E9 2014-2-NS-KGV

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2014-2-NS-KGV MATHEMATICS T 954/2 [12.

2/ III/ H]
Section A[45 marks] Section B[15 marks]
Answer all questions in this section. Answer any one question in this section.
1. Evaluate
√   7. Show that the curve ,  - 0has a stationary point at /&, 1and determine
(a) im . [3 marks]  0
 whether this is a local maximum or minimum. [6 marks]
[7.2/ III/ L] Sketch the curve ,-0 [2 marks]

(b) lim , [3 marks] +, 
 Show that the area of the region bounded by the curve , the x-axis and the line
[7.2/ III/ H]  +, 
  , is equal to the area of the region bounded by the curve , the x- axis
2. Given that 
, find the value of when = 1. [6 marks] 0 
 and the line x = e. [7 marks]
[8.1/ I/ L] [9.2/II/M]
3. y
8 a. A piece of wire 8 cm is cut into two pieces. One of length x cm, is made into a

circle. The other piece is bent to form a square. Find an expression for the total area
  of the circle and the square, in terms of r, where r is the radius of the circle.
4y = x Diagram 1 As x varies, find the radius of the circle which makes the total area a minimum.
R [8 marks]
0 b.Use the trapezium rule with 5 ordinates to obtain an approximation of " 2  ,

Diagram 1 shows a portion of the curve and the line 4y = x. give your answer correct to three decimal places. [4 marks]
By using the substitution  tan , show that Explain whether your estimate of " 2  is an over estimate or an under estimate.

 [3 marks]
"  "!  
and evaluate this integral.
Hence, find the volume of revolution generated when region R is rotated completely
about the x-axis. Give your answer correct to three significant figures. [11 marks]
[9.2/ III/ H]
4. Find the solution of the differential equation

satisfying the condition y = 2 when x = 3. Give your answer in the form y = f(x).
[5 marks]
[10/ II/ M]

5. Given that √1 # 8&  , show that  4&  [2 marks]
By further differentiation of this result, or otherwise, show that Maclaurin’s series for y in

ascending powers of x is 3 #  #  #  # *[6 marks]


[11/ III/ L,M]

6. By sketching the graphs of &  and
 on the same diagram, show that the
equation (3 – x)&  – 1 = 0 has only one real root. [4 marks]
[12.1/ II/ L]
Use the Newton-Raphson method, with the initial approximation " = 0.5, to find the
root correct to three decimal places. [5 marks]
2 3

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