Tasha Final Exam Exercise

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Tasha Final Exam Exercise 5. Tasha : My name is Tasha.

Ali : Nice to meet you too, Tasha
A. Hello Ali
A. Choose the correct answer
B. Thank you
C. What is your name?
1. Merlin : Hello, I’m Merlin
D. Nice to meet you
Made : Hi Merlin, ________
Merlin : Nice to meet you
6. What shape is this?
A. What is your name?
B. Hello
C. I’m Made
D. Thank you

A. Circle C. Rectangle
2. Ana : May I borrow your pencil?
B. Square D. Heart
Ani : _______________
A. Hello, I’m Ani
B. Yes, thank you
7. What shapes are these?
C. Sure, here you are
D. No, I’m not Made

3. Nina : ______________
A. Circle, Rectangle, Heart
Doni : Do you want some tea?
B. Circle, Square, Heart
Nina : Sure
C. Oval, Triangle, Heart
A. I’m hungry
D. Oval, Square, Heart
B. I’m thirsty
C. I’m sleepy
D. I’m happy
8. What is this?

4. Aji : Do you wash your _____ before eat?

Ali : Yes
A. Hands
B. Teeth
A. Ruler C. Marker
C. Hair
B. Eraser D. Crayon
D. Feet
9. Which one is correct? 14. Which one is correct?

A. Black pencil is shorter than blue pencil

B. Black pencil is longer than blue pencil
C. Blue pencil is shorter than black pencil
D. All are true
A. Two black bags
10. I have ______ ears B. One pink bag
A. One C. Two C. One pink pencil case
B. Ten D. Five D. Two black pencil cases

11. Nina has two ______, one ______ and ten 15. Which one is correct?
A. Eyes, Hand, Foot
B. Ears, Nose, Foot
C. Ears, Hand, Fingers
D. Eyes, Nose, Fingers

12. What is this?

A. Red cake
B. Red noodles
C. Yellow cake
D. Yellow noodles
A. Tea C. Juice
B. Milk D. Water

13. These are kind of food, except:

A. Cake C. Ice Cream
B. Rice D. Water
B.Answer the questions with correct answer

1. Give three examples of shapes: _________, _____________, and ______________

2. Give three examples of food: ____________, ______________, and ______________

3. Give three examples of drink: ___________, _______________, and _____________

4. This is my body. I have one ___________

I have two __________

I have two ___________

I have two ___________

I have ten ___________

5. Write four things that is in you pencil case?

__________________, _________________, ________________ and ______________

6. Every morning, I ___________ my teeth and ___________ a bath.

After that, I comb my _________ and wash my ___________

7. Look at the pictures. I have:

 _______ ballpoint
 One ________
 ________ crayons
 Three ________
 ________ books
 Two _______

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