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ee PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN JI. Slamel No. 1 Gojah Mungkur Semarang 50232 T (024) 8310060 F (024) 8317241 WW www.pincoid —_£ id Nomor 3964 /KON.02.04/PUSMANPRO/2019 2 September 2019 Lampiran 1 (satu) set Sifat - Perihal Penyampaian Review Dokumen QA/IQC_ —Kepada Yth. Senior Project Ma PT Bambang Djaja JJ. Rungkut industri ll No. 56 Surabaya 60293 Menunjuk 1. Surat PT Bambang Diaja No. 214/PX_BD/VIII2019 tanggal 16 Agustus 2019 tentang Penyampaian Dokumen QA/QC; 2. Surat PT Bambang Djaja No. 225/PX_BD/VIII‘2019 tanggal 27 Agustus 2019 tentang Penyampaian Dokumen QA/QC, dengan ini kami sampaikan hasil review dokumen (terlampir) Selanjutnya, kami sampaikan agar pelaksanaan Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) dapat dilaksanakan dengan mengacu dokumen QAQC tersebut di atas. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasin. RY) HANDOYO. ‘Model 1001, PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN I. Slamet No.1 Gojah Mungkur Semarang 50232 T (024) 8310060, F (024) 8317241 W www. E Nomor 3964 /KON.02.04/PUSMANPRO/2019 2 September 2019 Lampiran 4 (satu) set Sifat os Perinal Penyampaian Review Dokumen QA/QC_ ——Kepada Model 1003 Yth. Senior Project Manager PT Bambang Djaja Jl. Rungkut Industri Ill No. 56 Surabaya 60233, Menunjuk 4. Surat PT Bambang Djaja No. 211/PX_BD/VIIW2019 tanggal 16 Agustus 2019 tentang Penyampaian Dokumen QA/QC; 2. Surat PT Bambang Djaja No. 225/PX_BD/VIIV/2019 tanggal 27 Agustus 2019 tentang Penyampaian Dokumen QA/QC, dengan ini kami sampaikan hasil review dokumen (terlampir) Selanjutnya, kami sampaikan agar pelaksanaan Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) dapat dilaksanakan dengan mengacu dokumen QA/QC tersebut di atas. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasin. Tembusan General Manager No Nomior Dokumen, Rev, Judul Status Dok. Procedure of Transformer Testing Trafo 100 MVA 150/70 kW YNynO+e Procedure of Transformer Testing 1 | BDEPTR-QITPAPLNII9OLI | Oi A BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/IS/012 | 00 | Frafo 30 MVA70/22 kV YNynO+d “ 5 Procedure of Transformer Testing | BDEIPTR-QIPAPLN/9013 00 | Trto 20 MvA 150/22 YNynO~d A 4 || BOeeTROreacNiSid | Procedure of Transformer Testing z | Trafo 20 MVA 70/20 kV YNynO+a_ Procedure of Transformer Testing BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/I9/015 . BDEPTR-QITIPAPLN/I9°015 | O1 | Trafo 10 MVA 150/V3/30 kV NO x | Procedure of Transformer Testing 6 | BOWPTR.QIT/PAPLN/19°016 | 01 | Trafo 167 MVA275/\3/165/13/65 A {| — __| kv i200 7 | BDEPTR-QUUPAPLN/I9017 | 02 ITP A BSQ = Your Erargy Partner Mojckerto, 16 Agustus 2019 Nomer :211/PX_BD/VI/2019 Kepada Yth PT. PLN (Persero) Pusmanpro Jl. Slamet No. 1 Gajah Mungkur ‘Semarang 50232 Up ‘General Manager Perihal » Dokumen QA/QC Trafo Lot 5 2019 - APLN Dengan hormat, Merujuk pada surat PT. PLN (Persero) Pusmanpro no.3368/KON 02.04/PUSMANPRO/2019 tanggal 29 Juli 2019 perinal “Penyampaian Review Dokumen QA/QC’, dengan ini kami sampaikan Dokumen sebagai berikut No. Nama Dokumen No. Dokumen Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo + | oo MVA 150/70 kV YNyno+d | BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/19/011, 2 | Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo | aoeypTR.QIT/PAPLNIM9I012 30 MVA 70/22 KV YNyn0_ Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo | 3 | Soma 16022 kv YNynosa |__ BDE/PTR-CITIPAPLNIM9/013 Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo 4 LDOMVATORORVYNyIO S| BDEIPTR-GIT/PAPLNNI8/O14 Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo 5 | SO MWA 1603/30 RV lio BDE/PTR-OITPAPLN/T9/015. | Procedures of Power Transformer Testing Trafo | ‘ (8 _| 167 mva 2759716513066 kV ba0i0 GDEIPTR-OMT/PAPRLNOIOIS * |_7_| Inspection Test Pian (ITP) BDE/PTR-QITPAPLN/N9I017 | > Kami mohon approve dan konfirmasi terkait dokumen-dokumen di atas. Demikian hal ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. PT. Bambang Diaja Project Coordinator HP 085 258 238 627 “Temousan 1. KDIV SCM PT BAMBANG DUAJA Surcbays Othes Jakarta Office 4 Ranglat ndust 90, 58 The Stes Tower Lanta Sut 0801-29502 Seeahnen AND. Ineonasin Jaan Batievs Panta Iocan Ksouk Nb 1 Kaw OFS PT PLN (Persero) PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN REVIEW FOR APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS DRAWINGS / DOCUMENT NUMBER | CCR OUT DATE 02 September 2019 | DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS TITLE | ‘This Approved does not relieve Contractor from responsibilty for Error or I | | -Approved- | | | Deviation from Contract Requirement rev. | CONTRACTOR STATUS spe/etn-arr/eAp.n/i9/ox1 ° A | Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, | | 150/70 kV, YNynO+d ‘Somedent PLN COMMENTS ; ones CONTRACTOR RESPONSE [Reviewed by: Ardian R 02 - 09-2015 | Response by: | Checked by: Ardian R Date: ©2- 09 - voy _| Stan: | | Sign: Date: Approved by: Yopi H. M Date: 92 - 09 —2e\p | Sian % / \ PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, 8 & PT.PLN (Persero) TRANSFORMER Yow Eaergy Parner Rated Power Type of Transformer Type of Cooling Phase Rated Voltage Connection Frequency Customer Contract No. Prepared by Approved by Date Doc.No : BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/19/011 Rev 00 100 MVA PX-022-JOHB ONAN / ONAF 3 150/70 kV YNyn0+d 50 Hz PT. PLN (Persero) 0216.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 date 26" June, 2019 Hotdes Lumban Raja Kukuh Mulyadi 15/7/2019 PT. Bambang Djaja ee Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN Bso PLN (Persero) TRANSFORMER Yor Ber Pare No CONTENTS Page A: Routine Test + Visual Inspection and General Check before Test, 1 2. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of phase displacement 2 3. Measurement of winding resistance. 2 ‘4a, Measurement of DC insulation resistance between each winding to earth and between windings 2 4D. Measurement of Polarization index between each winding to earth... 2 4c, Check of core and frame insulation... 2 5 Determination of capacitances and Measurement of dissipation factor (an delta) of windings-to-earth, between windings and bushings 3 6 Measurement of No-load loss and current including harmonics CUFENt . sone 3 7 Measurement of short circuit impedance voltage and load loss " ~ F 4 4 5 6 6 T 7 8 8 1 8. Full wave Lightning impulse test for the Line terminals (LI) and for the Neutral terminals (LIN) @ Applied voltage test (AV test) 10 Line terminal AC withstand voltage test (LTAC). 11 Induce voltage test with Partial Discharge measurement (IVPD) : 12 Measurement of frequency response (Frequency Response Analysis or FRA). 13. Check of the ratio of built-in current transformer 14 Measurement of Power Taken by Fan motor .. 46 Test on On-Load Tap-Changer 19 Measurement of dissolved gasses in dielectric liquid (DGA Test) B Type Test 8b Chopped wave Lightning impulse test for the Line terminals (LIC) 16 Temperature-rise type test 17 Determination of Sound Level. 18 Measurement of Zero Sequence Impedances, PT. Bambang Djaja ‘CONTENT PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) B&D No [Test Item/ Equipment! Reference DESCRIPTION 1 [Visual Inspection and General Check before Test [Equipment Apparatus : Measuring tape Reference | General drawing arrangement Purpose of Measurement: ‘Measuring Procedure Check the phase seuence of transformer bushing 1 Oil Level Indicator Main tank 2 Oil Level Indicator OLTC 3 Bucholz Relay for Main Tank 4 Protective Relay for OLTC. 5 Pressure Relief Device Main Tank 6 Pressure Relief Device OLTC 7 Thermometer pocket for winding temperature indicator HV and LV 8 Thermometer pocket for oil temperature indicator 9 Winding temperature indicator (HV / LV ) 10 Oil temperature indicator 11 HY, LV, Tertiary bushings Acceptance Criteria : Conform with drawing arrangement a. To verify mechanical dimension conform to General drawing arrangement b. To verify clearance between bushing and bushing lo ground contorm to General drawing arrangement . To vetiffy all part puted in positon according to General drawing arrangement 4, To Verify phase sequence of tansformer bushing (Line and neutral } conform to General drawing arrangement €. To check the completeness of all accessories of transformer a. Measure the tansformer dimension refer to general drawing arrangement b. Measure clearance between bushing and bushing to ground © Gheck the position of all transformer part according to General drawing arrangement 4 With the overall drawing as a reference, check the completeness of all accessories of transformer and inspect visually: 12 Earth connections 13 Grounding Pad at both sides of transformer 14. OL.1.C position indicator on the caver and at motor rive 15 Shut off valve Main Tank — Conservator 16 Shut off valve O.L.T.C — Conservator 17 Throttle valve for radiator 18 Radiators 19 Terminals for CT's 20 Breather for OLTC and Main tank PT, Bambang Djaja Page 1 of 11 PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) INo. ‘Test Item/ Equipment Reference] DESCRIPTION [Measurement of voltage ratio and Jcheck of phase displacement Equipment’ Apparatus :Tottex 2796 - Haately Ref. IEC 6076-4 Purpose of Measurement: la. To measure ratio. vector aroup or phase displacement lb. To check the deviation of the voltage ratio fram the specified value does not exceed the limit given in the related transformer standard, [Measuring Procedure la Check phase displacement between HV and LV lb. Measure ratio between HV and LV for All ap ‘Acceptance Criteria ja. Phase displacement (Vector Group) Conform ta specification b. Maximum ratio deviation 20.5% sformer Under Test 3 [Measurement of winding resistance [Purpose of Measurement: Ja. Providing a base calculation of FR component of conductor losses. and verifying} the electric continuity within the winding lEquioment Apparatus > Pre-Testbay Jb. Calculation of winding temperatures atthe end of a temperature IDC Resistance Tester 2293 - Haelely rise lest ; [Measuring Procedure : wv la. Measure winding resistance HV side (ULV, V-W, W-U) alltap. . To Evaluate the contin ofthe transformer insulation [Measuring Procedure : .b Measurement of Polarization index}a, Connect together winding HV side (U+V+ W+ N), LV(utvewen), TV between each winding to earth 3u(@u1+3w2). Leave open TV 3y and TV 3w b, Select test voltage to 5 KV for winding, 2.5 KV for core and yoke. Jc. Measure insulation resistance between . le.c Check of core and trame HVIOLV(IR) — -HV to Ground (PI) - Core to Yoke (IR) trautaon Insulation -HV lo TV(IR) LV to Ground (Pl) - Core to Ground (IR) Tester 1000 Mohm b._Polanzation Index > 1.25 PT. Bambang Diaja Page 2 of 14 PLN ae Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNynO+d, PT.PLN (Persero) BsO Ye by ee No [Test item/ Equipment! Reference] DESCRIPTION 5. [Determination of capacitances and Measurement of dissipation factor (tan eta) of wincings-to-earth, between windings and bushings Equipment Apparatus : Insulation Diagnostic System, DELTA 4110 IMEGGER, CPC 190 - Omicron Ret IEC 60076-1/IEEE €87.12.90 [Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To measure capacitance and dssipstion factor (tan 8) between] | «winding to winding, winding to ground and bushings b. To evaluate the condition of the transformer insulation Measuring Procedure : la. Connect together winding HY side (U+V+ W+ N), LY(utvewsn), TV u(8u1+3W2). Leave open TY 3y and TV 3 lb. Measure Capacitance and Tan d for 1. Suplay from HV 10 KV: -HV to LV (Cg) UST HV to Ground (Gya}i--GST-Launes HV to LV + HV to Ground (Cy. + Cue 2. Suplay rom LV 10 kV “LV IOHV (Gy) UST WV to Ground (Cia)-GST-Launso LVIOHV+ LV 10 Ground (Cu Eos) -GST Lowe 3, Sunay trom HY 10 kV" C1 and tan deta 1 for Bushing HY (UMW) & LY (usewin) UST |Acceptance Criteria: la. The dissipation factor (tan d) maximum is 0.5% at 20°C. lb. The capacitance value only for future comparison Test Circuit TWariiormer Under Tost cap ataNd im wv tester a} Coy Test Circut for measurement of Gapactance and Tan dof winding Bushing Uncer Test “Test Cras! lor measunament of Capcance and Tan d 6 |Measurament af Noload loss and Jcurrent including harmonies current lEquipmenti Apparatus : Small Power |Trans‘ormer Test System (SPTTS), |Power Meter TMS Norma - Hacfoly Ret. IEC 60076-1 |Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To determine the no-load loss and the no-load current, respective the active power absorbed and the current flowing through the ine terminals when rated vollage (Ur) at rated frequency is applied to the] Lerminals of one of the windings and other being open circuited Measuring Procedure Ja. Connect 3 phase suplly to TV side with LV and HV open circuit b. Appiy voltage and increase gradually Jc, Measure No-Load loss&.current at 90%, 100%, 105% and 110% Ur. J. Measure harmonic current at 90%, 100%, 105% and 110% Ur [Acceptance Criteria : a, No Load losses i not exceeding 40 kW with tolerance 15%. IP. No Load current (%) max 0.2% at 100% Ur, max 0.25% Ur at 105%, max 0.6% at 110% Ur with tolerance 30% (@base 100MVA) PT. Bambang Dsja 5 2 Power Source 30h, Frequency Converter/ SPITS of U N Transformer Under Test Tes Norma Pagesort Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN [No [Test item! Equipment/ Reference DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 7 [Measurement of short cout Purpose of Measurement impedance votage and lead loss | To determine IEquipmerv Apparatus : Small Power [Transformer Test System (SPTTS), IPower Meter TMS Norma Haafely a. impedance voltage: Tho voltage to be applied at rated frequency to the line terminals of a] winging 1 cause the rated current to flow through these terminals when the terminals of the othar winding are short-circuited b. Load toss The active power absorbed at rated frequency when raed currant is flowing thyough the line terminals of one of the windings . the other winding being short-circuited Measuring Procedure Ja. Connect 3 phase suply to HY side with LV shor circuit Increase current up ta 50% - 100% lye 35 quick as possible Jb. Save all measured data, decrease the current as quick as\possible to ‘avoid excessive heating on the winding lc. Measure losses and impedance en tap nominal and two extreme] SHG = « tapping. H It + | + le. Record temperature of Tx. before and afer meastremont. Tower Je. Calculate losses and impedance at Ref. tomperature (75°C), _| einen, ei ‘wSNorma Ref eC 6076-1 [Acceptance Criteria, Ja Losses on tap snot exceed 240 KW with 15% tolrance. b_impeviance on tap is 42.5% wth tolerance + 7.5% & [.a Ful wave Lghinng pulse lest for Purpose of Testing Pn the Line terminals (LD andr the fa. To wey the impulse swhstand stengh of exch Ine termina to ean] «----—- [Neutral terminals (LIN) ‘and other windings and along the winding under test, ar to verife the: *YOC wt insulation integrity for transient voltages, caused by atmospheric| > tI * lab Chopped wave Lighting impulse | Prenamena Lighting) o choseng | vane test forthe Line teminais LIC)" [Testing Procedure | sone cap | oicer [Equipment/ Apparatus Impulse Voltage Generator SG AA 1600- 160,Hacfely Hipotronic lait Ly: 325 kv, LVN = 325 kV [BIL HY : 650 kV, HV N= 95 kV Rel. IEC 60076-3, a. Make connection as per schematic dagram b. Soup te wave shape according to sandard and Xs tlerance: {Front tie) = 122 uS 30% and T2 (Tal ine) = 80 820%), fc. Perr inpuse let ws por below sequence 1" Reduce fal wave (50-70 % RFI) 2. Full Wave (100% FW 5. Redes Chopped {RW 55%) 4. Ful Cropped (CW 110 5 Ful Chopped (CW 110%) 6. Ful Wave (100% FW) 7. Full Wave (100% FW) & Reduce wave (60-70% REW) a. impute Nevtrah 1 alowedto max 13 ps fe. Fork N parm only no. 1.26.7 of sequence of et f Forrovine est perform ony 267 fra ases (HV and LV) Acceptance criteria No lire or collapse dang ening [> Nostancan ference wave shape between S0% and 100% PT Bambang Dia uw Impulse Voltage Generator, oeteymipatent Anaya Page sort PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) No. [Test item/ Reference(s) , Test equipmenti Apparatus, Description of test and Test Circuit 9° [Applied voltage test (AV test) / Ref. IEC 6076-3, Purpose of Testing Testing Procedure |Acceptanee Criteria Voltage Drader a. Test circuit for AV test HV 38 kV use Power Frequency Test Console, AC2010 Intcemedate Transformer Tap No flasnaver or breakdown occurs during testing = LV winding 140 kV, 60 seconds + To verify the power frequency (AC) withstand strength of the line and neutral terminals and their connected windings to earth and etner wandings, +a. Make connection as per schematic diagram, OLTC pos b, Perform the test as follow - HV winding: 38 KV, 60 seconds TV winding: 28 kV, 60 seconds AOMVAG.487/ BO KV HV i“ b Votan wiser Tranitormer Under Test 140 kv Voltage vider b. Test circuit for AV test TV 28 kV use Power Frequency Test Console, AC2010. Frequency Converter +t . oud Power Meter Power source Ph, altage supply om SPTTS to LV side of Feeder transformer = 140/165 Z2KV = 18.67 WV ©. Test circuit for AV test LV 140 kV use Freq, Converter + Feeder Transformer 150/22 kV + Peak Voltmeter PVM Highvolt MU17/18 PT. Bambang Oia Page Soft PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) No. [Test ltem/ Equipment! Reference] DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 10 |Line terminal AG withstand voltage test (LTAC) | Equipment! Apparatus : PVM Highvolt MU17/18, Small Power Transformer [Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma, Haefely [Purpose of Testing: fa. Ta verify the AC withstand strength of each line terminal to earth Testing Procedure fa. Make connection as per schematic diagram, OLTC pos. 1 b. Increase voltage up to induce level (HV ~275 kV phase to ground, TV supply 19.17 kV L-L) and hold for 40 s (if use Frog, =150 Hz) Tap intermediate Transformer i i lEquipment/ Apparatus : Partial [Discharge Measurement Systm, [Small Power Transformer Test [System (SPTTS), Power Moter TMS INorma - Haefely. Ref. IEC 60076-3 its connected windinajs) to earth and other windings, along the ‘winding(s) under test and withstand strength between phases, b. To verify the quality of the insulation system or to verify that the} transformer will be free of harmful partial dscharges under] normal operatiing conditions. Measuring Procedure : Ja. Make connection as per schematic diagram, OLTC pos. : Tap 9 [b. Perform measurement as per below stops: Irae! 8 Ur, otf 1S0 42 conn assur — Sen sma 1.0Ur, HV= 150 KVL, w 1.2Ur, HV = 180 KV LL, wv 1.58 Ur HV = 237 KV LL, 1.8 Ur HV = 270 KVL, |Acceptance Criteria : la. No breakdown or lashover during induced LV = 110.6 kV, TV = 15.8 kV LV= 126 kV, TV= 18 kV Jb. PD al 1.58 Um is nol exceed 70 pC. Transtormer —— ree 3Ph, | Power Meter votoge ower F] Ret. IEC 600763 ‘Acceptance Criteria Frequency. mca voum No flashover or breakdown occurs during testing, Generar SETTS aH} ler 11 induce voltage teal with Partial Purpose of Measurement: Discharge measurement (IVPD) —_—_|a. To verify the AC withstand strength of each line terminal and] intermediate “Power Source 3Ph, Frequency, Converter 1 Detector/ PO cueing ‘system Remote PC/ Display PT. Bambang Djaja Page 6 of 11 PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNynO+d, PT.PLN (Persero) No Test Item/ Equipment! Reference| DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 12 [Measurement of frequency response (Frequency Response Analysis or FRA) Equipment Apparatus : SFRA |FRANEO 800 - Omicron Ret. Factory Standard Rel IEC 60076-18 Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To provide finger print as benchmark of the geometric integrity of transformer for future diagnostic or analysis whether an; deformation due to transport or operation in service. ‘Measuring Procedure '2, Make connection as per diagram connection, OLTC pos. : Tap 1 b. Set frequency from 20 Hz to 2 MHz lc. Perform all test combination and save the result into speciic [Measurement combination la. Open Circuit ad. HVION (UN, V-NW-N) a2, LVtON (un, ven.wen) a3. HVtOLV(Uu, Vav.W-w) ad TWto TY (Sut - 3w2, 3w2- Sut) Acceptance Criteria : - ja. No passing criteria for SFRA test, the pattem obtained during} factory test will be used as reference for future diagnostic Transformer Under Test Source Reference Measurement FRA tester, Ground 13 | Check of the ratio of builtin current transformer Equipment/ Apparatus: Small Power Transformer Test Systom (SPTTS), [Power Meter TMS Norma - Haefely, Multimeter Ref ANSIC57.13.1 EC 60044.1 Purpose of Measurement 1. To verify whether the turn ratio and polarity of the current ‘transformer installed is in accordance with the rating plate or schematic drawing Measuring Procedure for CT WTI: a, Make connection as per LOAD LOSSES diagram connection lp. Connect Ampere meter at secondary of CT (S1-S2) Ic. Increase current gradually until o certain value, \d. Record Ip and Is in same time le. Calculate Current Ratio Error in % by the formula Transformer Under Test Intermediate —_&T wt Transformer = 05) = (Bex Is ~ tp) Current Error (% «100% ‘ Ib H Kn is the rated transformation ratio; Ip_ is the actual primary current Is. isthe actual secondary current when Ip is flowing, under the conditions of measurement. ‘Acceptance Criteria a. Error conform to its class (for CT Class 1, Max. erroor 1.0%) PT Bambang Dia Power Source 3°, Frequency Converter? It + (TTerminal Power Meter a ‘TMS Norma Ampere Meter] 0 o Page Toft ie. Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/ 70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) B&D Ref IEC 60076-1 lb. Run Cooling, adjust votage up to value as per schematic ‘drawing! rating plato, Jc. Record/save all measured date’ (vole, current, wall [Acceptance Criteria ‘Losses not exceed guarantea value (2 KW) [rest nom Equipmen Reference DESCRIPTION Test Greuit Measurement of Power Taken by [Purpose ol Measurement aud dai cana Fan moter la. Todetemine the active power absorbed by the Cooking uP | arhating od cnt =o a Equipment Apparatus : Power [Measuring Procedure : ¥ == canoer |meter YOKOGAWA CW500_ Ja. Make connection as per diagram connections: a2 Power Sources Phare 2S vatvalv a PoweR aerER [Test on On Load Tap Changer [Equipment Apparatus : Small Powor Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma |- Haefaty Rat. IEC 60076-1 [Purpose of testing’ a. To check the continuity of contacts of each tapping position lb. To.check the driving mechanism of the motor drive 1. Testing Procedure for OLTC during Rated Voltage! No Load Ja. Make connection os per No Laod Losses Test (No. 1) lb. Apply voltage and increase gradually 10 100% ! Vion’ Je. Operate Tap Changer one compiets cycle of opearation 1 Oycle = From Pos, 9->Tap 17->Tap 9>Tap 1=-2TAp 9 2. Testing Procedure for OLTC during Rated Current! Load Losses: a. Make connection as per Load Losses Test (No. 2) lb, Apply Current and increase gradually 10 100% / Inn lc. Operate Tap Changer Ten cycle with 2 steps on either side the principal tapping (Tap 8) 1 Cycle = From Pos. 9->Tap 11->Tap 9->Tap 7—>TAp 9 |Acceptance Criteria No failure of operation during Rated Voltage or Rated Current 7. Fest Grea of tet on OL TC uring Rated Vag] Ro Low - Te ce 3eh, [Power meer Intermediate Frequency (Converter) SPTIS, Rated Curren/ Lead Losses CT Conon S75 me Transorrec Under test} Page 8 ott PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNynO+d, PT.PLN (Persero) Bee ‘No [Test item/ Equipment Reference DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 16 | Temperature-rise type test [Equipment Apparatus : Pre-Testoay 12293 Heat Run Test System, Small [Power Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma - Haefely Ref. IEC 600762 ‘Measuring Procedure : Purpose of Measurement: To determine a. Top oil temperature rise in steady ~ state condition with] issipation of total losses. Ib. Average winding temperature rise at rated current ic. Hot spot temperature rise on the winding ja. Connect 3 phase suplly to HV side with LY short circuit b. Put temperature sensor on the top cover, top radialor| bottom radiator and surrounding transformer Jc. Put tap position to tap with highest losses J. Measure cold winding resistance as a base of average winding temperature calculation Je. Inject maximum total losses (No load loss + Load Loss) tunti top oll temperature rise in steady stato condition where the change of temperature in one hour is less} than 1 K and has remain there for 3 hours, then reduceo| to rated current for one hour (Usually if the different between test current and rated current is less than 7% is not necessary to reduced to | rated) If. Record all data voltage, current, losses and temperature in every hour during heating, every 10 minutes during stabilization (minimum for 3 hours), every § minute during| rated current (the last 1 hour before shutdown) jg. Shut down the power supply and start winding| measurement not more than 2 minute after shut down Jn. Caleulate top oil rise temperature, average winding rise| temperature and hot spot temperature rise i. Perform Temperature rise for ONAN-ONAF (HV-LV) |Acceptance Criteria a. Top oil rise = 50 K b. Average winding rise < 55 K lc. Hot spot rise < 68 K SLLdS HeyeRueg fouenbald ‘ude 80:70 somo PWHON SNL J2x9y 22Mog = ‘seuuo}sueL | ‘oye /pouayu cS / sa. sapun sawoysuer, n PT. Bambang Djaja Page 9 of 11 = Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNynO+d, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN No. [Test iter/ Equipment’ Reference DESCRIPTION 17 [Determination of Sound Level Equipment’ Apparatus : Sound Intensity Bruel & Kjaer, Small Power Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma| | Haefely Ref. |EC 6076-10 [Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To determine sound pressure level in decibels over the total of measurement area when transformer energized al rated voltage with the forced air cooling equipment OFF (ONAN) land in Service (ONAF) ‘Measuring Procedure : la. Measure the dimension of principal radiating surface (transformer and cooling system) >. b.1 Determine number of point of measurement with a horizontal line, spaced at a definite distance from the principal radiating surface ,along which the measuring positions are located: b.2 Point of measurement shall be spaced 0.3 m away from the principal radiating surface 3 Two prescrived contour shall be used which are on horizontal planes at one ~ third and two — thirds of the tank height Input all dimension data to Sound Intensity Meter. 4d. Make connection as per diagram connection (Same with No load test with the tap changer on the principal tapping). ©. Apply voltage and increase gradually up to 100% of rated voltage. 1. Measure and record for each point 'g. Calculate The Sound Pressure Level Key ot Figue 2 Horizontal Forced air Cooling = Turret ransformer Tank icrophone spacing (2 meter) rescribed Contour rincipal Radiating Surface G = OLTC __X = Measurement distance (0:3 meter |Acceptance Criterta : Sound Pressure Level shail not exceed the guaranteed: + ONAN : maks 71 dB at 0.3 motor A B c D E F x = ONAF : maks 75 JB at 2 mater Test Circuit ower Source 3Ph, tt Power Meter TMS Norma Frequency Converter/ SPITS Figure 1. Test Circuit for Sound Level Measurement Figure 2. Microphone Posistion for Sound Level F Me jeasurement PT. Bambang Djaja Page 10 of 11 PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 100 MVA, 150/70 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) Icielectric liquid (OGA Test [Equipment Apparatus: Portable DGA, IMicroGC, MYRKOS - Morgan Schaffer Rel, [Electra No. 161 08/1905 lec 60599 EEE C87 104-2008, la. To measures the concentration of the following seven fault gases S dissolved in dietectic insulating fluid: hydrogen (H2), methane (CHA), ‘carton monoxide (CO), carson dioxide (C02), ethylene (C24), ethane| (C2H8), and acetylene (C2H2) supply LV, HV Open uasiee No. |Test tem Equipment Reference DESCRIPTION Test Gireuit 18 [Measurement of Zero Sequence Purpose of Measurement i Supply HV, LV Open Impedances Te determine Ja. Impedance between phase terminal and neutral when three phase| o terminal are connected together (Z0) Normally given as percent ol the ase impedance (2) |Equipmenv Apparatus: Small Power |Measuring Procedure henfon dimen [Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power fa, Make connection as per test diagram (Test Circuit No. Liiiv) St JMeter TMS Narma - Haefaly b. Increase current gradually a Jc. Measure and record value of Voltage (U) and curent() i 4. Calculate the value of zero sequence impedance Fee $6 I rene Come li. Supply HY, LV Short Ref. IEC 60076-1 JAcceptanco Criteria: - J. Data only iT} Tee Ee 19 [Measurement of dissolved gasses a Purpose of Measurement: - ‘Measuring Procedur la. Take oll sample from transformer: 2 oll sample for routine test (before 4nd after dielectric test) and 3 ol sample for type tast (before and after temporature rs test, and after dielectric test) Ib. Turn ON the DGA Tester (myrkos) and turn ON PC, launch the aplicaton of "PPMreport then establish the connection between them lc. Warm up the device (Ch.A at 85°C, Ch.B al 45°C) for 45 minute Jd. Perform Gas Calibration lc. Follow the step by step procedures in PPMreport aplication for Preparing oll sample and Cotecting Oil Sample (using Shake Tes! syringes) Power Meter Jd. Once the oil sample is prepared, continue with next step "Measure Oil ‘Sample’ in PPM report to analyze the sample. le. Save the Oil sample resulls |Acceptance Criteria : Ja. Max DKCG value as per standard Ww PT Bambang Dale Page Toft PT PLN (Persero) PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN f 7 ccROUT | DATE | REVIEW FOR APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS | 02 September 2010 DRAWINGS / DOCUMENT NUMBER — — DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS TITLE PLN CONTRACTOR | rev. | status Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/22 BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/19/012 0 A | ky, YNyn0 || COMMENT | PLN COMMENTS COMMENT CONTRACTOR RESPONSE No. | No. -Approved- | ‘i “This Approved does not relieve Contractor from responsibility for Error or Deviation from Contract Requirement’ | | | [Reviewed by: Ardian R Date: a 69 — sory | San: Sie | Response by: ] Date: Sign: Checked by: Ardian R Date: 2- oF - 3019 BD. | | Approved by: YopiH.M. Date: L~ 39 = oty PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNyno, B& PT.PLN (Persero) TRANSFORMER Ye Erry Parr Rated Power 7 ‘Type of Transformer Type of Cooling Phase Rated Voltage Connection Frequency ‘Customer Contract No. Prepared by Approved by Date Doc.No : BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/19/012 Rev oo 30 MVA PX.076-CGAB ONAN ONAF 3 70/22 kV YNyno 60 Hz PT. PLN (Persero) 0216.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 date 26" June, 2019 Hotdes Lumban Raja Kukuh Mulyadi 12182019 PTT Bambang Djaja & Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNynO, PT.PLN (Persero) B&D PLN Yor Bary Parmer No CONTENTS Page A Routine Test 1 Visual Inspection and General Check before Test 2. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of phase displacement 3. Measurement of winding resistance. 42, Measurement of OC insulation resistance between each winding fo earth and between windings. 4b, Measurement of Polarization index between each winding to earth and betwaen windings. 4c. Check of core and frame insulation. a 5. Determination of capacitances and Measurement of dissipation factor (tan deta) of windings-to-earth, between windings and bushings. 6 Measurement of No-load loss and current including harmonics current 7 Measurement of short circuit impedance voltage and load loss 8.a Full wave Lightning impulse test forthe Line terminals (LI) and for the Neutral terminals (LIN) 9 Applied voltage test (AV 1264) oe oneon 10 Induce vokage test wth Partial Discharge measurement (IVPD) 11 Measurement of frequency response (Frequency Response Analysis or FRA). 42. Check af the ratio of buit-in current transformer 13, Measurement of Power Taken by Fan motor 44 Test on On-Load Tap-Changer.. 18 Measurement of dissolved gasses in dielectric iquid (DGA Test) B Type Test £8. Chopped wave Lightning impulse test forthe Line terminals (LIC) 18 Temperaturesrise ype test. 46 Determination of Sound Level... 47 Measurement of Zero Sequence Impedances. PT Bambang Djaja, CONTENT PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNynO, PT.PLN (Persero) BSD 9 Poy \No.[Test Item/ Equipment Reference DESCRIPTION 1 [Visual Inspection and General Check before Test Equipment Apparatus : Measuring tape Reference General drawing arrangement PT. Bambang Djaja Purpose of Measurement: 2. To verify mechanical dimension conform to General drawing arrangement b. To verify clearance between bushing and bushing to ground conform to General drawing arrangement . To verifify all part putted in positon according to General drawing arrangement d. To Verify phase sequence of tansformer bushing (Line and neutral } conform to General drawing arrangement ©. To check the completeness of all accessories of transformer sasuring Procedure : a, Measure the tansformer dimension refer to general drawing arrangement b, Measure clearance between bushing and bushing to ground ¢. Check the position of all transformer part according to General drawing arrangement 4. Check the phase seuence of transformer bushing ©. With the overall drawing as a reference, check the completeness of all accessories of transformer and inspect visually: 1 Oil Level indicator Main tank 2 Oil Level Indicator OLTC 3 Bucholz Relay for Main Tank 4 Protective Relay for OLTC 5 Pressure Relief Device Main Tank 6 Pressure Relief Device OLTC 7 Thermometer pocket for winding temperature indicator HV and LV & Thermometer pocket for oil temperature indicator 2 Winding temperature indicator (HV / LV ) 10 Oil temperature indicator 11 HV, LV bushings ‘Acceptance Criteria : Conform with drawing arrangement 12 Earth connections 13 Grounding Pad at both sides of transformer 14 O.L.T.C position indicator on the cover and at motor drive 15 Shut off valve Main Tank ~ Conservator 16 Shut off valve O.L.T.C ~ Conservator 17 Throttle valve for radiator 18 Radiators 1 Terminals for CT's 20 Breather for OLTC and Main tank Page 1 of 11 [Test Item/ Equipment’ Reference] DESCRIPTION [Measurement of voliage ratio and lcheck of phase displacement JEauiomeny Apparatus. Tettex 2796- Haetely Ref. IEC 6075-1 Purpose of Moasuroment: ‘To measure ratio, vector aroun or phase displacement To.check the deviation of the voltage rato from the specified valie does not ‘exceed the limit given in the related transformer standard, [Measuring Procedure = Check phase cisplacement between HV and LV Measure ratio between HV and LV for Al tap stoves Under Test [Acceptance Criter Phase displacement (Vector Group) Conform to specification Maximum ratio deviation 40.5% [Measurement of winding resistance lEquipment/ Apparatus - Pre-Testbay IDC Resistance Tester 2293 - Heofoly Ref. IEC 6007-1 [Purpose of Measurement Providing a base calculation of FR component of conductor losses. and verifying the elactnic continuty within the winging Calculation of winging temperatures at the end of a temperature rise tst. (Measuring Procedure Measure winding resistance HV side (U-V, VW, W-U) all tap, Measure winding resistance LV side (vv, vw, W-u), Record temperature transtormer before and after test ‘Acceptance Criteria : Conform to design value Jaa, Measurement of DG insulation resistance between each winding to Jeartn and between windings l4.b Measurement of Polarization index between each winding 10 earth and between windings 4.¢ Check of core and frame Insulation [Equipment Apparatus Insulation Tester MIT1020, MEGGER Ref, IEC 60076-1, IEEE C57.12.90 PT. Bambang Ojsia [Purpose of Measurement To determine the insulation resistance from individual windings to ground or between indwvidual windings ‘To Evaluate the condition ofthe transformer insulation [Measuring Procedure Connect together vanding HV side (U+V+ We Ni}, LY(utvewen) Select test voltage to 5 KV for winding, 2 KV for core and yoke Measure insulation resistance between “HV IoLV Core to Yoke (IR) -HV'to Ground Core to Ground (IR) =LVto Ground Yoke to Ground (IR) Take record from minute 1*" minute 10" for Pl (for IR test for 1 minute only) Calculate PI. insulation resistance at minute 10" divided by insulation resistance at minute 1 [Acceptance Criteria Insulation resistance > 1000 Mabm Polarization Index > 1.25 Insulation Tester Page 2 of 1 & Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNyn0, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN No [Test tem/ Equipment Reference] DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 5 |Determination of capactances and [Purpose of Measurement: Measurement of wisspation factor tanla, To measure capactance and dissipation factor (tan 8) between cea) of wanainge-o-earth, between | winding to winding, winging te ground and bushings windings and bushings b. To evaluate the condition ofthe transformer insulation Measuring Procedure la. Connect together vanding HV side (U+V+ WN), LY(utvewen) lb, Measure Capactance and Tan d for [Equpmenv Apparatus Insulation | bt. Suplay from HV 10 kV. Diagnostic System, DELTA 4110- “HV to LV (Cha) UST IMEGGER, CPC 100- Omicron = HY to Ground (C3) —GSTA gases FHV to LV + HV to Ground (Cie * Ei) ~GST-Loyo 2. Supa from LY 10 kV, ~LVto HV (Cy) UST ~LV 10 Ground (G0) —-GST-L og LV to HV + LV 10 Ground (Cyq # Ci) GST-Loye 3, Suplay from HV 10 KV: = C1 and tan deta 1 for Bushing HV U. V, W, N-—-UST Ref, IEC 60076-1NIEEE 087.1290 Acceptance Criteria: la. The dissipation factor (tan d) maximum is 0.5% at 20°C. lv. The capacitance value only fr future comparison caravan tester Measurement of Noioad oss and [Purpose of Measurement: [current including harmonics current fa, To determine the no-load loss and the ne-load current, respectvel the active power absorbed and the current lowing through the line Intermediate terminals when rated vokage (Ur) at rated frequency is applied to the| Teansformer terminals of one of the windings ond cther being open circuited |Equipment/ Apparatus. Small Power [Measuring Procedura = Transformer Test System (SPTTS), a. Connect 3 phace suplly to LV side with HV open crcuit JPower Meter TMS Norma -Hacfely |p, Apply voltage and increase gradually. Jc. Measure No-Load loss&icurrent at 90% 100%, 105% and 110% Ur. Jd. Measure harmonic current at 80%, 100%, 105% and 110% Ur tt pe Power Source 3Ph, Ret. IEC 60076-1 [Acceptance Criteria : Frequency Converter? TMs Norma 2. No Load losses is not exceeding 18 kW with folerance 15%, seris lb. No Load current (24) max 0.2% at 100% Ur, max 0.4% Ur at 105%, mac 0.8% at 110% Ur with tolerance 30% PT. Bambang Daya apes ait ee Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNyn0, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN [No- [Test lem! Equipment Reference! 7 |iessurerent of short ereut Purpose of Measurement Impedance votage andteadioss _|To determine — . 2 Impedance voltage 7 . The votage 10 be appled arate frequency othe line termina of a sncmne a on winding #9 eause the ated curent ta flow tough thee teninals gene ‘shen the terminals. othe other winding are shortereuiles b Loseiess The active power absorbed at rated trecuency when rates curent of flow though the le terminals of ane ofthe windings. the ated veincing beng short-cut guiprent Apparates Swat Power |Measuring Procedure Transformer Test Systom (SPITS). [a Connect 3 phase suply 0 HV sce wth LV shot crcut Power Mele TMS Norma Hately |" Inceese current up % S0% = 1005 lauy 8 ck 8 pssiie al >. Save at! measured data, decrease the cuentas quick as possible avoid excessive heating onthe windy > Jc. Measure losses and impedance on tap nominal and two extemal TT] ‘appeg Jd. Record temperature of Tx before and after measurement + Power Meter Je Calcuatelesses and impedance at Rel temperature (75%C) _| tower scuce eh Freavecy ras orma Ref. 1EC 60076-1 JAccoptance Critria a, Losses on tap 9s not exceed 65 KW with 15% tolerance b.impecance on tap is 12.5% with tolerance 7.5%. 8 |o.a Fullwave Lighinng Fnpilse tee Yo Purpose of Testing, Taha [the Line terminals (LI) and for the ja. To verity the impulse withstand strength of each line terminal to earth) Neutral terminals (LIN) and ober windings an along the winding under test, oF to vere the] | =O is. insulation integrity for transient voltages, caused by atmospheric | —» 00 — }8.b Chopped wave Lightning impulse | Phenomena (Lightning). i est forthe ine terminals (LIC) [Testing Procedure ‘oo a. Make connection as per schematic ciogram ol b>. Setup the wave shape according to standard and it's tolerance: TH] lEquipmenw Apparat Ampulse (Frontime) = 12y5 #30% ana T? (Tall time) = 5084209), :°T Votage Generator SGA 1620- |e, Perform impulse lst a per belw sequence }160,Haefely Hipotronic: 1. Reduce full wave (50-70 % RFW) 2. Full Wave (100% FW) | impulse vonage Generator, 3, Reduca Chopped (RCW 55%) 4. Full Chopped (CW 110%) {Hacer Hieteone 5. Full Chopped (CW 110%) 8. Full Weve (100% FW) i og wiv: r2sKv. tv 7. FullWlave 100% FW) 8 Reduce full wave (50-70 % REW) = iL HV: 325 Kv, HVN=325kV |, pulse Neutral, 11 alowed to max 13 ys fe. For VN perform only no, 1.28.7 of sequence of est "For routne est petoem any 12.67 for al pace (HV and LV) ie Ref. IEC e00783 nccoptance criteria re fa. No failure or collapse during testing uw 1 fb. No significant dference wave shape between 50% and 100% PF Ganibona Diam Page oft DESCRIPTION Test Circuit if +t Votan op ter | =| Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNynO, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN No.[Test Item/ Equipment! Reference DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 9 [Applied voltage test (AV test) Purpose of Testing, 5 ja. To verily the power frequency (AC) withstand) ! strength of the line and neutral terminals and their ‘ ‘connected windings to earth and other windings. Voltage j lEquipmenv Apparatus : Power Testing Procedure : Dwviger 4 [Frequency Test Gons., AC2010, Ja. Make connection as per schematic diagram, i Jiangsu Shenghua OLTC pos. : Tap 1 Ib, Perform the test as follow z -HV winding: 140 kV, 60 seconds He + = LV winding: 50 kV, 60 seconds ES BF wn >| |=] Js] « Ref. IEC 6076-3, (Acceptance Criteria - No flashover or breakdown occurs during testing AV test Lv winding SO KY Votrage Divider sou PT. Bambang Oieia Page Soft [Test Item/ Equipmenti Reference| DESCRIPTION Induce voltage test with Partial Discharge measurement (IVPD) Equipment’ Apparatus : Partial Discharge Measurement System, |Small Power Transformer Test [system (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS. [Norma - Haefely Ref, IEC 60076.3 Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To verify the AC withstand strength of each line terminal and} its connected winding(s) to earth and other windings, along the| ‘winding(s) under test and withstand strength between phases. lb. To verify the quality of the insulation system or to verify that the transformer wil be fee of harmful partial dscharges. under normal operating conditions [Measuring Procedure : Ja. Make connection as per schematic diagram, OLTC pos. : Tap 8 b. Perform measurement as per below steps Induced 1.8 ur, (405, F150 Intermediate anstovmer U Comerte Ser Po Detectoy/ PO Meaturing System tt TMS NORMA ‘Measuring Impedance he 1s8ur sini S min sk 12 our tour 42Ur, Lv =264kV. 158Ur, HV= NOBKVLL, LV=34.70KV 48Ur, HV=120KVLLLV=306KV i Racoptance Citeria= : a. No breakdown or flashover during induced b_PD at 1.58 Um is not exceed 70 pC. =F aa | Remote PCY iepay i | / } From Tap Bushing yl Page 6orTT PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNyn0, PT.PLN (Persero) [Test Item/ Equipment/ Reference] DESCRIPTION — [Measurement of frequency response (Frequency Response Analysis ar FRA) JEquipmeny Apparatus : SERA IFRANEO 809 - Omicron Ref, Factory Standard Ref, IEC 6076-12 Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To provide finger print as benchmark of the geometric integriy o transformer for future diagnostic or analysis whether any} deformation due to transport or operation in service. [Measuring Procedure '2. Make connection as per diagram connection OLTC pos. : Tap 1 |b. Set frequency from 20 Hz to 2 MHz \c. Perform all test combination and save the resut into specific ‘Measurement combination : le. Open Circuit at. HVIoN(UN,VINWN) a2. LVION (wn, vine) a3 HVIO LV( UU, Wen) (Acceptance Griteria : Ja. No passing criteria for SFRA test, the pattern obtained during} factory test will be used as reference for future diagnostic (Chack of the ratio of builtin current {transformer Equipment Apparatus : Small Power ‘Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma - Haefely, IMukimeter Ref, ANSI C 7.13.1 IEC 60044-1 PT. Bambang Disja [Purpose of Measurement: Ja. To verify whether the tum ratio and polarity of the current transformer installed isin accordance with the rating plate or ‘schematic drawing (Measuring Procedure for CT WTI: la. Make connection as per LOAD LOSSES diagram connection lb. Connect Ampere meter at secondary of CT (S1-S2) Jc. Increase current gradually until te certain value 16. Record ip and s in same time le Calculate Current Ratio Error in % by the formula 4) (nts tr) Ip Kens the rated transformation ratio; Wp is the actual paimary current, Isis the actual secondary current when Ip is fwing Curent Error ( 100% ‘Acceptance Criteri ‘a. Error conform to its class (for CT Olass 1, Max. erroor 1.0%) under the conditions of measurement ms Sore semis PLN No. [Test item! Equipment Reference DESCRIPTION Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNynO, PT.PLN (Persero) Test Circuit 13 [Measurement of Power Taken by Fan motor Equipment’ Apparatus : Power meter YOKOGAWA Cw5c0 Ref 16 60078-4 Purpose of Measurement: Conger trang onan a Todclemnethe actve power atrtbes by the Colma. [> (eereviores : 3 cnet ise : IMeseuring Procedura: EY (Sane a. Make connection as per diagram connections dw te lb. Run Cooling, acust voltage up to value as per schemati| | — 3, craving! ang plate ? c. Record'save all measured datas (voltage, current. watt |] [Acceptance Cera - v «Lv al Lonses rol excued guarantee vate (1.0 KW) ee cvsan 14 [Test on OnLoad Tap-Ohanger Equipment Apparatus | Small Power [Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Motor TMS Norma - Haetely Ref. 10 60076-1 [Purpose of testing Ja. To check the continuity of contacts of each lapping postion lb. To check the driving mechanism of the motor dive 1. Testing Procedure for OLTC during Rated Voltage/ No Load 2, Make connection as per No Laod Losses Test (No. 1), lb. Apply voltage ans increase gradually 0 100% / Vien c. Operate Tap Changer one complete cycle of opearation 1.Cycle = From Pos, 9->Tap 17->Tap 8>Tap 1—>TAp S| 2. Testing Procedure for OLTC during Rated Current/ Load Losses : Ja. Make connection as per Load Losses Test (No. 2) b, Apply Current and increase gradually to 100% / Inonew Ic. Operate Tap Changer Ten cycle with 2 steps on either sie} of the principal tapping (Tap 9) 1 Cycle = From Pos, 9->Tap 11—>Tap 9>Tap 7>TARS [Acceptance Criteria: No fare of operation during Rated Voltage or Rated Current Test Great of eet on-OLIC ding oh : a i et Comey S78 PT. Bambang Doe Page Botti = Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/22 kV, YNyn0, PT.PLN (Persero) PLN INo.|Test Item/ Equipment/ Reference| DESCRIPTION - 15 | Temperature-rise type test Purpose of Measurement: on = |To determine 32 i >. Top cil temperature rise in steady ~ state concition with] 8 &, dissipation of total losses. Se lb Average winding temperature rise at rated curent | 2g Ic. Hot spot temperature rise on the winding 33 Eqvioment/ Apparatus Pre-Testbay Measuring Procedure : z Zz 12293 Heat Run Test System, Small /a. Connect 3 phase suplly to HV side with LV short circuit z 23 Power Transformer Test System 'b. Put temperature sensor on the top cover, top radiator, 3 ge (SP1TS), Power Meter TMS Norma |” bottom radiator and surrounding transformer 2 ae paetey c. Put tap position to tap with highest losses ~ J. Measure cold winding resistance as a base of average winding temperature calculation Je. Inject maximum total losses (No load loss + Load Loss)] Until top oil temperature rise in steady state condition, where the change of temperature in one hour is less| than 1 K and has remain there for 3 hours, then reduced} to rated current for one hour (Usually if the different between test current and rated current is less than 7% is| not necessary to reduced to | rated) It. Record all data voltage, current, losses and temperature in every hour during heating, every 10 minutes during stabilization (minimum for $ hours), every 5 minute during} ‘ated current (the last 1 hour before shutdown) D PULON SL saayy saMtod lg. Shut down the power supply and start winding) measurement not more than 2 minute after shut down hn. Calculate top oil rise temperature, average winding rise] ‘temperature and hot spot temperature rise |. Perform Temperature rise for ONAN-ONAF (HV-LV) Ref. IEC 60076-2 lAcceptance Criteria : fa. Top oil rise = 50 K b. Average winding rise < 85 k c. Hot spot rise < 68 K 159 J9pun vewuojsuesL, PT. Bambang Diaja Page 9of11 - Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/22 KV, YNynO, PT.PLN (Persero) Bsa PLN INo. [Test Item/ Equipment Reference DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 16 [Determination of Sound Level Purpose of Measurement: lEquipmenti Apparatus » Sound Intensity Bruel & Kjaer, Small Power Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power Meter TMS Norma - Haefely Ref. IEC 60078-10 1a. To determine sound pressure level in decibels over the total of ‘measurement area when transformer energized at rated voltage} with the forced air cooling equipment OFF (ONAN) and in} Service (ONAF) Measuring Procedure Ja. Measure the dimension of principal radiating surface (transformer and cooling system) >. b.1 Determine number of point of measurement with @ horizontal ine, spaced at a definite distance from the principal radiating surface along which the measuring positions are located: +2 Point of measurement shall be spaced 0:3 m away from the ‘principal radiating surtace 3 Two prescribed contour shall be used which are on horizontal planes at one ~ third and two ~thirds of the tank height Input ll cimension cata to Sound Intensity Meter. 44. Make connection as per diagram connection (Same with No load test with the tap changer on the principal tapping). ©. Apply voltage and increase gradually up to 100% of rated voltage. {. Measure and record for each point 19. Calculate The Sound Pressure Level ‘Keyot Figure 2 ‘A= Horizontal Forced air Cooling 8 = Turret = Transformer Tank D = Microphone spacing (+ meter) E = Prescribed Contour F Principal Radiating Surtace G=OLTC X_= Measurement distance (0.3 meter) ‘Acceptance Criter ‘Sound Pressure Level shall not exceed the guaranteed. ~ ONAN : maks 62 dB at 0.3 meter Intermediate Transformer +t Power Meer ome Source 3, TMS Norma, Pigore 2 Test Creu for Sound Level Measurement Figure 2. Microphone Posistion for Sound Level Measurement = ONAF : make 65 08 at 2 meter PP Bambang Dia Page or T7 PLN Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 30 MVA, 70/ 22 kV, YNyn0, PT.PLN (Persero) \No. [Test Item/ Equipment! Reference: DESCRIPTION Test Circuit 17 [Measurement of Zero Sequence lmpedances Equipment’ Apparatus » Small Power [Transformer Test System (SPTTS), Power hteter TMS Noxma - Haetely Ref. IEC 60076-1 [Purpose of Measurement: Ho determine la Impedance between phase terminal and neutral when three phase terminal are connected together (20) Normally given as percent of the base impedance (Zb) ‘Measuring Procedure : |a Make connection as per test diagram (Test Circuit No j,ii.jv) b. nerease current gracually |e. Measure and record valve of Voltage (U) and current (1), Jd. Cotculate the value of zero sequence impesance 2o= SU (9) 2,=U778, (Q) 25 (06) = (2/2) * 100% [Acceptance Criteri a. Date onty 18 [Measurement of dissolved gasses in ldiclectic iquid (DGA Test) JEquiement Apparatus: Portable DGA micro, MYRKOS - Morgan Schaffer Ret Electra No. 161 08/1905 tec easeo IEEE c87.104-2008, Purpose of Measurement: 2. To measures tha concentration of the following seven fault gases lissolved in dielectric insulating Mud: hydrogen (H2), methane (CH) ‘carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (C02), ethylene (C2H4), ethane| (C2}6), end acetylene (C2H2) Supply HV, LV Open ISHS) Lv Short 1 Power Meter Fre soc 3m, eeu arse HV Open genes, ssuring Procedure: J2. Take oil sample from transformer :2 oil sample for routine test (before and after dielectnc test) and 3 oll sample for type test (before and after temperature rise test, and afte dielectric test) Jo. Turn ON the OGA Tester (myrkos) and tum ON PC, launch the ‘aplication of “PPMreport” then establish the connection between ther Jc. Warr up the device (Ch.A at 85°C.Ch.B at 48°C) for 45 minute Jd. Perform Gas Calioration Je Follow the step by step procedures in PPMreport aplication Preparing oil sample and Collecing Oil Sample (using Shake Test syringes) Jé. Once the oll sample is prepared, continue with next step "Measure if ‘Sample” in PPM report to analyze the sample, le. Save the Oil semple results [Acceptance Criteria: Transformer ues Tost Ja Max DKGG value as per stendars PT Bambang Oe Page tof 1 PT PLN (Persero) PUSAT MANAJEMEN PROYEK PLN CCROUT DATE REVIEW FOR APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS oa aria DRAWINGS / DOCUMENT NUMBER | | DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS TITLE PLN | Rev. CONTRACTOR | rev. | status | soejermamjrarinjsejara | ° "Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 20 MVA, | /PTR-AIT/PAPLN/19/ a 150/22 kV, YNyn0+d COMMENT PLN COMMENTS | “SONeseNr | CONTRACTOR RESPONSE | _No. I No. “Approved= T | | | ; * This Approved does not relieve Contractor from responsibility for Error or | | | Deviation from Contract Requirement | j t — + ’ | | | | [Reviewed by: Ardian R Date: 02 - 09-2015 Sign: ] [Checked by: Ardian «| Date: 02 - 05 - amy Approved by: YopiH.M Date: 92 -09 - 209 Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 20 MVA, 150/ 22 kV, YNyn0+d, BSD PT.PLN (Persero) TRANSH PLN Your Gry Parr - Doe. No: BDE/PTR-QIT/PAPLN/19/013 Rev 00 Rated Power : 20MVA Type of Transformer : PX-077-BOMB Type of Cooling : ONAN/ ONAF Phase 23 Rated Voltage 2 160/22 kV Connection 2 YNyn0+d Frequency : 60 Hz Customer : PT. PLN (Persero) Contract No. + 0216.PJ/DAN.02.02/DITDAN-1/2019 date 26" June, 2019, Prepared by Hotdes Lumban Raja Approved by Kukuh Mulyadi Date 1218/2019 PT. Bambang Djaja a Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 20 MVA, 150/ 22 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) B&D | PLN Yor ary Bete No CONTENTS Page A’ Routine Test 4. Visual Inspection and General Check before Test. 2 Measurement of voltage ratio and check of phase displacement 3 Measurement of winding resistance. 4a. Measurement of DC insulation resistance between each winding to earth and betwoen windings, 4b. Measurement of Polarzation index between each winding to earth. 4c. Check of core and frame insulation, 5 Determination of capacitances and Measurement of cissipation factor (tan delta) of windings-lo-earth, between windings and bushings. 6 Measurement of No-load loss and current including harmonics current 7 Measurement of short circuit impedance voltage and load loss 8.a Full wave Lightning impulse test for the Line terminals (Ll) and for the Neutral terminals (LIN) Applied voltage test (AV test) 10 Line terminal AC withstand voltage test (LTAC), “1 Induce voltage test with Partial Discharge measurement (IVPD).. 12 Measurement of frequency response (Frequency Response Analysis or FRA) 13. Check of the ratio of buit-in current transformer, 14 Measurement of Power Taken by Fan motor 18 Test on On-Load Tap-Changer 19 Measurement of dissolved gasses in dielectric quid (DGA Test). B Type Test 8b Chopped wave Lightning impulse test for the Line terminals (LIC) . 4 16 Temperature-rise type test. . 9 47. Determination of Sound Level 3 mi . . 10 18 Measurement of Zero Sequence IMPECANCES....ssnssnnnnnnnmninmnininn ere BR eONNoama RUE NNNno PT. Bambang Djaja CONTENT PLN & Procedures of Power Transformer Testing 20 MVA, 150/ 22 kV, YNyn0+d, PT.PLN (Persero) BSD INo.|Test Item/ Equipment! Reference DESCRIPTION 1 ]Visual Inspection and General Check before Test Equipment Apparatus : Measuring tape Reference: General drawing larrangement Mi a b 4 1 2 4 1" -asuring Procedur Purpose of Measurement: To verily mechanical dimension conform to General drawing arrangement To verity clearance between bushing and bushing to ground conform ta General drawing arrangement Te veriffy all part putted in positon according to Generel drawing arrangement To Verify phase sequence of tansformer bushing (Line and neutral } conform to General drawing arrangement To check the completeness of all accessories of transformer Measure the tansformer dimension refer to general drawing arrangement Measure clearance between bushing and bushing to ground Check the position of all transformer part according to General drawing arrangement Check the phase seuence of transformer bushing With the overall drawing as a reference, check the completeness of all accessories of transformer and inspect visually Oil Level Indicator Main tank Oil Level Indicator OLTC 3 Bucholz Relay for Main Tank Protective Relay for OLTC 5 Pressure Relief Device Main Tank 6 Pressure Relief Device OLTC 7 Thermometer pocket for winding temperature indicator HV and LV 8 Thermometer pocket for cil temperature indicator 8 Winding temperature indicator (HV / LV) 10 Oil temperature indicator HV, LV, Tertiary bushings [Acceptance Criteria : Conform with drawing arrangement 12 Earth connections 18 Grounding Pad at both sides of transformer 14 OL.T.C position indicator on the cover and at moter drive 46 Shut off valve Main Tank ~ Conservator 16 Shut off valve O.L.T.C- Conservator 17 Throttle valve for radiator 18 Radiators 19 Terminals for CT's 20 Breather for OLTC and Main tank PT. 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