E4 2014-2-Kl-Desa Mahkota-Q

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2014-2-KL-DESA MAHKOTA MATHEMATICS T 954/2 Section B [15 marks]

Section A [45 marks]

Answer ONLY one question in this section.
Answer all questions in this section.
7 The length x , of a certain leaf, at time t (during a period of its growth) is proportional
 3x − x 2 , x≤3 to the amount of water it contains. It may be assumed that during this period, the leaf is
1 The function f is defined by f(x) =  2 . Find lim- f ( x ) and lim+ f (x ) . square in shape. The leaf absorbs water from the plant at a rate proportional to the length of
 x − 3 x + 2, x>3 x→3 x →3
the leaf and loses water by evaporation at a rate proportional to the area of the leaf. Show
Hence, determine whether lim f (x ) exists. Determine also whether f is continuous at x = 0. dx
x→3 that the growth of the leaf can be represented by the differential equation = ax − bx 2 ,
[6 marks] dt
where a and b are positive constants. Solve this equation, given that, when t = 0, x = .
2 A curve has parametric equations y =   , x =   , t  0. Find the coordinates of the 2b
points on the curve where the gradient is zero, and, find the equation of the tangent at the Hence, express x in terms of t and deduce that the length of the leaf never exceeds the value
point where t = 2. [8 marks] a
of . Sketch the graph for length of leaf, x against time, t. [15 marks]
3 Find the area included by the curves y2 = 8x and y = x2. Find also the volume of revolution
generated when the area is rotated through four right angles about the x axis. [10 marks]
dy 8 The equation x3 – 12x + 1 = 0 has two positive roots, α and β, (α < β), and one negative
4 Given that = y sin 2x and that y = 1 when x = 0, find y in terms of x. [5 marks] root.
(a) Prove that 0 < α < 1 and 3 < β < 4.

d2 y dy (b) Show that the iteration  12 1 ;  0,1,2, … provided that ! > α will
5 Given that
√ ; show that 4(1 + x) 2 + 2 = y . converge to β and can be used to find the root β.
dx dx
(c) Form another iteration that will converge to α.
By further differentiation of this result or otherwise, show that the series expansion for y in
  (d) Use the Newton-Raphson method with 3.5 as a starting value to calculate β correct
ascending powers of x up to the term x4 is
1         , where k is a to two decimal places. [15 marks]
constant. [11 marks]
6 The diagram shows the parts of the graph of y = between x = 0 and x = 1. ********** END OF QUESTION PAPER **********
1+ x
The four trapeziums drawn under the curve are of equal width, and their total area is an
approximation to the area under the curve from x = 0 and x = 1. Calculate this approximation
to the area under the curve, giving 3 significant figures in your answer. Prepared by: Checked by:
Determine whether this approximation is an over-estimation or under-estimation of the exact Catherine Chang
area under the curve, stating your reason. [5 marks]
y (Mr. Balasundaram a/l Kumarasamy)
Verified by:
(Mdm. Hong Lay Tin)
0 1 x Math & Sc coordinator

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