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NIM : 14521234

From my opinion, modern life is an attitude, behavior or act in accordance with
the demands of time and is based on the ability of the human mind. It can be said also
that modern life is the life that enjoy a lot of ease because of advances in technology.
Lifestyle with communication technology, that is the ability of information technology
tools that make people very easily to contact.
As example is the internet. Through the Internet we can communicate with
others around the world. We can also read news, send or receive pictures, send or
receive letter via e-mail, and others. The ancients had to use the tools of
communication, but not as advanced as today. In ancient times, people use a slit drum
and even pigeons to send a letter to communicate. Next is transportation. Now,
transportation such as motorcycles, cars, rail is a modern means of transportation. With
the means of transportation, long distance can be reached in a short time. The ancients
used means of transportation that is still simple. Before it found the machine, means of
transportation such as a cart, wagon, and the horse is a transportation mainstay. The
transportation technology is still uses the energy of animal and human. Cruising
capability is still very limited and require a long time. Now people are still using the
means of transportation, but did not become the main tool. Often the horse and wagon
used for recreation only. The most prominent recent example is about fashion. Fashion
days now with fashion of antiquity is very different. Each age or era, fashion certainly
has a particular characteristic. In ancient times, a used fashion looks demure and simple.
Very different from today's fashion. In the current era, fashion is used often unsightly
and irreverent. This happens because of the changing times and the changing patterns
of life...

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