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Name: Sevania Mongisidi

NIM: 210911020051

Class: Applied Linguistics Research Method

Empowering Students’ Writing Skill through Performance Assessment.


The researcher's goal in this study is to analyse the application of performance assessment
in improving students' writing skills and to reveal the students' psychological factors on
implementing performance assessment in the writing learning process. A performance task
can be stated of as a test of a student's ability to apply concepts learned in the classroom to
a real-life situation. This study was conducted among 28 English department students of the
first semester of Udayana University in the Writing Descriptive Text course. In this research,
the researcher used quantitative method. It is clear from the instruments he used to collect
data. The instruments used were a questionnaire, an interview, and a test. Only 28
participants chosen. There were also data measurements and statistical analysis, which was
a characteristic of quantitative methods. The findings of the data described in numbers,
such as the result of the students' psychological factors presented in percentage.

I Made, S., & Menggo, S. (2020) Empowering Students' Writing Skill through Performance
Assessment. International Journal of Language Education, 4(3), 432-441.

Inside-Outside Circle as the Way in Building Students’ Motivation and Interaction in Speaking
Classroom Activities


The researcher wants to know if the inside-outside strategy is an effective strategy in class
for motivating students to speak English in this study. After conducting this study, the
researcher concluded that this strategy can encourage students to participate in speaking
activities. This study used a mixed method, which included both quantitative and qualitative
methods. The study was carried out at SMK Negeri 6 Ambon using classroom-based
research. This study included students in the second grade at SMK Negeri 6 Ambon who
were enrolled in the Multimedia program. There are eight meetings. The first two meetings
were dedicated to in-depth interviews in focus group discussions, which is one of the
qualitative method's data collection instruments. There is also a distributed questionnaire
which is one of the quantitative method’s instruments.

Tiwery, S. D. (2019). Inside-Outside Circle As The Way in Building Students' Motivation and
Interaction in Speaking Classroom Activities. International Journal of Language Education,
3(1), 33-45. https://doi.org/10.26858/ijole.v1i1.6703
Motivational currents of Indonesian postgraduate students studying abroad


This study included postgraduate students from Indonesia studying at a university in the
United Kingdom. The study centered on their motivational experiences while learning English
in Indonesia, which helped them gain access to university. Many researchers have been
motivated to find methods for creating enduring motivation in the classroom because of the
unstable motivation in second language learning among learners. The concept of 'Directed
Motivational Currents' (DMC) was introduced to address this issue. The researcher chose
five Indonesian postgraduate students for this study. The qualitative method was used in
this study. The instruments used were a self-plotted graph and a semi structured interview,
and the two instruments supported each other. This study was part of phenomenological
research, in which researchers investigate a phenomenon or event by describing and
interpreting participants' lived experiences.

Rasman, R. (2021). Motivational Currents of Indonesian Postgraduate Students Studying

Abroad. International Journal of Language Educatio, V(4), 296-308.

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