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Q: Why are we taking away dedicated support for Group admins?

(Groups Concierge)
A: We continue to look at meaningful ways to invest in communities/groups, which means
looking for ways to optimize the experience in a more efficient way. You can keep up to date
on new features for Groups by visiting our Community Hub.

Q: Where can I get fast support for my Groups-related issues?

A: You can leverage our extensive Groups Help Center for any issues related to the product.
In addition, they can always visit our Community Hub for more detailed information, tips, and
tools for leveraging the Groups product.

Q: Does this mean Meta is not investing in Groups/Admins anymore?

A: Communities are still at the heart of the Facebook mission and we continue to look at
meaningful ways to invest in communities/groups and the FB experience at large. Keep up
to date on new features and launches by visiting the Community Hub.

Q: What other changes are coming for Groups on Facebook?

A: You can stay up to date on new features, launches, and admin stories by visiting the
Community Hub.

Q: Should we now report any issues we are experiencing to the Facebook/Meta run
group we are in OR to our Meta Partner Manager?
A: If you are experiencing any issues with Facebook Groups, we encourage you to visit our
extensive Help Center to help you diagnose the issue. If you want to report something on
Facebook that isn't working correctly, like a broken feature or a payment issue, you can
follow the steps in this article.

Q: I just submitted a report, what will happen to it now? OR I am waiting for a

response to an open report, what will happen now?
A: Our goal is to respond to every open issue until Jan 23. After Jan 23, it will no longer be
possible to send new tickets through the InApp Support channel; however, if you submitted a
case prior to Jan 23, we will continue working on your case until January 31.

Q: Will we hear back on things we report through the other pathways eg. Rageshake?
A: It is not guaranteed that you will get a response to issues you report to Facebook.
Instead, we encourage you to take a look at the breadth of Help Center articles that will help
you address any problems you’re having with Groups.

Q: How will I know when issues I am experiencing will be fixed?

A: It is not guaranteed that you will get a response to issues you report to Facebook.
Instead, we encourage you to take a look at the breadth of Help Center articles that will help
you address any problems you’re having with Groups.

Q: How long will it take to resolve issues now?

A: In absence of dedicated Groups support, we encourage you to leverage our extensive
Groups Help Center for any issues related to the product.

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