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Pirates of Silicon Valley- Movie Notes

Question: Determine whether Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were Pirates or Pioneers?

Fact Sheet:

Steve Jobs:
- Steve Wasiaki (steve jobs friend)
- Information is power
- Built blue boxes
- Hired a private detector to find his real mother (adopted)
- Berkeley 1976- get access for computers and brought in his homemade computer (personal
computer with a screen) sold 60 computers
- IBM did not like their product- if they liked it there would be no apple (what did normal people
want to do with computers)
- Called themselves apple and built computers
- Mike showed up (250, 000) to start up company
- “Overthrowing dead culture”
- Wore a suit got rid of his mustache(selling computers at a booth)
- Hundreds of people arrived at their booth to buy the computers --they only made 3
- People from microsoft showed up (Bill Gates)
- People are coming to me instead of me going to people
- Started the future building site for apple (company was expanding very fast)
- Started to become aggressive
- Demolished people’s dignity
- “Opening doors” if you open the wrong one all sorts of bad things come in---you have to be
- Steve Jobs became a huge star (apple was succeeding)
- They introduced their new president of apple
- Steve Jobs didn't set aside any stocks for his friends
- You don't just live life. You change it
- Lisa (daughters name) was named the first apple computer
- We have to think of ourselves as artists. Good artist copy, great artist steal
- Apple persuade xerox with a mouse (purchased products from another company)
- Tried to get the products xerox invented (graphic interface from xerox) $100 billion dollar head
- Better to be a pirate that the navy (worker was up for 50 hours straight he had a pirate flag in his
- Showed Bill Gates the Macintosh (was still in development)
- Shirts saying 90 hour worksheets and loving it
- Turned the company into two sides macintosh people against the rest of the employ---his friend
steve did not like this-----he quit apple (steve’s best friend)
- Steve started to fire people for not working hard enough (even though it was 90 hour work
- Tore people down
- Held a conference debuting the macintosh (we knew we had our casualties)
- Forget apple and forget everyone else….we are the macintosh team
- People at the company started getting worried about the civil war in apple it was tearing the
company apart
- The daughter he is denial that he had--wife asked for 20k and Steve refused
- Steve thinks IBM is the enemy but Bill was the enemy-copied apple and altered it and launched it
as its competitor
- Steve showed an apple commercial
- STeve admits he made a mistake-trusted Bill but he was wrong Bill’s microsoft program was
very similar to apples (steve calls it a threat from Bill-they stole)
- STeve Jobs was fired from his company
- STeve jobs returned to apple in 2997
- Microsoft now owns parts of apple computer

Bill Gates:
- big brother
- Harvard 1974- build language for a computer for altair (Mirts)
- Went to work on the computer (gave up Harvard)
- Wants a signing bonus to work on first computer (business like)
- Stats to develop Microsoft (living in a crumby hotel)
- Microsoft first offices
- He was arrested several times
- Hears about apple computers (wants a contract with apple)
- Almost bankrupt
- (stole bulldozers)
- Microsoft 1980 (nobody need them--bill said we need to make them need us) Keep your friends
close, enemies closer
- Wne to IBM (belly of the beast)
- IBM was head on with apple building a computer to head on with apple
- Bill recommends he can build them an operating system (DOS) However, they did not have
anything ---they had no operating system
- We have the resolution, we have MS DOS however, they sold them this system but they did not
have it
- You survive because you make people need you -Bill Gates
- Bill wanted to license the software to IBM ---they accept (he also wanted to be able to sell it to
other companies
- They went to seattle computers and tried to buy the operating system that they created and they
sold it to bill and his friends (They didn;t really make their own operating system) they bought it
for $50, 000
- Bill Gates realized that their IBM computer was bad (Bill Gates wanted the Lisa computer apple
- Got people to do what he wanted (example- airplane)
- Good artist copy, great artists steal
- Bill Gates goes to apple
- Bill tires to sell microsoft for apple
- Talks that IBM is going to want microsoft (tries to make Steve want microsoft)
- Apple send prototypes to Bill Gates (mcintosh) ---he pirated
- He needed to ship windows
- Steve Jobs wanted to meet Bill Gates in his office

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates--Apple office

- Steve jobs yelled at bill gates saying that he was stealing from them
- Steve heard that Bill is developing windows to (pirating the software and apples prototypes)
- Bill convinced steve that everything was fine---never yelled at steve
- Tells him that Bill Gates is a big fan of apple products

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