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A Practical Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Anislag National High School, Senior High School Department
Anislag, Daraga, Albay

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Senior High School,  

Academic Track, General Academic Strand in Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion


March 2023


This chapter aims to present a clear understanding of the study through the statement of the

problem, its scope and delimitation, the significance of the study, and the definition of terms. Relevant

citations are also included to give credence to the study’s claims.


Afternoon is the part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock. Afternoon

School Class means any course of classes offered by us as part of our "Afternoon School" program. For

the avoidance of doubt, that does not include any Vocational Education and Training courses offered by

us .In short, Afternoon Class is a oneiric experience-perfectly encapsulating the surreal experience of

being half way between wakeful life and dreams. However due to a lack of provocative content under the

colourful surface, the film also somehow manages to stimulate our in-built response to dreaming; to

forget them once we wake up. Implementing flexible delivery modes, such as adternoon schooling, could

help ‘boost enrolment by accommodating children’s work, making it easier for children to care for

younger siblings, do chores, or even work for wages while enrolled in school’ (Sperling, Winthrop and

Kwauk, 2016: 146). Although this policy option does raise up many questions, for many children, this

might be the most realistic option in order to enjoy an educational opportunity. For example,

Bangladesh’s BRAC schools, which operate only 2.5 hours daily, have allowed drop-out figures to stay

below 1 percent of enrolled students (Sperling, Winthrop and Kwauk, 2016).

In other contexts, where cultural particularities do not allow girls and boys to attend the same school

and there is a shortage of school facilities, afternoon schooling could be a solution. For instance, Pakistan

implemented afternoon schooling in rural areas in order to tackle down the shortage of schools for girls

(UNICEF Regional Office of South Asia, 2014). Implementing afternoon class system can be a cost-
efficient strategy when there is a lack of infrastructure, when funds to build new schools or classrooms

are not available, when pupil-teacher ratios are high, or when there is no space to build new schools or

classrooms, among others. Indeed, by allowing the use of existing facilities and furniture, double-shift

schooling has the potential to increase access of displaced students to mainstream settings (Kelcey, Guven

and Burde, 2022; Murwanjama and Mureu, n.d.; Save the Children, 2018).

Several countries have implemented this strategy to receive a large influx of displaced populations in

public schools (UNESCO, 2018; Christophersen, 2015; Jordan, 2018; Kelcey, Guven and Burde, 2022).

In Jordan for example ‘double-shift schools have become the main tool for providing education to Syrian

children and youth’ (Chistophersen, 2015). This strategy has also been implemented in Lebanon to

provide education to Syrian refugees (UNESCO, 2018; Kelcey, Guven and Burde, 2022). In Kenya,

access to education has been doubled through the Two Schools in One programme, which implements

double-shifts to use existing school infrastructure, furniture, and materials in refugee camps efficiently

(Murwanjama and Mureu, n.d.; Windle, n.d.).

Overall, although afternoon schooling ensures increased access to mainstream settings, it is key to

complement it with various strategies and careful implementation to ensure the quality of education is not

jeopardised (read next subsection for more information).

Transportation is a crucial factor that must be considered when implementing an afternoon shift in

schools, as it can greatly impact the students' ability to attend and perform well in class. Many students

rely on public transportation or school-provided buses to commute to and from school, and an afternoon

shift may result in changes to their transportation schedules or availability. If transportation options are

limited or unavailable, students may be unable to attend school or may arrive late, which can disrupt their

learning and academic progress. Additionally, transportation safety concerns such as increased traffic

during peak hours and reduced visibility due to darkness must also be considered. Overall, transportation

should be carefully evaluated and accounted for when implementing an afternoon shift to ensure that
students have safe and reliable transportation options that allow them to attend and succeed in their


The problem or argument indicated here is the transportation problem whenever the students return

home from school due to the afternoon class schedule. And the circumstances they will face when

returning home. Because there are many students who go home from far away and spend the night

waiting for their ride home. This study wants to know all the problems and experiences of students who

have difficulties when it comes to transportation.

The solution we want to convey is to restore the whole day classes schedule at all grade levels in

Anislag National High School. to have the right time to discuss lessons in each subject. and if there is a

problem in the classrooms which is one of the reasons why there are afternoon classes. You can conduct

or ask for help from the government to find a solution so that all students can study properly and learn

something. In this way, students can go home earlier before 6 pm. Because there are more rides if they

can go home early because of the enough time allocated to each subject. They will be safe on the way

home and can do more they have other responsibilities in their home

Statement of the Problem

This study entitled, “Issues with Transportation After the Afternoon Shift Classes in the Senior

High School of Anislag National High School”, which aim is to propose solutions that will improve the

system of conducting afternoon shift classes in Anislag National High School.

This study aims to determine and seek to answer the following questions.

1. What is the common destination of the students having afternoon shift classes?

2. What types of vehicles do students use to go home?

a. Jeepney
b. Tricycle

c. Private Motorcycle

d. Public Motorcycle (“Habal-habal”)

e. Bus

f. others

3. What are the issues with transportation which students encountered after attending to afternoon

shift classes?

a. Absence of transportation services

b. Shortage of transportation services

c. Expensive fare due to special trips

d. Safety concerns of the travel route

e. Others

4. What are the possible mechanisms to help the students after attending afternoon shifts?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the possible issues of the afternoon shift due to coming home late from

school to the grade 12 students of Anislag National. This emphasizes these issues of afternoon shift to the

researchers will start the data gathering though survey questionnaire in order to determine the issues of

afternoon shift to the grade 12 students.

This study aims to determine and seek to answer the questions related to the topic.To find out where

the destinations or places where they go home for every student who experiences this. and to know how
far and near they are traveling. And above all what their current car is used when they go home. Through

this, it will be known how safe the students are on their way home depending on what they are riding.

And it will also be known what the issues are they face when it comes to waiting for their ride or sending

them home. Then it can be done with a way and a solution on how to avoid it for the good of everyone

who experiences it. Having barangay guards from the school area to watch over the safety of those who

are going home at night or even before night.

Significance of the Study

This study is made relevant to students, interviewers, and researchers in order to get a better

understanding of issues of transportation after the afternoon shift classes in the senior high school student

of Anislag national high school.

This study may deem significant and beneficial to the following students:

Students. In this study, they may be able to know, understand the main reason on why afternoon

shift is implemented in school. The students would benefit from the study because they will know the

effects of the afternoon shift to their academic performance and help and in that way, they would manage

their time well and know what adjustments they must take.

School. The results of the study may provide information about issues of the afternoon shift.

They may be able to get more information regarding the students position and how to resolve the situation

to their benefit and the students benefit.

Parents. They will better understand their children, care for them even more and help them cope

with the stress.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as reference concerning on the issues of the afternoon

shift. They will be guided on what may be the effective approach in coping with this schedule.
Teacher. They will know the experiences of each student when it comes to afternoon shift

implementation. And the difficulties of their students in going home when it comes to transportation. And

they will be aware of them and may understand the students especially in the things they do in school.

Community. It will serve as a lesson for them and also for the knowledge of everyone in the

community. And they will focus more on their children’s safety every time they come home from school

at night. They may have an idea to implement stronger security such as guards who will watch every


Definition of Terms

Pile Up . a large amount of something that has increased gradually over a period of time.

Students. The definition of a student is someone who is learning or in any teaching environment. In

this study, it is students at Anislag National High School who are the respondents in the survey


Performance. Measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting information about

the performance of an individual, group, organization, system, or component.

Researchers. are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products

processes, methods, and system , and in the management of the projects concerned.

Strategies. The plan or method the working students used to achieve their goals. In this study, it refers

to the Time management strategies of working students.

Learning. The acquisition of knowledge in employment and time management strategies. In this

study, it refers to employment and Senior High School working students and their time management

Preference. A preference for one alternative over another or a group or a group of alternatives. In this

study, it refers to the time management strategies of working students and which time management

strategy is the best for a student depending on their job/employment.


This chapter contains literature and related studies that helped the researcher to conceptualize the

present study. This chapter is specifically divided into eight topics: Review of Related Literatures,

Review of Related Studies, Synthesis, Gap to the Bridged by the Study, Conceptual Framework,

Conceptual Paradigm, Theoretical Framework, Theoretical Paradigm

Review of Related Literature

This chapter reviews about the foreign and local literature and studies related to the issue of the

afternoon shift of grade 12 students.The review of the literature and studies is for the researchers to

provide a substantial background to the research topic.

According to Bray (2008), the main goal of double-shift schooling is to provide a sufficient school

place and minimize the cost of establishing another building because with this system, it allows a single

set of buildings and facilities to serve more pupils. In conformity of Byumvuhore (2018), he stated that to

promote “Education for all”, the double shift program in public primary schools was initiated in 2009 but

the implementation of double-shift classes may have challenges to students because children would study

fewer hours. Under the single shift schedule, students will be studying eight hours per day while under

double shifting, they would study for only six hours which is not enough for learning.

Double-Shift Schooling or Double-Shift Scheduling can also be called interchangeably as Double-

session schools, Bi-sessional schools, or Half-day schools. In Botswana, the term “double session” has

been used to portray schools which accommodate different pupils in the morning and afternoon, yet the

same amount of classroom designated time as pupils in a single-session schools with different teachers for

each session. “Half-session” schools have been made in Botswana with different pupils in the mornings

and afternoons, but the total classroom designated time was lessened, and the two sessions were handled
by the same teachers. In the country of Zimbabwe, double session was also given a name as “hot seating”

for the classroom seats were never given a chance to have the break to cool down (Mark Bray, 2008).

Double-Shift sessioning permits two groups of people to utilize one set of establishments (Bray, 2000).

Harper (1982:67) also remarked that Double Shift sessioning as “two different set of groups of students

taught by the same teachers using the same classroom establishment, one set during the morning session

and the second set during the afternoon session. Several studies have investigated the effects of afternoon

shifts on students' academic performance, physical health, and social life. This review summarizes some

of the key findings from relevant literature.

Academic Performance. Studies have shown mixed results when it comes to the impact of afternoon

shifts on students' academic performance. Some research suggests that afternoon classes or study sessions

can lead to better academic outcomes, especially for students who are not "morning people." For example,

a study by Tonetti and colleagues (2015) found that college students who attended afternoon classes had

higher GPAs than those who attended morning classes. On the other hand, some studies suggest that

afternoon shifts can negatively affect students' academic performance. For example, a study by Wolfson

and Carskadon (1998) found that high school students who worked after school had lower grades than

those who did not work. Similarly, a study by McKnight and colleagues (2012) found that high school

students who worked more than 20 hours per week had lower GPAs and were more likely to drop out of


Physical Health. Afternoon shifts can also affect students' physical health. For example, students who

attend afternoon classes or work after school may have disrupted sleep patterns, which can lead to fatigue,

irritability, and decreased productivity. A study by Lovato and colleagues (2013) found that college

students who attended afternoon classes had poorer sleep quality than those who attended morning

classes. Moreover, afternoon shifts may also affect students' eating habits and physical activity levels. For

example, students who work after school may be more likely to consume fast food Or skip meals, which

can lead to poor nutrition and weight gain. A study by Eisenmann and colleagues (2008) found that high
school students who worked after school had lower levels of physical activity and higher rates of obesity

than those who did not work.

Social Life. Finally, afternoon shifts can also affect students' social life. For example, students who

attend afternoon classes or work after school may have less time to spend with friends and family, which

can lead to social isolation and loneliness. On the other hand, afternoon shifts can also provide

Opportunities for socialization and opportunities for socialization and networking. For example, students

who work part-time jobs may meet new people and develop new skills.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the impact of afternoon shifts on students is complex and depends on

various factors such as the type of activity, the amount of time spent on it, and individual differences.

While some studies suggest that afternoon shifts can have positive effects on academic performance and

socialization, other studies suggest that they can negatively affect physical health and social life.

Therefore, it is important for students, parents, and educators.

Transportation issues can have a significant impact on students who attend afternoon shifts.

Depending on the mode of transportation and the distance between their homes and schools, students may

face a variety of challenges that can affect their academic performance, attendance, and overall well-

being. Students who rely on public transportation may experience overcrowding, delays, or cancellations

that can cause them to arrive late or miss classes altogether. This can result in lower grades and a higher

risk of dropping out of school. Students who walk or bike to school may also face safety concerns,

particularly if they have to travel through high-traffic areas or neighborhoods with a high crime rate. This

can lead to anxiety, stress, and other emotional or mental health issues that can impact their academic

performance. In addition to these transportation- related issues, students who attend afternoon shifts may

also have to juggle work or other responsibilities, which can further compound their transportation

challenges. For example, if they have to work a part- time job after school, they may have to rush to get

there on time, which can further compound their transportation challenges. For example, if they have to
work a part- time job after school, they may have to rush to get there on time, which can be difficult if

they rely on public transportation or have a long commute.

Overall, transportation issues can have a significant impact on students who attend afternoon

shifts, and schools and policymakers should take steps to address these challenges and ensure that all

students have access to safe and reliable transportation options. Students who rely on public

transportation may experience overcrowding, delays, or cancellations that can cause them to arrive late or

miss classes altogether. This can result in lower grades and a higher risk of dropping out of school

There are several issues related to transportation that can arise when students attend afternoon

shifts. Some of these issues is the limited availability of transportation: In some areas, public

transportation may be less frequent during the afternoon hours, making it difficult for students to travel to

and from school. These transportation issues can have significant impacts on students' academic

performance, attendance, and overall well-being, highlighting the importance of addressing them in

policy and practice.

Review of Related Studies

There are several studies available which are similar to the present study in some aspects. The

following are some studies that were found related to the present study.

Developing countries with constrained resources have adopted the double- shift schooling system as

a way to serve more students. However, there is some concern that some students may be hurt by these

policies. With a unique dataset from Zagreb City Schools. In order to further the research, eight focus

groups were used to collect qualitative data. Data analysis revealed that nearly 34 percent of high school

students expressed concerns about eland accessibility; thus, the impact of various factors on shaping their

likelihood to choose walking could vary. The findings show that, regardless of the time of day, girls are

less motivated to walk to school than boys. Furthermore, individuals with a car in their household are less
likely to walk to school. Morning school trips were found to be more affected than afternoon school trips

by the various environmental factors studied. Finally, this study discovered that students are sensitive to

greater distances. That 0.25 mile (400 meter) in the morning, but they are willing to walk up to 0.5 mile

(800 meter) in the afternoon. Today, transportation disadvantage is a widespread phenomenon that can

impact an individual's needs and opportunities. According to scientific literature, youth are frequently

regarded as a transport-disadvantaged segment of society. Their reliance on others for transportation has a

significant impact on their daily lives. Education is an important part of a young person's life in many

ways. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of transportation disadvantage on some

segments of education in the Zagreb high school population. The population of interest consisted of 826

high school students from Zagreb's high schools. The study was founded on travel time, because

transportation disadvantage is a function of accessibility and mobility. This paper investigated students'

attitudes toward the impact of transportation on education, as well as the relationship between travel time

and academic achievement or absence from school. The research was carried out and analyzed using both

quantitative and qualitative methods. The data was collected via a questionnaire survey and analyzed

using regression and correlation methods. Additional research was conducted in eight focus groups of

high school students from the City of Zagreb to deepen the research of specific problems in the high

school population. Data analysis revealed a significant correlation between travel time and student

academic achievement, as well as a correlation between travel time and travel distance. Time and absence

from the school. It was also discovered that travel time had a negative impact on students' attitudes

toward the impact of transportation on their education. These findings are strongly supported by findings

from focus group research.

A study by Tsai and Liang (2017) examined the impact of school schedules on sleep and academic

performance in a sample of Taiwanese high school students. The results showed that students who

attended afternoon shift classes had more difficulty falling asleep at night, lower sleep quality, and lower

academic performance compared to those who attended morning shift classes.A study by Saravanan et al.
(2018) investigated the effect of school schedules on the sleep quality and mental health of Indian

medical students. The results revealed that students who attended afternoon shift classes experienced

poorer sleep quality and higher levels of stress and anxiety compared to those who attended morning shift

classes. A study by Lee et al. (2019) examined the relationship between school schedules and academic

achievement among Korean middle school students. The results showed that students who attended

afternoon shift classes had lower academic achievement in mathematics and science compared to those

who attended morning shift classes. A study by Iftikhar et al. (2020) investigated the impact of school

schedules on the academic performance and sleep patterns of Pakistani medical students. The results

revealed that students who attended afternoon shift classes had poorer academic performance and more

disturbed sleep patterns compared to those who attended morning shift classes.

Overall, these studies suggest that attending afternoon shift classes may have negative effects on

students' sleep quality, mental health, and academic performance. However, more research is needed to

fully understand the relationship between school schedules and student outcomes, and to develop

effective strategies to mitigate any negative effects of afternoon shift schedules.

Queta also noted that class shifting should not be the norm in the long term as it has “negative

implications” for the health and safety of teachers and learners and the quality of education.In this

setup, the students are divided into batches, and they will attend classes in their designated “shift” –

morning or afternoon. Quetua explained that some students attending the morning shift start their

classes as early as 6 a.m. and those who need to travel to school need to leave their houses earlier.

Students in the afternoon shift need to stay in school until around 7:00 p.m.

Aside from their safety, Quetua also noted that the learning of students is also affected since there is

less time to spend in school. Quetua pointed out that over the years, there have been many

recommendations to address classroom shortages, especially in highly urbanized areas without

buildable space such as the construction of medium-rise or high-rise school buildings among others.
With students at home for two years under distance learning, Quetua said that the government should

have taken this opportunity to prepare the schools for the resumption of face-to- face classes

Why do we need to study and pay attention to the experiences of students in various things and the

effects of the transportation problem every time they come home late at night from school because of the

afternoon shift.

This chapter analyzes research on the topic of the afternoon shift for students in grades 12 from both

domestic and international sources. The benefits of using a twofold shifting system in a school are also

covered in this section. In order to give a thorough context to the research topic, a review of the relevant

literature and studies was conducted.

Several studies have investigated the effects of afternoon shifts on students' academic

performance, physical health, and social life. Transportation issues can have a significant impact

on students who attend afternoon shifts. In addition to these transportation- related issues,

students who attend afternoon shifts may also have to juggle work or other responsibilities,

which can further compound their transportation challenges. Overall, transportation issues can

have a significant impact on students who attend afternoon shifts, and schools and policymakers

should take steps to address these challenges and ensure that all students have access to safe and

reliable transportation options. Increased travel time: For some students, attending an afternoon

shift may require longer travel times, particularly if they need to travel to a school that is farther

away from their home or if they need to take multiple forms of transportation
Conceptual Framework

The goal of the study was to determine the issues of afternoon shift to grade 12 students of Anislag

National Highschool

The input of the study consisted of the Respondent’s profile which comprises the name, age, sex,

and academic strand that is listed and shown in the instrumentation. This study also covered the economic

status of the students towards their lifestyle.

The process is composed of collecting data through a survey questionnaire. The researchers used this

to easily gather data that is needed in this study. In this process, it also includes analyzing and

Theoretical Framework

According to Theory of Transportation the tendency of narrative consumers to “travel” or be

mentally drawn into the reality described in a narrative, as well as the outcomes associated with this

experience of narrative immersion. Narrative transportation involves a strong sense of absorption into a

narrative, including emotional and cognitive responses to narrative content that mirror reactions to real-

world events. Transported readers may also experience vivid mental imagery. Transportation predicts the

persuasive impact of narratives, with transported consumers frequently displaying increases in story-

consistent beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Transportation has also been found to influence aspects of the

mind as central s self-concept. It is related to, but distinct from, other forms of media engagement such as

identification and para social interactions.

According to Charles Horton Cooley’s ‘’Theory of transportation’’, situating it in his interactionist

sociology of communication and social process. Cooley defines transportation as a spatial and physical

form of communication. He also develops a interactionist theory of valuation and articulates that value as

an end of action is shaped and transformed by communication and interaction. These insights suggest that

transportation as a form of communication will change and develop economic society through

transforming personal desires and values so as to change behaviors. Cooley’s theory implies that an

interactionist approach is useful for understanding the subjective side of phenomena of transportation.

We all are doing some tasks in our professional and personal lives. In our personal lives, we are not

answerable to anyone, but in professional life, we have to answer our organization or boss. We need to

think practically and keep arranged for fulfilling our tasks.

Based on this time management is important to everyone. Controlling how much time you spend on

various activities, and choosing which activities take priority, is at the heart of effective time

management. Studying time management theory helps you plan, organize, and schedule your tasks in the

correct way so that they align with what really matters in your life. Without clear understanding about

time management theory, it is difficult to formulate a strategy and come up with a action plan that will
manage your time effectively. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to enhance your professional or work-

related life, or your personal routines. The tools and techniques that you will choose, adopt and follow

will depend upon which type of time management theory appeals

According to Pareto Principle also referred toas the 80-20 rule, the Pareto principle formulated by

Italian economist and philosopher Vifredo Pareto states that the vast majority of impact in anything

comes from a small proportion of activities, people, or effort. The observation was based on demographic

data in Italy. 80% of the land was owed by 20% o the population. And 80% of productivity from theses

land came from 20% of those working on it. The 20% ho made things happen were generally more

efficient, managed time better, and streamlined operations for the highest leverage. Based on this theory,

time management guides and coaches you to focus n the 20% of activities or tasks that are most important

to your overall success. The effort and time that you devote to this creamy layer will more than outweigh

what you invest into the rest, because there will be little if any impact on your bottom line.

According to Pickle Jar Theory another time management theory is easy to understand and execute

when taught using a pickle jar. When you take an empty pickle jar and fill it with gravel. The smaller

granules fill the cracks between the rocks, and you can still fit in some sand, and then water. But go about

it the other way and add water o sand to the bottle first and you won’t be able to later slip in the rocks . In

a time, management perspective, you will similarly be able to get less important work done in the spaces

between and after major projects or tasks. But if you let trivia take up much of your working day, there

won’t be enough time left for you to tackle what really matters.

According to Malow’s Theory another time management theory this is very popular was that of

Abraham Harold Maslow, an American psychology professor. He teaches the importance of matching

time management with our other needs as human beings and integrating everything into a nourishing and

wholesome complex. As long as the efficient use of time helps us meet higher goals of fulfilment,

spiritually and wellbeing, we perceive it as helpful. But in the interests of greater efficiency, if we

sacrifice bigger things like purpose, meaning and satisfaction with our lives, then it is a moot victory.
Chapter 3
This chapter identifies the various issues faced by grade 12 students of Anislag National High

School when it comes to transportation. This includes the process and how this study was done. This

chapter covers research design, research setting, the respondents, data collection, research instrument, and

above all the validity and reliability.

Respondents of the Study

The goal of the study was to determine the issues of the afternoon shift for grade 12 students of

Anislag National Highschool

The input of the study consisted of the Respondent’s profile which comprises the name, age, sex, and

academic strand that is listed and shown in the instrumentation. This study also covered the economic

status of the students towards their lifestyle.

The process is composed of collecting data through a survey questionnaire. The researchers used this

to easily gather data that is needed in this study. This process also includes analyzing and interpretation.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive quantitative design which aimed to determine the extent to which

different conditions and situations are obtained and the data regarding present conditions. Specifically,

this pertains to the issues of the afternoon shift to the grade 12 students in Anislag National Highschool.

This type of research was conducted to discover the new meaning, describe what exists, determine the

frequency with which something occurs and categorizes information.

Research Method

This research method and information that is needed to answer some feedbacks and

recommendations of the respondents using a survey.

Research Instrument

The instrument we are to use here are survey questionnaires. The questions were from information

gathered through articles professional literature, and unpublished and published research.

The survey questionnaire is divided into two parts; part one consists of the questions where s the

respondent of the study will check the box that best corresponds to their answer while part two consists of

three questions structured using the Likert format.

In this survey type, five choices were provided for every question or statement , the choices represent

the degree of agreement each respondent has of the given questions.

Research Procedure

In the study, the researchers going to use a survey questionnaire to gather data relevant to the study.

The researchers will select students that will be studied, who are the Senior High School Students of

Anislag National High School, Gathering the answers given by them, the researchers will be able to

determine the safety of Senior High School students in Anislag National Highschool.

Statistical Treatment

When the data is gathered, it will be compiled, analyzed, and interpreted. This will be subject to

appropriate statistical treatment to answer questions in this study. Frequency, distribution, percentage, and

number of respondents will employ as statistical tools.

P= f/N x 100

P= percentage

F= frequency

N= number of respondent
This statistical tool we use will determine the percentage of each variable in every question in the
survey questionnaire.
Bray, M. (2000). Double‐shift schooling: Design and Operation for Cost‐Effectiveness. London: 
Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House.   
Bray,  M.  (n.d.).  New  Horizons  for  Learning.  Policy  issues:  Double  sessions. 
Accessed 13 February 2003.
Cohen, L. & Manion, L. (1994). Research Methods in Education (4th ed.). London Routledge  116
Cohen,  L.,  Manion,  L.,  &  Morrison,  K.  (2007).  Research  Methods  in  Education.  London: 

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