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Introduction 1

Objectives 3

Roles and Functions 4

Research Output/Product 5-9

Findings 10

Recommendation 11

Reading is a human talent that needs a lengthy procedure in order to

comprehend. It is present from infancy to death, implying that it is a process that lasts

throughout our lives and has a significant impact not only on educational matters, but

also on social and commutative issues. Pupils begin to add additional vocabulary and

cultural information from this initial stage, due to reading but also listening to stories

or short tales, implying that they are always working with the fundamental

competencies required to learn a new language. They are ready to use their abilities

whenever they are able to interpret more complicated language.

Reading is a great instrument for gaining information and understanding of the

world and society in which we live. Regarding school, this notion is not as easy as

decoding information since students need be skilled readers capable of employing

many types of text to grasp and circumstance without losing enjoyment in pleasant


Because of recent events and the COVID-19 situation in our nation, pupils'

reading abilities have been disregarded. Many pupils nowadays struggle to read basic

to complex phrases. Many kids do not attend school on a regular basis to study and

are merely handed modules to answer.

According to PhilAtlas, the population of Barangay Carmen in 2020 was about

77,756 people, of which 13,288 are between the ages of 5 and 14, totaling 17. 09

percent of the barangay's total population. According to a survey conducted in

Barangay Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, the children in the barangay are in need of

education, particularly in the field of reading.

In accordance with this, our group would want to promote our project, "Be

READy: A Reading Program Intervention for Children," in Barangay Carmen,

Cagayan de Oro City, with the assistance of barangay authorities, the Department of

Education (DepEd), volunteer instructors, and barangay staff. To meet the goal

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