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Aphrodisiac :
Definition - Something that causes excitement or a thing that will make you feel energetic, a love
Etymology - A Greek word came from Aphrodite who symbolizes love, beauty. A food given to a
female or soon-to-be-bride to strengthen her relationship with the husband

2. Ampere :
Definition - A power system used to measure electricity, can also be called AMP (not amplifier)
Etymology - 2.1881, "the current that one volt can send through a resistance of one ohm," from
French ampère, named for French physicist André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836)

3. Caesarean :
Definition - An operation where a baby is delivered from the abdomen, cutting the abdomen
because the vaginal delivery of the baby would be a big risk.
Etymology - (Latin origin) “caedare” meaning to cut, and was named by the Julius Caesar who’s
well know for this C-method.

4. Casanova :
Definition - A man seducer who’s got many lovers and attract women to keep in his hands.
Etymology - (Latin definition) Man who’s considered to be romantic and gallant. Casanova, one
of the most famous in the history, a womanizer a scam artist and scofflaw, an alchemist, spy and
church cleric.

5. Jacuzzi :
Definition - A large bath or pool which have the system to massage the body and relax on a hot-
warm water.
Etymology - 1960s: named after Candido Jacuzzi, Italian-born American inventor, a whirlpool

6. Jumbo :
Definition - A large person or thing-- a substitute call sign of something huge.
Etymology - (early 19th century) probably the second element of mumbo jumbo. Originally
denoting a large and clumsy person, the term was popularized as the name of an elephant at
London Zoo, sold in 1882 to the Barnum and Bailey circus.

7. Sadism :
Definition - A person who enjoys or feel pleasured seeing others suffer. (this is a sadism disorder)
Etymology - Named after Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, In 1774 he held 5 woman
hostage forcing them to do inappropriate acts for six weeks.

8. Saturday :
Definition - A day well known for being “weekend” that comes after Friday and with Sunday. A
rest day for most people making them feel happy.
Etymology - Came from roman god called Saturn, Latin: Sāturnī diēs.

9. Watt :
Definition - the SI unit of power, equivalent to one joule per second, corresponding to the power
in an electric circuit in which the potential difference is one volt and the current one ampere.
Etymology - Late 19th century, it was named after James Watt, it’s founder or inventor.

10. Zeppelin :
Definition - a type of rigid airship named after the German inventor Count Ferdinand von
Zeppelin who pioneered rigid airship development at the beginning of the 20th century.
Etymology - Borrowed from German Zeppelin. Named after Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Doublet of

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