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Wardatut Toyyibah (08111740000026)

Evaluation Firyal Yumna Hazrati (08111740000032)

Berliana Putri NH (08111740000071)
a. Distance loudspeakers to receiver
b. Distance among loudspeakers
c. Height of the room
2. SKETCHES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION of the calculation (Plan, Section, and 3D) which describe
the idea


1. Distance Loudspeaker to Receiver (for T<2 s)

d = 0.18 (QV/TR)0.5 m

d = maximum distance loudspeaker-receiver (m)

Q = directivity of loudspeaker (2 – 15, higher value means more directed/focus)
V = room Volume
TR = reverberation Time (s)

Knows :
Q =5
V = 5 x 3 x 3 = 45 m3
TR Toko =1

d = 0.18 (5 x 45 / 1)0.5 m
d = 0.18 (225)0.5 m
d = 0.18 x 15 m
d = 2.7 m
2. Distance Among Loadspeakers

s = 1.4 (h – 1.7) m

s = distance among loudspakers (m)

d = ceiling cavity height (m)
h = ceiling height from the floor (m)
1.7 = average standing reference height (m)


s = 1.4 (h – 1.7) m
s = 1.4 (3 – 1.7) m
s = 1.4 x 1.3 m
s = 1.82 m

3. Height of The Room

h = 6.1 TR m

h = ceiling height from the floor (m)

T = reverberation Time (s)

TR Toko = 1

h = 6.1 TR m
h = 6.1 x 1
h = 6.1 m

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