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Rubrics for Sewing Project Evaluation

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Scores
Use of Materials Learner Student Student Student
typically typically adequately deliberately
keeps sewing adequately cleans and misuses
materials and cleans takes care of materials
area clean materials and materials if AND/OR does
and protected work area at reminded. not adequately
without the end of Occasional clean materials
reminders. class without messy work or area when
He/She shows reminder, but area may be reminded.
great respect the area may seen. Shows Shows little
for the be messy some respect respect for
materials and during class. for materials material or
his/her fellow Student shows and fellow fellow students.
Learners. respect for students.
materials and
Time/Effort Class time Class time was Class time was Class time was
was used very used wisely. not always used not used wisely,
wisely which Student could wisely, but and the student
time and effort have put in student did do put in no
went into the more time and some additional additional
planning and effort. work before or effort. Student
design of the after school or wasted much of
project. during advisory. the time given.
Followed Followed all Followed most Did not listen to Did not attempt
Instructions directions of the instructions or to listen or
with little help directions with watch watch teacher
or assistance little help or demonstrations, demonstrations,
from the assistance spent too much spent no time
teacher. from the time seeking working
teacher. attention from cooperatively on
others. project.
Knowledge Student can Student can Student can Student cannot
Gained - accurately accurately accurately accurately
Technique name 5 name 4 name 3 name 3
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
of the of the of the technique of the technique
technique technique being studied being studied
being studied being studied and describe OR cannot
and describe and describe how 2-3 of describe how
how these how these these these
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
are used in are used in are used in relate to
his/her own his/her own his/her own his/her own
sewing sewing project. sewing project. sewing project.
How does it look These should Your pillow is Your pillow is Your pillow is
when complete? be on the sewn but not very square not a square or
store shelf. could have or well sewn. rectangle. You
used better Fair looks could use more
technique. practice.
There is room

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