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emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…

ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations

kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

 Useful for all competitive examinations – UPSC| MPSC| SSC| CDS|
 Different methods to remember vocabulary.
 Vocabulary discussion with examples.
 Previous years’ vocabulary explanation.
 Usage of vocabulary in WRITING.
Mahesh Patil M.A. (English)

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR




Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR




Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR



1 Ask about/ Ask Enquire about someone's He ASKED ABOUT my
after health father
2 Ask around Ask a number of people for I have no idea, but I'll ASK
information of help AROUND at work and see
if anyone can help.
3 Ask round Invite someone We ASKED them AROUND
for dinner
4 Ask for To request or demand I asked for the menu card.
5 Ask in To invite somebody into your 'Jon's at the door.' 'ASK
house. him IN.'
6 Ask out To invite someone for a date. He wanted to ASK Meena
OUT but he was too shy.
1 Back away/ Back off Retreat or go backwards. The crowd BACKED AWAY
when the man pulled a
2 Back down Retract or withdraw your She refused to BACK
position or proposal in an DOWN and was fired.
3 Back into Enter a parking area in He prefers to BACK his car
reverse gear INTO the garage
4 Back out/ Back out Fail to keep an arrangement He BACKED OUT two days
of or promise. before the holiday so we
gave the ticket to his sister
5 Back up Support The rest of the staff
BACKED her UP when she
complained about working
1 Bear down on Move towards. She spotted him on the
other side of the room and
2 Bear on Influence, affect. The judge's character may

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
well BEAR ON the final
3 Bear out Confirm that something is Statistics BEAR OUT the
correct. government's positions on
the issue.
4 Bear up Resist pressure. How are you BEARING UP
under the strain?
5 Bear up under Cope with something difficult He's BEARING UP UNDER
or stressful. the pressure.
6 Bear with Be patient Please BEAR WITH me a
moment while I finish this
1 Blow away Kill. He grabbed a gun and
BLEW the police officer
2 Blow away Beat rivals or competitors by Their new product has
a large margin. BLOWN all the others
3 Blow away Impress greatly Her first novel BLEW me
4 Blow down When the wind forces A tree was BLOWN DOWN
something to fall. in the storm.
5 Blow in Arrive, sometimes suddenly He BLEW IN from Toronto
or unexpectedly. early this morning.
6 Blow off Ignore, not do something. I BLEW the homework OFF
and did badly.
7 Blow off Expel gas from the anus. He BLEW OFF in front of
8 Blow out Extinguish candles, matches, She BLEW the candles OUT
etc.. on her birthday cake.
9 Blow out Defeat decisively The Broncos BLEW OUT
the Raiders 55- 0.
10 Blow up Explode. The bomb BLEW UP
without any warning.
11 Blow up Lose your temper, become They BLEW UP when they
angry heard what I had done
1 Break down End negotiations The talks between
unsuccessfully management and the

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
2 Break down Start crying. He BROKE DOWN in tears.
3 Break down Stop working. My car's BROKEN DOWN,
so I came by taxi.
4 Break down Remove a barrier or obstacle. He had to BREAK DOWN
their opposition to his
5 Break in Go into a building to steal The burglars BROKE IN
something. and stole the TV and video.
6 Break in Interrupt something. I'm sorry to BREAK IN on
your conversation, but
there's a problem.
8 Break in Carefully use new products I must watch my speed
until they are fully functional.. until I BREAK IN my new
9 Break off Break a piece from She BROKE OFF a square
something. of chocolate and gave it to
her dog.
10 Break off End a relationship. She BROKE OFF their
engagement when she
found out that he'd been
11 Break out Start (war, conflict). They're worried that war
12 Break out of Escape. Three dangerous Category
A prisoners BROKE OUT
OF Wandsworth Prison
last night.
13 Break through Pass a barrier or obstacle. The crowd BROKE
THROUGH the police
barriers and attacked the
14 Break up Break into many pieces. The plate BROKE UP when
he dropped it on the floor.
1 Bring about Make something happen. The changes to the law
the government because
so many people were
ignoring the old one.
2 Bring along Bring someone or something You can BRING your
to certain place friends ALONG if you like

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
3 Bring along Help someone improve Her coach has BROUGHT
her ALONG a lot in the last
six months
4 Bring around Persuade or convince It took me ages to BRING
someone. him AROUND to my point
of view.
5 Bring back Cause someone to remember Visiting my old school
of when I was a pupil
6 Bring back Return. He took the calculator
home yesterday and hasn't
7 Bring down Make a government fall./ The vote of no-confidence
Make something cheaper. BROUGHT the government
8 Bring forth Produce. She BROUGHT FORTH a
surprising result.
9 Bring in Earn. The job BRINGS IN two
thousand dollars a month.
10 Bring off Succeed with something No one thought she'd
difficult. manage to do it, but she
BROUGHT it OFF in the
11 Bring on Cause something to happen Getting wet in the rain
or speed up the process. yesterday BROUGHT ON
my cold.
12 Bring on Make something appear. BRING ON the dancers!
13 Bring out Release or publish. The band are BRINGING
OUT a new CD in the
14 Bring out Elicit a response. Suzie BRINGS OUT the best
in him.
15 Bring up Raise a child. My parents BROUGHT me
UP strictly.
1 Call for necessary, require For the unity of the
country discipline among
the people is called for.
2 Call in/call out Send for help The police were called in
without delay by the

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
3 Call off Suspend or abandon We decided to call off the
4 Call upon Appeal, exhort He was called upon to
prove the correctness of
the press reports.
5 Call out Ask to come for help The national guards has
been called out.
6 Call up To telephone, recall Many of my friends called
me up to congratulate me.
1 Carry forward Include a figure in a later They CARRIED FORWARD
calculation. their losses to the next
financial year.
2 Carry forward Make something progress. They hope the new
management will be able
to CARRY the project
3 Carry off Win, succeed. She CARRIED OFF the first
prize in the competition.
4 Carry off Die of a disease. Cancer CARRIED him OFF
a couple of years ago.
5 Carry on Continue. CARRY ON quietly with
your work until the
substitute teacher arrives.
6 Carry out Perform a task. The government is
growing genetically
modified crops.
6 Carry out Food bought from a I'm too tired to cook- let's
restaurant to take away. get a CARRYOUT.
7 Carry over Continue past a certain point. The meeting CARRIED
OVER into the afternoon
because there was so much
to talk about.
8 Carry through Complete successfully. They CARRIED the reforms
THROUGH despite the
9 Carry away by Lose control On hearing the news of his
success, he was carried
away by joy.
1 Cast about for Try to find something. They're CASTING ABOUT

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
FOR support.
2 Cast aside Dispose, get rid of, ignore He CAST her ASIDE.
because you no longer like
something or someone.
3 Cast off Dispose, get rid of. They CAST OFF any
semblance of politeness
and attacked us viciously.
4 Cast off Untie a boat so it's free to sail. They CAST OFF and
headed out to sea.
5 Cast out Expel, reject. They CAST him OUT
because of his behaviour.
6 Cast round for Try to find something. He CAST ROUND FOR any
sign of his things.
7 Cast up Be left on the shore by the The rubbish was CAST UP
sea. by the tide.
1 Come about Happen, occur. The meeting CAME ABOUT
because both sides were
sick of fighting.
2 Come across Find by accident. I CAME ACROSS my old
school reports when I was
clearing out my desk.
3 Come across The way other people see He CAME ACROSS as shy
you. because he spoke so
4 Come along Accompany. May I COME ALONG on
your trip tomorrow?
5 Come apart Break into pieces. It CAME APART when I
tried to lift it off the floor
and I had to glue it back
6 Come by Acquire. How did you COME BY that
7 Come down upon Criticize, reprimand severely. They will COME DOWN
UPON us if we are late.
8 Come down with Fall ill. She CAME DOWN WITH a
9 Come off Be successful. I was surprised when the
plan CAME OFF so easily.
10 Come out A secret is revealed. The details of the scandal
CAME OUT in the press
and she had to resign.

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
11 Come out Be published or otherwise The band's new CD is
available to the public. COMING OUT in
12 Come round Change your opinion. At first she didn't like the
idea, but she CAME
ROUND to our way of
thinking in the end.
13 Come up Appear I'll be late home tonight
because something's
COME UP at work has to be
ready for tomorrow
14 Come up with Think of a solution, excuse, Nobody could COME UP
etc.. WITH a satisfactory
explanation for the
1 Cut across Go across a place rather than It'll be quicker if we CUT
around it to make the journey ACROSS the park.
2 Cut back Reduce. The firm CUT BACK
production because sales
were sluggish.
3 Cut down Consume less. I'm trying to CUT DOWN
the amount of coffee I
drink during the day.
4 Cut down Reduce a vertical thing to The logger CUT the tree
ground level by cutting. DOWN.
5 Cut in Interrupt. We were having a
conversation when he
came up and CUT IN.
6 Cut in Mix fat and flour until the CUT the butter IN with the
combine. flour.
7 Cut off Disconnect. The telephone's been CUT
OFF because we didn't pay
the bill.
8 Cut out Exclude. I'm CUTTING OUT salt
from my diet.
9 Cut up Cut into smaller pieces. After cutting the tree
down, the logger CUT it UP
into logs.
10 Cut up Upset. Her reaction really CUT me

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
11 Cut up Have a lot of small injuries. I CUT my hand UP when I
broke the glass.
1 Do away with Abolish, get rid of. The United Kingdom DID
AWAY WITH the death
penalty in 1965.
2 Do in Kill. After he reported the gang,
he feared they would DO
him IN.
3 Do out of Cheat somebody out of They lied on the reference
something that is rightfully and DID me OUT OF any
theirs. chance of getting the job.
4 Do up Close or fasten clothes, etc.. You must DO UP your
safety belt in the back of
cars and taxis now.
5 Do up Repair and renovate. It took them six months to
DO UP the house before
they could actually move
6 Do with Wish for or ask for (usually I could DO WITH a cold
after can or could). beer about now.
7 Do without Manage without something. There's no sugar, so you'll
have to DO WITHOUT.
1 Fall about Laugh a lot. We FELL ABOUT when we
heard what she'd done.
2 Fall apart Break into pieces. The box FELL APART
when I
picked it up.
3 Fall apart Become emotionally He FELL APART when they
disturbed and unable to sacked him.
behave normally.
4 Fall back Retreat. The army FELL BACK after
losing the battle.
5 Fall back on Be able to use in an It was good to have some
emergency. money in the bank to FALL
BACK ON when I lost my
6 Fall behind Make less progress. I was ill for a week and
7 Fall for Be attracted to somebody, fall He FELL FOR her the

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
in love. moment their eyes met.
8 Fall in Collapse. The ceiling FELL IN
hurting a lot of people.
9 Fall into Start doing something I just FELL INTO my job
unplanned. when an opportunity came
10 Fall off Decrease. The membership FELL OFF
dramatically when the
chairperson resigned.
11 Fall out Argue and be on bad terms They FELL OUT over the
with someone. decision and hardly speak
to each other any more.
12 Fall through Be unsuccessful. The plans FELL THROUGH
when planning permission
was refused.
13 Fall under Become controlled. At first he was
independent, but then he
1 Get about Visit many places. I GET ABOUT a lot with my
job- last years I visited
eleven countries.
2 Get across Communicate successfully I just couldn't GET my
message ACROSS at the
3 Get after Chase. GET AFTER her and give
her the message before she
leaves the building.
4 Get along Have a good relationship./ Why don't you two GET
Progress ALONG? You're always
5 Get along with Deal with, handle. How are you GETTING
ALONG WITH the training
6 Get around Persuade, convince. She didn't want to accept
my application because it
was late, but I managed to
Get at Criticize. His boss is always
GETTING AT him for
arriving late.

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
7 Get away Escape. The robbers GOT AWAY in
a stolen car, which the
police later found
8 Get back Revenge. He was rude and
embarrassed me, but I'll
9 Get in Arrive (train, plane, etc.). Her plane GETS IN at 2am
our time.
10 Get off Finish, leave work. I like to GET OFF early on
11 Get off Start a journey. We need to GET OFF early
to avoid the rush hour
12 Get over Recover from something, feel It took me ages to GET
better. OVER the bout
of flu.
13 Get through Succeed in an exam or test. My car didn't GET
1 Give away Distribute She has given away
jeweler, worth thousands
of rupees
2 Give in Surrender, agree At first she was adamant
but at last she gave in to
the request of her friend
3 Give out Announce verbally, emit It was given out that she
had failed
4 Give up Stop abstain from He gave up smoking to
save money
5 Give way Collapse under pressure, The contractor was
break charged with negligence,
when the roof of a new
building gave way
6 Given to Accustomed to He is given to smoking
1 Hold on Carry on, bear difficulties, Inspite of financial
persist difficulties, he held on and
succeeded in the long run
2 Hold out Resist/ to offer something When the robbers ran
short of ammunition, they

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
could no longer hold out
3 Hold over Postpone Most of the bills are held
over till the next session of
the parliament
4 Hold up To stop in order to rob, delay The terrorists held up the
motor car and kept the
ladies as hostages
5 Hold to To remain loyal to We should hold to our
6 Hold water Believable, trustable Your idea does not hold
water for me.
7 Hold forth To talk much, to express The speaker held forth and
much everybody got bored.
1 Keep from Refrain from, not to mix with Always keep from selfish
people because they can
harm you anytime
2 Keep off Keep at a distance There was a notice at the
site, “Keep off the bushes”
3 Keep on Continue She kept on crying inspite
of my assurance of help
4 Keep up Maintain Always try to keep up the
standard of life even in the
face of crises
5 Keep up with Try to move with, not to fall Young men should keep up
behind with the latest
development in
international field
1 Look after Take care. Their auntie LOOKED
AFTER them
while their mother was in
2 Look back Think about the past. Old people often LOOK
BACK on over
their lives.
3 Look down on Have a low opinion of. He LOOKS DOWN ON his
colleagues because he
thinks he's better than
they are.
4 Look for Try to find. I've been LOOKING FOR all

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
hidden files, but I can't find
5 Look Wait for or anticipate I'm LOOKING FORWARD
forward to something pleasant. TO meeting
6 Look in Make a quick visit. I'll LOOK IN on my way
7 Look in on Visit briefly to see if I'm going to LOOK IN ON
everything's all right. grannie on the
way home tonight as she's
been a bit
unwell recently.
8 Look into Research, investigate. We'll LOOK INTO the
problem and come
back to you when we have
9 Look on Watch something like a crime The crowd just LOOKED
without ON as the old
helping. lady was mugged.
10 Look on as Consider, regard. I LOOK ON her AS a close
11 Look out Be careful. LOOK OUT; you're going to
drop that!
12 Look out Take care of someone, make She LOOKED OUT FOR her
for sure someone sister when
is cared for. she started school.
13 Look out Keep alert and try to see. We we told to LOOK OUT
for FOR any
suspicious behaviour.
14 Look over Inspect. They came to LOOK the
house OVER
with a view to buying it.
15 Look round Inspect a house. We LOOKED ROUND the
house and
decided that we didn't like
it enough to
buy it.
16 Look Read quickly. I LOOKED THROUGH the
through article.
17 Look to Expect, hope. The company is LOOKING
TO increase

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
its sales in Asia.
18 Look up Consult a reference work I didn't know the correct
(dictionary, spelling so I had
phonebook, etc.) for a specific to LOOK it UP in the
piece of dictionary.
19 Look up Improve. The economy is LOOKING
20 Look up Find, trace an old friend. I LOOKED him UP when I
went back to
21 Look up to Respect. She's LOOKS UP TO her
22 Look upon Consider, regard. I LOOK UPON him AS a
as close friend.
1 Make after Chase. The police MADE AFTER
the stolen car.
2 Make away Steal. The thieves MADE AWAY
with WITH the
3 Make of Understand or have an What do you MAKE OF
opinion. your new boss?
4 Make out Pretend. He MADE OUT that he was
ill so that he
didn't have to go to school.
5 Make out Progress. How are your children
the new school?
6 Make over Change appearance. The beauty salon gave her
MAKEOVER before the
7 Make over Give money or possessions to She MADE OVER her
someone in property to her
a legal way. children.
1 Pass away Die expire On the passing away of his
father, I sent him a
message of condolence
2 Pass for Regarded to be The Tatas pass for
philanthropists in the

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
3 Pass off Take place The elections are likely to
pass of peacefully
4 Pass oneself off Show off The hypocrites always
pass themselves off as
honest persons
5 Pass through Go through, undergo, endure He is passing through
financial difficulties these
6 Pass out Leave after completing The cadets will pass out
education next month after
completing their training
1 Put down Crush, keep down The riots were put down
by the local police
2 Put off Postpone, avoid, discourage The meeting had to be put
off because the President
could not come
3 Put on Wear, pretend It is difficult to put on the
appearance of innocence
for a long time
4 Put out Extinguish The fire was put out
5 Put up Stays, question He is putting up at a hostel
these days
6 Put up with Tolerate patiently For an honourable person,
it is difficult to put up with
the haughty behavior of
the Directors
1 Run after Pursue, hanker after We should not run after
2 Run down Criticize, poor health As a result of long illness,
she has run down a lot
3 Run into Come across, meet by chance While walking along the
roadside, I ran into my old
4 Run out Come to an end When the rations ran out,
the head office was
5 Run over Crush under He was run over by
speeding car

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
6 Run through Waste money It is a pity that he has run
through his fortune over
gambling and drinking
1 Set aside Allocate, strike down, turn The high court set aside
down the verdict of the lower
court in this sensitive
2 Set in Begin As soon as the summer
sets in, the reptiles come
out of hibernation
3 Set up Establish The factory was set up by
his uncle
4 Set forth Start on a journey, explain The party will set forth its
views on globalization at a
public rally
5 Set out Start on a journey, set forth No sooner was the hunter
informed of a lion’s
presence in the forest, than
her set out
1 Shut away Imprison or remove Many people have been
someone's freedom. SHUT AWAY in
psychiatric hospitals for
disagreeing with
the government.
2 Shut down Close a business, shop, etc.. The shop SHUT DOWN
when the out-oftown
supermarket opened.
3 Shut down Turn a computer off. You should close all
programs before you SHUT
a computer DOWN.
4 Shut in Prevent someone from I SHUT the cat IN until it
leaving. was time to go
to the vet.
5 Shut off Close, prevent access. They SHUT the water OFF
while they
did the repairs.
6 Shut out Exclude. You have to SHUT your
feelings OUT to
deal with it.
7 Shut out Not allow a player or team to The Dodgers SHUT OUT

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR
score. the Giants 3-0.
8 Shut out of Exclude someone from an He's been SHUT OUT OF
activity, etc. the
9 Shut up Stop talking or making noise. He told us to SHUT UP and
10 Shut up Close for a period of time. They SHUT the shop UP for
a fortnight
while they were on
11 Shut Withdraw from company. She's SHUT herself AWAY
yourself to revise for
her exams.
1 Take after Resemble She always reminds me of
her mother since she takes
after her
2 Take down Write She was busy in taking
down the dictation, which
the teacher was giving
3 Take off Remove, leave the ground, It is difficult for Indian
improve economy to take off in the
absence of heavy
4 Take over Take up responsibility The agency tried to take
over another company
5 (Be) Taken to Form a habit He took to wearing black
leather jackets
6 Take up Start a hobby or study, He has taken up modeling
occupy as a career
1 Turn down Reject, strike down I turned down the request
of my friend to go to Simla
2 Turn off Stop, switch off turn off water tap before
you go out
3 Turn of Switch on, start She turned on the shower
to take bath
4 Turn over Change, capsize, upset The boat turned over and
ten persons were drowned
5 Turn out Rove, reveal, expel Nothing ever turned out
right for me in life

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

emídV AH°$S>‘r English for…
ݶy B§p½be ñHy$bÀ¶m g‘moa, Competitive Examinations
kmZà~mo{YZrÀ¶m nmR>r‘mJo, UPSC |MPSC| SSC |CDS| BANKING
{Q>iH$ amoS>, gXm{ed noR>, nwUo-30 ENGLISH WRITING AND GRAMMAR

Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350 / 7415248787

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