Survey Questionnaire

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This study is all about the conflict between teaching profession and family relationships in Dapitan City

National High School among senior high school teachers.

Direction: Please put a check [✓] to select your corresponding answer.
Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐
How many years of teaching experience do you have?

☐ 1-3 years ☐ 3-5 years

☐ 2-3 years ☐ 5 and above

Direction: Put a checkmark [✓] on the table below.

(1) Strongly Agree, (2) Agree, (3) Undecided, (4) Strongly Disagree, (5) Disagree.

Teaching Profession:
Question 1 2 3 4 5
1.) It’s hard to maintain professional-life balance and family bond at the
same time.
2.) My teaching profession affects my family relationship.
3.) My family issues affect my teaching performance
4.) I am satisfied with my job.
5.) My working life is always affected by my schedule related to my family
6.) My workload gives me stress.
7.) My workload is unable to undertake my responsibilities on my family.
8.) I feel comfortable with my working environment.
9.) I have conflict with my co- teachers.
10.) Stress causes dysfunctional outcomes in both work and family.

Family Relationship:
Question 1 2 3 4 5
1.) I am good at building healthy relationships and good communication
with my family.
2.) I spend quality time with my family every week.
3.) I can provide for my family's needs.
4.) I am in charge
of accompanying my children’s school and/or academic work.
5.) I can manage my family and workloads at the same time.
6.) I take care of
house chores in our home
7.) I rarely go to family gatherings because of my work.
8.) My family pressures me with my work.
9.) My family motivates me in my work.
10.)I am satisfied with my family and career.

Adapted by: Moloud Mohammadi, Arefe Amini Faskhodi & Henry Santa-Cruz-Espinoza

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