Sydney SBA

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JUNE 2023

Territory: Jamaica GROUP

Name of candidate: Sydney Broderick

Candidate number: 1000901480

Centre number: 100090

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Elleston

THEME: Teenage

INDIVIDUAL TOPIC: Causes of Teenage Pregnancy in our society




Plan of Investigation

Participation measure

Stimulus 1 (POEM), 2 (Artiles) & 3 (Picture)

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Reflection 3

Plan of Oral Presentation

Group Written Report

Reference page



My English school's basic assessment topic is Teenage Pregnancy. I chose this topic because of

the need to inform society, concerning the causes and difficulties in relation to teenage

pregnancy. My motive for selecting this topic is to evaluate, analyze and bring about awareness

of devastating high rates of teenage pregnancy reflecting the negative effects on their lives.. I

will be collecting data through the following modes: interviews with tteen parents, newspapers,

and reading articles online. The benefit of doing this English SBA will be to educate myself

more about my surroundings and be cautious.

Plan of Investigation

My English Language School-Based Assessment topic is 'What are the significant causes and

impact of teenage pregnancies?' This topic was inspired by the theme of my group, Teenage

pregnancy in our society. The researcher chose this topic after observing the drastic impact

teenage pregnancy has on our adolescents' lives, as well as the difficulties this social issue

causes. The researcher wishes to educate his peers and future readers about this social issue, as

well as evaluate, analyze, and raise awareness of the devastating high rates of teenage pregnancy.

As the researcher conducts the research, I anticipate that researching and organizing this school-

based assessment will help me improve my writing and reading comprehension skills. To

advance this project, I will listen to songs and podcasts, browse the internet, and read the

newspapers and articles related to my topic.


Areas Question for students Final Score

1 Do/Did you know what you 1/1
are/were expected to do to
well in team ?
2 Are you able to focus on 1/1
what is taking place in your
group ?

3 how do/did you feel in the 1/1

group? I feel self-
confidence , self-esteem,
and self-effect.

4 Do/Did you know how to 1/1

manage how you behave in
the group ?
5 Do/Did you manage your 1/1
tasks on time and

Total score 5

Stimulus 1 (Poem)



By; Rebekah S

It happened at the age of sixteen.

She was scared to look up at that screen.

Knowing there was a little heartbeat,

She would soon get kicked out to the street.

So she kneeled down to pray,

How could I make this go away?

The thought then came in her mind,

But she knew she could not cross that line.

She was scared and all alone

And knew she could not go home.

Life began to get too by rough,

But she knew she had to be tough.

Just when she thought everyone had gone,

It happened at the light of dawn.

When she woke up in that room,

She then started to bloom.

Seeing the sight of her little girl,

With her red hair and that one tiny curl.

She knew her life was now complete,

Hearing her daughter's healthy heartbeat.

Stimulus 2(Article)

Teen pregnancy warning - Expert warns that prolonged school closure could lead to more
adolescent moms, unsafe abortions

Nadine Wilson-Harris/Gleaner Writer

The indefinite closure of schools could lead to more unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions,
and increased HIV/AIDS infection rates in Jamaica, which currently has the third-highest
adolescent pregnancy rate in Latin America and the Caribbean.

That’s the warning from Dr. Denise Chevannes, HIV/AIDS officer at the United Nations
Population Fund Subregional Office for the Caribbean.

Delivering the Women’s Centre of Jamaica’s annual lecture on adolescent pregnancy yesterday,
Chevannes also revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had affected supplies of condoms and
other contraceptives.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it certainly was an issue with interruptions in
supply chains,” she said.

Chevannes added that COVID-19 has resulted in health services being less accessible to
adolescents, and cautioned that the pandemic is likely to increase domestic responsibilities for

Already, girls in Jamaica are being pressured into becoming pregnant at an early age.

According to Chevannes, 67 percent of pregnancies in adolescents between the ages of 15 to 19

age were mistimed, while five percent were unwanted pregnancies. Only 18 percent of the
pregnancies in this age group were planned.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, about two percent of women of reproductive age reported
having their first delivery before 15. And there have been 876,000 unsafe abortions in the region.

In Jamaica, these unsafe abortions have contributed to maternal deaths, and adolescent
pregnancy has also caused varying health complications for teens, such as damage to the pelvic
floor; pre-eclampsia, which is due to hypertension; and sexually transmitted infections.

Chevannes noted that adolescent pregnancy was fuelled by several factors, including cultural

“Some of those societal expectations of what constitutes behavior for women and girls in terms
of their femininity, that is an issue,” she said. Gender and Culture State Minister Alando
Terrelonge also expressed concerned about some of the societal expectations for girls and boys.
Young girls are being pressured into having sex, while boys are encouraged to be fathers before
adulthood, he said, adding that he, too, faced pressures.

“We make life difficult for our adolescents with all this pressure, and at some point, we have to
realise that there is something wrong with that aspect of the culture that seeks to call our young
women mules and seek to call our young men, the term now is ‘gelding’, because you don’t have
any pickney,” he said.

Teen pregnancy warning

Stimulus 3( Poster)

Reflection 1
While investigating the poem “ ALL ALONE FOR NOW “ The moral lesson of this poem
taught me never to let yourself too loose and to explore more that can put you in this situation.
Don't start rebelling once more and learn to cope with having a blessed baby. It also taught me
that teenage pregnancy can lead to mental health in the first stage, but in the end, having a baby
might appear scary but deep down you will feel happy and relieved you brought life to the world
as a blessing.

After reading the article "Teen pregnancy warning," I came to the conclusion that getting
pregnant when still a teenager is not only bad, but there is also a great danger of contracting
STDs and STIs. Peer pressure is one of the more modest social factors that contributes to teenage
pregnancies. Teenagers who participate in sexual activity that results in pregnancy run a higher
chance of developing health issues such pelvic floor injury, pre-eclampsia, which is caused by
high blood pressure, sexually transmitted diseases, and other issues. I learned from this that I do
not support teen pregnancy. Even when you believe you are prepared and have the necessary
knowledge, don't allow others pressure you into getting pregnant. It's difficult and can come as a

While being observant and open-minded about the inspiring poster “ Give it up for Teen
Pregnancy.” teaches you some life lessons when an adolescent gets pregnant things as a teenager
you would normally do once becoming a teen mom that would now stop and focus on the child.
The graphical educational poster outlines a very influential and motivated me in such an arousing

Reflection 2
In the poem,” ALL ALONE FOR NOW” the poem's language was informal. In the poem above
the writer was mostly speaking in standard English with the use of a small amount of rhyming
and personification. The polymer's main Audience is young teenagers that are pregnant in
English countries.

The article,” TEEN PREGNANCY WARNING” showed the states and ratings of having
unpredicted sex leading TO STD and HIV. It's in a formal language. In the article displayed
above the write was mostly speaking in standard English . The article was made to warn and
inform people about unpredicted risks of getting a virus.

In the poster ,”GIVE IT UP” the poster language was informal. In the poster above the writer
was mostly speaking in standard English with the use of a small amount of repetition and
personification. The poster main Audience is young teenagers that are pregnant in English

Reflection 3
With the completion of this SBA, I have learned more insightful information about
teenage pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is a crucial growth phase in the life of any individual
fraught with physiological changes and often, psychological conflicts. In this condition,
finding oneself to be a pregnant teenager can come down as shocking and even
traumatizing for the individual, as well as, for her family and friends. As well as the
causes of teenage pregnancy in our society. This topic has taught me it's best to choose
abstinence or even marriage before sex never put yourself in a position where you are
being peer pressured or following bad company those are some minor causes of teenage
pregnancy that can affect you in so many ways mentally, physically and emotionally with
that said it has educated me to make smarter decisions in life.

Written report
Our English SBA's chosen theme is "poverty." We carefully chose the objects that, in our
opinion, best depict the subject of our group. First, based on how closely their artifacts
connected to their subtopics, each member selected them. Second, in order to finish the
written report, we chose to use the poem and the poster, two printed artifacts. These three
objects best represent our entire topic, according to our analysis of all the artifacts, which
included voting and elimination. Rebekah describes a woman having a child at the age of
sixteen who is afraid to bear a child in her poetry titled "ALL ALONE FOR NOW." To
reach a wider audience, the poet utilized colloquial language, but most of it was written
in formal language. Due to the vocabulary and use of English, this poem was specifically
created for an audience with a normal level of intelligence. "Give it up" is the title of the
poster. This poster not only explained how to lead a healthy lifestyle as a pregnant teen
but also broke it down into its various components. This artifact's diction was simple to
understand, which may have been the author's intention to make it understandable to
those with varying levels of education. The illustrator of the newspaper, Nadine Wilson-
Harris, delivers a vital message about how prolonged school closures may encourage
more teenage mothers to have risky abortions. This is the other printed artifact. It was
clear that imagery and formal language were being used; doing so helped the reader
visualize the device's parts and made the artifact simple to understand.


Theme:Teenage pregnancy

Topic: Causes of Teenage Pregnancy in our society

Genre: Poem

Language: Stander english

Source:The use of the internet.

Group written Report


Poster about teenage pregnancy

Teen pregnancy warning article


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