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Test - 01

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
1. _amR>r eãXm§Vrb A-H$mamÝV nyduMo B-H$ma Am{U C-H$ma XrK© AgVmV.
(1) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho (2) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… MwH$sMo Amho.
(3) h`m {dYmZmMm nydm©Y ~amo~a Amho. (4) h`m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
2. nmoVw©JrO eãXm§Mm JQ> Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) AËVa, noedm, nmoemI (2) AO©, BZm_, _ohZV
(3) V§~mIy, hmnyg, nJma (4) Ib~ËVm, {dir, ^mH$ar

3. gm_mÝ` én g§~§Yr `mo½` {dYmZo AmoiIm

(a) B©-H$mamÝV nwpëb¨Jr Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én `m-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
(b) D$-H$mamÝV Znwg§H$qbJr Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én Am-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) XmoÝhr `mo½` (4) XmoÝhr A`mo½`
4. Anamoj `m eãXmMm `mo½` AW© -----------
(1) EH$mj (2) AàË`j (3) ZOaog_moa (4) nmR>r_mJo
5. Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én Am{U {d^ŠVr àË`` `m§À`m_Ü`o Ooìhm EImXm àË`` `oVmo Voìhm Ë`mg ----
(1) gm_mÝ` én (2) {d^ŠVr (3) g{dH$aUr {d^ŠVr (4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.

6. nwT>rb {dYmZm_Yrb H$mi hm H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm

(a) H$U© Amnbm gmoÝ`mMm XmV XoVmo. (b) {J[aebm hr ~mV_r H$ibr Agob.
(c) _r ì`mnma Ho$bm.
(1) gmYm dV©_mZH$mi, nyU© ^{dî`H$mi, gmYm ^yVH$mi
(2) [aVr dV©_mZH$mi, Mmby ^{dî`H$mi, gmYm ^yVH$mi
(3) gmYm dV©_mZH$mi, Mmby ^{dî`H$mi, gmYm ^yVH$mi
(4) [aVr dV©_mZH$mi, nyU© ^{dî`H$mi, nyU© ^yVH$mi

7. à`moJmg§~§Yr {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) H$_m©{edm` H$_©Ur à`moJ hmoV Zmhr.
(b) AH$_©H$ eŠ` {H«$`mnXmMm AH$_©H$ H$V©ar à`moJ AgVmo.

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
(c) ^mdo à`moJmVrb H$Vm© Am{U H$_© ho {d^ŠVr àË``mÝV AgVo.
(1) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (2) a Am{U c AMyH$$ (3) \$ŠV b AMyH$ (4) a,b,c AMyH$

8. g§Yr V`ma hmoVmZm -------

(a) V² `m ì`§OZmnwT>o O² Amë`mg V² ~X²Xb O² `oVmo.
(b) V² `m ì`§OZmnwT>o b² Amë`mg V² ~X²Xb b² `oVmo.
n`m©` -
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV b `mo½` (3) a Am{U b `mo½` (4) a Am{U b XmoÝhrhr A`mo½`
9. Imbrb {dYmZm_Yrb AYmoao{IV Zm_m§Mo Ë`m§À`m H«$_mZwgma àH$ma AmoiIm.
(a) g§Vm§À`m A§Jr Z_«Vm AgVo.
(b) Z_«Vm hr CËV_ Z¥Ë`m§JUm Amho.
(c) B`ËVm ZddrÀ`m dJm©V VrZ Z_«Vm AmhoV.
(1) {deofZm_², ^mddmMH$ Zm_, gm_mÝ` Zm_
(2) ^mddmMH$ Zm_, {deofZm_, gm_mÝ` Zm_
(3) ^mddmMH$ Zm_, gm_mÝ` Zm_, {deof Zm_
(4) gm_mÝ` Zm_, {deof Zm_ ^mddmMH$ Zm_

10. `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm

(a) X§S> Zgbobo ì`§OZ (i) i²
(b) _Ü` X§S> Agbobo ì`§OZ (ii) n²
(c) eodQ>r X§S> Agbobo ì`§OZ (iii) \²$>
(d) AYm© X§S> Agbobo ì`§OZ (iv) a²
( a) (b) ( c) (d)
(1) iv iii ii i
(2) i iv iii ii
(3) iii ii i iv
(4) iv i iii ii

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
11. H$m|~S>m AmadVmo Am{U nhmQ> hmoVo.
(`m dmŠ`mnmgyZ {_l dmŠ` ~Zdm)
(1) H$m|~S>m Amadbm H$s nhmQ> hmoVo
(2) nhmQ> Pmbr åhUwZ H$m|~S>m Amadbm.
(3) H$m|~S>m Amadbm d nhmQ> hmoVo.
(4) H$m|~S>m Amadë`mZo nhmQ> hmoVo.
12. _mPo EdT>o H$m_ H$aerb Va H$m`_Mm G$Ur hmoB©Z.
(`m dmŠ`mVrb Am»`mV AmoiIm)
(1) àW_ Vm-Am»`mV (2) D$-Am»`mV
(3) B©bm»`mV (4) bm»`mV
13. {d^ŠVrg§~§Yr `mo½` {dYmZo AmoiIm.
(a) fîR>r {d^ŠVr hr H$maH$ {d^ŠVr ZgyZ Vr CnnX {d^ŠVr Amho.
(b) CnnX g§~§Y åhUOo {H«$`oì`{V[aŠV BVa eãXm§er Agbobo g§~§Y
(1) XmoÝhrhr {dYmZo A`mo½` (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
14. gw§Xa {Xgmdo Ago gJi`m§Zm dmQ>Vo.
(`m {dYmZmWu dmŠ`mMo àíZmWu dmŠ`mV énm§Va H$am)
(1) gw§Xa {Xgmdo Ago gJi`m§Zm H$m dmQ>V Zmhr ?
(2) gw§Xa {Xgmdo Ago gJi`m§Zm dmQ>V Zmhr H$m ?
(3) gw§Xa {Xgmdo Ago H$moUmbm dmQ>V Zmhr?
(4) gw§Xa {Xgmdo Ago gJi`m§Zm dmQ>Vo H$m ?

15 nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m n`m©`mV `mo½` gm_m{gH$ eãX d Ë`mMm àH$ma Ambm Amho.
(a) _hmn§S>rV - H$_©Yma` g_mg
(b) _Q>ma H$a§Or - ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(c) KaXma - BVaoËVa ìX§X g_mg
(d) ZXrH$mR>-{d^ŠVr VËnwéf g_mg.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U d (2) b Am{U c (3) a Am{U c (4) b Am{U d

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

16. Imbrbn¡H$s AMyH$ OmoS>r Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m

(a) Im|S>- H$mbdS> (b) {dX²dmZ-{dYwa (c) ~moH$m-_m§Oa (d) H$dr-H$d`Ìr
n`m©` …
(1) a Am{U d (2) \$ŠV a (3) a Am{U c (4) \$ŠV d

17. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm Am{U `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) H$Ë`mªMr A{Y{deofUo hr CX²Xoe {dñVmamMr H$m`© H$aVmV.
(b) H$_m©Mr A{Y{deofUo hr H$_©{dñVma qH$dm H$_©nyaH$mMo H$m`© H$aVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½` (3) \$ŠV d `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`

18. nwT>rb {dYmZmVrb {H«$`mnXmMo àH$ma Ë`m§À`m H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm.

(a) Aj`Zo g§{JVmbm ZmQ>H$mg Zobo.
(b) nwOmè`mZo _§{XamVrb gdmªZm àgmX dmQ>bm.
(c) Ë`mÀ`mÀ`mZo nwñVH$ dmMdV Zmhr.
n`m©` …-
(1) AH$_©H$, pìXH$_©H$, g§`wŠV {H«$`mnX
(2) gH$_©H$, pìXH$_©H$, eŠ` {H«$`mnX
(3) gH$_©H$, pìXH$_©H$, A{Z`{_V {H«$`mnX
(4) pìXH$_©H$, pìXH$_©H$, eŠ` {H«$`mnX
19. nwT>rb dmŠ`mVrb {H«$`m{deofU Aì``o H$moUË`m àH$maMr AmhoV ?
(a) Vmo emioVyZ MmbV MmbV Ambm.
(b) Jmdr OmVmZm BH$Sy>Z `oerb H$m ?
(c) bVm _moR>`mZo hgbr.
n`m©` …-
(1) {deofU gm{YV, Aì``gm{YV, YmVwgm{YV
(2) YmVwgm{YV, Aì``gm{YV, {deofU gm{YV
(3) YmVwgm{YV, {deofUgm{YV, Aì``gm{YV
(4) {deofU gm{YV, YmVwgm{YV, Aì`` gm{YV

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
20. ^bo, \$ŠH$S>, Imer ----- hr Ho$db à`moJr Aì``o H$moUË`m àH$maMr AmhoV ?
(1) g§_{VXe©H$ (2) AmíM`©Xe©H$ (3) hf©Xe©H$ (4) àe§gmXe©H$
21. nwT>o "H$s' ho C^`mÝd`r Aì`` dmŠ`mV dmnabo Amho, Ë`mÀ`m AWm©Zwgma àH$ma AmoiIm.
(a) Vy bdH$a Ambmg H$s AmnU ~mJoV OmD$.
(b) {dkmZ emn Amho H$s daXmZ ?
(c) _mUgmH$S>o n¡gm Ambm H$s _mUwgH$s g§nVo.
(d) Vmo åhUmbm H$s "Amåhr qOH$bmo.'
(1) n[aUm_ ~moYH$ ,{dH$ën~moYH$, g§Ho$V~moYH$, ñdén~moYH$
(2) g§Ho$V~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$, ñdén~moYH$, n[aUm_~moYH$
(3) g§Ho$V~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$, n[aUm_~moYH$, ñdén~moYH$
(4) n[aUm_~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$, g§Ho$V~moYH$, ñdén~moYH$

22. nwT>rbn¡H$s Xoer qH$dm XoeO eãX AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) JwS>Km> (b) dm§Jo (c) {MIb (d) PmS>
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am{U b (3) a, b, c (4) a,b,c,d
23. nwT>rb dmŠ`mV YmVwgm{YVo dmnabr AmhoV. Ë`m§Mo H$m`m©déZ AZwH«$_o àH$ma AmoiIm.
(a) PmH$br _yR> gìdmbmImMr (b) AmOmo~m§Zr ZmVdmbm ImD$ AmUbm.
n`m©` …-
(1) YmVwgm{YV {H«$`m{deofU, YmVwgm{YV {deofU
(2) YmVwgm{YV {deofU, YmVwgm{YV Zm_
(3) YmVwgm{YV {deofU, YmVwgm{YV {H«$`m{deofU
(4) YmVwgm{YV Zm_, YmVwgm{YV {deofU

24. nwT>rb A`mo½` {dYmZo AmoiIm

(a) Á`m ÜdZtMo A{YH$ {d^mOZ hmoV Zmhr Ë`m§Zm _ybÜdZr åhUVmV.
(b) H$moUVrhr ^mfm hr ÜdÝ`mË_H$ AgVo.
(c) AmYr ì`mH$aU V`ma hmoVo d Z§Va ^mfm ~ZVo.
n`m©` …-

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
(1) \$ŠV a (2) b Am{U c (3) \$ŠV c (4) EH$hr {dYmZ A`mo½` Zmhr.

25. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) dmŠ`mVrb CX²Xoe hmM dmŠ`mVrb H$Vm© AgVmo.
(b) {dÜ`o` {dñVma åhUOo {H«$`m{deofU hmo`.
(c) dmŠ`mVrb H$_©-H$_©{dñVma hm {dÜ`o` {d^mJmV _moS>Umam KQ>H$ Amho.
n`m©` …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) gd© {dYmZo MyH$
(3) a Am{U b AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV a AMyH$
26. "Ii'---- `m eãXmMm AW© nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m JQ>mV AmT>iV Zmhr ?
(1) {MH$Q> noO, I§S>, XþîQ> _Zwî` (2) N>§X, XþîQ> _Zwî`, I§S>
(3) A§JU, I§S>, XþîQ> _Zwî` (4) _iUr H$aÊ`mMr OmJm, MyU© H$aUo, MMm©

27. "B§Ë`^yV ' ---- `m eãXmÀ`m CbQ> AWm©Mm eãX {ZdS>m.

(a) ÌmoQ>H$ (b) gmaIm (c) {Zamim (d) g_mZ
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV c (3) b Am{U d (4) a Am{U c
28. "am_^mD§$Zr doioda n¡go Z ^aë`mZo Ë`m§À`m ñWm`r _mb_ËVoda J§S>m§Va Ambo.'
(`m dmŠ`mVrb AYmoao{IV eãXg_whmgmR>r `mo½` AW© n`m©`mVyZ {ZdS>m)
(a) dmB©Q> H$mi (b) Q>miVm Z `oUmam _moR>m AZW©
(c) VJmXm bmdUo (d) ~iH$mdyZ KoUo
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c (2) \$ŠV a (3) \$ŠV b (4) a Am{U b

29. gd©Zm_mbm ñdV…Mm AW© ZgVmo; VgoM gd©Zm_ Zm_mMr pìXéŠVr Q>miVo.
(1) dmŠ`mMm nydmªY© ~amo~a Amho.
(2) dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
(3) ho nyU© dmŠ` ~amo~a Amho.
(4) ho nyU© dmŠ` MyH$ Amho.

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
30. ^mdo à`moJmMr `mo½` [dYmZo AmoiIm.
(a) _bm ~gdVo. (b) Ë`mMo ImD$Z Pmbo.
(c) ~mobë`mà_mUo Ë`mZo H$éZ XmIdmdo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) b Am{U c (3) \$ŠV c (4) a, b, c

31. ^mfoÀ`m Ab§H$mam{df`r Imbrb {dYmZo dmMyZ A`mo½` {dYmZo {ZdS>m.

(a) Cn_o` ho Cn_mZmnojm loîR> ì`{VaoH$ Ab§H$ma
(b) EH$m eãXm§Mo XmoZ AW© énH$ Ab§H$ma
(c) Cn_o`mbm Cn_o`mMrM Cn_m XoUo Cn_m Ab§H$ma
(d) Cn_o`mMm {ZfoY H$éZ Cn_mZ gm§JUo AnÝhþVr Ab§H$ma
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b (2) b Am{U c (3) c Am{U d (4) a Am{U d
32. ewŠbH$mîQ> - `m eãXmgmR>r `mo½` AW© {ZdS>m.
(a) OrdmnmS> H$îQ> (b) ZgVr {~bm_V
(c) ewŠb njmMm H$mi
n`m©` …-
(1) c `mo½` (2) \$ŠV a `mo½` (3) b Am{U c `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
33. nwT>o XmoZ {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mnmgwZ Ho$db dmŠ` ~Z{dbobm `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) nú`mZo AmH$memV Pon KoVbr (b) njr O{_Zrda Ambm.
n`m©` …-
(1) AmH$memV Pon KoD$Z njr O{_Zrda Ambm.
(2) njr O{_Zrda H$maU Ë`mZo AmH$memV Pon KoVbr hmoVr.
(3) nú`mZo AmH$memV Pon KoVbr AZ² Vmo O{_Zrda Ambm.
(4) AmH$memV Pon KoVbr H$s njr O{_Zrda `oVmo.
34. nwT>o H$mhr {dam_{MÝhm§Mr Zmdo Am{U {MÝho {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mn¡H$s `mo½` Zgbobo n`m©` AmoiIm.
(a) g§`moJ {MÝh (-) (b) AY©{dam_ (…)
(c) H$mH$nX (@) (d) AnyU©{dam_ (;)
n`m©` …-

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) c, d (4) b,c,d
35. CX`m H§$nZr _YyÀ`m hmVmV Zmai XoB©b.
(`m dmŠ`mVrb Zmai `m eãXmMm AW© gm§Jm.)
(1) {Z_§ÌU (2) ñdmJV (3) {Zamon (4) ~S>V\$s©
36. nmoQ>mV XþIUo ------ `m dmH²$àMmamer gmYå`© AgUmam dmH²$àMma AmoiIm.
(a) doXZm hmoUo (b) dmB©Q> dmQ>Uo
(c) amJ `oUo (d) Agy`m dmQ>Uo
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am{U d (3) a,b Am{U d (4) \$ŠV d
37. _amR>rV H$mhr doim XmoZ dmH$` OmoS>Ê`mgmR>r gd©Zm_m§Mm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo. V|ìhm Ë`m dmŠ`mg ----
Ago åhUVmV.
(1) Ho$db dmŠ` (2) {_l dmŠ` (3) g§`wŠV dmŠ` (4) {_l-g§`wŠV dmŠ`.
38. gy`©- `m e~Xmg g_mZmWu Zgbobm eãX AmoiIm.
(a) {XZH$a (b) eer (c) gwYmH$a (d) {haÊ`J^©
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) \$ŠV c (3) b Am{U c (4) b,c,d
39. AmË_dmMH$ gd©Zm_ Á`m dmŠ`mV Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) AmnU AmbmV Amåhr Amnbo Am^mar AmhmoV.
(b) àË`oH$ ZmJ[aH$mZo AmnUmg amîQ´>^ŠV _mZmdo
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (2) \$ŠV b AMyH$
(3) a Am{U b AMyH$ (4) a Am{U XmoÝhr b MwH$

40. eaXmÀ`m Mm§XÊ`mV Jwb_moha ~habm.

(`m dmŠ`mVrb {H«$`mnXmMm Am»`mV AmoiIm)
(1) B©-Am»`mV (2) bm-Am»`mV (3) D$- Am»`mV (4) B©b-Am»`mV

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
41. {H«$`mnXmg§~§Yr nwT>rb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m.
(a) g§`wŠV {H«$`mnXm_Ü`o YmVwgm{YV _w»` {H«$`m XmIdV Zmhr.
(b ) g§`wŠV {H«$`mnXm_Ü`o ghm`H$ {H«$`mnX dmŠ`mMm AW© nyU© H$aVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
(3) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV b AMyH$
42. nwT>rb H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV bjUm eŠVr Zmhr ?
(a) J§JoV Jdi`m§Mr dñVr (b) VodT>m H$n {nD$Z Q>mH$
(c) {ZdS>UwH$m Amë`m H$s H$mdi`m§Mr H$mdH$md gwé hmoVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c$ (2) a Am{U b (3) a,b,c (4) a Am{U c
43. nwT>rb XmoZ dmŠ`m§Mo dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aU H$am Am{U AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) Am§~m ZmgH$m {ZKmbm
(b) amZS>`m§Mm JmoqdXm emñÌr` JmUo åhUVmo.
n`m©` …-
(1) H$_©, {dÜ`o` {dñVma (2) {dYmZnyaH$, H$_©{dñVma
(3) {dYmZnyaH$, H$_© (4) H$_©, {dYmZnyaH$
44. {dÜ`Wu dmŠ`o AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) _wbm§Zmo, Aä`mg doioda H$am.
(b) nmD$g Ambm AgVm Va ~ao Pmbo AgVo.
(c) Agmdm gw§Xa Mm°H$boQ>Mm ~§Jbm.
n`m©` …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo `mo½` (2) \$ŠV a (3) \$ŠV c (4) a Am{U c
45. nwT>rbn¡H$s ì`mH$aUÑîQ>`m ewÜX eãX H$moUVo ?
(a) nma§nm[aH$ (b) AmÜ`mpË_H$ (c) Xþ{~©U (d) {dYrnyd©H$
(1) a, b (2) b, c, d (3) \$ŠV b (4) a, b, c

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

Imbrb CVmam dmMyZ àíZ H«$_m§H$ 46 Vo 50 àíZm§Mr CËVao X`m.

""XmZ§ narjmM Xþ{^©jo, XmZmMr narjm Ho$ìhm Va Vr XþîH$mimÀ`m doir. ñdV…Odi gwH$mi AgVmZm XmZ
H$aÊ`mV Zdb H$m` ? nU Amnë`mOdirb gd©ñdmMo XmZ H$aUo hrM Iar H$gmoQ>r. Ago EH$mhÿZ EH$ Wmoa
AmXe© ^maVr` g§ñH¥$VrV {Ma§Ord Pmbo AmhoV. ñdßZmV {Xboë`m XmZmMr X{jUm XoÊ`mgmR>r amOm h[aü§Ð
Amnë`m nËZrgh ñd{dH«$sgmR>r Jwbm_m§À`m ~mOmamV C^m am{hbm. CXma H$Um©Zo OrdZ^a XmZ Ho$boM, na§Vw
_¥Ë`yÀ`m A§{V_ jUr Amnbm gmoÝ`mMm XmV CnQy>Z XoD$Z EH$m ~«m÷UmMr {dd§MZm ^mJ{dbr. Xmar Amboë`m
`mMH$mMr Anojm nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r amOm lr`mi d amUr Mm§JwUm `m§Zr Amnë`m àmUmhÿZ {à` Aem {Mb`m
~mimbm {eO{dbo. ^maVr`, g§ñH¥$Vr Amnë`m ~mim§Zm {eH${dVo, "XmZ H$go H$amdo ?' 'BX§ Z __' Oo
Úmd`mMo Ë`mV Amgº$s ZH$mo. Ë`mV Amnbo _Z Jw§Vbobo ZH$mo. VarnU ho XmZ H$go H$amdo Va Ë`mV Amnë`m
öX`mMm Amobmdm Agmdm.
`m XmZmMo àH$ma Var {H$Vr ? AÞXmZ ho Va _hmXmZ. ^maVr` g§ñH¥$VrV àË`oH$ AmZ§XmÀ`m,
Xþ…ImÀ`m jUmer XmZmMr gm§JS> KmVbr Amho. Ë`mM~amo~a YZXmZ, gwdU©XmZ, dóXmZ `m XmZmÀ`m nar
^maVr`m§À`m aº$m_m§gmV {_giboë`m AmhoV. Aœ_oY `k H$ê$Z qOH$bobr gd© g§nÎmr XmZ H$aUmam
hf©dY©Z ^maVr` g§ñH¥$VrVM ^oQ>Vmo, ñdV…Mr Vwbm H$ê$Z {VVŠ`m ^mamMo gwdU©, ê$no, _moham XmZ H$aUmao
amOo-_hmamOo, Y{ZH$ ^maVmÀ`m B{VhmgmV OmJmoOmJr ^oQ>VmV.
AmOÀ`m `m {dkmZ`wJmV `m XmZna§naobm _waS> nS>br Zmhr. CbQ> {VÀ`m H$jm A{YH$m{YH$
é§XmdVM Joë`m. AmMm`© {dZmo~m§Zr ho AmoiIbo H$s, XmZ hr qhXÿ _Zmbm nQ>Umar gyMZm Amho. àmMrZ
H$mimnmgyZ Amnë`m ^modVmbr H$m` nm{hbo? amZmdZmV amhUmè`m F${f_wZtZm Ë`m§À`m n[agamVrb {ZgJm©Zo
H$m` {eH${dbo? Va gy`© àH$meXmZ H$aVmo, _oK AmË_XmZ H$aVmo, g[aVm OrdZXmZ H$aVo. _mUgm,
VwÂ`mOdi Amho Vo Vy BVam§Zm Xo. VwÂ`mOdi O_rZ Amho Va ^y{_hrZmbm ^yXmZ H$a, O_rZ Zmhr Va
l_XmZ H$a, J«m_XmZ H$a, aº$XmZ d ZoÌXmZmMm g§Xoe Amåhr X{YMMuÀ`m ApñWXmZmVyZ KoVbm.

46. CVmam dmMë`mda XmZmMr Iar narjm Ho$ìhm H$iVo ?

(1) gwH$mi AgVmZm (2) XþîH$mimÀ`m doir
(3) gU- CËgdmV (4) ñdV… Odi H$mhrhr ZgVmZm

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
47. CVmè`mV "g[aVm OrdZXmZ H$aVo' Ago dmŠ` Ambo Amho. `m_Ü`o g[aVm eãXmMm `mo½` AW© {ZdS>m.
(a) AmB© (b) ZXr (c) V{Q>Zr (d) T>J
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) b Am{U c (4) b, c, d

48. Amnë`m _¥Ë`wÀ`m g_`r gmoÝ`mMm XmV CnQy>Z EH$m ~«måhUmMr {dd§MZm ^mJ{dUmè`m H$moUË`m
ì`ŠVrMo CXmhaU Ambo Amho ?
(1) amOm h[aíM§Ð (2) {dZmo~m ^mdo (3) hf©dY©Z (4) H$U©

49. ^y{_hrZ ì`ŠVtZm ^y{_ XmZ H$aUmar Midi C^maUmè`m H$moUË`m ì`ŠVrMm CëboI CVmè`mV Ambm
(1) {dZmo~m ^mdo (2) amOm lr`mi (3) amUr Mm§JwUm (4) amOm h[aíM§Ð

50. AmOÀ`m {dkmZ `wJmVrb H$moUË`m XmZm§Mm CëboI CVmè`mV Ambm Amho ?
(a) aŠVXmZ (b) gwdU©XmZ (c) dñÌXmZ (d) ZoÌXmZ (e) l_XmZ
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am{U d (3) a, b, c (4) \$ŠV a, d,e

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
51. In which of the following sentences the underlined words are an adjective:

a) The favourite came last in the three o’clock race.

b) The favourite was the last horse in the three o’clock race.

c) The office workers collected their pay monthly.

d) A monthly cheque is very comforting.

Answer options:

1) a and c only 2) b and d only

3) c only 4) b only

52. Fill in the blank:

a) If wishes ______ horses, the beggars would ride them.

b) If I had money, I ______ go in for a new car.

c) Had I known all the facts, I _______ not signed the agreement.

Answer options:

1) Was, would, would have 2) Was, will, would have

3) were, would, will have 4) were, would, would have

53. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) He is one of those men who is always finding fault with other people.

b) She is one of the mothers that has lived every.

c) You who is my best friend should no worry me.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) a and b only

3) c only 4) None of the above

54. To read poetry gives me special pleasure.

The subject of the above clause is:

1) Noun clause 2) Infinitive 3) Gerund 4) Finite verb

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
55. Choose the sentence/s having proper usage of adverb in it/them:

a) He is enough wise to understand the situation.

b) She is accurate and neat but she is fairly slow.

c) Our class will be tomorrow here.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only
3) c only 4) none of the above

56. Identify the noun clause/s in the following sentences:

a) I know what he said to be false.

b) Where he has gone is not known to anybody.

c) The problem is how the refugees can be helped.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) b and c only

3) All 4) a and c only

57. a) He opened the gate.

b) He took the dog out for run.

Which of the following sentence/s change/s the above two sentences correctly into
a simple sentence?

a) After he opened the gate he took the dog out for run.
b) As soon as he opened the gate he took the dog out for run.
c) Opening the door the gate, he took the dog out for run.
d) He took the dog out for run just after he opened the gate.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) b and c only

3) c only 4) a and c only

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
58. Find the correct form of conjunction in the following sentence:

“I shall neither follow your instruction nor resign.”

The underlined words are example of:

1) Cumulative conjunctions 2) correlative conjunctions

3) Subordinate conjunctions 4) Illative conjunctions

59. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) The state of affairs in this institution is causing anxiety.

b) The information our journal offers to the exporters are very valuable.

c) All the books which are lying on my table has been borrowed from the library.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) a and b only

3) c only 4) b and c only

60. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Never again will I trust that fellow.

b) Not only was he abused but also beaten.

c) Seldom I have seen such a delightful party.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) b and c only

3) a and b only 4) c only

61. The condition given in the following sentences respectively is:

a) If that boy took more exercise he wouldn’t get so fat.

b) Were you to speak a little louder, we could all hear you.

Answer options:

1) Real condition, Unreal condition 2) Real condition, Real condition

3) Unreal condition, Real condition 4) Unreal condition, Unreal condition

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
62. Choose the correct sentence with correct punctuations used in them.

a) Gandhi father of nation, lived a simple life.

b) O Lord, have mercy upon us.

c) Shakespeare said; “neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

d) ‘Did you hear a sound?’ he asked.

Answer options:

1) b c and d only 2) b and c only

3) b and d only 4) a b and d only

63. Identify the sentence/s in imperative mood:

a) Be regular and systematic in your work.

b) I wish he were dead.

c) Forgive us our trespass.

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a and c only

3) b only 4) c only

64. Choose the correct sentence/s from the given sentences:

a) No sooner did I enter the room when the intruder ran away.

b) Scarcely I had sat down to breakfast when the telephone rang.

c) Hadley had we reached the station when the train left.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) c only
3) b only 4) a and b only

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
65. Match the following pairs:

a) You may do as you please. I) Noun clause

b) Take all that you want. II) Adjective clause

c) I know what he said to be false. III) Adverb clause






66. Choose the correct indirect narration of the following sentence:

He cried to them in agony, 'Row back at any risk, I cannot bear to leave her behind,
to be drowned’.

1) He cried in agony to row back at any risk. He further said that he could not bear
to leave her behind to be drowned.

2) He cried to them in agony to row back at any risk. He said that he could not bear
to leave her behind to be drowned.

3) He cried with agony to row back at any risk. He further said that he could not
bear to leave her behind to be drowned.

4) He cried to them in agony to row back at any risk. He further said that he could
not bear to leave her behind to be drowned.

67. Choose the correct the passive form of the following sentence:

We have to leave the tap open for all the yellowish, stinking water to drain.

1) The tap had to be left open for all the yellowish, stinking water to drain.

2) The tap have to be left open for all the yellowish, stinking water to drain.

3) The tap has be left open for all the yellowish, stinking water to drain.

4) The tap should be left open for all the yellowish, stinking water to drain.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
68. Choose the correct expression:

a) Rob peter to pay smith.

b) Between the devil and the deep river.

c) Achilles’ heel.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) a and c only

3) c only 4) a and b only

69. Don’t condone such acts which lead to unrest in the country.

The opposite meaning of the underlined word is:

1) regard 2) punish

3) aware of 4) overlook

70. Fill in the blank:

a) How does your news ____________ this case?

b) The prisoner’s story was _________ by his wife.

1) bear with, borne out 2) bear on, borne out

3) bear on, borne in 4) bear at, borne with

71. Fill in the blanks using modals from answer options:

a. I ___________ meet you on Friday as I am out of station on Thursday

b. You_____________ carry your hall ticket in the examination room.

c. As I was sick yesterday I _____________ attend the meeting.

Answer option:

(1) Shall; must; couldn't (2) couldn’t; must; shall

(3) Must; couldn’t; shall (4) couldn’t; shall, must

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
72. Match the following:

a. Call by i) to pay a short visit

b. Call down ii) to cause a planned event not to take place

c. Call off iii) to ask for something to come down or invoke

d. Call on iv) to visit when passing


1) i ii iii iv

2) iii iv ii i

3) iv iii ii i

4) iv iii i ii

73. Match the following:

a. Affront i) rude, arrogant

b. Ostracize ii) very happy

c. Euphoria iii) Showy and confident behavior

d. Flamboyant iv) Reject someone as a part of group


1) i ii iii iv

2) iii iv ii i

3) iv iii ii i

4) i iv ii iii

74. The underlined group of words in below sentence is called:

‘Arriving late, the travellers missed their evening meal. ‘

1) Participle phrase 2) complement

2) Intransitive verb 4) phrasal verb

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
75. Identify the sentence/s having adjective clause in it/them:

a) Politicians who toe the party line generally get on.

b) Telephone directories from which pages are missing must be replaced.

c) That is a shop where you will find some real bargains.

Answer options:

2) a and c only 2) b only

2) c only 4) All of the above

76. Choose the correct sentence:

a) He will do it if you ask him.

b) He would do it if you asked him.

c) He would have done it if you had asked him.

Answer options:

2) a and b only 2) b and c only

4) All 4) c only

77. In which of the following sentence/s is the hypothetical condition expressed?

1) If the farmers sow on time, they will reap the same.

2) Unless he apologizes, she may not forgive him.

3) If she had practice a little longer, she would have won the game.

4) If you boil water, it begins to smoke.

78. ‘It is foolish to worry about what people say.’

The sentence above correctly changes into interrogative form as:

1) Who is it foolish to worry about what people say?

2) Is it foolish to worry about what people say?
3) Why worry about what people say?
4) What worry about what people say?

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
79. Find out the incorrect sentences:

a) This is the best of the two books on this subject.

b) I have given you a most complete account of my travels in Italy.

c) Death is preferable to dishonor.

d) If he wants further information, send him to me.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) c and d only

3) b and d only 4) a and c only

80. Identify the correctly spelt words.

a) Matrimoney b) Nutrient c) Euphimism

1) a and c only 2) b only

3) b and c only 4) a, b and c

81. Which statement is correct?

a) He has a flair for music.

b) The matter got flared up.

1) a is right b is not 2) b is right a is not

3) Both a and b are right 4) Both a and b are incorrect

82. Read the following sentences carefully and decide on their corrections on the basis
of underlined words.

a) You should talk to your boss in a reverent manner.

b) Our reverend principal is coming.

1) a is correct 2) b is correct

3) Both a and b are correct 4) Both a and b is wrong

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
83. Choose the correct expression of article used in following phrases:

a. A eucalyptus tree.

b. An university.

c. An M.L.A.

d. A European game.

Answer options:

1) b c and d only 2) a b and d only

3) c and d only 4) a c and d only

84. The underlined clause below is a type of?

She starved herself that her children might be fed.

1) Adverb clause of reason 2) Adverb clause of purpose

3) Adverb clause of result 4) Relative clause

85. What does the following sentence express?

He is flying to Frankfurt tomorrow morning.

1) Continuity of action 2) Present action

3) Near future 4) Happening action

86. Fill in the blank the appropriate word to make meaningful sentence:

He _________ the role of the organization in creating environmental awareness among

the people.

1) Collaborated 2) commanded
3) Contrasted 4) commended

87. The poet said that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings

The opposite meaning of the underlined word in above sentence is:

1) Prepared 2) alerted

3) deliberate 4) well executed

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
88. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Few students knew the answer, did they?

b) Little knowledge is very dangerous, is it?

c) We could scarcely hear him, could we?

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only
3) c only 4) All of the above

89. Having got excited she opened up Pandora’s Box which led to lot of commotion.

Similar word for the underlined word above is:

1) uproar 2) peace

3) sound 4) furious

90. Fill in the blank with the appropriate expression:

She came out with some ___________ story about being delay.

1) cock and crow 2) cock and bull

3) cock and hen 4) cock and cow

91. Choose the words having similar meaning:

a) Prefatory b) Introductory c) Initial

Answer options:

1) a and c only 2) b only

3) b and c only 4) a b and c

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
92. Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Every _____ has a silver lining. i) hay

b) Good ______ make good neighbor. ii) Valour
c) Make ______ while the sun shines. iii) cloud
d) discretion is the better part of _______ iv) fences


1) i ii iii iv

2) ii iii iv i

3) iii iv ii i

4) iii iv i ii

93. Match the following

List- I List – II

A. Iconoclast i) Immature and inexperienced

B. Humdinger ii)Person who attacks established customs
C. Consanguine iii) Excellent person or thing
D. Callow iv) Blood relationship


1) i ii iii iv

2) ii iii iv i

3) ii ii i iv

4) i iv ii iii

94. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank :

The terrorists _______ fear in the minds of the people.

1) Install 2) instill 3) instel 4) instate

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
95. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank:

An Individual’s life is just a __________to the grand history of mankind.

1) preclude 2) prelude 3) proclude 4) persuade

Read the passage given below carefully and answer. Question number 96 to 100
based on it.

Conventional education makes independent thinking extremely difficult.

Conformity leads to mediocrity. To be different from the group or to resist environment is
not easy and is often risky as long as we worship success. The urge to be successful, which
is the pursuit of reward whether in the materials or in the so-called spiritual sphere, the
search for inward or outward security, the desire for comfort - this whole process smothers
discontent, put an end to spontaneity and breed fear; and fear blocks the intelligent
understanding of life. With increasing age, dullness of mind and heart sets in.

In seeking comfort, we generally find a quiet corner in life where there is a

minimum of conflict, and then we are afraid to step out of that seclusion. This fear of life,
this fear of struggle and of a new experience, kills in us the spirit of adventure; our whole
upbringing and education have made us afraid to be different from our neighbor, afraid to
think contrary to the established pattern of society, falsely respectful of authority and

Fortunately, there are a few who are in earnest, who are willing to examine our
human problems without the prejudice of the right or of the left; but in the vast majority of
us, there is no real spirit of discontent, or revolt. When we yield uncomprehendingly to the
environment, any spirit of revolt that may have had died down, and our responsibilities
Soon put an end to it.

96. Why does conventional education make independent thinking extremely difficult?

1) It does not encourage disagreement

2) It does not accept conformity

3) It is not fact based, but problem based

4) It is only religious education,

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97. Worshipping success leads to

1) Questioning the established practices

2) Accepting the established practices

3) Modifying the established practices

4) Neither accepting nor rejecting the established practices

98. Why do most people want to find a quiet corner in life?

1) Because they do not like to be in peace

2) Because they seek pleasure

3) Because they seek comfort

4) Because they do not worship Success

99. Which word in the passage means "bias'?

1) contrary 2) prejudice

3) uncomprehendingly 4) discontent

100. The word "uncomprehendingly" in the passage means

1) Achieve success 2) Earning money

3) Without knowing 4) With complete knowledge

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Question no. Answer Question no Answers
1 1 51 2
2 3 52 4
3 3 53 4
4 3 54 2
5 3 55 4
6 1 56 3
7 2 57 3
8 3 58 2
9 2 59 1
10 1 60 3
11 1 61 4
12 3 62 3
13 2 63 2
14 3 64 2
15 1 65 3
16 2 66 4
17 1 67 1
18 2 68 3
19 2 69 2
20 4 70 2
21 3 71 1
22 4 72 3
23 2 73 4
24 3 74 1
25 1 75 4
26 4 76 3
27 1 77 3
28 3 78 3
29 3 79 2
30 4 80 2
31 2 81 3
32 4 82 3
33 1 83 4
34 4 84 2
35 4 85 2
36 4 86 4
37 2 87 1
38 3 88 4
39 2 89 1
40 2 90 2

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
41 2 91 4
42 2 92 4
43 2 93 2
44 3 94 2
45 3 95 2
46 2 96 1
47 3 97 2
48 4 98 3
49 1 99 4
50 4 100 3

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Test - 02

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1) nwT>rb A`mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m

(a) nXmW©dmMH$ Zm_ ho {deof Zm_ AgVo.
(b) g_whdmMH$ Zm_ ho gm_mÝ` Zm_ AgVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) \$ŠV a (3) XmoÝhr `mo½` (4) XmoÝhr A`mo½`
2) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m
(a) h² hm H§$R>` dU© Amho. (b) a² hm _yY©Ý` dU© Amho.
(c) d² hm X§Vm¡îR>` dU© Amho. (d) V² hm Am¡îR>` dU© Amho.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am{U b (3) a, b Am{U c (4) gd© {dYmZo `mo½`
3) _amR>r_Ü`o _yi gd©Zm_o ZD$ AmhoV. Ë`mn¡H$s qbJ-dMZmà_mUo ~XbUmè`m gd©Zm_m§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.
(a) _r, Vy, Vmo, hm, Omo (b) _r, Vy, H$m`, hm, Omo
(c) H$moU, H$m`, AmnU, ñdV… (d) Vmo, H$moU, _r, Vy
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV b ~amo~a
(3) a Am{U b ~amo~a$ (4) a Am{U c ~amo~a
4) nwT>rb {dYmZo H$moUË`m H$mimVrb AmhoV ?
Vr {dYmZo a, b, c $ `m H«$_mZwgma bmdm.
(a) Mmoambm H$ñQ>S>rV R>odbo.
(b) Vmo {Q>ìhr nmhV AgVmo.
(c) _wbo _¡XmZmda IoiV AgVrb.
n`m©` …-
(1) Mmby dV©_mZ H$mi, gmYm dV©_mZH$mi, Mmby ^{dî`H$mi
(2) gmYm ^yVH$mi, [aVr dV©_mZH$mi, Mmby ^{dî`H$mi
(3) Mmby ^yVH$mi, [aVr dV©_mZH$mi, nyU© ^{dî`H$mi
(4) gmYm ^yVH$mi, nyU© dV©_mZH$mi, nyU© ^{dî`H$mi

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5) Imbr eãX Ë`m§À`m {déÜXmWu AWmªÀ`m OmoS>`m {Xë`m AmhoV. Ë`mn¡H$s A`mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm?
(1) gÁOZ-XþO©Z (2) emídV-AënH$mi$$
(3) CÜd©Jm_r- à{VJm_r$ (4) CÞVr-AdZVr

6) eãXg_whmbm `mo½` eãX Agbobo n`m©` AmoiIm.

(a) emnmnmgyZ gwQ>H$m- C…emn
(b) nmD$g _wirM Z nS>Uo- Adf©U
(c) V_memÀ`m àma§^rMo ñVdZ -JdiU
(d) H$Yrhr qOH$bm Z OmUmam- OJÁOoVm
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am{U d
(3) a Am{U b $ (4) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a

7) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$_©Ur à`moJ Á`mV Amho Ago {dYmZ/{dYmZo AmoiIm.

(a) YZwYm©ar am_mZo ~mU gmoS>bm.
(b) Ë`mMo dV©_mZnÌ dmMyZ Pmbo.
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b
(3) a, b XmoÝhr $ (4) a, b XmoÝhrhr ZmhrV.

8) {H$aU -------- `m eãXmbm g_mZmWu eãX Imbrb n`m©`m_YyZ AmoiIm.

(a) H$a (b) aí_r (c) _`yI (d) ì`mo_
(1) a, b ~amo~a (2) b, c ~amo~a
(3) a, b, c ~amo~a $(4) a, b, c, d ~amo~a

9) M§XZ H$aUo ------ `m dmH²$àMmamMm `mo½` AW© Imbrb n`m©`m_YwZ AmoiIm.

(a) ñVwVr H$aUo (b) Zme H$aUo (c) ~T>mB©Mo ~mobUo (d) aSy> `oUo
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) \$ŠV a, b (3) b Am{U c $(4) \$ŠV c

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10) nwT>rb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿`m. Am{U `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) Am»`mV {dMma hr {H«$`mnXmg§~§Yr g§H$ënZm ì`mH$aUH$ma Xm_bo `m§Zr _amR>rV éOy Ho$br.
(b) {H«$`mnXmMo H$mimÀ`m Am{U AWmªÀ`m àË``mZwgma Ho$bobo dJuH$aU åhUOo Am»`mV hmo`.
n`m©` …-
(1) {dYmZ a ~amo~a (2) {dYmZ b ~amo~a
(3) {dYmZ a Am{U b ~amo~a (4) XmoÝhrhr {dYmZo MyH$
11) àË`j H$_m©Mr {d^ŠVr hr MVwWu {d^ŠVr AgVo Va AàË`j H$_m©Mr {d^ŠVr pìXVr`m {d^ŠVr
(1) h`m {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(2) h`m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
(3) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho.
(4) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… MwH$sMo Amho.

12. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm

(a) àË`oH$ {dMma ñdV§Ì AWm©Mm Agë`mg dmŠ` ~ZVo.
(b) dmŠ`m_Yrb eãX åhUOoM nX hmo`.
(c) dmŠ` åhUOo eãXm§Mr _m§S>Ur hmo`.
n`m©` …-
(1) a `mo½`, b, c A`mo½` $ (2) \$ŠV b `mo½`, a, c A`mo½`
(3) a, b, `mo½` c A`mo½` (4) a, b, c gd© `mo½`
13. `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm
(a) JOmZZ (i) ZÄm², ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(b) ghHw$Qw>§~ (ii) àm{X ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(c) AZmW (iii) gh ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(d) à»`mV (iv) {d^ŠVr ~hþd«rhr g_mg
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

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(3) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(4) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
14. VX²^d eãX AgUmam AMyH$ eãXm§Mm JQ> H$moUVm ?
(a) Kmg, AmoR>, H$m_, XÿY (b) gma, S>~m, JwT>r, Vnmg
(c) na§Vw, J«§W, ZXr, H$_© (d) Ka, Jmd, H$modim, Km_
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b ~amo~a $ (2) b, d ~amo~a
(3) a, d ~amo~a (4) c, d ~amo~a
15) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm
( a) dV©_mZH$mir {H«$`mnXo ^yVH$mir {H«$`m XmI{dVmV.
(b) ^yVH$mir {H«$`mnXo ^{dî`H$mir {H«$`m XmI{dVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) hr XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` AmhoV. (2) hr XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½` AmhoV.
(3) \$ŠV {dYmZ a `mo½` (4) \$ŠV {dYmZ b `mo½`

16. Imbrb dmŠ`m§_YyZ g§`wŠV {H«$`mnX Á`m dmŠ`mV Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) CËVrU© Pmë`mZo _wbo AmZ§XmZo ZmMy bmJbr (2) _wbm§Zmo, ~mhoa OmD$Z Ioim.
(3) _Yy H$mbM Jmdmbm OmD$Z Ambm (4) nmoñQ>_Z AmËVmM `oD$Z Jobm.
17. h_mb Am{U Z_« hr AZwH«$_o gm_mÝ`Zm_ d {deofU Amho.
`m§Zm H$moUVm àË`` bmdmdm åhUOo Vr ^mddmMH$ Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aVrb ?
(1) `, Ëd (2) Vm, nUm (3) B©, Vm (4) {Jar, Vm
18. (a) Amåhr emioV nmohmoMbmo Am{U àmW©Zm gwé Pmbr
(b) gwdU©nXH$ {_imdo g~~ IoimSy> Iwn _ohZV KoVmV.
darb {dYmZm§Vrb AYmoao{IV C^`mÝd`r Aì``mMo AZwH«$_o àH$ma AmoiIm.
n`m©` …
(1) g_wƒ`~moYH$, n[aUm_~moYH$ (2) g_wƒ`~moYH$, CX²Xoe~moYH$
(3) CX²Xoe~moYH$, g_wƒ`~moYH$ (4) g_wƒ`~moYH$, H$maU~moYH$

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19. EH$m Ho$db dmŠ`m§V énm§V H$am.

(a) ho bmoH$emhrMo `wJ Amho.
(b) doirM OmJo ìhmdo
n`m©` …-
(1) bmoH$emhr `wJmV doirM OmJo ìhmdo
(2) doirM OmJo ìhmdo H$maU bmoH$emhrMo `wJ Amho.
(3) h`m bmoH$emhrÀ`m `wJmV doirM OmJo Pmbobo Mm§Jbo
(4) ho bmoH$emhrMo `wJ Agë`mZo doirM OmJo ìhmdo
20. nwT>rbn¡H$s g§`wŠV dmŠ` AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) dmMmb Va dmMmb.
(b) gU-CËgd AmZ§X XoVmV; na§Vw J[a~m§Mo IMm©_wio H§$~aS>o _moS>Vo.
(c) Vmo BVH$m hgbm H$s Ë`mMo nmoQ> XþIy bmJbo.
(d ) Vmo Iwn Aä`mg H$aVmo H$maU Ë`mbm n{hbm dJ© {_idm`Mm Amho.
n`m©` …-
1) \$ŠV d 2) b Am{U c 3) \$ŠV c 4) b, c, d
21) nwT>rb dmŠ`g_wh H$moUË`m åhUrZo AW©nyU© hmoB©b ?
"O|ìhm ñdV…_Ü`o _moR>m namH«$_ H$éZ bm^ H$éZ KoÊ`mMr j_Vm ZgVo V|ìhm Amnë`m AmQ>moŠ`mV
OodT>o Agob VodT>`mdaM g§Vmof _mZyZ KoUo Mm§Jbo'
(1) H$moëhm H$mH$S>rg amOr (2) ~¡b Jobm Pmonm Ho$bm.
(3) ImB© Ë`mbm IdIdo (4) VmH$mnwaVo am_m`U
22) _amR>r ^mfo_Ü`o eodQ>r `oUmamo B-H$ma Am{U C-H$ma ho XrK© {bhrbo OmVmV.
(1) `m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(2) `m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
(3) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho.
(4) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.

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23) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo H$_m©Mo H$m`© hmoD$ eH$V Zmhr ?

(a) H$Ë`m©Zo Ho$bobr {H«$`m ^moJUo
(b) dmŠ`mMm AW© nyU© H$aUo.
(c) dmŠ`mVrb _w»` {H«$`m H$aUo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV c (3) a Am{U b (4) \$ŠV a, b
24) nwT>rb A`mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.
(a) {H«$`mnX eãXmMr {dH$mar OmV Amho.
(b) {H«$`mnXmg qbJ-dMZmMo {dH$ma hmoVmV.
(c) {H«$`mnXmg H$mi d AWm©Mo {dH$ma hmV Zmhr.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c (2) \$ŠV b (3) b Am{U c (4) EH$hr {dYmZ A`mo½` Zmhr
25. àO¡Š`, Obm¡K, gX¡d, d¥jm¡Xm`© -------- hr H$moUË`m g§YrMo CXmhaUo AmhoV ?
(1) XrKm©Xoe ñdag§Yr (2) JwUmXoe ñdag§Yr
(3) d¥ÜXmXoe ñdag§Yr (4) `UmXoe ñdag§Yr
26) {deofUmg§~§Yr {dYmZo dmMyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) {deofUo dmŠ`mV Zoh_r Zm_mghrV `oVmV.
(b) {deofU dmŠ`mV EH$Q>o Amë`mg Vo Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½` (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
27) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZ Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) {H«$`oMm àma§^ XmI{dUmam H$maH$mW©-AnmXmZ
(b) {H«$`oMo ñWi qH$dm doi XmI{dUmam H$maH$mW© -A{YH$aU
(c) {H«$`oMo gmYZ XmI{dUmam H$maH$mW©-H$aU
(d) {H«$`oMo XmZ XmI{dUmam H$maH$mW©-g§àXmZ
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c (2) b Am{U d (3) b, c, d (4) a, b, c, d

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28) Imbrb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) {d^ŠVr àË`` dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo `oD$ eH$VmV.
(b) {d^ŠVr àË`` gd© qbJr g_mZ amhVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV b `mo½` (3) XmoÝhr `mo½` (4) XmoÝhr dmŠ` Zmhr
29) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVm eãX ì`mH$aUÑîQ>`m `mo½` Amho?
(a) ìXWu (b) pìXWu (c) pìXAWu (d) ìX`Wu
n`m©` …-
(1) a `mo½` (2) c `mo½` (3) a Am{U c `mo½` (4) \$ŠV d `mo½`
30) Vo ñWb gy`©Zmam`U amoO g§{YàH$memZo gmadVmo.
(`m dmŠ`mVrb CX²Xoe AmoiIm)
(1) Vo ñWb (2) g§{YàH$me (3) gy`©Zmam`U (4)Vo ñWb gy`©Zmam`U

31) nwT>rb H$mì` n§ŠVrVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm?

"~mB© H$m` gm§Jmo & ñdm_Mr Vr ÑîQ>r &&
A_¥VmMr d¥îQ>r & _O hmo` &&
(1) ì`{VaoH$ $ (2) AnÝhþVr (3) CËàojm (4) énH$
32) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) dñVwdmMH$ H$_© hr àË`j H$_} AgVmV d Ë`m§Zm AàË``r pìXVr`m {d^ŠVr bmJbobr
(b) ì`pŠVdmMH$ H$_© hr AàË`j H$_} AgVmV d Ë`m§Zm MVwWu {d^ŠVr bmJbobr AgVo.$
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (2) \$ŠV b AMyH$
(3) a Am{U b XmoÝhr AMyH$ (4) a Am{U b XmoÝhr MwH$
33) nwT>rbn¡H$s AmkmWu {dYmZo AmoiIm.
(a) Mmoambm Vwé§JmV R>odm. (b) AmVm nmD$g Wm§~bm Va ~a§ hmoB©b
(c) {dO`r ^d (d) àË`oH$mZo XoemMo ajU H$amdo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c (2) b Am[U d (3) c Am[U d (4) a Am[U c

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

34) boIZ {Z`_mZwgma ewÜX eãX AmoiIm.

(a) H$moQ>`mYre (b) H$moQ>`m{Ye (c) H$moQ>`Yre (d) H$moQ²>Q>{Ye
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c (2) \$ŠV a (3) a Am[U c (4) \$ŠV b
35. "JmS>r KoÊ`mMo {ZpíMV hmoVmM H$ar_Zo Ë`mbm gwnmar {Xbr'
(AYmoao{IV eãXmbm `mo½` dmH²$àMma gm§Jm)
(a) _mahmU H$aUo (b) H$ama H$aUo (c) eodQ> H$aUo (d) gm¡Xm R>a{dUo
n`m©` …- (1) a Am[U c (2) \$ŠV d (3) b Am[U d (4) \$ŠV b
36) ñdën{dam_ H|$ìhm dmnaVmV ?
(a) EImX`m eãXmda Omoa X`m`Mm Agob V|ìhm
(b) EH$mM OmVrMo AZoH$ eãX bmJmonmR> Amë`mg
(c) g§~moYZmZ§Va bJoMM
(d) XmoZ g§`wŠV eãX OmoS>VmZm
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) b Am[U c (3) a, b Am[U c (4) a, b, c, d `mo½`

37) nwT>rbn¡H$s A§emä`ñV eãX H$moUVm ?

(1) A{^_mZ (2) AmOÝ_ (3) {Vi{Vi (4) XJS>{~JS>

38) Hy$n_§Sy>H$, dZ^moOZ, nmUH$m|~S>m `m gm_m{gH$ eãXm§Mm g_mg H$moUVm?

(1) MVwWu VËnwéf (2) gá_r VËnwéf (3) CnnX VËnwéf (4) AbwH$ VËnwwéf
39) H$Vw©-H$_ g§H$a à`moJ AgUmao dmH$` {ZdS>m.
(a) Vy ~mimbm ImD$ {Xbmg. (b) Vy Hw$Í`mbm Kmb{dbog
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) a Am[U b XmoÝhr (4) a Am[U b XmoÝhr Zmhr.
40) n§M_r {d^ŠVr àË``mMr H$m`} H$aUmè`m eãX`moJr Aì``m§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.
(1) AmV, _Ü`o, Imbr, R>m`r (2) nmgyZ, nojm, {edm`, IoarO
(3) H$[aVm, gmR>r, H$S>o, àV (4) H$Sy>Z, H$adr, ìXmam, _wio

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

41) Aja ------ hr g§H$ënZm nwT>rb H$moUË`m n`m©`mVyZ AMyH$ bjmV `oB©b ?
(a) ì`§OZ+ ì`§OZ = Aja (b) ñda = Aja
(c) ñda + ì`§OZ = Aja (d) ì`§OZ + ñda = Aja
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV d (2) \$ŠV b (3) a Am[U d (4) b Am[U d
42) AZwZm{gH$ g§Yr Agbobo CXmhaU AmoiIm?
(a) gV²+AmMma = gXmMma (b) gV² + _Vr = gÝ_Vr
(c) OJV²+ ZmW = OJÞmW (d) gV²+M[aÌ = gƒ[aÌ
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b$$ (2) b Am{U c (3) b Am{U d (4) a Am{U c
43) dMZm g§~§Yr AMyH$ {dYmZ AmoiIm.
(a) B©-H$mamÝV ñÌrqbJr eãXmMo AZoH$dMZ `m-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
(b) E-H$mamÝV ZnwgH$qbJr eãXMo AZoH$dMZ B©-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV b `mo½`
(3) a Am[U b XmoÝhr `mo½` (4) a Am[U b XmoÝhrhr A`mo½`

44) g§ñH¥$V _YyZ _amR>r_Ü`o `oVmZm Á`m eãXm§V ~Xb hmoVmo Ë`m§Zm ------- åhUVmV.
(1) VËg_ eãX (2) VX²^d eãX (3) Xoer eãX (4) {gÜX eãX

45) A`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m

(1) XmVr V¥U YaUo-eaUmJVr nËH$aUo
(2) XmX Z XoUo- nyU©nUo Xþb©j H$aUo
(3) H${nbmfîR>rMm `moJ `oUo- gd© JmoîQ>r OwiyZ `oUo
(4) ~mXam`U g§~§Y AgUo- AmoTy>Z VmUyZ g§~§Y bmdUo

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nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ àíZm§Mr AMyH$ CËVao X`m.

nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$. 46 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao n`m©`r CÎmam§VyZ {ZdS>m.
{dÚo~amo~aM Am_À`mV erb nm{hOo. erbm{edm` {dÚm \w$H$mMr Amho. H$maU {dÚm EH$ eó
Amho. EImÚmOdi {dÚMo eó Agob d Vmo erbdmZ Agob Va Ë`m`moJo Vmo EH$mMo g§ajU H$arb, Va
VmoM Bg_ erb Zgob Va {dÚoÀ`m eómZo Xþgè`mMm KmV H$arb. {dÚm hr VbdmargmaIr Amho. na§Vw {VMo
_hÎd {Vbm YmaU H$aUmè`mda Adb§~yZ amhrb. H$maU AS>mUr _Zwî` H$moUmg \$gdy eH$V Zmhr. \$gdmdo
H$go hoM Ë`mbm C_JV Zmhr. na§Vw {eH$ë`mgdaboë`m bmoH$m§À`m {R>H$mUr H$moUmg H$go \$gdmdo d Ë`m
\$g{dÊ`mgmR>r bmJUmam `w{º$dmX Agë`mZo Iè`mMo ImoQ>o d ImoQ>çmMo Iao Vo ^mgdy eH$VmV. b~mS>r
H$aÊ`mg MmVw`© d ~wÕr {hbm gXmMmam§Mr AWm©V erbmMr OmoS> {_imbr Va Vmo b~mS>r AJa \$gdm\$gdr
H$ê$ eH$Uma Zmhr Am{U åhUyZ {eH$ë`mgdaboë`m bmoH$m§V erbmMr AË`§V Oê$ar Amho. erbm{edm` Oa
{eH$bogdabobo bmoH$ {ZnOy bmJbo Va Ë`m§À`m {ejUmV g_mOmMm d amï´>mMm Zme Amho. Voìhm erbmMr
{ejUmnojm {H$Vr A{YH$ qH$_V Amho ho Vw_À`m Ü`mZr Ambo AgobM Am{U åhUyZ àË`oH$ Bg_mV àW_
erb Agbo nm{hOo.
46) VbdmarMo _hÎd H$emda Adb§~yZ AgVo?
(1) Ymaoda (2) {Z_m©U H$aUmè`mda
(3) VbdmarMr H$miOr KoUmè`mda (4) Vr YmaU H$aUmè`mda
47) b~mS>r H$aÊ`mg H$emMr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo?
(1) n¡gm (2) gXmMma d erb (3) MmVw`© d ~wÕr (4) {ejU
48) AS>mUr _mUyg BVam§Zm H$m \$gdy eH$V Zmhr?
(1) \$gdyZ Ë`mbm H$mhr \$m`XmM ZgVmo (2) \$gdmdo H$go hoM Ë`mbm C_JV Zmhr
(3) Ë`mÀ`mH$Sy>Z H$moUr \$gboM OmV Zmhr (4) Vmo erbdmZ AgVmo.

49) `m CVmè`mVrb "\w$H$mMr' `m eãXmMm AW© H$m`?

(1) ì`W© (2) AW©nyU© (3) \w$H$Q>Mr (4) A_`m©X

50) {ejUmnojmhr boIH$mg H$emMr qH$_V _moR>r dmQ>Vo?

(1) MmVw`© d ~wÕr (2) {dÚm (3) eó (4) gXmMma

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. The underlined case is a type of:

O Death, where is thy sting.

1) Vocative case 2) Accusative case

3) Dative case 4) Genitive case

52. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Every men have their own work to do.

b) Neither of these old guns are of any use.

c) I don’t like either of these three pictures.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) b and c only

3) a and c only 4) None

53. Fill in the blank with ‘a’ or ‘an’.

a) _______ one-rupee note.

b) ________ Australian.

c) _________ heirloom.

1) a – a b-a c-a 2) a – a b-an c-a

3) a – a b-an c-an 4) a – an b-an c-an

54. Choose the correct passive form of the given sentence:

It is said that there will be another war in West Asia.

1) There will be another war in West Asia.

2) West Asia says that there will be another war.

3) People say that there will be another war in West Asia.

4) It says that there will be another war in West Asia.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

55. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) I shall call you when the dinner will be ready.

b) They will come if you invite them.

c) I had written a letter to him last week.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a and b only

3) b and c only 4) a and c only

56. Which of the following is/are incorrect sentence/s:

a) He need not to ask my permission.

b) Dare he to say that to the boss?

1) a only 2) b only 3) both 4) neither

57. Select the opposite meaning of the underlined word:

Radha often goes tempestuous while debating.

1) calm 2) violent

3) fierce 4) vehement

58. The underlined part of the sentence is a clause of:

The driver applied the brakes when he was the red light.

Answer options:

1) Adjective clause 2) Adverb clause of time

3) Adverb clause of place 4) Noun clause

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59. Match the following pairs:

a) Feather in one’s cap I) Similar test or interest

b) Feather one’s own nest II) To be cowardice

c) Show a white feather III) Dishonest / selfish

d) Birds of a feather IV) Achievement

Answer options:






60. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) Which suit I shall wear?

b) What choice have I?

c) Whose tie this is?

Answer options:

1) b only 2) b and c only

3) a and b only 4) a and c only

61. Somnambulist is one who__________

1) Suffers from sleeplessness

2) Snores heavily while sleeping

3) Almost asleep

4) Sleep-walker

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

62. Choose the closest meaning of the underlined word given below:

A perspicacious observer can understand the whole game plan.

1) wise 2) careful

3) trained 4) insightful

63. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) I have ordered for dinner.

b) Let us discuss about the problem.

c) Please recommend for me to your managing director.

d) Sign this paper.

Answer options:

1) b c and d only 2) a b and c only

3) a b and d only 4) d only

64. The hyphen is used to join _______

1) compound sentence 2) compound noun

3) apposition to noun 4) noun list

65. Fill in the blank with appropriate meaning:

Do you mind________ me your video camera for a day?

1) to lend 2) lending 3) lend 4) lent

66. Fill in the blanks from the alternatives given below:

a) Fish and chips _______ not my favourite meal.

b) Bread and water ____ the vagrant’s staple diet in prison.

Answer option:

1) is, was 2) are, were 3) are, was 4)is, were

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67. Jim says to you:

a) “I don’t feel well.”

b) “I can’t drive.”

c) “My parents have gone on holiday.”

d) “I’m going out now so you will have to wait until I get back.”

The indirect narrations of these sentences respectively are:

i) Jim said that he didn’t feel well.

ii) He said that he couldn’t drive.

iii) He said that his parents have gone on holiday.

iv) He said that he is going out now so I would have to wait until he got back.

Choose the appropriate option:

1) i) and ii) are incorrect 2) iii) and iv) are incorrect

3) i) and iii) are correct 4) ii) and iii) are correct

68. Identify the underlined clauses in the following sentences:

a) We thought that he was married.

b) The book that I borrowed from the library is overdue.

c) How they are going to do is not very clear.

Answer options:

1) noun clause, noun clause, adjective clause

2) noun clause, adjective clause, noun clause

3) noun clause, adjective clause, adjective clause

4) adverb clause, adjective clause, adverb clause

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

69. Point out the sentence that is not active:

1) A quick-witted dealer bought the car.

2) We should not select our life-partner hastily.

3) My neighbor has bought a car.

4) Her grief has been forgotten.

70. The positive degree of the given sentence is:

It is easier to preach than to practise.

1) It is as easy as to preach to practise.

2) No other practise is as preach as it is.

3) It is not so easy to practise as to preach.

4) It is easy to preach than practise.

71. Fill in the blanks:

If I ______ you, I ______ love to accept the offer.

Answer option:

(1) was, will (2) am, will

(3) were, would (4) was, would

72. Choose the odd sentence:

a) I was glad to know of his success.

b) He pleaded that he was ignorant of the law.

c) I am responsible for what I do.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) a and c only

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

73. Match the following underlined words with their parts of speech:

a. He drank fresh water from the well. i) Adjective

b. You look pale, are you not well? ii) Noun

c. She sings very well. iii) Adverb


1) ii iii i

2) ii i iii

3) iii ii i

4) i ii iii

74. Spot/identify the errors in the following sentence:

Many a men has succumbed to their temptation.

a) a b) men c) has

1) a only 2) b only 3) c only 4) no error

75. Match the following:

a. Fall back i) to agree

b. Fall in with ii) to retreat

c. Fall through iii) to quarrel

d. Fall out iv) to fail


1) i ii iii iv

2) iii iv ii i

3) ii iii iv i

4) ii i iv iii

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

76. Choose the correct sentence:

a) The number of admissions is very encouraging.

b) A large number of boys were present.

c) A lot of work remain to be done.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) a and c only 3) b and c only 4) c only

77. Compete the following sentence to make meaningful sentence:

They rewarded the man _____________________.

1) Who rescued their son.

2) Whom rescued their son.

3) When rescued their son.

4) Whose rescued their son.

78. Transform simple sentence to complex sentence:

I was glad to know of his success.

1) I was glad to know about his success.

2) I was glad to know that he had succeeded.

3) I was glad to know if he succeeds.

4) I was glad to know that he succeeds.

79. Identify the alternative in which the words are spelt correctly.

1) dominant difference discipline entrance

2) dominant difference descipline entrance

3) dominant differance discipline entrance

4) dominent difference discipline entrance

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

80. Identify the odd pair:

a) hope-despair b) confusion-chaos

c) contradiction –confirmation d) consensus –disagreement

1) a only 2) b only

3 c only 4) d only

81. Choose the correct idiomatic expression:

a) Have a finger in every dish.

b) Bury the hatch.

c) Odds and ends

d) Kith and keen

1) a c and d 2) b c and d

3) a and b only 4) c only

82. Fill in the blank with the appropriate prefixes for the given words:

a) ___ pleasure 2) ___polite c) ___resolute

1) dis, im, ir 2) non, im, un

3) dis, un, ir 4) mis, non, ir

83. Fill the appropriate homophones:

a) The ____ feast was an elegant but lively affair.

b) You can’t control a horse without a _____

Answer options:

1) bridle, bridal 2) bridal, bridle

3)bridal, bridal 4) bridle, bridle

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

84. Identify the type of condition expressed in the following sentence:

Had we lived a century ago, we would have missed much fun.

1) Likely condition 2) zero condition

3) Hypothetical condition 4) Probable condition

85. Choose the similar meaning words for the given below:


a) fierce b) savage c) modest

1) a and c only 2) b only

3) a only 4) a and b only

86. To break the ice isn’t a very easy thing.

Pick out the correct meaning of the underlined phrase:

1) To feed to educate 2) To be expert in something

3) To make a peace 4) To innovate

87. Identify the mood:

We recommended that the subscription be increased to ten rupees.

1) Imperative mood 2) Subjunctive mood

3) Indicative mood 4) None of the above

88. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) If you went to London, you might see the Queen.

b) If you had gone to London, you might have seen the Queen.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) both 4) neither

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

89. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence:

We must never __________ from the path of honesty.

1) turn aside 2) turn away

3) turn down 4) turn over

90. Pick out the correct sentence:

a) Smallpox is a contagious disease.

b) France and Germany are contiguous countries.

1) Only a 2) only b

3) both 4) neither

91. Choose the correct pair of words to fill in the blanks:

a) In the end, she ______ to our request.

b) The amount of money we raised _______ all our expectation.

Answer options:

1) acceded, exceeded 2) exceeded, acceded

3) acceded, exceeding 4) None of the above

92. What does the following sentence express?

The prime minister visits the town this Saturday.

1) Fixed future 2) Near future

3) Habitual action 4) universal truth

93. Fill in the blank:

He works hard that he _____ become rich.

1) may 2) might 3) can 4) will

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

94. Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Obfuscate i) confuse

b) Myopia ii) fear of being shut up in a small space

c) Claustrophobia iii) Inability to see distant object

d) Elegy iv) funeral song


1) i iii ii iv

2) i iii iv i

3) ii iv ii i

4) ii ii iiii iv

95. A speech or piece of writing praising somebody:

1) anglology 2) etymology 3) eulogy 4) impromptu

Read the passage given below carefully and answer. Question number 96 to 100
based on it.

Not all that glitters is gold. Not all that is white is milk. Not all people who wear
saffron clothes are sages. These age-old sayings hold true even now, especially the last one.
We see a lot of people wearing saffron clothes, but not all of them are sanyasis in the true
sense of the word. A sanyasi is one who guides his followers on the right path.

Recently, I attended the inaugural function of a home for destitute women in

Mysore. In most cases, the women were there because they were either harassed by their
in- laws or tortured by drunken husbands. Owing to their socio-economic conditions, even
the parents of the victims were unable to take them in and care for their hapless children.
There had also been instances when young girls, lured by romance, had run away from

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their homes and had been deserted by their lovers after the honeymoon. These girls usually
did not dare return to their parents.

The saying that ‘success has many fathers, but failure has none' is true indeed. We
get to see only the distressed women and their children, while the main cause of their
problems remains hidden in the background. So the victims cannot be blamed altogether.
Often it is circumstances that force them into such drudgery. These women and girls need
to be psychologically strong and determined to face difficulties with courage and go on
with their lives.

96. The main reason for the main cause of their problems remaining hidden is:

(1) people are waiting for it to come out in the open

(2) people don't want to be bothered with others' problems

(3) nobody has tried to expose it

(4) nobody has bothered to find out the real cause

97. The opening sentence Not all that glitters is gold means:

(1) one must not be deceived by appearances

(2) only gold has that unmistakable shine

(3) glitter is the true quality of truth

(4) all metals that shine must necessarily be as good as gold

98. Wearing saffron clothes does not make one a sanyasi is another way of saying:

(1) saffron is not the favourite colour of the sanyasis

(2) saffron must be changed to some other colour

(3) anybody who wears saffron is a sanyasi

(4) saffron must only be worn by true ascetics

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99. Owing to their socio-economic conditions, even the parents of the victims were
unable to help them because

(1) society considered them to be backward

(2) their social and economic situation did not allow them to do so

(3) they could afford to but were reluctant

(4) they were financially self-sufficient

100. Success has many fathers but failure has none means

(1) failure has many mothers but no fathers

(2) success comes naturally to men not women

(3) no one owns up to failure

(4) success has only fathers but no mothers

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Question no. Answer Question no Answers
1 1 51 1
2 3 52 4
3 1 53 3
4 2 54 3
5 3 55 1
6 3 56 3
7 3 57 1
8 3 58 2
9 1 59 3
10 3 60 4
11 4 61 4
12 3 62 1
13 2 63 4
14 3 64 2
15 1 65 2
16 1 66 1
17 3 67 2
18 2 68 2
19 4 69 4
20 2 70 3
21 1 71 3
22 3 72 1
23 3 73 2
24 1 74 2
25 3 75 4
26 2 76 1
27 4 77 1
28 2 78 2
29 4 79 1
30 3 80 2
31 4 81 4
32 3 82 1
33 4 83 2
34 1 84 3
35 2 85 4
36 2 86 3
37 4 87 2
38 2 88 3
39 1 89 4
40 2 90 3

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41 4 91 1
42 2 92 1
43 3 93 1
44 2 94 1
45 3 95 3
46 4 96 4
47 3 97 1
48 2 98 4
49 1 99 2
50 4 100 3

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Test - 03

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1. Imbrb dmŠ` dmMm.

(a) BVa eãXmnmgwZ ~Zboë`m Zm_m§Zm gm{YV Zm_o åhUVmV.
(b) ^md dmMH$ Zm_ ho {deof Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aVo.
(c) _wi YmVybm àË`` bmJyZ YmVwgm{YV Zm_ V`ma hmoVo.
(d) gm_mÝ` Zm_ ho {deof Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aV Zmhr.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a d b ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MwH$
(2) \$ŠV a, b d c ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MwH$
(3) \$ŠV d ~amo~a, a, b d c MwH$
(4) darb gd© ~amo~a

2. "Xm_ Vgo H$m_' `m AWm©Mr åhU emoYm.

(a) OÝ_m Ambm hobm nmUr dmhV _obm (b) S>m|Ja nmoIéZ C§Xra H$mT>Uo
(c) Oer XoUmdi Ver YwUmdi (d) OiË`m KamMm nmoiVm dmgm
(1) \$ŠV a Am{U b ~amo~a (2) \$ŠV c Am{U d ~amo~a
(3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a (4) \$ŠV c ~amo~a

3. AYmoao{IV eãXmMm àH$ma AmoiIm. Vr H$m` _mVr JmVo !

(1) H$mbXe©H$ {H«$`m {deofU (2) ñWi Xe©H$ {H«$`m {deofU
(3) Zm_gm{YV {H«$`m{deofU (4) ñWm{ZH$ {H«$`m{deofU

4. Imbrb {dYmZo dmMm d `mo½` CËVa {ZdS>m.

(a) g§JrVmVrb amJ JmÊ`mgmR>r Ho$boë`m H$mì`mbm Y¥dnX åhUVmV.
(b) g§JrVmVrb amJ JmÊ`mgmR>r Ho$boë`m H$mì`mbm MrO åhUVmV.
(c) g§JrVmVrb amJ JmÊ`mgmR>r Ho$boë`m H$mì`mbm H$S>d§ åhUVmV.
(d) g§JrVmVrb amJ JmÊ`mgmR>r Ho$boë`m H$mì`mbm JrVaMZm åhUVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a Am{U b ~amo~a$
(3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a$ (4) \$ŠV a Am{U c ~amo~a

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5. nwT>rb {dYmZo {dMmamV KoD$Z A`mo½` {dYmZ {ZdS>m.
(a) eãX`moJr Aì`` Zm_mbm OmoSy>Z `oVo.
(b) {H«$`m{deofUo dmŠ`mV {H«$`mnXm~X²Xb _m{hVr XoÊ`mgmR>r `oVmV.
(c) ewÜX eãX`moJr Zm_mbm OmoSy>Z Amë`mg Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én hmoV Zmhr.
(d) {H«$`m {deofU {dH$mar AgVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a d d ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a ~amo~a$$ (3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a$ (4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

6. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ `mo½` {dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) dV©_mZH$mir {H«$`mnXo ^wVH$mir {H«$`m Xe©{dVmV.
(b) ^wVH$mir {H«$`mnXo ^{dî`H$mir {H«$`m Xe©{dVmV.
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` AmhoV. (2) \$ŠV a {dYmZ `mo½`
(3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½` AmhoV. (4) \$ŠV b {dYmZ `mo½`
7. nwT>rb dmŠ` {dMmamV ¿`m.
(a) {deofUm§Zm gm_mÝ` énm§Mm {dH$ma hmoV Zmhr.
(b) {deofUm§Zm {d^ŠVr {dH$ma hmoV Zmhr.
(c) {deofUm§Zm qbJ {dH$ma hmoVmo.
(d) {deofUm§Zm dMZ {dH$ma hmoVmo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo MyH$ AmhoV. (2) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV.
(3) {dYmZo a d b `mo½` AmhoV. (4) {dYmZo c d d `mo½` AmhoV.

8. `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm.

(a) nwéf dmMH$ gd©Zm_ (i) Oo-Vo, Omo-Vmo, Á`mbm-Ë`mbm
(b) Xe©H$ gd©Zm_ (ii) hm, hr, ho, Vmo, Vr, Vo
(c) àíZmW©H$ gd©Zm_ (iii) Vw, Vwåhr, AmnU, ñdV…
(d) g§~§Yr gd©Zm_ (iv) H$moU, H$m`, H$moUmg, H$moUmMm

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n`m©`r CÎmao …-
( a) (b) ( c) (d)
(1) iv ii i iii
(2) iii iv ii i
(3) iii ii iv i
(4) iv iii ii i

9. "A§H$' `m eãXmMm `mo½` AW© gm§Jm

(1) eara (2) _m§S>r (3) H$b (4) AmH$me

10. jwÐ d¥ËVrÀ`m _mUgmZo Ho$boë`m XmofmamonmZo Wmoam§Mo ZwH$gmZ hmoV ZgVo (`mo½` åhU {ZdS>m.)
(1) H$mdi`mÀ`m emnmZo JmB© _aV ZgVmV.
(2) Á`mMr Imdr nmoir Ë`mMr dmOdmdr Q>mir
(3) ~mdir _wÐm Xodir {ZÐm
(4) VmH$mnwaVo am_m`U
11. nwT>o H$mhr Ab§H$m[aH$ eãX Am{U Ë`m§Mo AW© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`mVrb EH$ {dg§JV Amho Vmo H$moUVm ?
(1) Y_©amO - Ý`m`{à` ì`ŠVr
(2) C…emn - emnmnmgwZ _wŠVVm
(3) nm§T>am H$mdim - AJXr Xþ{_©i dñVw
(4) _¥JOi - Ho$di Am^mg
12. "nmd©VrZo ZrbH§$R>mg dabo' `mVrb g_mg AmoiIm.
(a) ~hþd«rhr g_mg (b) ìX§ìX g_mg
(c) VËnwéf g_mg (d) Aì``r^md g_mg
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a Am{U b ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a ~amo~a$$
(3) \$ŠV c Am{U d ~amo~a (4) \$ŠV d ~amo~a
13. ñda g§YrMr CXmhaUo H$moUVr ?
(a) {dX`maÊ`, ^y{O©V (b) AËw`Îm_, _m{ÌÀN>m
(c) _wIoÝXÿ, d¥jm¡Xm`© (d) CÀN>oX, gpÀN>î`
(1) \$ŠV a Am{U b ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a, b, c, ~amo~a,$d $MwH$
(3) a, b, c, d$d $MwH$ (4) \$ŠV a ~amo~a

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14. OmoJm, g_mZ, `mo½`, gmaIm, à_mUo, ~ahþHw$_ - `m eãX`moJr Aì``m§Mm àH$ma AmoiIm.
(1) hoVw dmMH$ (2) ì`{VaoH$ dmMH$ (3) gmÑí`dmMH$ (4) H¡$dë` dmMH$

15. VËnwéf g_mgmMo Zgbobo dmŠ` AmoiIm.

(1) gmoZmbrbm nwaUnmoir \$ma AmdS>Vo
(2) gw_ZMm MwbV gmgam dmabm
(3) Vwfma n§MdQ>rV amhVmo
(4) ñZohm dJm©V H$YrM J¡ahOa amhV Zmhr.

16. Ab§H$ma AmoiIm

( a) {ZîH$b§H$ gXmnwU© Oar Vmo M§Ð hmoB©b
Var {VÀ`m _wImMr Vr H$hrem ga `oB©b
(b) {ZMnUm ~ado Xodm & Z Mbo H$moUmMmhr hodm
_hmnwao PmS>o OmVr & VoWo bìhmio dmMVr
(1) AWmªVaÝ`mg, ÑîQ>m§V (2) A{Ve`moŠVr, ÑîQ>m§V
(3) AnÝhþVr, A{Ve`moŠVr (4) A{Ve`moŠVr, ñd^mdmoŠVr

17. MwH$sMr OmoS>r gm§Jm.

(a) JrV am_m`U - J. {X. _mS>JwiH$a (b) JrVm ahñ` - bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$
(c) ^mdmW©{XnrH$m - dm_Z n§S>rV (d) JrVmB© - {dZmo~m ^mdo
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) b Am{U d (2) d Am{U c (3) \$ŠV a (4) \$ŠV c
18. "Ho$db dmŠ`' V`ma H$am.
(a) AOw©ZmZo {\$aË`m _mí`mÀ`m S>moi`mMm Zo_ Yabm
(b) AOw©ZmZo ~mU gmoS>bm.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) AOw©ZmZo {\$aË`m _mí`mÀ`m S>moi`mMm Zo_ YéZ ~mU gmoS>bm
(2) AOw©ZmZo {\$aË`m _mí`mÀ`m S>moi`mMm Zo_ Yabm Am{U ~mU gmoS>bm.

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(3) AOw©ZmZo {\$aË`m _mí`mÀ`m S>moi`mMm Zo_ Yaë`m Z§Va ~mU gmoS>bm
(4) AOw©ZmZo {\$aË`m _mí`mÀ`m S>moi`m§Mm Zo_ Yabm Am{U _JM ~mU gmoS>bm.

19. dmŠ`mVrb H$ënZm A{YH$ IwbdyZ XmI{dÊ`mgmR>r dmŠ`mV Ë`m ^mdZoMm CX²Jma H$mT>bobm AgVmo.
Aem àH$maÀ`m dmŠ`m§Zm -------- åhUVmV.
(1) àíZmWu dmŠ` (2) {dYmZmWu dmŠ`
(3) CX²JmamWu dmŠ` (4) Ho$db dmŠ`

20. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) Q²>, R²> , n², \²$, hr _¥Xÿ ì`§OZo AmhoV.
(b) J², K², ~², ^² hr H$R>moa ì`§OZo AmhoV.
(c) U² , L² , _² , Z² hr AZwZm{gR>o AmhoV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) Ho$di a ~amo~a, b, c MyH$$ (2) Ho$di b ~amo~a,$a, c $MwH$
(3) Ho$di c ~amo~a,$a, b $MwH$ (4) a, b d c ~amo~a

21. Imbr VrZ JQ> {Xbobo AmhoV Ë`mVrb ~amo~a Agbobm JQ> H$moUVm. ?
(a) {dgJ©g§Yr Agboë`m eãXm§Mm JQ>- XþO©Z, A§VamË_m XþpíMÝh
(b) ñda g§Yr Agboë`m eãXm§Mm JQ> - _m{ÌÀN>m, n«rË`W©, J§Jm¡Y
(c) ì`§OZ g§Yr Agboë`m eãXm§Mm JQ> - fQ²>emñÌ, eãXÀN>b, dmŠVmS>Z
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a $$ (2) \$ŠV b ~amo~a
(3) $a, b d$c $MwH$ (4) a, b d c ~amo~a
(a) Zm_ hr OmV {dH$mar JQ>mV _moS>Vo.
(b) ^md dmMH$ Zm_o hr {deof Zm_mgmaIr dmnabr OmVmV.
(c) gd©Zm_ Zm_mMr pìXéŠVr Q>miVo.
(d) qbJ ^oXm_wio Zm_mÀ`m énmV ~Xb hmoV Zmhr.
(1) a Am{U b ~amo~a $$ (2) a, b, c ~amo~a (3) c Am{U d ~amo~a (4) darb gd© ~amo~a

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23. AZwH«$_o nwT>rb eãXm§Mo qbJ AmoiIm.

(AmS>, ~mad, {dhra)
(1) nwpëb¨J, ñÌrqbJ, Znw§gH$qbJ
(2) nwpëb¨J, Znw§gH$qbJ, ñÌrqbJ
(3) ñÌrqbJ, Znw§gH$qbJ, nwpëb¨J
(4) Znw§gH$qbJ, pñÌqbJ, nwpëb¨J

24. EH$dMZ Am{U AZoH$dMZ g§X^mªV n`m©`r CËVam§Vrb H$moUVo CËVa JQ>m~mhoaMo Amho ?
(1) Ho$io (2) JmUo (3) Vm§~o (4) aVmio

25. ñÌrqbJr AH$mamÝV Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én ------------ hmoVo.

(1) B©H$mamÝV (2) D$H$mamÝV (3) `mH$mamÝV (4) AmoH$mamÝV

26. Imbrbn¡H$s g_mnZ H$_©Ur à`moJmMo CXmhaU H$moUVo ?

(1) {ejH$mH$Sy>Z àíZ {dMmabo Jobo.
(2) {VMo ñVmoÌ åhUwZ Pmbo
(3) Ë`mbm nwñVH$ dmMdVo
(4) "Ëdm§ H$m` H$_© H$[aOo bKwboH$amZo'

27. "{hado {hao Jma Jm{bMo' `m AmoirVrb {deofUmMm àH$ma H$moUVm ?

(1) H«$_dmMH$ {deofU (2) JUZmdmMH$ {deofU
(3) Amd¥ËVrdmMH$ {deofU (4) JwUdmMH$ {deofU

28. "{H«$`m{deofU' ho {H«$`mnXmMo {deofU AgVo. nU Vo {dH$mar AgVo' `m dmŠ`mMm {dMma H$éZ
Imbrb {Xboë`m n`m©`m n¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) \$ŠV n{hbo dmŠ` ~amo~a Amho.
(2) \$ŠV Xþgao dmŠ` ~amo~a Amho.
(3) XmoÝhr dmŠ`o MwH$ AmhoV.
(4) XmoÝhr dmŠ`o ~amo~a AmhoV.

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29. "am_wbm eoirMo XÿY Iwn AmdS>Vo'

`m dmŠ`mVrb "XþY' hm eãX ì`mH$a{UH$ ÑîQ>`m H$emMo H$m`© H$aVmo ?
(1) H$Vm© (2) {H«$`mnX (3) H$_© (4) Aì``

30. `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm

(A) (~)
(a) AnmXmZ (i) gá_r
(b) H$aU (ii) MVwWu
(c) A{YH$aU (iii) n§M_r
(d) g§àXmZ (iv) V¥Vr`m
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

31. nwT>rb eãX AH$ma {dëhoà_mUo bmdm.

(a) {X{nH$m (b) {Xn_mi (c) {Xnmdbr (d) {XnnyOm
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) (d) (c) (b) (a)
(2) (d) (b) (c) (a)
(3) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(4) (c) (d) (b) (a)

32. X§Vm¡îR>` dU© AmoiIm.

(1) n² (2) \²$$ (3) H²$$ (4) d²

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

33. nwT>o Ab§H$m[aH$ eãX Am{U Ë`m§Mo AW© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) {eI§S>r- H$gbrhr Y_H$ Zgbobr ì`ŠVr
(b) dmQ>mÊ`mÀ`m AjVm- EImX`m JmoîQ>rbm ZH$ma
(c) H$m|S>`mMm _m§S>m A{Ve` lr_§Vr.
n`m©`r CËVao …-
(1) a, b ~amo~a, c MwH$ $$ (2) b, c ~amo~a, a MwH$
(3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a (4) a,b Am{U c ~amo~a

34. à~b, namO`, gwJ«mg `m eãXmVrb CngJ© H$moUË`m ^mfoVrb AmhoV ?

(1) g§ñH¥$V (2) _amR>r (3) \$magr (4) H$mZS>r

35. Vy JmB©bm Kmb{dbog (à`moJ AmoiIm.)

(1) H$V¥©- H$_© g§H$a (2) H$V¥© ^md g§H$a
(3) H$_©- ^md gH$a (4) H$V¥© - H$_© - ^md g§H$a

36. ~obmeH$, VJm`V, _wX²Xm_ , emã~mg hr Aì``o H$moUË`m ^mfoVwZ Ambobr AmhoV.
(i) Aa~r (ii) H$mZS>r (iii) \$maer (iv) nmoVw©JrO

37. H${dVm åhUVmZm Á`m Ajamda AmnU Z¡g{J©H$nUo Wm§~Vmo Ë`m {R>H$mUmbm ------- åhUVmV.
(1) JU (2) _mÌm (3) N>§X (4) `Vr

38. Imbrb n`m©`r CËVam§Vrb "ñdénXe©H$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``mMo' dmŠ` H$moUVo ?

(1) Vw _mÂ`mH$S>o Ambmg, H$s _r `oB©Z
(2) _hmË_m Jm§Yr åhUV, H$s "Zoh_r gË`mZo dmJmdo'
(3) Vmo BVH$m aS>bm, H$s Ë`mMo S>moio gwObo
(4) Vwbm kmZ hdo H$s YZ hdo ?

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

39. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm

(a) H$_©Ur à`moJmV H$_© àW_oV AgVo.
(b) H$_©Ur à`moJmV {H«$`mnX gH$_©H$ AgVo.
(c) Vr Aä`mg H$aVo, ho ^mdo à`moJmMo CXmhaÊm Amho.
(1) (a) Am{U (b) MwH$
(2) (a) Am{U (b) ~amo~a
(3) (a) Am{U (c) ~amo~a
(4) (b) Am{U (c) MwH$
40. Vmo AmOmar hmoVm åhUwZ emioV J¡ahOa am{hbm ( `m dmŠ`mMm àH$ma AmoiIm. )
(i) g§`wŠV dmŠ` (ii) {_ldmŠ`
(iii) Ho$db dmŠ` (iv) ewÜX dmŠ`

41. dmŠ`m©Wm©bm ~mY Z AmUVm aMZoV Ho$bobm ~Xb åhUOo --------

(i) dmŠ` {dÝ`mg (ii) dmŠ`n[adV©Z
(iii) AW© n[adV©Z (iv) dmŠ` g§íbofU

42. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {deofUmMo gm_mÝ`én `m-H$mamÝV hmoB©b ?

(a) A-H$mamÝV (b) B©-H$mamÝV
(c) Am-H$mamÝV (d) D$-H$mamÝV
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U c $$ (2) b Am{U c (3) c Am{U d (4) \$ŠV c

43. nwUm©ä`ñV eãX H$gm V`ma hmoVmo ?

(a) _yi eãXmMo EImXo Aja ~XbyZ (b) àË``mMr nwZamd¥ËVr hmoD$Z
(c) EH$mM eãXmMr nwZamd¥ËVr hmoD$Z (d) _yi eãXmÀ`m nwT>o àË`` bmJyZ
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) b Am{U c $$ (2) \$ŠV c (3) a, b Am{U c (4) c Am{U d

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

44. ^mdo à`moJm_Ü`o H$Vm© hm àË``mÝV AgVmo Va H$_© ho àË``{dahrV AgVo.

(1) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… AMyH$ Amho. (2) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.
(3) `m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© AMyH$ Amho. (4) `m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© AMyH$ Amho.

45. AYmoao{IV {H«$`mnXm§Mm àH$ma AmoiIm.

(a) _mdibo V|ìhm g§Ü`mH$miMo gmV dmObo hmoVo.
(b) kmZoídam§Zr q^V Mmb{dbr.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) A{Z`{_V {H«$`mnX, à`moOH$ {H«$`mnX
(2) AH$Vw©H$ {H«$`mnX, eŠ` {H«$`mnX
(3) A{Z`{_V {H«$`mnX, eŠ` {H«$`mnX
(4) AH$Vw©H$ {H«$`mnX, à`moOH$ {H«$`mnX

nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$. 46 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao n`m©`r CÎmam§VyZ {ZdS>m.
_hmamï´>mMo bmS>Ho$ ì`{º$_Ëd åhUOo H$moU? Agm àý Hw$Urhr {dMmabm Var Ag§»` H§$R>mVyZ
EH$M CÎma `oVo Am{U Vo åhUOo "nw.b.'. Ë`m§Mo nyU© Zmd nwéfmoÎm_ bú_U Xoenm§So> D$\©$ ^mB©. nw. b.
åhUOo {d{dY H$bm§Mo _mhoaKa Agbobr EH$ a{gH$ d„r. Vr d„rM Amho _mPm AmdS>Vm boIH$.
nw. b. Xoenm§So> Aï>n¡by gm{hpË`H$ AmhoV. Amnë`m boIUr-dmUrZo Ë`m§Zr _amR>r gm{hË`mVrb
{dZmoXmMo XmbZ lr_§V Ho$bo. H$moëhQ>H$a, JS>H$ar, qM. {d. Omoer, AmMm`© AÌo `m§Mr {dZmoXr gm{hË`na§nam
nwb§Zr ZwgVr nwT>o Mmbdbr Zmhr, Va Ë`mV _mobmMr ^aOar ^a KmVbr. EH$m S>moù`mV hgy Am{U Xþgè`mV
Am§gy, Aer nwb§À`m {dZmoXmMr {deofVm Amho. doJù`m eãXmV gm§Jm`Mo Va nwb§À`m {dZmoXmbm H$méÊ`mMr
Pmba Amho.
nwb§À`m "ì`º$s Am{U d„r' nwñVH$mV A§Vy ~dm©, {MVio _mñVa, Zmam`U, gImam_ JQ>Uo, Zm_m
qenr AmXr AZoH$ d„r ^oQ>VmV. _mZdr ñd^mdmMo EH$ AZmoIo Varhr bmo^gdmUo Xe©Z {VWo KS>Vo.
"nyd©a§J', "Anydm©B©' hr nwb§Mr àdmgdU©Zohr Aà{V_ AmhoV. Vr dmMVmZm àË`j àdmg Ho$ë`mMm AmZ§X
Ka~gë`m {_iVmo ! "VwPo Amho VwOnmer', "Vr \w$bamUr', "nS>K_' hr nwb§Mr ZmQ>Ho$ AmOhr bmoH${à`
AmhoV. "~Q>mQ>çmMr Mmi', "Agm _r Amgm_r', "dmè`mdaMr damV', ho EH$nmÌr ZmQ>çà`moJ hr _amR>r
a§J^y_rbm nwb§Mr Img XoUJrM åhQ>br nm{hOo.
nwb§À`m {R>H$mUr AZoH$ H$bm§Mm gwaoI g§J_ Pmbm Amho. {dZmoXr boIH$-dºo$, H$dr, ZmQ>H$H$ma,
ZQ>, g§JrV {X½Xe©H$, ZH$bmH$ma, V§Ìk, {ejH$, hm_m}{Z`_nQy> Ago AZoH$ n¡by nwb§_Ü`o AmhoV. "JwimMm

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
JUnVr' `m {gZo_mMr Om{hamV "g~ Hw$N> nwb§' AerM Ho$br OmVo. "Xod~mßnm' {gZo_mVrb "ZmM ao _moam' `m
JrVmMo d ^r_goZ Omoer JmV AgV Ë`m 'B§Ðm`Ur H$mR>r' A^§JmMo g§JrV nwb§Mo Amho.
nwb§ hOaO~m~r hmoVo. gmR>mì`m dmT>{Xdgmbm Ë`m§À`m EH$m \$i{dŠ`m MmhË`mZo Ë`m§Zm Q>nmoè`m
gmR> g\$aM§Xm§Mm hma KmVbm. Voìhm nwb§ hiyM åhUmbo, "~a§ Pmb§. Vwåhr ZmaimMo ì`mnmar Zmhr!' nwb§Zr
gm_m{OH$ ~m§{YbH$shr _ZmnmgyZ Onbr. AZoH$ godm^mdr g§ñWm§Zm Ë`m§Zr bjmdYr én`o JmOmdmOm Z
H$aVm "gào_ ^oQ>' {Xbo AmhoV.

46. nw. b. Xoenm§S>oÀ`m àdmg dU©ZmMo Zmd H$m` ?

(a) Vr \w$bamUr (b) nyd©a§J (c) Anydm©B© (d) nS>K_
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV b $$ (2) a, b Am{U c (3) $b Am{U$c (4) \$ŠV c

47. CVmè`mV Ambobm "JmOmdmOm' hm eãX nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$mamVrb Amho ?

(a) VX²^d (b) Xoer (c) nyUm©ä`ñV (d) A§emä`ñV
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV d $$ (2) \$ŠV c (3) $a Am{U$d (4) \$ŠV b

48. CVmè`mV "\$i{dŠ`m' hm eãX Ambm Amho. `m eãXmMm g_mg H$moUVm ?

(1) ~hþd«uhr g_mg (2) CnnX VËnwéf g_mg
(3) {d^ŠVr VËnwéf g_mg (4) ZÄm VËnwéf g_mg

49. nw. b. Xoenm§S>o `m§À`m EH$nmÌr ZmQ>H$ à`moJr H$moUVr Zmdo CVmè`mV Ambr AmhoV ?
(a) ì`ŠVr Am{U dëbr (b) JwimMm JUnVr (c) dmè`mdaVr damV (d) ~Q>mQ>`mMr Mmi
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U c $$ (2) b Am{U d (3) $b, c Am{U$d (4) c Am{U d

50. nw. b. Xoenm§S>o `m§À`m {dZmoXmMr H$moUVr {deofV… CVmè`mV dU©Z Ho$br Amho ?
(1) ~mîH$i {dZmoX
(2) Ho$di _ñH$ar
(3) EH$m S>moh`mV hgy Am{U Xþgè`mV Amgw
(4) _mUwgH$s {df`r Hw$MmiH$s

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. Since I feel fascinated by the sea, I have decided to join the navy.

Identify the underlined clause of the above sentence.

1) Adverb clause of time 2) Adverb clause of cause

3) Adverb clause of result 4) Adverb clause of purpose

52. Match the following:

a) The competition will be over by 6 pm. i) Preposition of time

b) We sat at the table to take our lunch. ii) Preposition of direction

c) He went towards the site of the accident. iii) Preposition of position

Answer options:






53. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) The political climate of the country affect the market.

b) Many interesting series of critical books has been bought out recently.

c) The poetries of Shelley are very inspiring.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a and b only

3) None 4) a and c only

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

54. Identify the underlined part of the given sentence:

Having lost the war, Germany surrendered.

1) gerund 2) present participle 3) perfect participle 4) infinitive

55. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) He betted and lost a lot of money at the races.

b) Nehru’s speech was broadcasted over the radio.

c) After some time the balloon bursted and came down.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a only

3) b and c only 4) None

56. Choose the correct possessive case:

a) Columbus’ discovery.

b) Socrates’ philosophy.

c) Dickens’s novels.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a and b only

3) b and c 4) a and c only

57. Fill in the blanks in the responses to the given questions.

a) Did they not come in time? ________ they didn’t.

b) Need we consult him? __________ we must.

c) Nobody was present there yesterday. ________ there were.

1) no, no, yes 2) no, yes, yes

3) no, yes, no 4) yes, yes, no

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

58. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) Barking dogs bite seldom.

b) Nothing seems ever to change in this village.

c) I sometimes feel like resigning this job.

d) He frequently attended the Rotary Club meetings.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) a b and c only

3) c and d only 4) b only

59. Match the following pairs:

a) What is that noise? I) Conjunction

b) That is what I want. II) Relative Pronoun

c) I have done that much only. III) Adverb

d) The evil that men do lives after them. IV) Demonstrative pronoun

e) He lives so that he may eat. V) Demonstrative adjective

Answer options:






60. Fill in the blank with the correct alternative:

He spoke so indistinctly that I could _______ noting _____ his speech.

1) make of 2) make out 3) make up 4) make off

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

61. Find out the wrongly spelt word/s:

a) pseudonym b) nephrology c) continuum d) vacuum

Answer options:

1) a and b 2) a b and c only

3) a and c only 4) none

62. Choose the correct pair of idioms with their appropriate meanings:

a) Take heart I) To take courage

b) Take to heart II) Feel grieved or sad

c) Take to task III) To rebuke or to punish

d) Take stock of IV) To examine or assess

Answer options:






63. Find out the correct form of conjunction in the following sentence:

There was little hope of success nevertheless they decided to perform the operation.

The underlined word is example of:

1) Subordinate conjunction 2) Compound conjunction

3) Adversative conjunction 4) Correlative conjunction

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

64. Choose the correct pair of foreign word with its meaning:

1) mala fide i) with good faith

2) modus operandi ii) mode of operation

3) tête-à-tête iii) close

4) boy voyage iv) go long

65. Choose the correct active form of the given sentence:

Nothing can be achieved without hard work.

1) Nothing can you achieve without hard work.

2) One can achieve nothing without hard work.

3) Nobody can achieve nothing without hard work.

4) Nothing can achieve without hard work.

66. Select the closest meaning of the underlined phrase:

Mr. Arora might the Principal, but it is the director who rules the roost.

1) popular 2) dominates

3) final call 4) important post

67. Choose the correct sentence:

a) I hope you are keeping good health.

b) Let us sit in the shadow of the tree.

c) I will spend my remaining life in the village.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) none

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

68. Identify the sentence/s having adjective clause in it/them:

a) Take all you want.

b) At the time he wrote this poem Keats was ill.

c) Spring is the season when nature appears at her best.

Answer options:

1) c only 2) b and c only 3) a only 4) all

69. Select the correct alternatives that transform the following sentences into indirect

i) The teacher said to the boys, “If you do your best, you will surely pass the exam”

ii) She said, “Let’s have a picnic on Saturday.”

a. i) The teacher said the boys that if they did their best, they would surely pass
the exam”

ii) She suggested that they should have a picnic on Saturday.

b. i) The teacher told the boys that if they did their best, they would surely pass
the exam”

ii) She suggested that we would have a picnic on Saturday.

c. i) The teacher told the boys that if they did their best, they would surely pass
the exam”

ii) She suggested that they should have a picnic on Saturday.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) None

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

70. Identify the sentence punctuated incorrectly:

1) Nalini, my brother’s daughter, is getting married tomorrow.

2) The poets I like best are: Milton, Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats.

3) ‘Did you hear a sound?’ he asked.

4) If you don’t pass the exam, what will you do!

71. Give synonyms of the following words:

Aggravate, Haggard, Jubilant

(1) intensify, weary, despair (2) increase, evaluate, debacle

(3) worsen, fatigue, elated (4) damage, showy, sad

72. Choose the correct sentence:

a) Had the election not been rigged, the ruling party would rout.

b) Were I you, I wouldn’t repent for that mistake.

c) Unless she apologizes for her rude behavior, her suspension will not be revoked.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) b and c only

73. Identify the odd sentence:

a) The bridge is being repaired.

b) She was given a chair.

c) My neighbor has bought a nano car.

d) The superstar was warmly welcomed in our college gathering.

1) a only 2) b only

3 c only 4) d only

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

74. Given antonyms of the following words:

Languid, Gaiety, Clumsy

1) vigorous, small, stupid 2) inactive, happy, not talented

3) raise, major, active 4) energetic, mourning , adroit

75. Match the following to make grammatically correct and meaningful sentences:

a. Can you tell me i) that he drinks too much.

b. He is alright except ii) when the tide was full.

c. The ferry sailed iii) where that rascal has gone.

d. The problem is iv) how the refugees can be helped.


1) ii iii iv i

2) ii i iii iv

3) iii ii I iv

4) iii i ii iv

76. Transform the following simple sentence into a complex sentence:

He felt sorry on realizing his mistake.

1) He felt sorry but he realized his mistake.

2) After realizing his mistake he felt sorry.

3) He felt sorry when he realized his mistake.

4) When he felt sorry he realized his mistake.

77. Fill in the blank with appropriate articles:

____more we learn, ______ more we realize how little we know.

1) no article, no article 2) the, the 3) the, no article 4) a, a

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

78. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank:

a) _________________________, we would have missed much fun.

b) _________________________, I could ask for the bill.

1) Had we lived a century ago, If you finished eating.

2) Had we lived a century ago, If you finish eating.

3) If I lived a century ago, If you finished eating.

4) Had we lived a century ago, If you had finished eating.

79. What do the following sentences express respectively?

a) I wish I were financially independent.

b) I wished I had been financially independent.

1) Present imaginary action, Past imaginary action

2) Present imaginary action, Present imaginary action

3) Past imaginary action, Past imaginary action

4) Past imaginary action, Present imaginary action

80. Choose the correct idiomatic expression:

a) Elbow room.

b) To eat humble pie.

c) End in smoke.

d) A dark dog.

1) a c and d 2) b c and d

3) a and b only 4) a b and c only

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

81. Match the following:

a. Abide i) to

b. Collide ii) by

c. Guard iii) with

d. Obedient iv) against


1) i ii iv iii

2) iii ii iv i

3) ii iii iv i

4) ii iv i iii

82. Match the following:

a. Kennel of i) dogs

b. A gang of ii) thieves

c. A murder of iii) crows

d. A fleet of iv) ships


1) i ii iv iii

2) i ii iv ii

3) ii iii iv i

4) ii iv i iii

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83. Choose the correct sentence:

a) It is I who am to blame.

b) It is me who am to blame.

c) It is I who is to be blamed.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) None

84. Which of the alternatives would be equivalent to the following sentence?

Landline phones are not so reliable as cellphones.

1) Cellphones are more reliable than landline phones.

2) Cellphones are not more reliable than landline phones.

3) Cellphones are the most reliable than landline phones.

4) Landline phones are as reliable as cellphones

85. Which word/s is/are similar to the word printed in capital in the given sentence?

He left an ENIGMATIC message on the answering machine.

a) ambiguous b) perplexing c) equivocal

1) None 2) b only 3) a and c only 4) All

86. Select the correct meaning of following idiom:

To win laurel

1) To get victory 2) To be very ambitious

3) To win an honour 4) To fight for success

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87. Shirley got away with cheating on the test.

The underlined phrase in the above sentence means:

1) punished 2) escaped punishment

3) passed 4) got failed

88. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Martha asked Bill where has he gone for a long time?

b) Will you tell me why haven’t you paid your bill yet?

c) Do you thing you can get success without perseverance?

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) only c 4) a and b

89. Media has traditionally been up in arms with the government of the day.

The underlined idiom in the above sentence means:

1) quarreled 2) negative

3) angry 4) supportive

90. Pick out the correct sentence:

a) It is more hotter today than yesterday.

b) Between the two option the former is the best.

1) Only a 2) only b

3) both 4) neither

91. Fill in the blank with the correct expression:

She makes _________ about her prejudice against them.

1) no bones 2) no hands 3) no fingers 4) no nod

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92. Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Quixotic i) one who loves men

b) Androphile ii) one who eats fish

c) Oligarchy iii) impractical or romantic

d) Piscivorous iv) ruled by few powerful people


1) i iii ii iv

2) i iii iv i

3) iii i iv ii

4) iii ii iv i

93. What does the following sentence express?

My father has worked in this company since 1998.

1) competed action 2) action still in continuous process

3) past action 4) experience of completeness

94. Choose the correct pair of words to fill in the blanks:

a) He contemptuously flouted every ______ of morality.

b) As the soldiers approached the castle, we fired a ______ to discourage them.

Answer options:

1) canon, canon 2) cannon, cannon

3) canon, cannon 4) cannon, canon

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95. Choose the sentence/s having pre-positive adjectives in it/them:

a) Greedy people are always fat.

b) My father has bought a large house.

c) Most of the cosmetics are very costly.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) a and b only 3) c only 4) All

Read the passage given below carefully and answer. Question number 96 to 100
based on it.

There is a general consensus that 'International Understanding’ need to be taught as

a separate subject at the school stage as that would add to the curricular load which is
already too heavy. Instead it should be woven into the curriculum and the numerous
opportunities that present themselves while teaching normal school subjects may be
intelligently and imaginatively used by the teacher to promote International

The school subjects which can be most profitably used for this purpose are History,
Geography, Civics, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Social Sciences, Languages as
well as Physical and Life Sciences. However, at the higher education level, international
education can be prescribed as a separate subject of study. In fact, the present situation in
India broadly conforms to this consensus so far as the school stage is concerned.

At the under-graduate and the post-graduate levels, courses of study in subjects like
History, Geography, Economics, political Science, International Relations, International Law
and International Organization have been prescribed by most of the universities and these
contain content which has a direct or indirect bearing on promoting UNESCO ideals.

96. How International Understanding can be taught at the school level?

(1) Through various subjects like History, Civics, Geography, etc.

(2) By giving numerous opportunities to the students.

(3) By combining the subject content with the curriculum.

(4) All of these

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97. Which phrase from the passage means combined with the curriculum?

(1) Intelligently and imaginatively used in the curriculum

(2) Can be prescribed in the curriculum.

(3) Woven into the curriculum.

(4) None of the above

98. What are the two stages where International Understanding should be taught as a
separate subject?

(1) Primary and Secondary stage.

(2) Under-graduate and post-graduate stage.

(3) Secondary and under-graduate stage.

(4) Post-graduate and doctoral stage.

99. Which word out of the given options mean – feeling of most people?

(1) Promote.

(2) Numerous.

(3) Bearing.

(4) Consensus.

100. Which word from the passage is the opposite of the word narrow?

(1) Concern.

(2) Broad.

(3) Direct.

(4) None of the above.

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Question no. Answer Question no Answers
1 2 51 2
2 4 52 3
3 4 53 3
4 3 54 3
5 4 55 4
6 1 56 3
7 4 57 2
8 3 58 1
9 2 59 4
10 1 60 1
11 3 61 4
12 2 62 1
13 2 63 3
14 3 64 2
15 4 65 2
16 2 66 2
17 4 67 4
18 1 68 4
19 3 69 3
20 3 70 4
21 4 71 3
22 2 72 4
23 2 73 3
24 3 74 4
25 1 75 4
26 2 76 3
27 4 77 2
28 4 78 1
29 1 79 1
30 4 80 4
31 2 81 3
32 4 82 1
33 4 83 1
34 1 84 2
35 2 85 4
36 3 86 3
37 4 87 2
38 2 88 3
39 2 89 3
40 1 90 4

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41 2 91 1
42 4 92 3
43 2 93 2
44 3 94 3
45 4 95 2
46 3 96 4
47 1 97 3
48 2 98 2
49 4 99 4
50 3 100 2

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Test - 04

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1. Imbrb n¡H$s {dÚmWu {H«$`mnX AgUmar {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.

(a) B©ída Vwåhmbm gwIr R>odmo.
(b) gmoZmamZoM H$mZ Q>moMmdo.
(c) ZmJ[aH$m§Zr H$m`Xm _moSy> Z`o.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b (2) \$ŠV b (3) b Am{U c (4) a , b Am{U c
2. gm_mÝ` Zm_ Á`m n`m©`mV Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) gañdVr, e§H$a, O_Xp½Z (2) lÜXm, ào_, {H$Vu
(3) noé, KmoS>m, H$mJX (4) Wmoadr, ZdbmB©, XmXm{Jar

3. ì`mH$aUm_Ü`o èhñd ñdam§À`m CƒmamgmR>r EH$ _mÌm Am{U XrK© ñdam§À`m CƒmamgmR>r XmoZ _mÌm
n`m©` …-
(1) ho {dYmZ nyU© AMyH$ Amho. (2) ho {dYmZ nyU© MyH$ Amho.
(3) dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© AMyH$ Amho. (4) dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© AMyH$ Amho.
4. nwT>rbn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo H$moUVr?
(a) ñdamoƒmamdoir _wI {dd¥ËV AgVo.
(b) ñdam§Mm g_mdoe dU©_mboV _¥Xÿ dUm©V hmoVmo.
(c) ñda ñdV§Ì CƒmamMo ZgVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) {VÝhr {dYmZo `mo½`$ (2) \$ŠV b `mo½`
(3) a Am{U c `mo½` $ (4) a Am{U b `mo½`
5. `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm.
(a) erfm©gZ (i) d¥X²YmXoe ñdg§Yr
(b) ~bmonmgZm (ii) `UmXoe ñdag§Yr
(c) dZm¡fYr (iii) XrK©Ëd ñdag§Yr
(d) àrË`W© (iv) JwUmXoe ñdag§Yr
n`m©` …-

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( a) (b) ( c) (d)
( 1) iii iv ii i
( 2) iii ii i iv
(3) iii iv i ii
( 4) iii ii iv i

6. nwT>rbn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZo H$moUVr ?

(a) {deofU dmŠ`mV ñdV§Ì `oVo.
(b) {deofU dmŠ`m_Ü`o {deoî`mgh `oVo.
(c) H$mhr {deofU {dH$mar Va H$mhr {deofU A{dH$mar AgVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b `mo½` (2) \$ŠV c `mo½`
(3) a Am{U c `mo½` (4) b Am{U c `mo½`

7. "`§Xm nmUr Q>§MmB© OmUdbr Zmhr; H$maU nmD$g ^anya nS>bm'

(h`m dmŠ`mMm `mo½` àH$ma AmoiIm)
(1) {_l dmŠ` (2) g§`wŠV dmŠ`
(3) Ho$db dmŠ` (4) {_l-g§`wŠV dmŠ`
8. nwT>o {d^ŠV àË``m§g§~§Yr H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. AMyH$ {dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) {d^ŠVr àË`` ho Zm_-gd©Zm_m§ZmM bmJVmV.
(b) Ma_àË``Ëd hm {d^ŠVr àË``m§Mm JwUY_© Amho.
(c) {d^ŠVr àË`` bmJÊ`mnydu eãXm§Mo gm_mÝ`én hmoVo.
(d) dmŠ`{Z{_©VrgmR>r Amdí`H$ nXo {Z_m©U H$aUo ho {d^ŠVr àË``mMo àmU^yV H$m`© Amho.
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b, c `mo½` (2) b ,c, d `mo½`
(3) b , d `mo½` (4) a, b, c, d gd© `mo½`

9. nwT>rb dmŠ`m§_Yrb {H«$`mnXm§Mm Am»`mV AmoiIm

(a) n¥Ïdr gy`m©^modVr {\$aVo.
(b) Zoh_r Iao ~mobmdo.
n`m©` …-

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(1) pìXVr` Vm-Am»`mV, dm- Am»`mV (2) àW_ Vm- Am»`mV, D$- Am»`mV
(3) àW_ Vm- Am»`mV, dm- Am»`mV (4) pìXVr` Vm- Am»`mV, bm- Am»`mV

10. nwT>rb H$moUVo eãX "M§Ð' `m eãXmer g_mZmWu AmhoV ?

(a) gmo_ (b) B§Xÿ (c) _mVªS> (d) M§S>mey (e) eem§H$
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) a, b, Am{U e
(3) a, b, d, e (4) gd© eãX `mo½`
11. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr {H«$`mnXo ì`mH$aUÑîQ>`m `mo½`nÜXVrZo dmnabr OmVmV ?
(a) ahmUo (b) amhUo (c) amhmUo> (d) dhmUo

n`m©` …-
(1) c Am{U d (2) \$ŠV b
(3) a, c, d (4) a Am{U c

12. nwT>o dU© Am{U Ë`m§Mr CƒmañWmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mn¡H$s A`mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm.
(a) V² W² X² Y² Z² - X§Ë` dU© (b) H²$ I² J² K² S²>- H§$R>m¡îR>`$ dU©
(c) Q²> R²> S²> T²> U² - _yY©Ý` dU© (d) n² \²$ ~² ^² _² - Am¡îR>` dU©
n`m©` …-
(1) b Am{U c ~amo~a$ (2) b, c, d
(3) a Am{U b (4) \$ŠV b
13. à`moJmg§~§Yr AMyH$ {dYmZo {ZdS>m.
(a) H$_©Ur à`moJmV H$_© ho àW_mÝV AgVo.
(b) H$V©ar à`moJmV H$_© àW_mÝV qH$dm gàË``r pìX{V`mÝV AgVo.
(c) ^mdo à`moJmVrb H$Vm© àW_mÝV AgVmo.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b $ (2) a Am{U c (3) b Am{U c (4) \$ŠV a

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14. nwT>rb n`m©`mVyZ {dg§JV n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(1) h` (2) dmé (3) dméUr$ (4) Vwa§J

15. nwT>o XmoZ {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mnmgyZ Ho$db dmŠ` V`ma hmoUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) _r Mhm {nVmo. (b) _mÂ`m dS>rbm§Zm Vo AmdS>V Zmhr.
n`m©` …-
(1) _r Mhm {nVmo ; na§Vw dS>rbm§Zm Vo AmdS>V Zmhr.
(2) _mPo Mhm {nUo dS>rbm§Zm AmdS>V Zmhr.
(3) _r Mhm {nVmo Am{U dS>rbm§Zm Vo AmdS>V Zmhr.
(4) _mPo dS>rb amJmdVmV H$maU _r Mhm {nVmo.

16. "eoOmaÀ`m qnQ>`mZo g°_g§J H§$nZrMm _mo~mB©b AmUbm.'

(AYmoao{IV eãXg_whmMo dmŠ`mVrb H$m`© H$moUVo ?)
(1) {dYmZnyaH$ (2) {dÜ`o` {dñVma (3) H$_© {dñVmaH$$ (4) CX²Xoí` {dñVma

17. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) Cn_o` H$moUVo-Cn_mZ H$moUVo Agm Agm g§e` {Z_m©U Pmë`mg ^«mpÝV_mZ Ab§H$ma hmoVmo.
(b) Cn_o`mÀ`m OmJr Cn_mZM Amho Agm ^«_ {Z_m©U hmoUo åhUOo gg§Xoh Ab§H$ma hmo`.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$ (3) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV b AMyH$

18. nwT>rbn¡H$s CngJ©K{Q>V eãX AmoiIm

(a) A{^_wI (b) boIH$ (c) amOH$s` (d) namH«$_
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c $ (2) b Am{U d (3) a Am{U d (4) \$ŠV a, b, d

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19. nwT>o dmH²$àMma Am{U AW© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm.
(a) am_ ZgUo (i) CËgmh^§J hmoUo
(b) am_ åhUUo (ii) nam^d H$aUo
(c) nmUr nS>Uo (iii) _¥Ë`y hmoUo
(d) nmUr nmOUo (iv) AW© AgUo.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i i) (i) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

20. na gdU© dmnéZ {bhrbo Jobobo AMyH$ eãX AmoiIm.

(a) Aå~wO (b) JÄJm (c) eL²I (d) KÝQ>m
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b Am{U d (3) a Am{U c $ $ (4) a, c, d

21. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) A-H$mamÝV , B©-H$mamÝV, D$-H$mamÝV {deofUm§Mo gm_mÝ`én hmoV Zmhr.
(b) B©-H$mamÝV Znw§gH$qbJr Zm_m§Mo gm_mÝ`én AmH$mamÝV hmoVo.
(c) A-H$mamÝV nwpëb¨Jr Zm_m§Mo gm_mÝ`én B©-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a MyH$ $$ (2) \$ŠV b, c MyH$ (3) \$ŠV$a, b ~amo~a$ (4) \$ŠV a, b MyH$

22. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dmŠ`m_Ü`o AmË_dmMH$ gd©Zm_ dmnabo Amho?

(a) MmoamZo AmnUhÿZ JwÝhm H$~yb Ho$bm.
(b) AmnU gU-CËgd gmOao H$é.
(c) gam§Zr _bm ~mobmdbo; AmnU _mÌ AmboM ZmhrV.
(d) ñdV… _oë`m{edm` ñdJ© {XgV Zmhr.

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n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a, d (2) \$ŠV d (3) a, c, d $ (4) a, b ,c
23. nwT>rbn¡H$s AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) ZbJo-A{Z`{_V {H«$`mnX
(b) _i_iVo- ^mdH$Vw©H$ {H«$`mnX
(c) nmUmdbo-gm{YV {H«$`mnX
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) \$ŠV c (3) \$ŠV b Am{U c $ (4) a, b Am{U c

24. nwT>o dmŠ`m_Ü`o H$mhr {H«$`m{deofUo dmnabr AmhoV. Ë`m§À`m H«$_mZwgma àH$mam§Mr Zmdo AmoiIm.
(a) Ë`mbm H$m` _mVr `oVo. (b) MhmMm H$n AmnmoAmn \w$Q>bm.
n`m©` …-
(1) ñWbdmMH$ {H«$`m{deofU, [aVrdmMH$ {H«$`m{deofU
(2) ñWm{ZH$ {H«$`m{deofU, [aVrdmMH$ {H«$`m{deofU
(3) gm{YV {H«$`m{deofU, H$mbdmMH$$ {H«$`m{deofU
(4) n[a_mUdmMH$ {H«$`m{deofU, [aVrdmMH$ {H«$`m{deofU

25. Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``m§À`m OmoS>`m§n¡H$s A`mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm.

(1) Am°- AmíM`©Xe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
(2) Amohmo- hf©Xe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
(3) \$ŠH$S>-{VañH$ma Xe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
(4) Aao - g§~moYZ Xe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
26. Aì`dpñWV, VmiV§Ì Zgbobm H$ma^ma ------ `mgmR>r `mo½` Ab§H$m[aH$ eãX {ZdS>m.
(1) ggo{_am (2) J§S>m§Va (3) AZmJm|Xr (4) noë`mVrb dmXi

27. nwT>rbn¡H$s ì`mH$aUÑîQ>`m ewÜX eãX H$moUVm ?

(1) eVm`yfr (2) eVm`wfr (3) eVm`wer (4) eVm`yer

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

28. JwOamVr ^mfo_YyZ _amR>r_Ü`o Ambobo eãX nwT>rb n`m©`mVyZ {ZdS>m.

(1) Kr (2) XmXa (3) eoQ> (4) [aH$m_Q>oH$S>m
(1) \$ŠV d (2) b Am{U d (3) a, c Am{U d (4) darb gd© eãX

29. [aVr dV©_mZH$mi H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV dmnabm Amho ?

(a) bVm XaamoO Ceram CR>Vo (b) AmB© ZXrda OmV Ago.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) a Am{U b XmoÝhr (4) a Am{U b XmoÝhr Zmhr.

30. {dgJ© C-H$ma g§Yr Á`m eãXm§V dmnabm Amho, Agm n`m©` AMyH$ AmoiIm.
(a) {ZîH$f© (b) `emoJmWm (c) àmV…H$mb (d) YZw{d©X`m
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV d (2) a Am{U b (3) \$ŠV b (4) b Am{U c

31. Imbr H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mVrb `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo AmoiIm.
(a) g§`wŠV dmŠ` ho Jm¡UËdgyMH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``mZo OmoS>bobo AgVo.
(b) Oa - Va `m C^`mÝd`r Aì``mZo OmoS>bobo dmŠ` {_l dmŠ` ZgVo.
(c) ""{dkmZ emn Amho H$s daXmZ ?'' - {_l dmŠ` Amho
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) a Am{U c (3) b Am{U c (4) darbn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr.
32. dmŠ`mV `oUmè`m àË`oH$ eãXmMr ì`mH$aU {df`H$ g§nyU© _m{hVr gm§JUo `mbmM ------ åhUVmV.
(1) eãX{gÜXr (2) nXn[añ\$moQ> (3) dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aU (4) eãXm§À`m OmVr

33. nwT>o {H«$`mnXmMm H$mi Am{U {H«$`mnXmMm Am»`mV {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.
(a) {dÜ`W© (i) D$- Am»`mV
(b) AmkmW© (ii) dm $- Am»`mV
(c) g§Ho$VmW© (iii) B©b $- Am»`mV
(d) ^{dî`H$mi (iv) pìXVr` Vm $- Am»`mV
n`m©` …-

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(2) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(3) (i) (i) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

34. nwT>rb dmŠ`m§_Yrb g_mg AmoiIyZ Ë`mMo àH$ma AmoiIm.

(a) KaXma gmoSy>Z Vr _mhoar naVbr.
(b) Amåhr gd©OU Ë`mbm JmdmoJmd emoYV hmoVmo.
(c) ~mbnUr {dQ>rXm§Sy> IoiyZ Amåhr \$ma X_m`Mmo.
n`m©` …-
(1) d¡H$pënH$ ìX§ìX, Aì``r^md, g_mhma ìX§ìX g_mg
(2) g_mhma ìX§ìX, Aì``r^md, BVaoVa ìX§ìX g_mg
(3) VËnwéf, Aì``r^md, d¡H$pënH$ ìX§ìX g_mg
(4) Aì``r^md, VËnwéf, ìX§ìX g_mg

35. H$s-ho C^`mÝd`r Aì`` dmŠ`mV H$moUË`m C^`mÝd`r Aì``m§À`m àH$mamMo H$m`© H$aVo ?
( a) स्वरूप बोधक (b) n[aUm_~moYH$ (c) g§Ho$V~moYH$ (d) {dH$ën~moYH$
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV d ~amo~a (2) a Am{U d ~amo~a
(3) a, b, d ~amo~a (4) darb gd© ~amo~a
36. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$_©-^md g§H$a à`moJ AgUmao dmŠ` AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) Vy \y$b {Xbog.
(b) {edmOtZr ZoVmOrbm nwÝhm ñdY_m©V KoVbm.
(c) Vy Hw$Í`mbm hmH$bbog.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) \$ŠV c (3) \$ŠV a (4) a Am{U b

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

37. H$mi`mMo nm§T>ao hmoUo ------ `m dmH²$àMmamMm AMyH$ AW© AmoiIm.

(1) gw§Xa {bhrUo (2) A\$amV\$a H$aUo (3) åhmVmao hmoUo (4) Jm|YiyZ OmUo

38. {deofU gm{YV {H«$`mnX Á`m dmŠ`mV dmnabo Amho Agm n`m©` H$moUVm Amho ?
(a) gr_odarb Vmo\$m W§S>mdë`m
(b) Ë`mZo ~arM nwñVHo$ hmVmibr
(c) gmjaVm dmT>ë`mZo _mUgo nwT>mabr.
n`m©` …-
(1) {VÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) a Am{U b {dYmZo AMyH$
(3) \$ŠV b {dYmZ AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV a {dYmZ AMyH$

39. A{ZpíMV g§»`m{deofUo AgUmam nwT>rbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(1) Xhm ^mfm, nmMr ^md§S>o, e§^a H$m¡ad
(2) nmM-nmMoeo g§K, XmoZ-XmoZÀ`m OwS>`m, EH$-EH$ _wbJm
(3) gd© bmSy>, BVa Xoe, _moOHo$ {dÚmWu
(4) ~mamdm IoimSy>, e§^amdr O`§Vr, Mm¡Wm _Obm
40. {_qbX ----- `m eãXmbm g_mZmWu eãX Imbrb n`m©`mVyZ emoYm.
(1) H$nr (2) gma§g (3) _YwH$a (4) IJ|Ð

41. YmVwgm{YVo AWdm H¥$XÝVo dmŠ`m_Ü`o H$emMo H$m`© H$aVo ?

(a) Zm_ (b) gd©Zm_ (c) {deofU (d) {H«$`m{deofU
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV a Am{U c `mo½`
(3) a Am{U d `mo½` (4) a, c Am{U d

42. à~b, namO`, gwJ«mg `m eãXm§Vrb CngJ© H$moUË`m ^mfoVrb AmhoV?

(1) _amR>r (2) g§ñH¥$V (3) Aa~r (4) \$magr

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
43. emIm_¥J ------ åhUOo H$m` ?
(a) h[aU (b) hËVr (c) _mH$S> (d) H$nr
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c Am{U d (2) \$ŠV a (3) \$ŠV c (4) \$ŠV d
44. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVo {deofU {dH$mar Amho ?
(a) JmoS> (b) Amier (c) H$Sy> > (d) ^bm
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b (2) b, c (3) \$ŠV d (4) b Am{U d
45. nyU©{dam_ nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {R>H$mUr dmnabm OmVmo ?
(a) {dYmZ g§në`mZ§Va eodQ>r (b) AmX`mjamZ§Va
(c) g§{já éno {bhrVmZm > > (d) dmŠ`mMm Vnerb XoVmZm
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(2) a Am{U c ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(3) a, b, Am{U d ~amo~a, c MyH$
(4) a, b, c ~amo~a, d MyH$
46. nwT>o H$mhr eãX {Xbo AmhoV. gd© eãXm§V {_iyZ {H$Vr OmoS>mjao dmnabr AmhoV ?
(a) amîQ´>mÜ`j (b) Aj` (c) B©ídar àgmX
(d) kmZoída (e) Y¥VamîQ´>
n`m©` …-
(1) AmR> (2) ZD$ (3) gmV (4) Xhm
nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$. 47 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao n`m©`r CÎmam§VyZ {ZdS>m.
Jm§YrgmaIo `wJàdV©H$ ZoVo Hw$Um _hmnwéfmÀ`m N>m`oV dmT>V ZmhrV. ñdV…Mo OrdZ Vo ñdV…M
KS>dVmV. Jm§YtÀ`m ì`{º$_Ëdmdahr H$moUVrhr na§nam d g§àXm`, Y_©J«§W qH$dm Jwé `m§Mr EH$gwar N>mn
{XgV Zmhr. AZoH$ J«§W Am{U g§àXm` `m§À`m_YyZ Ë`m§Zr H$mhr {dMma, àoaUm d VÎdo AmË_gmV Ho$br
Am{U Ë`mà_mUo dV©Z H$aÊ`mMr C_oX ~miJbr. _mÌ, Ho$di EImXo nwñVH$ dmMyZ Ë`m§Zr Amnbo {dMma
KS>{dbo Ago Pmbo Zmhr. bm¡{H$H$ ì`dhmamÀ`m H$gmoQ>rda Ë`m§Zr àË`oH$ Zdr g§H$ënZm KmgyZ nm{hbr. Vo
åhUVmV, Oo {dMma _r àH$Q> Ho$bo AmhoV Vo _mPo AmhoV Am{U _mPo ZmhrV. Vo _mPo AmhoV H$maU H$s

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

Ë`mà_mUo dV©Z H$aÊ`mMr _bm C_oX Amho, Vo OUy _mÂ`m AmËå`mV KS>bobo AmhoV. _ZmÀ`m AmV Imob
Imob Oo _r nmhV hmoVmo Ë`mbm `m nwñVH$m§Mm AmYma {_imbm.
Agm AmYma {_imë`m_wioM Ë`m§Zr CËñ\y$V©nUo ñdrH$maboë`m VÎdm§darb Ë`m§À`m lÕobm ~iH$Q>r
Ambr. Ë`m§Mm AmË_{dœmg XþUmdbm. ~mbnUmnmgyZ Jm§YtZr gË` ho OrdZmVrb gd©loð> _yë` åhUyZ
nËH$abo hmoVo. 'ho gË` Ho$di dmMoVrb ZgyZ Ë`mbm {dMmam§Mm AmYma hmoVm. Vo gmnoj hmoVo Vgo {Zanojhr
hmoVo. Ago {Zanoj (ñWbH$mbmVrV) gË` åhUO na_oœa' gË`mÀ`m énmZo Zoh_r na_oœamMmM gmjmËH$ma
hmoVmo Aer Ë`m§Mr lÕm hmoVr. gË`mdarb {Zð>m hm Ë`m§À`m OrdZmMm _w»` AmYma hmoVm. àË`oH$ _mUgmÀ`m
öX`mV na_oœamMo dmñVd Agë`mZo ñdV…À`m öX`mVM Ë`mbm gË`mMr àMrVr `oVo. {H$Vrhr hmbAnoï>m
gmogmì`m bmJë`m, {H$Vrhr qH$_V _moOmdr bmJbr Var ñdV…bm àVrV Pmboë`m `m gË`mbm Yê$Z AmMaU
H$aUo hr ZrVr hmo`. àË`oH$ _mUgmÀ`m `m Z¡{VH$ H$V©ì`mbmM Y_© Ago Zmd Amho. ñdV…bm nQ>bobr hr
Zr{VVÎdo OrdZmÀ`m gd© joÌm§V CVa{dÊ`mgmR>r Jm§Yr OÝ_^a A{dlm§V YS>nS>bo. åhUyZM Amnë`m
AmË_M[aÌmbm Ë`m§Zr 'gË`mMo à`moJ' Ago Zmd {Xbo Amho.
47. _hmË_m Jm§YtMo ì`{º$_Ëd KS>bo Vo ............ _wio.
(1) qhXÿ Y_©J«§W AÜ``ZmZo (2) AZoH$ Y_©-gm§àXm{`H$ {dMmam§À`m n[aerbZmZo
(3) Ë`m§À`m gX²Jwé§À`m AZwJ«hmZo (4) nm{ü_mË` OJV² ^«_Um_wio
48. A`mo½` {dYmZ {ZdS>m.
(1) Jm§YrMo {dMma AZoH$ nwñVH$m§À`m dmMZmZo ~Zbo
(2) Jm§YtZr gË` ho OrdZ_yë` ñdrH$mabo
(3) Jm§YtMo ì`{º$_Ëd ho _hmnwéfm§À`m N>m`oV {dH${gV Pmbo
(4) _mUgm§À`m Z¡{VH$ H$V©ì`mbmM Y_© åhUVmV
49. Jm§YtOrMo {dMma ho Ë`m§Mo AmhoV Am{U Ë`m§Mo ZmhrV' åhUOo
(1) Ë`m§À`m {dMmam{df`r Vo gm§eH$ AmhoV
(2) Vo {dMmamà_mUo dmJV d Ë`m {dMmam§Zm AZoH$ nwñVH$mV AmYma {_imbm
(3) Vo {dMma Hw$UmÀ`mVar àoaUoZo AmhoV
(4) Jm§YtZr Vo {dMma gm§{JVbo d Vo {d{dY J«§Wm§À`m Aä`mgmVyZ Ambobo AmhoV
50. CVmè`mVyZ Y_©- `m eãXmgmR>r H$moUVm AW© ì`ŠV Pmbm Amho.
(1) gË`mMo AmMaU (2) AqhgmdmXr d¥ËVr
(3) àË`oH$mMo Z¡{VH$ H$V©ì` (4) na_oída ^ŠVr

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) A dog is faithful to it’s master.

b) The jury was divided in their opinion.

c) Neither the manager nor the assistants were responsible for their job.

Answer options:

1) c only 2) a and b only

3) b and c only 4) a and c only

52. Given similar meaning of the given words:

Abate, Callous, Disdain

1) Covert, Indignant, Modesty 2) Condemn, Clumsy, Tasted

3) Moderate, Unkind, detest 4) Decrease, Enjoying, Loveable

53. What does the following sentence express?

If you are kind to others, others are kind to you.

1) Hypothetical condition 2) Probable condition

3) Real condition 4) General truth

54. Choose the correct transformation of the following sentences:

a) Wisdom is much better than riches Is not wisdom better than riches?

b) Everyone will admit that mistake. No one will deny that mistake.

c) I wish I were young again. O that I were young again!

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a only

3) b and c only 4) All

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

55. Choose the most appropriate option for the underlined phrase:

He’s getting cold feet about the wedding, but I told him that was perfectly normal.

1) get nervous 2) confuse 3) shock 4) excited

56. Which of the following sentence/s is/are correct about pronoun?

a) Pronouns stand in place of noun.

b) In sentences they do the work of nouns.

c) They do not describe nouns.

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a and b only

3) a only 4) All

57. Choose the correct articles to fill in the blank:

a) _______ gold is a precious metal.

b) ______ gold of Australia is of poor quality.

c) ____ iron is ____ useful metal.

1) a, the, an, a 2) no article, the, an, a

3) no article , no article, no article, a 4) no article, the, no article, a

58. Fill the blank with appropriate prepositions:

a) She is blind ______ right eye.

b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh was blind ______ one eye.

c) Parents generally blind _____ their children’s fault.

Answer options:

1) in, of, to 2) with, to, by

3) by, in, to 4) with, by, with

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

59. Match the following:

a) Carry the ball I) To take the blame

b) Carry through II) To be in love with

c) Carry the day III) To win

d) Carry the can IV) To assume responsibility.

e) Carry a touch for V) To help

Answer options:






60. Which of the following are adjective suffixes?

a) _al b) _full c) _ish d) _tion

Answer options:

1) a b and c 2) c and d

3) b c and d 4) a and d

61. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) I have never told a lie nor deceived anybody.

b) I have not written to him nor spoken with him.

1) B only 2) A only

3) Neither 4) Both

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

62. Point out the idiomatic sentences:

a) Call centers have become a part and parcel of the commercial world.

b) Those employees who carry tales to the bosses act like a snake in grass.

c) Tall talk does not impress us; good performance does.

d) The production manager’s work often proves to be a thankless task.

Answer options:

1) a b and d only 2) a b and c only

3) b c and d only 4) Above all

63. Which sentence/s given below express/s future action in it/them.

a) I am going to have a cup of coffee.

b) The earth revolves around the Sun.

c) She leaves for New Delhi tomorrow morning.

Answer options:

1) c only 2) b and c only

3) All 4) a and c only

64. Choose the correct sentence/s:

1) See that you will come for the meeting on time.

2) Take care that you will not be cheated.

3) Have another sandwich if you are hungry.

Answer options:

1) a and c only 2) a and b only

3) b only 4) c only

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

65. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

1) I have returned all the books to the library yesterday.

2) I shall call on him when he will come.

3) He is suffering from fever since yesterday.

Answer options:

1) a and c only 2) a and b only

3) b and c only 4) All

66. Replace the underlined part of the sentence to make it meaningful:

If you had invested money in equity, you would incur heavy losses.

1) You might incur heavy losses.

2) You had incurred heavy losses.

3) You might have incurred heavy losses.

4) You would be incurred heavy losses.

67. Transform the following sentence into negative sentence:

As soon as I saw the advertisement, I emailed my C.V.

1) When I saw the advertisement, I didn’t email my C.V.

2) No sooner did I see the advertisement when I emailed my C.V.

3) No sooner did I saw the advertisement than I emailed my C.V.

4) No sooner did I see the advertisement than I emailed my C.V.

68. Choose the opposite meaning of the underlined word below:

The whole audience showed a disdainful attitude during the match.

(1) Sneering (2) Respectful (3) Mocking (4) Cheerful

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

69. Choose the correct pair of idioms with their appropriate meanings:

a) Blow down I) To explode

b) Blow out II) Fade away

c) Blow over III) To extinguish

d) Blow up IV) To throw down

Answer options:






70. Choose the correct sentence:

1) He is the most ideal teacher.

2) He is senior to me by three years.

3) Little money is better than none.

4) My income is lesser than yours.

71. Choose the correct idiomatic expression:

a) Through thick and thin.

b) Throw hot water.

c) Foot the bill

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) b and c only

3) c only 4) a and c only

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72. Select the correct alternatives that transform the following sentences into indirect

i) “Clara” said the manager sternly, “I command you to tell me what the visitor said.”

ii) The magician said to the boy , “Make haste and give me the lamp.”

a. i) The manager sternly requested Clara to tell him what the visitor had said.

ii) The magician commanded the boy to make haste and to give him a lamp.

b. i) The manager sternly commanded Clara to tell him what the visitor had

ii) The magician commanded the boy to make haste and to give him a lamp.

c. i) The manager sternly commanded Clara to tell him what the visitor said.

ii) The magician commanded the boy to make haste and to give him a lamp.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) None

73. Find out the incorrect part of the sentence given below:

Despite of the doctor’s advice, he smoked.

1) despite 2) of

3) advice 4) smoked

74. Give synonyms of the following words:

Ubiquitous, Laconic, Keen

1) Biased, Fabricated, Short 2) Unlimited, Serious, Shortened

3) Universal, Excellent, Active 4) Omnipresent, Concise, Sharp

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75. Match the following:

a. Sacrilege i) after death

b. Plagiarist ii) One who does not like goodness in others

c. Posthumous iii) violating sacred place

d. Cynic iv) One who steals literature


1) ii iii iv i

2) ii i iii iv

3) iii iv i ii

4) iii i ii iv

76. Which one of the following is an adverb clause?

1) That she survived in those conditions passes belief.

2) She acted as I advised her.

3) It should be known to everybody that India stands for peace.

4) I recognized the boy who stole a suit length from our shop.

77. Which of the following is the incorrect one?

a) The dog stretched himself after a long day’s sleep.

b) God helps those who help himself.

c) The baby laughed on seeing itself in the mirror.

1) b and c 2) a) and c 3) only b) 4) a and b

78. Choose the meaning of the underlined phrase:

They are sure to steal a march upon their competitors.

A) outshine b) defy c) challenge d) resist

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79. Choose the correct passive form of the following sentence:

What one must do, one must do properly.

1) What must be done must be done properly.

2) It must be done what one must do properly.

3) It must be done what one must do properly.

4) One must do properly what has to be properly.

80. Find out the correct sentence:

a) Nothing is yours, is it?

b) I am living in London. Are you?

c) Little progress has been made, isn’t it?

1) only a b 2) only b 3) a and c 4) only a

81. Identify the subject in the sentence given below:

That the old man will die is certain.

1) That the old man. 2) The old man.

3) That the old man will die. 4) man

82. Which one of the following sentence correctly expresses the probable (likely?)

1) Were he here, he might resolve this matter.

2) If he comes here, he may resolve this matter.

3) Had he been here, he would have resolved his matter.

4) If he worked satisfactorily, he would be promoted.

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83. Match the homophones with their correct meaning:

(a) Sore - (i) upset, angry or pain

(b) Sour - (ii) bitter

(c) Soar - (iii) fly

Answer options:


(1) (iii) (i) (ii)

(2) (ii) (iii) (i)

(3) (i) (ii) (iii)

(4) (i) (iii) (ii)

84. Identify the odd man out:

1) Custom: customary, skill: skillful

2) History: historical, girl: girlish

3) Penniless: penny, danger: dangerous

4) Fun: funny, rain: rainy

85. Identify the odd one of the given sentences.

1) Be just and fear not.

2) She is my wife, therefore I love her.

3) He has no money with which he can help me.

4) It is cold, so he will wear a coat.

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86. Identify the correct sentence:

1) This is one of those problems which has many solutions.

2) Many an animal live on grass.

3) The philosopher and the statesman is required.

4) Each boy and each player is in his row.

87. Identify the Simple sentence/s below:

a) Being an honest person, he will not indulge in crime activities.

b) Having completed his homework, he went to temple.

c) Seeing a natural sight we were amazed.

d) Before going to USA he learnt English.

1) a b and c 2) None of the Above

3) a c and d 4) All are Simple sentences

88. Identify the sentence containing noun clause:

a) The fact that you are guilty gives me much pain.

b) The time when train leaves is not known to me.

c) I asked the girl how old she was.

d) He wants same kind of mobile set as he has lost.

Answer options:

(1) Only a and b (2) Only b and c

(3) Only a, b and d (4) Only a and c

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89. Choose the correct prepositional phrases:

a) By dint of

b) by virtue of

c) in lieu from

d) in compliance with

Answer options:

(1) Only a and b (2) Only b and c

(3) Only a, b and d (4) Only a and c

90. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) No state can or will adopt this drastic measure.

b) He never has and never will take such strong measures.

1) Only a 2) only b

3) both 4) neither

91. Select the proper cohesive devices for given blanks:

The reading states that research distracts from teaching. __________, the professor
feels that research enhances it.

1) in addition to 2) similarly 3) however 4) moreover

92. Choose the correct word to make a meaningful sentence:

Two marriages are ____________ in Hindu religion.

Answer options:

1) proscribed 2) prescribed

3) proscrebed 4) priscribed

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93. Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Illegible i) one who knows many languages

b) Polyglot ii) That can be easily broken

c) Fragile iii) One who collects stamps

d) Philatelist iv) That cannot be read


1) iv i ii iii

2) iv iii ii i

3) ii iiii iv i

4) iii ii iv i

94. Fill in the blank:

He and his two brothers love _______ very much.

1) each other 2) one another

3) one other 4) each another

95. What meaning does the underlined modal express?

I am so tired that I could sleep for a week.

1) Hypothetical possibility 2) certainty

3) Probability 4) Surety

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Read the passage given below carefully and answer. Question number 96 to 100
based on it.

During the 1850s and 1860s, many people began to experiment with the artistic
possibilities of photography. Landscapes and architecture were popular subjects for early
art photographers. In these two decades, a number of governments commissioned
photographers to make visual records of important buildings and natural features in
various countries. Photographs were taken of the scenery in the American West as well as
many other major landmarks. Some of these pictures were remarkable not only for their
technical excellence but also for the effort involved in taking them.

Some of the most dramatic photographs of the mid-1800s are battlefield scenes. The
photos of the American Civil War (1861-1865) made by Mathew Brady and his assistants
rank among the finest war pictures of all time.

In 1888, Geoige Eastman, an American manufacturer, introduced the Kodak box

camera. The Kodak was the first camera designed specifically for mass production and
amateur use. It was lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to operate. With this invention,
picture taking became a favorite pastime.

The Kodak system also eliminated the need for photographers to process their own
pictures. The Kodak used a roll of gelatin-coated film that could record 100 round
photographs. The plant developed the film, made prints, and then returned the camera
loaded with a new roll of film - The Kodak slogan declared, "You Press the Button, We Do
the Res."

96. According to the passage. Who was Mathew Brady?

(1) A historian (2) A photographer

(3) A civil war hero (4) A Kodak employee

97. Which of the following is not a subject of commissioned photographers?

(1) Important buildings (2) Landmarks

(3) Famous people (4) Scenery

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98. The word 'dramatic' in the second paragraph could best be replaced by

(1) theatrical (2) exaggerated (3) striking (4) tragic

99. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(1) Interests of the photographers (2) Art of photography

(3) Evolution in photography (4) Kodak camera

100. The word 'eliminated in paragraph four is close in meaning to

(1) heightened (2) prompted (3) pinpointed (4) removed

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Question no. Answer Question no Answers
1 3 51 1
2 3 52 3
3 1 53 4
4 4 54 4
5 3 55 1
6 4 56 4
7 1 57 4
8 4 58 1
9 2 59 4
10 2 60 1
11 2 61 4
12 4 62 4
13 1 63 4
14 3 64 4
15 2 65 4
16 3 66 3
17 2 67 4
18 3 68 2
19 3 69 3
20 4 70 2
21 2 71 4
22 1 72 2
23 4 73 2
24 2 74 4
25 3 75 3
26 3 76 2
27 2 77 4
28 4 78 1
29 1 79 1
30 3 80 1
31 4 81 3
32 2 82 2
33 1 83 3
34 2 84 3
35 4 85 3
36 1 86 4
37 3 87 4
38 4 88 2
39 3 89 3
40 3 90 2

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41 4 91 3
42 2 92 1
43 1 93 1
44 3 94 2
45 4 95 1
46 2 96 2
47 2 97 3
48 3 98 4
49 2 99 3
50 3 100 4

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Test - 05

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1) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) ì`mH$aUmVrb nwéf hr g§km bm¡{H$H$ OrdZmVrb nwéf `m ì`pŠVer g§~§{YV Amho.
(b) AmnU ho gd©Zm_ V¥Vr` nwéfr `m AWm©Zo dmnabo OmD$ eH$Vo.
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a AMwH$ (2) \$ŠV b AMwH (3) XmoÝhr AMyH$ (4) XmoÝhrhr MyH$

2) Imbrb {dYmZo dmMyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) Zm_ hr eãXOmV dñVwdmMH$ Zmhr.
(b) Zm_ hr eãXOmVr {dH$mar Amho.
(c) {dH$ma hmoVmZm Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én hmoVo.
(d) Zm_ `m eãXmVyZ àmUr, nXmW©, d Ë`mÀ`m R>m`rMo Y_© `m gdmªMm ~moY hmoVmo.
n`m©` …-
(1) b, c AMyH$ (2) c, d AMyH$
(3) b, c, d AMyH$ (4) a, b, c, AMyH$

3) nwT>o H$mhr dU© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`m§Mm AMyH$ H«$_m§H$ AmoiIm.

f², I² a², Äm²
(1) ñne©, _hmàmU, AY©ñda, ñda
(2) Cî_o, H$R>moa, AY©ñda, AZwZm{gHo$
(3) Cî_o, _¥Xÿ, AY©ñda, AZwZm{gHo$
(4) ñne©, AY©ñda, _hmàmU, ñda
4) `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm
(a) na§Vw, H$s, åhUyZ (i) eãX`moJr Aì``
(b) emã~mg, Aaoao, Bíe (ii) {H«$`m{deofU Aì``
(c) {edm`, gmR>r, nmgyZ (iii) A^`mÝd`r Aì``
(d) BH$S>o, {~bHw$b, _moOHo$ (iv) Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``

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n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

5) ~wYdmar ^aUmè`m ~mOmamV a|JmiU§ hm AmOmo~m§Mm N>§X hmoVm.

(`m dmŠ`mVrb AYmoao{IV eãXm§Mr {d^ŠVr H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm.)
(1) V¥Vr`m, gá_r, fîR>r (2) gá_r, n§M_r, fîR>r
(3) V¥Vr`m, fîR>r, fîR>r$ (4) gá_r, gá_r, fîR>r

6) nwT>rbn¡H$s gd©Zm_moËnÞ gd©Zm_o Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) §Vmo- Vgm, Vgbm, {VVH$m, VodT>m
(b) hm- H$moUVm, Ho$dT>m
(c) Omo- Ogm, Ogbm, {OVH$m, OodT>m
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c (2) a Am{U b
(3) b Am{U c $ (4) a, b, c

7) YmVw åhUOo àË``ahrV {H«$`mdmMH$ eãX Am[U YmVwgm{YV åhUOo YmVwnmgwZ V`ma hmoUmam Anwar {H«$`m
XmI{dUmam eãX hmo`.
(1) ho dmŠ` nyU© MyH$ Amho (2) {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(3) ho dmŠ` nyU© ~amo~a Amho.$ (4) {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho

8) g^oV nÌHo$ dmQ>br Jobr.

(`m dmŠ`mV H$moUVm à`moJ Amho ?)
(a) eŠ` H$_©Ur (b) g_mnZ H$_©Ur (c) H$_© H$V©ar (d) Z{dZ H$_©Ur
(1) \$ŠV d (2) \$ŠV b, c (3) c Am{U d $(4) \$ŠV c

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9) nwT>o H$mhr g_mgmMr CXmhaUo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`mVwZ H¥$XÝV VËnwéf g_mgmMr CXmhaUo Agbobm n`m©`
n`m©` …-
(1) Jm`amZ, Mmoa^`, amOdmS>m, JmdXodr
(2) JmdmoJmd, haKS>r, {~ZYmñV, Am_aU
(3) JǤWH$ma, ObX, IJ, H$m_H$ar
(4) _hmË_m, _IwM§Ð, Zaqgh, YaUr_mVm

10) nwT>rb OmoS>`m§_YwZ `mo½` OmoS>r Agbobm n`m©` AmoiIm.

(a) Aä`ñV eãX- {Vi{Vi, _i_i, eoOmarnmOmar
(b) CngJ© K{Q>V eãX- Am¡a§Jm~mX, hdmbXma, Vmo\$ImZm
(c) {gÜX eãX- H$a, Im, Om, {n
(d) gm_m{gH$ eãX- {ZiH§$R>, n§MmaVr, nwaUnmoir
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U d ~amo~a ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(2) \$ŠV b MyH$, a, c, d ~amo~a
(3) a Am{U c ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(4) MyH$, a, b, c, ~amo~a, d MyH$

11) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) AmJJmS>r ObX YmdVo.
(b) _Yy ~mJoVrb hm¡XmV YnH$Z nS>bm.
(darb dmŠ`mVrb {dÜ`o` {dñVma AmoiIm)
(1) ObX Am{U YnH$Z
(2) ObX Am{U hm¡XmV YnH$Z
(3) ObX Am{U YnH$Z
(4) ObX Am{U ~mJoVrb hm¡XmV YnH$Z

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12. "_hmamîQ´> ho EH$ àJV amÁ` Amho'

(ho dmŠ` H$moUË`m àH$mamVrb Amho.)
(a) àíZmWu (b) {dYmZmWu (c) H$aUénr (d) Ho$db
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b $ (2) b Am{U d (3) b, c Am{U d (4) b Am{U c

13. Á`mMr VwbZm hmoVo Ë`mg Cn_mZ Am{U Á`mÀ`mer VwbZm hmoVo Ë`mg Cn_o` Ago åhUVmV.
(1) ho dmH$` nyU©V… `mo½` Amho. (2) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… A`mo½` Amho.
(3) dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© `mo½` Amho. (4) dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© `mo½` Amho.

14. nwT>rb H$mì`n§ŠVtMm Aä`mg H$éZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) "å`mZmVyZ Cgio VbdmarMr nmV'....
(b) "AmB© åhUmo{Z H$moUr, AmB©g hmH$ _mar'.....
n`m©` …-
(1) AX²^yV ag, em§V ag $ (2) ~r^Ëg ag, dra ag
(3) dra ag, H$éU ag (4) dra ag, em§V ag

15. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

( a) emoH$, {VañH$ma, AmíM`© `m§Mm CëboI hmoVmo Voìhm CX²Jma {MÝh X`mdo.
( b) XmoZ g§`wŠV eãX OmoS>VmZm g§`moJ {MÝh X`mdo.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr `mo½` $ (2) \$ŠV a `mo½`
(3) XmoÝhr `mo½` Zmhr (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`

16. "amOH$s` nwT>mar ho \$ŠV boIZm_Ü`o eyanUm XmI{dVmV'

(AYmoao{IV eãXmgmR>r AMyH$ dmH²$àMma AmoiIm)
(1) AñI{bV {bhrUo (2) em¡`© JmO{dUo
(3) H$mJXr KmoS>o ZmM{dUo (4) ñdÀN> d gw§Xa {bhrUo

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17. nwT>rb eãXm§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.

(a) ZXr (i) e¡b
(b) nd©V (ii) A§~y
(c) nmUr (iii) j_m
(d) n¥Ïdr (iv) Va§{JUr
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

18. g§`wŠV {H«$`mnXmV YmVwgm{YVo Am{U ghm`H$ {H«$`mnX AgyZ {H«$`m _mÌ XmoZ XmI{dë`m OmVmV.
(1) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho.
(2) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.
(3) h`m {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(4) h`m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.

19. XodZmJar {bnr hr AmXe© {bnr _mZbr OmVo ; H$maU -------

(a) àË`oH$ ÜdZrbm {MÝh AgVo.
(b) EH$M ÜdZr EH$m nojm A{YH$ {MÝhm§Zr XmI{dbm OmVmo.
(c) H$moUVohr {MÝh EH$nojm A{YH$ ÜdZr XmI{dV Zmhr.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c $ (2) a Am{U b (3) b Am{U c (4) a, b Am{U c

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

20. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr CXmhaUo V¥Vr` ì`§OZ g§YrMr AmhoV ?

(a) f{S´>ny (b) gXmZ§X (c) dmJrídar (d) AãO
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b `mo½`$ (2) b Am{U c `mo½`
(3) a, b, d `mo½` (4) a, b c, d gd© `mo½`

21) "H$moëhmnyar Jwi Q>mHw$Z AmB©Zo Am§~Q>-JmoS> daU ~Z{dbo'

(dmŠ`mVrb {deofUm§Mm AZwH«$_o àH$ma AmoiIm)
(1) JwU {deofU, JwU {deofU (2) Zm_gm{YV {deofU, JwU {deofU
(3) YmVwgm{YV {deofU, JwU{deofU (4) Zm_gm{YV {deofU g§»`m {deofU

22) nwT>rb dmŠ`m§Vrb H$mi AmoiIm

(a) _r OmUma hmoVmo. (b) _r Jobmo AgoZ.
n`m©` …-
(1) ^yV^yV, ^yV^{dî` (2) ^{dî`^yV, ^yV^yV
(3) ^{dî`^yV, ^yV^{dî` (4) ^yV^{dî`, ^{dî`^yV

23) nwT>rbn¡H$s "g_wÐ' eãXmMo g_mZmWu eãX AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) AU©d (b) aËZmH$a (c) gmag (c) VQ>mH$
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b Am{U c (2) b Am{U c (3) b,c,d (4) a Am{U b

24) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm

(a) g§`wŠV dmŠ` ho àYmZËdgyMH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``m§Zr OmoS>bobo AgVo.
(b) Ho$db dmŠ`mV EH$M CX²Xoí` Am{U EH$M {dÜ`o` AgVo.
(c) Vwåhr `eñdr PmbmV åhUOo AmB©-dS>rbm§À`m Am`wî`mMo gmW©H$ hmoB©b ---- ho g§`wŠV
dmŠ` Amho.
n`m©` …-

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
(1) \$ŠV b ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$ (2) \$ŠV a ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(3) a, b, ~amo~a c MyH$ (4) a, b, Am{U c ~amo~a

25. "JmdmVrb e§H$a Am{U am_^mD$ `m§Mo {di`m^moni`m EdT>o g»` hmoVo'
(AYmoao{IV eãXmgmR>r `mo½` eãXg_wh {ZdS>m)
(1) ^mD$~§XH$s (2) OdiMr _¡Ìr
(3) g»`o eoOmar (4) nŠHo$ eÌwËd

26) "EH$mM ^mJmVrb bmoH$m§Zm EH$_oH$m§Mo JwU-Xmof Mm§JboM _m{hV AgVmV'----------

Agm AW© ì`ŠV H$aUmar åhU {ZdS>m.
(1) T>di`m eoOmar ndim ~m§Ybm, dmU Zmhr nU JwU bmJbm
(2) Á`m JmdÀ`m ~moar, Ë`mM JmdÀ`m ~m^ir
(3) _mH$S>mÀ`m hmVmV H$mobrV
(4) JmS>`m ~amo~a Zi`mMr `mÌm

27) ewÜX eãX`moJr Aì``o dmnabobm n`m©` {ZdS>m

(a) gd© {dÚmÏ`mª_Ü`o AemoH$M hþema Amho.
(b) H$mH$m§~amo~a _r gwÜXm {Xëbrg Jobmo hmoVmo.
(c) XJS>m n[ag drQ> _D$
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b
(3) b Am{U c (4) a Am{U b

28) nwT>rb dU©ZmdéZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) Vo ^mdZmàYmZ AgVmV. (b) Ë`m§Zm {d^ŠVr {dH$ma hmoV Zmhr.
(c) Vo ^mfoMo gm¢X`© dmT>{dVmV. (d) Vo ~hþYm dmŠ`ma§^r `oVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) ^mfoMo Ab§H$ma (2) {H«$`m{deofU Aì``
(3) Ho$db à`moJr Aì`` (4) gm_m{gH$ eãX

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

29. nwT>rb{dYmZo dmMm

(a) nUm àË``mÝV ^mddmMH$ Zm_o nwpëb¨Jr AgVmV.
(b) Ëd à``mÝV ^mddmMH$ Zm_ Znw§gH$qbJr AgVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
(3) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV b AMyH$

30) nwT>rb dmŠ`mVrb C^`mÝd`r Aì``m§Mo àH$ma H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm.

(a) ~KVm-~KVm gy`© ~wS>mbm Am{U npíM_ {Xem bmb Pmbr.
(b) EH$ S>m°ba åhUOo gËVoMmirg én`o
(c) e|S>r VwQ>mo dm nma§~r VwQ>mo.
n`m©` …-
(1) g_wƒ`~moYH$, g§Ho$V~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$
(2) n[aUm_~moYH$, CX²Xoe~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$
(3) g_wƒ~moYH$, H$maU~moYH$, Ý`wZËd~moYH$
(4) g_wƒ`~moYH$, ñdén~moYH$, {dH$ën~moYH$

31) "Hw§$~iobm ~mX H$éZ dm°Z©Zo Amnbm {Vgam ~ir {_i{dbm.'

(`m dmŠ`mVrb H$Vm© AmoiIm)
(1) Hw§$~io (2) ~ir (3) dm°Z© (4) {Vgam

32) _mÂ`mOdi n¡go AmhoV.

(ho dmŠ` ZH$mamWu H$go hmoB©b ? )
(a) _mÂ`mOdi n¡go ZmhrV (b) _mÂ`mOdi n¡go ZìhVo.
(c) _mÂ`mOdi n¡go ZmhrV Ago Zmhr (d) _mÂ`mOdi n¡go ZgVrb.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c (2) \$ŠV c (3) \$ŠV a (4) b Am{U c

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33) OmoS>mja hr g§H$ënZm nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m n`m©`mVyZ AMyH$ ì`ŠV hmoB©b?

(a) ì`§OZ + ñda (b) ì`§OZ + ì`§OZ
(c) ì`§OZ + VoM ì`§OZ + ñda (d) ì`§OZ + ì`§OZ + ì`§OZ + ñda
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am[U c (2) c Am[U d (3) a, c Am[U d (4) \$ŠV d

34) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVo CXmhaU {dgJ© a² g§YrMo Amho ?

(a) YZwdm©V (b) MVw…gwÌr (c) XþO©Z (d) _ZmoaW
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am[U b (2) a, b Am[U c (3) a Am[U c (4) \$ŠV c

35. nwT>rb H$moUVo dmŠ` ~amo~a Amho.

(a) dmH²$àMma hm eãXg_wh AgVmo.
(b) dmH²$àMma ho g§nyU© dmŠ` AgVo.
(c) dmH²$àMmambm VrZ eãXm§Mr _`m©Xm AgVo.
(d) dmH²$àMma dmŠ`mV OgoÀ`m Vgo dmnam`Mo AgVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am[U b (2) a Am[U d (3) a, b, d (4) c Am[U d

36) nwT>rbn¡H$s ì`mH$aUmÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo `mo½` Agbobm eãX AmoiIm.

(a) ददु ै वी (b) ददू ै वी (c) XÿX}dr (d) XÿX}dr
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) a Am[U b (3) a, b Am[U c (4) \$ŠV c

37. nmgyZ Am{U n{bH$S>o `m eãX`moJr Aì``m§Mm Cn`moJ H$moUË`m {d^ŠVr H$m`m©gmR>r Ho$bm OmVmo ?
(a) pìXVr`m (b) V¥Vr`m (c) n§M_r (d) gá_r
n`m©` …-
(1) c Am[U d (2) b Am[U c (3) b, c Am[U d (4) \$ŠV d

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38) nwT>rb dmŠ`o dmMyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) EH$mjar eãXmMo gm_mÝ`én hmoVo.
(b) J«m_ qH$dm XoedmMH$ {deofZm_mMo gm_mÝ`én H$Yr-H$Yr hmoV Zmhr
(c) D$-H$mamÝV nwpëb¨Jr eãXm§Mo gm_mÝ` én `m-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am[U b `mo½` (2) b Am[U c `mo½`
(3) \$ŠV c `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`

39) gH$_©H$ H$V©ar à`moJmÀ`m dmŠ`mVrb {H«$`mnX Zoh_r dV©_mZ H$mir AgVo Am{U Aem à`moJmVrb
H$_© gàË``r pìXVr`oV AgVo.
(1) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… A`mo½` Amho. (2) ho {dYmZ nwU©V… `mo½` Amho.
(3) `m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© `mo½` Amho. (4) `m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© `mo½` Amho.

40) nwT>rbn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZo {ZdS>m.

(a) ^mfoVrb _ybÜdZr ho Cƒmaj_ d lmì` AgVmV.
(b) ^mfoVrb dU© ho _ybÜdZtMr {MÝho AgVmV.
(c) _ybÜdqZMo {b{IV én åhUOoM dU© hmo`
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) b Am[U c (3) a Am[U c (4) a, b Am[U c

41. EHo$ {Xder AaÊ`mV bú_UmZo ~mUmZo ewn©ZIoMo ZmH$ H$mnbo

(AYmoao{IV eãXmÀ`m {H«$`mnXmer AgUmam H$maH$g§~§Y H$moUVm ?)
(1) A{YH$aU (2) H$aU (3) AnmXmZ (4) g§àXmZ

42. dmŠ`m§Vrb gd©Zm_m§Mo àH$ma Ë`m§À`m H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm ?

(a) Z_©Xm hr npíM_ dm{hZr ZXr Amho.
(b) Jwáhoamg H$m` _m{hV ZgVo
(c) Vmo AmnUmbm J§wS> g_OVmo.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

n`m©` …-
(1) Xe©H$, àíZmW©H$, nwéfdmMH$ gd©Zm_
(2) g§~§Yr, gm_mÝ`, nwéfdmMH$ gd©Zm_
(3) Xe©H$, gm_mÝ`, AmË_dmMH$ gd©Zm_
(4) g§~§Yr, àíZmW©H$, , AmË_dmMH$ gd©Zm_

43) nwT>rbn¡H$s "nËZr' `m eãXmbm g_mZmWu Zgbobm eãX gm§Jm.

(a) O`m (b) Xmam (c) V{hZr (d) dm_m§Ìr
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV d (2) \$ŠV c (3) c Am[U d (4) b, c , d

44) g_mgmMo àH$ma AmoiIm.

(a) nmZgwnmar-g_mhma ìX§ìX g_mg (b) {Ì^wdZ - pìXJy g_mg
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhrhr `mo½` (2) XmoÝhr A`mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
45) A§J- hm eãX Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m AWmªZo dmnabm OmVmo.
(a) {d^mJ (b) {Xem (c) g§~§Y eara (d) {R>H$mU
n`m©` …-
(1) b, c ~amo~a (2) a, b, c ~amo~a (3) c, d ~amo~a (4) a, b, c, d ~amo~a

nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ àíZ H«$_m§H$ 46 Vo 50 Mr CËVao X`m.

_amR>r ^mfm _aUmoÝ_wI Pmbobr Amho Ago Hw$UrM åhUUma Zmhr. {VMr àH¥$Vr H$Xm{MV amhmdr
{VVH$s ~amo~a amhmV Zgob. emór` dmS²>_`mMm ì`m`m_ KoÊ`mMm {Vbm H§$Q>mim Amho. ào_mMr I_§J \$moS>Ur
{Xbobo nXmW©M {Vbm \$ma AmdS>VmV. {VMr dof^yfm AJXr AmOÀ`m KQ>Ho$bm emo^Umar Agbr, Var _Z
_mÌ AOyZ _mJÀ`m H$mimV a|JmiV Amho, BË`mXr Amjonm§V WmoS>mgm VÏ`m§e Agbm Var {VÀ`m `m VH«$mar
H$mhr H$m`_ {Q>H$Umè`m ZmhrV. Á`m§Mo AmgZ gañdVr _§{XamV pñWa Pmbo Amho, Aem bmoH${à` b{bV
boIH$m§Zr Amnë`m AmdS>rÀ`m emóm{df`r dmS²>_` {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mMo R>a{dbo Va Vo H$m` Ë`m§Zm AeŠ`

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

Amho? "JaO Vgm nwadR>m' ho VÎd _bm dmS²>_`mVhr _mÝ` Amho; nU Vo nmiVmZm boIH$mZo ì`mnmar hmoD$
Z`o. S>m°ŠQ>a ìhmdo. amo½`mÀ`m earambm Á`m Á`m Ðì`mMr Oéar AgVo Vr Vr Am¡fYm§À`m Ûmao Ë`mbm XoUo hoM
S>m°ŠQ>am§Mo H$V©ì` Zìho H$m? {edm` JaO Vgm nwadR>m `m VÎdmBVHo$M "JaO hr H$ënH$VoMr AmB©' ho VÎdhr
à{gÕ Amho. åhUOo nwadR>m d H$ënH$Vm `m§Mo ~hrU-^md§S>mMo ZmVo hmoVo. ho ZmVo nmiÊ`mMr XjVm
boIH$m§Zr ¿`m`bm ZH$mo H$m ?

46. _amR>r ^mfo{df`r H$moUVo Amjon KoVbo OmVmV?

(1) emór` dmS²>_`mMm ì`m`m_ KoÊ`mMm {Vbm H§$Q>mim Ambm Amho.
(2) _amR>r ^mfoMo _Z AmYw{ZH$ Amho.
(3) _amR>r ^mfoMr dof^yfm OwZrM Amho.
(4) _amR>r ^mfoMr àH¥$Vr AJXr CÎm_ Amho.
47. dmS²>_`mV H$moUVo VÎd boIH$mbm _mÝ` Amho?
(1) amo½`mÀ`m earambm Am¡fYmÛmao Ðì` XoUo (2) JaO Vgm nwadR>m
(3) nwadR>m d H$ënH$VMm `m§Mo _m`boH$m§Mo ZmVo (4) `mn¡H$s H$moUVoM Zmhr

48. b{bV boIH$m§H$Sy>Z H$moUVr Anojm ì`º$ Ho$br Amho?

(1) AmdS>Umam {df`M boIZmV AmUy Z`o (2) bmoH${à` gm{hË` {bhmdo
(2) boIH$mZo ì`mnmar hmoD$ Z`o (4) "JaO Vgm nwadR>m' `m Ý`m`mZo gm{hË`boIZ H$amdo

49. "JaO Vgm nwadR>m' `mà_mUoM Xþgao H$moUVo VÎd à{gÕ Agë`mMo boIH$ åhUVmo?
(1) nwadR>m d H$ënH$Vm `m§Mo AmB© _wbmMo ZmVo (2) JaO hr H$ënH$VoMr AmB©
(3) JaO ho EH$ Am¡fY (4) amoJ Vgo Am¡fY
50. b{bV boIH$m§Zr H$moUVo ZmVo nmiÊ`mMr XjVm ¿`mdr, Ago boIH$mg dmQ>Vo?
(1) nwadR>m d H$ënH$Vm `m§Mo ~hrU ^md§S>mMo ZmVo. nmiÊ`mMr
(2) dmMH$m§À`m _Zmbm nQ>ob Vgo {b{hÊ`mMr
(3) _Zmbm dmQ>ob VgoM {b{hÊ`mMr
(4) JaOoà_mUo {b{hÊ`mMr

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Twenty miles are not a great distance in these days of rapid travel.

b) Horse and carriage was at the door.

c) Bread and butter is wholesome food.

(1) Only (b) and (c) (2) Only (a) and (c)

(3) All are correct (4) Only (a)

52. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) The new stock control system for spare parts which are dispatched everyday
were supplied by Datadot and Company.

b) Gulliver’s travels is written by Jonathan swift.

c) Anyone trying to unravel the complexities of these forms are in danger of

making mistakes.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (b) (4) Only (a) and (c)

53. Fill in the blank to complete the meaningful sentence:

It is no use in crying over_________

(1) split milk (2) spilled milk (3) spoil milk (4) spilt milk

54. Which one of the following sentence does express the immediate future action?

(1) We shall be playing the match in half an hour.

(2) One of my relatives is going to stay with us.

(3) We will be attending the lecture.

(4) She returns from the UK this winter.

55. I hope that the rains will _______ for our picnic tomorrow.

Fill in the blank to make meaningful sentence:

1) Keep off 2) put off 3) set back 4) stay out

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

56. Choose the alternative containing the correct sequence of words to fill in the
blanks in the given sentences.

a. ___________ was a big audience for the concert that night.

b. ___________is no answer.

c. ____________is a car outside.

(1) There, It, It (2) There, There, There

(3) There, There, It (4) It, It, It

57. Choose the correct sentence/s from the given below:

a) The committee has given its report.

b) The committee have varied in their views.

c) The jury was given its report.

d) The jury were divided in their opinions.

(1) Only (a) (b) and (c) (2) Only (a) and (c)

(3) Only (b) and (d) (4) All are correct

58. Match the following to fill in the blanks:

(a) Put the cat among the __________ (i) Bucket

(b) Pour oil on troubled ___________ (ii) water

(c) The game is not worth the_________ (iii) pigeons

(d) Kick the___________ (iv) Candle

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i).

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59 Choose the word/s with correct spelling/s.


(1) Only (a) and (c) (2) Only (a)

(3) Only (b) (4) Only (c)

60 Which of the following words are synonyms with the word ABROGATE?

a) repudiate b) repeal c) revoke d) promulgate

(1) Only (a) (b) and (c) (2) Only (b) (c) and (d)

(3) Only (a) and (d) (4) Only (b) and (d)

61 Match the following underlined words with their parts of speech.

(a) They arrived soon after (i) Conjunction

(b) He takes after his father (ii) Adjective

(c) After ages shall sing his glory (iii) Preposition

(d) We went away after they had left (iv) Adverb

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i).

62 Identify the sentence/s which is/ are incorrect:

a) Neither action was just nor unjust.

b) Neither I insulted him nor his friend.

c) Both he is an artist and a social worker.

d) We both respect and love our parents.

(1) Only (a) (b) (2) Only (b) (d)

(3) Only (b) (c) (4) Only (a) (b) (c)

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63 Choose the correct option respectively:

(a) Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

(b) The reason why I did it is obvious.

(c) Since I lost my spectacle, I haven’t been able to do any work.

(1) Adjective clause, adjective clause, adverb clause

(2) Adjective clause, adverb clause, adverb clause

(3) Adverb clause, adjective clause, adverb clause

(4) Adjective clause, adjective clause, adjective clause

64 Choose the correct preposition for the given sentences:

a) He has no desire_________fame.

b) He is desirous ________visiting Agra.

(1) for, for (2) of, for (3) for, of (4) for, to

65. What does the following idiom mean?

Costs an arm and a leg

(1) Severe punishment to someone

(2) Too much consciousness about one’s body

(3) Two difficult alternatives

(4) Something very expensive

66. The CBI officials followed up the clue, but it proved to be A MARE’S NEST.

Find out the meaning of the above phrase in given sentence

(1) Useless (2) baseless (3) time consuming (4) an unfounded rumour

67. Select the appropriate meaning of the below idiom given in below sentence:

We are afraid that you may be LED ASTRAY in Arvind’s bad company.

(1) get into trouble (2) misguided (3) lose the job (4) head

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68. One who studies and collects coins:

(1) Philatelist (2) Nuncio (3) Bibliophile (4) Numismatist

69. Choose the similar words for the word LOQUACIOUS.

a) garrulous b) talkative c) chatty d) reserved

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (d) (4) Only (a) (b) (c)

70. Select the correct meaning of below phrasal verb:

The affection of his wife bore him up in the midst of all his problems.

(1) to sustain (2) to deceive

(3) to humble down (4) made crazy

71. Select the appropriate articles for the below sentences:

a) ________water is essential for life.

b) ________water in this jug is not clean.

(1) a, the (2) the, no article

(3) no article, no article (4) no article, the

72. Choose the correct sentence:

a. She got up when the alarm clock went off.

b. Erika had dropped her bag while she was getting into her car.

c. It was the first time I'd talked to Ella outside the office.

d. She will be taking up her place at University in October.

(1) a and c (2) a, c and d

(3) b and d (4) b, c and d.

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73. Which of the following options is the correct form of reported speech of the
sentence given below?

Jackie said to me; please don't tell anybody what happened?”

(1) Jackie told me not to tell anybody what happened.

(2) Jackie said to me not to tell anybody what happened.

(3) Jackie asked me not to tell anybody what happened.

(4) Jackie requested me not to tell anybody what had happened.

74. (a) He was always honest, although he was poor.

(b) Only hold your tongue, and you can hold anything else.

(c) I had lost my keys, but I have found them.

Identify the odd sentence/s.

(1) Only (a) (2) only b)

(3) only c) (4) None the above

75. Pick out the incorrect pair from the following :

(a) foolish – foolishly (b) active - actively

(c) ideal - ideally (d) week - weekly

Answer options:

(1) d only (2) d only

(3) b and (4) c only

76 Which of the sentence/s is not in passive voice?

a) Let he be allowed to speak for half an hour.

b) We should not spend much time in gossip.

c) Her guilt has been discovered.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) only (a) and (c)

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77. Which of the sentence/s is a simple sentence/s:

a) Besides robbing the poor child, he also murdered her.

b) Owing to ill luck, he met with a bad accident on the eve of his examination.

c) The boy was disobedient, and so the teacher punished him.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (a) (4) All

78 Select the correct question tag:

a) Few persons can keep a secret, can they?

b) There is little hope of his recovery, is there?

c) A little tact would have saved the situation, wouldn’t it?

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (a) (4) All

79 Choose the correct sentence/s from given below:

a) We discussed about the matter yesterday.

b) He described about the scenery.

c) I have ordered for three cups of coffee.

d) She requested for my help.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) (c) (3) Only (d) (4) None

80 Choose the correct sentence:

a) Can you tell me why are you interested in an administrative career?

b) How long she is staying in India?

c) What should I do for you?

(1) Only (c) (2) Only (b) (c) (3) Only (a) (b) (4) All

81. Japanese cameras are superior _________ those made in China.

Fill in the blank:

(1) to (2) than (3) from (4) with

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82. ‘Colon’ is used _______

(1) To introduce quotation (2) To separate clauses

(3) To join the sentences (4) To indicate the omission of words

83 Choose the correct option to fill in the blank

______________is still uncertain.

(1) Where was he in the spring of 1970

(2) In the spring of 1970 where was he

(3) In the spring of 1970 where he was

(4) Where he was in the spring of 1970

84 Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Ramesh doesn’t like sweet, nor do I.

b) He didn’t believe it, neither I did.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Both (4) Neither

85 Select the correct usage of homophones in the given sentences:

a) The poem is explained properly with the help of many allusions.

b) The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Both (4) Neither

86 Fill in the blank:

a) He was found in ________with the plotters.

b) There is always _______between smugglers and politicians.

1) collision, collision 2) collusion, collusion

3) collision, collusion 4) collusion, collision

87. Select the incorrect phrase:

(1) To rule with an iron leg (2) give the game away

(3) A wild goose chase (4) To make clean breast of

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88. Choose the incorrect pair of given options:

1) Coup de grace: final blow of killing someone.

2) Sine die: for indefinite time.

3) déjà vu: feeling of remembering something

4) modus vivendi: method of doing something

89. Select a word for underlined words in the sentence.

In ancient England there was the Government by the king or queen.

(1) anarchy (2) plutocracy (3) monarchy (4) aristocracy

90 Choose the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks in the given sentences.

a) He______ spoken to him on the subject many times.

b) He_______ speaking to him for ten minutes.

(1) Have, has been (2) Has been, has

(3) Has, has been (4) Did, has been

91. Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct.

(a) By the time we arrived at the station, the train had left.

(b) Since he has completed his job, he left early.

(1) Only a (2) Only b (3) Both 4) Nether

92. ________ he as industrious, I encouraged him.

Use the appropriate conjunction for the above sentence.

(1) Since (2) If (3) For 4) Although

93. Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct:

a) A pair of shoes were standing in the corner.

b) That pair of scissors belong to me.

c) Mumps is very dangerous disease.

(1) Only a and b (2) Only a and c (3) Only b and c 4) Only c

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94. A squirrel's home:

(1) Achieves (2) Drey

(3) kennel (4) Nest

95. Choose the correct meaning of the word underlined.

He is noted for his benevolent nature.

(1) generous (2) flexible (3) pleasing (4) brave

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question number 96 to 100
given below it:

Now India’s children have a right-to receive at least eight years of education, the
growing question is whether it will remain on paper or become a reality. One hardly
needs a reminder that this right is different from the others enshrined in the
Constitution, that the beneficiary – a six year old child cannot demand it, nor can she or
he fight a legal battle when the right is denied or violated. In all cases, it is the adult
society which must act on behalf of the child. In another peculiarity, where a child’s
right to education is denied, no compensation offered later can be adequate or relevant.
This is so because childhood does not last. If a legal battle fought on behalf of a child is
eventually won, it may be of little use to the boy or girl because the opportunity missed
at school during childhood cannot serve the same purpose later in life. This may be
painfully true for girls because our society permits them only a short childhood, if at all.
The Right to Education (RTE) has become law at a point in India’s history when the
ghastly practice of female infanticide has resurfaced in the form of foeticide. This is
“symptomatic of a deeper turmoil” in society which is compounding the traditional
obstacles to the education of girls. Tenacious prejudice against the intellectual potential
of girls runs across our cultural diversity and the system of education has not been able
to address it.

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96. With reference to the passage, consider the following statements:

a) When children are denied education, adult society does not act on behalf of

b) Right to Education as a law cannot be enforced in the country.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(1) a only (2) b only (3) Both (4) Neither

97 According to the passage, what could be the traditional obstacles to the

education of girls?

a) Inability of parents to fight a legal battle when the Right to Education is denied
to their children.

b) The traditional way of thinking about girls’ role in society.

c) The prejudice against the intellectual potential of girls.

d) Improper system of education.

Select the correct answer from the given options:

(1) a and b only (b) b, c and d only (3) a, c and d only (d) All

98. On the basis of the passage, consider the following statements:

a) Right to Education is a legal right and not a fundamental right.

b) For realising the goal of universal education, the education system in the
country must be made identical to that of developed countries.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(1) a only (b) b only (c) Both (d) Neither

99. Which one of the following statements conveys the key message of the passage?

(1) India has declared that education is compulsory for its children.

(2) Adult society is not keen on implementing the Right to Education.

(3) The Right to Education, particularly of a girl child, needs to be safeguarded.

(4) The system of education should address the issue of Right to Education.

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100. Which one of the following statements conveys the inference of the passage?

(1) The society has a tenacious prejudice against the intellectual potential of

(2) Adults cannot be relied upon to fight on behalf of children for their Right to

(3) The legal fight to get education for children is often protected and

(4) There is no sufficient substitute for education received in childhood.

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Question no. Question no Answers
1 2 51 1
2 3 52 4
3 2 53 4
4 3 54 2
5 4 55 2
6 1 56 2
7 3 57 4
8 3 58 4
9 3 59 4
10 2 60 1
11 4 61 1
12 3 62 4
13 2 63 1
14 3 64 3
15 1 65 4
16 3 66 4
17 1 67 2
18 3 68 4
19 1 69 4
20 4 70 1
21 2 71 4
22 3 72 2
23 4 73 4
24 3 74 1
25 4 75 1
26 2 76 2
27 4 77 1
28 3 78 4
29 1 79 4
30 4 80 1
31 3 81 1
32 2 82 1
33 2 83 4
34 3 84 1
35 2 85 3
36 1 86 2
37 1 87 1
38 4 88 4
39 2 89 3
40 4 90 3

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41 2 91 1
42 3 92 1
43 2 93 4
44 1 94 2
45 4 95 1
46 1 96 4
47 2 97 2
48 4 98 1
49 2 99 4
50 1 100 1

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Test - 06

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1) nwT>o H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`m_YyZ H$moUmMo dU©Z Pmbo Amho `mMm AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) `m§Mm Cƒma ñdV§Ì hmoV Zmhr; CƒmamgmR>r ñdam§Mr _XV ¿`mdr bmJVo.
(b) `m§Zm "hbmÝV' Agohr åhQ>bo OmVo.
(c) `m§Mm Cƒma H$aVmZm _wI g§d¥ËV AgVo.
n`m©` …-
(1) ñda (2) AZwZm{gHo$ (3) ì`§OZo (4) ñdamXr

2) nwT>o H$mhr dmŠ`o {Xbr Amho. Ë`mVyZ AYmoao{IV Ho$boë`m Zm_m§Mm dMZ àH$ma AmoiIm.
(a) ~mOmamV Iwn Am§~m Ambm Amho. (b) am_^mD§$H$S>o A_mn n¡gm Amho.
(c) AmO g^obm hOma _mUyg Var Agob.
n`m©` …-
(1) EH$dMZ (2) AZoH$dMZ (3) pìXdMZ (4) ~hþdMZ

3) _wbm§Zmo, amoO àmW©Zm åhUm.

(h`m dmŠ`mMo {dX`mWu dmŠ`mV énm§Va H$am.)
(1) _wbo amoO àmW©Zm åhUVmV. (2) _wbm§Zr amoO àmW©Zm åhUmdr.
(3) _wbm§Zr amoO àmW©Zm åhQ>br (4) _wbo amoO àmW©Zm åhUV AgVmV.

4) nwT>o H¥$XÝVmg§~§Yr H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV.

`mo½` {dYmZ /{dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) H¥$XÝVo {H«$`mnXmà_mUo EH$Q>o dmŠ`nyVu H$é eH$VmV.
(b) H¥$XÝVmg Zm_mgd©Zm_mà_mUo qbJ-dMZmMo {dH$ma hmoVmV.
(c) Uo-H¥$XÝV hr dmŠ`mV Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo `mo½` (2) gd© {dYmZo A`mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a `mo½` (4) b Am{U c `mo½`

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5) Imbr H$mhr {dYmZm§_Ü`o {d^ŠVr à{VénH$ eãX`moJr Aì``o {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`m§À`m H«$_mZwgma {d^ŠVr
àH$ma AmoiIm
(a) Vmo b½Zm{àË`W© Jmdr Jobm (b) g§Vm§R>m`r _moR>onU AgVo.
(c) H$nS>o dmè`m_wio bdH$a dmiVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) fîR>r, gá_r, pìXVr`m (2) MVwWu, gá_r, V¥Vr`m
(3) MVwWu, n§M_r, gá_r (4) fîR>r, pìXVr`m, gá_r

6) "JwamIr Jm`rbm ~m§YVmo ?'

(`m dmŠ`mMo à`moJ nwT>o ~Xbbobo AmhoV. Ë`m§Mo àH$ma AmoiIm.)
(a) Jm` Jwam»`mH$Sy>Z ~m§Ybr Jobr.
(b) Jwam»`mZo Jm`rbm ~m§Ybo.
(c) Jwam»`mMr Jm` ~m§YyZ Pmbr.
n`m©` …-
(1) eŠ` H$_©Ur, ^mdo à`moJ, Z{dZ H$_©Ur à`moJ
(2) àYmZH$Vw©H$ H$_©Ur, gH$_©H$ ^mdo, H$V©ar à`moJ
(3) g_mnZ H$_©Ur, AH$_©H$ ^mdo, H$_©H$V©ar à`moJ
(4) Z{dZ H$_©Ur, gH$_©H$ ^mdo, g_mnZ H$_©Ur à`moJ

7) "_r XdmImÝ`mV nmohmoMbmo; nU'

(`m dmŠ`mZ§Va H$moUVo {dam_{MÝh dmnaUo A{Ve` g_n©H$ R>aob)
(1) AnyU©{dam_ (2) g§`moJ {MÝh
(3) AngmaU {MÝh (4) AY©{dam_

8) EImX`m eãXmMo CnmÝË` Aja B©/D$ Agob Va gm_mÝ`énm_Ü`o "B©' À`m OmJr "`' `oVmo Am{U "D$'
À`m OmJr "d' `oVmo.
(1) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… AMyH$ Amho. (2) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.
(3) h`m {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© AMyH$ Amho. (4) h`m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© AMyH$ Amho.

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9) nwT>rb eãX Am{U Ë`m§Mo AW© `m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.

(a) pìXO (i) ~mhÿ
(b) X§S> (ii) AS>Wim
(c) ZmX (iii) njr
(d) I§S> (iv) N>§X
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

10) AZwH$aUXe©H$ qH$dm ZmXmZwH$mar eãX Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) eoOmarnmOmar (b) XþSy>XþSy> (c) g_moamg_moa (d) M_M_rV
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b (2) b Am{U d
(3) a Am{U c (4) b, c Am{U d

11) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ ~amo~a {dYmZo Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) _Zwî`mÀ`m ^mdZm§Mr Zmdo {deof Zm_o AgVmV.
(b) _Zwî`mÀ`m earam§À`m Ad`dm§Mr Zmdo hr gm_mÝ`Zm_o AgVmV
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a (2) \$ŠV b (3) a Am{U b MwH$ (4) a Am{U b ~amo~a
12) eãX d Ë`m eãXm§Mo qbJ `m§À`m OmoS>`m AmoiIyZ AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) Q>mH$-ñÌrqbJ (b) _m§Oa-ZnwgH$qbJ
(c) {dXþfr-nwpëb¨J (d) AmS>-nwpëb¨J
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV b ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$ $ (2) c Am{U ~amo~a d, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(3) \$ŠV d, ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$ (4) b, c Am{U d ~amo~a a MyH$

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13) nwT>o dmŠ`mV H$mhr gd©Zm_o dmnabr AmhoV. Ë`m§Mo AZwH«$_o àH$ma AmoiIm.
(a) H$moU H$gm dmJob ho gm§JVm `oV Zmhr.
(b) Omo JO}b Vmo nS>ob H$m` ?
(c) AmnU Mm§Jbo dmJbmo Va g_mO Mm§Jbm dmJob.
n`m©` …-
(1) àíZmW©H$, Xe©H$, AmË_dmMH$ gd©Zm_
(2) gm_mÝ`, g§~§Yr, àW_ nwéfdmMH$ gd©Zm_
(3) gm_mÝ`, Xe©H$, àW_ nwéfdmMH$ gd©Zm_
(4) àíZmW©H$, g§~§Yr, pìXVr` nwéfdmMH$ gd©Zm_.

14) g_mg g§~§Yr `mo½` {dYmZo AmoiIm.

(a) Aì``r^md g_mg Agbobo eãX {H«$`m{deofU Xe©{dVmV.
(b) ìX§ìX g_mg Am{U VËnwéf g_mg Agbobo eãX ho Zm_ qH$dm {deofU AgVmV.
n`m©` …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` (2) XmoÝh {dYmZo A`mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`

15) Oa nmD$g Mm§Jbm nS>bm Va nrH$ Mm§Jbo `oB©b.

(`m dmŠ`mnmgyZ {dÚmWu dmŠ` ~Zdm)
(1) nmD$g Mm§Jbm nS>bm Am{U nrH$ Mm§Jbo Ambo.
(2) nmD$g Mm§Jbm nS>bm åhUyZ nrH$ Mm§Jbo Ambo.
(3) nmD$g Mm§Jbm nSy>Z nrH$ Mm§Jbo `mdo.
(4) Ooìhm nmD$g Mm§Jbm nS>bm Voìhm nrH$ Mm§Jbo Ambo.

16) H$moU Xm_y ZmZm Vmo M¡ZrV Amho.

(ho {dYmZ `mo½` {dam_{MÝho dmnéZ H$go {bhmb Vo AmoiIm)
(1) H$moU? Xm_y ZmZm ! Vmo M¡ZrV Amho. (2) H$moU ! Xm_y ZmZm ? Vmo M¡ZrV Amho.
(3) H$moU Xm_y ? ZmZm Vmo M¡ZrV Amho. (4) ""H$moU? Xm_y ZmZm? Vmo M¡ZrV Amho.''

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17) "Hw$UmbMm Aä`mg Pmbobm Amho.'

(`m dmŠ`mVrb "Hw$UmbMm' `m eãXmMo ì`mH$aU nXn[añ\$moQ> nwT>rbà_mUo H$go hmoB©b)
(1) _wieãX- Hw$Umb, àH$ma-Zm_, nmoQ>àH$ma-{deof Zm_
qbJ-nwpëb¨J, dMZ -EH$dMZ
(2) _wi eãX-Hw$Umb, àH$ma-Zm_, nmoQ>àH$ma-^mddmMH$ Zm_
qbJ-nwpëb¨J, dMZ-EH$dMZ
(3) _yieãX-Hw$Umb, àH$ma-Zm_, nmoQ>àH$ma-gm_mÝ` Zm_
qbJ-pñÌqbJ, dMZ-EH$dMZ
(4) _yieãX-Hw$Umb, àH$ma-Zm_, nmoQ>àH$ma-{deofZm_
qbJ-ñÌrqbJ, dMZ-AZoH$dMZ
18) {_l dmŠ`mV H$moUË`m XmoZ dmŠ`m§Mo {_lU AgVo ?
(a) Ho$db dmŠ` + Ho$db dmŠ` (b) àYmZ dmŠ` + Jm¡U dmŠ`
(c) gmYo dmŠ` + Jm¡U dmŠ` (d) g§`wŠV dmŠ` + Jm¡U dmŠ`
n`m©` …
(1) a Am{U b (2) \$ŠV b (3) b Am{U c $ (4) c Am{U d
19) nwT>o EH$ dmŠ` {Xbo Amho. Ë`mVrb AYmoao{IV eãXm§Mo H«$_mZwgma H$m`© AmoiIm.
"_§w~B©Vrb Kao _mÌ bhmZ ; H$~wVam§À`m IwamS>`mgmaIr'
(1) Cn_mZ, Cn_o`, gmYmaUY_©, gmå`dmMH$ eãX
(2) Cn_o`, gmYmaUY_©, Cn_mZ, gmå`dmMH$ eãX
(3) Cn_mZ, gmYmaUY_©, gmå`dmMH$ eãX, Cn_o`
(4) Cn_o`, gmå`dmMH$ eãX, Cn_mZ, gmYmaUY_©

20) nwT>rb n`m©`m_YyZ H$mbXe©H$ {H«$`m{deofU AgUmam JQ> {ZdS>m.

(a) gËda, Vm~S>Vmo~ (b) dma§dma, A{daV
(c) AmnmoAmn, _wX²Xm_ (d) g^modVmbr, BH$Sy>Z
n`m©` …
(1) \$ŠV b (2) b Am{U c (3) \$ŠV a $ (4) a Am{U b

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21) {d^ŠVr àË``o Am{U eãX`moJr Aì``o `mg§~§Yr AMyH$ {dYmZ/{dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` AmoiIm.
(a) {d^ŠVr àË``m§Zm ñdV…Mm AW© ZgVmo
(b) eãX`moJr Aì``m§Zm ñdV…Mm AW© AgVmo.
(c) {d^ŠVr àË``m§Mm dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo dmna hmoV Zmhr.
(d) eãX`moJr Aì``o dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo dmnabr OmVmV.
n`m©` …
(1) a Am{U b (2) b Am{U d (3) a, c, d `mo½` $ (4) gd© {dYmZo `mo½`

22) H$_i ----- `m eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) amOrd (b) CËnb (c) AãO (d) _YwH$a
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b Am{U c,
(2) b, c Am{U d
(3) \$ŠV b, c
(4) a, Am{U d

23) dmH²$àMma Am{U AW© `m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.

(a) XmV YaUo (i) {MS>{MS> H$aUo
(b) XmoV AmoR> ImUo (ii) {dZ§Vr H$aUo
(c) XmV {dMH$Uo (iii) gwS>mMr ^mdZm ~miJUo.
(d) XmVmÀ`m H$Ê`m H$aUo (iv) {Zb©ÁOnUo hgUo
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

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24) "AYu Q>mHy$Z gJirbm Ymdy Z`o' (`m åhUrMm `mo½` AW© {ZdS>m)
(1) g~§Y dñVy_mJo YmdVmZm AYu hr ~amo~a Ý`mdr.
(2) g~§Y {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r {_imbobr AYu Q>mHy$ Z`o.
(3) g~§Y dñVynojm AYu dñVw Ho§$ìhmhr lo`ñH$a
(4) n[aUm_r AYu Am{U g~§Y dñVw, XmoÝhr hmVmVyZ OmVmV.

25) Imbr H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`m AmYmao `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) ñda ho nyU© CƒmamMo AgVmV.
(b) ì`§OZo qH$dm ñdamÝV ho AnyU© CƒmamMo AgVmV.
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV b `mo½`
(3) a Am{U b `mo½` (4) a, Am{U b A`mo½`

26) gm{YV {H«$`mnX Á`m dmŠ`mV Ambo Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) OwÝ`m AmR>dUtZo _mPo S>moio nmUmdbo. (2) g{MZZo fQ>H$ma _mabm.
(3) Ë`mbm nwñVH$ nm{hOo (4) AmO {Xdg^a gmaIo JS>JS>Vo.

27) nwT>rb CXmhaUm_Yrb eãX`moJr Aì`m`mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.

(nojm, _Ü`o, narg, V_, Va)
(1) hoVydmMH$ (2) H$mbdmMH$ (3) ñWbdmMH$ (4) VwbZmdmMH$
28) eãX d g_mg àH$ma `m§À`m OmoS>`m§_YyZ अयोग्य OmoS>r {ZdS>m.
(a) H¥$îUmn©U-pìXVr`m VËnwéf g_mg (b) Y_©doS>-fîR>r VËnwéf g_mg
(c) IaoImoQ>o-BVaoVa ìX§ìX g_mg (d) ^ŠV{à`-~hþd«rhr g_mg
n`m©` …-
(1) c Am{U d (2) \$ŠV c (3) \$ŠV a (4) a, Am{U c
29) "gmobmnyamV Xadfu nm¡f _{hÝ`mV {gÜXoídamMr JS²>S>m `mÌm ^aVo.'
(`m dmŠ`mVrb _w»` CX²Xoe AmoiIm)
(1) gmobmnyamV (2) nm¡f _{hÝ`mV (3) JS²>S>m `mÌm (4) {gÜXoída

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30) nwT>rb {déÜXmWu eãXmÀ`m OmoS>`m AMyH$ Owidm.

(a) A{Vd¥îQ>r (i) AmJ§VwH$
(b) AdZV (ii) Q>dQ>drV
(c) Am_§{ÌV (iii) AZmd¥îQ>r
(d) _byb (iv) CÞV
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii ) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

31) CngJ©K{Q>V Zgbobm eãXm§Mm JQ> nwT>rb n`m©`mVyZ {ZdS>m.

(1) CËVrU©, CËH$f©, CëboI, CËnËVr (2) gw^m{fV, gwJ_, gwIX, gwH$a
(3) amOH$s`, ñdH$s`, naH$s`, OmVr` (4) g§Vmof, g§J_, g§JrV, g§nmXZ
32) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm
(a) CngJ© ho dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo `oD$ eH$V Zmhr.
(b) CngJmªZm ñdV…Mm AW© AgVmo.
(c) CngJ© bmJë`mZ§Va _yi eãXm§Mm AW© ~XbV Zmhr.
n`m©` …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a (2) a Am{U b ~amo~a
(3) b Am{U c ~amo~a $ (4) gd© {dYmZo MyH$
33) Imbrb \$magr eãXm§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.
(a) BZm_, H$mJX (b) {nñVwb, {VOmoar
(c) _Oya, _hgyb (d) emhra, gmho~
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c ~amo~a (2) b Am[U d ~amo~a
(3) \$ŠV c ~amo~a (4) a Am[U d ~amo~a

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34) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) adtÐZmW Q>mJmoa ho Wmoa H$dr hmoVo.
(b) adtÐZmWm§Zr "JrVm§Obr' ho H$mì` {bhrbo.
(`m dmŠ`m§nmgyZ Ho$db dmŠ` ~Zdm.)
(1) adtÐZmW Q>mJmoa ho Wmoa H$dr hmoVo Ë`m§Zr "JrVm§Obr' ho H$mì` {bhrbo.
(2) JrVm§ObrMo boIH$, aqdÐZmW Q>mJmoa ho Wmoa H$dr hmoVo.
(3) adtÐZmW Q>mJmoam§Zr "JrVm§Obr' ho H$mì` {bhrbo, Vo Wmoa H$dr hmoVo.
(4) adtÐZmW Q>mJmoam§Zr "JrVm§Obr' ho H$mì` {bhrbo; {edm` Vo Wmoa H$dr hmoVo.

35) "H$Q>ßnm ~mhþ~brg _maVmo'

(`m à`moJmMo àYmZH$Vw©H$ H$_©Ur à`moJmV énm§Va H$am.)
(1) H$Q>ßnmZo ~mhþ~brg _mabo.
(2) ~mhþ~br H$Q>ßnm H$Sy>Z _mabm Jobm.
(3) H$Q>ßnm ~mhþ~br _maVmo.
(4) H$Q>ßnmZo ~mhþ~br _mabm.

36) nwT>rbn¡H$s AMyH$ OmoS>r AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(1) ñdén~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``- EH$ én`m åhUOo e§^a n¡go
(2) Ý`wZËd~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì`` - JS> Ambm Am{U qgh Jobm.
(3) g§Ho$V~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``- nmg Pmbmo åhUyZ noT>o dmQ>bo.
(4) n[aUm_ ~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì``- ~{jg {_imdo g~~ Vom _ohZV KoVmo.
37) àW_ ì`§OZ g§YrMo CXmhaU Á`m n`m©`mV Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) gX²^m½` (b) fÊ_wI (c) dmŠMmVy`© (d) eaËH$mb
(1) a Am{U c (2) \$ŠV b (3) c Am{U d (4) \$ŠV d

38) ^mH$S> H$Wm --------

(`m eãXmgmR>r `mo½` eãXg_wh {ZdS>m.)
(1) nm¡am{UH$ JmoîQ>r (2) Vm|S>mVm|S>r MmbV Ambobr H$Wm
(3) dÝ`Ord-newnjr `mg§~§Yr H$Wm (4) {ZaW©H$ JmoîQ>r {H$§dm Jßnm

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39) d§MZm ------- `m eãXmMm AW© -------

(1) {dnwbVm (2) \$gdUyH$ (3) Anm`H$maH$ AÞ (4) Iwfm_V

40) EH$mXerÀ`m Kar {edamÌ `oUo --------

(`m åhUrMm `mo½` AW© n`m©`mVyZ {Z>dS>m)
(1) J[a~rV {Xdg H$mT>Uo (2) CndmgmÀ`m {Xder OmñV ImUo
(3) EH$mXer Am{U {edamÌ XmoÝhr Cndmg H$aUo (4) g§H$Q>mV AmUIr g§H$Q> `oUo.
41) "{ed Ioam `m§Zr VéUm§Zm àmoËgm{hV H$aUmar nwñVHo$ {bhrbr AmhoV'
(`m dmŠ`mÀ`m dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aUmÀ`m OmoS>`m bmdm)
dmŠ` dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aU
(a) VéUm§Zm àmoËgm{hV H$aUmar (i) _w»` {dÜ`o`
(b) {edIoam (ii) H$_©
(c) nwñVHo$ (iii) H$_©{dñVma
(d) {bhrbr AmhoV (iv) _w»` CX²Xoí`
n`m©` …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
42) nwT>rb eãXm§Vrb H$moUË`m eãXm§Mm Cƒma hm X§VVmbì` qH$dm X§V_ybr` Amho?
(a) O_mV (b) Mmoa (c) Ob (d) OZJUZm
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c $$ (2) c Am{U d (3) a Am{U b (4) \$ŠV a

43) "~gbm' `m gmÜ`m ^yVH$mir {H«$`mnXmnmgyZ `mo½` [aVr ^yVH$mir {H«$`mnX V`ma hmoUmam AMyH$ n`m©`
(1) ~gV AgVmo (2) ~gV Ago (3) ~gV OmB©Z (4) ~gbm Amho.

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44) "hm eQ>©' _r A§XmOmZo AmUbm`, nU gwX¡dmZ§ Vwbm AJXr N>mZ ~gVmo Amho.
(AYmoao{IV eãXmMm dmH²$àMma AmoiIm)
(1) A§JmV _waUo (2) A§Jr bmJUo (3) A§Jmda `oUo (4) A§Jmbm hmoUo

45) ì`mH$aUÑîQ>`m ewÜX eãX AmoiIm?

(a) pñWVrñWmnH$Ëd (b) {efm©gZ (c) àepñVnÌ (d) nyd©nr{R>H$m
n`m©` …-
(1) gd© eãX `mo½` (2) gd© eãX A`mo½`
(3) \$ŠV c Am{U d (4) a c , d `mo½`

nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ 46 Vo 50 àíZm§Mr AMyH$ CËVao X`m.

_hmË_m \w$bo `m§À`mà_mUo emhÿ N>ÌnVtZr Amnë`m gm_m{OH$ gwYmaUoÀ`m H$m`m©V {ejUmbm à_wI
ñWmZ {Xbo hmoVo. ^maVmÀ`m B{VhmgmV \$ma àmMrZ H$mimnmgyZ {dÚm Am{U l_ `m§Mr VmQ>mVyQ> Pmë`mZo
^m¡{VH$emóm§Mr dmT> `oWo Iw§Q>br hmoVr. ~«m÷U j{Ì`m§Zr VËdkmZ, Y_©emó, Ý`m`, ì`mH$aU, H$mì`,
ZmQ>H$ Aem ñdê$nmMr J«§WaMZm Ho$br. nU AWm}ËnmXZmÀ`m à{H«$`oer Ë`m§Mm àË`j g§~§Y Zgë`mZo
{ZgJm©Mo {Z`_ g_OyZ KoÊ`mMr Ë`m§Zm Amdí`H$Vm dmQ>br Zmhr. g¥{ï>kmZ d g_mO{dkmZ `m_Ü`o AmnU
nmümË`m§À`m IynM _mJo am{hbmo hmoVmo. B§J«Or {ejUm_YyZ ^m¡{VH$emómMm n[aM` Pmbm hmoVm. _mZdr
~wÕrÀ`m gm_Ï`m©Mm Amnë`mbm àË`` Ambm.
B§J«Or {ejUmnmgyZ ^maVr`m§Zm {Vgam S>moim Ambm Amho. ""kmZ hrM eº$s'' ho Va
bmoH${hVdm§XtnmgyZ S>m°. Am§~oS>H$amn`ªV Amnë`m gd©M g_mOZoË`m§Mo ~«rXdmŠ` hmoVo. emhÿ _hmamO `mbm
AndmX ZìhVo. {ejUmZoM Am_Mm VaUmonm` Amho Ago _mPo R>m_ _V Amho. {ejUm{edm` H$moUË`mhr
XoemMr CÞVr Pmbr Zmhr, Ago B{Vhmg gm§JVmo. AkmZmZo ~wOboë`m XoemV _wËgÔr d dra {ZnOUma ZmhrV.
åhUyZM gº$sÀ`m d _mo\$V {ejUmMr qhXþñWmZbm AË`§V Amdí`H$Vm Amho, Aer emhÿ _hmamOm§Mr
{dMmagaUr hmoVr. B§J«Om§Zr {dÚoMr àdoeÛmao gd© OmVtZm Iwbr Ho$br. Á`m§Zm {ejUmMr na§nam ZìhVr,
Ë`m§Zm hm bm^ KoVm Ambm Zmhr. ~hþOZ g_mO Xm[aÐ`mV d AkmZmV pIVnV nS>bm hmoVm. kmZmMr ^yH$
{Z_m©U Pmbr ZìhVr. åhUyZ _hmamOm§Zr {Za{Zamù`m OmVtMr dg{VJ¥ho ñWm{nbr.

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46) CVmam dmMyZ lr emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr H$moUË`m H$m`m©bm gdm©{YH$ ñWmZ {Xbo Ago dmQ>Vo?
(1) B§J«Or {ejU (2) [ejU àgma
(3) dg{VJ¥h H$mT>Uo (4) H«$sS>m

47) ""kmZ hrM eº$s'' `m eãXg_whmnmgyZ "kmZeŠVr' hm eãX {_iVmo. hm H$moUVm g_mg Amho ?
(1) {d^ŠVr VËnwéf g_mg (2) ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(3) H$_©Yma` g_mg (4) Aì``r^md g_mg

48) emhÿ _hmamOm§Mo {ejUmMo H$moUVo YmoaU hmoVo ?

(1) gŠVrMo Am{U _mo\$V {ejU (2) R>am{dH$ {ejU
(3) Am{W©H$ {ejU (4) _`m©{XV {ejU

49) ^maVr` bmoH$m§gmR>r H$moU "{Vgè`m S>moi`mMr' ^y{_H$m ~OmdV Amho ?

(1) _amR>r {ejU (2) ^m¡{VH$emñÌ
(3) gŠVrMo Am{U _mo\$V {ejU (4) B§J«Or {ejU

50) CVmè`mV "CÞVr hmoUo' hm dmH²$àMma Ambm Amho. `mÀ`m {déÜXmWu H$moUVm dmH²$àMma hmoB©b ?
(1) àJVr hmoUo (2) AdZVr hmoUo
(3) CËH$f© hmoUo (4) g§H$Q> AmoT>mdUo

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51. A finite verb in a sentence is a:

(1) Main verb (2) Supporting verb

(3) Participle (4) Phrasal verb

52. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Take care that you should not trip over the carpet.

b) We expect that Henry would pay the bill.

c) Before I bought this house last month, I had lived in it as a tenant for three

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (c) (4) Only (a)

53. Match the following:

a) Rhetoric (i) An inscription on a tomb

b) Epitaph (ii) A gradual recovery from illness

c) Expatriate (iii) The art of elegant speech and writing

d) Convalescent (iv) To banish for one’s country


(1) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(2) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

54. Which of the following is not a type of subjunctive mood?

1) Curse, be on him!

2) I wish my brother were here now so that he could teach me algebra.

3) I would rather you took up the job.

4) My mother tells us fable stories.

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55. Give the antonyms for the following words:


1) dissent, richly, pious 2) reject, synonymous, sacred

3) agreement, near, indulge 4) disagreement, highly, fatal

56. Choose the correct sentence:

a) The man was brought before the Judge who had stolen the watch.

b) A triangle is called equilateral triangle whose three sides are equal.

c) She apologized to the boy whose glasses got broken.

(1) Only (a) (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (a) (4) Only (c)

57. Choose the correct sentence/s from the given below:

a) Every citizen should abide to the laws of his country.

b) I regret that your proposal is acceptable for me.

c) The engineer was accused of taking a bribe from the contractor.

1) only (a) 2) only (b)

3) only (a) and (c) 4) only (c)

58. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

(a) I would have gladly accompanied your sister__________________

(b) ____________________________, I would not have accepted it.

(1) If you had asked me, had I realized the nature of the job earlier.

(2) If you asked me, have I realized the nature of the job earlier.

(3) Unless you had asked me, if I realized the nature of the job earlier.

(4) If you asks me, were I realized the nature of the job earlier.

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59 Choose the sentence/s having transitive verb in it/them:

a) He runs along the beach every morning

b) He runs a small grocery store

c) The plane will take off in five minutes

d) Please take off your shoes before entering the house.

(1) Only (a) and (c) (2) Only (b) and (d)

(3) Above all (4) Only (b) (c) and (d)

60 The old man said to me, “May God bless you, my son!”

Transform the above sentence into indirect narration:

(1) The old man prayed for me that might God bless me.

(2) Calling me a son, the old man told me that God might bless me.

(3) Addressing me as his son, the old man prayed that I might be blessed.

(4) The old man said to me that God may bless me.

61 He said he goes for a walk every morning.

Select the most appropriate direct narration of the above sentence.

(1) He said, “I went for a walk every morning”.

(2) He said, “I go for a walk every morning”.

(3) He said, “I will go for a walk every morning”.

(4) He said, “He goes for a walk every morning”.

62 Identify the underlined conjunction type:

Although they had advertised their goods very well, yet they did not attract many

(1) Compound conjunction (2) Coordinate conjunction

(3) Correlative conjunction (4) Demonstrative conjunction

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63 Identify the correct sentence/s:

a) I prohibited him to go there.

b) I prohibited him from going there.

c) I prohibited him to going there.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) Only (b) (c)

64 Identify the sentences containing adjective clauses:

a) It was midnight when the train collided.

b) She is an author you will not have read.

c) He climbed up a tree when he saw the tiger.

(1) Only (a) (b) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (b) (c) (4) Only (a) (c)

65. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) I made the child to recite the poem three times.

b) The teacher bade her to leave the room at once.

c) Let me try this question.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (c) (4) Only (a)

66. Choose the odd:

a) It is within my capacity to solve this issue.

b) We eat that we may live.

c) The higher you go, the cooler it is.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) only (c ) (4) None

67. Choose the odd:

a) Perform: Performance b) Depart: Departure

c) Evaluate: Evaluation d) Attract: Attractive

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) only (c) (4) Only (d)

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68. Find the correct match pair/s:

(a) Sororicide - The act of killing one’s sister

(b) Parricide - The act of killing one’s parents

(c) Regicide - The act of killing the king/queen.

(d) Filicide - The killing of one's son or daughter

(1) Only (a) and (c) (2) Only (b) and (d)

(3) All (4) (a) and (b)

69. Choose the sentence in which the homophones are used correctly.

a) I hope you are not lying to me.

b) My books are lying on the table.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b)

(3) Both (4) Neither

70 Fill in the blank:

______ I not informed you about this, you would have missed the opportunity.

(1) Had (2) If (3) Unless (4) Provided

71. Identify the incorrect meaning of the following word:


(1) A thing you can see or touch

(2) A goal

(3) A noun that receives the action of a verb

(4) To support to

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72. Transform the following sentence into active voice:

All illegal constructions were demolished.

(1) It was decided to demolish all illegal constructions.

(2) All illegal constructions demolished by the authority.

(3) The municipal authorities demolished all illegal constructions.

(4) The authorities had demolished all illegal constructions.

73. He is working day and night so that he may improve his prospects in life.

Transform the above complex sentence into a simple sentence:

(1) He is working day night such that he may improve his prospects in life.

(2) He is working day and night to improve his prospects in life.

(3) He is working day and night and he may improve his prospects in life.

(4) He is working day night in order that he may improve his prospects in life.

74. Fill in the blank:

Nobody knew _________________

(1) where did she go after dinner.

(2) where did she go after dinner?

(3) where she went after dinner.

(4) where had she gone after dinner?

75. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Tue happiness is highly____________.

b) Worldly pleasures are__________, for they cannot bring true happiness.

(1) elusive, illusive (2) illusive, elusive

(3) illusive, illusive (4) elusive, elusive

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76 Replace the underlined sentence if necessary:

If you would have taken the medicine, you could have gone to school today.

(1) If you would take

(2) If you took

(3) If you had taken

(4) No correction required

77. Match the following:

a) Get at (i) reach

b) Get down (ii) leave

c) Get on with (iii) leave together pleasantly

d) Get over (iv) overcome


(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(3) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

78 Identify the sentence/s having noun clause:

a) What cannot be cured must be endured.

b) The children admitted that they had made a mistake.

c) My major issue is how I will prepare for this exam.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b)

(3) Only (a) (4) All

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79 Which one of the sentence expresses the unreal condition?

a) If you don’t wash your hands, I will not serve you a food.

b) I wish my brother were here.

c) If I went to England, I might see the queen.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c) (3) Only (a) (4) All

80. The following words are the examples of:

Peek Pique Peak

(1) Homonyms (2) Homophones

(3) Pronounce words (4) Homographs

81. Which word/s is/ are similar in meaning to the word printed in capital in the
given sentence:

A wise man puts past RANCOUR behind and moves ahead.

a) hate b) enmity c) hostility d) criticism

(1) only (c) (2) only (a) (b) and (c)

(3) All (4) only (b) (c) and (d)

82. Choose the one word substitute for the given sentence:

Easy to shape in desired form

(1) malleable (2) potable (3) portable (4) rigid

83 Pick out the error in the sentence.

None of the student/ has scored/ below the given cut- off marks.
(a) (b) (c)

(1) (a) (2) (b) (3) (c) (4) No error

84 Use the appropriate preposition in the given sentence:

There is a treaty of friendship ________ five great powers.

(1) between (2) among (3) into (4) with

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85 Find out the error part in the given sentence:

I asked him that/ if /I could answer those questions./ no error.

a) b) c) d)

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) only (d)

86. Choose the interrogative sentence for the given sentence:

Nobody is free form the sin

1) Who is fee from the sin?

2) Is there anybody who is free from the sin?

3) From what is nobody free from?

4) Why is nobody is free from the sin?

87. The word 'diligent' is antonymous with

a) multitasking b) hardworking

c) lazy d) industrious

(1) only (c) (2) only (a) (b) and (c)

(3) All (4) only (b) (b) and (d)

88. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate articles among the given options:

a) At last _____ father in him prevailed and excused him.

b) ____ father has gone to the office.

c) ______ aunt is very angry today.

(1) the, the, an (2) the, no article, an

(3) the, no article, no article (4) the, a, an

89. Identify the best synonym of the word GREGARIOUS.

(1) Sociable (2) Irritable

(3) Incorrigible (4) Susceptible

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90 Very few flowers are as lovely as the rose.

Identify the correct comparative degree of the above sentence.

(1) Rose is lovelier than many other flowers.

(2) Rose is lovelier than most other flowers.

(3) Rose is more lovely than many other flower.

(4) Rose is lovelier than any other flower.

91. Identify the sentence/s grammatically correct.

a. Scarcely had the match begun then it started raining.

b. Neither Rohan nor Pushkaran were present yesterday.

c. Both John and James are not ready for the competition.

d. I as well as they am tired of this routine work.

(1) All are correct (2) Only a, c and d

(3) Only a b and c 4) Only d

92. Though she was late, she finished her work in time.

Identify the above clause:

(1) Adverb clause of purpose (2) Adverb clause of contrast

(3) Adverb clause of result 4) Adverb clause of degree

93. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Nobody is ready now, are they?

b) Nothing was damaged during the journey, was it?

c) Everybody has paid the subscription now, haven’t they?

(1) None (2) All

(3) Only c 4) Only b

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94. Match the following to make grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.

a. This society is run by those I. that their car had been stolen

b. we shall abolish the regulations II. who make the most noise.

c. They received information Ill. that applicants must pay a fee

d. He has issued a statement IV. that he will resign.

a b c d


(2) IV Ill II I



95. Choose the correct idiomatic expression:

(a) To pay lip service.

(b) To play second fiddle.

(c) To pay through the nose.

(1) Only (a) and (c) (2) Only (b)

(3) Only (a) (4) All

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question number 96 to 100
given below it:

In any awkward situation or a misadventure, a man with a sense of humour can

take a detached view of it, and laugh at the absurdity. Such laughter, such a sense of
humour is a great relief. The English have it in a marked degree, whereas the French
and the Germans lack it.

Whenever one wonders why this sense of humour is required, one should
consider the reactions of a person with a sense of humour and those who have no
humour, and is either too serious or too sentimental. A man with a sense of humour
looks at the victims of laughter in a sympathetic, loving light, and even if the laugh is
turned against himself, he takes it with detachment, in a sportsman-like spirit.

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A sense of humour means a sense of proportion. A wise man has a sense of

proportion. He is not carried away by an exaggerated or a one-sided view, however
exalted it may be. This sense of proportion may be called common sense. A humourist,
in proportion as he is great, is a wise man, a man of sound common sense, and his
laughter is of the highest type. Comedy of the highest type includes, as its soul, this
sense of humour.

The spirit of humour teaches us the important philosophy of acceptance. Instead

of vainly and fleetingly trying to reform the world - 'mould the sorry state of things' -
the humourist accepts the incongruity of the world - the absurdity - and laughs at it, and
enjoys it. As the mystic at the highest moment of his trance, is one with the world,
accepts it, so the humourist at the best, is satisfied with the world, accepts it, and laughs,
and enjoys the very absurdity of it. This laughter of the highest type has naturally a
social value. It opens the eyes of the readers to the incongruity and the absurdity of life
around us.

96. Choose the word with the closest meaning to the word underlined in the

The spirit of humour teaches us the important philosophy of acceptance.

(1) to reject (2) to receive

(3) to laugh (4) none

97. A humourist is compared to a mystic because :

(1) He remains detached from others.

(2) He is always in a trance.

(3) He accepts the world as it is.

(4) He tries to change the world.

98. Choose the correct option as per the passage.

'to open the eyes' means :

(I) to blink rapidly (2) to make aware

(3) to make sure (4) to take a quick look

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99. Complete the sentence given by choosing the correct option:

A sense of humour implies______

(1) one sided viewpoint (2) frettingly by to reform

(3) to avoid laughter (4) to accept incongruities

100. Read the passage carefully and find out the options which agree with the
sentence given.

A person with a sense of humour is_____

(1) judicious, didactic and demanding change

(2) too serious and sentimental

(3) sympathetic, detached and loving even if laughed at

(4) happy with a sense of superiority



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Question no. Question no Answers
1 3 51 1
2 1 52 3
3 2 53 1
4 4 54 4
5 2 55 1
6 4 56 4
7 3 57 4
8 1 58 1
9 3 59 2
10 2 60 3
11 2 61 2
12 3 62 3
13 2 63 2
14 1 64 1
15 3 65 3
16 4 66 1
17 1 67 4
18 2 68 3
19 2 69 3
20 4 70 1
21 4 71 4
22 1 72 3
23 3 73 2
24 2 74 3
25 3 75 1
26 1 76 3
27 4 77 4
28 2 78 4
29 3 79 2
30 1 80 2
31 3 81 3
32 3 82 1
33 1 83 1
34 2 84 1
35 4 85 1
36 1 86 1
37 3 87 1
38 4 88 3
39 2 89 1

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40 4 90 2
41 1 91 4
42 3 92 2
43 2 93 2
44 4 94 3
45 3 95 4
46 2 96 2
47 3 97 3
48 1 98 2
49 4 99 4
50 2 100 3

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Test - 07

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1. nwT>o H$mhr dU© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`m_YyZ "_hmàmU' Agbobm "h²' Mr N>Q>m ZgUmam/ ZgUmao dU© {ZdS>m.
(a) M² (b) g² (c) n² (d) I²
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U b (2) \$ŠV c
(3) \$ŠV b (4) b Am{U d

2. nwT>rb {dYmZm§_YyZ Zm_m§Mm àH$ma AmoiIm.

(a) nwar åhQ>bo H$s Vm|S>mbm nmUr gwQ>Vo. (b) nwar `oWo OJÞmWmMr aW`mÌm {ZKVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) {deofZm_, {deofZm_ (2) gm_mÝ`Zm_, {deofZm_
(3) gm_mÝ`Zm_, g_whdmMH$ Zm_ (4) {deofZm_, ^mddmMH$ Zm_

3. nwT>o H$mhr {dgJ©g§YrMo eãX {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`mVyZ {dgJ©-a²-g§YrMo CXmhaU AmoiIyZ AMyH$ n`m©`
(a) Cf…H$mb (b) {Za§Va (c) Amerdm©X (d) _Ýd§Va
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV b Am{U c (2) a Am{U b
(3) c Am{U d (4) b, c Am{U d

4. "Ë`mZo aoëdoZo àdmg Ho$bm '

(dmŠ`mVrb "Ë`mZo' `m eãXmMo ì`mH$aU Mmbdm Am{U AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.)
(a) _yi gd©Zm_-Vmo (b) nwpëb¨Jr EH$dMZr gd©Zm_
(c) V¥Vr`m {d^ŠVr àË``Ëd (d) {H«$`mnXmMm H$Vm©
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a Am{U d $ (2) a, c, d
(3) a, b, Am{U c $ (4) gd© {dYmZo `mo½`.

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5. Ioim`Mmo, X_m`Mm, nim`Mo.... hr {H«$`mnXmMo én H$moUVm H$mi àH$Q> H$aVmV ?

(a) [aVr dV©_mZ H$mi (b) [aVr ^{dî`H$mi
(c) Mmby ^yVH$mi (d) [aVr ^yVH$mi
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a $ (2) \$ŠV b $$ (3) \$ŠV d $ (4) c Am{U d
6. qgh- eãXmMo g_mZmWu eãX {ZdS>m.
(a) Ho$gar (b) _¥JamO (c) _¥qJÐ (d) n§MmZZ
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© eãX `mo½` $ (2) \$ŠV a `mo½` $$ (3) a Am{U b $ (4) a, b, Am{U c

7. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVo eãX`moJr Aì``o Zm_gm{YV AmhoV ? Vo AmoiIm.

(a) _Ü`o (b) à_mU (c) H$[aVm (d) _yio
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV d (2) b Am{U c (3) c Am{U d. (4) a, b Am{U d `mo½`

8. nwT>o H$mhr {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV. Ë`m_Ü`o AWm©Zwgma `mo½` Ho$dbà`moJr Aì`` dmnéZ AMyH$ n`m©`
(a) ------ ! `m {haì`mJma g¥îQ>rZo _Z gwImdbo
(b) ------ ! AIoa dmKmZo Ë`m haUmda PS>n KmVbrM.
(c) ------ ! _r Ago ~mobbmoM Zmhr.
(d) ------ ! JwUmMr ~m` _mPr Vy !
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) hm`, Amhmhm, AJmo, N>o-N>o (2) Ahmhm, hm`, N>o-N>o, AJmo
(3) Ahmhm, AJmo, N>o-N>o, hm` (4) hm`, AJmo, N>o-N>o-, Ahmhm

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9. g§`wŠV {H«$`mnX Á`m {dYmZm§_Ü`o dmnabr AmhoV, Agm AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) amOmZo g§nËVr J[a~m§Zm dmQy>Z Q>mH$br.
(b) bVm AmËVmM emioVyZ `oD$Z Pmonbr.
(c) Am_Mm g§K hm gm_Zm qOHy$ eH$Vmo.
(d) AmOÀ`m VéUm§Zr nwñVHo$ dmMbr nm{hOoV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a, d (2) a Am{U d (3) b, c Am{U d (4) a, c Am{U d

10. qbJ `m aMZog§~§Yr ~amo~a {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.

(a) Zm_mbm O|ìhm éT>r-na§naoZo qbJ àmá hmoVo. V|ìhm Ë`mbm gm_mÝ` qH$dm A{ZpíMV qbJ
(b) Á`m Zm_mMo qbJ {ZpíMVnUo gm§JVm `oV Zmhr Ë`mbm ghOqbJ Ago åhUVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$ (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo ~amo~a (3) \$ŠV a ~amo~a (4)\$ŠV b ~amo~a

11. A-H$mamÝV pñÌqbJ Zm_mMo AZoH$dMZ H$Yr Am-H$mamÝV hmoVo Am{U H$Yr B©-H$mamÝV hmoVo.
(1) h`m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© `mo½` Amho
(2) h`m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© `mo½` Amho.
(3) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… `mo½` Amho.
(4) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… A`mo½` Amho.

12. nwT>rb H$mì`n§pŠV_Yrb Ab§H$mamMo AZwH«$_o àH$ma AmoiIm.

(a) A_`m©X {_Ìm VwPr Wmoadr
(b) Mmâ`mnar JmoaonU {ndi§, H$mH$S>rnar A§J H$modi§
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) AZwàmg, `_H$ Ab§H$ma (2) íbof, Cn_m Ab§H$ma
(3) íbof, CËàojm Ab§H$ma (4) énH$, `_H$ Ab§H$ma

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13. Amnë`m XoemVrb VWmH${WV ~wdm Am{U ~m~m ho "~H$Ü`mZ' H$aUmaoM AmhoV.
(AYmoao{IV eãXmgmR>r `mo½` eãXg_wh AmoiIm)
(1) OrdmnmS> à`ËZ $ (2) _Z…nyd©H$ Ü`mZYmaUm
(3) àm_m{UH$nUmMo T>m|J (4) ^bVrM gwYmaUm

14. nwT>o {d^ŠVr Am{U Ë`m§Mo H$maH$g§~§Y {Xbo AmhoV. AMyH$ OmoS>`m bmdm.
(a) MVwWu (i) AnmXmZ
(b) gá_r (ii) g§àXmZ
(c) n§M_r (iii) H$aU
(d) V¥Vr`m (iv) A{YH$aU
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
15. MwH$sMr OmoS>r AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) {edeãX-{d^ŠVr ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(2) gdU©-gh ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(3) Zrag-ZÄm ~hþd«rhr g_mg
(4) ZmH$-àm{X ~hþd«rhr g_mg
16. nwT>rbn¡H$s A`mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo AmoiIm.
( a) {gÜX eãX-_yi eãX
(b) VËg_ eãX- g§ñH¥$V_YyZ _amR>rV `oVmZm ~Xb Pmbobo
(c) VX²^d eãX- g§ñH¥$V_YyZ _amR>r OgoÀ`m Vgo Ambobo.
( d) Xoer eãX-EVX²Xoer` bmoH$m§À`m ~mobrVrb eãX
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) EH$hr {dYmZ A`mo½` Zmhr (2) \$ŠV d (3) b Am{U d (4) b, c Am{U d

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17. Am~mX, ImZm, {Jar, Xma, Zm_m, ~mO ......

`mgmaIo àË`` ho nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ^mfoVyZ Ambobo AmhoV ?
(1) Aa~r (2) \$magr (3) nmoVw©JrO (4) qhXr

18. "X`miy A§V…H$aUÀ`m gmZo JwéOtZr W§S>rV Hw$S>Hw$S>Umè`m _mUgmbm Amnbm gXam {Xbm.'
(darb dmŠ`mVrb AYmoao{IV eãX AZwH«$_o H$emMo H$m`© H$aVmo ?)
(1) _w»` CX²Xoe, {dÜ`o` {dñVma
(2) CX²Xoí` {dñVma, H$_© {dñVma
(3) CX²Xoí` {dñVma, {dÜ`o` {dñVma
(4) _w»` CX²Xoí`, {dYmZnyaH$

19. à`moJmg§~§Yr nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) dmŠ`mVrb H$Vm© V¥Vr`mÝV qH$dm MVwWm©ÝV Agë`mg Am{U H$_© pìXVr`mÝV Agë`mg Vmo
gH$_©H$ ^mdo à`moJ AgVmo.
(b) dmŠ`mVrb H$Vm© àË``mÝV Am{U dmŠ`mV H$_©M Zgë`mg Vmo AH$_©H$ H$V©ar à`moJ AgVmo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo ~amo~a (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
(3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a, (4) \$ŠV a ~amo~a

20. nwT>rb dmŠ`mV ^mfo_Yrb H$moUË`m eŠVtMm Cn`moJ Ho$bm Amho ? Vo H«$_mZwgma AmoiIm.
(a) gJim dJ© hgbm. (b) gm`§H$mir Amåhr ZXrda Jobmo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) ì`§OZm, bjUm (2) bjUm, bjUm
(3) A{^Ym, bjUm (4) bjUm, ì`§OZm

21. "MmbVr-~mobVr {MÌo aoImQÊ>mo ho g_raÀ`m S>mì`m hmVMm _i hmoVm '

(AYmoao{IV H¥$XÝV H$emMo H$m`© H$aVo ?)
(1) {H«$`m{deofU $$ (2) Zm_ (3) {deofU (4) H$Vm©

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22. nwT>rb eãXm§À`m {déÜX qbJmà_mUo OmoS>`m bmdm.

(a) h§g (i) {dYmÌr
(b) {dYmVm (ii) H$d{`Ìr
(c) {dX²dmZ (iii) h§{gUr
(d) H$dr (iv) {dXþfr

n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

23. Imbr VrZ JQ> {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`mVrb AMyH$ JQ> H$moUVm ?
(a) ñdag§Yr-hoËdm^mg, {nÌmkm, Obm¡K.
(b) {dgJ©g§Yr-{IS>H$sV, Zmhrgm, ^aSy>Z.
(c) ì`§OZg§Yr- dmH²$àMma, gX²^m½`, f{Ðÿny.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U b ~amo~a (2) b Am{U c ~amo~a
(3) a , b, c ~amo~a (4) \$ŠV a Am{U c ~amo~a

24. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm

(a) B©fV² {dd¥ËV ì`§OZo Mma AmhoV.
(b) B©fV² ñn¥îQ> ì`§OZo VrZ AmhoV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
(3) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV b AMyH$

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25. àË`oH$ pìXËV ì`§OZ ho g§`wŠV ì`§OZ AgVo; na§Vw àË`oH$ g§`wŠV ì`§OZ ho pìXËV ì`§OZ AgobM
Ago Zmhr.
(1) h`m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(2) h`m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
(3) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.
(4) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho.
26. "_wbm§Zmo, EH$m gwamV H${dVm åhU.'
(dmŠ`mVrb {H«$`mnXmMm AW© AmoiIm.)
(1) ñdmW© (2) AmkmW© (3) {dÜ`W© (4) g§Ho$VmW©

27. Vwåhr ~gm, _r AmbmoM

(`m dmŠ`mMm H$mi AmoiIm)
(a) g{Þ{hV ^yVH$mi
(b) {Z…g§e` ^{dî`H$mi
(c) g{Þ{hV ^{dî`H$mi
(d) gmYm ^yVH$mi
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U c (2) b Am{U c (3) \$ŠV c (4) \$ŠV a

28. Jm`Z- `m g§Yr`wŠV eãXmMm `mo½` {dJ«h nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUmVm ?

(a) Jm + AZ (b) Jo + AZ (c) J¡ + AZ (d) Jm¡ + AZ
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) b Am{U c (2) \$ŠV c (3) \$ŠV b (4) c Am{U d

29. Zm_mMm JwU Xe©dyZ dmŠ`mMm AW© nyU© H$aUmar Or {deofUo AgVmV Ë`m§Zm -------- åhUVmV.
(1) A{Y{deofUo (2) {dYr {deofUo
(3) g_mg K{Q>V {deofUo (4) nyd© {deofUo

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30. AMyH$ OmoS>`m AmoiIm.

(a) ~¡b Mm¡Iya CYibm ---- AH$_©H$ {H«$`mnX
(b) PmS> nmS>bo ------ eŠ` {H«$`mnX
(c) Jmonmi H¡$è`m nmS>Vmo ----- gH$_©H$ {H«$`mnX
(d) AmO Oam bdH$a A§Ymabo - AH$Vw©H$ {H«$`mnX.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) c Am{U d ~amo~a (2) b, c Am{U d ~amo~a
(3) a, c Am{U d ~amo~a (4) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a
31. "AmO amîQ´>nVr nwÊ`mV AmhoV.'
(`m dmŠ`mMo ZH$mamWu dmŠ` n`m©`mVyZ {ZdS>m)
(a) AmO amîQ´>nVr nwÊ`mV ZmhrV.
(b) AmO amîQ´>nVr nwÊ`mV ZìhVo.
(c) AmO amîQ´>nVr nwÊ`mV ZmhrV Ago Zmhr.
(d) AmO amîQ´>nVr nwÊ`mV AmhoV Ago Zmhr.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) Ho$di a ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(2) Ho$di c ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(3) a Am{U c ~amo~a, ~mH$s gd© MyH$
(4) a, c Am{U d ~amo~a b MyH$
32. AmO a{ddma Agë`mZo emiobm gwQ²>Q>r Amho.
(`m dmŠ`mMm Ame` Z ~XbVm g§`wŠV dmŠ` ~Zdm)
(a) AmO a{ddma, emiobm gwQ²>Q>r
(b) AmO a{ddma Amho, åhUyZ emiobm gwQ²>Q>r Amho.
(c) AmO emiobm gwQ²Q>r Amho; H$maU AmO a{ddma Amho.
(d) a{ddma Agbm H$s emiobm gwQ²>Q>r AgVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV c `mo½` (2) b Am{U c `mo½` (3) \$ŠV d `mo½` (4) \$ŠV b `mo½`

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33. nwT>rbn¡H$s {dam_{MÝhm g§X^m©V Iao H$m` Amho ?

(a) XmoZ eãX OmoS>VmZm ---- g§`moJ {MÝh
(b) AjamMm Cƒma bm§~ XmI{dUo----- H$mH$nX
(c) dmŠ`mVrb Vn{eb XoUo--- AnyU©{dam_
(d) ~mobVmZm {dMma _m{bH$m VwQ>Uo ----- AY©{dam_
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a (2) a Am{U b ~amo~a
(3) a Am{U c ~amo~a (4) c Am{U d ~amo~a
34. nwT>rbn¡H$s AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) AmIwS> qeJr ~hþXþYr --- gd© `mo½½` JmoîQ>r EH$Ì `oUo
(b) {MñVoàeñVoZo --- Iwë`m {XbmZo/_ZmZo
(c) bQ>Š`mbm _mob `oUo ImoQ>`m JmoîQ>rg _hËd `oUo.
(d) amOmnwar J§Jm -- AH$ñ_mV CX²^dUmar JmoîQ>
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) b Am{U d AMyH$
(3) \$ŠV b AMyH$ (4) a Am{U b AMyH$

35. "eoOmar amhUmè`m H$mHy§$Mm Zdam Oam H$mQ>H$garZo dmJUmam hmoVm'------ gd©OU Ë`m§Zm ------
- åhUm`Mo. (`mo½` eãX {ZdS>m.)
(1) {_V^mfr (2) {_Vì``r (3) H§$Oyf (4) _Vb~r

36. nwT>o _amR>r ^mfoVrb ag Am{U Ë`m§Mo ñWm`r ^md {Xbo AmhoV. (AMyH$ OmoS>r AmoiIm)
(a) e¥§Jma ag- aVr (b) ~r^Ëg ag-H«$moY
(c) H$éU ag- emoH$ (d) AX²^wV ag-{dñ_`
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U c AMyH$ (2) \$ŠV b AMyH$
(3) a, c Am{U d AMyH$ (4) a Am{U d AMyH$

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37. "Oer AmYrMr na§nam Agob Ver nwT>Mr JmoîQ> KS>Uo' -- `m ñnîQ>rH$aUmgmR>r `mo½` åhU n`m©`mVyZ
(a) ~mn gdmB© ~oQ>m (b) ImU Ver _mVr
(c) nwT>À`mg R>oM _mJMm ehmUm$ (d) AmB© ~mnmMr nyd© nwÊ`mB©
(1) c Am{U d ~amo~a (2) \$ŠV b ~amo~a (3) a Am{U b ~amo~a (4) \$ŠV a ~amo~a
38. MyH$ H$s ~amo~a Vo gm§Jm ?
(a) IamoîR>r {bnrg JmÝYmar {bnr `m ZmdmZo gwÜXm AmoiIVmV.
(b) ~«måhr {bnr hr ^maVmVrb gd© {bntMr OZZr _mZbr OmVo.
(c) XodZmJar {bnrg _waS> KmbyZ {bhrÊ`mMr nÜXV Amho {Vbm Ymd {bnr åhUVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a (2) \$ŠV b ~amo~a
(3) a Am{U b ~amo~a (4) a, b Am{U c ~amo~a

39. g{Odm§Mo qbJ dmñV{dH$ Am{U {ZOudm§Mo qbJ H$mën{ZH$ AgVo.

(1) ho dmŠ` nyU© ~amo~a Amho.
(2) ho dmŠ` nyU© MyH$ Amho.
(3) h`m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
(4) h`m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
40. "Vmo Mmoa Vm|S> CKS>ob Va Zm !'
(AYmoao{IV {H«$`m{deofU H$moUË`m àH$mamVrb AmhoV)
(1) àíZmW©H$ (2) {ZfoYmW©H$ (3) gm{YV (4) ñWm{ZH$

41. "Amåhr `moJmgZo Ho$br; åhUyZ eara gÑT> Pmbo'

(`m dmŠ`mnmgyZ CX²Xoe~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì`` Agbobo {_l dmŠ` ~Zdm)
(1) `moJmgZo Ho$br H$s eara gÑT> hmoVo.
(2) eara gÑT> Pmbo; H$maU Amåhr `moJmgZo Ho$br.
(3) eara gÑT> ìhmdo; g~~ Amåhr `moJmgZo H$aVmo.
(4) O|ìhm Amåhr `moJmgZo H$aVmo V|ìhmM eara gÑT> hmoVo.

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42. `mo½` {déÜXmWu AWmªMm eãXm§Mr OmoS>r AmoiIm.

(a) J«mh`-Ë`mÁ` (b) VrúU-~moWQ>
(c) CnH$ma-AnH$ma (d) H¥$nU-CXma
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© a, b, c, d ~amo~a $$ (2) \$ŠV b, c, d ~amo~a
(3)\$ŠV b Am{U c ~amo~a (4) a Am{U d ~amo~a
43. ho_- `m eãXmgmR>r AMyH$ eãX gm§Jm.
(a) hËVr (b) H$ZH$ (c) H$m§MZ (d) Ðþ_
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV d $$ (2) \$ŠV b Am{U c (3) \$ŠV c (4) c Am{U d

44. O|ìhm Km_ Jmimdm V|ìhmM Im`bm ^mH$ar {_iVo.

(AYmoao{IV {H«$`m{deofU dmŠ` H$moUË`m àH$maMo Amho ?)
(1) ñWbXe©H$ (2) CX²XoeXe©H$ (3) H$maUXe©H$ (4) H$mbXe©H$
45. g_mnZ H$_©Ur à`moJmV ----------
(a) H$Vm© fîR>r {d^ŠVr_Ü`o AgVmo.
(b) H$_© MVwWu {d^ŠVr _Ü`o AgVmo.
(c) {H«$`mnX g§`wŠV AgVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a Am{U c $~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a $~amo~a
(3) b Am{U c $~amo~a (4) gd© a, b, c {dYmZo ~amo~a

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nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$. 46 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao X`m.
I{ZO B§YZm_Ü`o H«y$S> Am°B©b ho EH$ \$ma _hËdmMo B§YZ Amho. gd© OJ^a Ë`mMm \$ma _moR>çm
à_mUmda dmna Mmby Amho. `m B§YZmbm Ë`m_wio Iyn _hÎd Ambobo Amho. Ë`m_wio `m VobmMo gmR>o
Á`m§À`mH$So> AmhoV Ë`m§À`m hmVmV OJmÀ`m gd© Am{W©H$ ZmS>çm EH$dQ>boë`m AmhoV. ^y_Ü` g_wÐmbJVMm
AmImVrb àXoe Am{U Aa~ amï´>o `m§À`mH$So> `m VobmMo àM§S> gmR>o AgyZ gd© OJmbm Ë`m§À`mH$Sy>Z `m
VobmMm nwadR>m hmoV AgVmo. `m amï´>m§Zm Amnë`m `m gm_Ï`m©Mm gmjmËH$ma AJXr AbrH$So> hmoD$ bmJbobm
Amho. AmÎmmn`ªV `m VobmÀ`m gmR>çm§Mm ì`mnma n{ü_r amï´>m§À`m hmVmV hmoVm. nU AbrH$So> ñdV§Ì
Pmboë`m Aa~ amï´>m§Zr `m joÌmVrb `wamon-A_o[aHo$Mr _ºo$Xmar g§nwï>mV AmUwZ ñdV…Mo dM©ñd àñWm{nV
Ho$bo Amho. AbrH$So> Aa~ amï´>m§À`m YmoaUm_wio I{ZO VobmMr g_ñ`m A{YH$M J§^ra ~Zbr Amho. 1973
À`m Mm¡Ï`m Aa~-Bóm`b g§Kfm©V Bòm`bbm nmqR>~m XoUmÝ`m n{ü_r amï´>m§Zm YS>m {eH${dÊ`mgmR>r åhUyZ
Aa~m§Zr I{ZO VobmMm amOH$s` eó åhUyZ àW_ dmna Ho$bm. XmoZ AS>rM S>m°babm EH$ qnn `m ^mdmZo
H«y$S> Am°B©S> {dH$bo OmV hmoVo. Aa~m§Zr VobmÀ`m qH$_Vr AMmZH$ dmT>{dë`m. Ë`m_wio H«y$S> Am°B©bMr qH$_V
~°abbm 10 Vo 11 S>m°ba BVH$s dmT>br. AO]{Q>Zmgma»`m Xoem§Zr Va 18 S>m°babm EH$ qnn EdT>çm MT>çm
^mdmZo `m VobmMr {dH«$s Ho$br Ho$br. Ë`m_wio `m Vobmda Adb§~yZ AgUmè`m Xoem§Mr Am{W©H$ pñWVr EH$m
amÌrV nma H$Um _moS>ë`mgmaIr Pmbr.

46. Aa~ amîQ´>m§Zr I{ZO VobmMm dmna H$gm Ho$bm ?

(1) ñdamîQ´>m§Mr J[a~r Xÿa H$aÊ`mMo YmoaU åhUyZ
(2) amîQ´>r` dmT>{dÊ`mMm _mJ© åhUyZ
(3) Am{W©H$ gËVm åhUyZ
(4) amOH$s` AñÌ åhUyZ

47. H$moUË`m amîQ´>m§H$S>o H«y$S> Am°B©bMo gdm©{YH$ gmR>o AmhoV ?

(1) ^y_Ü` g_wÐmbJVMo Aa~ amîQ´>
(2) nmpíM_mË` amîQ´>m§H$S>o
(3) {gbmoZ- a{e`mH$S>o
(4) OnmZ- X{jU H$mo[a`mH$S>o

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48. Aa~ amîQ´>m§Zr I{ZO Vobm§À`m {H$_Vr AMmZH$ H$m dmT>dë`m?

(1) ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm {~KS>{dÊ`mgmR>r
(2) npíM_r amîQ´>m§Zm YS>m {eH${dÊ`mgmR>r
(3) `wÜXOÝ` n[apñWVr {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mgmR>r
(4) ñdV…Mr AW©gËVm à~b H$aÊ`mgmR>r

49. I{ZO B§YZm_Ü`o ------ `m B§YZmbm OJ^a A{YH$ _hËd Amho.

(1) noQ´>mob (2) {S>Pob (3) H«y$S> Am°B©b (4) am°Ho$b

50. H«y$S> Am°B©b ho ~°ab à_mUo {dH$bo OmVo ; Va 1 ~°ab = ----------

(1) 150 {bQ>a (2) 179 {bQ>a (3) 169 {bQ>a (4) 159 {bQ>a

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51. Select the correct sentence/s:

a) Time and tide waits for no man.

b) Fire and water do not agree.

c) There are two pens, and either writes well.

d) Many a boy go to the college in time.

Answer options:

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (a), (b) and (c) (4) All the above

52. Identify the correct phrases from the given below:

a) Cry for the moon

b) Once in a blue moon

c) Move heaven and earth

d) A bolt from sky

Answer options:

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (a) (b) and (c)

(3) Only (c), (d) (4) all are correct

53. Identify the sentence containing noun clause:

a) The fact that you are guilty gives me much pain.

b) Politicians who toe the party line generally get on.

c) His excuses which were not convincing angered his sister.

d) Books that have illustrations sell well at Christmas.

Answer options:

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (a), (b) and (d) (4) Only (b) (c) and (d)

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54. Which of the following is not a type of complex sentence?

a) Not withstanding his recent failure, he is still hopeful.

b) With the first appearance of the sun, the birds begin to sing.

c) I believe that you are innocent.

d) That is the building in which I live.

Answer options:

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (d)

(3) Only (a), (b) and (d) (4) Only (c) and (d)

55. What does the underlined modal expresses?

We did it carefully so that one should see it.

1) Purpose 2) Probability

3) Willingness 4) Instruction

56. Match the following:

a) Honorary (i) cheerful

b) Snob (ii) disguise

c) Camouflage (iii) unpaid

d) Buoyant (iv) one who careful of his/her social status

Answer options:


(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

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57. Choose the correct sentence/s from the given below:

a) He has both abused as well as threatened to beat me.

b) The publisher not only gave me advice but also helped me with money.

c) She dresses herself like her mother did.

1) only a 2) only b 3) a and b 4) b and c

58. Point out the idiomatic sentences:

a) Team India won hands down against the Sri Lankans.

b) The government’s promises to fight corruption tooth and nail have ended in

c) I pocketed the insult not because I could not retaliate but because I did not
want to create a fuss.

d) A person with a weak immune system falls an easy victim to many diseases.

Answer options:

1) All of these 2) a and b 3) b and c 4) a b and c

59. Identify the underlined idiom:

To cast pearls before swine

1) To offer a person, a thing which he can’t appreciate.

2) To waste money over trifles.

3) To save a lot of money for future usage.

4) To spend recklessly.

60. It is certain that the rose is the sweetest of all flowers.

The subordinate clause of the above sentence is:

1) Noun clause 2) Adjective clause

3) Adverb clause 4) Adverb clause of manner

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61. Identify the incorrect sentence from the given options:

a) He does cheerfully his duties.

b) The rabbit runs enough fast to win the race.

c) His son is working very hardly.

d) She drove a car very fastly to reach on time.

1) Only (a) (b) and (c) 2) Only (a) (b) and (d)

3) All are incorrect 4) only (c) and (d)

62. Identify the homophones sentence/s with their correct meaning:

1) The jets soar into the air.

2) My leg is still very sore.

3) The hot weather soured the milk.

Answer options:

1) Only (a) 2) Only (b)

3) All are correct 4) only (c)

63. Choose the correct match pair of the given phrasal verbs:

1) Hold down (i) To keep something on position

2) Hold out (ii) To wait or refuse

3) Hold up (iii) Hope

4) Hold on (iv) To carry on

64. Find out the incorrect match form the following

1) Etymology i) study of the history and origin of a word

2) Polyandry ii) woman having many husbands

3) Nullity iii) a state of being void in law

4) Refute iii) To prove that something is correct.

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65. The positive degree of the following sentence is:

A healthy lifestyle is no less necessary than food.

1) A healthy lifestyle is as necessary as food.

2) No other lifestyle is as necessary as food.

3) A healthy lifestyle is at least as necessary as food.

4) A healthy lifestyle is not as necessary as food.

66. Choose the correct sentence:

a) I am your teacher, aren’t I?

b) I am a musician. Are you?

c) Few farmers have courage, do they?

d) Neither of you is innocent, are you?

1) All are correct 2) (a) (c) 3) (b) (c) 4) only (a) (d)

67. Match the correct usage of prepositions:

a) Jealous (i) to

b) Prohibit (ii) of

c) Deaf (iii) from

d) Attend (iv) upon

Answer options:


(1) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(2) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(3) (ii) (i) (iii) (i)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

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68. Use 'If in the following sentence:

Unless he fulfills all the conditions, he should not be given this contract.

1) If he fulfills all the conditions, he should not be given this contract.

2) If he did not fulfill all the conditions, he should not be given this contract.

3) If he does not fulfill all the conditions, he should not be given this contract.

4) He should not be given this contract if he fulfills all the conditions,

69. Choose the correct sentence:

1) My views are different then you.

2) The news was telecasted last evening.

3) He wants as many as five kilograms of sugar.

4) Four-fifths of the area is under water.

70. Identify the sentence containing wrongly used article:

1) She is the better of the two girls.

2) He is the Napoleon of his age.

3) The patient has not slept all the night

4) Many a man was waiting outside the shop.

71. What meaning does the underlined 'modal' express?

I am so happy, that I could dance for a week.

a) Certainty

b) Probability

3) Hypothetical condition

4) Past ability

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72. Fill in the balnks:

a) The computerization of these banks _____ totally revolutionized their


b) Neither good accommodation nor market facilities ______ available in this hotel.

1) have, are 2) has, is

3) has, are 4) have, is

73. Which of the sentences are equivalent to the following sentence?

I have never seen so good a film as Lagaan.

a) Lagaan is the best film that I have ever seen.

b) Lagaan is better film than any other film that I have ever seen.

c) Very few films are as good as I have never seen.

1) (a) only 2) (a) (c) only 3) (c) only 4) only (a) (b)

74. Fill in the blank:

My brother ______________ the money he had borrowed from his uncle.

1) ran through 2) ran over 3) ran down 4) ran off

75. Choose the correct usage of word ‘Well’ in the given sentences:

1) Our cricket team played well in the tournament.

2) She went to a well woman doctor.

3) She drew some water from the well.

4) My brother is well now.

Answer options:

1) Adverb, noun, adjective, adjective 2) Adverb, noun, noun, adjective

3) Adjective, noun, adjective, adverb 4) Adverb, adjective, noun, adjective

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76. Fill in the blank with appropriate homophones:

1) I see that you have a ______ for public speaking.

2) Every year around this time my allergies ______ up.

1) Flair, Flare 2) Flare, Flair

3) Flair, Flair 4) Flare, Flare

77. Identify the passive voice of the given sentence:

What do you do now?

1) What is being done by you, now?.

2) What you are done now?

3) What have you been done by now?

4) What are you done by now?

78. Identify the correct indirect narration of the given sentence:

He says, “I am lawyer by profession”

1) He said that he was lawyer by profession.

2) He says that he is lawyer by profession.

3) He told that he was lawyer by profession.

4) He said that he had been lawyer by profession.

79. Identify the grammatically correct sentence:

a) Robert mustn’t to drive fast.

b) How dare you to contradict me?

c) Rohan needn’t give him a gift.

1) a) b) only 2) c) only 3) all are incorrect 4) a) and c)

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80. Choose the correct sentence:

(a) Shakespeare’s plays are very popular.

(b) My house’s roof is leaking.

(c) The temple’s top is golden at Amritsar.

(1) a only (2) b and c (3) a and c (4) All

81. Fill in the blank:

I do not know why he is............. towards me.

1) contemptuous 2) contemptible

3) contempt 4) comtemptable

82. Identify the correct sentence:

a) The poor admire form their decent manners.

b) Members of the ruling party do not often know how to handle dissent.

Answer options:

1) a) 2) b) 3) both are correct 4) Both are incorrect.

83. Fill in the blank with the appropriate prepositions:

a) papa is angry _______ the embarrassment I cased Sophie.

b) I feel angry _______ the society for subscribing so many stupid beliefs.

Answer options:

1) at, with 2) with, at 3) at, at 4) with, with

84. The bare bone of the conversation had been that he hated my guts.

The meaning of the underlined idiom is:

1) naked truth 2) not reality

3) main point 4) observation

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85. Which one of the following is the type of alternative conjunction?

1) no sonner…than 2) neither….nor

3) both…and 4) therefore

86. Find out the similar words for the CAPITALISED words:


1) addictive, silent 2) vengeful, reserved

3) revengeful, talktive 4) plead, satire

87. Mohini likes dancing_________her sister is fond of singing.

Choose the right connector:

1) And 2) whereas 3) but 4) still

88. He dig the grave of his image by taking the side of the culprit.

The right expression of the underlined phrase is:

1) To destroy 2) To be in conflict

3) To be in trouble 4) hypocrisy

89. Find out the subjective personal pronouns form the following:

Ye, Thy, Thou, Thine, Thyself, We, Us, Them, Your, She

1) Ye, Thou, Thine, Thyself

2) Ye, Thou, She, We

3) Thine, We, Us, She

4) Thy, Thine, Thou

90. Complete the sentence with appropriate option:

Either the manager or his assistants failed in _________ duty.

1) our (2) their (3) his (4) her

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91. Find the incorrect sentences of the given below:

a) Shakespeare is greater than any dramatist

b) Which is easier to learn, English, French or Marathi

c) My house is larger than you.

d) His office is more northern than my office

Answer options:

1) (b) and (c) 2) (b) (c)and (d)

3) (a) (b) and (c) 4) all are incorrect

92. Identify the Complex sentence/s below:

a) Many people enjoyed the movie; however, William did not.

b) When he was younger, Mike had many dogs.

c) After being dried, the plates were laid out nearly on the table.

d) Those that are helpless deserve our pity.

1) (a) (b) and (c) 2) (b) (c) and (d)

3) (a)(b) and (d) 4) All are complex sentence

93 Which one of the following is grammatically correct?

a) He is elder than I.

b) He is wiser than I.

c) I along with my relatives are going for a long walk.

1) Only (a) 2) only (b) 3) (a) and (b) 4) None

94. Identify the correct sentence:

a) He censured my decision.
b) Censor body is nodal agency in India.
c) Censer is a container in which incense is burnt during a religious ceremony.

1) only a) 2) only b) 3) a) and b) 4) all are correct

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95 Choose the correct name of the underlined clause:

She believed that she would turn out to be a cheat.

1) Adverb clause of comparison

2) Adverb clause of reason

3) Adverb clause of purpose

4) Noun clause

Read the following passage carefully and answer No’s 96 to 100 based on it.

It is very important to remember especially now when we have regained our

freedom from British rule, that it was contact with western ideas that made our own
people wake up and work for a new India. Many great men and women have worked for
the making of the new India in many different ways. They had different ideas of what
the new India should be. Some wanted to reform the Hindu religion by getting rid of
idol-worship, caste and other ideas which were not in the Hindu religion of ancient
times. Swamy Dayanand, who founded the Arya Samaj, had this aim. Others waded to
get rid of old ideas completely and make India a modem country, with the help of
scientific knowledge gained from the west. Some wanted to bring about changes more
slowly, by spreading education through newspapers and schools. But all these people
got their ideas though hearing or reading about the changes which had been taking
place in Europe and America. They got to know about these changes from people who
came to India from the west, first to trade with them, and then to rule over them. They
did not like being ruled over by foreigners, but they could not help seeing that unless
they got the new knowledge which the foreigners had, they would not be able to make a
new India and rule it themselves.

96. How did Indians respond to the foreigners who came to India ?

(1) Indians offered warm hospitality to the foreigners,

(2) Indians isolated themselves from the foreigners

(3) Indians disliked being ruled over by foreigners.

(4) None of the above.

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97. Why did some people want to get rid of idol-worship ?

(1) It posed the threat of pollution.

(2) It was not part of ancient Hindu religion

(3) All people were not able to afford idols.

(4) There was lack of manpower to manufacture idols.

98. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?

(a) Western ideas proved useful for making a new India.

(b) Swamy Dayanand wanted to establish an anti-Hindu religion.

(c) It was not possible to make a new India without new knowledge.

Answer options:

(1) (a) and b) only (2) (b) and (c) only

(3) (a)and(c)only (4) (a), (b) and (c)

99. What did the people from west do with Indians?

(1) First adopted Indian customs and afterwards made Indians accept their

(2) First traded with Indians and afterwards ruled over them.

(3) First showed leniency towards Indians and afterwards became harsh Lo

(4) First visited Indian temples and afterwards invited Indians to visit their

100. Which of the following are true in the context of the passage?

(a) There were different ideas of making a new India.

(b) Some people preferred slow changes.

(c) Changes in Europe and America influenced the making of a new India.

(1) (a) and (b) only (2) (a) and (c) only

(3) (b) and (c) only (4) (a), (b) and (c)

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Test - 08

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1) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ {dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

a) H$Vw©H$_© g§H$a à`moJmV H$_© àW_mÝV AgVo.

b) H$_©^md g§H$a à`moJmV H$Vm© àW_mÝV Am{U H$_© V¥Vr`mÝV AgVo.
c) H$Vw©^md g§H$a à`moJmV H$_© pìXVr`mÝV AgVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ a 2)\$º$ c 3) a Am{U c 4>) b Am{U c

2) nwT>o H$mhr dU© {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`m§Zm CƒmañWmZmZwgma d Ë`mÀ`m H«$_mZwgma `mo½` Zmdo X`m.

f² b² L²`²

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) X§Ë`, Vmbì`, H§$R>`, _yY©Ý` 2) _yY©Ý`, X§Ë`, H§$R>`, Vmbì`
3) _yY©Ý`, H§$R>`, X§Ë`, Vmbì` 4) X§Ë`, Vmbì`, _yY©Ý`, H§$R>`

3) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm. `mo½` {dYmZo {ZdS>m.

a) gm_mÝ` Zm_o d {deof Zm_o hr Y{_©dmMH$ Zm_o AmhoV.

b) gm_mÝ` Zm_o ì`{º$dmMH$ Va {deof Zm_o OmVrdmMH$ AgVmV.
c) {deof Zm_ AZoH$ËdmÀ`m AWm©Zo Amë`mg Vo gm_mÝ` Zm_ ~ZVo.
d) ^mddmMH$ Zm_o H$Yr H$Yr gm_mÝ` Zm_mMo H$m`© H$aVmV.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a Am{U c 2) \$º$ b Am{U d
3) \$º$ d MyH$ 4) \$º$ b MyH$

4) nwT>o eãX d Ë`m eãXm§Mo qbJ `m§À`m OmoS>`m {Xë`m AmhoV. AMyH$ OmoS>r/OmoS>`m {ZdS>m.

a) Amaer-órqbJ b) _w§Jyg-nwq„J
c) WS>- ZnwgH$qbJ d) H$m`m- órqbJ

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a Am{U d 2) \$º$ d 3) c Am{U d 4>) a, b Am{U d

5) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm H¥$XÝVmMm àH$ma Zmhr ?

A) D$-H¥$XÝV ~) H$-H¥$XÝV
H$) bm-H¥$XÝV S>) Uo-H¥$XÝV

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6) Imbrb dmŠ`m§À`m OmoS>`m Owidm.

a) AmOmo~m nd©Vr MT>VmV. i) g§Ho$VmWu

b) ho H$m` VmoM H$é OmUo. ii) AmkmWu ii
c) Aä`mg Ho$bm AgVm Va Zmnmg Pmbm AgVm. iii) {dÜ`Wu
d) {dO`r ^d iv) ñdmWu

n`m©`r CÎmao :- (a) (b) (c) (d)

1) iv ii i iii
2) ii i iii iv
3) iii ii iv i
4>) iv iii i ii

7) `mo½` g§Yr `wº$ eãX AWdm eãXm§Mm JQ> {ZdS>m.

a) _¥V² +eH${Q>H$ = _¥ÀN>H${Q>H$
b) aO… + JwU = aO…JwU
c) A{^ + CX` = Aä`wX`
d) {d + CËnÎmr = {dnÎmr

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ c 2) a Am{U c 3) a, c, d 4>) b, c

8) nwT>rb H$mì` n§º$sVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm.

"AÌrÀ`m Aml_r & Zobo _O dmQ>| &'

_mhoaMr dmQ>o & IaoIwao &&

1) CËàojm 2) Cn_m 3) AnÝhþVr 4) énH$

9) ^maVmMm "eoŠg{n`a' H$m{bXmg hm EH$ H$dr hmoVm.
(dmŠ`mV AYmoaopIV eãX H$emMo H$m`© H$aVmo.)

1) CÔoí` 2) {dYmZnyaH$ 3$) CÔoí` {dñVma 4>) H$_© {dñVma

10) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.
a) dYy, ~mOy `m Zm_mMo AZoH$ dMZ dm -H$mamÝV hmoVo.
b) PmS>, amZ `m Zm_mMo AZoH$dMZ Am-H$mamÝV hmoVo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
A) a ~amo~a ~) a Am{U b ~amo~a
H$) b ~amo~a S>) a Am{U b MyH$

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11) eãX`moJr Aì``o dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo `oVmV Ë`mMà_mUo {d^º$sMo àË`` gwÜXm ñdV§ÌnUo `oD$
eH$VmV. (`mo½` CÎma Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m)

1) ho g§nyU© {dYmZ ~amo~a Amho. 2) ho g§nyU© {dYmZ MyH$ Amho.

3) {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho. 4) {dYmZmMm CÎmamY© ~amo~a Amho.
12) g§`moJ{MÝh boIZ {Z`_mZwgma Ho$ìhm dmnaVmV?
a) EH$mM OmVrMo AZoH$ eãX Amë`mg.
b) XmoZ AW©nyU© eãX OmoS>VmZm
c) XmoZ N>moQ>r dmŠ`o Amë`mg
d) eãXmda Omoa X`m`Mm Agë`mg
n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a Am{U b ~amo~a 2) b Am{U c ~amo~a
3) \$º$ d ~amo~a 4) \$º$ b ~amo~a

13) nwT>o H$mhr {deofUo d àH$ma {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`mVrb A`mo½` OmoS>r/OmoS>`m {ZdS>m.
a) Mmhr ~{hUr- gmH$ë`mdmMH$ g§»`m{deofU
b) BVa Xoe-n¥WH$ËddmMH$ g§»`m{deofU
c) ZmgH$m H$m§Xm- Zm_gm{YV {deofU
d) Eo{Vhm{gH$ dmñVw-Aì``gm{YV {deofU

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ a 2) a Am{U d
3) b, c Am{U d 4) a, b Am{U c

14) {XZH$aamd {Zd¥Îm Pmbo H$s am_^mD$§Zr bJoMM Xod|Ðer g§YmZ ~m§Ybo. åhUVmV Zm
A) Owb_mMm am_am_ ~) OmË`mMr ~moimD$ Am{U `oË`mMr nmR>amIr
H$) Ogo {ejU Vgo bjU S>) OoWo ^md VoWo Xod
15) gy`© `m eãXmg g_mZmWu eãX dmnéZ dmnabobr `mo½` dmŠ`o H$moUVr ?
a) Am{XË` hm em§VrMm ^mD$ Amho.
b) _mVªS>, AmO BH$So> Hw$R>o ?
c) AmO H$m°boOmV Om`bm g{dVmbm Cera Pmbm.
d) Vmo H$mb {Xdg^a XmXmMm {_Ì eer ~amo~a hmoVm.
n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a Am{U b 2) b Am{U d
3$) a,b,c,d ~amo~a 4>) a, b, c ~amo~a

16) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

a) ñdamoƒmamdoir _mZdr _wI g§d¥Îm AgVo.
b) ì`§OZ Cƒmamdoir _mZdr _wI {dd¥Îm AgVo.
n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ 1 ~amo~a 2) \$º$ b ~amo~a
3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo ~amo~a 4) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$

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17) Zm_mà_mUo qbJ-dMZ àmá hmoUmar gd© Zm_o H$moUVr ?

a) _r b) Vwåhr c) Amåhr d) Vy e) hm

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a A{U b 2) c A{U d 3) a, b, c,d 4) b,c,d,e

18) H¥$XÝVo qH$dm YmVwgm{YVo dmŠ`mV H$moUË`m ^y{_Ho$V AgVmV?

a) Zm_ b) gd©Zm_ c) {deofU d) {H«$`m{deofU

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a,b,c 2) a,c,d 3) a, b, d 4) b, c, d

19) AYmoaopIV {H«$`mnXm§Mo àH$ma AmoiIm?

1) JS>JS>Vo V|ìhm nmD$g nS>Ê`mMr eŠ`Vm AgVo.
2) H$moH$UmV CÝhmi`mV \$maM CH$S>Vo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :- 1) A{Z`{_V {H«$`mnX 2) à`moOH$ {H«$`mnX

3) eŠ` {H«$`mnX 4) AH$Vw©H$ {H«$`mnX

20) dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aU H$aÊ`mÀ`m Ñï>rZo AYmoaopIV eãX AZwH«$_o H$emMo H$m`© H$aVmV?
a) Jwbm~mbm H$mQ>o AgVmV.
b) àm. {ed Ioam§Zr VéU {dÚmÏ`mªZm àoaUm XoUmao nwñVH$ {bhrbo

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) H$_©, {dÜ`o` {dñVma 2) {dYmZnyaH$, H$_© {dñVma
3) {dÜ`o` {dñVma, H$_© {dñVma 4>) H$_©, H$_© {dñVma

21) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ AMyH$ {dYmZo AmoiIm.

a) eŠ`mW©H$ {H«$`mnXm§Mm H$Yrhr H$V©ar à`moJ hmoV Zmhr.
b) AH$_©H$ eŠ`mW©H$ {H«$`mnXm§Mm Zoh_r eŠ` H$_©Ur à`moJ AgVmo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a A{U b XmoÝhr ~amo~a 2) a A{U b XmoÝhr MyH$
3>) \$º$ a ~amo~a 4) \$º$ b ~amo~a

22) खाऱीऱपैकी कोणत्या शब्ाांत जोडाऺर आऱे आहे ?

a) ऺत्रिय b) ऻान c) प्रसा् d) घण
ृ ा
1) a आणण b बरोबर 2) a आणण c बरोबर
3) फक्त d चूक 4) फक्त a बरोबर

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23) dV©_mZH$mir {H«$`mnXm§Mm "àW_ Vm»`mV' AgyZ g§Ho$VmWu {H«$`mnXm§Mm 'pìXVr` Vm»`mV' AgVmo.
ho {dYmZ --------
A) nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho H$) nydm©Y© MyH$, CÎmamY© ~amo~a
~) nydm©Y ~amo~a, CÎmamY© MyH$ S>) nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.
24) H$mZS>r eãX Agbobm JQ> {ZdS>m.
1) K_obo, nm`ar, bmoUMo 2) _Wim, BOm, gXam
3) bd§J, Ib~Îmm, ^mH$ar 4>) noedm, h{H$H$V, AÎma
25) nwT>rb dmŠ`m§nmgyZ g§`wº$ dmŠ` H$go ~ZdVm `oB©b ?
"Jwbm~mÀ`m amonm§Zm H$miOrnyd©H$ IVnmUr {Xbo'
"Vr Mm§Jbr Omo_mZo dmT>br'

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) Jwbm~mÀ`m amonm§Zm H$miOrnyd©H$ IVnmUr {Xë`mZo Vr Mm§Jbr Omo_mZo dmT>br.
2) Jwbm~mMr Mm§Jbr Omo_mZo dmT>br H$maU Ë`m§Zm H$miOrnyd©H$ IVnmUr {Xbo.
3) Jwbm~mÀ`m amonm§Zm H$miOrnyd©H$ IVnmUr {Xbo; åhUyZ Vr Mm§Jbr Omo_mZo dmT>br.
4) Jwbm~mMr amono Mm§Jbr dmT>Ê`mgmR>r Ë`m§Zm H$miOrnyd©H$ nmUr {Xbo.

26) i)am_ hiy MmbVmo . ii) bVm hiy MmbVo. iii) _wbo hiy MmbVmV.
`m dmŠ`mVrb "hiy' `m eãXmg {H«$`m{deofU Aì`` åhUVmV H$maU;
a) Vo MmbUo `m {H«$`mnXm~Ôb A{YH$ _m{hVr XoVmV.
b) qbJ dMZ `mZwgma ~Xb Ho$bm Var hiy' ho {H«$`m{deofU A{dH$mar amhVo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a d b ~amo~a 2) \$º$ a ~amo~a
3) \$º$ b ~amo~a 4>) a d b MyH$

27) `wÜX Pmbo ZgVo Va _hmJmB© dmT>br ZgVr ---- ho dmŠ` ---- `m àH$mamVrb Amho.

A) ñdmW© ~) AmkmW© H$) {dÜ``© S>) g§Ho$VmW©

28) i) _bm Mhm AmdS>Vmo
ii) _mÂ`m dS>rbm§Zm Vo AmdS>V Zmhr.

(Ho$db dmŠ` ~Zdm)

1) _bm d dS>rbm§Zm Mhm ß`m`bm AmdS>Vo.

2) _mPo Mhm {nUo _mÂ`m dS>rbm§Zm AmdS>V Zmhr.
3) _r Mhm {nV Zmhr; H$maU Vo dS>rbm§Zm AmdS>V Zmhr.
4) Mhm {nD$ Z`o Ago _mPo dS>rb åhUVmV.

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29) Á`m JmdÀ`m ~moar Ë`mM JmdÀ`m ~m^ir --- `m åhUrMm `mo½` AW© {ZdS>m.

A) EH$mM JmdmV Iwn PmSo> AgUo.

~) eoOmar-eoOmar dmñVì`mbm AgUo.
H$) ghdmgmZo eoOmè`m§Mm JwU KoUo
S>) {ZH$Q> n[aM`mMo Agë`mZo EH$_oH$m§g nwaVo AmoiIUo
30) nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUVm eãX "g_wÐ' `m eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX Zmhr?

qgYw, AU©d, n`moYr, dmaramer

A) AU©d ~) qgYw
H$) AU©d, qgYw S>) gd© eãX g_mZmWu

31) Imbr H$mhr eãX d Ë`m§À`m g_mZ AWm©À`m OmoS>`m {Xë`m AmhoV. A`mo½` OmoS>r/OmoS>`m
a) H$bÌ-~m`H$mo b) AœËW- qnni
c) {Z~rS>-KZXmQ> d) dméUr-dmam

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ b 2) \$º$ d 3) b Am{U d 4>) b,c,d

32) `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.

CngJ©K{Q>V eãX nwOmar
eãXgm{YVo A{^Z§XZ
Aä`ñV eãX dmaH$ar
àË``K{Q>V eãX eoOmarnmOmar

n`m©`r CÎmao :- (a) (b) (c) (d)

A) iv iiii i ii
~) ii iv iii i
H$) i ii iii iv
S>) ii iii iv i

33) nwT>rbn¡H$s ì`§OZg§YrMo CXmhaU H$moUVo ?

a) dmŠMmVw`© b) CX`moJ
c) H$moQ>`Yre d) {Za§H$

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ a 2) a Am{U b 3) a, c, d 4>) \$º$ c

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34) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m n`m©`mV g{dH$aUr {d^º$sMm dmna Ho$bm Jobm Amho?

1) nm`Ï`mer 2) J§Jobm 3$) JmdmVbm 4>) nwÊ`mhÿZ

35) ZmpñVH$, Zmng§V, AZmXa, Anwam, A`mo½` ---- hr nXo H$moUË`m g_mgmVrb AmhoV?

1) ZÄm² VËnwê$f g_mg 2) H$_©Yma` g_mg

3$) Aì``r^md g_mg 4>) AbwH$ VËnwéf g_mg

36) q^V IMbr, H$bWyZ, Im§~ Jobm

OwZr nS>H$s CÜdñV Y_©emim
{VÀ`m H$m¡bmar ~gyZ nmadm Vmo
pIÞ, Zrag, EH$m§VJrV JmVmo - `m H$mì`n§º$sVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm?

1) ì`mOmoº$s 2) ì`mOñVwVr
3) ñd^mdmoº$s 4>) n`m©`moº$

37) nwT>rb n¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZo H$moUVr ?

a) D$-H$mamÝV {deoîOUm§Mo gm_mÝ`én hmoV Zmhr.

b) nwq„Jr D$H$mam§V Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én dmH$mam§V hmoVo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
a) \$º$ b) XmoÝhr ~amo~a c) XmoÝhr MyH$ d>) \$º$ b

38) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {H«$`mnXmV [aVr ^yVH$mi dmnabobm Amho ?

1) dmQ>m`Mr 2) VmoS>V AgVmo.

3) OmV Ago 4) IoiV OmB©b
n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ c 2) b Am{U d 3) b Am{U c 4>) a Am{U c

39) dmŠ`mWm©bm ~mYm Z AmUVm aMZoV Ho$bobm ~Xb åhUOo ---

1) AW©n[adV©Z 2) dmŠ`n[adV©Z
3) dmŠ`g§ûcofU 4) dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aU

40) "_mÌm' `m eãXmMm `mo½` AW© -----

a) ñdam§Mo {MÝh b) BbmO c) Am¡fYmMo à_mU d) doioMo n[a_mU

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ c 2) a Am{U c
3$) a,b,c 4>) gd© ~amo~a

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

41) eãX Am{U g_mg `m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm.

a) nmZ gwnmar i) VËnwéf g_mg
b) XaamoO ii) g_mhma ìX§ìX g_mg
c) H«$sS>m§JU iii) ~hþdrhr g_mg
d) Zrag iv) Aì``r^md g_mg

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1) iv i ii iii
2) ii iv i iii
3) iv i iii ii
4) ii iv iii i

42) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ AYmoaopIV C^`mÝd`r Aì``mMm àH$ma AmoiIm?

a) H$mo~r åhUyZ EH$ ^mOr Amho.
b) Vmo åhUmbm H$s, _r qOH$bmo'

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) {dH$ën~moYH$ 2) n[aUm_~moYH$ 3$) ñdén~moYH$ 4>) CÔoe~moYH$

43) a) cãYà[V[ðV - ImoQr à[Vðm [_i[dcoco

b) dëH$c-PmSm§>À`m gmcrnmgwZ V`ma Ho$coco dñÌ
darc eãX g_whm~X²Xc EH$ eãXmgmRr H$moUVr [dYmZ/[dYmZo AMyH$ AmhoV.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) a Am[U b XmoÝhr 2) a Am[U b XmoÝhr Zmhr
3) \$º$ b 4) \$º$ a

44) Oa ZmJarH$m§_Ü`o OmJ¥Vr Pmcr Va A§YlÜXm Zï hmoB©c.

(`m gm§Ho$VmWu dmŠ`mMo [dÜ`Wu dmŠ`mV `mo½` énm§Va H$am.)
1) ZmJarH$m§_YyZ A§YlÜXm Zï hmoB©c Ooìhm Ë`m§À`mV OmJ¥Vr [Z_m©U hmoB©c.
2) ZmJarH$m§_Ü`o OmJ¥Vr hmoCZ A§YlÜXm Zï hmoB©c.
3) ZmJarH$m§_Ü`o OmJ¥Vr Pmë`mZo A§YlÜXm Zmhrer ìhmdr.
4) ZmJarH$m§_Ü`o OmJ¥Vr Pmcr Am[U A§YlÜXm Zï Pmcr.

45) Imcrcn¡H$r H$moUVm dmH²$àMma d Ë`mMm AW© A`mo½` Amho ?

1) dmQ> _maUo-dmQo>V cwQ>Uo 2) dmQo>g cmdUo-[Zamon XoUo
3) dmQ> cmdUo-[dëhodmQ> H$aUo 4) dmQo>g OmUo-ImoSr H$aUo.

n`m©`r CÎmao :-
1) \$º$ 1 2) \$º$ 2
3) 1 d 2 4) 1,2,3,4 `mn¡H$r EH$hr Zmhr

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$.46 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao n`m©`r CÎmam§VyZ {ZdS>m.

Aä`mg H$am`bm ~gm`Mr BÀN>m H$er {Z_m©U Ho$br OmB©b `mM§ EH$ CXmhaU EoH$m. ~hþVoH$OU
{bhm`bm Amier AgVmV. AJXr _moR>-_moR>o boIH$gwÕm boIZmÀ`m ~m~VrV Amig AgUmao hmoVo.
{Z`{_V boIZ ìhmd§ `mgmR>r EH$m boIH$mZ§ EH$ {Zü` H$„m. gH$miMr Ý`mhar ZD$ dmOVm g§ndm`Mr
Am{U Ë`mZ§Va EH$ dmOon`ªV EH$m R>am{dH$ Q>o~bIwMuda OmD$Z boIZmM§ H$m_ H$aV ~gm`M§. boIZ hmodmo
Z hmodmo nU ZD$ Vo EH$ OmJm gmoS>m`Mr Zmhr. gwédmVrbm \$mag§ H$mhr gwMm`M§ Zmhr. WmoS>\$ma {b{hb§
aì`mM§ nwÝhm Vo ImoS>b§ Om`M§. nwÝhm {H$VrVar doJi§ {b{hb§ Om`M§. AmR>dS>çmÀ`m EH$ boI {bhÿZ nwam
hmoVm hmoVm _mam_ma hm`Mr. hiyhiy AmR>dS>`mbm EH$ boI nwam ìhm`bm bmJbm. H$mhr {Xdgm§Zr Ë`m
OmJoda ~gb§ H$s {dMma AmnmoAmnM gwMm`bm gm`Mo. AmO H$m` _yS> Zmhr, Agbo _ZmMo \$mOrb bmS>
AmnmoAmn ~§X Pmbo. nwT>§ nwT>§ `m boIH$ _hme`m§Mr {dMmaà{H«$`m Ý`mhar gVmZmM gwé ìhm`Mr. `mnydu

OodUmgmR>r EH$ Ho$ìhm dmOVmo` ho dma§dma KS>çmimV ~KUmè`m boIH$mM§ nwT>§ doioM§ ^mZ hanb§. {_{Zï>
doi Pmë`mda R>am{dH$ H$m_ H$aÊ`mMm Agm PQ>H$m `oÊ`mMr gd` bmdyZ KoU§ `mbm _mZgemómV
A{^g§YmZ (Conditioning) nÕVr åhUVmV. Vwåhr Aä`mgmÀ`m ~m~VrV `mM nÕVrMm dmna H$am.
Aä`mgmMr doi d {R>H$mU {Z{üV H$am. gwdmVrbm boIH$mgmaI§M Vwåhmbm H$mhr gwMUma Zmhr. _yS> bmJV
Zmhr, eoOmar _yb aS>V§, nËZrH$So> _wb§ X§Jm H$aVmV Agbr H$maU Aä`mg hmoD$ Z`o åhUyZ hmV OmoSy>Z C^r
AgVmV. H$moUË`mhr n[apñWVrV OmJm d à`ËZ gmoSy> ZH$m. `mV gmVË` R>odm. ~Sy> Vwåhr Aä`mgmÀ`m
~¡R>H$sda à^wËd {_idmb.

46) àñVwV CVmè`mVyZ boIH$mZo {dÚmÏ`mªZm AmdmhZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r..... `m _Zmod¡km{ZH$ g§H$ënZoMm

Cn`mJ Ho$bm Amho.
1) Am§V[aH$ àoaUm 2) ~mø àoaUm
3) Aä`ñV àoaUm 4) à~bZ

47) R>am{dH$ Q>o~b-IwMuda boIZmM§ H$m_ H$am`M§ ho boIH$mZo R>adb§ d Ë`mà_mUo Vmo Aä`mg~¡R>H$
Yê$Z R>ody bmJbm. `mMm AW©

1) Ë`mMm AmË_{dœmg Xm§S>Jm hmoVm.

2) Ë`mMr {MH$mQ>r Xm§S>Jr hmoVr.
3) Ë`mMm CËgmh Xm§S>Jm hmoVm.
4) Ë`mÀ`mOdi à~i BÀN>meº$s, AmË_{dœmg d {MH$mQ>r hmoVr.

48) boIH$ gwédmVrbm {bhÿ eH$V ZìhVm H$maU.....

1) d Ë`mÀ`mH$So> {dMma j_Vm ZìhVr.
2) {dMma H$aÊ`mgmR>r d Vo {bhÿZ H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ j_Vm Ë`mÀ`mH$So> ZìhVr.
3) Amigmda _mV H$ê$Z EH$mJ« ~¡R>H$ H$aÊ`mMr Ë`mbm gd` ZìhVr.
4)`mn¡H$s doJio CËVa

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

49) boIH$mbm hiy hiy Aä`mg-~¡R>H$ H$aUo O_y bmJbo H$maU.....

1) Ë`mZo {d{eï> OmJr ~gyZ, {d{eï> H¥$Vr H$aÊ`mMr gd` bmdyZ KoVbr.
2) Ë`mZo {d{eï> OmJr ~gyZ, {d{eï> H¥$Vr H$aÊ`mMm gmVË`mZo gamd Ho$ë`mZo Ë`mÀ`m earambm
d _Zmbm Aä`mg ~¡R>H$sMr gd` bmJbr.
3) Ë`mbm doioMo ^mZ amhrZm.
4) `mhrÀ`m doir gwMbobo {dMma H$Yr H$mJXmda CVadVmo Ago Ë`mbm hmoB©.

50) coIH$mZo [MH$mQrZo d gmVË`mZo à`ËZ H$éZ Amigmda _mV Ho$cr `mMm AW© Ë`mZo .............
1) ñdV…À`m ñdmV§Ì`mMm Cn`moJ H$éZ ñdV…À`m _Zmcm \$mOrc cm§Sm>À`m Jwcm_rVyZ, _wº$
2) AmigmÀ`m Jwcm_rVyZ ñdV…cm _wº$ Ho$co.
3) narjogmRr Amdí`H$ Ago V§Ì AmË_gmV H$aÊ`mV `e [_idco.
4) Vmo IwMuV ~gyZ [c[hÊ`mÀ`m gd`rMm Jwcm_ Pmcm.


Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. Identify the sentence having abstract noun in them:

a) Snow White’s stepmother was full of anger.

b) The Prince fell in love with Snow White when he saw her.

c) Ornaments are made of gold.

(1)(b) and (c) (2) (a) and (c) (3)(a) and (b) (4) All of the above

52. Identify the tense form and time expressed in the following sentences:

a) The prime minister is arriving from New York tomorrow.

b) I am going to the cinema this evening.

(1) Simple present, present continuous

(2) Present continuous, present continuous

(3) Present continuous, future

(4) Present continuous, simple present

53. Which of the following words is/are antonymous with the word ‘OBSTREPEROUS’?

a. noisy b. boisterous c. quiet d. pacific

(1) a and b (2) c and d

(3) a b and d (4) b c and d

54. Which of the following suffixes can be added to the word ‘Hard?

a. ly b. ness c. en d. ship

(1) a b and c only (2) a and b only

(3) b c and d only (4) above all

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

55. a. She arrived home.

b. She found her son missing.

Which one of the following is a correct complex sentence formed from the two
simple sentences above?

(1) When she arrived at home, she found her son missing.

(2) On arriving at home, she found her son missing.

(3) After she arrived home, she had found that her son was missing.

(4) While arriving home, she found her son missing.

56. Peter is a cynic person, which means:

1) One who thinks the all people are motivated purely by self-interest and selfish.

2) One who is against the old tradition.

3) One who can endure pain or hardship.

. 4) One who is overenthusiastic about his religion.

57. Identify the sentence/s that expresses indicative mood:

a) My watch was lost.

b) Why are you laughing?

c) Be merciful.

1) Only a) 2) only b) 3) a) and b) 4) only c)

58 Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) I, who am your friend, should have been consulted.

b) I am the person who has always stood by you.

c) This is one of the best novels that has been published this year.

1) Only a) 2) only b) 3) a) and b) 4) only c)

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

59. Match the following:

a) Ballad I) a lament for the dead.

b) Allegory II) song narrating a story

c) Elegy III) a secret agent employed to watch others.

d) Snoop IV) a story, poem, to reveal a hidden meaning

a b c d





60. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) The train having been delayed by the fog, I reached my destiny very late.

b) It was obvious that the thunderstorm was eminent.

c) All her mistakes were due to her negligible attitude to her work.

d) The smugglers had to abandon their elicit trade.

1) a b and c 2) c and d only

3) a and c 4) None of the above

61 Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Let us hire a cab lest we should not get late.

b) I will wait here until she does not come back.

c) We did not hardly have time to eat.

1) a and b 2) a and c 3) b and c 4)None

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

62. Find out the grammatically incorrect sentence/s:

a) Its not good to be rude with the elders.

b) The committee issued their report.

c) The jury gave its verdict.

(1) b and c (2) a and c (3) a and b (4) only c

63. Convert the following sentence into indirect narration:

‘Do you have anything to tell me, little princess?’ asked the king.

1) The king ask the little princess if she have anything to tell him.

2) The king asked the little princess that if she has anything to tell him.

3) The king said to the little princess if she had anything to say to him.

4) The king asked the little princess whether she had anything to tell him.

64. Choose the appropriate option to make meaningful sentence:

Why did you forbid me _______

1) to go 2) Not to go

3) from going 4) from not going

65. Make interrogative of the given sentence:

Nobody can forget their sacrifice.

1) Who can forget their sacrifice?

2) Can nobody forget their sacrifice?

3) Can’t anybody forget their sacrifice?

4) Whom can forget their sacrifice?

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

66. Choose the odd pair from the given below:

1) active: hyperactive 2) Great: Greatly

3) sharp: sharpness 4) High: highly

67. Select the sentence which is not in passive voice:

1) I remember being taken to doctor

2) I am not to be blamed for the loss.

3) It is considered that his is honest

4) You should not look down upon the poor.

68. Find out the grammatically incorrect sentence/s:

a) She is often coming to me on Sundays.

b) The house is belonging to me for the last twenty years.

c) When I met her last year, she was married for three years.

(1)b and c (2) a and c (3) a and b (4) All

69. Identify the underlined word:

A burning candle was extinguished.

(1) Verbal word (2) Verbal noun

(3) Present participle (4) Continuous verb

70. Which of the following is the correct?

a) The flowers smell sweetly.

b) I am feeling good today.

c) This hall is much large to live in.

1) a and b 2) only b 3) b and c 4) None

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

71. Identify the grammatically correct sentence:

a) Shakespeare was an eminent playwright.

b) Third world war is imminent.

c) Devine force is immanent in universe.

1) Only a) 2) only b) 3) a) and c) 4) all are correct

72. Choose the incorrect phrase:

1) bygone be bygones. 2) Make no bones.

3) Elbow grease. 4) cut and fry

73. He is always blazing a trail about his success.

Choose the meaning of the above phrase:

1) Hopeful 2) conscious 3) ill luck 4) struggling

74. Choose the correct:

a) Monologue – a speech by one person.

b) Epilogue – end of the play.

c) Prologue – beginning or introduction.

Answer options:

1) All are correct 2) only b c 3) Only b 4) Only a

75. His life was in jeopardy.

Which of the following is not the antonym of the underlined word above?

a) danger b) peril c) hazard

1) (b) and (c) 2) (a) and (c)

3) only (c) 4) None

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

76. Select the misspelt word:

1) perimeter 2) occassion 3) embarrass 4) indiscernible

77. Use the appropriate article:

1) Will you give me a glass of ___________water.

2) ______rose is the sweetest of all flowers.

3) ________man is the only animal that uses fire.

1) the, the, the 2) no article, no article, no article

3) no article, the, the 4) no article, the, no article

78. Select the sentences having adverb clause in them:

a) I shall go where he works in a factory.

b) Since it was dark outside I did not go out.

c) He settled in the town where he retired from the service.

d) Do you know when the drain arrives?

1) (a) (b) and (c) 2) (b) (c) and (d)

3) (a)(b) and (d) 4) (a) and (b) only

79. What do the following sentences express respectively?

a) If you studied hard, you would pass the examination.

b) If I had seen you yesterday, I would have told you about it.

1) Real condition, unreal condition

2) Unreal condition, real condition

3) Present unreal, past unreal

4) Past unreal, past unreal

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

80. Choose the possible answer for the given blanks below:

If you ____ out with your friends tonight, I ____ the football match on TV.

1) go, will watch 2) went, would watch

3) had gone, would have watched 4) will go, will watch

81. Identify the correct sentence:

a) All passengers must show ________tickets.

b) Everyman must bear__________own burden.

c) Each of the girls gave_________own version of the affairs.

1) our, his, her 2) their, his, his

3) their, his, her 4) his, his, her

82. Identify the Complex sentence/s below:

a) Strike the iron while it is hot

b) You are taller than I thought.

c) He ran so quickly that he soon overtook me.

d) They fought as heroes do.

1) (a) (b) and (c) 2) (b) (c) and (d)

3) (a)(b) and (d) 4) All are complex sentence

83. Tokyo’s population is greater than Beijing.

Which of the following sentences corrects the underlined part in above sentence?

1) than population of Beijing.

2) than those of Beijing population.

3) than that of Beijing.

4) than those of Beijing.

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

84. Complete the following:

a) He is such a boy I) as I advised her

b) She did it II) that cannot help anybody

c) She is intelligent III) while her brother is dull

d) we come here IV) that we may study

a) b) c) d)





85. Choose the correct sentence from the given:

1) We stopped to write

2) She cannot help to tell a lie.

3) Suhani does not mind to help me.

4) He has given up playing hockey.

86. Choose the correct sentence:

1) No fewer than fifty persons were killed.

2) More than one employees were killed in the accident.

3) It is a three-years degree course.

4) One must do his duty on time.

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87. Match the following:

a) That it would rain seemed likely. I) Noun clause

b) The reason why I did it is obvious. II) Adverb clause

c) Where you live I will live. III) Adjective clause

a) b) c)





88. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) The inspector asked us why hadn't we a ticket.

b) She wanted to know what had I done in my spare time.

c) She asked me if I could speak any foreign languages.

1) a and c only 2) b and c only

3) a and b only 4) c only

89. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) It was nothing else than her arrogance.

b) She feels comparatively better today.

c) I seldom or ever refused the leave.

1) b only 2) a and c only

3) None 4) All

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90. Identify the equivalent sentence for the given:

Very few writers in India are as famous as RK Narayan.

a) RK Narayan is more famous than most of the Indian writers.

b) RK Narayan is one of the most famous Indian writers.
c) RK Narayan is the most famous Indian writers.
1) Only (a) 2) only (b) 3) (a) and (b) 4) All are correct.

91. What does the below idiom mean?

A culture vulture

1) Someone who is very keen to experience art and literature.

2) Someone who wants to defend ancient culture.
3) Someone who is ashamed of one’s own culture.
4) Somone who looks ast his/her culture critically.

92. Fill the blank:

You were going to apply for the job which you were looking for, and now you
decided not to. So what _____________?

1) put you off 2) put you out

3) turned you off 4) turned you away

93. Find out the opposite meaning of the word/s capitalized in below sentence.

Macbeth is an ABOMINABLE figure.

a) abhorrent b) loathsome c) admirable c) commendable

1) a and b only 2) c and d only

3) a b and d only 4) b c and d only

94. Find the word for the given explanation below:

A nursery where children of working parents are cared for while their parents are at

1) Crèche 2) asylum 3) arsenal 4) infirmary

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95. Fill the appropriate prepositions:

a) He did not attend ______what his mother advised.

b) He has no servant to attend ______him in old age.

1) with, to 2) to, of 3) to, upon 4) of, in

Read the following passage carefully and answer No’s 96 to 100 based on it.

The world had witnessed number of diseases in every decade in which almost every
country suffered and accordingly other countries had to give their hands to get over of that
evil immediately as this might cause to another nation as well. Being very collectively
responsible member of the whole universe every country contributed toward the peace
and prosperity particularly in health section every nation had been as quick as today they

In May 1966, the World Health Organization was authorized to initiate a global
campaign to eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eradicate the disease in one decade.
Because similar projects for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox
could actually be eradicated but eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign,
no cases were reported in the field. The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations,
but also to isolate patients with active smallpox in order to contain the spread of the
disease and to break the chain of human transmission. Rewards for reporting smallpox
assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one, each smallpox victim
was sought out, removed from contact with others and treated. At the same time, the entire
village where the victim had lived was vaccinated. Today smallpox is no longer a threat to
humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.

96. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

1) The World Health Organization

2) The Eradication of Smallpox

3) Smallpox Vaccinations

4) Infectious Diseases

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97. What was the goal of the campaign against smallpox?

1) To decrease the spread of smallpox worldwide

2) To eliminate smallpox worldwide in ten years

3) To provide mass vaccinations against smallpox worldwide

4) To initiate worldwide projects for smallpox, malaria and yellow fever at the same

98. According to the paragraph what was the strategy used to eliminate the spread of
small pox?

1) Vaccination of the entire village

2) Treatment of individual victims

3) Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations

4) Extensive reporting of outbreaks

99. Eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign, ___________

1) Smallpox was no longer a threat to humanity

2) No cases were reported in the field

3) Organization members changed the strategy

4) More number of people had been victimized from smallpox

100. It can be inferred that—

1) No new cases of smallpox have been reported this year

2) Malaria and yellow fever have been eliminated

3) Smallpox victims no longer die when they contract the disease

4) Smallpox is not transmitted from one person to another

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1 3 26 1 51 3 76 2
2 2 27 4 52 3 77 2
3 1 28 2 53 2 78 4
4 1 29 4 54 4 79 3
5 2 30 4 55 3 80 1
6 4 31 2 56 1 81 3
7 2 32 4 57 3 82 4
8 1 33 2 58 3 83 3
9 3 34 3 59 3 84 3
10 4 35 1 60 4 85 4
11 3 36 3 61 4 86 1
12 4 37 2 62 3 87 4
13 2 38 4 63 4 88 4
14 2 39 2 64 3 89 4
15 3 40 4 65 1 90 3
16 4 41 2 66 1 91 1
17 3 42 3 67 4 92 1
18 2 43 1 68 4 93 2
19 4 44 3 69 3 94 1
20 2 45 4 70 4 95 3
21 4 46 3 71 4 96 2
22 3 47 4 72 4 97 2
23 1 48 3 73 1 98 3
24 2 49 2 74 1 99 2
25 3 50 1 75 4 100 3

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Test - 09

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

1) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm. `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.

a) Ho$di à`moJr Aì``m§Mo dJuH$aU Vo dmŠ`m_Ü`o H$moUVr ^mdZm ì`ŠV H$aVmV `mdéZ Ho$bo OmVo.
b) Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``m§Mo dJuH$aU Ë`m§À`m ñdénmdéZ Ho$bo OmVo.
n`m©` :
1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` 2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½`
3) \$ŠV a `mo½` 4>) \$ŠV b `mo½`
2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV n[aUm_~moYH$ C^`mÝd`r Aì`` dmnabo Amho?
n`m©` :
a) _bm bm°Q>ar bmJbr H$s AYu aŠH$_ _r Vwbm XoB©Z.
b) {OÝ`mÀ`m nm`è`m MT>ë`m H$s em§Vmbm X_ bmJVmo.
n`m©` :
1) \$ŠV a `mo½` 2) \$ŠV b `mo½` 3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` 4>) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½`
3) gm_mÝ`V… eãX`moJr Aì``o {d^ŠVr àË``m§Mo H$m`© H$aVmV. na§Vw ewÜX eãX`moJr Aì``o {d^ŠVr àË``m§Mo
H$m_ H$aV ZmhrV.
1) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… MyH$ Amho. 2) ho {dYmZ nyU©V… AMyH$ Amho.
3) h`m {dYmZmMm nydmªY© ~amo~a Amho. 4>) h`m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
4) O|ìhm gH$_©H$ YmVwnmgyZ à`moOH$ {H«$`mnX V`ma hmoV Agob V|ìhm {gÜX d gm{YV YmVwMm H$Vm© Oar doJdoJim
Agob V|ìhm H$_© _mÌ EH$M AgVo.
1) `m {dYmZmMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho.
2) `m {dYmZmMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
3) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… ~amo~a Amho.
4>) ho dmŠ` nyU©V… MyH$ Amho.

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5) ñdV…Mr ñdV§Ì Aer qbJ-dMZ AgUmar gd©Zm_o AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

a) hm b) _r c) Omo d) Vmo
n`m©` :
1) gd© a,b,c,d `mo½` `mo½` 2) \$ŠV a, c, d `mo½`
3) \$ŠV a, b, c `mo½` 4>) gd© MyH$
6) pìXH$_©H$ {H«$`mnX AgUmè`m dmŠ`mV `oUmao AàË`j H$_© ho ----- {d^ŠVrV AgVo.
1) pìXVr`m 2) àW_m
3) gá_r 4) MVwWu
7) nwT>rb AMyH$ {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.
a) VËg_ nwpëb¨Jr B©-H$mamÝV Am{U D$-H$mamÝV Zm_mMo gm_mÝ`én hmoV Zmhr.
b) gm_mÝ`én hmoVmZm Zm_mVrb pìXËV ì`§OZ {ZKyZ OmVo.
n`m©`r …
1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH 2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
3) $\$º$ a AMyH$ 4>) $\$º$ b AMyH$
8) nwT>rbn¡H$s AZoH$dMZr Zm_o AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
a) dm§Jo b) S>moHo$ c) IoS>r d) H$mabr
n`m©` …
1) gd© {dYmZo `mo½` 2) \$ŠV a, b `mo½`

3$) \$ŠV c,d `mo½` 4>) \$ŠV b,c,d `mo½`

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9) nwT>rbn¡H$s `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo H$moUVr ?

a) _amR>r ^mfoV E-H$mamÝV ñÌrqbJr Zm_o AmT>iV ZmhrV.
b) _amR>r ^mfoV Am-H$mamÝV Am{U Amo-H$mamÝV ZnwgH$qbJr Zm_o AmT>iVmV.
1) \$ŠV a `mo½` 2) \$ŠV b `mo½` 3$) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` 4>) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½`
10) nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm. -AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
a) ` àË``Ëd ^mddmMH$ Zm_o Z_w§gH$qbJr AgVmV.
b) B© àË``Ëd ^mddmMH$ Zm_o ñÌrqbJr AgVmV.
c) dm àË``Ëd ^mddmMH$ Zm_o nwpëb¨Jr AgVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao :

A) a Am{U b AMyH$ ~) b Am{U c AMyH$

H$) a Am{U c AMyH$ S>) a, b Am{U c AMyH$

11) g§Yr`wŠV eãXm§À`m AMyH$ OmoS>`m Owidm
eãX g§Yr àH$ma
a) Xþ~©b i) {dgJ© "C' H$ma g§Yr
b) {eamo_Ur ii) {dgJ© "f' g§Yr
c) ~{hîH$ma iii) {dgJ© "e' g§Yr
d) eZ¡íMa iv) {dgJ© "a' g§Yr
n`m©`r CÎmao :- (a) (b) (c) (d)
1) iv i ii iii

2) iv ii i iii

3) iv iii ii i

4>) iv iii i ii

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12) Vmbì` Cƒma AgUmè`m eãXm§Mm AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.

a) Mma b) OmU c) M§Ð d) Mmam e) N>Ìr

n`m©` …
1) gd© eãX AMyH$ 2) \$ŠV a, c, e AMyH$
3) \$º$ c, d, e AMyH$ 4) \$º$ a, b, c AMyH$
13) `mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.
a) XrKm©ÝVmnyduMm "A' {Z^¥V Cƒmabm OmVmo.
b) AZwñdma, {dgJ© d OmoS>mja `m§À`m Z§VaMm "A' g§^¥V Cƒmabm OmVmo.
n`m©` :
1) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` 2) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½`
3) \$ŠV a `mo½` 4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
14) {edmOtZr bT>mB©V `e {_i{dbo.
(`e - `m eãXmMo `mo½` ì`mH$aU Mmbdm)
1) _yieãX- {edmOr, àH$ma- {deofZm_, qbJ-nwpëb¨J
dMZ-EH$dMZ, {d^ŠVr-V¥Vr`m, dmŠ`mVrb ñWmZ-H$Vm©.
2) _yi eãX-{edmOr, àH$ma-{deofZm_, qbJ-nwpëb¨J,
dMZ-AmXamWu AZoH$dMZ, {d^ŠVr-V¥Vr`m dmŠ`mVrb ñWmZ H$Vm©
3) _yieãX-{edmOr, àH$ma-{deofZm_, qbJ-nwpëb¨J,
dMZ-AmXamWu AZoH$dMZ, {d^ŠVr-gá_r, dmŠ`mVrb ñWmZ-H$Vm©
4) _yieãX-{edmOr, àH$ma-{deofZm_, qbJ-nwpëb¨J,
dMZ-AmXamWu AZoH$dMZ, {d^ŠVr-V¥Vr`m, dmŠ`mVrb ñWmZ H$_©

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15) Imbrbn¡H$s AMyH$ OmoS>r AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

a) H$mH$nX (@) b) AdJ«h (^)

c) AY©{dam_ (;) d) AnyU© {dam_ (…)

n`m©` …
1) gd© {dYmZo `mo½` 2) \$ŠV c `mo½`
3$) \$ŠV a, c `mo½` 4>) ~amo~a \$ŠV c, d `mo½`
16) nwT>rb dmŠ`m§Mo EH$m Ho$dbdmŠ`mV AMyH$ énm§Va H$am.
a) hm lr_§Vm§Mm nmoa Amho.
b) Vmo Iwim Amho.
c) Am_Mr pñWVr VerM Amho.
n`m©` :-
1) hm lr_§Vm§Mm nmoa Amho, åhUyZ Am_Mr pñWVr VerM Amho
2) Am_Mr pñWVr h`m lr_§Vm§À`m Iwi`m nmoamgmaIr Amho.
3) Am_Mr pñWVr VerM Amho, H$maU lr_§Vm§Mm nmoa Iwim Amho.
4) lr_§Vm§Mm nmoa Iwim Agë`m_wio Am_Mr pñWVr VerM Amho.
17) Zm__gm{YV {H«$`mnX AgUmam JQ> {ZdS>m.
a) _mJmgbr b) aoImQ>Vmo c) W§S>mdbr d) hmVmibr
n`m©` :
1) \$ŠV b `mo½` 2) b, c A{U d `mo½`
3) \$ŠV b, d `mo½` 4) gd© {dYmZ `mo½`

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18) eãX g_whm~X²Xb `mo½` eãX {ZdS>m.

EH$m§S>m {eboXma -------
a) ZoV¥ËdJwU AgUmam b) EH$Q>`mZoM bT>Umam
c) BVam§Mr _XV Z KoVm ñd~imda H$m`© H$aUmam
d) Xþ~io ZoV¥Ëd AgUmam
n`m©` :-
1) \$ŠV c `mo½` 2) c Am{U d `mo½`
3) b Am{U c `mo½` 4) \$ŠV b `mo½`
19) ApñVËdmV Zgboë`m ì`ŠVrMo AWdm JmoîQ>rMo JwUJmZ H$aUo ------- Agm AW© ì`ŠV H$aUmar AMyH$
åhU {ZdS>m.
a) ~¡b Jobm AZ² Pmonm Ho$bm. b) _oë`m åherbm _U^a Xÿa
c) AmOm _obm ZmVy Pmbm. d) gwnmVrb hgVmV, OmË`mVrb aS>VmV.
n`m©` :-
1) \$ŠV b `mo½` 2) b Am{U d `mo½`
3) a, b Am{U d `mo½` 4) c Am{U d `mo½`
20) Imbrb n`m©`m§_YyZ Aja AmoiIm.
a) B© b) D$ c) ` d) Am¡
n`m©` :
1) \$ŠV c `mo½` 2) \$ŠV a Am{U b `mo½`
3) a, b, c `mo½` 4) gd©M `mo½` AmhoV.

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21) nwT>rb eãX AH$ma{dëho à_mUo `mo½` bmdm.

H$mdim, H$mH$S>r, H$mH$s, H$mH$m,
1) H$mH$S>r, H$mH$m, H$mdim, H$mH$s
2) H$mH$S>r, H$mH$m, H$mH$s, H$mdim
3>) H$mdim, H$mH$s, H$mH$m, H$mH$S>r
4) H$mH$m, H$mH$s, H$mdim, H$mH$S>r
22) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV åhmVmam hm eãX Zm_ åhUyZ dmnabm Amho.
a) EH$ åhmVmam PmonS>rV {Zdm§V ~gbm hmoVm.
b) EH$ åhmVmam _mUyg PmonS>rV {Zdm§V ~gbm hmoVm.
n`m©` …-
1) \$ŠV a `mo½` 2) \$ŠV b `mo½`
3) XmoÝhr dmŠ`o `mo½` 4) XmoÝhr dmŠ`o A`mo½`
23) nwT>rb H$moUVo eãX "ñÌr' eãXmMo g_mZmWu eãX ZmhrV ?
a) d{ZVm b) a_m c) O`m d) à_Xm
n`m©` …
1) gd© eãX g_mZmWu 2) \$ŠV a d b

3) \$ŠV b Am{U c 4>) \$ŠV c

24) {deofU nyd©nX H$_©Yma` g_mgmMr CXmhaUo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

a) gmdimam_ b) am_X`mi c) _hmXod d) nm§T>amew^«
n`m©` :-

1) \$ŠV c 2) a, b Am{U d 3) a Am{U c 4) b, c Am{U d

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25) AmZ§XdZmV OmUmao àdmgr _mUgmMr XþX©å` BÀN>meŠVr nmhÿZ A§V_w©I hmoVmV.
(AYmoao{IV eãXg_whmMo dmŠ`n¥ÏWH$aUÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo H$m`© H$moUVo)
1) _w»` CX²Xoe 2) {dÜ`o` {dñVma
3) CX²Xoí` {dñVma 4>) H$_©nyaH$
26) eŠ` ^mdo à`moJ Á`m dmŠ`mV dmnabm Amho Ago {dYmZ/{dYmZo AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
a) Ë`mMo {bhÿZ Pmbo b) _bm ~gdVo
c) {Vëhm H$m_ H$adVo d) AmOmo~m§Zm WmoS>o MmbdVo
n`m©` …

1) b, c Am{U d 2) b Am{U d
3) \$ŠV b 4) \$ŠV c

27) _r ZmQ>H$mbm OmB©Z (^yV^yV)

(H§$gmVrb gyMZoà_mUo AMyH$ H$mimMo dmŠ` ~Zdm)
1) _r ZmQ>H$mbm Jobmo.
2) _r ZmQ>H$mbm Jobmo hmoVmo.
3) _r ZmQ>H$mbm OmV hmoVmo.
4) _r ZmQ>H$mbm OmUma hmoVmo.
28) Vm-H¥$XÝV AgUmao eãX dmŠ`mV {deofUmMo Am{U {H«$`m{deofUmMo XmoÝhtMo H$m`© H$é eH$Vo.
n`m©` …
1) h`m dmŠ`mMm nydm©Y© ~amo~a Amho. 2) h`m dmŠ`mMm CËVamY© ~amo~a Amho.
3) ho nyU© dmŠ` ~amo~a Amho. 4) ho nyU© dmŠ` MyH$ Amho.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

29) nwT>o Ab§H$mam{df`r H$mhr g§H$ënZm {Xë`m AmhoV. AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
a) Cn_o`-Cn_mZ `m§À`mV gmaIonUm XmI{dUo åhUOo Cn_m Ab§H$ma
b) Cn_o` ho Cn_mZmnojm loîR> XmI{dUo åhUOo énH$ Ab§H$ma
c) Cn_o` d Cn_mZ `m§À`mV EH$énVm XmI{dUo åhUOo
d) Cn_o`mbm Cn_o`mMrM Cn_m XoUo åhUOo AZÝd` Ab§H$ma
n`m©` …
1) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$ 2) \$º$ a {dYmZ AMyH$
3) \$ŠV a, b Am{U d AMyH$ 4>) \$ŠV a Am{U d AMyH$
30) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr Zm_o XmoÝhr dMZmV gmaIrM amhVmV.
1) Ka, PmS>, S>~m, KaQ>o 2) emim, Xod, Im§~, dmK
3) ZXr, qgh, {dYdm, O§Jb 4>) {MËVm, ZQ>, IwMu, n§Im
31) Imbrb n`m©`m§_YyZ Amåhr `m eãXmMr V¥Vr`m {d^ŠVr AmoiIm.
1) Amåhmg 2) Am_Mm 3) Amåhmbm 4>) Amåhr
32) nwT>rbn¡H$s A`mo½` {dYmZ/{dYmZo {ZdS>m.
a) Á`m {H«$`mnXm§Mm AW© nyU© hmoÊ`mgmR>r H$_m©Mr JaO ZgVo Ë`m§Zm gH$_©H$ {H«$`mnX åhUVmV.
b) H$_© dmŠ`mMm AW© nyU© H$aVo.
c) {H«$`mnXhr {dYmZmMm AW© nyU© H$aVo.
n`m©` :
1) \$º$ a 2) a Am{U b 3) gd© {dYmZo A`mo½` a, c, d 4>) \$º$ b,c

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33) {H«$`mnX Am{U AmÜ`mV `m§Mr `mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm.

a) gy`© nyd}g CJdVmo- pìXVr` Vm- Am»`mV

b) PmS>m§Zm _w~bH$ nmUr {Xbo Va Vr Q>dQ>drV {XgVmV.

n`m©` …
1) \$º$ b `mo½` 2) \$ŠV a `mo½` 3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo `mo½` 4>) XmoÝhr {dYmZo A`mo½`
34) AmVm, ~marH$, Oib§ _ob§ Ho$db à`moJr Aì``m§Mm àH$ma AmoiIm.
1) nmXnyaUmW©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
2) {VañH$ma-Xe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
3$) {damoYXe©H$ Ho$dbà`moJr Aì``
4>) emoH$Xe©H$ Ho$db à`moJr Aì``
35) `mo½` OmoS>`m bmdm.
1) ñVwVr H$aÊ`mg A`mo½` A) AíbmÜ`
2) VoO Zgbobr AdñWm ~) AdH$im
3) A~m{YV H$) AHw§${R>V
4>) {Zénm` AdñWoV gmnS>bobm S>) AJ{VH$
1 2 3 4

1) A ~ H$ S>
2) A H$ ~$ S>
3) ~ A H$ S>
4) S> H$ A ~

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36) nwT>rb {dYmZo {dMmamV KoD$Z `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

A) _amR>r eãXmVrb A§Ë` A Mm Cƒma bm§~Q> hmoVmo.
~) VËg_ eãXmVrb A§Ë` A Mm CÜXma AmIyS> hmoVmo.
1) A d ~ XmoÝhr `mo½` 2) A d ~ XmoÝhr A`mo½`
3) \$ŠV A `mo½` $ 4>) \$º$ ~ `mo½`
37) `mo½` OmoS>`m Owidm.
1) gy`© + AñV A) Am + A
2) Xod + Amb` ~) Am + Am
3) {dX`m + AWu H$) A + A
4) amOm + Amkm S>) A + Am
1) H$ S> A$ ~
2) H$ S>$ ~$ A
3) S> H$ A$ ~>
4) A ~ H$ S>
38) qbJ {dMmam g§~§Yr `mo½` {dYmZ H$moUVo Vo gm§Jm.
1) qbJ ho C^`mÝd`r Aì``mdéZ AmoiIVmV.
2) Zm_mMo én ho qbJ AmoiIÊ`mMr IwU Amho.
3) qbJ {dMmamV ì`mH$aUH$mam§Zr eãX`moJr Aì``mMm A{YH$ Cn`moJ Ho$bm OmVmo.
4) Ho$db à`moJr Aì`` ho qbJ AmoiIÊ`mMo EH$_od gmYZ hmo`.

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39) Imbrb n`m©`mVwZ "bjUm' eãXeŠVr AmoiIm.

1) AmO {H$Vr JmS>`m§Mr AmdH$ Pmbr.
2) Amåhr Jhÿ ImVmo.
3) Vmo {Zdi gmn Amho.
4) gm`§H$mir emo^m H$mhrer Am¡aM AgVo.
40) Am_Mm Hw$Ìm H$miwam_ ~mJoÀ`m hm¡XmV nS>bm. `m dmŠ`mVrb CX²Xoe {dñVma AmoiIm.
1) Am_Mm Hw$Ìm 2) H$miwam_
3) hm¡XmV 4) ~mJoV
41) "Vw Jmdmbm OmUma AZ naV Ho$ìhm `oUma' `m dmŠ`mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.
1) gmYo dmŠ` 2) {dYmZmWu dmŠ`
3$) g§`wŠV dmŠ` $ 4>) àíZmWu dmŠ`
42) Imbrb {dYmZm§Zm n¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ/Zo AMwH$ AmhoV.
A) gd©Zm_mbm à{VZm_o åhUVmV.
~) gd©Zm_mMm dmŠ`mV ñdV§ÌnUo Cn`moJ hmoVmo.
H$) gd©Zm_mbm qbJdMZmMm {dH$ma hmoV Zmhr.
S>) gd© gd©Zm_ ho {dH$mar AgVmV.
1) A, ~ Am{U S> 2) gd© {dYmZo
3) \$º$ A Am{U H$ 4) \$º$ A, ~, H$
43) "_wi AW© Amho Vgm amhÿZ Ë`mVwZ Omo Xþgam AW© gw{MV hmoVmo Ë`mg ------ åhUVmV.'
1) bjmW© 2) ì`§JmW© 3) ì`§OZm 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

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44) AYmoao{IV {H«$`mnXmMm àH$ma AmoiIm.

"gmgar OmVmZm {VMo S>moio nmUmdbo'
1) à`moOH$ {H«$`mnX 2) {gÜX {H«$`mnX
3) gm{YV {H«$`mnX 4) Jm¡U {H«$`mnX
45) "Zdr {dh Zdo amÁ`' `m åhUrMm `mo½` AW© H$moUVm ?
1) ZdrZ OJ ZdrZ amÁ` 2) gJirM n[apñWVr ZdrZ AgUo.
3) ZdrZ H$m_mV ZdrZ amÁ` {Z_m©U H$aUo 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr.
nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ àíZ H«$_m§H$ 46 Vo 50 `m àíZm§Mr CËVao X`m.
lr_§VmMm d Jar~mMm `m OJm§V XÿaMm g§~§Y Amho. Var nabmoH$m_Ü`o \$ma OdiMm g§~§Y Amho. `mH$[aVm X`m
hm Amnbm EH$m_oH$m§Mm àW_ Y_© Amho. gd© Y_mªMo gma X`m Amho. Jar~ hm lr_§VmMo Owb_mZo hmoVmo. H$mhr OÝ_V…
H$moUr Jar~ ZgVmo. `mH$[aVm§ gdmªda X`m H$amdr hm CÎm_ _mJ© gd©Xm Ý`m` X`oÀ`m AZwg§JmZo H$amdm. Am{U Ag| _Zm§V
AmnH$mdo H$s, Amåhr _aUmZ§Va B©œamnmer X`m _mJy. Ë`mMo X`odmMyZ Am_Mm n[aUm_ bmJUma Zmhr. åhUyZ Oa AmnU
Xþgè`mnmet X`m _mJÊ`mg {gÕ Amhm| Va Vg|M AmnU H$ê$Z XmI{dbo nm{hOo. VaM Amnbo _mJUo ng§V hmoB©b. gd©
OrdO§Vw kmV AkmV ho X`og nmÌ AmhoV. na§Vw qhXÿ Y_m©V `km{XH$ {ZX©` H$_} AmhoV, Vr B©œam§nmgyZ Pmbr AgVrb,
Ago _bm dmQ>V Zmhr. Xþgè`m OZmdam§da Amnbo nmn R>odyZ Ë`mObm _mamdo. åhUOo Ë`m§Mo Xþ…ImZo Amnbo nmn OmB©b hr
Jmoï> {dMmamg {déÕ Amho. na§Vw `mà_mUo Mmb ~hþV {Xdgm§nmgyZ Amho. Á`m H$mir B©œamZo _mUgo {Z_m©U Ho$br, Ë`m
H$mir Vr A_Š`mM H$maUmH$[aVm§ Ho$br, Ago n¸o$ g_OV Zmhr. na§Vw A_wH$ arVrZo Mmbmdo d A_wH$ [aVrZo Z Mmbmd| h|
B©œamZo àË`oH$ _mUgmMo ~wÕrV no[ab| Amho, ho I{MV Amho. B©œamZo Amnbr ~T>mB© dmT>dmdr åhUyZ _mUg| Ho$br, Ago
Zmhr. B©œamg _mUgmÀ`m {H$V©ZmZo A{YH$ WmoanUm `oVmo, ho {_Ï`m Amho. VWm{n _Zwî`m§Zr Omo Amnbm {Z_m©UH$Vm© Agob
Ë`mMr godm H$amdr hmM Y_© `mo½` Amho. d ZrVrZo dmJmdo åhUOo gwI hmoVo. na§Vw `k H$aÊ`mg gm§{JVbo Agob, Ago
dmQ>V Zmhr. `k H$aUo ho AZw{MV d A{dMmar H$_© Amho. ho ~hþYm _Zwî`m§Zr `mo{Obo Agmd|. àW_ _bm dmQ>Vo B©œamZo
BVH$mM Y_© bmdyZ {Xbm Agob H$s, Ë`m§Zr Mm§Jbr dV©UyH$ H$amdr, Am{U B©œamda ^ma R>odyZ dmJmd|. EdT>mM Y_© hmoVm.
ho H$emdê$Z dmQ>Vo H$s, BVa Y_© gd© _mUgm§g bmJy nS>V ZmhrV. Oa B§J«Om§Mm Y_© Iam åhUmdm Va AbrH$So> CËnÞ
Pmbm. Voìhm Ë`mMo _mJ| Vo Á`m Xoem§V Vmo Y_© _m{hV nS>bm Zmhr, Ë`m Xoem§Vrb _mUgo ZH$m©V Jobr H$s H$m`? ho ~amo~a
Zmhr. VerM _wgb_mZmMo Y_m©Mr AdñWm Amho. B©œaào[aV Y_© gdm©g gmaIm H$imdm. Oer Ë`mUo bmoH$m§g
ImÊ`m{nÊ`mMr gmo` H$ê$Z {Xbr, VÕV Y_m©Mrhr V`mar Ho$br Agob, d Oa OZmdam§Mo `k hm Y_© åhUmbm, Va
Ë`m{df`rhr EoŠ`Vm hmoUma Zmhr. d OZmdao doJimbr àË`oH$ Xoem§V AmhoV. Voìhm§ Ë`m§n¡H$s H$moUË`m OZmdamÀ`m aº$mZo
B©œa g§Vwï> hmoVmo V|hr ~amo~a H$iV Zmhr.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

46) nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ gd© Y_mªMo gma H$m` ? Ago AmnUmg dmQ>Vo ?
Ho$bm Amho.
a) à^y b) Y_© c) X`m d) H$éUm
n`m©` …
1) \$º$ c 2) \$ŠV c Am{U d 3) b, c Am{U d 4>) \$º$ b Am{U c

47) gd© Ord O§Vy _Zwî` kmV Am{U AkmV H$emg nmÌ AmhoV ?
1) eaUmJVrg 2) J{V_mZVog 3) X`og 4) AYmoJ{Vg
48) CVmam dmMë`mda `mo½` Y_© H$moUVm Ago AmnUmg dmQ>Vo ?
1) Omo Amnbm {Z_m©UH$Vm© Agob Ë`mMr godm H$amdr.
2) Omo Zdgmbm bJoM nmdVmo Vmo.
3) Omo Y_© gd© Y_m©Mr {eH$dU XoVmo.
4) Á`m_Ü`o ^anya d«Vd¡H$ë`o gm§{JVbr AmhoV Vmo.
49) CVmè`mV "{_Ï`m' hm eãX Ambm Amho Ë`mMm AMyH$ AW© AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.
a) Iao b) AZ¥V c) ImoQ>o d) emídV
n`m©` …
1) \$º$ c 2) b Am{U c 3) c Am{U d 4>) \$º$ a Am{U b

50) EImXr ì`ŠVr Xþgè`mOdi X`m _mJÊ`mg H|$ìhm {gÜX AWdm g_W© Amho ?
1) O|ìhm Vwåhr B©ída ^ŠVr H$amb V|ìhm
2) O|ìhm Vwåhr Y_m©Mo AmMaU H$amb V|ìhm
3) O|ìhm B©ídamg eaU Omb V|ìhm
4) O|ìhm Vr ì`ŠVr ñdV… X`oZo dmJob V|ìhm

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

51. Fill in the blank:

If he had not finished his work on time, he ______________

Answer options:

(1) Would have punished. (2) would have been punished

(3) would punish (4) will be punished

52. Find out the incorrect sentence/s:

a) Baba Aamte is one of the luminaries who was awarded by the president.

b) Saskhi is one of the most talented woman.

c) One cannot be too careful of his good name.

d) One must solve one’s problems with oneself.

(1) Only (a) (b) and (c) (2) Only (b) and (d)

(3) Only (a) and (c) (4) Only (c) and (d)

53. The Apostrophe is used in contraction to show-------------------------

(1) Possession (2) omitted words

(3) Connecting to words (4) sudden change

54. Choose the correct indirect narration of the following sentence.

John said to me, "I shall not go with you to your school tomorrow".

(1) John told me that he should not go with me to my school the next day.

(2) John told me that he would not go with me to my school the next day.

(3) John told me that he would not come with me to my school the next day.

(4) John told me that he would not go with me to my school tomorrow.

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

55. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase in the above

I'm too tired to put up with any nonsense

1) work 2) bear 3) receive 4) disapprove

56. Match the following:

a) Take aback (i) Surprised or shocked

b) Take after (ii) Resemble

c) Take for (iii) Regard

d) Take to (iv) Make a habit.


(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

57. Identify the correct sentences:

a) Measles has given me a lot of painful affliction.

b) Billiards is a European game.

c) Rickets are a disease due to lack of vitamin D.

d) Politics of Indian are very complex in nature.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (c) and (d)

(3) Only (a) (b) and (d) (4) All are correct

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

58. Which mood is mood in the following sentence?

It is imperative that he catches the next plane.

(1) Subjunctive (2) Indicative

(3) Imperative (4) Interrogative

59. Change the following simple sentence into compound sentence.

Seeing the tiger, the hunter climbed up the tree.

(a) The hunter climbed up the tree after seeing the tiger.

(b) When the hunter was the tiger, he climbed up the tree.

(c) The hunter was the tiger and he climbed up the tree.

(1) Only (a) (2) Only (c)

(3) Only (a) and (c) (4) only (b)

60. Match the correct usage of homophones:

a) He has the ________skill of typing.

b) A couple wants to _________a child.

c) Everybody should _________the changing environment.

(1) adapt, adopt, adept (2) adept, adapt, adopt

(3) adept, adopt, adapt (4)adapt, adopt, adopt

61. Choose the correct meaning of the capitalized phrase:

He was CUT OFF in the prime of life.

(1) died (2) depressed (3) manipulated (4) ruined

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

62. Choose the correct match pair of the given phrasal verbs:

1) Set aside (i) Reserve

2) Set about (ii) Start

3) Set off (iii) Take steps toward

4) Set apart (iv) Annulled


(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

63. Select the correct sentence/s:

a) He came here the last week.

b) Abdul Kalam is the Newton of India.

c) The nature looks beautiful in the morning.

d) The love between Radha and Krishna is immortal.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c)

(3) Only (a) and (c) (4) Only (b) and (d)

64. Choose the correct spelling of the given words:



(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (c) and (d)

(3) Only (a) (b) and (c) (4) All are correct

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

65. Fill in the blank:

I have never seen him since that unfortunate event_____________

1) happened 2) happen 3) had happened 4) had been happened

66. Match the following:

a) Parricide (i) Murder on one’s wife.

b) Filicide (ii) Murder on one’s children.

c) Sororicide (iii) Murder on one’s sister.

d) Uxoricide (iv) Murder of one’s parents.


(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

67. Choose the correct from the following sentences:

a) All passengers must show their tickets.

b) Every man must bear their burden.

c) Each of the girls gave her own version of affairs.

d) I am not one of them who believe everything I hear.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (d)

(3) Only (a) and (c) (4) Only (c) and (d)

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68. Identify the correct expression of the given phrases:

a) Look a gift horse in the nose.

b) To cut one’s words.

c) To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

1) All are incorrect 2) a) b) 3) b) c) 4) only c)

69. Identify the correct usage of homophones from the given sentences:

a) Please do not temper with my paper.

b) One must not lose one’s temper.

c) The waives rose sky high when the storm blew up.

d) Government has at last agreed to waive excise duty on cloth.

(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (c) and (d)

(3) Only (a) and (c) (4) only (b) and (d)

70. Match the correct usage of prepositions:

a) The police are investigating __________ the case.

b) The teacher emphasized _________the need of discipline in life.

c) I enquired__________him.

(1) into, on of (2)into, on, about

(3) no preposition, on, about (4) no preposition, no preposition, of

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71. Identify the incorrect sentence from the given options:

a) To whom are you talking?

b) About what are you talking?

c) For what are you looking?

d) For what are you waiting?

1) Only (a) 2) Only (a) (b) and (d)

3) All are incorrect 4) only (c) and (d)

72. Identify the Active voice from the given sentences:

a) It is suggested that we should sleep here.

b) I may be allowed to play here.

c) It is impossible to be done.

Answer options:

1) Only (a) 2) Only (b) 3) None 4) only (c)

73. Choose the option which correctly describes the function of clauses:

a) I knew where I could find him.

b) I went to the place where I could find him.

c) I went where I could find him.

Answer options:

1) Noun, adjective, adverb

2) Noun, adjective, noun

3) Adverb, adjective, adverb

4) Noun, adverb, adverb

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74. Fill in the blank:

If I ________time, I __________the book exhibition.

1) have, would have visited 2) had, may visit

3) would have time, would visit 4) had had, would have visited.

75. Choose the correct sentence:

a) Rama is fairly lazy boy.

b) He spoke enough loud to be heard.

c) He has slept three hours only.

d) She is rather bright student.

1) Only (a) and (b) 2) Only (a) (b) and (d)

3) All are incorrect 4) only (a) and (d)

76. Identify the equivalent sentence/s of the given:

Naomi is not one of the cleverest girls in the class.

a) Some girls of the class are cleverer than Naomi.

b) Naomi is less clever than some other girls of the class.

c) Naomi is not so clever as some other girls of the class.

d) Some other girls of the class are as clever as Naomi is.

1) All are correct 2) (a) (c)

3) (b) (c) 4) only (a) (b) and (c)

77. A person who attends to the disease of the eye is called:

Answer options:

1) Optician 2) Oculist 3) altruist 4) pedestrian

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78. Identify the odd sentence:

1) They were poor and often suffered great hardship.

2) This coat cannot be mine, for it is too big.

3) He is rich, yet he is not contented.

4) He owed his success to his father.

79. What does the following sentence indicate?

Were he here, he might resolve this matter.

Answer options:

1) Possible condition 2) Real condition

3) Probable condition 4) Hypothetical condition

80. Identify the meaning of the below underlined phrase:

He found it difficult to get job as he was wet behind the ears.

Answer options:

1) ineligible 2) inexperienced

3) unsuitable 4) irregular

81. Find out the opposite meaning of the underlined word:

Ram is showing sign of senility.

Answer options:

1) Virility 2) laziness 3) maturity 4) exhaustion

82. Fill in the blank:

My father ______________ the money he had borrowed from his uncle.

1) ran through 2) ran over 3) ran down 4) ran off

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83. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

a) Liquor made without a license is____________

b) I asked him many question to_________what had really happened.

Answer options:

1) illicit, elicit 2) elicit, illicit

3) elicit, elicit 4) illicit, illicit

84. Which of the sentences are equivalent to the following sentence?

The bag was too heavy for me to lift.

a) The bag was so heavy that I could not lift it.

b) The bag was so heavy that I might not lift it.

c) The bag was so heavy that I could lift it.

1) (a) only 2) (a) (c) only 3) (c) only 4) only (a) (b)

85. Choose the correct sentences form the given below:

a) This paper is inferior than that.

b) This is different to that.

c) Everyone should pray God.

d) We discussed the matter.

1) (b) (c) and (d) 2) (b) (d) only

3) (d) only 4) only (a) (b)

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86. Fill in the blank:

1) Each of us loves_________home.

2) None of the boy had learnt ________lessons.

3) The committee presented___________report.

1) our, his, its 2) our, their, their

3) his, his, their 4) his, his, its

87. Change the following complex sentence into simple sentence:

He said that he was innocent.

1) He said that his innocent.

2) His innocent was said by him.

3) He declared his innocence.

4) He said his innocence.

88. Match the following:

(a) Exorbitant (i) Empty, vacant

(b) Bigot (ii) Excessively high

(c) Idle (iii) Intolerant

(d) Invincible (iv) one who cannot be defeated

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(2) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

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89. Fill in the blanks with correct articles:

a) Man is the member of ________society.

b) We enjoyed ___________breakfast she gave us.

c) _______iron is the most useful metal

Answer options:

(1) No article, the, the (2) No article, the, No article

(3) No article , No article, No article (4) the, the, No article

90. Which of the following expressions are correct?

(a) Bury the hatchet.

(b) Bone of contention.

(c) Call a spade a spade.

Answer options:

(1) (a) and (b) only (2) (b) and (c) only

(3) (a) and (c) only (4) (a) (b) and (c)

91. Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks in the following sentence:

We got up_____ dawn, reached _____the afternoon and again came _________night

(1) On, at, at (2) at, on, at (3) at, in, at (4) at, on, on


The meaning of the underlined idiom is:

1) To give a cold treatment to somebody 2) To be kept waiting for sometime

3) To go for a holiday 4) To settle a controversial issue

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93. a) The accident was put down to bad luck.

b) The guard had refused the admittance to him.

c) There is nothing to be lost.

d) Being an honest, he is a famous boy in the class.

Identify the correct passive sentences.

Answer options:

(1) Only a (2) Only a and c

(3) Only b, c and d (4) Only a, c and d

94. Match the following:

(a) A bird in hand is worth two in the______. (i) fool

(b) Absence makes the _____ grow fonder. (ii) man

(c) A drowning ______ will clutch at a straw. (iii) heart

(d) A _____ and his money are soon parted. (iv) bush

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(2) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

95. To cut the guardian knot. Meaning of the phrase is:

1) To perform difficult task

2) To be very easy

3) To get into trouble

4) To get together

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Read the following passage carefully and answer No’s 96 to 100 based on it.

Since the most ancient times India has been not only periodically invaded by greedy
hordes, but also visited by tradesmen and travelers, scholars and sight-seers. Some of them
have written books. The books of these writers have become all the more important
because there are not too many of them, and they have served as rich sources for the
historians. It is especially in this context that observations provided by the great Chinese
writer Hiuen Tsailg became very relevant.

Already in the 7th century, Buddhism was a powerful cultural force among the
educated classes of China. It was common for Chinese pilgrims to come to India, the native
land of the Buddha, to pay their respects to the founder of their religion. Perhaps the most
famous of them all was this gentle observer who has studied and travelled extensively in
China before entering the Indian sub-continent. Being both scholarly and sophisticated, he
was not given to easy praise. Within India itself he traversed deserts and climbed
mountains, stayed in villages and lived in capitals, practiced in monasteries and studied in
universities and spent time in some royal courts as well.

He went to Mathura and Ayodhya, to Prayag and Pataliputra, to Gaya and Kamarupa.
He studied Sanskrit and Pali to delve deeper into Buddhist philosophy and Hindu
traditions. Most important of all, he wrote down in detail his many experiences and

96 The purpose of Hiuen Tsang to travel to India was….

(1) to study the influence of Buddhism on Hindu religion.

(2) to spread his religion in India.

(3) to undertake pilgrimage and enhance knowledge.

(4) to study powerful cultural forces in India.

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97. Which of the following has been considered the real contribution of Hiuen Tsang?

(1) He meticulously recorded his experiences and feelings.

(2) He pointed out the impact of Hinduism on Buddhism.

(3) He visited and spent time in many places in India.

(4) He influenced the elite in China to visit India.

98. The writings of Hiuen Tsang are considered as relevant because

(1) he had spent some time in royal courts.

(2) he was a scholar and gentle observer.

(3) he visited India as a tradesman.

(4) None of the above

99. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning of the word given
below as used in the passage.


(1) Offer (2) Settle (3) Remit (4) Reward

100. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word given below as
used in the passage.


(1) Different (2) Rarely (3) Distinct (4) Separate

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1 3 26 2 51 2 76 2
2 2 27 2 52 1 77 2
3 3 28 3 53 2 78 4
4 3 29 4 54 3 79 4
5 2 30 2 55 2 80 2
6 4 31 4 56 2 81 1
7 1 32 1 57 3 82 2
8 3 33 4 58 1 83 1
9 1 34 1 59 2 84 1
10 4 35 1 60 3 85 3
11 1 36 2 61 4 86 1
12 2 37 1 62 4 87 3
13 1 38 2 63 4 88 3
14 2 39 2 64 4 89 2
15 4 40 1 65 1 90 4
16 2 41 3 66 3 91 3
17 3 42 1 67 3 92 2
18 3 43 2 68 4 93 2
19 1 44 3 69 4 94 3
20 4 45 2 70 4 95 1
21 2 46 2 71 3 96 3
22 1 47 3 72 3 97 1
23 4 48 1 73 1 98 2
24 3 49 2 74 4 99 1
25 3 50 4 75 3 100 2

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Test - 10

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{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

1. dmH²$àMma d Ë`mMm AW© `m§À`m OmoS>`m Owidm.

(a) Vmao VmoS>Uo (i) \$ma Odi `oUo
(b) Vm|S> Q>mH$Uo (ii) Zdb H$aUo
(c) Vm|S>mV ~moQ> KmbUo (iii) AÛmVÛm ~mobUo
(d) Vm|S>mda `oUo (iv) doS>`mgmaIo ~mobUo
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
( a) (b) ( c) (d)
(1) iv ii i iii
( 2) iii iv ii i
( 3) iii iv i ii
( 4) iv iii ii i

2. AMyH$ dmŠ`mMr OmoS>r AmoiIm.

(a) gH$mi Pmbr d njr JmD$ bmJbo- g_wƒ`~moYH$
(b) Xoh Omdmo AWdm amhmo - {dH$ën~moYH$
(c) _amdo n[a H$sVuéno Camdo - n[aUm_~moYH$
(d) Ë`mMr ~g MwH$br g~~ Ë`mbm Cera Pmbm - Ý`wZËd ~moYH$
n`m©` -
(1) a, b ~amo~a (2) c , d ~amo~a (3) a, b, c ~amo~a

3. {dgJ© g§YrMr CXmhaUo H$moUVr ?

(a) gXmZ§X, gÁOZ
(b) gy`m©ñV , {dX`m_¥V
(c) {ZamYma, _Zmo~b
(d) dmŠVmS>Z, gƒ[aÌ
n`m©` -
(1) c , d AMyH$ (2) a, c AMyH$
(3) a, c , d AMyH$ (4) \$ŠV c AMyH$

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4. "Xm_ Vgo H$m_' ----- `m AWm©Mr åhU H$moUVr ?

(a) OZ_mbm Ambm hobm, nmUr dmhV _obm. (b) S>m|Ja nmoIéZ C§Xra H$mT>Uo.
(c) Oer XoUmdi Ver YwUmdi (d) OiË`m KamMm \o$iVm dmgm.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) a, b ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV c ~amo~a$
(3) c, d ~amo~a$ (4) \$ŠV b ~amo~a
5. ewÜX eãX`moJr Aì``o Á`m dmŠ`mV dmnabr AmhoV. Vmo AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) \$ŠV _méVrM nd©V CMby eH$bm.
(b) am`JS>mda OmVmZm Vmohr Am_À`mgmo~V hmoVm.
(c) nydu ~m`H$m ZD$dmar bwJS>o ZogV.
(d) _rnU ZmQ>H$ nmhm`bm OmUma Amho.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV c MyH$ $ (2) b Am{U c MyH$$$
(3) b, c Am{U d MyH $$ (4) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$

6. g§`wŠV dmŠ` V`ma H$am.

"ImD$Z _mOmdo Q>mHy$Z _mOy Z`o'
(a) Q>mHy$Z _mOy Z`o ImD$Z _mObobo Mmbob.
(b) ImD$Z _mOmdo nU Q>mHy$Z _mOy Z`o.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a AMyH$ (2) \$ŠV b AMyH$$$
(3) XmoÝhr {dYmZo AMyH$ (4) XmoÝhr {dYmZo MyH$
7. nwT>rb n¡H$s AMyH$ {dYmZ/Zo {ZdS>m.
(a) ^mddmMH$ Zm_mMo qbJ ho àË``mdéZ R>admdo.
(b) gm_m{gH$ eãXmMo qbJ ho Ë`mVrb Xþgè`m eãXmdéZ R>admdo.
(c) Zoh_r nwpëb¨Jr AgUmao eãX- gmn, _mgm, Q>moi, gwad§Q>
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$ (2) \$ŠV a AMyH (3) a, b AMyH$ (4) gd© {dYmZo MyH$

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8. CngJmªÀ`m ~m~VrV ---------

(a) CngJm©bm ñdV…Mm gyMH$ AW© AgVmo.
(b) CngJm©_wio eãXmMm AW© ~XbVmo.
(c) CngJ© ho eãXmÀ`m eodQ>r `oVmV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) darb gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a (2) a d c ~amo~a
(3) a d b ~amo~a (4) b d c ~amo~a

9. Ooìhm XmoZ dJmªMr g§Yr hmoD$Z n{hbm dU© ì`§OZ Agob V|ìhm Ë`m g§Yrbm ------ åhUVmV.
(a) ñdag§Yr (b) ì`§OZ g§Yr (c) hbg§Yr (d) AM g§Yr
(1) \$ŠV a, b ~amo~a (2) b Am{U c ~amo~a
(3) \$ŠV d ~amo~a (4) \$ŠV b ~amo~a

10. YmVw À`m ~m~VrV ---------------

(a) YmVw åhUOo {H«$`mdmMH$ _yi eãX
(b) YmVw hr {dH$mar eãXOmVr Amho.
(c) YmVwbm àË`` bmJyZ {H«$`m Anwar XmI{dUmam eãX åhUOo H¥$XÝV
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a, b AMyH$ (2) b, c AMyH$
(3) gd© {dYmZo AMyH$ (4) gd© {dYmZo MyH$

11. YmVwgm{YV {H«$`m{deofUmMm AMyH$ eãXJQ> AmoiIm.

(a) {Xdgm, dñVwV…, ì`pŠVe… (b) hgy, hgVm, hgVmZm
(c) H$moRy>Z, ImbyZ, `oWn`ªV (d) Ë`m_wio, h`mdéZ, {H$Ë`oH$Xm
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a Am{U b ~amo~a
(3) \$ŠV b ~amo~a $ (4) \$ŠV c Am{U d ~amo~a

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12. na^mfr eãXJQ> AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(1) hmnyg, H$m_Jma, Omhra$ (2) nmoQ>, aoS>m, Pmon
(3) XJS>, KmoS>m, PmS> (4) JwS>Km, ~mOar, H§$~a

13. gOmVr` OmoS>`m§n¡H$s XmoZ ñda EH$_oH$m§g_moa `oD$Z hmoUmè`m g§Yrg ------- åhUVmV.
(1) nyd©én g§Yr (2) XrK©Ëd g§Yr
(3) AZwZm{gH$ g§Yr (4) naéng§Yr

14. dmam-- `m eãXmbm g_mZmWu eãX {ZdS>m.

(a) _éV (b) g_a (c) AZb (d) g_raU
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a, c ~amo~a$ (2) \$ŠV a ~amo~a
(3) a,d ~amo~a $ (4) c Am{U d ~amo~a
15. Ý`m`mYrem§H$Sy>Z X§S> AmH$maÊ`mV Ambm.
(hm H$moUVm à`moJ Amho ?)
(1) eŠ` H$_©Ur (2) àYmZH$Vw©H$ H$_©Ur (3) H$_©H$V©ar (4) ^mdH$V©ar

16. OmoS>`m Owidm.

(a) {gÜX eãX (i) bmbbmb, KaKa, JQ>mJQ>
(b) gm{YV eãX (ii) amOnwÌ, Xodmb`, _{V_§X
(c) gm_m{gH$ eãX (iii) boIH$, Z`Z, dXZ, d§XZr`
(d) Aä`ñV eãX (iv) Om, `o, H$a, Im, nr
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
( a) (b) ( c) (d)
(1) iv iii ii i
( 2) iii iv i ii
( 3) iii iii iv i
( 4) iii ii i iv

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17. ~mV_r gm§JUmam - `m eãXg_whmgmR>r `mo½` eãX H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV dmnabm Amho Vo AMyH$ {ZdS>m.
(1) _Yy hm EH$ Mm§Jbm dmVm©ha Amho.
(2) Z§Xÿ hm gH$mi d¥ËVnÌmgmR>r ~mV_rXma åhUyZ H$m_ H$aVmo.
(3) gXÿ hm E~rnr _mPm `m d¥ËVdm{hZrMm CËV_ ~mV_rXma Amho.
(4) JUy hm Zm_m§{H$V d¥ËV{ZdoXH$ Amho.

18. MwH$sMr OmoS>r H$moUVr?

(a) èhñd ñda - A, B (b) g§`wŠV ñda - Am, D$
(c) AY© ñda - `², d² (d) gOmVr` ñda - B©, C
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) b Am{U d $ (2) a Am{U d
(3) a, b Am{U d $ (4) c Am{U d

19. à{V{XZ, _hm_mZd, Am_aU, Vm|S>nmR> `mn¡H$s VËnwéf g_mg AgUmao eãX AmoiIm.
(1) à{V{XZ, Vm|S>nmR> (2) _hm_mZd, Vm|S>nmR>
(3) Am_aU, Vm|S>nmR> (4) à{V{XZ, Am_aU

20. "e§H$aÀ`m Kar drO nSy>Z D$g Oimbm nU Ë`mMdoir Ë`mÀ`m _moR>`m _wbmg ZmoH$arMm hþHy$_ Ambm'
(`m àg§Jmbm AZwgéZ `mo½` åhU {ZdS>m.)
(1) AmH$me R>|JUo hmoUo (2) AmZ§X JJZmbm Z _mdUo.
(3) S>m|Ja nmoIéZ C§Xra H$mT>Uo (4) AmOm _obm ZmVy Pmbm.

21. Jwá JmoîQ> {Vgè`mg gm§JUo - `m AWm©Mm dmH²$àMma AmoiIm.

(1) ÑT>_¡Ìr hmoUo (2) T>dimT>di H$aUo
(3) fQ>H$Uu hmoUo (4) _oVHy$Q> O_Uo.

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22. dËñ`© dU© nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUVo AmhoV?

(a) `² a² b² d² (b) M² N²> O² P² (c) H²$ I² J² K² (d) e² f² g²
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` $$ (2) \$ŠV b `mo½`
(3) \$ŠV d `mo½` (4) EH$hr {dYmZ `mo½` Zmhr
23. gy`© AñVmbm Jobm. (`m dmŠ`mMm ì`§JmW© H$moUVm ?)
(a) g§Ü`m ñZmZmMr doi Pmbr.
(b) Aä`mgmMr doi Pmbr.
(c) Mmoar H$aÊ`mÀ`m V`marMr doi Pmbr
(d) Jwao Kar ZoÊ`mMr doi Pmbr.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b ~amo~a $$ (2) c Am{U d ~amo~a
(3) gd© ~amo~a (4) gd© MyH$

24. "N>ÌnVr g§^mOr _hmamO åhUOo OUy N>mdmM'

(ho {dYmZ H$moUË`m Ab§H$mamMo Amho)
(1) Cn_m (2) CËàojm (3) énH$ (4) AnÝhþVar
25. ñVãY ~gUo- hm AW© ì`ŠV H$aUmam dmH²$àMma Á`m dmŠ`mV dmnabm Amho Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(1) g§gmamMm JmS>m hmH$VmZm bVmMm Ca \y$Qy>Z Jobm
(2) g^oV lmoË`m§Mr JXu nmhÿZ dŠË`mMm Ca XS>nyZ Jobm.
(3) àg§J ~mH$m AgVmZm H$M ImUo ho Ü`o`dmXr _mUgmbm emo^V Zmhr.
(4) `wÜXH$mimV AZoH$ amîQ´>o CX²ÜdñV hmoVmV.

26. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) Vmo åhUo S>m°ŠQ>a Pmbm.
(b) amhÿ X`m Va _J !
(AYmoao{IV CX²JmadmMr Aì``o H$moUË`m CnàH$mamVrb AmhoV?)
n`m©` …-
(1) g§~moYZXe©H$ (2) ì`W© CX²JmadmMH$ (3) {damoYdmMH$ (4) AmíM`©Xe©H$

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27. H$_©Ur à`moJmV H$V©[a à`moJmMo {_lU hmoVo åhUyZ `mg ------- à`moJ Ago åhUVmV.
(1) H$Vw©-H$_© g§H$a à`moJ (2) H$_©-^md g§H$a à`moJ
(3) nwamU H$_©Ur à`moJ (4) H$V¥©-^md g§H$a à`moJ

28. "garVm Ambr' `m dmŠ`mVrb {H«$`mnX H$moUË`m àH$mamVrb Zmhr ?

(a) gH$_©H$ (b) AH$_©H$
(c) pìXH$_©H$ (d) C^`{dY
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b Am{U c $$ (2) b, c Am{U d
(3) a, b Am{U d (4) a, c Am{U d

29. nwT>rb H$moUË`m eãXmV OmoS>mja dmnabo Zmhr ?

(a) Aj` (b) kmZ (c) J¥hnmR> (d) àgmX
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV c $$ (2) b Am{U c
(3) a, b Am{U c (4) darb EH$hr Zmhr

30. Omo PmS>o dmT>{dVmo VmoM {ZgJm©Mm Iam CnmgH$ hmo`.

(`mo½` {dYmZ H$moUVo Vo AmoiIm)
(a) darb dmŠ` ho {_l dmŠ` Amho.
(b) Omo PmS>o dmT>{dVmo ---- ho àYmZ dmŠ` Amho.
(c) VmoM {ZgJm©Mm Iam CnmgH$ hmo`- ho Jm¡U dmŠ` Amho.
(d) Omo PmS>o dmT>{dVmo --- `m dmŠ`mbm {deofU dmŠ` Agohr åhUVm `oB©b.
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U d ~amo~a (2) a, b Am{U c ~amo~a
(3) b Am{U c ~amo~a (4) darb gd©hr ~amo~a

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31. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMm.

(a) थ \$² hr _hmàmU ì`§OZo AmhoV.

(b) V² W² hr H$R>moa ì`§OZo AmhoV.

(c) J² K² hr _¥X² ì`§OZo AmhoV.
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo `mo½` (2) gd© {dYmZo A`mo½`
(3) \$ŠV a, b `mo½` (4) \$ŠV a `mo½`

32. ewÜX eãX AgUmam n`m©` {ZdS>m.

(a) Amerdm©X, {jVrO (b) Am{edm©X, {j{VO
(c) {j{VO, Amerdm©X (d) AmeudmX, {j{VO
n`m©` …-
(1) \$ŠV a `mo½` (2) \$ŠV c `mo½`$
(3) a Am{U c `mo½`$$ (4) \$ŠV d `mo½`
33. Imbr eãXm§Mr ~amo~a g§Yr AmoiIm ?
(a) dmŠVmS>Z = dmJ² + VmS>Z
(b) jwËnrS>m = jwY² + nrS>m
(c) fÊ_wI = fQ²> + _wI
n`m©`r CËVao …-
(1) Ho$di a ~amo~a $$ (2) a Am{U b ~amo~a
(3) Ho$di c ~amo~a (4) a, b, c {VÝhr ~amo~a

34. H$moUË`m dmŠ`mV g_wÐ `m eãXmMo g_mZmWu eãX dmnabo AmhoV ?

(a) aËZmH$a {X_mIXma {XgV hmoVm. (b) qgYy H$Yr Z_Vo KoV Zmhr.
(c) _¥J|ÐmMo ApñVËd doJioM Amho. (d) AU©dmMo Amnbo am¡Ð én XmI{dbo.
n`m©` …-
(1) a, b, c $$ (2) b, c, d
(3) a, c, d (4) a, b, d

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35. dYy + AmJ_Z = ?

(`mo½` g§Yr`wŠV eãX {ZdS>m.)
(1) dYyJ_Z (2) dYyJ_Z
(3) dYyAmJ_Z (4) dÜdmJ_Z
36. nwT>rb dmŠ`o dmMm.
(a) Am§Yi`mbm AmaemMm H$m` Cn`moJ ?
(b) b~mS>mbm H$gbr Ambr qMVm ?
(AYmoao{IV Zm_-àH$ma AmoiIm)
(1) Zm_gm{YV {deofU (2) {deofU gm{YV Zm_
(3) Aì``gm{YV Zm_ (4) {H«$`mdmMH$ Zm_
37. \$maer CngJ© bmJyZ V`ma Pmbobo eãX AmoiIm.
(a) ~oA~«y (b) nS>gmX (c) namO` (d) ~Xgya
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U c $$ (2) a Am{U d
(3) a, b, Am{U d (4) \$ŠV a

38. nwT>rbn¡H$s doJim KQ>H$ AmoiIm.

(1) H$m_Y§Xm (2) YanH$S> (3) ~mOmahmQ> (4) ~m[aH$gm[aH$

39. A`mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm.

(1) Xoer eãX -- S>moHo$, S>m|Ja, Iwim
(2) VËg_ eãX -- _§{Xa, n[ajm, nyOm
(3) VX²^d eãX -- MH«$, nU©, Yw_«
(4) na^m{f` eãX -- noedm, H$amoS>, eoR>
40. pìXnH$ën --- `m eãXmMm AW© H$m`?
(1) XmoÝhr ~mOw§Zr nmUr Agbobm àXoe (2) {VÝhr ~mOy§Zr nmUr Agbobm àXoe
(3) XmoZ ZX`m§_Yrb OmJm (4) {VÝhr ~mOy§Zr O_rZ Agbobm Xoe.

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41. EImX`m eãXmMo gm_mÝ`én Am-H$mamÝV hmoV Agob Va ----------

(1) Vmo eãX nwpëb¨Jr A-H$mamÝV Agbm nm{hOo
(2) Vmo eãX pñÌqbJr B©-H$mamÝV Agbm nm{hOo.
(3) Vmo eãX Znwg§H$qbJr B©-H$mamÝV Agbm nm{hOo
(4) `mn¡H$s gm§JVm `oV Zmhr.
42. Imbr H$mhr eãX d Ë`m§Mo AW© {Xbo AmhoV. AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
(a) gbrb-nmUr (b) {Ma-^oJ
(c) Q>rH$m-qZXm (d) nwÁ`-AmXaUr`
n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a $$ (2) \$ŠV c Am{U d `mo½`
(3) a, b Am{U d A`mo½` (4) gd© eãX MyH$
43. Am§~m ZmgH$m {ZKmbm.
(dmŠ` n¥ÏWH$aUmÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo AYmoao{IV eãXmMo H$m`© H$m`?)
(1) {dYmZnyaH (2) H$_©{dñVmaH$
(3) CX²Xoí` {dñVma (4) {dÜ`o` {dñVma

44. AYmoao{IV gd©Zm_m§Mo àH$ma AmoiIm ?

(a) AmnU Am_Mo nmhþUo AmhmV.
(b) AmnU Ë`m§À`mH$S>o nmhþUo åhUyZ OmD$.
n`m©` …-
(1) àW_ nwéfdmMH$, pìXVr` nwéfdmMH$
(2) V¥Vr` nwéfdmMH$, àW_ nwéfdmMH$
(3) pìXVr` nwéfdmMH$, àW_ nwéfdmMH$
(4) pìXVr` nwéfdmMH$, AmË_dmMH$
45. gw§Xmongw§Xr ---- `m eãXmMm `mo½` AW© {ZdS>m.
(1) ^m§S>U (2) dmB©Q> pñWVr
(3) AñnîQ>Vm (4) g§YrMm \$m`Xm KoUmao

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nwT>rb CVmam dmMyZ Ë`mImbr {Xboë`m H«$. 46 Vo 50 `m àým§Mr `mo½` CÎmao X`m.

AmOÀ`m H$mimV gm_m{OH$ d Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmMo gmYZ åhUyZ {ejUmH$So> nm{hbo OmVo. ì`º$s
d g_mOmV n[adV©Z KS>{dUmao ho EH$ gmYZhr _mZbo OmVo. ~Q>m©ÝS> agobZmhr AgoM dmQ>V hmoVo, H$s
{ejUmZo ì`º$s ~Xbob Am{U ì`º$s ~Xbbr H$s g_mOhr ~Xbob. àmaãYdmXr g_mOì`dñWobm n[adV©Z
H$Yrhr _mÝ` ZgVo. pñW{VerbVm hr {VMr Am{XàoaUm AgVo. AmYw{ZH$ H$mimVrb J{V_mZVm `m
pñW{VerbVobm hmXam XoVo. J{V_mZVm ho AmYw{ZH$ H$mimMo _mZ{MÝh Amho. Ë`mMm n[aUm_ {ejUmgma»`m
EH$m _hÎdmÀ`m KQ>H$mda Pmbm. S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$am§Zr {ejU ho gm_m{OH$ Om{Udm {Z_m©U
H$aÊ`mMo gmYZ _mZbo.
{ejU ho _mUgmbm {dMma XoVo. Ë`mÀ`m ~wÕrMr OmonmgZm H$aVo. Ë`mÀ`m ApñVËdmMr Ë`mbm
OmUrd H$ê$Z XoVo. ApñVËdmMr OmUrd hr _mZdr OrdZmVrb _yb^yV OmUrd Amho. ~m~mgmoh~ {VMo _hÎd
nQ>dyZ XoVmZm åhUVmV, H$s Cnmg_marZo earamMo nmofU H$_r Pmë`mg _mUyg ~bhrZ hmoD$Z Aënm`wfr
hmoVmo, VgoM {ejUmÀ`m A^mdr Vmo {Z~w©Õ am{hë`mg {Od§VnUr Xþgè`mMm Jwbm_ ~ZVmo.

46. {ejUmÀ`m A^mdm_wio _mUyg H$gm ~ZVmo ?

(a) {Z~w©ÜX (b) Aënm`wfr
(c) XrKm©`wfr (d) A{dMmar

n`m©`r CÎmao …-
(1) \$ŠV a $$ (2) a Am{U b
(3) $ a Am{U$d (4) \$ŠV d

47. S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$am§Zr {ejU ho H$emMo gmYZ _mZbo ?

(1) gm_m{OH$ Om{Udm {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mMo
(2) àmaãÜXdmXr ~ZÊ`mMo
(3) pñWVrerb ~ZÊ`mMo
(4) ì`ŠVrbm Jwbm_ ~ZÊ`mMo

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48. _mZdr OrdZmVrb _wb^yV OmUrd H$moUVr, Ago boIH$mg dmQ>Vo ?

(a) {ejUmMr OmUrd (b) Cnmg_marMr OmUrd
(c) ApñVËdmMr OmUrd (d) n[al_mMr OmUrd
n`m©` …-
(1) a Am{U b $$ (2) \$ŠV c
(3) $ c Am{U$d (4) b Am{U$d

49. AmOÀ`m H$mimVrb gm_m{OH$ Am{U Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmMo gmYZ åhUOo --------

(1) ApñVËd (2) n[al_ (3) {ejU (4) n[adV©Z

50. _Zwî` {Od§VnUr Xþgè`mMm Jwbm_ H|$ìhm hmoVmo?

(1) O|ìhm Vmo n[al_ Z H$aVm amhrbm Va
(2) Ë`mbm ApñVËdmMr OmUrd Zgob V|ìhm
(3) Cnmg_marMr doi Amë`mda
(4) {ejUmÀ`m A^mdr Vmo {Z~ªwY amhrbm Va


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51) Which word/s is/are opposite in meaning to the word given below:


a) Repellent b) Vile c) Attractive d) Pleasant

Answer options:

1) a b and c only 2) c and d only

3) a and b only 4) Above all

52) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Though it was costly but we bought it.

b) He received both the scholarship as well as an award.

c) I shall either follow your instructions nor resign the job.

Answer options:

1) a and c only 2) b only 3) a and b only 4) None

53) Match the following:

a) dynasty i) Succession of rulers belonging to one family

b) psephologist ii) One who studies election trends

c) ephemeral iii) Lasting only for a moment

d) connoisseur iv) an expert judge in matters of taste

Answer options:

a) b) c) d)

1) i ii iii iv

2) i iv ii iii

3) iv iii I ii

4) iv iii ii i

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54) Which word/s is/are Similar in meaning to the word printed in capitals in the given

The market is flooded with SPURIOUS goods.

a) Fabricated b) Fictitious c) Useless d) Expensive

Answer options:

1) c and d only 2) a and b only

3) a and d only 4) All

55) Identify the sentences which are not in active voice:

a) Noise pollution will soon be curbed.

b) We had not taught physics by Mr. Johnson.

c) It is time for the entire political system to be cleaned.

d) Night shelters are being set in the colonies before winter sets in.

Answer options:

1) b c and d only 2) a and b only

3) a c and d only 4) All

56) Identify the odd one:

(a) Solicit: Request, Peculiar: Strange, Redundant: Unnecessary

(b) Parody: Satire, Fame: Renown, Shelve: Postpone

(c) Redeem: Retrieve, Uniform: Variable, Perceive: Comprehend

Answer options:

1) Only (a) 2) Only (b)

3) Only (c) 4) Only (a) and (b)

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57) The indirect narration of the given sentence is:

The mistress said, “Fanny, did you mail the two letter I gave you yesterday?”

1) The mistress inquired of Fanny if she mailed the two letters she had given her

2) The mistress inquired of Fanny if she had mailed the two letters she gave her the
day before.

3) The mistress inquired of Fanny whether she had mailed the two letters she had
given her yesterday

4) The mistress asked Fanny if she had mailed the two letters she had given her the
day before.

58) Identify the incorrect sentence/s:

a) The children are making noise.

b) I am suffering from a headache.

c) This is a news to me.

Answer options:

1) b only 2) a and c only

3) b and c only 4) c only

59) Identify the sentence/s in which noun clause acts as an object:

a) That he should have married her is not surprising.

b) He asked how they were going to solve the problem.

c) The problem is how the refugees can be helped.

d) They quarreled over when the wedding should take place.

Answer options:

1) b c and d 2) b only 3) b and d only 4) a and c only

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60) Alexander who was the king of Macedon tried to become a world conqueror.

Replace the underlined clause by a phrase:

a) Alexander, king of Macedon, tried to became a world conqueror.

b) Alexander tried to became a world conqueror.

c) Alexander, a world conqueror tried to become a king.

d) A world conqueror, Alexander who tried to become a king.

Answer options:

1) a and c 2) a only

3) b and c only 4) b and d

61) We kept a strict vagile at night lest riots should break out again.

Identify the underlined clause:

Answer options:

1) Adverb clause of purpose 2) Adverb clause of manner

3) Adverb clause of contrast 4) Adverb clause reason

62) Choose the correct:

a) I got ascent of my father to study in a boarding school.

b) The ascent to Kargil hills is very dangerous.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) Both 4) Neither

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63) Choose the correct transformation of the following sentences:

a) I have done nothing to incur your wrath what I have done to incur your

a) There was none to listen to her appeals Who was there to listen to her

a) Their glory can never fade When can their glory fade?

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) b and c only 4) All

64) Choose the equivalent sentence of the given one:

No other train is as comfortable as the Tejas express.

a) The Tejas express is more comfortable than any other train.

b) The Tejas express is the most comfortable train.

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) Both 4) Nether

65) Which mood is expressed in the following sentence?

Be regular and systematic in your work.

1) Imperative 2) Subjective

3) Indicative 4) conditional

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66) Choose the correct pair:

a) The ants fought the wasps Intransitive verb

b) Ring the bell, Rama. transitive verb

c) The train stopped suddenly. Intransitive verb

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only 3) b and c only 4) a and c only

67) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Let us hire a cab lest we should not get late.

b) She dresses herself like her mother did.

c) Unless he does not fulfill all conditions, he should not be given this contract.

d) He asked me that when he could come to see me.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) a b and d only 3) c and d only 4) None

68) Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) ________ I open the door? i) should

b) She said she _________carry my books. ii) shall

c) Children _______ obey their parents. iii) would

d) Perhaps he ______ come back iv) might

a) b) c) d)

1) ii iv I iii

2) iii iv ii i

3) iii ii I iv

4) ii iii I iv

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69) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) Mumbai is famous for its textiles.

b) Jawaharlal Nehru was fond with children.

c) India is noble, gorgeous and teeming with natural wealth.

d) She is quite confident about her success.

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a and c only

3) a and b only 4) b and d only

70) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) The introduction of tea, coffee and such other beverages have not been without
some effect.

b) His knowledge of Indian vernaculars is far beyond the common.

c) The results of the recognition of the fact are seen in the gradual improvement of
the diet of the poor.

d) Does it really matters whether we win or lose?

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a and c only

3) a and b only 4) b and d only

71) Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) I am extremely happy, aren’t I?

b) Let’s start, shall we?

c) Nobody was absent, were they?

1) c only 2) a and c only 3) All 4) None

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72) What does the below sentence express?

The sun gives us heat and light.

Answer options:

1) Permanent truth 2) General routine

3) Continuity of action 4) A planned event

73) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) He will do it if you will ask him.

b) If you accept all the terms and conditions, we will confirm the order.

c) The dress would look better if you ironed it.

d) If he were to see her now, he wouldn’t recognize her.

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a and b only

3) b c and d only 4) a b and c only

74) Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank:

a) ________________, the beggars would ride them.

b) ________________ , her suspension will not be revoked.

Answer options:

1) If wishes had been horses, Unless she apologise for her rude behaviour.

2) If wishes were horses, Unless she apologized for her rude behaviour.

3) If wish was horses, Unless she will apologise for her rude behaviour.

4) If wishes were horses, Unless she apologizes for her rude behaviour.

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75) What do the following sentence express?

a) I wish I were a king.

b) Had he been here, he might solve this problem.

a) Hypothetical condition b) Impossible condition

c) Unlikely condition d) None

Answer options:

1) a only 2) b only

3) c only 4) All

76) ‘Semi colon’ is used to:

1) To introduce a quotation.

2) To introduce a list

3) To separate the cluses of a compound sentence

4) To introduce an explanation

77) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) I wanted to know what were his demands?

b) When does the examination begin?

c) Do you know when is he coming back from the UK?

Answer options:

1) All 2) b only

3) a and b only 4) b and c only

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78) Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Squadron of i) Bees

b) Fleet of ii) Cubs

c) Hive of iii) Aeroplanes

d) Litter of iv) Ships

Answer options:

a) b) c) d)

1) iii iv I ii

2) iii iv ii i

3) iv iii I ii

4) iv iii ii i

79) Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) He insisted to leave immediately.

b) You should refrain from telling a lie.

c) He is bent to harm me.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) b and c only

3) b only 4) All

80) One who is an admirer of art.

(1) dilettante (2) intellect

(3) tide (4) rebate

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81) Which word/s is/are similar in meaning to the word given below:


a) Collect b) Amass c) Hoard d) Dissipate

Answer options:

1) a b and c only 2) a b and d only

3) All 4) c and d only

82) Identify the odd sentence/s given below: -

1) He came, saw and won.

2) She did not know how to draw diagrams, however she joined classes.

3) Indian cinema is emotional whereas Western is not.

4) He is really brilliant in public speaking but coward, arrogant in nature.

83) Give synonyms of the following words:

Abridged, Debacle, Entice

Answer options:

1) Condensed, Catastrophe, Coax 2) Shortened, Forsake, Ample

3) Renounce, Disaster, Pardon 4) Decrease, Lacking, Wreck

84) Use the appropriate phrase draw up in the following sentence:

My solicitor ________the lease and we both signed it.

1) have drawn up 2) drew up 3) has drawn up 4) drawn up

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85) Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) To play ducks and drakes with________ i) horns

b) A red-letter ____________ ii) day

c) At one’s beck and ___________ iii) money

d) To take the bull by the___________ iv) call

Answer options:

a) b) c) d)

1) iii iv i iii

2) iii iv ii i

3) iii ii iv i

4) iv i iii ii

86) Match the following to fill in the blank:

a) Put one’s shoulder to the wheel i) Try oneself (Not depend on others)

b) Put one’s cards on the table ii) Be very frank and clear

c) Put heads together iii) To confer

d) Put on airs iv) superiority or self-pride

Answer options:

a) b) c) d)

1) ii i iii iv

2) ii iv ii i

3) i ii iii iv

4) iv i iii ii

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87) Point out the sentences that are without any idiom:

a) By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to
get the best of both worlds.

b) To add insult to injury the car drove off without stopping after knocking me off
my bike

c) When you’re scraping the barrel, you’re using something you do not want to but
you’ve no option.

d) If you burn your boats, you do something that makes it impossible to change your
plans and go back to the earlier position or situation.

Answer options:

1) a and b only 2) c and d only

3) a b and d only 4) None

88) Match the following:

a) Blow down i) To explode

b) Blow out ii) To pass away without any injurious effect

c) Blow over iii) To throw down

d) Blow up iv) To extinguish

Answer options:

a) b) c) d)

1) iii ii iv i

2) ii iv ii i

3) iv iii I ii

4) iii iv ii i

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89) Give antonyms of the following words:

Affinity, Barren, Enmity

Answer options:

1) Approach, Unproductive, Cruelty 2) Aversion, Fertile, Friendship

3) Closeness, Useful, Loving 4) Detachment, Sudden, Cooperative

90) Point out the sentence that has the incorrect spelling:

a) Sliders travel along a thin flim of water located on the bottom of the glacier.

b) His removal from office is to be in accordance with procedure.

c) Its important purpose is to involve high standard to strengthen the

parlamentary democracy.

d) It was my brief to make sure that the facts were set down accurately.

Answer option:

1) a and c only 2) b and d only

3) a b and c only 4) c only

91) Fill in the blank:

a) You are likely to be ___________in the court for violation of rules.

b) She was mercilessly ___________ for not bringing a car in dowry.

Answer options:

1) Persecuted, persecuted 2) Prosecuted, prosecuted

3) persecuted, prosecuted 4) Prosecuted, persecuted

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92) Choose the option to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

a) There _________a lot of left to be achieved and we have very little time.

b) There __________ none to look after the old father.

Answer options:

1) is, is 2) are, are

3) is, are 4) are, is

93) Which of the following is incorrect?

a) She had sit on her seat.

b) I forgot my seat number.

c) She tells me the tale of tail.

d) She writes the right things.

Answer options:

(1) Only (a) (2) (b) (c) and (d)

(3) (a) and (c) (4) All are correct.

94) The word ‘fine’ may be used as:

1) Adjective, Noun, Adverb

2) Noun, Adjective, verb

3) Adjective, Adverb, Noun, Pronoun

4) Adjective, Adverb

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95) Which word/s is/are Opposite in meaning to the word printed in capitals in the given

The older ways of threshing wheat have become OBSOLETE.

a) Tradition b) Outdated c) Old fashioned d) Contemporary

Answer options:

1) b and c only 2) a b and c only

3) d only 4) a and d only

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (96 to 100)

As everyone knows, bombs have increased in power from the 20-ton chemical
bombs of the early 1940s to the 20-thousand-ton atomic bombs of 1945 and on o he 20-
million-ton hydrogen bombs after 1953. Today’s there are enough hydrogen bombs of the
greatest destructive power (100 million tons) to wipe out all life on our planet. Will we
make even larger bombs in the future? We can if we want to, but even for the most
overwhelming military purposes we do not need to.

We have already reached some sort of limit. How much more dangerous can the
situation get? At the present time, we are very near the edge of death. Every year or two, in
some major international crises- Korea, Suez, Berlin, Cuba, Vietnam, Kashmir- there is a
serious probability of an ‘accident’ that could lead to a nuclear war. Dedicated men have
worked hard and long in each of these situations to avoid a nuclear incident, but we may
not continue to be so lucky. Next time, it may be a nuclear terrorist or a mad man or a
mistaken junior officer or just faulty equipment. It is foolish of us to boast of the decrease in
our death rate and the increase in the length of individual human lives in the 20th century,
as long as this nuclear danger is so uncontrolled. This is the first time in the history of the
human race that babies all babies everywhere have had such a small chance of living to an
old age. We are indeed very near the limit in this danger. This situation cannot continue.
We cannot live very long walking on loose at the edge of a cliff. Either in 10, 20, or 30 years
we fall over the nuclear cliff; or else very soon, before that time runs out, we arrive at an
international understanding and move back from the danger.

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Some people talk of yet another possibility: We might have a nuclear war with a few
people surviving by going underground into shelters and mines. But this, even if it could
work, would only temporarily postpone the horrible problem. Do the survivors come out of
the shelters and mines at last to bury, to clean up and to rebuild only to have their
survivors go underground again after a revival of nuclear powers in another 20 years of so?
And then again 20 years after that?

This is obviously not an alternative at all. It is noting more than a refusal to face the
necessity of finally agreeing on a foolproof method of international nuclear control. We
must conclude that if we live and if we work to live, then we still have a chance to survive
and to keep from passing the point of no return. But time is fast running out. It is up to the
men of today, in this present generation, within the very next few years, to permanently
decide: will we, the human race, live or die?

96) The writer warns us against making larger bombs because……….

1) we are already threatened with complete destruction

2) it is highly immoral

3) there is a persistent nuclear crisis in one part of the world or other

4) the bombs already hoarded in the world are sufficiently large.

97) The passage says that as long as the nuclear danger is uncontrolled ___________

1) a junior officer will rescue us

2) we will have to depend on big nations for survival

3) we are at the mercy of such things as faulty machines and mad men

4) more babies will not be born in this world

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98) The passage says that the danger of a nuclear war…………

1) will become a reality in 20 years and every 20 years thereafter

2) can be avoided through an international understanding

3) will be like climbing a cliff

4) will not exist after 10 to 30 years because we will not exist

99) The passage says that in case of a nuclear war……………..

1) shelters and mines will provide sufficient protection

2) more and more shelters and mines will have to be dug to bury the dead in

3) many people will be able to live in shelters and mines

4) a few people may survive by going underground into shelters and mines

100) Why don’t we need to make bombs more destructive than the ones we already

1) Because they might use for other business purposes to control the trade.
2) Because the bombs we already possess are destructive enough to wipe out all life
on our planet.

3) Because other giant countries could be the control of such destructive weapons.

4) Because there are many treaties which might get violated.

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1 4 26 2 51 2 76 3
2 1 27 1 52 4 77 2
3 4 28 4 53 1 78 1
4 2 29 1 54 2 79 3
5 1 30 1 55 3 80 1
6 2 31 1 56 3 81 1
7 4 32 2 57 4 82 2
8 1 33 4 58 2 83 1
9 2 34 4 59 2 84 3
10 3 35 4 60 2 85 3
11 3 36 2 61 1 86 3
12 1 37 2 62 2 87 4
13 2 38 4 63 3 88 4
14 3 39 3 64 3 89 2
15 3 40 2 65 1 90 1
16 1 41 1 66 3 91 4
17 4 42 3 67 4 92 1
18 1 43 1 68 4 93 1
19 2 44 3 69 2 94 2
20 4 45 1 70 1 95 3
21 3 46 3 71 4 96 1
22 2 47 1 72 1 97 3
23 3 48 2 73 3 98 2
24 2 49 3 74 4 99 4
25 3 50 4 75 4 100 2

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