of
estimation of the gamma distribution parameters. the uncertainty on the diameter measurements on the rainfall
Cao et al. (2008) evaluated the use of two-dimensional accumulation estimates. The last section of this work presents
video disdrometers associated with polarimetric radar to a summary of our findings and the conclusions.
characterize rain microphysics. The authors proposed an
approach to quantify the uncertainty associated with limited 2. Experimental setup
sampling volume on the determination of parameters used
to fit distributions to drop-size distribution. The truncated 2.1. Experimental site and data availability
moment fit method described by Vivekanandan et al. (2004)
was used to fit three gamma distribution parameters to the Five Thies Laser Precipitation Monitors, hereafter referred
data retrieved by two 2DVDs. as LPM, were collocated in the Iowa City Municipal Airport
The sampling error was described by the fractional standard and placed every 3 m in a north–south oriented line. A dual
deviation, which equals the error standard deviation divided tipping bucket station (MRO01) and three Vaisala compact
by the time-average of all available data. The authors found weather stations (WXT510) operate in the same area,
that the fractional standard deviation (FSD) increased with the separated by 8 m from the center of the disdrometer line.
increasing moment order and that the correlation between Three dual tipping bucket stations (ICA01, ICA02, and ICY13),
different moment orders decreases with the increase in the organized in an equilateral triangle with 100 m sides, also
distance between moments. According to Zhang et al. (2003), operate in the area.
the FSD and the correlation coefficient between different The disdrometers were operational from 4 July 2007 to 03
moment orders are important because they determine the April 2009, with an interruption from 15 June, 2008 to 26
standard errors of parameters estimated through DSD. June, 2008, when power to some sections of the airport had to
Miriovsky et al. (2004) attempted to look at the spatial be discontinued. Interruptions for calibration occurred 30
variability of the DSD on a radar subgrid scale, i.e. about 1 km2. June 2008 to 7 July 2008 and 21 July 2008 to 09 August 2008.
They used different disdrometers, deployed inside an area of The tipping buckets were removed from the field during
1 km2, but ultimately concluded that they could not separate the winter, so data was not available before April 2007 and
the natural variability from the instrumental variability. This between November 2007 and May 2008. Tipping bucket data
study motivated a later effort by Krajewski et al. (2006), who was also not available from 13 June 2008 to 26 June 2008 due
installed a 2DVD, a Dual Beam Spectropluviometer (DBS), to the temporary relocation of our data servers. Two of the
and a Parsivel disdrometer at the Iowa City, Iowa municipal WXT510 stations were operational from 30 July 2007 to 03
airport. By installing the instruments close together, the natural April 2009 while the third station was operational from 30
variability could be neglected and the detected differences July 2007 to 08 August 2008. All three Vaisala Weather
could be attributed to instrumental variability. The authors stations were down from 15 June 2008 to 26 June 2008 for the
found significant discrepancies between the disdrometers as same reason as the disdrometers. Fig. 1 shows the location of
well as between the disdrometers and rain gauges, with higher the instruments and the time for which data was available.
differences occurring during heavy rainfall events.
Based on these works, we believe that, although disdrometers 2.2. Thies disdrometer Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM)
can offer insight into the microphysics of rain, one should be
aware of their limitations. Despite considerable previous work, The LPM consists of a laser emitter, a receiver, and a digital
a rigorous examination of the causes and roles of uncertainty signal processing (DSP) unit. It is capable of measuring the
on the estimation of drop diameters, as well as how these diameter and velocity of hydrometeors. From these measure-
uncertainties propagate to higher order moments, is still ments, it identifies the type of precipitation and calculates
unavailable. rainfall-rate, reflectivity, visibility, and drop-size distribution.
The goal of the present study is to quantify the uncertainty Every time a hydrometeor passes through the sensing volume
of the drop diameter measurements obtained with Thies optical of the disdrometer, it obscures the light beam. The shadow cast
disdrometers and to determine to what degree it explains the on the receiver leads to a decrease in the voltage generated by
240 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

Fig. 1. Experimental setup showing the approximate location of the instruments and summary of data availability.

the receiver's photodiode. The DSP monitors the photodiode's simulated mode. In the drop-by-drop mode, the instrument
voltage and calculates the diameter of the drop from the sends diameter and velocity measurements as well as status
minimum-observed voltage during the passage of the drop. The information to the computer on event, i.e. every time a drop
velocity is calculated from the duration of the voltage reduction crosses the laser beam. In the one-minute accumulation mode,
by dividing the sum of the diameter and beam breadth by the the instrument sends a telegram containing the disdrometer's
drop's residency time. information, one and five minute rainfall-rate, visibility, type
The LPM can output data in three different formats: the of precipitation and radar reflectivity, and a two dimensional
drop-by-drop mode, the one-minute accumulation mode, and matrix containing a count of all the drops recorded along the
the pulse mode where the instrument imitates the behavior of past minute.
a tipping bucket rain gauge. In the drop-by-drop mode, the This work uses the one minute accumulation mode, since
instrument sends the time stamp, the minimum receiver's the drop-by-drop mode requires an extremely high trans-
voltage, the estimated particle diameter and velocity, and the mission rate because a number of drops passing the
equivolumetric drop diameter and velocity. In the one-minute disdrometer's sensing volume can be large. For example,
data telegram, the instrument sends the 1 and 5 minute time- we recorded as many as 16,000 drops in a minute, with each
averaged rainfall moments as well as a 22 by 20 matrix with telegram containing up to 50 characters. For this setup, even
the count of drops in each of the size and velocity classes. We the maximum bandwidth might not be enough to convey all
used the default mode (one-minute accumulation) to acquire the information that could potentially result in the loss of
data and the raw diameter outputted in the drop-by-drop data.
mode to calibrate the instruments. A table (22 lines and 20 columns) containing a summary
of all drops recorded is provided each minute. Each element
2.3. Data binning of this table is associated with a diameter and speed class.
The first element stores the number of drops with a diameter
As mentioned, LPM can work in three different basic modes: between 0.125 mm and 0.250 mm and a speed between
drop-by-drop, one-minute accumulation, and tipping bucket- 0 m s−1 and 0.2 m s−1; the second element stores the
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 241

number of drops with the same diameter but with speeds 2.6. Tipping bucket rain gauges
between 0.2 m s−1 and 0.4 m s−1. The following 20 elements
encompass all velocities for the next diameter class and so on, Each station comprised two tipping buckets rain gauges
covering diameters from 0.125 mm and 8 mm and velocities (Met One model 380) and custom made data acquisition
ranging from 0.2 m s−1 to 10 m s−1. The result is a total of 440 equipment. The employed tipping buckets have collection
bins. For more details, refer to the instrument's manual (Thies funnels of 30.5 cm in diameter, which redirects the collected
Clima, 2007). rainfall to one of the buckets at a time. Once a volume of
water corresponding to 0.254 mm of rainfall is collected, the
2.4. LPM data processing bucket tips, aligning the empty side with the orifice coming
from the collection funnel and emptying the previously full
Rainfall-rates for different time intervals (1, 2, 5, 15, bucket. When this happens a voltage pulse is sent to the data
30, 60, and 120 min) are computed from the one-minute acquisition equipment, which registers the tipping time and
drop matrix, as shown in Eq. (1). The interior summation rain gauge identity. The data acquisition equipment transmits
accumulates the volume of the drops recorded by the the information to our data base servers every 15 min. This
instrument during the minute j. Ni represents the number rain gauge network has been employed in many past projects
of drops of the current drop class i, and Di represents the including Krajewski et al. (2003), Cruse et al. (2006),
central class diameter in millimeters. The exterior summation Constantinescu et al. (2007), Mandapaka et al. (2009), and
will accumulate the volume of water that passed the Seo and Krajewski (2010).
disdrometer's sensing volume during all j minutes, which
is one of the t minutes inside the current integration interval. 2.7. Timing synchronization
To obtain the rainfall-rate in millimeters per hour, one
divides the accumulated volume of water by the horizontally The LPM sends one data telegram to the computer every
projected area, A, of the disdrometers' sensing volume minute using its internal clock. The software sold with the
(in square millimeters) and the duration of the integration disdrometers disregards the instrument's internal clock and
interval, t (in minutes), saves each block of 60 entries in a file that is named according
to the computer's time in the format YYYYMMHH. As the data
  acquisition doesn't synchronize the disdrometers' internal
1 t 440 4π Di 3
R=   ∑ ∑ Ni ⋅ : ð1Þ clock with the computer's clock, the time derived from the
t j=1 i=1 3 2
A⋅ file name is the only available source of data time stamp.
Differently from other optical disdrometers, the LPM cannot
be set to work with different intervals. In this configuration,
Each instrument has a slightly different sensing area that the shortest time resolution that could be achieved was 1 min.
can be calculated by dividing the basic area (4560 mm2) by a The four LPMs and the two Vaisala compact weather
correction coefficient. This coefficient is evaluated and set by stations were connected to a single computer. Since they all
the manufacturer for each disdrometer. In our disdrometers, used the computer time to save their data, they can be
it varied from 1.012 to 1.087. considered synchronized. The computer was connected to the
internet through a wireless internet service and was supposed
2.5. Vaisala compact weather station (WXT510) to synchronize with time servers, thereby keeping its internal
clock as coordinated with the tipping bucket network as
The WXT510 is a compact, low cost, and low maintenance possible. Difficulties with internet service kept the computer
weather station with the capability to measure rainfall-rate, from regularly synchronizing its clock with time servers. As
wind speed and horizontal direction, temperature, and this drift happens over time, it cannot be fixed simply by
humidity. The instrument measures rainfall-rate in a way shifting the whole time series. Whenever it happened, it
that resembles an impact-based disdrometer. A round steel affected the LPMs and the compact weather stations in the
plate on the top of the weather station is connected to a same way, interfering with comparisons between tipping
piezoelectric sensor, which translates drop impact, i.e. drop buckets and disdrometers. To overcome this problem with
kinetic energy, in voltage. synchronization, we compared tipping bucket rain gauges and
The generated voltages are processed, signals that are not disdrometers only at one-hour accumulation levels and
typical from raindrops are discarded, and what remains is a maximized the correlation coefficient between disdrometers
description of the kinetic energy of drops. Assuming terminal and tipping bucket measurements for each storm separately.
fall velocity, the measured kinetic energy is then used to
estimate drop volume. This is accumulated for a minute and is 2.8. Calibration device
used to calculate the one-minute rainfall rate. Unfortunately,
the measured drop-size distribution is not outputted. The The uncertainty associated with the rainfall-rate measure-
rainfall quantities that are available are: one-minute rainfall- ment comes from various sources; one of them is the error
rate, peak rainfall-rate, and an emulated tipping bucket mode on the estimation of the diameter of the volume-equivalent
where the instrument sends a pulse whenever the accumu- drop. The error on the diameter propagates to other moments
lation hits a certain customizable threshold. Pooled mode for and can cause systematic and random deviations. Preliminary
rainfall-rate, wind, and pressure quantities are also available. data analysis showed the existence of bias among the
For more details, refer to the instrument's instruction manual disdrometers. The bias motivated us to develop a calibration
(Vaisala, 2007). procedure, in which the diameter of a well-known sphere
242 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

would be repeatedly measured by the disdrometer and then calibration, we developed a computer routine that simulates
contrasted to its nominal diameter. the functioning of the LPM. We hypothesized that the
We developed an instrument capable of deploying spheres differences in the measurements come from inhomogeneities
of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 mm in diameter on approximately the same on the laser beam pattern due to imperfection on the lenses
point of the disdrometer's laser sheet. Fig. 2 shows the which cause the measured diameter to be dependent upon the
schematics of the calibration device. The device consists of a location where the sphere falls.
reservoir for the spheres, ending in a tunnel that leads them to We tested three arbitrary beam patterns, all based on a
the loading rod. The loading rod has a set of grooves, each one Gaussian distribution, with the edges of the beam corresponding
matching the size of the sphere currently being used. When to different percentiles of the distribution controlling how
the groove is aligned to the reservoir, it allows one sphere to uniform the beam is. The most uniform condition corresponds to
be loaded. The loaded sphere is deployed when the loading using the 50% central area of the Gaussian distribution (cropped
rod is moved to the release position; its loaded groove is at the 12.5 percentile and 87.5 percentile). The other two cases
aligned with an opening at the bottom of the calibration used the 75% and 99.6% central area of the Gaussian distribution,
device; and the sphere is released. The calibration device has respectively. Fig. 3 shows the simulation schematics for the first
two supports that adjust to the disdrometer's frame and align examined beam pattern. It illustrates the effects of the position,
the center of the device's outlet with the center of the laser where the drop enters the sensing volume, on the measured
beam. The release height of the spheres was chosen to provide diameter. When the first 6 mm sphere falls on the center of the
the spheres with enough height to achieve a velocity of beam, it blocks more energy than a second identical sphere
approximately 1 m s− 1 at the height of the beam. falling close to the edge of the beam. The disdrometer sees the
The steel spheres had their diameter checked with a caliper, first sphere as being larger than its real size, while the second
and we found no deviations from their nominal diameter to a appears smaller.
tenth of a millimeter. For this reason, we assumed that the
nominal diameter is the real diameter of the sphere, which 3.2. Diameter uncertainty propagation into rainfall accumulation
allows us to refer to the difference between disdrometer through Monte-Carlo simulation
measurement and nominal diameter as a measurement error.
The average error for each instrument is an indication of bias We developed a Monte-Carlo simulation to propagate the
in the diameter measurement, while the standard deviation uncertainty on the diameter measurement to the rainfall-rate
of the error will characterize the precision of the diameter estimation. We used the 2008 calibration data as an estimate
measurement. of the uncertainty on the measurement of sphere diameters
and fitted statistical distributions to the relative discrepancies
3. Simulation studies between measured sphere diameter and nominal sphere
diameter for each disdrometer separately. We chose four
3.1. Computer simulation of the calibration procedure assuming scenarios for this study, each composed of 1 h of rainfall
different beam patterns measurements, with rainfall accumulations of 5.8 mm,
12.3 mm, 15.33 mm, and 31.9 mm, respectively. To explore
To better understand the reasons for the discrepancies the effect of different diameter error configurations on the
between nominal and measured diameters found during calculation of the rainfall accumulation, we created several

Fig. 2. Schematics of the calibration device alongside with a picture of the device set on a disdrometer during a field calibration.
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 243

Fig. 3. Simulation schematics performed to estimate the error on the diameter measurement caused by an assumed Gaussian beam pattern with the tails removed
at the 25th percentile and 75th percentile. Only the two extreme cases are shown, when a sphere falls on the edge of the beam, intercepting the beam with the
least amount of energy opposed to a sphere falling on the center, where it intercepts the largest amount of energy. For complete results refer to Table 3.

error distributions that were based on the beta distribution and 0.59 mm and diameters ranging from 3.18 mm to 4.76 mm,
normalized to reflect a multitude of average and standard and steel. Despite the different behavior of the instrument
deviation of the relative deviations from the nominal diameter. with respect to the sphere's constituting material, we decided
The simulation comprised the reading of the raw to remain with steel spheres as they are more readily available
disdrometer data, integration in time to obtain one-hour in the desired diameters.
drop matrices, construction of one vector per examined hour We repeated the procedure four times. The first time
containing the diameter of each drop (simulating drop-by- began in 2005 when the calibration was done outdoors and
drop measurements), subtraction of the simulated error from ended in 2006 when the instruments were sent to the
the diameter measurement, and subsequent recalculation manufacturer for repair and upgrade. When the instruments
of the rainfall rate. Analysis of the Monte Carlo simulation returned in the beginning of 2007, we conducted an indoor
convergence indicated that the repetition of this calculation calibration on two of them before sending all instruments
for about 1500 times is enough to allow the determination of back to the field. After another year and a half of operation,
the average and standard deviation of the difference between the calibration was repeated from July to August of 2008, this
simulated and original rainfall accumulation. This relatively time outdoors. The instruments remained in operation until
low value is due to the elevated number of drops collected April of 2009 when we brought them back indoors and
during 1 h of rain which, for one of the studied cases when executed a final round of calibration to assess the health of
the accumulation was of approximately 31.9 mm, exceeded the instruments. Table 1 presents statistics summarizing the
360,000 drops. evolution of the calibration results throughout the years.
The calibration executed in 2005 revealed that, on average,
4. Results and discussion all four disdrometers were underestimating the diameter of
the spheres by approximately half a centimeter, which presents
4.1. Calibration a rather large bias if one keeps in mind that all errors in the
estimation of the diameter are raised to the power of three
The purpose of the calibration procedure is to check the when the rainfall rates are calculated. The calibration curves
diameter measurements and, if necessary, correct them. In our obtained in 2008 were used in this study, as they were closer to
first attempt, we concentrated on uncertainties associated the conditions the instruments faced during the storms. The
with the measurement of spheres, although we recognize dataset comprises at least 100 measurements per diameter.
that raindrops are not perfectly spherical. As the instrument We repeated the calibration procedure once more, this
is not able to measure the shapes of hydrometeors, our goal time indoors, in 2009. This time, we measured 200 spheres of
with this simplified and idealized case is to define the lower each diameter, which resulted in a dataset of 1000 measure-
limit for the disdrometer uncertainty. Considerations about ments for each disdrometer. A closer look into these results,
raindrop shape would be possible if we used two-dimensional presented in Table 2, reveals an increasing average error on
video disdrometers (Kruger and Krajewski, 2002). disdrometers 33 and 34 data with increasing sphere diameters,
We tested different materials to examine the influence of which is consistent with errors caused by non-homogeneous
the sphere transparency and smoothness on the results. We beam power distribution. To clarify this, let us first look into the
tried glass (borosilicate) with nominal diameters ranging case of a homogeneous beam and how the instrument would
from 2.38 mm to 4.76 mm, resulting on an average error of estimate the size of a sphere.
−0.68 mm and an error standard deviation of 0.48 mm, The diameter of a falling hydrometeor is estimated by the
white rough plastic (nylon) with nominal diameters ranging magnitude of the drop of the voltage generated by a
from 2.38 mm to 4.76 mm and presented an average error photodiode. This drop occurs when an object totally or partially
of −0.76 mm and an error standard deviation of 0.73 mm, blocks the laser beam that illuminates the diode. The larger the
dark smooth plastic (Polyamide-imide) with an average error object is, the larger the area of the beam that it blocks. In the
of −0.66 mm and an average error standard deviation of homogeneous beam case, the shaded area is linearly related
244 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

Table 1
Evolution of the calibration for the five disdrometers. Before 2006 the instruments were referred to as disdrometers 1 to 5. During the repair and update, the
manufacturer introduced the identities 0033, 0034, 0037, 0038, 0068 in the disdrometer telegram, which were used after that date.

Instrument 2005 Instrument 2007 2008 2009

Outdoors Indoors Outdoors Indoors

Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm)

Disd A −0.60 0.38 0033 N/A 0.07 0.22 0.44 0.24

Disd B −0.50 0.39 0034 N/A −0.20 0.20 0.28 0.24
Disd C −0.54 0.35 0037 N/A −0.04 0.14 0.13 0.25
Disd D −0.49 0.41 0038 −0.03 0.26 0.01 0.18 −0.21 0.47
Disd E −0.59 0.35 0068 −0.20 0.20 −0.23 0.17 −0.08 0.17
Number of measurements 300 850 500 1000

to the amount of energy that reaches the photodiode despite sections of the beam will be more or less efficient in
the location where the hydrometeor falls, provided that it falls intercepting the beam's energy. To demonstrate the influence
entirely on the beam. The amount of energy reaching the diode of the beam power distribution on the estimation of the
is translated to the body's diameter. diameters, we applied a Monte Carlo simulation assuming 3
The shaded area can be calculated with the use of Eq. (2), different beam patterns. The beam pattern “A” corresponds to
which uses a Cartesian coordinate system where x is an the center portion of a normal distribution encompassing 50%
horizontal axis running along the beam, i.e. pointing from the of the original area, beam pattern “B” is also taken from a
emitter toward the receiver with its origin on the center normal distribution and includes 75% of the total area, and
of the beam, y is a second horizontal axis that runs across beam pattern “C” includes 99.7% of the original area. The
the beam, and the z-axis is a vertical axis originating on the calibration device deploys the spheres on the center of the
vertical center of the beam, as pictured in Fig. 3. The other beam with a certain variation, which is normally distributed
terms in Eq. (2) are A, which stands for the maximum area with zero average and a standard deviation that varies with
of the beam that is shaded by the sphere, d, which is the the diameter of the beam, as shown in Eq. (4).
diameter of the sphere, and h, which is the height of the beam.  
Eq. (2) is valid if the diameter of the sphere is larger than 1 W−d
σy = ð4Þ
the beam height (0.75 mm) and if the body doesn't hit the 3 2
horizontal edges of the beam, i.e. the y-coordinate of the
center of the sphere is within the limits presented on Eq. (3), Our analysis of the number of iterations necessary for the
where W stands for the beam width, which is 20 mm, and d is convergence of the average error in the diameter measure-
the diameter of the body, which varies from 2 mm to 6 mm in ment pointed toward 3000. To estimate the standard
the investigated cases. The maximum shaded area is achieved deviation of the error, a larger number of iterations were
when the center of the sphere is aligned with the vertical required (10,000).
center of the beam. In the past, the original factory calibration was done with
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 mm spheres deployed at 15 different beam positions.
h d2 −1 h Using the simulation, we estimate the factor that we must
A = h⋅ d −2
+ ⋅ sin ð2Þ apply to all simulated diameters in order to have 0 average
2 4 d
error on the 4 mm diameter. Table 4 shows the results of
W−d d−W the average, standard deviation and skewness of the error on
≥ yc≥ ð3Þ
2 2 the diameter measurement for the three different beam
patterns. The average error decreases until it reaches 0 mm
In existing disdrometers, the energy emitted by the beam at the 4 mm spheres and then increases. For distributions “A”
is non-uniform, adding more uncertainty to the estimation of and “C”, the standard deviation increases with the increasing
the diameter. With a varying intensity, the received power is diameter, while for distribution “B”, the standard deviation
no longer linearly related to the shaded area, and different decreases with increasing sphere diameters. Fig. 4 shows the

Table 2
2009 calibration results for each examined diameter. 200 repetitions were done for each diameter, which corresponds to a total of 1000 measurements per
disdrometer. Average error corresponds to the average difference between disdrometer measurement and sphere's nominal diameter and σ stands for the
standard deviation of the referred differences.

Nominal 33 34 37 38 68
Ave. error σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm) Ave. error (mm) σ (mm)

2 0.16 0.22 0.12 0.17 0.16 0.13 −0.13 0.44 −0.12 0.22
3 0.32 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.19 0.16 −0.26 0.51 −0.04 0.15
4 0.48 0.15 0.29 0.25 −0.09 0.32 −0.09 0.47 −0.04 0.13
5 0.58 0.13 0.34 0.24 0.12 0.29 −0.30 0.43 −0.09 0.14
6 0.65 0.11 0.44 0.21 0.26 0.17 −0.28 0.44 −0.11 0.18
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 245

Table 3 wasn't similar to any of the three simulated beam patterns.

Summary of simulation results showing how drops of 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, We see two possible reasons for the disagreement. The first is
5 mm and 6 mm would be seen if they fall on the edge of the beam opposed
to falling on the center assuming an assumed Gaussian beam pattern with
related to the number of measurements, while the second
the tails removed at 25% and 75%. relates to the chosen beam patterns for the simulations. Our
study of the number of repetitions needed by our simulation
Diameter Position Estimated Variation Blocked
to achieve convergence of the error standard deviation
diameter amplitude power
(mm) (mm) pointed to values on the order of thousands per diameter.
In the experiment, we only had 200 measurements per
2 Center 2.14 0.34 11%
Edge 1.80 9% diameter, which might not have been enough to accurately
3 Center 3.22 0.48 16% determine the standard deviation of the error on the diameter
Edge 2.74 14% measurement for individual diameters.
4 Center 4.29 0.57 21% As shown in Table 4, the standard deviation can increase or
Edge 3.72 18%
decrease with increasing sphere diameters, depending on the
5 Center 5.36 0.63 27%
Edge 4.72 24% selected beam pattern. At this point, we have no measure-
6 Center 6.41 0.67 32% ments of disdrometers' beam power distributions, and we
Edge 5.75 29% have just studied a small number of arbitrary distributions.
Future work involves developing a method to obtain these
distributions. The measured beam pattern will be used in the
distribution of the relative differences between simulated simulation to obtain a more realistic representation of
and nominal diameters for the three cases. The right hand instrument operation. Most likely, a combination of the two
side shows a slight increase of the probability distribution described factors, along with others still unknown at this time,
around − 0.3 mm, which resembles what happens with is responsible for the lack of uniformity.
disdrometers 34 and 37 in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 shows the differences between the measured and 4.2. Data filtering
nominal diameters for all 5 diameters with 200 measure-
ments per diameter, as measured in the 2009 calibration as While looking at the one-hour accumulation readings
well as the simulated results using the 50% Gaussian beam calculated from the disdrometer results, we found some
pattern without the correction for the 4 mm drops. Even suspicious points where only one disdrometer reported
though the magnitudes of the average error, error standard drops. One of these points registered readings as high as
deviation, and skewness do not match those of the real data, 114 mm of accumulated rainfall in 1 h. It is highly unlikely
the overall pattern of the simulated data is similar to what that such a localized and intense rainfall could happen, which
the disdrometers 33, 34, and 37 presented, in which both led us to further investigate that hour. When examining the
distributions are negatively skewed with long tails and a drop-size distribution at that moment, we found a pattern
comparatively sharp cut on the right side. that is highly unlikely to be associated with natural rainfall, as
In Table 2, disdrometers 37, 38, and 68 showed minimum shown in Fig. 6. Instead of observing a falling concentration of
absolute average error for the diameter of 4 mm, which is also drops with increasing diameter, we observed a quite constant
the case for the simulated data shown in Table 4. The behavior concentration in all diameters, especially of hydrometeors
of the error standard deviation obtained through calibration larger than 8 mm. Although we could not find an explanation
for this concentration, we believe that it was not natural
precipitation and should be removed from the rest of the
Table 4 analysis.
Average error and error standard deviation derived from the simulated
calibration, assuming a Gaussian beam pattern with the tails removed at 25%
We searched the remaining data for hours when only one
and 75% and a normally distributed sphere position across the beam with instrument detected accumulations in excess of 1 mm h− 1,
average 0 and varying standard deviation according to the sphere diameter. checked the drop-size distribution for that hour, and removed
Total number of iterations of 20,000 per sphere diameter. those that displayed improbable drop-size distributions. The
Beam Diameter Average Average Error standard Error number of hours of data removed from the study was different
pattern (mm) error relative deviation skewness for each instrument and varied from 1 to 6 in 2007 and from 1
(mm) error (mm) (mm3) to 19 in 2008. For comparison purposes, the disdrometers
A 2 −0.674 −0.337 0.04 −21.38 collected data for 2175 h in the first year and for 3908 h in the
3 −0.004 −0.001 0.09 −9.27 second year. In most of the removed hours, the anomaly lasted
4 0.000 0.000 0.11 −7.13 for no more than 5 min. Although we don't have an explanation
5 0.003 0.001 0.11 −6.47
6 0.001 0.000 0.12 −7.22
for the anomalies, they are easy to identify and remove from
B 2 −0.097 −0.049 0.07 −2.81 the dataset. As this type of inconsistency occurred for all
3 −0.004 −0.001 0.07 −3.93 disdrometers during the whole period of data collection, this
4 0.000 0.000 0.06 −3.07 procedure could be adopted as a simple quality control system
5 −0.124 −0.025 0.04 −2.63
to filter out anomalies from the Thies optical disdrometer.
6 −0.126 −0.021 0.04 −2.87
C 2 −0.070 −0.035 0.56 −1.18
3 0.016 −0.005 0.75 −1.46 4.3. Rainfall accumulation comparison
4 0.000 0.000 0.89 −1.46
5 0.033 0.007 0.98 −1.65 Table 5 shows the accumulations for all the instruments.
6 0.566 0.094 1.29 −5.59
The accumulations for 2007 refer to the period of 01 August
246 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

Fig. 4. Probability density plots for three alternative beam patterns. Left hand side shows what the distribution of the relative difference between the simulated
diameter and the nominal diameter is, if the beam power distribution corresponds to the 75% central area of a normal distribution, central panel shows the beam
pattern that corresponds to 50% of the central area of a normal distribution and, the right hand side shows a more extreme case, when 99.6% of the normal
distribution is used.

2007 to 31 October 2007, when all instruments were online. deviation of 18% from the average of the other 3 disdrometers.
A malfunction of the interface between one of the Vaisala Disdrometer 1 overestimated the rainfall rate by approxi-
compact weather stations (WXT510 North) and the data mately 20% with respect to the average of the other three
acquisition computer prevented us from having a complete disdrometers, while disdrometer 2 and disdrometer 4
dataset for all instruments in 2008. In Table 5, the line 2008* respectively underestimated and overestimated the rainfall
shows the rainfall accumulation between 1 May 2008 and 09 accumulation by about 5% with respect to the average of the
July 2008, when the connection with the WXT510 North other instruments.
failed. During this period, all four disdrometers, three dual In 2008, the discrepancy between disdrometer 1 and the rest
tipping bucket stations, and three compact weather stations of the group increased, while the other three disdrometers
were functional. reported less dissimilar values. The difference between accumu-
In 2007, the maximum disagreement between the three lation derived from disdrometer 1 data and the average
dual tipping bucket stations was on the order of 3%. In 2008*, accumulation derived from the other three disdrometers' data
the ICY13 station showed an underestimation of about for the period of 2008* was nearly 150 mm, which corresponded
10% with respect to the average of the other tipping bucket to an overestimation of 30% of the average of the other
station. Three specific hours were decisive for the disagree- disdrometers. When we apply the calibration curve derived
ment of the ICY13 and the average of the other 2 stations, and from the 2008 calibration data, we notice an improvement in the
they accounted for 29 mm of the missing water for that agreement among disdrometers. In 2007, the worst deviation of
station. The dates were 3 June 2008 between 13:00 and 14:00 calibrated data, i.e. between disdrometer 1 and the average
UTC, 26 June 2008 between 03:00 and 04:00 UTC, and accumulation of the other disdrometers, decreased from an
8 July 2008 between 20:00 and 21:00 UTC. On these three overestimation of 20% to an overestimation of 9%. The same
occasions, a flag indicated that the data-logger memory was behavior happened with the 2008 data, when calibration
full and an unknown number of tips were lost. If those points successfully reduced the disagreement between disdrometers.
were removed from the data series, the accumulation for However, when we compare disdrometers with the tipping
the period would be 293.3 mm, 294.5 mm, and 288.2 mm bucket rain gauges, the advantage of applying the calibration
for the Stations ICA01, ICA02, and ICY13, respectively. This curve was not so obvious.
corresponds to a maximum deviation from the mean of Similar overestimations were found by Lanzinger et al.
approximately 2%. The same is valid for the 2008 series. (2006) when comparing three Thies optical disdrometers
If these three points are removed from the series, the maximum with pit rain gauges. In their experiment, the laser disdrom-
difference between tipping buckets would be on the order eters overestimated the rainfall accumulation by approxi-
of 1%. mately 5%, 15%, and 20% with respect to pit gauges. Lanza and
The other instruments did not behave as well. In the Vuerich (2009) compared 1-minute rainfall intensities de-
accumulation level, we see the presence of bias among rived from tipping buckets, weighing gauges, and optical
disdrometers, among compact weather stations, and also disdrometers measurements and also reported the overall
among disdrometers and weather stations with respect to trend of optical disdrometers overestimating rainfall amounts
tipping buckets. For instance, let us look at the 2007 with respect to a reference rainfall, which was the weighted
accumulation. Comparing disdrometer 1 with disdrometer 5, average of several different types of instruments. For more
we see a difference of 127 mm of rain, which corresponds to a details on this experiment refer to Vuerich et al. (2009).
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 247

Fig. 5. Probability density plots for the 2009 calibration for each of 5 instruments alongside with the results from the computer simulated calibration. Experimental
plots generated from 1000 measurements of spheres with diameters of 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm and 6 mm (200 repetitions per diameter) for each instrument.
Simulated plot representing measurements of 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm and 6 mm spheres with 10,000 measurements each.

Still, Table 5 shows that applying the calibration curve to tion of the WXT510, with the former going from a non-
the disdrometers approximated the average disdrometer calibrated average of 442 mm to 473 mm after applying the
accumulation for the year of 2007 to the average accumula- calibration curve. This brings it closer to the compact weather
248 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

indicate the instrument's tendency to underestimate the

drop's diameter and, consequently, rainfall. However, during
the operation, rain rates and rainfall accumulations were
overestimated by disdrometer 1.
The two main differences between the indoor and the
outdoor calibrations are lighting conditions and the presence
of wind. We expect that the lack of wind during the
laboratory calibrations explains the observed behavior.
Wind would cause the spheres to fall more consistently off
the center of the laser beam. We would expect that by shifting
the location of the average fall away from the center, we
would observe more underestimation of the diameter of
the spheres as well as increased error standard deviation
because it could cause the spheres to partially intersect
the disdrometer's laser beam. Revisiting Table 1, we see that
the error standard deviation increased for all disdrometers.
The tendency to overestimate diameter indoors (2009) as
opposed to outdoors (2008) only occurred for sensors 33 (no
rain data collected), 34 (disdrometer 2), and 37(disdrometer
Fig. 6. Suspicious drop-size distribution registered during a 1-hour event 4) and was reversed for sensors 38 (disdrometer 1) and 68
detected by a single disdrometer. The distribution showed as a reference
corresponds to the Marshall–Palmer distribution (Marshall and Palmer,
(disdrometer 5). For these reasons, we are uncertain at this
1948) fitted to 114 mm h−1. The almost constant concentration of drops point whether applying the 2008 calibration curve to the
with respect to average class diameter is unlikely to happen in natural dataset is indeed beneficial.
rainfall. Data was further scrutinized to identify such occurrences and these The differences between the instruments' accumulations
points were eliminated from the rest of the analysis.
do not come from single unexplained or unpredictable
occurrences but rather from long-term trends, which, in
principle, could be removed by calibration without the need
stations' accumulation of 503 mm. When this comparison is to change hardware. To support this statement, let us look at
repeated for the 2008* period, the average disdrometer 1-hour accumulation comparisons shown in Fig. 7.
accumulation goes from 510 mm to 546 mm while the Fig. 7 consists of 6 panels, the first 4 comparing individual
average WXT510 shows only 452 mm. The same distancing disdrometers to the average of the other 3 LPMs. The 5th panel
between the instruments occurs in 2008, when the average (left hand side on the bottom row) compares the average of
disdrometer accumulation goes from 801 mm to 856 mm the 2 working compact weather stations (WXT510) to the
while the compact weather stations recorded an average of average of the 4 LPMs and the last panel (right hand side on the
735 mm of rainfall. bottom row) compares the average LPM 1-hour accumulation
We cannot explain the apparent better suitability of the to the corresponding average tipping bucket accumulations.
2008 calibration curve to the 2007 dataset. Since the Data in this figure comprises the whole set (2007 and 2008)
calibration data was collected in June of 2008, it should and the solid black line in all panels represents a 1:1 line, where
better fit 2008 than 2007. Applying the calibration curve all points should fall in a perfect situation without bias or
obtained in 2009 (performed inside the laboratory), does not spread. Points falling above the line indicate overestimation by
produce good results, further distancing the disdrometers' the examined instrument, while points falling under the line
accumulations. Returning to the 2009 calibration data shown represent underestimation.
in Table 2, we see negative average errors for sensor 38 By looking at the first panel comparing disdrometer 1 with
(disdrometer 1), positive errors for sensors 34 and most of 37, the average of the other three disdrometers, the long-term
respectively (disdrometers 2 and 4), and negative errors for trend of overestimation of rates is evident. It is also apparent
sensor 68 (disdrometer 5). Negative errors during calibration that instruments using the same principle of measurement

Table 5
Comparison of the rainfall accumulations for the years 2007 and 2008. The 2008* line shows a limited dataset for which all instruments were online (1 May 2008
until 09 July 2008), the 2008 line shows the accumulated values from 1 May 2008 to 31 October 2008. Non-calibrated values were calculated from the
disdrometer's drop matrix outputted by the instruments and only corrected for each device's specific catchment area. The 2008 calibration curves were used to
calculate the calibrated disdrometer data for both years. No calibration is available for neither the tipping buckets nor the WXT510.

Disdrometers WXT510 Tipping buckets

1 2 4 5 East North South ICA01 ICA02 ICY13

2007 Not calibrated 506.0 424.4 458.5 379.3 531.7 476.0 502.6 351.1 353.2 343.2
Calibrated 501.1 477.4 472.4 439.1
2008* Not calibrated 619.8 466.7 490.4 465.0 481.2 437.6 438.8 342.3 344.2 310.4
Calibrated 613.8 525.0 505.2 538.3
2008 Not calibrated 967.4 730.0 782.2 724.5 764.2 N/A 706.7 570.8 577.3 544.5
Calibrated 958.2 821.2 805.9 838.7
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 249

Fig. 7. Comparison of one-hour accumulations based on disdrometers, compact weather stations (WXT510) and tipping bucket rain-gauge measurements.
Individual disdrometers are compared to the average of the other disdrometers. One-hour accumulations derived from average disdrometer data are compared to
the corresponding average WXT510 data and tipping bucket data. Plots comprise the period of 2007 and 2008* as in Table 5.

agree better than those using different methods, which is not We investigated the effects of wind speed and direction on
unheard of in the literature and was pointed out by Campos the differences between average disdrometer and tipping
and Zawadzki (2000) and also by Vuerich et al. (2009). bucket hourly rain accumulations but failed to establish a
250 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

relation between them. We examined the relation between perpendicular wind was 0.3 mm with standard deviation of
wind speed and discrepancies between instruments by 1.5 mm. The same quantities with parallel wind were 0.5 mm
plotting the two quantities, which didn't reveal any pattern. and 3.2 mm, respectively.
We also calculated the correlation coefficient between Another important question when comparing instruments
the instruments' discrepancies and wind speed and found a is how long to integrate them in order to obtain meaningful
value very close to zero, indicating no linear relationship. results. If we integrate for too long, we lose time resolution.
Comparing the wind direction with the differences in rainfall On the other hand, if we do not wait long enough, our data
accumulations was done in a different way, as the direction will be too variable, noisy, and not statistically representative.
is a cyclic variable. Fig. 8 shows how increasing the integration time influences
We classified the wind direction into perpendicular to the the spread of the data. This figure shows four plots of one of
disdrometer axis (West–East or vice versa) or parallel to the the disdrometers against the average of the other three
disdrometer axis (North–South or vice versa) and looked at disdrometers at four integration intervals, namely 1, 5, 15,
the distribution of the discrepancies between disdrometers and 30 min.
and tipping bucket measurements, provided that there By examining Fig. 8, it becomes apparent that increasing
was rain. We observed a slightly higher average difference the integration time improves the agreement between
between instruments when the wind was perpendicular to sensors and also that the spread of the data varies with
the disdrometers and a higher standard deviation of these rainfall intensity. Although this is an expected result, we
differences when the wind was parallel to the disdrometers examined the evolution of the square of the correlation (r2) of
although the shape of the two distributions was similar. each disdrometer with respect to the average of the other
Quantitatively, the average difference between tipping three. We examined 7 integration intervals, namely 1, 2, 5,
bucket and disdrometer hourly rain accumulation under 15, 30, 60, and 120 min and present the results in Fig. 9. The

Fig. 8. Example of the effect of the integration interval in the agreement between disdrometer and average disdrometer. The plots depict how the 1, 5, 15 and
30 min rainfall accumulations derived from a typical LPM disdrometer agree with the average of the other disdrometers. Displayed data comprise the period of
2007 and 2008* as in Table 5.
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 251

Fig. 9. Left hand side panel shows how the square of the correlation coefficient between disdrometer and average rainfall accumulation changes with respect to the
accumulation time. Right hand side shows the behavior of the square of the correlation coefficient between each disdrometer and the average WXT510
accumulation at different accumulation times.

figure shows that the longer we integrate, the better the The left-hand side panel of Fig. 10 shows the dependency
linear relation is between instruments. The gain in correlation of the average difference between one disdrometer estimate
is more pronounced when increasing the integration interval and the average of the other instruments with respect to
up to 5 min. After 30 min, we observed no more real gain in the average rainfall accumulation. The higher the rainfall
terms of correlation. This comparison should be taken with accumulation, the higher the average deviation. The pattern is
some caution, as the number of intervals contained in the quite linear, as shown by the values of the correlation between
data decreases as we integrate for longer times. the average rainfall accumulation and average difference of
It is also apparent in Fig. 8 that the average error and the each disdrometer and the average of the others, as given in
error standard deviation change with accumulation amount. Table 6. Lanza and Vuerich (2009), when comparing optical
To investigate this dependency, we broke the series into 30 disdrometers with rain gauges, also observed an increase
classes of 60-minute accumulations with respect to the of the differences between the two instruments with increasing
average disdrometer accumulations at each corresponding rainfall rate, which is consistent with the increasing bias
integration interval. The first and the last classes are the only on the rainfall accumulations with respect to the reference
ones with different numbers of elements. The first groups accumulation we present on the left panel of Fig. 10. We
all intervals with an average accumulation of at least also observed an increase in the spread of the rainfall
0.1 mm. At the highest resolution, this first class indicates accumulation measurements with increasing average accumu-
how well the instruments detect the onset of rainfall. lations, as shown on the right panel of Fig. 10.
The other classes had their limits chosen in order to contain A possible source of bias that would not be detected in
the same number of elements. This criterion was chosen the calibration of the diameter measurements and would be
in order to minimize the effect of sample size in the com- consistent with the linear rising average difference between
parison across classes. instruments with respect to the average rainfall accumulation

Fig. 10. Left hand side shows the average difference between individual disdrometers and the average of the other three calculated for 30 classes of one-hour
rainfall accumulation. The right hand side panel shows the standard deviation of these differences, plotted against the average rainfall accumulation. We
used 1-hour accumulations in this plot and designed each class width in order to produce homogenous counts at each class, with exception of the first class
(b 0.1 mm) and the last class (N10.9 mm), which had counts of 5491 and 28 elements respectively. All other classes had 21 elements each.
252 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

Table 6 0.16. The disdrometers presented average diameter relative

Squared correlation coefficient between the average 1-hour rainfall errors of 0.002, −0.06, −0.001, and −0.05 and standard
accumulation and the average, standard deviation and skewness of
difference between each disdrometer's reading and the corresponding
deviations of 0.06, 0.06, 0.04, and 0.03 during the 2008
rainfall accumulation. “Error” in this table refers to the difference between calibration.
each disdrometer's reading and the average of the other disdrometers. Table 7 summarizes the results from the first stage of this
analysis. Qualitatively, the average rainfall correction is not
Disdrometer R2
particularly sensitive to the skewness of the diameter relative
Average “error” σ of the “error” “Error” skewness
error distribution unless the average relative error on the
versus average versus average and rainfall
rainfall rainfall accumulation diameter is smaller, in absolute value, than the standard
accumulation accumulation deviation. In those cases, when the average relative error of
1 0.99 0.92 0.03
the diameter measurement is of the same order of magnitude,
2 0.89 0.91 0.01 0.1 (average underestimation of the diameter of 10%) and
4 0.93 0.94 0.04 0.16, respectively, the rainfall correction for an hour of rain
5 0.99 0.89 0.01 that originally registered 31.9 mm changed from − 6.7 mm to
−6.2 mm with a change of skewness from 1.94 to −1.93. In
the extreme tested case, when the average diameter relative
is error in the determination of the disdrometer's laser area. error was 0 and the standard deviation was 0.16, the rainfall
Although we used the areal correction factor provided by the correction for the same studied hour changed from 2.20 mm
disdrometers in our computations, if the correction factors to 2.70 mm with the same change in skewness. This shows
were not correctly determined in the factory, they would that, although the change in the correction was more
cause such behavior. pronounced than in the previous case, it is still negligible
when compared to the original rainfall accumulation.
4.4. Uncertainty propagation The same degree of insensitivity to changes in the relative
error distribution of the diameter does not apply to the
By means of a Monte Carlo simulation, we studied how spread of the rainfall correction. In all instances, the standard
errors in diameter estimation propagate to the estimation deviation of the rainfall correction is significantly affected
of 1 h rainfall accumulation. By subtracting the error from by changes in the skewness of the diameter relative error
the diameter measurement, we attempt to find a correction distribution. These changes can be as small as approximately
for the rainfall estimated by the examined diameter. The 15%, when the average diameter relative error was 0.1, the
average correction addresses the bias caused by errors on standard deviation 0.04, and the skewness changed from 1.90
the diameter measurement, while the standard deviation of to − 1.90, with the corresponding rainfall correction standard
this correction indicates the amount of spread on the rainfall deviation changing from 0.028 to 0.033 or as large as 66% for
accumulation that can be attributed to errors in the diameter average diameter relative error of 0.1, standard deviation
measurement. We worked with two stages, each covering 0.16, and similar change in skewness with corresponding
four cases. In the first stage, we used arbitrary shapes for the rainfall correction standard deviation going from 0.010 to
diameter relative error distribution to study the effects of its 0.017.
direction of the skewness, standard deviation, and average on The determining factors on the magnitude of the rainfall
the rainfall accumulation correction. correction average and standard deviation are the average
In this stage of the study, we chose the Beta distribution and the standard deviation of the diameter relative error.
since it can assume diverse shapes, thereby allowing us to An unbiased measurement of the diameter still leads to a
study the effects of the average, standard deviation, and slight positive correction of the rainfall accumulation. The
skewness of the relative error of the diameter measurement higher the standard deviation of the relative error in the
into the rainfall accumulation. We worked with three sets of diameter, the higher the correction of the rainfall accumula-
values for α and β, the first set varying from α = 1 and β = 8 tion. However, the corrections never accounted for more
to α = 8 and β = 8 and finally α = 8 and β = 1, the second set than 7.7% of the original rainfall accumulation. For other
varying from α = 1 and β = 32 to α = 32 and β = 32 and
finally α = 32 and β = 1, and the third set from α = 1 and
Table 7
β = 64 to α = 64 and β = 64 and finally α = 64 and β = 1,
Summary of the Monte Carlo simulation designed to propagate the errors on
allowing us to cover positively skewed distributions, sym- the diameter measurement to the 1-hour rainfall accumulation. The
metric distributions, and negatively skewed distributions diameter relative error was subtracted from the measured diameter, for
with more or less pronounced peaks. four non-consecutive hours of rainfall measurements. Diameter error
As the Beta distribution is restricted to the interval distribution “A” was based on a Beta distribution with parameters α = 8
and β = 8, “B” α = 1 and β = 64, “C” α = 64 and β = 64 and “D” α = 64 and
between zero and one, we first divided the vector containing β = 1 modified to have the presented average and standard deviation.
the randomly generated diameter relative errors by its own
standard deviation. We then multiplied it by the desired Disdrometer Original rainfall Corrected rainfall
accumulations accumulations
standard deviation and translated the error vector to force it
to have the desired average. We tested average relative errors Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 1 Hour 2
of −0.1 (supposing that the hypothetical disdrometer would, 1 43.0 7.4 43.2 7.4
on average, underestimate the drop size by 10%), −0.05, 0 (in 2 39.3 6.8 46.5 8.1
average, no bias), 0.05, and 0.1. For the standard deviation 4 43.2 6.4 44.6 6.6
5 31.9 5.8 37.0 6.8
of the diameter relative error, we used values of 0.04, 0.1, and
R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255 253

cases, when bias on the diameter measurement was present, error on the diameter are on the same order of magnitude. In
the magnitude of the average rainfall correction was still these cases, the linear regression method underestimates
dependent upon the standard deviation of the relative error positive rainfall accumulation corrections and overestimates
on the diameter measurement. (in absolute value) the negative rainfall accumulation
The higher the standard deviation, the higher the correc- corrections. In Table 7, average and standard deviation of
tion, provided that the correction is positive. If the rainfall the diameter relative error of 0.1 and 0.04, respectively, lead
accumulation correction is negative, then the absolute value to a correction of −8.5 mm, while the linear regression
of the correction decreases. The standard deviation of the method would lead to a correction of −8.6 mm, both to be
rainfall correction is also affected by the spread on the applied to the original rainfall accumulation of 31.9 mm. If the
diameter measurements. The higher the standard deviation standard deviation of the relative error on the diameter was
of the relative error in diameter, the higher the variability of 0.16, the correction suggested by the Monte-Carlo simulation
the rainfall accumulation correction. We observed that method would be − 6.4 mm.
increasing the standard deviation of the relative error on the In the second stage, we used the 2008 calibration data for
diameter measurement by a factor of four would correspond disdrometer 5. The errors on the diameter measurement had
to an increase of approximately four times in the spread of the a normal distribution with average − 0.05 and standard
rainfall accumulation corrections. deviation 0.0339, as shown in the first panel of Fig. 11. The
Comparing the average rainfall correction obtained by this proposed corrections and the estimation of the spread of the
simulation with the correction factor obtained by linear rainfall accumulations account for errors in the determination
regression on the calibration data, we obtain similar results. of the diameter only and do not address errors due rainfall
Previously, if a disdrometer on average underestimated the sampling, quantization of drop sizes, detection of simulta-
diameter of spheres by 10%, the correction on the rainfall neous drops, or any other sources of uncertainty. The second
accumulation would correspond to an increase by a factor of panel of Fig. 11 shows the distribution of rainfall accumula-
1.331, i.e. 1.10 elevated to the third power. For the first case tion corrections for one of the studied cases, when the
shown in Table 7, an underestimation of 10% on the diameter, original rainfall accumulation totaled 31.9 mm. The average
with corresponding standard deviation of the relative error of of this distribution could be used to correct the rainfall
0.04, led to a correction of 10.7 mm to the rainfall accumu- accumulation for that hour, leading to a new total of 37.0 mm.
lation of 31.9 mm while a correction on the same accumu- Although we could not approach the relative error of
lation by a factor of 1.331 corresponds to 10.6 mm. In cases the other disdrometer's diameter measurements as well,
when the disdrometer overestimates the diameter of falling the results of the previous stage suggest an insensitivity of
drops with the same 0.04 standard deviation of the relative the average rainfall accumulation correction to the shape
error, we still observe good correspondence between the of the relative error diameter error distribution. Table 8
results obtained through Monte-Carlo simulation and simple shows the effect of applying the proposed correction to
linear regression on a hypothetical calibration. these two particular hours of measurements. Overall, there
Differences between the results obtained through Monte- was an increase of the rainfall accumulations, with the more
Carlo simulation and the linear regression methodology arise visible effects on the two instruments which, compared
when the average and the standard deviation of the relative to the other disdrometers, were underestimating the rainfall

Fig. 11. Original and transformed distribution of the relative error on the diameter measurement obtained with the disdrometer 5 during the outdoors calibration
procedure executed in 2008 and the resulting distribution of the rainfall accumulation correction for 1 h of sample rainfall data with original accumulation
of 31.9 mm.
254 R.P.M. Frasson et al. / Atmospheric Research 101 (2011) 237–255

Table 8
Results of adding the rainfall accumulation correction to the two hours of measurements. The original values calculated from the disdrometer's raw data. Applying
the proposed correction reduced the mean square difference from individual disdrometers to the average from 20.9 mm to 12.7 mm for the first hour and from
12.7 mm, while slightly increased the mean square difference for the second case.

Diameter relative error Rainfall correction (mm)

Distribution μd (dimensionless) σd (dimensionless) Skewnessd (dimensionless) μR (mm) σR (mm)

A −0.1 0.04 −0.01 10.7 0.05

A 0 0.04 0.00 0.2 0.04
A 0.1 0.04 0.00 −8.5 0.03
A −0.1 0.16 0.00 13.2 0.18
A 0 0.16 0.00 2.5 0.15
A 0.1 0.16 0.00 −6.4 0.13
B −0.1 0.04 1.91 10.7 0.04
C −0.1 0.04 0.00 10.7 0.04
D −0.1 0.04 −1.90 10.7 0.05
B 0 0.04 1.89 0.1 0.03
C 0 0.04 0.00 0.2 0.04
D 0 0.04 −1.90 0.2 0.04
B 0.1 0.04 1.91 −8.5 0.03
C 0.1 0.04 0.01 −8.5 0.03
D 0.1 0.04 −1.90 −8.5 0.03
B 0.1 0.16 1.94 −6.7 0.10
C 0.1 0.16 0.00 −6.4 0.13
D 0.1 0.16 −1.93 −6.2 0.18

accumulation. Although this procedure seemed beneficial We developed a computer simulation to study the effects
for the two studied cases, it is time consuming if applied to of three different beam patterns, all of them non-skewed, on
large datasets. Its real value is tests of “what if” scenarios, the diameter measurements. We concluded that even though
as it allows for an assessment of the effects of the quality of the simulated average error, error standard deviation, and
the diameter measurements (determined by the optical error skewness didn't match their corresponding parameters
characteristics of the lenses, quality of the laser emitter in the calibration data, the described model reproduced the
and receiver characteristics of the lenses, quality of the laser overall shape of the diameter measurement distributions,
emitter and receiver, and signal sampling rate) on the rainfall most noticeably the negative skewness with long tails
accumulation estimation. and a comparatively sharp cut on the right side of the error
distributions of three disdrometers.
5. Summary and conclusions In the last section, we present the results of a Monte
Carlo simulation designed to propagate the errors from the
We compared rainfall accumulations measured by four measurement of diameters into the rainfall accumulations. We
Thies LPM disdrometers, three Vaisala WXT510, and three dual used the results of this simulation to correct the disdrometers'
tipping bucket stations at time resolutions ranging from 1 min measurements for two non-consecutive hours of measure-
to 1 h. The four disdrometers displayed bias, only partially ments, which improved the agreement among disdrometers,
addressed by calibrating the diameter measurements, which although apparently overcorrected the accumulation for one
increased the agreement between disdrometers. Furthermore, of the instruments. Nonetheless, this method can be used
disdrometers' accumulations were generally distanced from to predict the effects of using different optical setups on the
accumulations measured by WXT510 or tipping bucket rain estimation of rainfall accumulations.
gauges. The partial success of calibration indicates that other
factors cause the discrepancies, and we hypothesized that the Acknowledgments
visible bias between disdrometers and between disdrometers
and other gauges could be caused by miscalculation of the We would like to thank the support provided by Rose
disdrometer's sensing area. & Joseph Summers endowment. Partial support for this
The strong linear relations between the disdrometers, study was provided by NASA Grants NNX10AI46G and
especially at the 1-hour accumulation level, suggest that if the NNG06GC63G. We would also like to acknowledge the
bias can be eliminated, the instruments are very promising. insightful comments produced by two anonymous reviewers.
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