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A Detailed Lesson Plan


Competency : Solves problems involving measures of position.

I OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. state the steps in calculating percentile for ungrouped data;
b. solve problems involving percentile for ungrouped data; and
c. discuss the value og Humility

Topic: Measures of Position (Percentile for Ungrouped Data)
Reference: Grade 10 Mathematics Learner's Material; pages 376-378
Materials: Power Point Presentation, playing cardsflags, white cartolina, marker,sticky note
Time: 1 hour
Values Integration: Cooperation, Humility

III PROCEDURE Developmental Method

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
A. Preparation
Good morning class Good Morning, Maam.
I am Miss Jovelyn, your teacher for today We are good, Maam.
How are you this morning?
Well, that's nice to hear.
Please arrange your chairs properly and pick up (students do as told)
piesces of papers.

Alright! I want you to always remember our

classroom rules. These are abbreviated as LBC
which means;
L _ Listen
B _ Behave
C _ Cooperate

Are the rules clear? Yes, Maam

B. Motivation

Before going further, I will group you into four

(4) to do the activity.
To determine which group you belong, we will
these playing cards. One group for team heart,
team spade, team diamond and team club. ( Students go to their respective groups)
( Calling all the members of the group)
Now, as fast as you can, within your assign
area, form a line according to the

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