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1. What about Buddhism fosters impact and growth beyond its area of origin and ethnic base?
Buddhism appealed strongly to the members of the lower rank, and Buddhism can apply to
almost anyone anywhere. Not attached to an established social order or hierarchy
2. What caused Christianity to spread and grow rapidly during the post-classical era?
The appeal to the lower classes and women caused Chrisitianty to spread and grow rapidly
during the post-classical era. The promise of an afterlife and powerful empire and nation
3. Why was Confucianism compatible with other religious beliefs?
Confucianism was compatible with other religious beliefs because it was an ethical, social,
and political belief system, rather than a theological system. Mostly a political ideology, not
focused on rituals
4. Why didn’t Confucianism spread in a way that other religions had?
Confucianism did not spread in a way that other religions had because of its flexibility and
government leaders embraced it because it was intended to create an orderly society. Deeply
rooted in Chinese identity.
5. List numerous concepts that promote the notion of a Abbasid “golden age.”
- Arts and sciences flourish
- capital at Baghdad was built
- grand library know as house of wisdom
- trade
- credit
- lines of itemized receipts
- credit
6. Why was there destabilization in the later Abbasid age?
There was destabilization in the later Abbasid age because numerous rival factions and powers
developed. Internal struggles, civil war, tension between suni and shia empires,
7. What situation led to the Ottoman Empire filling the space where the Abbasid was?
The situation that led to the Ottoman Empire filling the space where the Abbasid was during the
Crusades the Mongols overran the Islamic empire and destroyed Baghdad, thereby signaling the
end of the Abbasid Dynasty. Eventually the Ottomans would reunite Egypt, Syria, and Arabia in a
new Islamic state. Torn down the structure
8. How was political power determined in Middle Ages Europe?
The political power in the Middle Ages Europe was determined by a centralized government known
as the Byzantine Empire. Land, feudal system, hierarchy
9. What were some aspects in regard to land ownership in Medieval Europe?
Feudalism, which social class you fell into, code of chivalry, gender More land = more power
10. How was the growth of European towns & cities indicative of a change in direction?
The growth of European towns and cities indicative of a change in direction because they started
to gain momentum and this was a result of the middle class which consists of urban craftsmen and
merchants. The success of the middle class lured people into town in hopes of making more
money or learning new skills. Merchants, economics new turn
11. What began to drive the move toward nation-states?
Western Europe began to organize along cultural and linguistic lines and began to drive the move
toward nation-states. Attention to social, culture, and linguistic
12. How would the Magna Carta lead to great change in political and power dynamics?
The Magna Carta led to the great change in political and power dynamics by renovating the feudal
rights of the nobles, and extending the rule of law to other people in the country, namely the
growing burgher class, laying the foundation for Parliament. Putting forth the idea that the leader
is subject to the people
13. What caused tension to rise between the rising nation-states of England and France?
England begging to claim large parts of France caused the tension to rise between the rising
nation-states and of England and France. land
14. What resulted from the Hundred Years War?
England withdrawal from France resulted from the Hundred Years War. England loses, and falls
into many civil wars. France became superpower of europe
15. What were some actions or changes that resulted from a unified Spain?
Some actions or changes that resulted from a unified Spain was the Cathloic church was a strong
ally, Spanish statehood thrived under the new monarchy, non-Christians were forced to convert or
leave the country, spread of Spanish language, customs, and Chrisitianty to the New World.
16. How did Ivan the Terrible strengthen the centralized power of early Russia?
Ivan the Terrible strengthened the centralized power of early Russia by declaring Moscow the Third
Rome. increase power for top through taking it away from the nobles
17. What does foot-binding imply about the status of females in Song China?
Foot-binding implied about the status of females in Song China is that they weren't seen as equal
to men, and they couldn't have the same features as a man because they were not seen in that
way. Women were seen as little and useless compared to the men. They are subordinate and
subject to the men
18. What was distinctive about the two sects of Buddhism in China?
The distinctive about the two sects of Buddhism in China was Mahayana Buddhism appealed to
many because of its emphasis on a peaceful and quiet excellence and a life apart from the worldly
values while Chan Buddhist converts the educated class who usually followed Confucianism.
Focus on the individual, find yourself
19. What was the status of the emperor in feudal Japan? Status of the Shogun?
The status of the emperor in feudal Japan was a figurehead but didn't hold the real power. The
shogun held the real power. The emperor was a figurehead
20. In what ways were European & Japanese feudal eras similar?
They were similar in the terms of political structure, social structure, and honor code. Both about
hierarchy and lords (feudalism)
21. In what ways were European & Japanese feudal eras different?
European and Japanese feudal eras were different in terms of treatment of women and legal
agreement. european feud was more way of life, japanese was strict
22. How did the Delhi Sultanate relate to non-Musim subjects?
The Delhi Sultanate related to non-Musim subjects because like non-Musilums under the
Umayyads in Arabia, non-Misimls under the sultans in India had to pay tax. Most of the
persecution of the jews was at the hands of christians.
23. What right was granted to Aztec women?
Aztec women were granted the right to be involved with skilled crafts. The right to inheritance
24. What group in Aztec civilization mostly served as human sacrifices?
The Incas were the Aztec civilization who mostly served as human sacrifices. Conquered people,
25. How did the Inca record business transactions and demographic data?
The Inca recorded business transactions and demographic data by using a quipu or a set of
knotted strings.

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