Itp & Prosedur XD Sakti

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B PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN Jk Slamet No. 1 Gajah Mungkur Semarang 50232 7 (024) 8310060 F (024) 8317241 W —_E Nomor 4304 /KON.02.04/PUSMANPRO/2019 17 September 2019 Lampiran 1 (satu) set Sifat - Perihal Penyampaian Review Dokumen QA/QC Kepada Model 1001 Yth. Project Manager PT XD Sakti Indonesia Kawasan Industri Terpadu Indonesia China (KITIC) Kav. 27-30, Cikarang Bekasi 17330 Menunjuk 1. Surat Perjanjian No. 0221.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 tanggal 26 Juni 2019 tentang Pengadaan Dan Pemasangan Transformator Tenaga Tahun 2019- APLN; 2. Surat Penugasan No. 004.STg/DAN.02.02/DIVSCM/2019 tanggal 01 Agustus 2019 tentang Pekerjaan Pemeriksaan Jaminan Kualitas Barang Atau QA/QC Transformator Tenaga Open Book 2019-APLN, dengan ini kami sampaikan hasil review dokumen sebagai berikut No NomorDokumen. | Rev. Judul Status Dok. Incoming Material a | 1 SK/aC-017-2018 00 Procedure A | 2 | skiaaP.03-2019 | 00 | o1PP A [3 | swaap-os-2019 | 00 | itp B [ XDSK-QA SC 4 | @eEzition- 2012) | 0 | PAP . Selanjutnya, kami sampaikan agar pelaksanaan Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) dapat dilaksanakan setelah dokumen QA/QC tersebut disetujui / approved. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih. uk uag| bez 7@/ 1 axeg wyeksueipeH Aq panoiddy , LE } a wuerpsy —:Aq papayD ug sarea ‘Aq asuodsoy | TAS ag] §°C76 791 sareg si Depay yeAsUeIpeH :Aq panoiddy B76 neq wuerpiy Aq papouD uals ____ ea hq asuodsay Ht 7879 crea wuerpay :Aq pamainay iz ~ qUSWTEINbSy jeTUOD Wor VORENEG 40 40143 404 Ayyiqisuodses wo.y J0}9ei)U0D anaijas Jou Seop panouddy SIM, - HREEEHEEEEE -panouddy- | 3SNOdSIY YOLDVYLNOD oN ‘SLN3WWOD Nid aoe 25 AINaWINOD : INaWWOD | {dd10) W¥YDOUd LNIOd NOLLDAdSNI TIVE3AO Vv | 0 6102-€00-d VO/¥S snuvis | “Anu YOLVELNOD “Aaa Nid FILL SLN3WN30G / SONIMVEG = = ~ 4aWNN ANaWND0G / SONIMVUG GTOZ saquiaydas OT aivdciio easel SLN3WN3IOG / SONIMVUG JO WAOUddY HOI M3IARY Nid MAAOUd NAWAPVNVW Lysnd = YD srxgsantinponesia 4 pr. pin (persero) PLN OVERALL INSPECTION POINT PROGRAM (OIPP) PENGADAAN DAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORMATOR TENAGA TAHUN 2019- APLN No. 0221.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 TANGGAL 26 Juni 2019 Document Number: SK/QA P-003-2019 Revision Number : 00 Quality Assurance Department PT. XD SAKTI INDONESIA 2019 Prepared by | Checked by | Approved by : a saasiaaial we Rees SK/QA P-003-2019 LOT 5 Transformer Project Inspection and Test Plan 167MVA/150kV and 6OMVA/150kV AIS & GIS and 30MVA/150kV Quality Assurance MAR 2019 Page of 8 LOT 5 Transformer Project Inspection and Test Plan 167MVA/ISOKV and 6OMVA/ISOKV AIS & GIS and 30MVA/ISORV the requirements on responsi mn to personnel at all levels stated in Quatiy Em tal Occupational waft Me Procedure Files of PLXD SAKTI INDONESIA during the whole he products are form indicators shall be in accordance with or even better than requirements of technical agreement and standard, therefore guarantee plan for this project is made. ty assurance program covers the 167MVA/1S0kV and 60MVA/1SOkV AIS & GIS and 30MVAVISOKV for the Lto 5 project the product performances meet the technical requirements, and the manufacturing process is completely: in the quality led status, during the production of this batch of products, user's supervisor and our company will organize a quality inspe together to perform the confirmation inspection on key process. With regard to W/H points in the pla itness in advance, if use’s repre: et there must be a written not spe 8 proced continued or passed to assurance person in charge will witness the process of production poi personnel shall conduct the production according to the design, process and standard, the special inspector 3 selective examination or verification by the qualify inspection team. when this po is reached, work or our company’s appointed personnel, namely on-site irmation of user's supervision representative or company’s inspection team. In order to ensure that all quality examination indicators of the product meet the PLN requirem duties according to product processing scheme. make the record and fill the qu shall executed strictly. according to production processes on site and sign for cor s, each department sh control card. Production, managem the working procedure inspector shi order to provide them to customer as the basis and evidence for qual witness all key iy evaluation, Quality Assurance 28" MAR 2019 Page 2 of 8 Repeal : | Poe | ee | LOTS Transformer Project _ Inspection and Test Plan ty control items and job content technology to rel including key and machining process | Process scheme User 1 Technical Temporary substitution or aerial during production R i ‘must have approval accord | Supervise and guide the whole process of production and provide the estan drawings | technical support 2 Tina | R | | | 2. Production materials | the procedure requirement | L | eee i See Conduct exiody, ideation, dissibuion md pression wink foc] Manislsdiadtacon | 3. Warehouse Dino | materials to be stored cod ; oR Conduct record Cheek confirmation : | Do 2 good job in the insp oe Qual a (| Quality Pan Shion i \ 38 information and inspects R raw materials and accessories. Page 3 of 8 LOT 5 Transformer Project _ Inspection and Test Plan T ais Responsibl | Person in ! No | "SBene | cheep Quality control items and job content | Quality file record drawing, the wou | foreign body | b) The coil resistance shall be balanced, the conductor di bs | have no shor-cireuit between strands or turns, the cond | nocircuit-break | e | | } ¢) The insulations shall be placed correctly, the | | | and the weld of conductor shall be smooth w | 4) No cutting mark or damage is permitted at S-bending of | | | | conductor dise | * ane | 9. Press assembly of coil | | a) The total axial eight, reactance height and insulation height of coi | | | | tmust meet the design requirements under specified pressing force The | Qual ce | | vacuum treatment of coil shall be in accordance with the for w | | Fequirement ofthe process | | ») Vertical degree of oil duct spacer, placement of end insulation and | | ‘insulation oil duct shall accord with requirements of drawings. | | ) Special atten | | Vacuum drying | TEEPE 4) Temperature messirement fiber placement. position meets drawing | i | requiremens, fixed and reable without extrusion deformation | \ | | Page 4 of 8 LOT 5 Transformer Project Inspection and Test Plan ‘Quality control items and job content 3. Coil assembly fare’ in accordance ons and outer diameters between phases shall meet requirements, €) Prevent the damage of tum insulation during assembly, and take | corresponding protective measures for assembly of coil w th shield and magnetic shunt (test prior fo ion during assembly, and take responding protective measures 3. Cleats and leads 4) The weld of leads shall be smooth without any bu bb) The arrangement of leads shall be orderliness surface. k the insulation distance between leads and ground and between oF burr thou any impurity: on ive part perform the treatment according to the process regulation, and record the drying duration, temperature. vacuum degree and amount of water Quality control card for stacking of core Quality control card for cleats and leads ‘Vapour phase drying record | ow Page $ of 8 LOTS Transformer Project _ Inspection and Test Plan Brae uality contol tems and job com witness point Quality fle record REPL pe eee - mautnixg | XDSAKTI | User T 5 Final assembly of transformer | a) During trim of part, check the insulation distance grounding connection of magnetic shunt and tighmess of all fa 4H w H | card for accessories assembly | ¢) Installation angle of Buchholz relay shall accord with drawing | requirements wei 6.Degree of polymerization test of insulating paper | ok | 7-Transformer oil treatment | satment work, indicators such as voltage Quality control card ust meet the process requirements. | forsecondary leads g (record the weight of oil filled in workshop). | degree and be in accordance with the | Transfo | | process requirements | presen reed | nder pressure of urfces of tank rim w Product Refueling Oil Record F qualified dew poi z bottom, drain again after With mitogen for storage | 8. Transformer leakage test Tester R Page 6 of 8 No. LOT 5 Transformer Project _ Inspection and Test Plan Responsibt 7 T (Quality witness point | ee Quality control items and job content Quality fle record FPL = ; NDSAKTI User |. Factory test 1 ) On-load tape changer test Test | £) Dielectric Test of Core to Earth | ‘0 Load losses and excitation current (Before and After of Insulation | test) bh) Full wave lightning impulse test for HV and ) Separate Source Voltage Withstand Test J)LTAC (Line terminal AC withstand Test kj Induced Vol Test report terminals (LI) i Test Fawzi | Transformer oil testing | SFRA) i | Frequency Response Anal onal Test on Control Equipment & Ace & RCP fest of Auxiliary Wiring to Earth Type test emperanure rise est 0) Sound level determination ©) Chopped wave lighining impulse test for HV and LV’ tine terminsisLIC) | 6) Lighaing impulse test for the neutral erin €) Fan Losses 2. Spectal test | aizero sequence impedance i | Page ofS LIN) MD Z3 Sat mwonesia BSw ADEA Ree oan LOT 5 Transformer Project Inspection and Test Plan | Penosa | | Quality witness point Responsibl | Person in : , poesia No. i Quality contro items and job content Quality fle record PE PLN eDept. cha ° A orl Pee oeera d a E [exsmaping | XDSAKTI| User ] i 5 product accessories: make marie foreach pan and aceesony | | 1 | ior to packing. conduct the packing according 10 the specifica Assembly | measures such | 8 workshop | Ramli tems inside the box. | Product packing list | w | (Packing) | | | | | 2. With regard to spare parts provided in contract, make protection prior to | i |_ Packing, and stick on logos as Spare Parts, i | | - t “TT: Review the transportation scheme provided by carier including 1 1 sean routes, vehicles, personnel and control measures for \ rransport i | 2. Prior ieavy package of transformer, check the Impact record H w H | transporta meet the design | drawing require confirms that i | | ss within the mn make record as | jr 3. Inspect. and confirm the appearance, binding, protection, impact Handoverrecord | i ssid Da recorders installation and status prior 10 shipping of the. product | i | 9 TNServicey ATY8M0 SU sccording to specified requirements | | requirement of sie projec produ | an, and re | 50 as to provide serv customer satisfied Page 8 of 8 was 27679) sanea wyessuepeH ‘Aq panoiddy auas| 7871 sareg wuejpay —*Aq papayD was | :aea “Aq asvodsoy | wiis| 8827677) iavea wueIpay “Aq pamarnoy a Nig vewoy uextensasip desey isyadsu! apow edeseqeg 9 = = ‘SSOUIM SNyeys UEBUEp ue} Beye) 20 fensin UeP BopjNOYs ISEANYE UeESyLalLed UEXYeqWE | 3 dL! Welep UeyNseWiP desey asindw Buyowns UeIInBUEg * QdA\ UeBuep Yesidip oY 17 UelInBUEg € & Bed 1e}0} ep 4 a}eq Zou ISIAaL ledeyBualIp deve} z Nid & juiqnsip Buek ueesyueuied inpasod ueyeunbouew julod pjoy/ssauym snyeis Ueesyawiad eped juawnoop sousiajoy 4 onl 7 "oN ___38NOasTH WOLDVINOD |__axanwvos SLNAWWOD Nid | arenvawoo (dl) NVId 154. GNV NOLL3dSNI a 0 6102-€00-d VO/S smivis | “ARu YOLVYINOD “Aa Nid FILL SLN3WINIO" / SONIMVEG ~ “| | ¥aSINNN LN3WND0G / SONIMVG I ane = 6102 Jaquiaidas ot ai60 | angio SLN3INNIOG / SONIMWHG 4O TWAOUddV YOd M3IAIY Nid MAAOUd NAWSPVNVIN LySNd ye yp erzgsactynponssia Fon. pun (persero) PLN INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN (ITP) PENGADAAN DAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORMATOR TENAGA TAHUN 2019- APLN No. 0221.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 TANGGAL 26 Juni 2019 Document Number: SK/QA P-003-2019 Revision Number : 00 Quality Assurance Department PT. XD SAKTI INDONESIA 2019 = by PENGAOAAN DAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORMATOR TeNAGA TAKUM aoreamN | CONTRACT NO oxatsnfonwozox/ortoas cis | 20195Kseres oon: fesmicnm rexemnie jemasos a 35 feo aI comms Tatsposed Copper Cale (10 SD RESSART nomena Aamo Rm ss = ee ‘covrener no oxzis/oanczenorroawsjaie | 2195¢sares fevsromen: pr. pus Pevsero) Te ne RN heeatiiink seacoast compres Dard PB) nt rw ‘norms tothereautenents whch respecton the renee ecament | AI | aameseAm se ENGADAAN DAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORWATORTENAGA TARUN 2os0.anin | CONTRACT HO: sELeaseevormasias | mee Jvsronen: HB r7. PU Peso) Jesasceeisne, eetotoeliso LONER Ie aetna 2c em ow so Fora ae tirenenswhchatessecedonereterncedocment | gs | yy 7 | eenpranse lar wersneeseire | wmsricaserr | wnsmisesurr | amsriasers | at | ORR rocaoumsonrumuncnmaanomaonrcrmanmisany — | OMCTHO —munyunmeroron as | atte | eed iesimin| momerad | eeealine seer ie wanes aaa a ane frie: ce = a = a eee tia seh ray ND ERAT nouns ae AMS [ FENGADAANDAN PMASANCAN TRANSFORUATOR TENAGA AMUN 2019-2 Swear Seine reyere sais | -_-- Reon leusrowen: er pun Persero) ee, a ee ein fse-soworase nis sc eu —— TE [tical Warhalng om contact no: 22. oan. /07TOAN/018 = ee eee —— eS z : Z = w]e enna] | cuaceenaane 2 un bee 35 wringing Assembly) conrmacro: xaos eroro9N. 2019 Jevsrowen: lpr. pun (Persero) ipsa Alaa see000/150 Is oe os oa rw ora rE confomatatherequrementswhihaespeceldontbereferenedoument | AL | revckon ok renasancirasorowaTonTNaca noioany | COTRAETHO jexenoroansyane | aotseses INSPECTON AND TEST LAN La aoe Se as | rs eneariso ns : hae a ame IMeasrementotvotage ston pine [scncement jotae ratios oho dtaceent maton rmensicement a tate prt pert ating nection of te act pat port dying Mamita wit cara scat aces ee oma a a a a ‘ae [tpetomeesotiiton ordereet Nae a cos . ners ccanuirwiene | wind | Rai | emma | mmo [al o «1 eeeetstormnm nt mnnnmnmitareatiintenennacme [| » = RTT [Sean vm | wane | wan | vm |n| 1s ttn ale i poomnenraaneate en a Seaaoneees err commas | nemon | ooason | eens 5 eT var bes x] a mri beam, seme exes emai Measurement the pwn taken bythe ae lath between wings (condense Buse fn ond capuctanes) sesarrn plano nen 59 feparate source ACvokage wehzandtest Power regency han 2.10 [rex on ond change (rom a an ann Psat finding aan Tar Lota — [empertre roe se P dipehne alin wan Ja topped woveondat Near! Terni (1) alo |vundet the wining and between winds aw coeamansasTasesieeaTTt vanoamens noses | wows | vinesome PG] Po] ER RTM ecunciremm ea mmcniniesien | SONIA cinoma | iste Jcusrowen: Er. Pun Perera) cee ene meme a sinatia \seemensons ‘5.25 [Pressure test ofa transformer tank (7) aoe sc eaten eco0076- viniosoo1e ‘ys710.80006. yi7i0.80009 ‘varia so002 “i beep ease re wf emi ichaesectente eersetcmen — | at | AM] if was] Set 7E 7 neg wueAsueIpeH :Aq panoiddy cuag | 8 é7 ‘avea wuerpsy —-Aq payay uals req |__ hq asuodsay uss] “0/6 74) areg wuerpay :Aqpamaiaay | 0u qulod uowioo UexJensasip IsesiueB.0 unpyNA, z Nidv-610z unue} eGeus iojewnojsuel] UebUeSeUeg ep ueepebusg yefoid seyequisw snsnyy ueyeuewepasip Yiga) uaLNyoq | ‘ ‘On “ON ___2MOaSIUUOENUINOD answwos | Sanawmioo ni cine (dDd) N¥Td ALNWNDd 193f0%d qa 0 (6t02-uorpa ,.€) 9s VO-XSOX sniwis | ‘aaa ¥OLVULNOD “aa Nid FILL SLN3WN20d / SONIMVG ae ¥agWNN LN3WNIOG / SONIMVEG [| 6t0z Jaquiaydas oT ava anos | SLN3IWNIOG / SONIMVUG 4O TWAOUddY YO4 M3IAIY Nid MAAOUd N3WSPVNVW LYSNd He ee PT. xB SAKT! INDONESIA * PT. PLN (Persero} PROJECT QUALITY PLAN (PQP) PENGADAAN DAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORMATOR TENAGA TAHUN 2019- APLN No. 0221.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 TANGGAL 26 Juni 2019 Document Number : XDSK- QA SC (3 Edition — 2019) Revision Number : 00 Quality Assurance Department PT. XD SAKTI INDONESIA. 2019 | Prepared by | Checked by | Approved by | Bb WF | sent, [ei bomb Ryn | Pan SBT 6107 AVIV 987 soupunssy ur pyooay ay} ayeut “outayos Busssacoud ranpoud 01 Buipsoooe Inj Siwsatuva jJeys wownsedep yora ‘Siuourouinbas NTq ay Jaw LoNposd ayp Jo slowoxpul uOHeURUEND ano pue aosiuadns S49sn "stonpoad Jo yore sit JO Uo! ajdwioo si ss9d0ud SuUMIDeIMUEUE ay! PUE ‘siuoUIouINbas |Roruysar at aU S9DUeUOJIAM 124 40 WONPUTLHEN annsayas cl ayp tompuod |jeys [auuosiod a josiad soueansse P| }onpoud yp YeyL auNstd OF peu st 102foad sip soy ueyd aojuerens s2ojaioy) ‘prepuers pur 1uowdarée 8s BaURpIOIIE UI 2q |EYS SJOIEDIPUr [RaTTYIO snouer “PauLo) axe sioMpoud ay wy? ssad0id JO sap aunpavo iP 40ge| pu AiNfIqistodsey uo siuouta ANOSL/VAINOE PUL SID SI¥ ANOS LW AINO9 PHP AOS LVAINZ91 ubld sal pus uoHradsuy ydaforg aawA0ysuBry S LOT QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTROL MANUAL Re Ssh FM April 2019 2019 4F 04 4) Quality Management Control Manual RSS XDSK-QA SC (3" Edition) — 2019 Printed by ‘nterprise Management Department 26" May 2019 ena Quality Management Control Manual RB SEBS lH XDSK-QA SC (3* Edition) — 2019 Controlled nature: SR Serial number: tS Holder: RBA April 20, 2019 release 26! May 2019 implement 2019 04 FA 20 RA 2019 05 A 26 ASCH XD PT. XD SAKTI INDONESIA eB BT ED Fe BR A ay Quality Management Controt Manual i LEE XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition)-2019 Guidelines and Goals of Quality REntMAR I. Quality Guidelines of XD Sakti RTA Quality First Services Satisfaction ae ABS BIL Continuous Improvement Win-win cooperation see AE Il. Quality goals of XD Sakti ARAMA RR BR 1, The qualified rate of product putting into operation is 100%. FP RBIEAHR 100% 2. Customer satisfaction is 80 points and more out of 100 points. BBB 80 FRE 3) Product first-pass-yield rate of inspection/test is more than 95%. PBR SR 95001 s \ Quality improvement is more than 8 items/year, RBA 8 ee President Director; TEER ae ‘Zhang XueFeng Cikarang: 18/04/2019 3 Edion / Revision 0 Page 1 of71 (Quality Management Control Manual hea XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition}-2019, Release Order of Quality Management Control Manual KSSH FERRAS "Quality Management Control Manual" is in line with 1S09001:2015 "Quality Management Systems - requirements" and related laws regulations. COARSER ME ALY F447 ISO 9001; 2015 RAVER BORD DAL KRAEMER "Quality Management Control Manual" (hereinafter referred to as QMM) is one of corporate management standards, and it is an important part of enterprise management system, each department of XD SAKTI under the coverage of the QMM system must sttietly yystem. EMT CLA KH MM). AL a] ese ABA RAN AE VHP CMM RRL INE 2 AHR This manual has been prepared according to the actual situation of XD Sakti and the ‘operation needs of the company’s overall management system. On one hand, this manual is regulatory and guiding principle document in implementing the QMM system in the company, and it is also the work guidelines for all employees; On the other hand, it is, reflecting the quality assurance capability for the products of XD Sakti in the whole process from the technical preparation, manufacturing, product testing to after-sales service ete, The QMM system of XD Sakti will keep continuous improvement in order to enhance customer confidence and satisfaction 8TH a a AS ER A SE QMM PRAM. PROP, LACAN TAT ARE EME AL ALPS BES PAR DAA ‘Aba. nLite AF LO AOR SRO] OMIM TARAS HB AL, CLAM BU The manual has been approved on 20" April 2019, and is now officially promulgated for implementation starting from 26% May 2019. XD sakti employees must study carefully and implement it resolutely. ACPARE-F 2019 4 04 71 20 FAEHE, Sst FUL, 2019 4F OS /1 26 FABIEN. A HAMA DL TBA ECE 3) ON UB AT President Director: Hee BRK: hang XueFeng, Cikarang: 20/04/2019 ‘ Editon / Revision 0 Page 2 0f 71 Quality Management Control Manual Sama EE XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition}-2019 Appointment Letter of Management Representative PBSKRE HH To implement IS09001--2015 "Quality Management Systems - Requirements" and related laws and regulations, to enhance the normal and effective operation of company quality management system, to timely solve related problems occurred in the system, and to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the system, it is hereby to appoint Mr. Zhang SiMin as the Management Representative of Quality Management System of XD Sakti ATRIA ET ISO 9001-2015 CHAT EAR BORD LANL MAIER Hy ed ERE MRM AGMGRE, REMI RTATH KM. MOURA ROCIRIORES, SELEG. HEDU uit PI UE AAR The responsibilities and limit of authority of the Management Representative are as follows. PEL ICMLL. BUR. 1. Responsible for establishing, implementing and maintaining quality management system according to the standard requirements, and for the effectiveness of the system by continuous improvement; SHE eb EER AB REESE MIER, TSCM RATA: Responsible for organizing the formulation of annual goals according to ‘quality guidetines, and for making system planning to ensure the achievement of goals by each department; SRT A Pe ONEER, LUA AL ASD: 3. Responsible for organizing the establishment, implementation and perfection of the system files, for examination and approval of the "Quality Management Manual", and for approval of the Quality Management System Procedure Files; RET, REAM EERICL aR SRT RET MLR. ERR A AEIT PTB). diene (Mame 4, Responsible for organizing XD Sakti internal audit activities, and for submitting the report of system operation to the Board of Directors for review; ‘iH ET GL A A I A HH 5, To assist the XD Sakti President director in coordination with related resources in terms of establishment and effective maintenance of the quality system, and responsible for liaison contact with external institutions for issues. related to the quality system of XD Sakti; in HN A CRS RAE TRAE, Bt RAIA AY HIRE 6. To be committed to enhancing the awareness of all employees of the company to fulfill reasonable requirements of customers, shareholders, suppliers, society and company staff: i A A 3" Editon / Revision 0 Page Sot Quality Management Control Manual = XD/SK- QA SC[3* edition)-2019 HEB. A. PON. He AERA, HFM AMAT Responsible for dealing with major information exchanges and negotiations related to Quality Management Control, and for coordination in various major problems occurred in operation of the quality system; ‘i eh 5 I AF LH. BALE ARK, To report periodically to XD Sakti Board of Directors regarding the performance/achievement and improvement demand of XD Sakti quality Pe Ae tr A LO system, EV 1S FC SRS AR President Director: EK: Zhang XueFeng Cikarang: 30/04/2019 3 Ealion | Revision 6 Page of71 Quality Management Control Manual sf XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition)-2019 Management and Description of Manual FRSA AR 1 Establishment Purpose st Fi The establishment purpose of this manual is to determine XD Sakti quality guidelines and goals, and the quality management system is established, implemented and maintained according to the requirements of —ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems-Requirements. AE AHL HAE LE PH EAU LM #180 9001:2015 CLLRS RE SRD OBER, MEL. STH ALTER To provide the basis for the audit of management system; to provide system: documentation of quality management control to customers and related parties of interest; to prove XD Sakti has the ability to consistently provide product that fulfill requirements of customers and related parties of interest and according to applicable laws and regulations. Through the effective operation of quality management control system, including the effective application of the continuous improvement process of the system, while ensuring compliance with requirements and applicable laws and regulations of customers and related Parties of interest, itis to make sure the company product quality is kept in reliable, steady and effective control, the entire performance/achievement in continuous quality improvement is maintained, the customers satisfaction is elevated, and the sustainable development of the related parties of interest is achieved. Ja RTI a HOC» HP VA RE AR AR MI RAR hE "A A ee bo Sa A PS RE ATR EOR PAS PE RE, TSE RETA Re ROH RRO AC LALO AER, CLD ORE oo PAH RATA AMER, Eee MH ER 28 A ARABI a] AER EE, AVR AS A Bo BLA PR RAUL I SO TR, ‘This manual is also intended as commitment to customers and third-party, and also taken as the work guidelines of all employees of XD Sakti. AF MNT CRE RIB AE, WHETHER I 2 Manual Scope =F. 0485 This manual applies to: AF AE PT-XD SAKTI INDONESIA in manufacturing, sales and service of various types of 70~SO0KV voltage level transformer products; and the quality control activities and places involved in the above mentioned production process and management. PECL AVENE 7 ORZS ith, HA CPRLIRL 5 4 3 70~SOOKV LER APE BR Sh, WL BR Ie PAL RAD EE A AO YA Location: Indonesia West Java Province Bekasi County Deltamas district China-Indonesia Economie and Trade Cooperation Zone SLC CURIS NE gr EEE Me RE Mo EBS FL 3° Editon / Revision 0 Page Sof 71 Quality Management Control Manual NE NF AY XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition}-2019, 3° Manual Establishment, Approval, and Interpretation -ARO&IGL RAH, FIR Mee reg !ova019 prepared by: ‘ii Review by: rc AN ie eh 14/04/2019 Verification: 1 iy Shaowei We aif n O 16/04/2019 Approved: ‘oe Zhang Xuefeng sce 20082019 4 Manual Issuance FAR AIK ‘The manual has two versions: “controlled” and “uncontrolled. The Controlled version is stamped with “controlled” seal by the strategy and system management office, and issued With the registration numbers. It shall be internally issued to the senior management ment representative, the responsible person of each department and internal + While externally issued to third-party certification institution. The Uncontrolled version can be distributed to the higher management and customers, only for ‘communication reference. SPREAD * SEHR AN ARSE” PTI, AREER AS ARI DU ES 8 MOE, TS ERI. ARE RD. BAR. ATARI, SIS TAME. SERN, REL EE AUR, CUP Controlled manual holder must keep it save, shall not be lost, altered, without approval can not lend out, when job-position was removed, the manual should return back, and handle verify-admission registration, EET MERE LAR RE, BER. ROL REAM WL PET Beas PANE, AMBU BE. 5 Modification of Controlled Manual 5222-7 8B The Corporate Management Department periodically organizes evaluation to the applicability, adequacy and effectiveness of the manual, and will submit to the management review meeting of the Board of Directors. If necessary, the manual shall be modified, and the partial modification of the manual shall be carried out according to related provisions in Documents and /nformation Control Procedure. ‘eM AMT Le MIRAE Rt. SHAY RC ATO IPSN AEBS de ROLE Le, PAAR COATED (VA RADE ‘The Corporate Management Department of XD Sakti is responsible for centralized management and interpretation of this manual. ASIMUUN REWER aE 3* Editon / Revision 0 Page 6 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual AMINE XD/SK- QA SC(3" edition)-2019 Company Profile AAI SY PT.XD SAKTI INDONESIA (hereinafter referred to as XD Sakti) is a joint venture limited company with capital contribution from four corporations as: China XD Group, the GOLD. ALLEGRO CAPITAL LTD, the PT-BERCA INDONESIA, and the PT. DHARMA SAKTI ELEKTRIK. The company is located in China-Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (KITIC), Deltamas district, Bekasi County, West Java province, Indonesia, who is specialized in manufacturing various types of 70-SOOkV voltage levels alternate current transformer products. 1 HEE U2 LF AF ARH 45 GOLD ALLEGRO CAPITAL LTD. PT.BERCA INDONESIA. PT.DHARMA SAKTI ELEKTRIK 9) 29 ]— $8 SEH S840 Aes As fe Be aT AG RAO LET LEE SHEIK CKITIC) =» AEF ‘Lil 70~S0oKY HEIR RE A EEE The company started capital construction in 2013, covering an area of 800,000m2, in which the total construction area of XD Sakti transformer production building is 200,000m:. There are more than 300 employees currently working in the company. The product technology is based on the Transformer Platform of China XD Group. The capital construction of the company from the production building to the installation and commissioning etc. of production equipment are jointly contributed by the capital contributors of this joint venture company. China XD Group has dispatched delegates of experts from XD Transformer Platform in the fields of technology, infrastructure construction, production, equipment, quallity, management etc. for guidance instruction and supervision at the working locations, in addition, the production and service of this company is also supported by XD Transformer Platform in terms of technology and ‘ent. For normal production to meet the customers’ requirements, XD Sakti has carried out quality control by following the established applicable documentation as per the requirements of ISO and TEC international standards, with the purpose to supply the standards-compliant products for the Indonesia and intemational markets. F 2013 SE FMR MERE, MIB 8075 mes OS ARSE MHL B.S SLITS 20 Fi mts SAT ERATET TAT. 300 Ae PAR AEH BSR CAT TF, AI BERR DUSRA. MAG ALGAE REAR TTAR h, T Y HRLT R Hea. A. ae, ERS SUH. CeO RICE ROR, te SC Pa Am AUR. BE TE, ALL PER, PL ARLE ISO. TEC 29 G5 ei BOR ICA RASS RO, Ay ER AOE A RE ER President Director of the company: Zhang XueFeng Ara aie Company Address: Kawasan Industri Indonesia China (KITIC) Kay 27.28.29 30 Desa Nagasari Serang Bara Cikarang Bekasi 17330 Jawa Barat Indonesia, Tel: +62 857 7077 2659 (IND) +86 135 7200 1235 (CHN) E-mai 3 Edition / Revision 0 Page 7 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual mA XD/SK- QA SC(3" edtion)-2019 Table of Contents 8% Corresponding ciate Page es" | Gand So Til Content uber ene | “asenieny) a a Fin Pane aa aE “GuideTines and Goals of Quality i 7 __| manent Release Order of Quality Management Control Manaal : FEBS 7 i “Appointment Letir of Management Representaive = atcatre I Management and Description of Manual a FADE IN Ra _ ae a Company Pal 7 oS rable of Contents i ua 1 ae | 10 > 5 “Applicable Laws, Regulations, Standards document a = anit. i2i6, rena Pa Terms and Definitions Z = _ esas B Environment of Organization 4 4 pe 15 a ai Organon and is Enonment eal a Understanding of Request aid Expectation of Related Parties 48 42 ts 7 0 i ‘Scope of Quality Management System S| a SIRT OFS af Quality Management Sytenr and Ww Process “ 44 SAT Mh te Hote as Teadership : >. 7 SSE ML 20) Leadership and Commitment a ah a ASIF ORGK : 0 Sd SAL ae 20 >| Fecis on Customers naa ei TAR Ay RM a a 5a_| Suess B io es Establishing Quality Guideline SL pee EAA HE J a2 5 > | Communication about Quality Guideline am a vi At 2 3 | Organizational Positions, Responsibilities and authorization ae 83 sHsp eh Fare 2 6 6 ae 32 Countermeasures to Risks and Opportunities is Sil _ ER AL A He = 5 2 | Quality Goals and their Realization Planing = Ld ST A Be IC ia “Amendment of Planning hd os | eos a5 } 3" Eaton Revision 6 Page 8 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual Sanunntn ND/SK: QASC(3 eon) 2019 Sapper ; 7 7S 35 a [a [RSs 8 72 | 7a | Compete a na | 73 Anas 2 ve | ne eo a Doce Serta te) is ee bal ; ¢ Open a] Con ad Panag of Operation ee i Jeti Meets wi « I 7 Retirements of Products and Sir ii 82 dO I AR ne Design and Delon’ of Produc and SENT TEE) aa] a PAU OY Rit HTT CMI at Cento Exeally POwded Paseo Pods and ss | ca [Screw sl RemAUe. uw eoe t Proving Poducion and Sevice fa A AUN BB saa Rete of dacs and Sve = as Pedi A RAT = Ctl er ualed Oa EY er Fedrae sath vse a Eralalio of Parmar é e sti a anor, Manse, Anais and Eaton a 4 i Li. A. Arb IFA kad teal Aut 92) 9a ineral a Minagonon Rove vf 9a | Manes a 1 Taper | {imp 3 loa 10.1 eatt 63 >| Disqualification and Corrective Measures [ sea: [ea [Paine tc i 4 I Connous inpavenent vos [103 | Contin 6 - Quay managenen stem progam Hs I : am RII ANE se ‘Manufacturing process quai ona pean TpesTon mex] — | peo HSU Mnwon wawasn a Standart operating proses open Soo aunanet ay Company Orsanivation Char of PTXD Sal Tafonsia —] RUNEOAnLa Amn The Guay Manayement Sian Foose Manion nex Charo PEXD Sak novos ® fs BOmAOUAaL= aM ps wexe] ] Pian peceawitee Saemie proved proc and er aoaRO a eat EMBL radu eng adele paces Pasar RIEL Quality management system process identitieation scheme MESES LAE 4.4.5 On the basis of monitoring, measurement and analysis to the quality management system processes, and by comparison with the planned goals, the corrective measures or preventive measures shall be proposed and implemented to achieve the planned results and continuous improvement of these processe: BERL TR A RLM AT RL AA iH #8, CSA Sifu hla, EAM IESE FT Me eee BE AY cs a 3 Edition / Revision 0 Page 19 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual TALE XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition)-2019 44.6 The company’s outsourced contracting/extemal collaborating process shall be controlled according to the requirements in Item 8.4 Purchasing in the ISO 9001 standard. For the classification and extent for control of outsourced contracting/exteral collaborating process, it shall be specified in the quality management system, meanwhile, the company occupational health and safety/environmental requirements shall also be notified to the contractors of outsourcing contracting/external collaborating partis. Outsourced contracting process includes: Ax] SHEA HOTA RIE TSO 9001 ie 8.4. INNES SER ORE TOU SH LEE UR SH ERE, AR LA, AE 28 SEM Re I RHEE HEMET. Sh eoNL RAH: @. Product Outsourcing contracting (such as product design process; silicon steel cutting, fabrication/processing of transformer tank and insulation parts etc.; instrumentation calibration verification etc.) Pees CAP MMM EEE T 2 REMAN BTU), ARR ABSA AO LAREN, COR ARSE) b. Product transportation and Product site installation PA BIL ©. Education and training Peers Note: External collaborating refers to the form in which the company provides raw materials (or pats) completely or party to the contractors who will process abricate them into specified products or parts according to provided drawings (or detailed requirements) 2 S20 GREE AOR RAL PE S Leadership SSE 5.1 Leadership and Commitment SUS TEA ALR SALT General si Through the following activities, the top management officer of the company shall realize and verify his/her leadership and commitment in the quality management system: 2S REG MEST BGS SETIFIS TUR AR AT OR A EI BURGE a. To take responsibilities and obligations for the effectiveness of quality management system; TAL RESPIR AE HAVE TEE, RELATE A RH b. To establish, execute and maintain the quality guidelines and quality goals that comply with the company environment and development strategy; PS. SCHERER AL A AUF 3A 2 A © To ensure the integration of quality management system requirements into the operation processes of the organization; LOR RRL A LIL Se 4. To promote the thinking for use of process methods and based on risks; (SAL OE AVA a ¢ To ensure that the resources necessary for quality management system are obtainable; ‘NR A EH EA 3 Edition / Revision 0 Page 20 0f71 Quality Management Control Manual aL XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition)-2019 £ To communicate about the importance of effective quality management and the compliance with the requirements of quality management system; HR-E R EEEAU 2 LN REAR A AE & To ensure that the quality management system would reach its expected anticipation/result eR EAS HSS b. To encourage employees to actively participate, while supervise and support them to make contributions to the effectiveness of the quality management system; LA SARA SSATP ASC A A UM A EE Tem i. To promote the improvement; Hahei 3+ To support other management officers in play full use of their leadership in their own responsibility scope SFI CEI BR NSPE 5.1.2 Focus on Customers DARL KE Ah Through the following activities, the top management officer of the company shall verify his/her leadership and commitment in focusing on customers ASHUAREE TTR SOALOL BES) WESSAE DUE ARH Her LS EA By establishing and maintaining the Control Procedure of Process Related to Customers and Control Procedure of Customers Satisfaction, it shall realize the goals of: JTF COBRA RR OMAR ELE) ia, a. To determine, understand and consistent fulfilling customers requirements (such as the customers specified products requirements, including the product quality requirements and availability, the supply of maintenance, installation and training etc. as specified in the obligations of contract, the requirements in the recycling or final disposal of additional service etc.), and the applicable laws and regulations; Hse. ASHES EIR Cine WIMMER EOR, fas EBOR SEATED Cent. Oe SENSE. TON LN OR 8p AE) BGS RRA EIE IER, b, To determine and counter against the risks and opportunities which may affect the qualification of product and service (customer satisfaction, specified purpose of use or known expected purpose of use, ¢.g. mandatory requirements such as reliability and safety etc.) or affect the ability to increase customers satisfaction; SAE RU ALAR, SSE ALA CO AR A CBRL (AGE AAA CLIO, SOREL. See BOR ELITE) OL Raa LO HE ¢. To consistently be devoted to strengthen the customers satisfaction. OBO ERE; 3* Edition / Revision 0 Page 21 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual Amer sEI NE XD/SK- QA $C(3* edition)-2019 5.2. Guidelines att 5.2.1 Establishing Quality Guideline eet The top management level of the company determines the organization's guideline and censure that it: Ase + TE ANU BIEL a, Suitable for the purpose of the organization and the characteristics of the organization management (including the processes or activities, the nature, scale and quality of products and services, and the influence of occupational, hhealth & safety and environmental risks); 56 ARATE 7 AL. b, Includes the commitment to complying with applicable laws, regulations and other requirements; SLAM HIEA, SLATER UA ©. Includes the commitment to prevention of product quality problem and safety accidents, occupational health hazards and environmental pollution, and to continuous improvement; 0 48 RD A A ft: ePIC 4. Provides a framework for establishing and evaluating goals; CAR SCAN A FAO HERR 5.2.2 Communication about Quality Guideline ROTH @. Documented, implemented and maintained; FERRIC, SPECS, b. Communicated to all who work for or represent the organization, in order to facilitate full communication, understanding and implementation, and to ensure acquired by related parties; AERA AACS IFA. EERE SPM HERAT. SOT It Xi RM ¢. Periodic review to maintain suitability. SOME, Gey ser 5.3 Organizational Positions, Responsibilities and Authorization AGMA. BARE The president director shall organize to establish the organizational structure for the management system, while allocating functions, specifying responsibilities and authorization, in order to ensure the in-place and orderly operation of responsibilities with due authorization. The current organization chart is shown in Annex. According to the control requirements to the system process, the allocation of functions of management level and functional departments is arranged with specified responsibilities and authorization as follows: REWER ATR MLSULIY. HRCI. ALORA, AER LL HER SUL. ARMA. TALL H. AURR ALE ERIEER, SEL AERETTA 3* Edition / Revision 0 Page 220f77 Quality Management Control Manual a HEN Fa XD/SK- QA SC(3" edition)-2019 PTR. ALEMRAMRRLO 5.3.1 President Director eae 4. Responsible to organize for compliance with the national laws and regulations, and guide all-round the quality management work of the company; SEAL LEON AR AREGAR, PT SGP ANZ a AAT b. To appoint the quality management representative, and urge him/her to establish, implement and maintain quality management system and its continuous improvement; FEOrBAAR, EIA, SSHM AER AMER, SEZ Reo ©. To organize to set up and sign for release of the quality guideline; to approve and issue the quality manual which shall be publicized to all staff, and communicated internally in the company, to ensure fully understanding of the quality guideline of “all levels of company staff for implementation consciously: HWE ERT HHMI A Ea, Se, Mek NA AAT, MURA DLA ERRATA. HENCE SEERA: 4. To determine the functions, authorization and inter-relations of each departments related to the quality activities, and to ensure the continuous effective operation of the quality management system; REN ESL IM ABT DETR MATAR, OREO AIT RET, e. To provide sufficient resources in order to establish, implement, maintain and improve the quality management system; ISLA AR RRE. Joi ORSPRIA £. To preside over the management review meeting, and to ensure the suitability, sufficiency and effectiveness of systems. IAVTSRA Se, MR AO RTI. FAME ROT 5.3.2. Quality Management Representative BH At a. To be responsible to establish, implement and maintain the company quality ‘management system according to requirements of the standard; HERI CR 2] ER b, To be responsible to assist the President Director in organizing to set up the company quality guideline; SOE Ha A MAHL ER 2 ©. To be responsible to organize to set up the company quality goals, to plan for the system, and to ensure the realization of each quality goal according to the company quality guideline: SRA 297 RA 18 PRATT bMS, 4. To be responsible to organize to establish, implement and perfect the system documents, to examine and approve the Quality Management System Manual, and approve the Quality Management System Procedure Documents; eA ALUM ALR, TERE A RAT 3 Edition / Revision 0 Page 23 of71 Quality Management Control Manual IC BIOL XD/SK- QASC(3* edition)-2019 TRA. HRT ROL. WE COLRPRLRRE AD . AME CURE BERRA « ¢. To be responsible to organize the company internal audit activities, and submit the system operation report to the board of directors; TLE RRA ALA MR BS, FRM AERA RR £. To assist the President Director in allocation of related resources necessary for establishment and effective maintenance of the quality system, and to represent the company to; ‘HAE AG SCAT AOR CEE JRA CS ES OR ALIENATE 8 To be devoted to boosting the awareness of all staff of the company to fulfill the requirements of customers, shareholders, suppliers, society and employees. BO FAH sre ERR LILA. UR HET. MEAT TL ERMA, h, To be responsible to handle the significant information exchange related to the quality management system, and to coordinate in solving all kinds of significant problems occurred during the operation of the quality system; SHALE EAE E ER TMM TE SRA NN A eh A a i. To periodically report to the President Director about the performances of the company system and the improvement request. SEARLE IIR AA EA ASHER. 5.3.3 Quality Management Department eA) a. The quality management department is the overall planning and uniform management department for the quality management system, responsible for the operation management of quality management system in each department; RATER EMR NG AR RIN AES AGT TSAR EE AE AT ie tr b. Responsible to organize in details to set up the company quality management guideline and quality goals; HM ASML ARAS HIM LY Hh. RAH Ais €. Responsible to organize the preparation and review of the quality management control manual, the preparation, review and perfection of the quality management system procedure documents, to organize the taining and publicizing work, and 10 supervise and inspect the carrying out and implementation of the management regulations and procedure documents; ARAL ERRATA REET OC ARE HE ASEM. IHL SUPRA IVRIICSL Te BUMPER a Me. RAP PENSE SA 4. Responsible in details for the planning of the management review of quality management system, to collect. documentation necessary for input of ‘management review, to assist the President Director to hold the management Teview meeting, to prepare the management review report: responsible to organize the follow-up verification of the effectiveness for the implementation of decisions of management review meeting, and to formulate the verification report of rectification measures of management review; 3¥ Edition / Revision 0 Page 24 of 71 Quality Management Controt Manual aE XD/SK- QA SC(3" edition)-2019 SUTTER ORR, HERG ARIE, psi HIME W SL, RIERA HALT A RHETT ARPES AT ERE. UATE NEO EM EAR Responsible for appointment of the company internal auditors of quality ‘management system, and to organize the company internal audit work; ‘PEE A A I RC A HT. £ Responsible for contact and communication with the third-party certification tion, and for overall coordination in audit work; SHG EI UAL AOR RAR COT A. SERRE Tf 8 Responsible to organize to carry out cause analysis and corrective measures te. for the non-conformance and problems raised by the certification stitution during the system audit, and to ensure that the audit will successfully pass as scheduled; Se FA TR SAE MLA TE RE BAD TF Uh AAS DA LST. TE Hes. AAs eR h. Responsible to breakdown the company quality goals and distribute them to related departments, to make statistics analysis and evaluation for the completion status of the quality goals: Sa BOT ACCS LED SPI AAT OTT, ST EE PRR RET ait stb i, Responsible for investigation and analysis to the company internal and extemal quality information and quality accident, to supervise the implementation of corrective and preventive measures and submit verification report, to organize to verify the implementation of the quality improvement plan; ‘AEA SR. ae 5 IATL IIOLER A ALLEGE ME RSH RIMMER j. Responsible for management of extemal suppliers, and to issue the list of qualified suppliers. SHA BE YES, SA TY 5.3.4 Responsible Person of Each Department ALT SHA a. Responsible for identifying the quality risks and opportunities of his/her own department, to set up corresponding countermeasures for these risks, and to make assessment and improvement to these measures; SATA HOT AR REA AALS, SEAT AER NTH, a HE AT Fes b. To identify and determine the process sequence related to the department, and to make measurement and evaluation to the process and performance; He SERCH KAA SAE, FETA. AARNE ©. Responsible to set up the quality goals and organize for their implementation based on the company quality guideline and quality goa RIAA MISE WH A. Ns ASST BARS 4. To sirictly implement quality management system procedure documents in order to ensure to fulfill the requirements of customers and related parties; PMR AATIO RATER OR ARLE ICE, AE SL ee ADH IG ABER, KeEALE, BOHR Ss 3° Edition / Revision 0 Page 25 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual i XD/SK- QA C(3" edition)-2019 ©. Responsible to collect, forward and process the information related 10 the products and services; STAR HAIMA ORME £. To ensure boosting the awareness of the department employees to fulfill requirements of customers and related parties. WRASSE TY ARR BT BA Ae BER 5.3.5 Enterprise Management Department nA 4, Responsible for drafting the proposal of the company organization structure arrangement and adjustment, and for determination and allocation of work functions of each department in the compan RAM aA HM ATER, OA AT TAP AL 'b. Responsible for establishment and perfection of the company management regulations system, to organize to set up the company regulations, to organize the drafting and revising of the company first level management regulations and the checking, numbering, counter-signing and release etc. of these regulations, and responsible for the checking, releasing and filing etc, of the company second level regulations; GTi a) ETE I ARCANE, ‘eR AL SRS AST DL De MAE, BAT. BRAT Rs Responsible for investigation, drafting, reviewing, submitting application and adjusting of the company enterprise development planning, for the control and effect evaluation to the implementation process of the company development planning; SHS eA ESA ALA GA. RIM 29 A A LT 2 4 Responsible for the all-round risk management and the establishment & operation of internal control system, for supervising the risk management and intemal control while carrying out assessment to each functional department of the company; SHAT AN RATE LE ATs SLA NPZS A) AU A AUPE. SERTSGAET A ©. Responsible for monitoring and evaluation to the requests and expectations of shareholders, and to make continuous improvement to promote the company performance: SOCAL SL ROR RUM HOE ANSP, RPM, ECS ALE AAA RL: SAO A. M8. ABARS I, AAA MCW HE: f Responsible for distribution and control of the quality management system ‘manual and procedure documents in the office automation systems. i ELA PAE SER Dk A ST 53.6 Human Resource Department ANSEHEN 4. Responsible for allocating requested number of operators with corresponding skills to each posts; Sh BARAT 1 EH A A A 3* Edition / Revision 0 Page 26 of 77 Quality Management Control Manual HH XD/SK- QA SC{3* edition)-2019 b. To organize training to the employees of each posts when necessary, and to carry out training and assessment to operators of special processes and key processes periodically; AU A BERT ASL BUR RPT. ORT FAERIE A SAR A. 5B ¢. Responsible for summary and analysis requested for the training, to approve the education training plan of each department, to prepare annual training plan and organize its implementation, to evaluate the training effect and keep the training records. SOSA ARINIL S.A HOR AAT HACER ek, ase aE UN RES Seidl THRU, RAE MTVSR. 5.3.7. Equipment & Power Department Ren a. Responsible for the equipment maintenance, repair, verification and management necessary for materialization of products, and to keep the Processing ability of the equipment fulfilling the requirements of the processing technology STP SOLA AG BE He AN SROANAE RE, ORE MORE ER 2aOR: b. Responsible for providing qualified standardized tools as requested by the Processing technology, and for management and maintenance to the tools and molds; TUT ARORA METI, SINT BUT Ee © Responsible for routine maintenance and upkeeping of the building, working places. and related facilities, for submitting report of addition and reduction while carrying out supervision, SHARIA CASI AA HG EN AE AR ORI, ST RE SA RAR Dk a # 5.3.8 Information Management Department fe EAT a. Responsible for management and maintenance for computer software and networks, and for developing, establishing, and perfecting the management work system; SOIT BALCH MEER FAUST MESIAL te Reh b. Responsible for timely communication with clectronic information among departments, and for maintenance of the information system to keep smooth operation of the system, KHAN IZ DE AG ON 5.3.9 Safety and Environment Department SIRO] FROME, CRE RAO. Responsible for the inspection, supervision, and management of the safety and work environment during the production; SAT RA ee APRIL A RAEAA b. Responsible for orderly production management at the production places, RAP MS CN ie, 3 Edition / Revision 0 Page 27 of 71 Quality Management Control Manual sa MER XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition}-2019 5.3.10 Marketing Department 53.11 fear a. Responsible for investigation, analysis and forecasting of the domestic and international market, for preparation of marketing investigation and forecasting report for each quarter in order to provide evidence for the company operation decision-making; CNS NSIT. SPAT ALL, SP Ap EA SLE FOUR, Wy ASH IRIEL: b. Responsible for bidding, commercial negotiation and the review and signing of commercial contracts for the domestic and international market, for organizing the design liaison meeting with customers, and for organizing the signing technical agreement; SUMS S PROT. RIGOR ALLA LODE. EAT THRs LER FRITS: SAAR WOT ©. Responsible for preparation of commercial bidding proposals and the integration & checking of the entire set of bidding documents, for providing the customer required related information to the technical department; Se ATH a 3s ba SALAS SCTE HEL As SCAR ART HORT FEIN. USERRA Xa 4. Responsible for collection and internal transfer of the information such as product contract, technical agreement (including supplementary agreement), minutes of meeting of the liaison meeting, customer's correspondence and other information, for management and filing as required, and for the correctness & prompiness of these information; DORE. BORGMAC COPA BU). WRER 2 id BLAU UPR EE SPICE LMCI WN RSE, SERRE FPP AIST, a Se EEA I Sis ©. Responsible for external coordination work of the product sales projects, and to make well records; SOE SW SLEDS LR FERRE EAT £ Responsible for the reception, service and management work such as the factory visit and production supervision of customers in the company, and during the second-party audit to the company; KRM RATSRSE, PRM, BREA. MORTAR: g. Responsible for planning and organizing periodic visits to customers, for mastering the product operation conditions at any time, and for preparation of periodic reports of visits to customers, GHAR TPM EMIT ARAL Oia. BB ARP A MN RANI PU Le Technical Department POREEN a. Responsible to organize the review work of design and processing technology of products, and to provide full set of as-built drawings and related documentation, while keep contact with customers and PLN; SALOU MONI. LEROY LAR, SOL eT CSR. IFS JL PLN (RAFF MR As 3° Edition / Revision 0 Page 28 of 71 ‘Quality Management Control Manual SAE ENEMA EAD XD/SK- QA SC(3* edition)-2019 53.12 53.13 b. Responsible for filing of technical documentation and quality records; ‘DET AICS BO ZEB RT ©. Responsible for preparing the fabrication processing and flowcharts for the product construction drawings, and establishing processing proposal whenever necessary: KTR ALMA, BMRA 4. Responsible for handling any kind of processing problems occurred during the production, and carrying out assessment review for the non-conformance product; RAP AAT ARCA, ARE RAE €. Responsible for designing tools, moulds and product packing cases necessary for the product, and preparing the packing specifications; SUR RAT RIL, PALMER, AML MLN: £, Responsible for confirmation and re-confirmation to the special processes for the product production. PAVE PONE ARL ALS ME FA ction Department a, Independently performing the product quality inspection, and carrying out properly the functions of identification, controlling, reporting and prevention; Bf Fa EWOAT MEL ABS A AO SEM, b. Responsible for preparation and revision of the product quality control plan and test plan, and to implement them strictly according to the requirements; SHO BE ot RARE I I ASTT | IPRS RR HIATT ©. To cary out strictly quality inspection during the production processes according to the technical requirements as specified in the inspection documents, design, processing technology etc., and to make proper quality records of the actual products in terms of filling, summary & sorting, analyzing, and filing; PPRGREHSECh. WIN, TESA EER: ALCAN, ME. PHT AE: 4. Responsible for judgment whether the quality is qualified or not, and to make identification for the inspection status; SIM EH SEMI. ERT: ©. Responsible to issue non-conformance report, to deliver and evaluate the Verification of the measures implementation; SE th ASF eras Ha eH a £ Responsible for collection of quality records, and to provide the proven documents of related products inspection; SHE MUERNNS, THE BEET BRM EI Ht ‘Test department sega] a. Responsible for preparation of test plan proposal of product: SH Aa GRU Ay ATP RRR MLS, ST MN Hpi 3" Edlion/ Revision 0 Page 20 0f77

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