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Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education Bread and Pastry 8

a. identify different ways to achieve personal hygiene
b. determine the proper way of hand washing
c. perform proper hand washing by following step by step procedure
d. give the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and proper hand washing.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic : Personal Hygiene and Proper Hand Washing
References : Bread and Pastry Learning Module Grade 8 Page 67-70
Materials : Power point Presentation, visual aids, water, soap, etc.
Strategy : Discussion, cooperative learning, experiential learning, lesson objective transparency.

III. Procedure:
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Setting of standard
4. State lesson goals/objectives
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Review:
What was our previous lesson all about? Ma’am our previous lesson was about Measuring dry
and liquid ingredients.
What are some tools used in measuring dry ingredients Ma’am the tools used in measuring the flour measuring
like flour? cup and flour sifter

Give me at least one tool used in measuring liquid Ma’am measuring glass
ingredient such as water?
Very good
This morning class we will discuss our new lesson
But before that we will have an activity first
b. Motivation:
This is a group activity, so you will be divided into four
groups. This is the mechanics of the game:
You will be given pictures including options containing
topics. Identify the pictures and guess what it is all
about then choose your answer from the options. The
group who can pick the correct answer from the
choices or options will go to the board and write the
answer. The winner will receive points
Did you get? Yes Ma’am
c. Presentation of New Lesson
 Discussion
Base on your activity what do you think is our lesson for Ma’am our lesson for this morning is all about
this morning? Personal Hygiene and Proper Hand Washing
Are you familiar with this lesson?
In your own idea what is personal hygiene? Student’s expected answer
Personal hygiene are health practices and habits which
in able one to stay physically healthy.
Do you think maintaining personal hygiene is useful in Yes , because keeping oneself clean helps to avoid
food preparation? transfer harmful bacteria especially in food preparation
Class do you have a good personal hygiene? Or are you Yes ma’am
keeping yourselves clean?
What are your ways in achieving good personal Ma’am I always take a bath
What else? Ma’am I always wash my hands whenever I needed it
Very good!
Did you know that there are proper ways to achieve
personal hygiene?
Let me share these to you class through a group activity
Group activity
Task 1
You will be given topics related to personal hygiene.
Read it and provide or convey your understanding
about the topics. After 5-10 minutes a member of the
group will present and share their understanding about
the given topic and present it to the class.
Ways to achieve personal hygiene.
1. Regularly wash and cut your hair to keep a neat
appearance. If you have facial hair,
you can save money by maintaining it yourself with
a set of quality clippers.

2. Visit the dentist at least once a year (twice a

year is optimal). Though you are
brushing every day, your dentist will correct any
dental problems you have.

3. Bathe every day before work, or every night

before you go to sleep. This will help you
cleanse/remove body odor.

4. Wear deodorant or antiperspirant daily if you

tend to sweat heavily. Some people can actually
get away with not wearing deodorant, but most
people, especially those who
have heavy duty jobs or work in warm climates,
benefit greatly from it.

5. Scrub your hands with soap and water before

you handle any food especially when
you have just come from the toilet, after touching
your hair or other parts of your
body, and after your hands cover your mouth or
nose when you cough or sneeze. Be
sure to clean under fingernails where dirt and
bacteria tend to accumulate.

6. Trim your nails; especially if you work in the food

service .This will help keep your
hands much cleaner and prevent the spread of the
germs to the food.

7. Keep hand sanitizer and facial tissues near your

work desk. If you do not work on
your desk, put travel sizes of these items in your
pocket. Sanitizer and tissues will
come in handy when you're ill and can also prevent
the spread of germs resulting
from touching items such as money and computer

8. Use a separate towel or cloth for drying dishes,

wiping countertops, and wiping

9. Avoid working with food when you have an open

cut, sore, boil, or infected wound in
your hands. Pus and other liquids secreted by the
wound contain millions of harmful
bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

10. Keep hands out of food as much as possible.

Otherwise, wear disposable gloves.

11. Avoid smoking while preparing or handling food

as ashes may drop into the food.
12. Wear suitable clothes at work. Do not wear
clothes with long sleeves when working
with food. Wear also comfortable and clean shoes.
Be sure aprons are always clean.

You have now the idea on how to keep yourself Yes ma’am
clean. Right?
Are you washing your hands always? Yes ma’am
Did you know the right way of hand washing? Students answer
What do you think are the proper ways of hand Students answer
Let me share to you the proper way of hand
But before that let us discover first what might
happen if we are not washing our hands properly.
Proper Hand washing
Washing is the single most effective way to
prevent the spread of infections.
Germs-(a general term for microbes like viruses
and bacteria) can be spread casually by
touching another person.

You can also catch germs when you touch

contaminated objects or
surfaces and then you touch your face (mouth,
eyes, and nose).

"Good" hand washing techniques include using an

adequate amount of soap, rubbing
the hands together to create friction, and rinsing
under running water.
Class what are some situations that we can pick up Ma’am by holding dirty materials
What else? Ma’am by not washing hands always
The following are different situations where
people can pick up "germs".
Hands are visibly soiled.
After using the washroom (includes changing
After blowing your nose or after sneezing in your
Before and after eating, handling food, drinking or
After touching raw meat, poultry, or fish.
After handling garbage.
Visiting or caring for sick people.
Handling pets, animals or animal waste.
Ensuring that employees wash their hands properly
after using the washroom is very
important in reducing disease transmission of
stomach "flus" (which really is not a "flu" or
influenza) and other gastrointestinal infections.
Using soap and lathering up is very important
(rinsing hands in water only is not as effective).
Use comfortably warm, running water.
Hands should be washed for a minimum of 15 -20
seconds - longer if the hands are visibly
Proper hand washing
Wet your hands with clean running water (warm
or cold) and apply soap.
Rub your hands together to make lather and
scrub them well; be sure to scrub the
backs of your hands, between your fingers, and
under your nails.
Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20
Rinse your hands well under running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry
Here are the step by step procedure in hand

1. Palm to palm
2. Between fingers
3. Back of hands
4. Base of thumbs
5. Back of fingers
6. Fingernails
7. Wrists
8. Rinse and wipe dry
d. Generalization
You have now the idea about our personal hygiene
and proper hand washing

So class why do we need to keep ourselves clean Ma’am we need to keep ourselves in order to avoid
especially in food preparation? transfer of harmful bacteria especially when we are
preparing food.
Is it important to maintain personal hygiene and Yes ma’am it is very important to maintain personal
follow proper hand washing procedure? hygiene and follow hand washing procedure so that we
Why? can avoid from picking germs and we can be physically
healthy away from diseases.
e. Application (Task 2 and Task 3)
This time we will have an activity, with the same
group you are going to perform the proper hand
washing procedures.
But before you can get the proper procedures you
need to solve some equations. The group who can
answer correctly will be given the procedures by
the teacher.
9 =P 10 = H 12 = W A=17 G=29 M=07 S=46 Y=14
5 =R 17 = A 17 = A B=01 H=10 N=72 T=O91 Z=15
3 =O 72 = N 46 = S C=02 I=23 O=3 U=101
9 =P 86 = D 10 = H D=86 J=04 P=9 V=11
20 = E 23 = I
E=20 K=051 Q=08 W=12
5= R 72 = N
29 = G F=031 L=06 R=5 X=13

1.3X3=9 1. 5+5 = 10 1.6X2 =12

2.3+2=5 2. 10+7 = 17 2. 20-3=17
3.3X1=3 3. 50+22=72 3. 30+16= 46
4.6+3=9 4. 80+6 =86 4. 20-10=10
5.10X2=20 5. 10+13=23
6.10-5=5 6. 100-28=72
7. 10+19=29

IV. Evaluation
Students’ performance will be graded using this criteria.

CRITERIA Very Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

5 4 3
1. The step by step procedures are
followed correctly
2. All members of the group cooperate
and show team work
3. Maintain cleanliness in the area,
floor is always free from spills.
4. Able to finish task with in the exact
given time

V. Assignment

1. What are the good effects of proper hand washing on our health?
2. Write down various diseases that can be taken when hand washing is not right?
3. Give the different steps of proper hand washing?
4. What are the different ways in achieving personal hygiene?
5. In your own opinion, why is it important to follow the proper way to wash hands and maintain personal
hygiene especially in food preparation and in our everyday living?
A=17 G=29 M=07 S=46 Y=14
B=01 H=10 N=72 T=O9 Z=15
9 =P 10 = H 12 = W C=02 I=23 O=3 U=10
5 =R 17 = A 35 = A D=86 J=04 P=9 V=11
E=20 K=05 Q=08 W=12
3 =O 72 = N 46 = S F=03 L=06 R=5 X=13
8 =P 86 = D 67 = H
20 = E 23 = I
21 = R 18 = N
29 = G

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