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An English Interview.

1.- Tell me something about yourself?

My name is Silvia Nava Rosales, I am 20 years old. Master's degree in Marketing
and Commercial Management. I belong to a very loving family that is made up of my
father Jose, my mother Silvia, and my brother Luis Eduardo who have been a
fundamental part of my work. I consider myself a happy, responsible and dynamic
person who has contributed to company's process with my skills and knowledge and
skills contribute to the progress of the company.
2.- How did you hear about this position?
By another person, who currently works here and by recommendations.
3.- Why do you want to work here?
Because the hotel and tourism industry attracts my attention, I can also develop
myself in areas related to my profile.
4.- What is your greatest strength?
Being a very perfect in work and personal matters.
5.- What is your greatest weaknesses?
My biggest weakness is having limitations for health reasons.
6.- What do you know about this company/organization?
That focuses on tourism since 1970, offering lodging, restaurant, relaxation and
entertainment services.
7.- How do you feel about working on weekends, late hours or many hours?
There wouldn't be much of a problem, however I would like to rest.
8.- How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
I try to handle stressful situations with dynamism and with pressure being more
efficient, trying to be professional.
9.- Do you have any interest outside of work?
I like reading interesting facts, browsing social networks, listening to music, spending
time with my family and relaxing.
10.- How do you feel in this interview?
I felt excellent and above all the dynamism with which the interview was handled.

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