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6. 5
Section A. Using the trapezium rule, with four ordinates estimate the value of ∫2
ln x dx . Give your
Answer allquestions. [45 marks]
answer to three decimal places. Explain with the aid of a sketch, why the trapezium rule under
estimates the value of the integral. By using integration by parts, evaluate the exact value of
1.  x −x
 x<0 5
The function f is defined by f ( x) =  x . ∫2
ln x dx . Hence, calculate the percentage error involved, correct to one significant figure. [11]
ln (1 + x ) − 2 x ≥ 0 [6]

Determine if f is continuous at x = 0. Sketch the graph of y = f ( x) . Section B.
Answer any onequestion. [15 marks]
7. Sketch the curve with equation y = ( x 2 − 1)( x + 2) .
a)Find the turning points and determine it nature. Hence sketch the curve. [9]
2. A piece of wire of length 16 cm is cut into two pieces, one of length x cm and the other of
b)Calculate the area of the finite region above the x-axis bounded by the curve and the x-axis. [3]
length (16 − x ) cm. The piece of length x cm is bent to form a circle with circumference x cm.
c)Find the coordinates of the point of inflexion on the curve and the equation of the tangent at
The other piece is bent to form a square with perimeter (16 − x ) cm. Show that , as x varies, the this point. [3]
sum of the areas enclosed by these two pieces of wire is a minimum when the radius of the
8 8. A particle moves along the positive x-axis in the direction of increasing values of x. The
circle is cm. [7]
4 +π dv k 2 2
acceleration of the particle is = ( u − v ) where k and u are positive constants and v is the
dt v
speed of the particle at the time t. Show that the time taken for the particle to accelerate from
3. e 1 1 1 1 5
Using the suitable substitution, evaluate ∫ x ( 2 + ln x )
1 3
dx .
u to speed u is
ln   .
2k  4 
Show that the acceleration of the particle may be expressed as v where x and v are the
4. d 2 dx
Show that ( ln tan x ) = . Hence, find the particular solution of the differential equation
displacement and velocity respectively. Prove that the distance travelled by the particle while it
dx sin 2 x
dv 1 π 1 1 u  9 
(sin 2 x ) = 2 y (1 − y ) , given that y = when x = . Express y in terms of x. accelerates from speed u to speed u is 2 ln   − 1 .
dx 3 4 [10] 4 2 4k  5 
5. d2y  dy 
If y 2 = 1 + sin x , show that 2 y + 2   + y 2 − 1 = 0 . Deduce an equation which has the
dx 2  dx 
term in . Hence, obtain the expansion of 1 + sin x in ascending powers of x up to the
term in x3.
2 3

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