Peer Practice

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w one of your peers presented her/his information.

The goal is to look at things objectively and how well

the speaker did with each element. Your goal is to get practice evaluating other speakers, which should
inform your own future speeches.

Speech Evaluation Form

Speaker _______A Student_____________________________________________

Topic _______College Student Volunteering and Civic Engagement____________

Rate the speaker on each point: E-excellent G-good A-average F-fair P-poor

Mark your selections in BOLD 5 4 3 2 1

(Make a selection below

by marking your choice
in BOLD)
Gained attention and Maintained strong eye E G A F P
interest E G A F P contact E G A F P
Introduced topic clearly Avoided distracting E G A F P
Related topic to mannerisms E G A F P
audience E G A F P Used pauses effectively
Established credibility E G A F P Used vocal variety to add
Previewed body of E G A F P impact
speech E G A F P
Main points clear E G A F P Held interest of audience E G A F P
Main points fully E G A F P Prepared audience for ending
supported Reinforced central idea
Organization well Vivid ending
planned E G A F P
Language clear E G A F P
Transitions effective E G A F P

Use the space below to provide specific, written comments (use information from the textbook to

What did the speaker do most effectively? (Required)

She made her points clear and used a lot of evidence to support her point.

What should the speaker pay special attention to next time? (Required)

Less pausing and slower speaking

General Comments (Required):

Consider the following when providing written feedback to your peers and answer all questions
honestly for the speech you chose of your peer:

I enjoyed this speech, I stayed focused and interested on the topic wanting her to explain more.

Evaluation Checklist

1. Was the goal of the speech clear? yes

2. Did the speaker have high-quality information? Yes

3. Did the speaker use a variety of kinds of developmental material? yes

4. Were the visual aids appropriate and well used? No

5. Di the speaker establish common ground and was the content of the speech adapted to the
audience’s interests, knowledge, and attitudes? Yes in the beginning

6. Did the speaker’s introduction gain attention, goodwill, and lead into the speech? Yes

7. Were the speaker’s main points clear, parallel, and in meaningful, complete sentences? Yes

8. Did the speaker’s transitions lead smoothly from one point to another? Slightly
9. Did the speaker’s conclusion tie the speech together? Yes

10. Was the language clear? Yes

11. Was the language vivid? Yes

12. Was the language emphatic? Yes

13. Did the speaker sound enthusiastic? Yes

14. Did the speaker show sufficient vocal expressiveness? Yes

15. Was the speaker’s presentation spontaneous? No

16. Was the speaker’s presentation fluent? Yes

17. Did the speaker look at the audience? Yes

18. Were the speaker’s pronunciation and articulation acceptable? Yes

19. Did the speaker have good posture? Kind of

20. Was the speaker’s movement appropriate? Yes

21. Did the speaker have sufficient poise? Yes

22. Evaluate the speech:

 Excellent

 Good

 Satisfactory

 Fair

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