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As a Main Ingredient In Alternative Marker Ink”




John Christian C. Mendez

Joshua T. Bigueja

Cjay G. Badiola


Alugbati (basella alba) is also composed of color pigments. These pigments are

possible in making and producing ink and dye. Alugbati plants have many kinds of

colors, there are blue-green, red-violet, yellow-green, violet and simply green. The

Alugbati is also known as Malabar Spinach, Ceylon Spinach or the red vine. The stem is

purplish (shade of red) and succulent with heart shape leaves. It bears green to dark red

fruits. The plant is also popular for its medicinal properties. Alugbati or Malabar spinach

(Basella alba) has an increasing beneficiary and productivity nowadays making it one of

the most reliable plants on Asia since the time when the usage of plant is for also

medicines, Markers play an important role in writing and in artworks in different ways.

Aside from its use in writing, it is also used in labelling, poster creation and calligraphy.

It helps them to do their reports and present it as though power service interruption

occurs. With infinite use of markers, many did not know that markers have limitations.

Typically, the inks used in most marker are made from artificial materials like the

petroleum and chemical solvents. These kinds of materials are dangerous especially to

the health of the users and to the environment as well, adding that petroleum are rare

resources that are hard to be replaced because they are formed naturally but it took long

terms to nature to make it, since Alugbati or Malabar spinach is easier to produce or to

harvest it will serve as a great alternative for ink production.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Alugbati (Basalla alba) extract

as a main ingredient for marker ink. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following


1. What are the properties of Alugbati or Malabar spinach (Basella Alba) suitable for it to

be an alternative or secondary term in production of ink marker?

2. What colors can be extracted from it to be suitable to produce an ink?

3. How is the ink from Alugbati plant extract can be a reliable ink marker?
Significance of the study

1 .This study could help the (community) look for alternative source of ink for


2. This study may help them to use alternative marker ink aside from the

commercial marker ink, hence there are more production of markers and shortage won’t

be a problem, This study may serve as a reference and literature for (future researchers)

that focus on related subject matter, also providing them the better procedure for future

better procedures.

3 .The study aims to find a better alternative for ink production for more efficient

and clean green manner rather than using the hard to replace resource, also finding a way

if the primary resource is in rare situations.

4. This study will help agriculture cause more plantations can take care of

Malabar spinach easily and found more use to excess Alugbati plants.


This study aimed to test the effectiveness of Alugbati (Basella alba)

extract to produce a marker ink. This study limits its coverage on the discussion of

marker ink production, The study focused on the effectiveness in terms of absorption,

stick consistency and color.

The researcher of this study will observe investigate and analyze to determine the

output of the ink of Alugbati (Basella alba) Extract as a Main Ingredients for Marker Ink,

to determine its effectivity as an alternative ink marker production.


H1= The alugbati (basella alba) extract is a good alternative main ingredient for marker


H2= The alugbati (basella alba) extract is a not alternative main ingredient for marker



Review of related literatures and Studies

The following are the literatures and studies that are related to conduct of the


Long before, ink is usually made from natural products such as berries, barks and

leaves extract. They have been used for centuries to create numerous colors and when

mixed to other substances can be an ink, dye or paint. Tea leaves have been also used for

centuries to make ink because of its various shades that create yellow, green, brown or

black ink. (Lopierre, Lopi.)

according to Daniel, 2006, Eliana et al., 2007, Plants that contain tanning color

can be reliable for making ink. For centuries, galls nestled from oak trees as primary

ingredient to make a black ink. The rich tanning color of dogwood and alder tee also

results to natural inks. Galls and barks achieve more intense, lasting inks than most of the

flower-based inks. Also, Egyptians achieved quality red ink with poppies. (.) According

to Helmenstine, any acidic fruit juice can be used to make an invisible ink when

combined with vinegar to make the ink last longer., basella alba or malabar spinach there

are high level of phenolic acid, in which according to Chempoint

( an internet site phenolic Acid

are typically used for improving stability for inks. which is useful for the study.

Ink, according to (2011), is a combination of a coloring agent,

pigment and a liquid containing oils, resins and chemical solvents. In the past, ink was

fashioned from different colored juices, plant and animal extracts. But today, synthetic

materials are used in addition to these natural ingredients to improve the quality of ink

making; however, ink must have two basic components: the pigment coloring and the

vehicle, a liquid which allow the ink to be dispersed. In addition, according to the article

found in the Student’s Encyclopedia, “The ink should make a clear permanent mark that

when dry does not fade from exposure to light or run from exposure to moisture. It

should flow freely and dry quickly when written in a surface and it must contain nothing

that might damage either the pen or the paper.” Neumann’s and Schluttig’s definition of

ink as cited in Lindquist, clearly stated the properties of ink that would be helpful in

having a good quality ink. The ink must be clear, filterable solution but not a suspension,

should flow easily from the pen and should not spread on paper. Since the ink is natural,
no mold must be seen on the solution and has no pronounced unpleasant odor. Likewise,

it must have an intense color which does not become paler nor bleach out entirely as it is

used in writing. Furthermore, Lindquist added that every good ink, whether writing, or

combined writing and copying, should have qualities that give writing that, after drying

for eight days, is not removed by water or alcohol -- even by treatment for days -- to such

an extent that it becomes illegible. (Lindquist, Evan. Old Ink.n.d..)

In 2013, researchers Almonte, Atienza, Miranda, and Simangan conducted an

investigatory project regarding the use of Alugbati berry seed juice as marker ink.

Alugbati is known to have a high Anthocyanin content and is highly recommended for

ink production. According to them, the ink produced from Alugbati was easy to make

and their analysis showed that the product was most likely the same with the features of

the markers in the market.


According to Almonte, Atienza, Miranda and Simangan conducted an

investigatory project regarding the use of Alugbati berry seed juice as marker ink.

Alugbati is known to have a high Anthocyanin content and is highly recommended for

ink production. According to them, the ink produced from Alugbati was easy to make and

their analysis showed that the product was most likely the same features of the markers in

the markets.

According to Helmenstine, any acidic fruit juice can be used to make an ink when

combined with vinegar to make the ink last longer. according to Daniel, 2006, Eliana et

al., 2007, Basella alba or Malabar spinach there are high level of phenolic acid, in which
according to Chempoint( an

internet site phenolic Acid are typically used for improving stability for inks, this makes

Malabar spinach a more reliable and has the elements for making a good ink. which is

useful for the study.

Alugbati is Alugbati
known to was easy
have a high to make
Anthocyanin and their
content and analysis
is highly showed
recommended that the
for ink product
production. was most
likely the

Alugbati extract
can be an
alternative marker

Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows the relationship of the independent and dependent variables of the

study. The independent variables,

In order to show the relationship between variables, the researcher tested the

following: a.) effectiveness of Alugbati (Basella alba) extract as a main ingredient for

marker ink; b.) the acceptability of Alugbati ink.

Alugbati (Basella alba) Extract

as a Marker Ink

Alugbati Ink

Acceptability {in terms of:}




Quality Ink

Figure 2.

The following terms are defined operationally:

Effectivenes- is refers to how the ink or the study will stand up to its standard to reach its


Alugbati- It is the source of extract as the main ingredient of a marker ink.

Odor- It is how strong the scent of the ink as rated by the respondents.

Stick Consistency- It is the consistency of the ink to stick in the paper as rated by the


Absorption- It is the ability of the ink to uptake into the fibers of the paper as rated by

the respondents.

Petroleum – is a rare resource from underground fossil fuels formed by a long period of

time (millions of years) developed by nature, hence also one of the main resource that is

needed in making ink.

Plantation – is a large area in which trees and plants are taken care of by an owner

(specifically human), also where people make works for foods to be manufacture



The study used the experimental method of research. The method is a highly

controlled procedure in which manipulated treatment or actions from a factor or

condition, called the experimental variable (the Alugbati ink) were applied upon another

factor or condition, and called the dependent variables (absorption, stick consistency and

color) to determine the effect of the former upon the latter. All other factors or variables

were kept constant or equal so that any change in the dependent variables is attributable

only to the independent variable.

This study also focused on how the Alugbati extract is capable of being utilized as

main ingredient for the marker ink. Additionally, the Alugbati extract was tested to

determine its effectiveness and through experiments, observations were gathered and

utilized as a collective in making conclusions, as said where the researcher will determine

of its effectiveness as ink.


Prepare the materials at the table including Malabar spinach or alugbati

(basella alba), mortar and pestle, 2 empty jar or container, salt, vinegar, clean

cloth , empty marker, first step is to put the Malabar spinach at the mortar and

pestle to crush it and extract its juice then proceed to put the extract to a container

which needed clean cloth to keep the excess skin of the spinach away, then after

that you will need to put the salt 1 tablespoon of it also as the rubbing alcohol and

vinegar, then stir and mix calmly until it is mixed very well and the salt were


Gathering Procedures Preparation Testing of Analysis of

of (in of the the the ink and
material previous medium paper Malabar making of
page) spinach Likert
extract as scale
ink. according
Figure 3. Flow of the procedure analyzing PHASE 5
of it by
Odor, stick

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter shows the presentation, analysis, interpretation, and

discussion of data gathered. The study aims to determine the

effectiveness of Alugbati extract as a potential alternative for marker’s

ink. Present data were studied and examined to answer the questions

communicated in the statement of the problem.

1. The properties of Alugbati or Malabar spinach (Basella Alba)

suitable for it to be an alternative or secondary term in production

of ink marker



2. Colors can be extracted from it to be suitable to produce an ink
Ink Flow Color Absorption Odor Texture Stick
Pigment Consistency

Normal Light Violet 10 secs Good Sticky but It not hard to

rough erase.

3. How the ink from Alugbati plant extract can be a reliable ink


The effectivity of Basella alba has been stated by the results, and by means

of it is that each of the questions of the study has been answered, in means of ink

flow of the mixture is that it’s in good condition or normal, in means of colors it

has a black or near black-violet as of observations, the absorption of the ink

mixture is that it took 30 seconds to stick to the medium of paper, the odor or the

smell of the ink is little well and good due to the Basella alba, in means of texture

it is a little crooked or rough and need of Improvements for further, in stick

consistency it is a little residue and it is not hard to remove it, these results

reached the requirements of the research.


Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and its

recommendation of this study. The summary includes the major findings upon

which the conclusions were based. The researchers formulated the

recommendations drawn from the conclusions.


The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of Alugbati

(Basella alba) extract as an main ingredients for alternative marker ink.

Specifically, the following problems are answered by the study in the results and

discussion:[1]What are the properties of Alugbati or Malabar spinach (Basella

Alba) suitable for it to be an alternative or secondary term in production for ink

marker? [2]What colors that can be extracted from it to be suitable to produce an

ink? [3] How is the ink from Alugbati plant extract can be a reliable ink marker?

Odor, stick consistency and absorption.


Based from the data gathered the results. The researchers yielded on the

following salient findings.

[1] The results of the the properties of Alugbati or Malabar spinach

(Basella Alba) suitable for it to be an alternative or secondary term in production

for ink marker since Alugbati has a high Anthocyanin content and is highly

recommended for ink processing, Alugbati extracts have a high potential to

become an ink.

[2] The results of the colors that can be extracted from it to be suitable to

produce an ink since the Alugbati extract produce a light purple extract that can

be suitable to become an ink.

[3a] The ink from Alugbati extract can be a reliable to ink marker based

from the odor that is good.

[3b] The ink from Alugbati extract can be a reliable to ink marker based

from the stick consistency it is not hard to erase.

[3c] The ink from Alugbati extract can be a reliable to ink marker based

from the absorption reaches 10 seconds.


Base from the finding of this study or the experiment mentioned, the

researchers have drawn a conclusion accordingly

 The color of the ink is in the light violet side of the color wheel not much

big deal for markers that it seems a little visible still need further work and

effort to have thicker and more visible color for cameras.

 The odor of the ink is little to known to be good or acceptable the fine and

natural smell of the Malabar spinach sums it up to not have a strange smell

like normal inks.

 The absorption of the ink is relatively not as long as it takes like normal

one but it does work, the ten second wait for marker is not big of a deal

especially if it is used to thicker papers.

 The ink flow of the Malabar spinach ink extract is relatively good or at

normal phase though it may change ink flow other than that of paper,

which exactly is rough surfaces where it will find it difficult to flow.

To add something, the researcher find it base on the objective and from

answering the statement of the problem.

Alugbati fruit extracts has a great possibility to become an ink because

Alugbati is known to have a high Anthocyanin content and is highly

recommended for ink production since it is a lot efficient and surprisingly

surpassed the expectations and requirements that the researchers intended it to be,

it is environment friendly and farmer friendly than that of other products in which

case that the mass production of these product can help the agricultural industry.

And lastly, this extract of Alugbati is more harmless wherein it’s is more

applicable or more reliable in use drawing, learning, writing or crafting projects.


The recommendations have been formulated to improve this study with

 The researchers recommend this product to the ink production here in

the Philippines to start a good and eco-friendly ink.

 The researchers would like to suggest a ball pen type for this kind of

ink so that it is not only work for marker but also for ball pen.

 For the future action and improvement of this product, it’s better to

have a watercolor paint product.

 And for further more suggestion it is more reliable for the economy to

support the farmers of the country for further economic improvement

of it.

 And lastly for suggestion, the researchers suggest scented markers to

stimulate the kids to write on their papers.


(Lopierre, Lopi.)

Daniel, 2006, Eliana et al., 2007, basella alba or malabar spinach there are high

level of phenolic acid, in which according to Chempoint




(Lindquist, Evan. Old Ink.n.d..)

2013, researchers Almonte, Atienza, Miranda, and Simangan






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