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NO NO Materi Level Lingukup Bentuk Soal
Urut Soal Kognitif Materi PG ESSAY
1 1. Self Introduction and Family Relationship L.1 1 V

2 2 Expression of Congratulation L1 1 V

3. 3 Descriprive Text ( Tourism Place ) L2 2 V

4. 4 Descriptive Text (Tourism Place ) L3 1 V

5. 5 Announcement in Public Places L2 3 V

6. 6 Recount Text ( Proclamation of Indonesia L2 1 V

Independence )

7. 7 Narrative Text (Folklore) L2 2 V

8. 8 Narrative Text (Folklore) L3 3 V

9. 9 Expression of Giving suggestion L1 1 V

10 10 Expression of Asking Opinion L1 1 V

11 11 Invitation ( official context) L1 1 V

12 12 Invitation (official context ) L2 2 V

13 13 Invitation (official context) L2 3 V

14 14 Analytical Exposition Text ( social context) L1 1 V

15 15 Analytical Exposition Text ( social context ) L2 2 V

16 16 Analytical Exposition Text (social context) L3 3 V

17 17 Personal Letter (Personal Experience) L2 2 V

18 18 Personal Letter (Personal Experience) L2 1 V

19 19 Personal letter ( Personal Experience ) L3 3 V

20 20 Cause and Effect L2 2 V

21 21 Caption L1 2 V
22 22 Caption L2 1 V

23 23 Application letter L2 1 V

24 24 Application letter L2 2 V

25 25 Application letter L1 1 V

26 26 Application letter L2 1 V

27 27 Application letter L2 3 V

28 28 Song L1 2 V

29 29 Song L1 2 V

30 30 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena) L2 1 V

31 31 Explantion Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L2 1 V

32 32 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L3 2 V

33 33 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L2 1 V

34 34 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena) L1 1 V

35 35 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L1 2 V

36 36 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L3 1 V

37 37 Explanation Text ( Natural Phenomena ) L3 1 V

38 38 Procedure Text ( Drinks/meal ) L2 2 V

39 39 Procedure Text ( Drinks/ Meal ) L3 2 V

40 40 Procedure Text ( Drinks / Meal ) L1 1 V

41 41 Expression of Intention L1 1 V

42 42 Personal Letter L2 2 V

43 43 Explanation Text L2 2 V

44 44 Song L2 3 V

45 45 Song L3 2 V

*) = Level kognitif
**) = Lingkup /ruang materi dengan kode angka;1,2,3,dst (sesuaikan dengan mata pelajaran)
***) = Isi tanda (V) pada kolom sesuai
Rekapitulasi Distribusi soal-soal berdasarkan level kognitif / lingkup materi
Level Kognitif Lingkup Materi Jumlah
1 2 3
Level 1 10 5 0 15

Level 2 7 10 4 21

Level 3 3 3 3 9

Jumlah 20 18 7 45

Banyuasin 1, 16 Februari 2023

Penyusun Kisi-kisi


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