Agenda-Class 12-Mar 09

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AmCham Program - Class 12 – Mar 09


 Grades on Q 10
 Today we start second cohort (Units 4,5,6)
 We are also giving out instructions for Final Project
 Practice workbook (Wide Angle) => C 842 502 0069

Exploring the topic


“Behind the photo”

Discussion questions
 How do you, personally, interpret this phrase?
 What do you think the book is trying to tell us?

Analyzing infographics

Five Ways to protect ourselves online
 Split you up in teams
 Formulate two (2) interesting questions about the video
o The moderator => Please write down questions on the chat
 Exchange and answer questions as follows:
Team 1 => Gives questions to team 2
Team 2 => Gives questions to team 3
Team 3 => Gives questions to team 4
Team 4=> Gives questions to team 1

Team # 1 => Give your questions to team 2

 Do you read the cookies on the websites? Why or why not? No, because many times we don't
even understand the concept of a cookie.

 Which one is the most important advice? The most important tips for us from everything
mentioned in the video are: Having different passwords, keeping software updated, not sharing
too much personal information

Team #2: => Give your questions to team 3

1) Why is it important to have different passwords?

2) Why should operating systems be updated?

Team # 3: => Give your questions to team 4

1. Up to what point can we affirm that we have freedom of expression on the internet and the security
to surf through it peacefully?

1.I think it entirely depends on where do you navigate, the internet is huge and if you are enough careful
you shouldn't have any problem, of course the experience plays a role

2. What do you think about when you are talking about a specific topic, like a product to buy and your
phone Is near of you, and then it shortly after it begins to appear publicity about it

2.I think it is normal and the acceptation vary from each person, i don't reject the data analysis as long
as it's not invasive, because they are giving to me a "free" service

Team #4: => Give your questions to team 1

1: Why if you delete your account permanently in any social media, when u decide to create a new
account some of your personal information come back if you deleted the data?

1- Because this data was never deleted, everything you post on the internet is recorded forever because
there're companies that store the information and even work with that information
For example, this data is collected to know how you are and what your interests are, also where you live
to advertise things near you, etc

2. Would you consider being a hacker more difficult today or twenty years ago? Today is more difficult
because we have many ways to develop software so the hackers cannot specialize in every one, besides
there is many tools to protect your data.

Looking for Pros and Cons when reading

Time to practice

Focused reading
Arguments Counterarguments

Sharing our experiences

Building vocabulary
Grammar Spot

Grammar in practice

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