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Triangles, Graphs, Formulas,

Fatima Hussain
Exact Numbers
▪Counted Quantities have no uncertainty.
4 wheels (exactly counted) 501 roses (exactly counted)
17 letters (exactly counted) 2 010 washers (exactly counted)
81 700 cars (exactly counted) 24 hours in a day (exactly counted)

▪Whole Numbers and Fractions have no uncertainty.

▪ (Only when not measured and not in Decimal Form)

0 1 2 3 10 516 21 019 20 000
1 2
3/ 4
2 3

▪Defined Numbers have no uncertainty.

1 inch = 25.4 mm (exactly measured by definition)

Approximate Numbers
▪Measured Quantities have some degree of uncertainty.

217 m 1.75 cm 13.0 inches 1 000 m/s

50 112 Hz 2.02 lbs 0.00051 km 0.0020 mph
▪Decimal Numbers have some degree of uncertainty

0.217 2 157.0 cm 3.00 12.05 ft

▪Estimates have some degree of uncertainty.

approximately 3 500 people about 2 710 cars were built

▪Decimal Form of Fractions and Irrational Numbers.

2/3 (exact form) equals 0.6667 (approximate decimal form)

∏ (exact form) equals 3.1428571 (approximate decimal form)
Significant Digits

Whole Numbers
▪ 217 - 3 SD’s 274 Ō00 - 4 SD’s
▪ 210 015 - 6 SD’s 31 Ō00 - 3 SD’s
▪ 1 000 201 - 7 SD’s 8 003 - 4 SD’s
▪ 24 900 - 3 SD’s 5 101 110 - 6 SD’s
▪ 310 400 - 4 SD’s 4 Ō00 - 2 SD’s
Decimal Numbers
▪ 0.152 - 3 SD’s 0.0177 - 3 SD’s
▪ 0.0005 - 1 SD 0.000583 - 3 SD’s
▪ 11.25 - 4 SD’s 2.008 - 4 SD’s
▪ 2.0500 - 5 SD’s 15.05 - 4 SD’s
Significant Digits Summary

▪ Rounding down: last retained digit does not change if first discarded
digit is less than 5
▪ Rounding up: when first discarded digit is 5 or more, last retained
digit is increased by 1.
Express Numbers
▪Large Numbers
▪ 346 = 3.46 x 102 (3 SD’s)

▪ 2 700 = 2.7 x 103 (2 SD’s)

▪ 5 101 000 = 5.101 x 106 (4 SD’s)

▪ 31Ō 000 = 3.10 x 105 (3 SD’s)

▪Small Numbers
▪ 0.0000931 = 9.31 x 10-5 (3 SD’s)

▪ 0.008300 = 8.300 x 10-3 (4 SD’s)

▪ 0.00000950 = 9.50 x 10-6 (3 SD’s)

Multiples and Submultiples

Example Multiply by the conversion factor that will

cancel the units you wish to eliminate.
654.5 ft. x (0.3048 m / 1 ft.)
C o n v e rt 6 5 4 .5 fe e t (ft.) to m e te rs (m ).

ft m
ft m Conversion Factor: 1 ft. = 0.3048 m

654.5 ft. x m (654.5) • (0.3048)

= x
1 ft. 0.3048 m (1)

(1)•(x)=(654.5)•(0.3048) x  199.4916 m

A n s : 1 9 9 .5 m ( 4 S . D . 's )
C o n v e rt 7 2 9 2 5 m e tre s (m ) t o k i lo m e t r e s (k m ).

metres km
metres km Conversion Factor: 1 km = 1000 m

72 925 metres x km (72 925)•(1)

= x
1 000 metres 1 km (1 000)

(72 925)•(1)=(1 000)•(x) x  72.925 km

A n s : 7 2 .9 2 5 k m ( 5 S .D .'s )
Fractions, Decimals, Percents
C o n v e r t in g F r a c t io n s t o D e c im a l s t o P e r c e n t s a n d b a c k a g a in .
1 75 3
 0.25  25% 75%  0.75  
4 100 4

1 75 3
1  1.25  125% 575%  5.75  5 5
4 100 4

3 5 1
27  27.6  2760% 0.05%  0.0005  
5 10000 2000

1 1 225 9
 0.04  4% 2 %  0.0225  
25 4 10000 400
S tr a te g y f o r s o lv in g m o r e c o m p le x p e r c e n t w o r d p r o b le m s .
Type I: Percent Change
New Value-Original Value
Percent Change= x 100
Original Value

Type II: Percent Efficiency

Percent Efficiency= x 100

Type III: Percent Error

Measured Value-Correct Value
Percent Error= x 100
Correct Value

Type IV: Percent Concentration

Amount of Ingredient A
Percent Concentration= x 100
Total Amount of Mixture
The price of a chocolate bar rose from $1.55 to $1.75. Find the
percentage change in price.

Type I: Percent Change

New Value-Original Value
Percent Change= x 100
Original Value

% Change= x 100 x  12.9032258%

% Change= x 100

% Change=0.129032258 x 100 A n s : x  1 2 .9 % ( 3 S . D . 's )

F in d th e co st o f a $ 1 5 6 .0 0 su it after th e p rice in creases b y 2 %.

Type I: Percent Change

 Percent Change 
New Value=(Original Value)+  •Original Value 
 100 

 2.5 
New Value=($156.00)+  •$156.00 
 100 
New Value=($156.00)+  0.025•$156.00 

New Value=($156.00)+  $3.90 

New Value=$159.90 A n s : x  $ 1 5 9 .9 0 (E x a c t)
S u b s t i t u t e t h e v a lu e s o f a = 5 , b = 3 a n d c = 6 i n t o t h e e q u a t i o n .
3(a )  (b)
(c )

3(5)  (3)




A ns: 3
Polynomial terms
From the sum of 3x3  2 x  5 and x3  3x 2  7,
subtract 2 x3  3x 2  4 x  7

(3x3  2 x  5)  ( x3  3x 2  7)  (2 x3  3x 2  4 x  7)

 3x3  x3  3x 2  2 x  5  7  (2 x3  3x 2  4 x  7)

 4 x3  3x 2  2 x  2  (2 x3  3x 2  4 x  7)

 4 x3  3 x 2  2 x  2  2 x3  3 x 2  4 x  7

 4 x3  2 x3  3 x 2  3 x 2  2 x  4 x  2  7

ANS: 2 x3  6 x 2  6 x  9
Simplify the following :
y 2 • ( y n ) • ( y3 )

 y 2  n 3

ANS: y n5
Simplify the following :
a 4b3 y nm
ab 2 y n m

a 4b3
 1 2  y ( n  m ) ( n  m )

 a ( 41)b(32)  y n  m n  m

 a3b1  y 02m

ANS: a3b ANS: y -2 m

Simplify the following :
(3x 2 y n )3 (  x 2 y )3

 (31 x 2 y n )3  (1x 2 y1 )3

 (31 )3 ( x 2 )3 ( y n )3  (1)3 ( x 2 )3 ( y1 )3

 33 x6 y3n  1x6 y3

ANS: 27 x6 y3n ANS:  x6 y3

Strategy to solve equations

▪ Eliminate Fractions:
Multiply both sides of the equation by the lowest common denominator.
▪ Remove Parenthesis:
Brackets are multiplied away.
▪ Collect x Terms:
Move all x terms to one side and all other terms to other side.
▪ Combine Like Terms:
Always simplify.
▪ Remove Coefficient of x:
Divide both sides by coefficient.
▪ Check Answer:
Be sure to substitute the answer back into the original equation.
▪Solve the equation for x: ▪CHECK:
3x = 8 + 2x 3(8) = 8 + 2(8)

3x – 2x = 8 + 2x – 2x
24 = 8 + 16

24 = 24 (checks)
x=8 ANS: x=8
▪Solve the equation for x:
3[3(2)+1] - 6 = 5[(2)-2] + 15
3(3x + 1) – 6 = 5(x – 2) + 15

3[6 + 1] – 6 = 5[2 – 2] + 15
9x + 3 – 6 = 5x – 10 + 15

3[7] – 6 = 5[0] + 15
9x – 3 = 5x + 5

21 – 6 = 0 + 15
9x – 5x = 5 + 3

15 = 15 (checks)
4x = 8
ANS: x = 2

(  18 ) (  1 8)
x 3 x
  3
2 1 3 2 3
 x 3 x
6•    6• 
2 1 3 -9 + 3 = -6
3 x 3 2  x
6•  6•   6• 
 2 1 1  31 
-6 = -6 (checks)

3x + 18 = 2x
ANS: x = -18

3x – 2x = -18 x = -18

▪ Solve the following for x:

3(x + 2)(2 – x) = 3(x – 2)(x – 3) + 2x(4 - 3x)


3(6/7 + 2)(2 – 6/7) = 3(6/7 – 2)(6/7 – 3) + 2(6/7)[4 – 3(6/7)]

3(20/7)(8/7) = 3(-8/7)(-15/7) + 12/7[10/7]

9 39/49 = 7 17/49 + 2 22/49

ANS: x
9 39/49 = 9 39/49 (checks)
Basics Triangle Review
▪ Polygons
▪ 3 or more line segments form a polygon
▪ Sides are the line segments that form a polygon
▪ Polygon is called regular when all sides are equal length
▪ The area that is enclosed by the sides is called a region
▪ 2 sides meet at a point called vertex
▪ 2 sides that meet form an angle
▪ Angle Outside the polygon is called exterior angle
▪ Angle inside the polygon is called interior angle
▪ Sum of all interior angles = (n-2)180° where n = number of sides

▪ Triangles
▪ Polygon with 3 sides is a triangle (n=3)
▪ Sum of interior angles (3-2)180° = 180°
▪ Longest side of a triangle is called hypotenuse
▪ Altitude (or height) is perpendicular distance from a vertex to the opposite side (base)
Basic Triangle Calculations
Triangle 1
▪ Perimeter = a+b+c
▪ Area = ½(h x b) c
➢ where h is the triangle altitude
▪ 180° = ∠𝑎𝑏 + ∠𝑏𝑐 + ∠𝑐𝑎
▪ Triangle 1 is congruent to Triangle 2 if all corresponding angles
and sides are equal
𝑎 = 𝑑; 𝑏 = 𝑒; 𝑐 = 𝑓
and ∠𝑎𝑏 = ∠𝑑𝑒; ∠𝑏𝑐 = ∠𝑒𝑓; ∠𝑐𝑎 = ∠𝑓𝑑 Triangle 2
▪ Triangle 1 is similar to Triangle 2 if all corresponding angles are d
∠𝑎𝑏 = ∠𝑑𝑒; ∠𝑏𝑐 = ∠𝑒𝑓; ∠𝑐𝑎 = ∠𝑓𝑑
Or corresponding sides are in proportion e
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
= =
𝑑 𝑒 𝑓
Right Triangles
a c
▪ Pythagorean Theorem
▪ The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal b
to the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides
▪ In this diagram the hypotenuse is side c
▪ So the Pythagorean theorem can be represented c c
a² + b² = c²
a a c
b b
▪ Additional reading:
Pythagorean Example
▪ You are working on a network nd
connection mounted on a side of a building. 10’
The equipment is located on 2 floor. You know that each floor of the
building is about 10’. You need to extend your ladder so that it touches the
building just bellow the equipment. The base of the ladder is 8’ from the side
of the building.
▪ How long does you ladder need to be?
▪ Ladder is the hypotenuse of a triangle, building is one side and the ground is
▪ We know: a = 2x10’ = 20’; b=8’; c = length of Ladder
▪ Use Pythagorean theorem: 20’
a² + b² = c²

▪ Solve for hypotenuse: c = (𝑎2 + 𝑏2 )

▪ Ladder = 202 + 82 or 21.5’ b= 8’
▪ Resistance (R) as the amount of opposition an electrical component has on circuit

▪ Reactance (X) as the opposition to alternating current changed by an inductive


▪ Impedance (Z) mathematically as root of Resistance square and Reactance square.

Z= 𝑹𝟐 + 𝑿𝟐


▪ An alternating current circuit has a 400Ω resistor and a 300Ω inductor.

Question: What is the impedance of the circuit?


▪ Can we use Pythagorean Theorem?

▪ Yes, impedance is the hypotenuse.

▪ Draw a right triangle where 2 short sides are resistance and reactance.

Z= 𝑹𝟐 + 𝑿𝟐

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