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PRO (helu): hello, my name is dzaky, I am a representative of a pro team

with the theme of sex education. What is Sexuality Education: Sexuality
education is teaching about issues of human sexuality – body anatomy,
reproduction, hygiene, sexual development, sexual activity, reproductive and
sexual health, sexual desire, affection, intimacy, sexual orientation,
interpersonal relationships, emotions, body image, gender, gender identity,
consent, coercion, violence, responsibility, values and, rights. All of us need
age-appropriate sex education
PRO (dito) : okay, I will continue my argument about sex education.
Children and Sexuality Education: As children, we started to learn about
sexuality from a very young age from our parents and caregivers and later
from teachers and general society (including the media). We need to learn to
respect, protect and take care of our bodies. Learning about 'good touch' and
'bad touch' and knowing which trusted person to inform about 'bad touch' or
what to do when 'bad touch' happens can prevent/drastically reduce sexual
abuse of children.
CON (almer) : well, sorry if I interrupt your speech. The young minds armed
with too much knowledge about safe sex may consider engaging in casual
sex too often. Instead of focusing on their career and responsibilities they
may give much time to fun and frolic in safe sex. The incidences of
premarital sex may gradually increase, which is unacceptable to Indian
society. And since none of the contraceptive methods are 100% full proof, we
might not see much positive impact on the rise of teenage pregnancies in
spite sex education in schools.
CON (RAFI) : Just like the example quoted from In
Texas, sex education makes teenagers horny! The things that are taught in sex
education make teenagers even more disturbed and hot. This is different from
what people in the North Carolina area say. Islamic Shari'ah is said to be the
best way to prohibit unwanted things. The large number of abortion cases that
arise because of free sex makes many families support limiting health
services to carry out the abortion process. Or have an abortion if it's needed.
PRO (hafizh) :

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