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Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu: Drs. Hj. A. Umroh, M.Pd.I

Disusun Oleh:
1. Luluk Lailatus Sayidah
2. Lintang dewi
3. Latifatur rofiqoh



Praise be to thank We pray to Allah SWT for His grace and guidance.
We are given health so that we can complete the task of this paper. Salawat and
greetings were always poured out to the great Prophet Muhammad and his family
and friends.
This paper is structured as one of the fourth semester "English" course
assignments. Tarbiyah Department, Islamic Religious Education Study Program
(PAI), where the title of the paper is "the sources of islam"
In compiling this paper, of course it would not have been possible
without the enthusiasm, support, and guidance of those who we really respect.
Therefore, first we would like to thank Mr. Drs. Hj. A. Umrah, M.Pd.I. as an
English lecturer who has guided us in understanding Islamic source material.
Second, we thank our parents for their prayers and moral and material support.
Then, we also thank our friends in the tarbiyah department of the Islamic religious
education study program (PAI) stai al maarif kalirejo, who have helped us to
make the writing of this paper smooth.
Finally, this paper can be completed at the expected time, and we hope
that this paper can be useful. Amen ...
Wassalammu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Kalirejo, 9 march 2021



TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
A.Backgroud Of Problem........................................................................1
B.Formulation Of The Problem..............................................................1
C.Purpose Of The Problem.....................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.........................................................................2
A.Understanding Islam According To The Qur’an.................................2
B.The Sources Of Islam..........................................................................2
CHAPTER III CLOSING..............................................................................7

A. Background Of Problem
God wants All Human Beings to be happy in the world an in the life
hereafter by giving the guidance and rules written in the Qur’an. Therefore,
All people who want to be happy and safe in their life should know what is
said by God in the Qur’an. Their happiness lies in their obedience to the
guidance of the God.

God sent the Prophet Muhammad as his messenger to instruct all

people how to obey and to follow his guidance. What the prophet did was to
explain, to inform and to give examples. Everything from the Prophet was
considered as the sunnah or Prophe’s tradition, And it is the second source of
slamic teaching. Therefore, what the prophet did and said also what his
companions did and hee agreed to all of these are the sources of islam.

B. Formulation Of the Problem

1. What Is The Meaning Of Islam in the qur’an?
2. What are the sources of islam?

C. Purpose Of The Problem

1. Know The Meaning Of Islam
2. Know the sources of islam

A. Understanding Islam According to the Qur’an
Islam is a religion that was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad as
the last prophet and apostle to guide the lives of all humans until the end of
The meaning of Islam literally means peace, safety, submission and
cleanliness. The word Islam is formed from three letters, namely S (sin), L
(lam), M (mim) which means the basic meaning of “safe” (Salama). There are
three sources of islam, namely:
B. Understanding of Quran.
Opinions of experts define the qur’an:
a. Dr. Subhi Al Salih defines the Qur’an as follows:
“Qur’an is the word of Allah SWT which is a miracle sent down
to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and written in the mushaf and narrated
with mutual worry, reading it includes worship”.
b. Muhammad Ali as-Shabuni defines the Al-Qur’an as follows:
“Qur’an is the word of Allah that has no equal, it was sent down
to the Prophet Muhammad SAW the closing of the Prophets and
Messengers, by means of the Angel Jibril a.s. and written on the
manuscripts which are then conveyed to us mut Worried, and reading and
studying them is worship, which begins with the letter Al-Fatihah and
closes with the letter An-Nas “

Etymologically the qur’an comes from the word qara’a, yaqra’u,

qiraa’atan, or qur’anan which means to collect (al-jam’u) and collect (al-
dlammu). Meanwhile, in terms of terminology (sharia), the Koran is the
Kalam of Allah ta’ala or miracles which was revealed to the Prophet and the
closing of His Prophets, Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, which is
written in the mushaf narrated mut Worried and read worship, and begins
with a letter al-Fatihah and ends with the letter an-Naas. And according to

classical scholars, the first and foremost source of the Koran, the religion (as
well as the teachings) of Islam, which contains the words (revelations) of
Allah, is the same as what was conveyed by the Archangel Jibril to the
Prophet Muhammad as Allah’s Apostle little by little for 22 years 2 months
22 days, first in Mecca then in Medina.
The verses of the Qur’an that were revealed for approximately 23
years, 13 years before the hijrah to 10 years after the hijrah, can be
distinguished between the verses that were revealed when the Prophet
Muhammad was still living in Mecca (before the hijrah) and the verses that
came down after the Prophet Muhammad. Migrated (moved) to Medina. The
verses that were spoken when the Prophet Muhammad was still in Mecca are
called the Makkiyah verses, while the verses that came down after the
Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina are called the Madaniyah verses.
Al-Qur’an was first revealed on the 17th of Ramadan (Nuzulul
Qur’an). The revelation that first came down was Surah Alaq, verses 1-5.
The Qur'an has several other names, including:
Al-Kitab (Book)
• Al-Furqan (Right and wrong differentiator)
• Adz-Dzikr (Warner)
• Al-Mau'idhah (Lessons / advice)
• Al-Hukm (Regulation / law)
• Al-Hikmah (Wisdom)
• Asy-Syifa '(medicine / healer)

C. Understanding Hadith
Hadith is also called As-Sunnah. Sunnah literally means “customs” or
“habits” (traditions). Sunnah is all the words, deeds, and stipulations /
approvals as well as habits of the Prophet Muhammad. Determination (taqrir)
is the approval or silence of the Prophet Muhammad SAW regarding the
words and behavior of friends.
According to the etymology of hadiths are the way / traditions, habits,
customs, it can also mean the applicable law, while the terminology of hadith
is news / news, all actions, words and takrir (permits / statements) of the
Prophet Muhammad.
The position of As-Sunnah as a source of Islamic law is explained by
the qur’an and the words of the Prophet Muhammad.
a. “By your Lord, they basically do not believe so that they make you
(Muhammad) as a judge of the cases they disputed, then they do not feel
heavy with the verdict you gave and they accept it wholeheartedly” (Surah
b. “I have left for you two things (as long as you stick to them) you will not
go astray, namely the Kitabullah (Al-Quran) and my Sunnah.” (Narrated
by Hakim and Daruquthni).
c. “Hold on to your Sunnah and to the Sunnah of Khulafaur Rashidin after
me” (H.R. Abu Daud).

There are three roles of al-Hadith besides the Koran as a source of

religion and Islamic teachings, namely as follows:
1. To further confirm the provisions contained in the Koran. For example,
in the qur’an, there are verses about prayer but the Prophet explained the
procedure for its implementation.
2. As an explanation of the contents of the qur’an. In the Koran, Allah
commands people to pray. However, the holy book does not explain the
number of raka’at, the way of rukun and the conditions for offering
prayers. It is the Prophet who mentions while exemplifying the number

of raka’at for each prayer, the methods, the harmonies and the conditions
for establishing prayers.
3. Adding or developing something that does not exist or is vague in the
provisions of the Al-Quran. As an example of the prohibition of the
Prophet marrying a woman with her aunt. This prohibition is not
contained in the marriage prohibitions in the letter An-Nisa (4): 23.
However, if you look at the wisdom of the prohibition it is clear that the
prohibition prevents the breakdown or breakage of the relationship
between two close relatives which Islam does not like.

D. understanding Ijtihad
a. Definition of ijtihad
Ijtihad comes from the word ijtihada which means to devote energy
and mind or work as much as possible. Meanwhile, ijtihad itself means to
devote all your thinking skills to issue syar’i laws from the arguments of
syara, namely the Koran and hadiths.
The result of ijtihad is the third source of law after the Koran and
hadiths. Ijtihad can be carried out if there is a problem whose law is not
contained in the Koran or the hadiths, then ijtihad can be carried out by
using the mind while still referring to the Koran and hadith. People who
carry out ijtihad are called mujtahid.
 The conditions for people who take ijtihad are as follows:
 Have a broad and deep knowledge,
 Have a deep understanding of Arabic language, the science of
interpretation, the proposal of fiqh, and dates (history),
 Know how to istinbat –kan (formulation) of law and do qiyas,
 Have the morality of qarimah.

b. The kinds of ijtidah are known in Islamic law, namely
1) ijma
Ijma according to language means agree, agree, or agree.
Meanwhile, according to the term is the unanimity of the opinion of the
Prophet Muhammad’s ijtihad expert after he died at one time, regarding
the law of a case by way of deliberation. The result of Ijma ‘is a fatwa,
which is a joint decision by scholars and religious experts who are
authorized to be followed by all people.
2) Qiyas
Qiyas, which means measuring something with another and
equating it. In other words, Qiyas can also be interpreted as an attempt
to compare a case with other cases that have the same subject matter or
cause and effect.
Examples of Qiyas:
Every intoxicating drink, for example Mensen, shabu-shabu and others,
is equated with khamar, the effect is equally intoxicating.
The assets of children must be paid zakat equal to adult assets.
According to Syafei, because both can grow and develop, and can help
the poor.
Saying in Surah Al isra verse 23 it is said that the words 'ah', 'cis', or
'hus' to parents are not allowed because they are considered to be
belittling or insulting, especially to hit because they both hurt parents
3) Istihsan
Istihsan is a process of moving from one Qiyas to another who
is stronger or replacing arguments with facts that can be accepted to
prevent harm or can be interpreted as establishing the law of a case
which according to logic can be justified.

4) Mushalat Murshalah
Murshalah mushalat according to language means general
welfare. As for the terms, are things that need to be done for the benefit
of mankind.
5) Sududz Dzariah
Sududz dzariah according to language closes the road, whereas
according to the term it is the act of deciding what is permissible to
become makruh or haram for the benefit of the people.
6) Istishab
Istishab, which is to continue the validity of existing laws that
have been established in the past until there are arguments that change
the legal position.

7) Urf
Urf is an act that is carried out continuously (custom), both in
the form of words and deeds.

A. Conclusion
Studying Islam is fardhu ‘ain, which is the personal obligation of every
Muslim and Muslimah, is studying Islamic teachings, especially those
developed by the human mind, obliged by society or community groups.

B. Suggestion
We as paper writers are not perfect creatures. If there is a sentence that
is not pleasing to its place, we hope that criticism and suggestions from the
supervisor and pressure on all students are constructive so that we can make
better papers in the future


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