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Chapter Four Gisselle Lopez, Lab Section 212


1. What’s Chemical property?
2. How is glass fragments collected?
3. What is tempered glass
4. What is used when looking at glass fragments
5. What a refraction index?

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1. What’s Chemical property?
o Describes the behavior of a substance without having to alter the substance
composition through a chemical reaction.
2. How is glass fragments collected?
o Collect all the glass found and should be packaged in a har soiled container so
that it doesn’t que damaged.
3. What is tempered glass?
o Glass that is strengthen by introducing stress through rapids heating and cooling
of glass surface.
4. What is used when looking at glass fragments
o Hot-stage microscope
5. What a refraction index?
o The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in a given substances.

Evaluate: I was able to understand very well chapter four and the glass fragments and how the
process of it goes.

1. Physical
2. Chemical
3. Metric
4. Meter, grams, and liter
5. 1/100
6. 1/1000
7. 200
8. 1 milliliters
9. True
10. 453.66
11. True
12. Temperature
13. 180
14. 100
15. mass
Chapter Four Gisselle Lopez, Lab Section 212

16. equal arm balance

17. Density
18. float
19. Refraction
20. Refraction index
21. True
22. amorphous
23. Birefringence
24. dispersion
25. Glass
26. individual
27. Density,refration index
28. flotation
29. Becke line
30. Frequency of occurrence
31. Radical
32. narrower
33. False
34. false
35. Will
36. false
37. Minerals
38. density gradient
39. True

When reading chapter 4 talks about physical property and chemical property. Physical property
is describing a substance without reference any other substance. Chemical property describes
the behavior of a substance when it reacts or combines with another substance. Forensic
science chooses to observe and measure depending on the type of matter. Forensic scientists
also use a metric system which has a basic unit of measurement for length, mass, meter, gram,
liter, respectively. Temperature is measured of heat intensity, or the amount of heat in
substance. When forensic scientists evaluate glass fragments, they look at two important
physical properties which are density and refraction index. Density is mass per unit volume.
refraction index is the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in the medium under
examination. This chapter also tells us about flotation and immersion, which are the best
methods to determine density and refraction index. The flotation methods is a glass particle
being immersed in a liquid and density of the liquid is carefully adjusted by addition amounts of
a liquid till the glass chips remains suspended in the medium liquid. Making the glass have the
same density as the liquid it lastly talks about soil at a crime scene and how there are different
ion of their gross appearance.

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