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Curses (d20)

1. Fragile; when you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll your weapon shatters beyond repair
2. Weakness; your damage is reduced one die type (Ex: from 1d10 to 1d8)
3. Speechless; anyone who can hear you suffers 1pt of damage for every word you speak
4. Dark Reincarnation; if you are slain you return as a random undead creature
5. Thirst; water will not satisfy you instead you must drink potions or die of thirst in 1d4 + 2
6. Indecision; you can only attack once every two rounds, your spell casting time is also
7. Crawl; you are unable to stand or walk, as you are prone your movement speed is halved
8. Pulling a Nolan; you are incapable of healing without a long rest
9. Pained; all damage dealt to you is maxed
10. Nearsighted; beyond 10ft everything is blurry, you have disadvantage on ranged attacks
11. Farsighted; within 10ft everything is blurry, you have disadvantage on melee attacks
12. Remorseful; you must spend 1d4 rounds actively mourning every kill you make
13. Blessed; you have a compulsion to pray before attacking, if you don’t you have
disadvantage on your attack
14. Beacon; you are always the center of attention, 50% of the time enemies will target you
instead of their original target
15. Bleeder; you receive twice the damage dwelt to you, the first half when you are initial
attacked and the second before your following attack through bleeding
16. Yellow; every time you’re in danger you must succeed on a wisdom saving throw DC 14
or flee in terror as fast as your movement speed will allow
17. Misfortune; all saving throws are made using a d10 rather than a d20
18. Youthful; each day you lose 1d6 years
19. Aging; each day you gain 1d6 years
20. Poor Comprehension; every time you read something or are spoken to you must succeed
on an intelligence check DC 14 in order to understand

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