Ways To Reduce Discrimination in Peru

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Ways to reduce discrimination in Peru

➔ First of all, to reduce and fight racism is very important to recognize and identify what
is racism, because if we don't know what we are trying to reduce we are not going to
do anything. Discrimination is a daily practice that consists of giving unfavorable
treatment or undeserved contempt to a certain person or group, which sometimes we
do not perceive.
➔ Racism: Mariana and Esteban
- We should stop thinking and associate skin color with how the person can be
in personality or that it is something bad. We are all people.
- The most common and important ways to solve this problem is education and
manifestation because it is already proven that all starts in the house and with
the values of the society that surrounds us but if the values that our parents
teach us are stronger than the society's influence.
➔ Nationality/ Born place: Natalia
- We can create a program in which children and adolescents from all over the
world share a space together. The program will be modified depending on the
possibilities of the schools. For example, in the case of the major students that
can travel abroad alone, they will travel to a province to coexist with other
students for some days, During those days, they will participate in different
kind on integratory activities, and at the end they will need to talk about their
experiences and what did they learn. In the case of students that cannot travel
but that can use a personal device (computer, cellphone, tablet), students from
different parts of the world will be distributed in little groups (six per group
approx.) to talk and do different assigned activities together. The objective of
this is to share experiences from each country. Finally, in the case of the
schools in which each student doesn’t have a personal device, NGO’s and the
government will lend them one computer and a proyector per classroom or
grade, for them to connect and talk through video calls with students from
other parts of the country of the world. At the end of the three activities, the
student will create a presentation about the importance of avoiding
discrimination and the best ones will be recorded to be presented nationally.
➔ Diseases: Gianira
- I am going to give some ideas to reduce discrimination in people with health
problem. First, respect and not discriminate against the user of health services,
providing quality and warm services. Provide dignified treatment, respect and
inclusion to the user of health services. Receive continuous training for health
personnel and do the corresponding follow-up. Finally, health promotion in the
community generates social awareness for the culture of prevention through
different communication, awareness-raising, dissemination and outreach and
education actions.
➔ Disabilities:
- It has to be taught from minors that disabilities do not make a difference in a
person. We can all achieve anything and live in peace.
➔ Social classes:

Names: Natalia R, Gianira A, Esteban S, Mariana Z and Ernesto D.

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