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ITEM NO. 10 20,21,22,31,35 11,18,29,30,33

Creating an excellent question to be taken by the students in their examination is a

challenge to every teacher because there are some factors to be considered. Also, after the
examination they evaluate such test papers to know that they have created a good test
questions for their students. To reflect on the reasons behind such evaluations is a challenging
one. Just like the table stated above that are divided into three different categories. First, the
“very easy”, this item resulted in a very easy item because it falls on the remembering level of
cognitive domain as per stated in the bloom’s taxonomy which means recalling on the the
lessons. So, it resulted on this for the reason that the students do not need to analyze such
item for them to answer, they just need to support the missing information on the item.
Second, the “very difficult”, this resulted in a very difficult item because the item need to be
analyzed and properly evaluated to get the correct answer. This item is very much challenging
and difficult, especially slow learners given the fact that they are not adept in comprehension.
Lastly, the “negative discrimination” this items are quite amusing to reflect because as
per the data presented in the item analysis, the lower group have answered more than the
higher group. Well in fact, we can see that the higher group are fast learners. I have checked
that the items are more based on experience. So, I can say that the lower group got most the
correct answers despite they are slow learners because they can relate more based on their
experiences. I would not say that the higher group cannot relate, its just that the lower group
have more experiences on the given situation in the item rather than the higher group.
Finally, test questions can reflect to both the teacher and the students. Either the
teachers expected much on the students or the students find the questions more surprising
and challenging one than what they have anticipated. Either way it goes back on what did the
students learn and what did the teacher do to facilitate on their learning.

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